'fc5l , ' u pxau jfoxni fTDDFORT) MATT) TttTBTTNR MTCDFOTCD. OttF.aON. TTlTR&nAY, APRIL 1, 101T, I i f i I & ( I I P MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKPKNDlSNT NHWRPAPKll ruuusiiK!) Bvnitr aktrunoon U8IIKD Bvnitr KXOKPT HUNDAY MBDFOllD IMtiNT Y 13 V THIS 4TJNIJ CO. Officii Mnll Trlbnno UtilUllnir, 2S-J7-1 North Kir ntrot teleplivna "6. Th Dsmoorntlo Times, The MwlfohJ Mall. Tlie Medford Tribune. The South m Orrgonlan, The Ashland Tribune. DaCBIPTIOK &ATM on ywir, iy man.. -IS.00 Dim month, by, mnll. l'r month, delivered, MfrOfprd, rlioxnlx, ." by carrier to Jacksonville ktul ,Cntrnl Point .(0 BMunVay only, by mnP, per year, .t0 Weekly, er your... 1.60 OKleljil Taper of the City of Medford . OfflelM Panir of Jackson County. Hntered an neeond-clftsa matter at MeiUnril, Oregon, under tho act of lurch 1, 1879. Sworn Circulation for 19H, 1ESS. rll leaned wlro Associated Press ills patetie. -umtz Subscribers falling to rccolvo papers promptly, phone Clrcu- 4 latlon Manager at 2G0R. . t "There's several good lormulas fer a neighborhood war, but tli' most reliable consists of one fence, some chickens and a base ball." LAUGHS Couldn't Show Off With but threo minutes -to catch his train, the traveling salesman In quired of the street car conductor, "Can't you go faster than thisT'' "Yes," replied tho bell-ringer, "but I have to stay with my car." Har per's Magazine. Dad Was Orotcful "What did papa say when you asked him for my hand?' "Ho didn't say any thins;. He fell on my neck and wept." Boston Transcript. Friendly Tip Motorist (to chauffeur) Bo care ful about running over anybody here abouts. This is a prohibition country, and most everybody has a bottlo in his pocket. Atlnnto Constitution. A Case for Mercy Tatty Jack nnd I have been en gaged for two years, and I think it's time wo wcro getting married. Peggy Oh, I don't know, dear. If you really love hlni you'll let him bo happy for a little whlio longer. Chicago '-Vows. Privileged Coinmunlratlon Alice When I told you of my en gagement I said it was a secret, and you told Kitty about It. Ella 'Why, no, I didn't. I merely asked her If sho know about It. Bos ton Transcript. Identifies! jtt Ust "Mamma." "Yes, daughter." "Who was Cinderella?" "Why, Cinderella, my child, was tho first femalo to got a No, 4 foot Into a No. 2 shoo, I believe." Yon- kors Statesman. l'eloiv Par Wife Everything Is getting high er." Husband- Oh, I don't know, There's your opinion of me and my opinions of you,' and tho neighbor's opinion of both of us. Something to Wow ''Thu Hfo of those moneyed young fellows Is all froth." "Yes, I notlco, for oxample. that young Spcndlt, has Just bought a now 'bubble,' " Atlanta Constitu tion, AH Tom Up "Our whole neighborhood has been stirred up," said the regular reader, Tho editor of tho country weekly seized the on. "Tell me about It," Jio said. "What wo want Is news. What stlrrod it up?" "Plowing," sold tho farmor. Question of Sliape HolrdroBsor Your hair's very thin on the top, sir." Customer Ah, I'm glad of that; J hate fat hair. Twty People Tlo Clergyman 1 had no Idea pro faulty was so preyalont till I began to drlye a car. Hie Wife Do you hear much of it oh, the' road? Win" CV8rgywin.T-Why, nearly ev ery em) 1 bump Into swears fright- J w - J r fh.- CHANGE IN HIGHWAY ENGINEERS IT is unfortunate that the niixifp in 'the kt'afc highway engineer's office could not have hem delayed until present contracts were completed. While technically Major .Bowlby cannot act as state highway" engineer to finish the work already -under way, there is no reason why he should not temporarily act as assistant highway engin eer, and as such supervise work and approve estimates, the final approval of the new highway engineer being liicrely a matter of form. By so acting as requested by the state commission, he would rob the contractors' clique of the fruits of their victory in aiding in his removal. No mutter who is highway engineer, the position is administrative and supervisory. The real supervision is made and the estimates prepared by the assistants, of course under supervision of the chief. If the present as sistants are retained, and the estimates already approved by 3owlby govern, the counties will not be mulcted by the contractors, as they have schemed. Major Bowlby suffered the fate pioneers in new work usually suffer. Counties had been building highways, such as they were, tit a cost ot trom if lOOU to .foOOO a mile. None of them were permanent, none were scieutifieallv built. "When permanent roads came trom .