I'AHH TWO iOCAL AND L PERSONAL C, T, Nicholson, father of Horace Nlcholnon, Ih vory III from bronchial pneumonia. Ho wnu brought In from tho finch Sunday, On nccount of his advanced ane, 80, his condition Is re garded as critical. Harold Dotialaa Knbll and Mls Winifred KVelyn Jllllor, both of An pleRiUc, wcro married nt flrnnts I'nsa VVcunesdny, Mnrch 31, by tho Nov. I. H. Tool. Tho younR couple will re side In tho Annlcgata. ' Hear tho Crucifixion at Methodist church Friday, 8 p. m. 10 "Wanted A postmaster for Stenm boat. Apply to Uncle Sam. Hare your lawn mower sharpened by J. W. Mitchell, phono 320-J. tf The Parents-Teachers Clrclo of tho Jncksou school will meet at the school building Friday afternoon at 3:30. Miss Coffin will havo chargo of tho music nnd llev. J. K. Hawkins will talk. A largo attendance Is desired. Nifty, up-to-date stylos. Tho Home Millinery, 1101 West 0th. 10 Colonel Frank IT. ltay or Now York has returned-from San Francisco to spond a fow days nt tho Tlradcn mine. Ho brought In a small gold brick val ued ht $120 Wednesday, tho product of a few hours run nt tho mine. Another flvo hundred pound ship ment of those delicious chocolate creams going at thirty cents a pound at DoVoo's. M. J. Anderson and Corey Mattl son of Grants l'nss passed through Medford Tuesday en route to Wat kins, Oregon, to Inspect an antimony prospect In that section. A vein has ben uncovered fivo feet In width, said to carry 00 per cent mineral. Anti mony has trebled In prlco the last threo months. Orcgonlan agency nt DoVoo's. Former residents of tho Michigan copper belt living in this city were surprisod to rend that tho copper In terests of the peninsula had Increased tho wages of tho men ten per cent. Tho rnlso was mado without any Ini tiative on tho part of tho miners. This is unusual, and is taken ns a sign of unprecedented prosperity. One of tho greatest strikes In Industrial history raged over tho Michigan cop per belt becauso of tho demand for a two per cent Incrcaso In wages and recognition of tho union. C. A. DeVoo Tor subscriptions. April Fool's day was ushered In this morning with tho playing of old fashioned tricks. Citizens wcro tempt ed but failed to blto on tho old pock etbook trick, but fell for tho choco lates stuffed with cotton. Small boys and girls wcro, having high Jinks. Savo money on your Easter hat. Tho Home Millinery, 1101 West 9th. Frederick Heath of Eaglo Point was a business vhitor in tho city Wednesday afttrnoon. Hear the Crucifixion at Methodist church Friday, 8 p. m. 10 J. T. Dradshaw of Wellen was a business -visitor in tho city for a few hours Wednesday. Every day is fish day. We always havo tho best in tho fish lino. Call us at phono 3C2, Medford Fish and Poultry market. 9 Frank Edward of Wntklns, ono of the best known prospectors of tho Dluo Ledgo district Is spending a few days in tho city on business. Easterns ,nt hand. You know tho stylo fs rlgltC when you buy hero. MIsbcb Lbnnsberry & Seinon nt M. & M. Department store. 11 M, D. Hogan of 4ho Applegate was a business visitor In tho city Wed nesday. ' Sweet cider at De Voe'a. Court Hall returned Wednesday nfternoon from n week's business trip to Portland .and Senttlo. Wo have frv'sh every day, clams, crabs, oysters and fish. Your orders will bo delivered promptly. Medford Fish and Poultry market, phono 3C2. 9 Dclroy Getcholl and wife and son havo returned from a short visit In Portland. Lunch lRc. Don't miss It. Flowers for Easier. Home cooking, Snturday, April 3rd, M, 13. Bazar, 209 W. .Main. 10 Charles I). Oay returned this morn ing from Salem where ho went with n delinquent youth. "Growr In Medford" vegetable plants for safe. Mnny varieties. Or der now for futuro delivery. Mad dox & Uonnoy, Portland Ave. Grcen houso, Phono 87R, 30 Tho street department under Sup orlntondont OIq Arnspigor is regrail Ing dirt btroefs In tho residence dis tricts, Work, Is now undor way on East Ninth. Tho ground is plowed unci loycjqd, and process that kills tjio weeds, It you 0. A. DoVoo, you can get The Couutry Gontloman for ono dol lar, ' Davo CronowllJcr of Jacksonville bjkjiiI Wednesday In