Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    U-44Aw h.,smm.-ujuu4JMi.- rpsm..
Mttfk IMiHiit 4ra tWvl
-T . - ... NnfWf rt
' P
'pake Timfnff
.. i ,W"- 1W .- mM-M'IMIW - 4MWK1
Mexlcnn Peon Will Never Work for
20 Cents a Day Aflaln For the
First Hlmc In History He Wears
Shoes and Ents Three Square
Moals n Day Villa's Capital Quiet,
Busy, Enjoyliin Life.
Staff Special.
Cllllll'AIU'A, riiiliuiilitiii, M"(.,
Mnrt'h 'JII.- I hIiiiII never foigct my
l'iist iluy licit in a Mexican i'lty -
Chihuahua, tin pltal of Hid Vllln
ipivctumciit, H eily of li"lOO(l popula
tion. I ennui expecting (ii hoc honor Hint
ulnrvatinn, Miffi'iing anil an niro
gmit soldiery. Ami instead I hiiw a
peaceful, comfortable, well-fed popu
lotion. I miw people who four years
ago It it 1 inner win ii shoes or lasted
innat; iiml all of them wore shoe
Anicileuii-niiidc shoes, al tlinl.
TIiIh, of course, m tint M'tit of the
Villa I'lvil gowmtucut, which is or
ganised liinrli inoii' efficiently thiin I
imagined possible. The inilllan
power, iintuiully, Mill U Mipriuic. Tin
Hate (oxi'inor, ticuiiicr, auditor
mill such, I'nirill tlwlr offices iih ehil
uiilhoiiticx; (hi tirtw (in open; tln
peace of tin cltv it in tin' hands ol'
cluh-niiucd policemen, although ol
dicrs giniid tin federal building, tin
govci urn's palace mill home, Mi
Villa's residence mill tlm haul..
Villa's llmiil In IMdenro
Villa m hmiil, however, i quick I"
np'H-nr wlicie questions of puhlic in
ti'H'ht arc involved, iiml the civil au
thorities fail to gel remit.
Heroic coining here I hail muiic
viijiiic iiclnrc of a country groaning
in ditic; of a soldiery yi rn over
to licciiM-, rohhetv iiml rnpiiic.
There arc no Mich conditions in
Chihiiahiia. Nor arc there such con
ditions aeeoiilin to icliuhlc iuforma
t ion. in Toncon, Akiiu Culicntcs or,
1 have hfcn ti"H drunkenness dur
ing the thivc weeks I lime licen lii'ie
than I have kccii in any Cniteil State
city In a like period. I do not Miy
the drunkenness may not he here, an
I have not been going nroiiail the
cnntiiins, hut I inn vcrv nine it docs
not appear on the sticets or in public
places between it a. n. ami midnight,
few Drunken Xntlics
ruitlier, of the Mexicans I have
Men ill link, only thicc or four were
Hohliers. I have mtii more drunken
AnierieaiiH than .Mexican snldicis ami
civilians comhincil, 1 liuvo never
m'cii a woman insulted heic. Ami
if a drunken sailor or officer should
insult a gringo, the gringo can have
liim arrested at mice, Should he in
Milt an American woman In1 is shot.
I also thought all business would
lie at a standstill here. It is not. Of
course it in not running full blast,
lint there in quite a icspeetalilc
amount of it going on. 1 think if you
would visit any big city in Ameiiea
just now you would find Mores clns
cd. Then) arc no closed stores in
The smelter, five miles- out, is run
ning to enpacity, The milieu at Santa
Kuliili, Cusi and other places arc run
ning, although the npernlois Ameri
cans arc threatening to cloc down
liecausc Ilia Kovciiinicnl is tryiiij;
(nothing in Hettled yet) to iuen'ase
their taxcH fmm ft to J'J'j per cent.
lllllllHtllCM III ()M'-iltloll
frojiH of nil kinds arc grown in the
Mirreundlnj: country whoivvor there
arc the two requisites men and wa
ter. The htreeleaiH run ovcry day.
Tim railroad service, in had, helm; in
terfered with hy military operations.