$10,000 to if 1;,000 a mile, a hue and cry was raised at once because the quantity of work expected could, not be accomplished with the money available, and the state high way engineer made the goat. Another feature was the fact that most of Rowlby's work was incomplete. A construction enterprise cannot be judged piecemeal the completed whole must be awaited. Nor is the layman a competent judge. Yet every taxpayer, ignorant of the aims sought, felt free to indiilge'his author ity as a sovereign citizen by expert criticism, which, joined with the clamor of contractors and politicians, made life a burden to tho commission, especiallv as everv mistake was magnified, and hard times people, r It was not to be expected that a partisan administra tion would be content with a non-political official. It was to be expected that a new executive would want his own appointee when the authority had been placed in his hands to secure' it. If Major Bowlby had been more tactful anil more of a mixer he would have aroused less opposition. If he had played polities instead of ignoring them he would have been stronger. If he had been dishonest he might have had the contractors' support. Instead, he was a mere road builder, with perhaps a little too much theory. But his work is permanent and along enduring lines. It -will last long alter the builder has been iorgotten despite nns takes that may have been made.' Years hence we will be proud of the Siskiyou highway, and glad that it was built for all tunc instead ot a cheaper makeshift that the future would have to alter to lit ferowmg needs. It is hoped that the new tory to public and contractors, but it is doubttul if any engineer can give complete satisfaction, and no engineer can serve two masters. However, the pioneering has been done, the public educated to the cost of good roads, tlie organization completed, and work will run along smoother than in the past, developing less friction. One thing Jackson county is grateful for the acknowl edgment by the commission $J0,000 for Jackson county from the state highway funds is less than the amount due the county approximately $58,000. In this the commission has kept faith with the people of Jackson county, despite Mr. Bowlby 's recom mendation that they break their word. Why Not a To the Editer: You may remember I Joked you once for putting an artlclo on the editorial pnge, becauso that pago was not read. I have been Interested lately In reading that page. Your nomination of Penrose snd Cannon would delight yourjrlend, Col. Iloose velt. Though I havo voted for every presidential condldate of the repub lican party from General Fremont in 18SC, to the last election, I then voted for Wilson, and. don't regret It. 1 cannot make tho boast that Speaker Clark made that ho never scratched tho democratic ticket. I havo not only scratched the republi can ticket, but aiaea in deieating more than one party, unfit for the offico ho sought. In your artlclo In answer to the Illinois paper, which criticised the Oregon plan of voting, you did an In Justlco I think to Senator Sherman. He does not belong to the Lorlmer II -eed of politicians. I sent that paper to my son In Illinois. I was pleased to noto that you gavo tho credit for passage of the dry amendment to tho women and tho churches. "The women could do it nnywhero" nnd the churches united wcro Invincible, (To that effect.) One of tho wisest conclusions you could