Medford, Ladles of tho M. E. church will have an Easter Sale at 211 West Main, Saturday, Apr! 3rd, room for nwrly occupied by tho Gas Co. 10 Suit has been filed In tho Linn conn, ty court for divorce by Gladys Mnckny ngalnBt Merrill Mnckny, nnd Mrs. V. J. Mnckny ngnlnst G. W. Mnckny. Tho defendants nro father nnd son, nnd plaintiffs, mother and duughtor-In-lnw. All the parties formerly liv ed In this city, nnd the grounds for sepnrntlon In both nctlnns la named bb cruel nnd tnhumnn treatment. Hear tho Crucifixion at Methodist church Friday, S p. m. 10 Hubert Gordon of Prospect Is spending a few days In the city visit ing friends anil attending to business matters. Attractive ri;nMI 00 each at EaStor Said by McTllSlttst Ladles, Sat urday, wm 10 W. E. Ganuncl ofTjSgf'lc Point spent Wednesday In Medford attending to business matters. Soo Shaplclgh Hardwaro Co., for fishing tnckle, especially tho boys. I. E. Green hns purchased tho Val ley garage and will operate the same In tho future. J. O. Corking, tho best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any. vhero, ttmo or place. Studio S2S Main St Phono 330-J. D. J. Marshall of Corvallls Is among tho out of town visitors In tho city this week. Home baking by Methodist Ladles, 211 West Main. Saturday morning 7:30. 10 Hear the Crucifixion at Methodist church Friday, S p. in. 10 Why not get it at DoVoo's? Two dntnks wcro arrested by tho pollco Wednesday night and will ap pear In pollco court this afternoon to nnswer charges of being drunk and disorderly. Candy, candy: get It nt DoVoo's. County Surveyor A. T. llrown has Returned from a trip to the country on official business. Hear tho Crucifixion at Methodist church Friday, S p. m. 10 Tho police department telephone service was out of order Wednesday afternoon being repaired under tho direction of City Electrician Hlnman. Get It at Do Vo's. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book Store. Dillon Hill of South Medford spent Thursday In tho city on business, and predicts a bumper crop this year. Get ycur nutter, cream, milk and outtor-mllk. at Do Voo'. Albert Thompson of tho Whiskey Peak district Is spending a fow days In tho city on business. Get your supply of aprons nnd children's clothing at the Easter Sale. 10 Jeff Ilrophy of tho Upper Hoguo river section is spending a few days In Medford. Taxi Foster & Holbrook, Phone 8S5. City trip 15c. Two for 2fic. Corner Fir and Main Sis. 11 Seo Dava Wood snout that fire In surance policy. Office Mall Tribune Bids. lod.iy witnessed the opening e: tho fishing season. Under the Oregon law It has lieu illegal to catch trout under ten inches in length slnco tho first of November. Thero will bo lit tle fishing for a month yet on ac count of the streams being swollen nnd muddy from showers and molting snow. Steel head fishing will not be gin until about July 1, the steelhead that are caught now being taken with bait, spawning fish unfit to cat. Best assortment of Easter cards In tho city. Handicraft Shop. Henry JJucklngham of San Fran cisco is visiting with his cousin, Mrs. It. J. Conroy of this city. Papering and painting, Phono B44-M. J. T, Sullivan, manager of tho Roguolands, Is slightly indisposed by an attack of la grippe. Papering and painting. Phono G44-M. Raymond Flowers of Grants Pass spent Thursday in this city attending to business matters. For bettor insurance, see Holmes, the Insurance Man. Judgo J. R. Nell of Jacksonville spent a few hours Wednesday after noon In this city visiting friends. Matinee, tho Page today. When your feet hurt don't try to put up with It. Havo thorn cared for by a skilled Marlnello operator. Tho comfort it brings is worth many times tho cost of treatment. Tho Marlnel lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utloy, 407 Garnett-Coroy building. tf Mrs. Mary King of Gold III1 spent Wednesday In Medford visiting with friends. Dr. Riddel! has moved his offlco to tho Medford Furniture & Hardwaro building, third floor. 