Yet, considering all things, it serveH.
Tim pun faetory, of course, iiiuh
iiIkIiI and day, as does the pl;;iny
mini, which turns out nmper .1 coat
nvo pieces, Iho only 'H moiiey in
nni thorn Jle.xieo just now.
Naturally the ('iiestion of Immih'ss
lirfiiBs up the awful stoiies ofhlijva
tiou ono hears in the slates. If mi
havo read much of tin' conditions i
Mexico licforo Iho revolution you
doiihtlPHs leuu'inhcr tho Btnnitnril
wattes for a peon was 20 cents a day
and that no peon ever wore shoes or
ate incut. Tho peon doesn't have to
work for thai any nioro. His wanes
ii rn uh,K up and tho pay of over
priced Americans imported hero hy
tho American corporations is nolnu
down. Tho soalos will soon meet.
Now you (inn walk for a day
throufjh tho streets of Clilhuuliun and
never seo man, woman, hoy nr girl,
who ts not wearln1; Amorionif shoes,
And it to u huTo hot that who over Is
weariiiR shoes is cntlntr moat three
times a day, That's what Iho revo
lution has already done.
IiIvIiik Vrlcoti Kept Down
, Villa has kept tho prices down, too.
Livinir is very iihonp. While tho
jicho'h value, is only ll'i uents, its
hbobbmil j. .. J8'w . 'mmsam
mrwyiww "" ' f. v - jtm
JWmr r7JrXi Wfe . a j r ' w MWMMfrWfiMwMMu
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ViflufJ' WMS
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III (ieneiiil Villa's Cnpllal. It liilsc)i lew of Muslius S'ilou of the Clly of riilliimlma Willi Iho llcnu
tlful City Hall In Ilic roivKioiinil,
A Special Investigator of Mail Tribune
in Mexico
(KDITOIt'S NOTi:. -Is Mexico a count i y dta-lalcd, a nation full
of staivaliou, misciy and niuriVr Is it in a condition which de
iiuiiiiU Aincrieaii lulcncmiotif An lloo-evclt ami certain new.pu
pfis iiml intcicxls ritiht .u uriii that our aimy step m and stp
the icMilutii u f
'I'hoc are important niicl'tuns and dcinaml moic than ofllmii.i
answers, I'ho demand rep'ies lncked hy real first-hand evidence.
For lliat icasini the .Mail Trihinic ami a iiumhcr of associated uews
papcis sent David llruee, a tiniacd newspaper man, to Mexico. lie
was selected hccmisc he would go nli-oliilcly iiniiillueueed. His
home is in the iioithcasleni pail of the raited Slates. He wa never
hefoie in Mexico ami knows no Mexicans, Noll nor docs he 'know
any people who have money imotcd in Mexico. The following h
his first stury from Mexico. IH him tell what he saw. -Kditor).
purehiisini; power to the Mexican who
knows where ami how to do his unr
ketiiiK'. is miieh u i eater. A stieetcar
ride co-ts ,'i eeutnxos, or one-half of
an American cent. I'o-lnyo was onlv
icccntly increased fiom . to 10 cent
nvos. The railroad fare from .lua
reh, 'J.10 miles, which used to he
nhoiit "? 1 ..(), has hecu raicd to f'J.U.'i
gold, thus still hcinc less than 1 cent
a mile, A meal at the hest Aiiieiiean
hold in (own costs iihout 22 cents.
All things are in proportion. This
iuciileiit illustiatcs ii, A Mexican
widow hecome euauiored of an Amer
ican mid considcralilv shocked out
countryman hv proposing to him, She
slrenctheiied her plea hv the state
ment that he had only to pivc her (ill
pesos, or $ll.7.", to run her household
each mouth. Itcgardless of this
aimiia economic uiTnuyoinml, the
Aiiieiiean refused, hut Mexicans tell
mo she cotilil have done it ami they
could have lived well.
(irmiil Ojwra jil.Mulit
I had almot forgotten sonictliinf,'.