make. 1 am pleased to noto also that you think Meilford may still prosper if the saloons are offacted. I want to ask it you think it could prosper if all Its churches were effaced? How many business men, or prop erty holders could you get to vote its churches out? Laying asldo their personal rights to exist, how many want them driven out? If all tho sa loons can go and Medford still pros per, how many believe the city could maintain Its property values at fifty cents on tho dollar for six monthB, J( tho churches .should go, to say nothing of tho moral lop. "Why not now throw your influonco to be constructed at a cost of made soreheads out of the engineer will prove satisfac that Bowlby s estimate of Coffee Club? in favor of those things which tho churches favor? Get them to unite and establish a coffco club such as Eugene has, a shelter for tho labor ing man out of work, also a Young Men's Christian association, a safo social center for tho boys nnd young nif n. Pitch in and help the churches and so hasten the day of a Greater Medford, the moral center of south ern Oregon. Yours truly, "H. D. PENF1ELD." Salem, Ore., March 28. Reported by Jackson County Ab tract Co.. Sixth and Fir Sta. Ileal IvHtnto Trannfers S. Gardnor et ux to J. L. Helms pt. 24, 38 2W ,..- , $10,00 O, M. Knox et nl to Nettlo Cook 27a lu 31, 37, 4W 1.00 Fruitgrowers Trust and Tltlo Co. to Nettlo Maud Morris, lots Jn Crcstbrook Or 2000.00 Henrlch Hoist et ux to A. C, Nlnlngor, pt. 31, 30, 2W 1.00 James M. Muukers et ux to 12. T, Xcal, pt. 30, 2W, 1(3000.00 NOTICE Ndtlcp js hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil nt Its meeting to be hold April Cth, 19in, for a license to Well malt, spirituous and vinous liquors ' in quantities less than a gallon ou Jtu placo pt business at 13 South Front street, city of Medford for a period of. six months. C. J. CAUSTEN8, Dated JIurch 24th, 1915. CHICHESTER S PILI W4E .THE HLkMeMB HBANV, JlJs. I-f l I Atk f r BVaaaUt Jof , uHi AuivararrsjEsutro sa Vkl4briMuHanWA is&&m vuil kiwva M KttLSilnl. AIiirikcUil SWHYWvmiSTSEVERYWWRf COURT HOUSE NEWS wS Vr m H , - DESERTS HEIRESS DRIDE AFTER iIsIIIHBIs' aILa.' - 1iHBusDiBiBirti'7 -wiy siH SsSsLffiWtSsTSSSssW''ni "' TM" ?9H- aH SaSaSasHHHsaSatSaSaHHHsHH V VHhflBr SaSaSasi VT v-SJbbbW1HbbIIbbbbbbbbbbW" r-d!JH. jbHbbbbbbbbI QK J tskMH iBHMiiBBwK -tfraaBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Ml!ti!llr alk aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal SMI?S? " VuaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai k i Mr. llli Cli'iut'iiN, DoMMtcd llorlevs SAN FUANCI3CO, Cal., March 31. Alleging that her brief romance was shattered 12 days after their marriage, Mrs. Dixie Clements, south ern heiress nnd daughter of an At lanta millionaire, filed n complaint for divorce hero recently on tho ground of desertion, moro than n year nttcr she nnd Walter Clements worn married at I.os Angeles, Cal. Although tho divorce complaint re cites merely that 12 days after tho joung coupl worn married, February I, ltd I, the husband deserted and since has "failed to provide'' frlnds of Mrs. Clements said that the hus band's departure was ns abrupt as the wedding. "He packed a suitcase and said ho was going on a business trip, nnd that," friends said, "was the last she heard from htm." Mrs. Clements, then Miss Dlxio Nunally, ran away from her Atlanta homo following a dicagrccmcnt ultli her step-mother, Tho yoing heiress (sho ts only 20) MOPGANS ART NOT FOR PUBLIC JCKW YORK) April 1. Alllioiisli the legal limit of two .earn within which J. I. Mnrj;iiii might lime ch- enpetl Ihe nrciity of paying mi in lieritmiee tux iihui Ii'l-. art collodion by giving it to n ptiblie institution lint expired today, the Morgan estate hnd not signified to the statu comptroller its- intention to iiiukc such a tli-pini- tiou of the collection. Comptroller Travis wits ciuotvil ns snying thai while he wouhl like to grant an extension of the time Jiinti, the law prohibited thu remUsiou of the inheritance tux on any gift inatle from the oolleelinn uftcr the expira tion of the legal limit. Tlie .Morgan collection, now on ex hibition in tlie Metropolitan Mii-eiiiu of Art, has been estimated to he worth between sJ."i,O0n,Of)O ami .7(1, 1)00,000. The inheritance lax on it iuiH been estimated at from .y.'