314 W. H. Lowls of Gold Hill wus a business visitor In this city for a fow hours Wednesday. Fancy groceries, at DoVoo's, Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop, Opposlto Book Store. Got Pan Dandy bread at DoVoo's. Auto Insurance C. Y. Tengwald 318 Portland Livestock Market PORTLAND, April 1. Cattle Receipts 14; steady. Hogs Receipts 223; unclinngcd. Sheei) Receipts 00; strong. MKniroiit) mattj tritonr, SEEKS SALVE FOR .ALLEGED WRONGS A JVolcj. Tbaoze. If s Hno Tnnzer who brought a $50,000 damage suit ngnlnst James W Osborne, tho New York law) or, and then admitted she sued the wrong man. i 1 n NEW YORK. April 1 Tho federal grand Jury took up today tho caso of Miss Rao Tnnzer, who was held for Mint body on n charge of using the malls to defraud nftcr sho had cn- ered n suit for $50,000 against James W. Osborne, former assistant district x'tornoy of Now York, alleging breach of promise to marry. Robert Wood, assistant United 6tatcs'dlstrlct attorney, In chargo of tho case, went to tho grand Jury room, bearing a manuscript of tho statement Miss Tnnzor made three clays ago In which sho said sho made an "honest mistake" when sho Iden tified flWi)ies i(, Osborne, ns the man sho fenW ns Oliver Osborno ' with whom sho had nssoclated. James W. Osborno was undor subpoena to ap pear before the Jury during tho after noon. Upon tho motion of Harold Spell berg, Miss Tnnzcrs' nttorney. Su preme Court Justice llljur dismissed tho breach of promise suit brought by Miss Tanzer. S WASHINGTON, April 1. Custom- receipt for March totnllnl irlll.fisuY !li!5, tho urcutottl Mini eollueled dur in;,' any ono month huuhi the outlireul; of the European war. At Hint ralo treasury ol fiend cxiMiot the fixt'itl year's eiintonin collection will full only ten millionn below tho entiniato of .2,J0,0I)(),0I)0. Total treiihury receipts for March were .f."t!r.'H)S,,J."-!, thiitti'ii millions more (linn I'YIirunry. l)ibliiirMmi'iit were $(H,.'lnS,7D2f leaving tin nppro.xi mate deficit of five million for the month, mid the nrditinnr dJ it for tho fiii'iil year ending .lime : at u little Mirc limn fHS.OOIl.oOO. Uu;tw taxes, however, iliiriUK tjie m two month nro expected to reduce Hint amount materially. The balance in the general fund at the end of Mnrj'li was :i5,7W,Ull. CHINA YIELDS TO JAPAN (Continued from Page 1) advisers it might be n violation of the sovereignty of China. Violation of Ojien Door It is fuithcr contended that if Ja pan insisted on the purchase by Cliiuu of munitions of war in Japan nnd in sisted that sho ho consulted with re gard to coi tain foreign loans in hc province of Fukien, in South Sinn cliurin nnd in Kustern Mongolia, this course might be u violation of the principle of orpin! opportunity stip ulated in tho agreement reached be tween Huron 'i'liknhira when he was minister to the United States' and Kliliu Root, ut that time secrotury of stnte, That iigicemcnt provides for maintaining the independence and in tegrity of China and the equality of commercial opportunity in that coun try. WHEN YOU THINK OF TIRES THINK OF GATES GRAND JURY PROBES TANZER PER CUSTOWIS RECEIPTS HOW GREAT RAIN mrdtord ohkciok. Thursday, aprii. i, hib MARKLEY GIVEN . RESPITE ON EVE OF Wotd from Wifdiuiiiloii miIc Mini fixe members of I lie tiotoiinim Murk K Banff of swindler, sentenced af ter two cnra' leffnl buttle, were ffiven n thiity days', reunite on the ow of begiuntllff llioir prison tentw b Pres ident Wilson, upon the intervention of vx-l'oiigtvcjunm A. SI. Palmer, now chief justice of the point of limns. MiWkley headed i giniff of "the liiggvM nnd inol dangerous get-rieh-(iiiek gnnjr of swindler cei convicted liv the sovernmenl." Mnrkloy wu, ,vor njio, prominent m polities in Oregon, and wl known in Jackson and .loM'pliino counties when' lift nmde tin' presenf ownership books in conjunction with the late John O. ltooth. In the gang convicted were ,Mm It, Mniklcy. Isninh Ik Miller, t'lmrlcs SI. McMnhon, W'iUimii II. Armstrong, Jr., and Colonel A. ('. SteVnrt. They were officer nnd directors of tho following, liiffh-sounditiff and lav ishly "cnp'tiilized" enterprise that were pmde thV vehicle for t Iiyir svviiidlinff operatien: International Lumber & Develop ment Co., .415,0110,000. Wisconsin Rubber Co., $1,000,000. Iowa Rubber t'o., .41,000,000. Mobile Portland Cement Co.. .41, 000.000. Sou Pueblo Co., $1,000,000. Srexicnn Rubber Co. of Philndcl pliin, $1."0.000. United .Mines Co. of Columbia, $2, 000,000. New Jersey Sweet Potato Flour Co., $1,000,000. Heriin Sen Commercial Co., $2, .'