Someone might ask what these icvo-lution-stiiukcu
people do to 11111110
themselves, Well, heic in riiilum
Iiiiii, a town of 50,0(10, we have urn nil
opera every evcniiii; at l'l Teatro
Ouleuaiio. And I am compelled to
icmark that it is very uood grand op
era. Tonight thev sing Carmen. They
havo had "The llohcmiau Oirl," "Hi
Trovatore," "l.ueia di Litunneimoor"
mill some ollicrs lluil u'nutil lie mi.
known to tho general puhlic in t In 1
I lilted States as thev wcic to inc.
They have a pianist who plays Chop
in's "Polonaise" as 1 do not hclicve
it was ever played hefoie.
Then there, is Ml Tea! 10 do los
Heroes, where a stock company plays
an excellent show each evening. There
are also a thriving squad of moving
picture shows and the hest hand on
tho continent plays for tho puhlic in
Hie Plar.a every Thursday and Sun
day morning and evening.
In summing up it seems to 1111' that
a revolution that has put shoes on
the foot of tho common people,
clothes 011 Iho hacks and food in
their mouths ought Jo ho allowed to
0 on,
M $555. FAIR CITY,
SAN r'H.NCisco, April 1, Two
men hold up .,, ,.0,,Ctl dm office of
Iho lloimosillo ,,ju.v ,.m,wllV i a
downtown office xi,hMk today, took
fcVMV and fled thri,.i ,u.kt, btm.t
with n crowd of cPI)tJ t wv
lieels. '
Stovon Itoss, who th,t. Hnv
was ono of tho lohliers, W,.plure'd
after a cliaso of several hlo which
led across Matket Htroot, iltjuir
street ears mul aulomohilo Xj-fj,
Tho pol'mo nay loss had part ,q
stolen money in his poHnoshlou. .
Tim other niiiii escaped, I
10,000 IDLE MEN
CMICAdO, April 1. Ten thousand
Next Saturday tho Oak'fJrove kcIioI
nr and patronn will lie nt tho public
market with Hauler supplies for Rale.
To ralne nionoy for tho Improvement
of their playground tho chlldroa and
youiiK people of tho dlMrlct havo or
ganized an athletic club. Members
.of tho club will donate good eatables,
(Iowcth, etc., etc., which will bo lold
I to ralxo funds'for this laudable enter
prise. A valuable, pedigreed Alrcdalo pup
py will be given away to the ono who
patronizes them anil.jjolds tho lucky
1 Small, pet, Kastor rabbits will also J
bo brought In for children who pre
fer live Knster girts.
American note to (lermnny over the
destruction of tho American sailing
ship Willinrn J'. I'rye hy tho German
raider J'rinz Kit el Kriedrich hn been
dispatched to Merlin. Acting Secre
tary Lansing of the state department
said today tho note would ho made
public here as soon as it had had time
to reach ils destination.
The representations nf the Tniled
StntiM concern only the vessel and
don't discuss the cargo, which the
state department is sntisficd was not
The note contends there was no
justification for the sinking of the
Frye; that n neutral vessel carrying
a cargo of wheat not confessedly con
traband, was sunk when a release of
the vessel would have involwd no
Mini coiiseipieuces to tho I'rinr. Kitel
On account of the difficulties of
communication between the German
embassy here and its foreign office,
tho ship's papers mid Commander
Thici ichens' report of the case were
sent three weeks ago by mail.
While no German official would
discuss the question today, it was
learned recently that the German
ambassador, Count Menistorff, had
recommended the reimbursement of
the owners of the Fryc for its full
value. The dispatching of a note 011
the subject to the German govern
ment was deemed necessary, however,
because of the precedent it establish
ed, the American government desir
ing to record its objections to such
procedure on the high seas and its
expectation that full restitution would
be Hindu in every case.
men wiio have been idle sinuo
first of the xcar, today relumed to
wink Hi the steel mills and faetoiiesi
of Chicago Heights, a suburb
A Poor Kit
When some men aro clothed with
nu, I authority, tho authority fits them like
plants icsiimeif 'operations after n 'n two-dollar seersucker suit fits a
three mouths' shutdown, enued by u fnt a' itr ho has worn It out In
slinrtiiL'c of ina'ciial- t tho rain. Cincinnati Knmiircr.