.OOO, 000 to ,f;l,000,()00. I UNDER INVESTIGATION WASHIKn'J'OK, April 1. AkpijIh of the bureau of invent ignt ion of the tlcpartmeut of justice hegnu mi in imiry today into the isue of nn American passport to Raymond Swo- botlo, uiidur arrest in I'nrin, cliarged wjth htnrlingllo Hie on Lu Tourainc, the French liner. The investigation tin to determine whether the issue of tho pnhspoit wits entitely regular. The passport docH not give Kvvoboda'h occupation, ;nom- ly Baying ho whh to ho abroad ,o" year on Iiisiiioh," John A. Perl UNDERTAKER ady Assistant 88 H. nAItTKTr PIiobcs M. 47 and 47-Ja Ambiilinro Hervlcfl Coroner For That New EASTER SUIT Tailored to Fit KLEIN 128 East MAIN SEE Upstairs SWOBOPA'S 12 DAYS' MATRIMONIAL BLISS Is the dnughtor of an Atlanta candy manufacturer. Two jours ago she decided lo see something of the world rather thnn live with hor stepmother, and Journo)0(l to tho west const, nnd thou to Mexico. Her father rut off her allowance when she refused to return home, so she drew on her own estate for hor oxiensos. After n month lu San Francisco sho moved to I.os Angeles, where sho had met young Clements previously. The oung couple motored to San Diego from that city, where they Intended to be married, but Miss Nunally's youth brought a refusal of u license. They returned to I.os Angeles, tho consent of J. I.. Clements, the young man's father, was won, and follow ing the ceremony they rnced back to San Francisco ns fast as a speedy au tomobile could carry them, II. H. M. Miller. Mrs. Clements' lawjcr, said that no quarrel had pre ceded her husband's desertion, nnd that young ulfo still Is nt n loss to ex plain tho abrupt ending of her romnuce. IOWA DEAF MUTE E MAII.S1IAMIWN, In., April I. .loliu Confer, a deaf unite, I'onfesseil today, tho ptilico sav, that he killed Dennis Milnu mid Mr. Minnie Milan, also deaf mutes, nt their home near (Irccii .Moiintuiu last night. Confer is in jail here. I In is 'J.l enr oltl. According to the police oriun of Confers coiifossion, he xliot Milan throuuli Ihe henil. He then turned on Mrs. Milan, firing two builds into her hotly. .Icalouxy is said lo hae been the cause of th tragedv. According; to the pol'ye, Confer re rentl escapetl Irnui Ihe reformatorv nt (litcii Hay, Wis. Miliui was frnm (Irmitl Folks. K. I). Bit rf niiifl. nir t ToiJn. ! rnuntr. . I rack J. t htiirr matfi uaib tint b I" wslur Itflnrr ut li priu f ' J. '! it i'h, tl n ImilnrM In tU I Itr nt Ti'lrdo. fountr tul Hil nfurtitlil. sail tlir M aim will l'7 tk um nt oXK IIUMUU.K IHM4..MIH Ut nrli cii'l hitjt r- nt t'attrrti lint roil riot V cutJ If Itiu w bf Uill'4 tUtfli Caif. i it.vNic j. cin:.vnr. Sown t If'iro m sml ut,rrllsil In nr crrtnur, tliU Vlb djr ut Vn-nuUr A. I ISstl . A. W. (il.UASOS. .Sour 1-ubllt. Iltll't rtrth Cure U lVn lutrrnallr nl tt illrcllr uiii Hi t'l'wl snil iimrotn nir. firrs ot tli jiui. Mi-'Ml Jut ltlluionll, ""' r. J. cnn.tEV co., twIvi, o. Roll r sll Iru-rll. TJf. Til Hill'K I'tullr I'll! tot cMtlpatloa. TT Theatre Wednesday and Thursday Nlyhts The Wrong Prescription Stirring Two-Part Ilollnnco Drama Environment TlirUing MaJcHlc Drntnu Dad and the Girls Itoflncd Heiiuty Comedy Bill Joins theW.W.Ws. Koinlc Coniody The Final Impulse A Thrilling AniurJcnnO.opHlructlon Camp Kplsodo! hiimii joc Hoc It 5 autl 10u MURDERS PL PHOTOS SHOWING SWOBODA WEARING HAN UNIFORM m ) 1WIMS, Aul 1, - Additional evi dence Iiih boon fount), tho police ns Hl, to prow tlio iit.(leriiiun syiii imtlutw ot Kuytimml Hwoboilii, oliurg ed with liomir roHponMlilo for the Tito which tliieuteiietl tlie th'xhuetlon of the stoniiior l,u Toiiinme. Secict foniee opornltvcK leu rued ,rMenlii tint t Swolnulu lelt live laiue triinU lit nil office in tho Ave nue tie I'Opoiii. the iim of which he had nlitiuiicil tlmui)ili nn iiititMluctioii liy lio broker Monism. The tmtiU were M-ircd uiitl M'ut to limit'. The x tl lit winch Sutilintlu occupied nt iitil In v, near WixiiIIIum, ulun wmh Nfiirclicd mill u number of pnpoi hcixctl. TIiom' document incliulcil. Ilic police iCM'it, Ictlei of u liiglih COIIipilllllHlll clllUUCtct, tOKCtllCI with photograph shotting Svvolioiln in a Uciuiaii uniform witli two olhci oflieetN. M. Itauiiict, Kvvohoila h liiiiucN nsMninte, tlceliucil in nil interview Jnxt nutlit Unit he believed Suoliotlu wns it Cuiiiiilinu, ux he luitl excellent loforeiicCi fioiu (,'uelioe, vvlieie he Miid liis faiuilv roMilcil. Suohtitln toltl ltiiMiict he hutl liocu liioiight up in (leniiuuy mill iiuitlc no attempt In hide hw nimtliv for that tuition necortlinjr to the interview. Touring- OutofOil U -cluij;e from tlif oily nn luve been unng intjiii bolder In idjuitim; ! (reJ. Otherwise too much or too little is fed Into the c linden. No trouble 1 )ou uic ZEROLENE ik Standard Oil for Motor Cars It It obtalnabU ery uihttt, (torn Kratt'e to San Diego, from SjiuVane to I'haenU steltjf car see or roadilJe lumlct. And it li aliviyj unl formthe tune Iwdy the uine peiect lubtl. catinj tpjaliiy. Dealers everywhere, ot at all aecnctei and Set vice Stations of the Standard Oil Company (UliMnlA) Mtsllurtl STAR Wednesday -Thursday Tenth lIpLsodo Two Tarts "Exploits of Elaine" The Wife Current Tlirllllng.liileiri.tlng Mary Fuller In Two 1'arlH Unhidden Treasure Joker CViniedy The Refugee Pathe Weekly ws .Ma(liKH)U:J5 ilng 7:00 mnfo VULCANIC WORKS rimipo Ht, JIO, E REPAIRING AUT d Michelin Tires Fisl in Stock Tli en of Qtiullly and Bervlco ft.iL OUCH! LUMBAGO? Wfy .-Niusieiole. See tliivv Quickly il ItellevoH You Just nib MI'HTCIlOl.h' In lnlnkb, mid UHiiully the pain Is koiiii a dulleloiiri soothing comfoit eoiiitm to take Its place, MUBTWItOLK hi a clean, vvhlttt olntinont, mittle with oil of mustatd, (lite It ItiMtmit of uiiiNlard plaster, Will not hllrtter. nocturii and uiumis use MttHTKIt 01. 1! and iccoiiiiiioiiil It to their pa tlentH. They will gladly tell you what ro ller It gives from More Throat, llrtin oliltlH, Croup, Stiff Nevh, Asthma, Nouralgla, Congestion, I'lourlcy, lum Imiko. Itheiimatlsiii, I'alim ami Aches of the Illicit or .lolutii, HpraliiM, Horn Muscles, llrulsim. ClillblaliiH, Krosttul I'eet, Colds or tho Chest (It often prevents Piiciinionhi.) At your dmitglsts In -'io and riln Juts, autl a larKe special hospital situ for $1! r.o. lie sure, you get the genuine MUK TKKOI.K Iti.fiiHe Imitations-get what ou ash for The Musterolo Couipany, Clcvclnud, Olilti. Paid Atlv. THE PAGE Mcilford's Leading Theater Last Time Tonight IT'S HERE AT LAST nem: snot i.n I'xiii to si:i: it Tin I'liial ICpUode of the trratct uiitl .Most riiMliuKlng Seilnl Slory i:er I 'I lined THE MASTER KEY This last eplaode excels all others lu seusatlonul ami stirring nil ven tures, Her Bargain In and Out of Society Comedy. And the Deacon Swore Special ProKraiii ny Wurlitzer Orchestra Mr. Clyde Ilnzelrlcg, Oignnlst fi-lO-lDc .Vote Coming "Cnblrln," greatest film production ever booked In Moil ford. BE SURE ABOUT JEWELRY VALUES You don't need to havo tho nllitht cut doubt about any artlclo tlmt bo Ioiikh to a Jewelry ntoro. Make uuro that you como hero and we'll make uuro of tho rest, Our lino ropritaeiitH tho foromoHt thought lu Jewelry manufacture, They aru thu output o( tho largest faclorlev. Our good como to us fully gunr untead. Vo ptiBH them along to you on tho rinnio terniH. Thiil'H why you need nover bo In doubt It you buy horn. MARTIN J. REDDY Tint Jeweler Jill! KitNt Aluln Ht. f Special for Easter -IN- fee Cream Individual Easier Llllics Brick, Nut and oilier Fancy Creams mado from the Velvet Ico Cream. Or der now. i fj The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. - Tlie Home o(. Daisy Butter Plioue m 32 S. Central C N s. v --.i 0 . L' '