Mr. C. W. Anderson nnd grand
daughter, Hazel, sKut several days
witli Mrs. Lynch of Wngiicr creek.
Mrs. Mrooks, an old-lime resident
of Phoenix, was stricken witli paraly
sis hist Saturday night and is in n
helpless condition.
Mrs. Mell Mice, our popular Phoe
nix nurse, is at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner attending the young son
who recently arrived.
Mr. Waterman, our worthy mail
carrier, has been Hcriouy, ill, but is
slowly regaining his health.
Mrs. Shaver and JIrsv M. Wright
wero Ashland visitors last Tuesday.
how it actually works for you
Gold Dust actually works.
It gets into corners and crev
ices where fingers and wash
cloths can't reach. It permeates
and dissolves dirt, grease and
grime everywhere and it cleans
and brightens everything.
Gold Dust does all this
docs this actual work because
it is made for that purpose.
Millions of women all over
the country use Gold Dust three
times a day in
washing dishes.
They use it for
washing windows,
But they do not
realize all the uses of
Gold Dust. Gold Dust
is the only washing and
cleaning powder needed
in any home.
Gold Dust cleans
rhejjal work, nickel, en
ameled ware, etc., with
out scratching or mar
ring the surface leav
ing it sanitarily clean,
bright and new-looking.
S, 'iT Tl?i Lr ilft 11" M
The use of Gold Dust is an
economy. There can be no
waste when you use the exact
small quantity required for each
specific purpose. It is at once
taken up by hot or cold water,
forming the perfect cleansing
The active principle of Gold
Dust is a valuable antiseptic
cleansing agent.
Use Gold Dust not only for
washing dishes, but for
washing bathtubs and
bathroom fixtures,
cleaning oil mops, clean
ing and freshening lino
leum and oilcloth, clean
ing and brightening
pots, pans and cooking
utensils, giving luster to
glassware for every
cleaning and brighten
ing purpose.
Gold Dust is as
inexpensive as it is in
dispensable. Sc and larger packagM
sold everywhere
M "Eastor flats m
New Furnishing Goods Store
20G West Main
Ford owners drive their own ears. Ford simplici y
gives this pleasure. Simplicity in construction.
Simplicity in control. It doesn't require an expert
mechanic to understand ndn operate a Ford car.
The Ford is easy to care for. Wonderfully inex
pensive to maintain nnd oerntc less than two
cents n mile. Economy, simplicity, comfort, con
venience, mnke the Ford car the utility for every-
body in city and country more thnn 700,000 now
in use the useful car for all tho people.
Muycrs will share in profits if we sell at Tetail'
HOO.OOO new Ford ears between August, 1011, nnd
August, 101.").
Hunnbout $110; Touring Car, $100; Town Car,
$000; Coupelet- .f"o0; Sedan, SI)".1!, fully equipped,
- f. o. b. Detroit.
On display mul, sale at
i !C. E. GATES
" rbg- ' Mil
Kiyl .355 1 TTjR
Iprq :
K- IIMji,
This is the time to put
up a SILO so you can
save this year's crops
and feed it next winter
KII.O ami the mot Mitisfuctiuy for llio following ivasebs:
1. Its nlr-tlgbt construction
means perfect cnsllnRo.
2. Scientifically designed and
guaranteed anchorage systom.
3. Perfectly balanced, eusy-to-swlng,
alr-tlght doors.
t. Safety tread ladders.
ft. Specially rolled steel hoops
thoroughly tested.
Ii. Specially doslgncd, SELF
7. Staves mado from air-dried
Douglas fir In tho largest silo
factory in tho JCorthwost.
Thieves Enter House by Skylight
"and got I'tOOO In gonis whllo the family Is at dinner.''
This shows tho importance of keeping Jewelry nnd other
valuables In n Snfo Deposit Dox. Our Vault Is Fire and
Hurglar Troof. Safe Deposit Uoxes for rent, a.M AND
it ri:u viuit.
1 i