.00,000. United States Pent Fuel Co., $1, 000,000. Imperial Light & Fuel Co. of Can udn, $:i,000.000. Hohton Fuel Co.. .41,000,000. Hreen River Fuel Co., $1,000,000. Siniikuto Feat Fuel Co., $l.'.0,000. (MU'CII'I.YIOX FRIDAY CvK.'IIT Texts will bo furnished tho congre gation so that all can follow closely and greatly add to the beautiful ser vice at the First M. K. church. It Is kindly asked that tho sllror offering nt tho door, which will bo opened nt 7: IS, will bo as liberal as possible. 9 WMAN81 YEARS" OLD" Made Strong by Vino) Orccnvllle, 8. ('., -'I want others to know of tho great benefit I have derived from Vlnol. I am SI yenrs old and Vlnol has given mo strength. a healthy appetite and overcame ner-! vousness. It Is tho best tonle recon-. structor I ever used." Mrs. M. A I Hutchison. Vlnol In n delicious cod llvor and i Iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to overcome run down, weak, dovllnl- i ii. i ,.- i.-,... i.. ' zvu cuii ii 1 1 (nun mm nil liiiuii,. coukIih and colds. Medford I'liar macy. Adv, ilO America's Greatest Cigarette 4uUtppttcnUjpnmtitlhiWxtii PRISON TERM ZZZZZ"" , t x i Gfwm iwfl iSlll V -& r if TCV iTiriiTi &&!M& EITEL PREPARES , EOR DASH TO SEA NF.WPORT NKWS, Va Atiil I.--Activity conliiiued IimIm.V on hoind npd nliout, tho Herman eonveited cruiser Plinr. F.itel Fiedrteh, whose three week4' slay 'nf (tie shi.vind dock here U ixiei'lpd to ho lermin u led within u veiv Inicf limit either by n dash to sea Ihrough tlie siiind ron of Anglo-Freiieh warships lying In wait for her outside the Vligiiiiu Cupes, or by iiileniing unlil Ihu close oftlio.vviir. ' CoMliitff of tlie vessel undor unpcr visio of officers of the United St nt e.t navy, which begun Into yes, lerduy nnd continued throughout the night, had not been completed at 8 o'clock this morning, and tlicjo still was u considerafile part of the 000 Our Direct Factory Purchases Mean Economy to Jack son County AUTOISTS Guaranteed Spark Plugs, all sizes . 50c Electric Lighting Outfit installed on your Ford Car 25c Tiro Talcum 15c Fabric Blowout Patches, solf-vulcanizing, 54x7.. 20c Stewart Fibro Speedomotor, gears Nos. 1, 2, 3.. ..25c Jacks, the $2.00 kind $150 Rubber Cemont, 25c size , '. 16c Special Ford,Adamson Vulcanizor $1.50 Universal Adamson Vulcanizer $3.00 Tempco Shock Absorbon I Weed Chains Aermore Horns Ever-Ready Flashlights Monogram Oil Valvolino Oil Hav)line Oil Monomobile Oil Motor Oil Zerolino C. E. GATES X Come, Take a Peep at this Gathering of Easter Hats X; X There In charfnlnij Hlmpllclty nliout thouo Now Ifuta that V Blven dlHtlnrotlyo cliurin to ovory Hat. A Chlc tiny HhapoH predomlnnto and tho linen nro most varied, A Colom aro tho liropenn military linen. Floworn, ottth9rB, Htreamorii, (inltln aro all Includeil amoiiK tho favored trlinuitnKH. J Conio tuko a poop at ovory Individual Hat, oach aoumlnRly J prettier und moro attructlvo than any that you havo looked ut j Ueforo, V SPECIAL FOR EASTER. CIAL FOR EASTER. IC A A Big Selection of Hats at . . . JU.UV Bernard tons of fuel to he In lien nhoiiid. A! mi ciiffy morning hour u tug with iiiiiio lunges of conl reached tho Mil I'l'n side. All night u pari of the crew of tliu cruiser hud w'oikcd nt filling tho ship's litinkms and u flush lot of men look up llm labor ul siiiniso, STANDARD OIL CUTS PniCES UPON OIL . Nl-:YOHI,Aiill l.-'l'lpt Hliuid urd t)il (Miupmiy of New YoiU lodn.v liiiiiouiiced fut I her vcdiiclion of len points in re fined petroleum, making cases 10 cciiIh per gallon, tanks I cents mid sliuidaid white 7.ri0c. Ill I i LONDON, April 1, King (looign ban added his plea to that of the slilpownerrt and In some cases that of tho Itiborlton thomselvcn, that some vlgoioiiH uieaHiires bo adopted to copu with tho (piestlon or driinkeuoss, which It Is uiged. Is having tho of. feet of delajlng thu delivery of mti ultlonn of war. $4.75 Knight Tiros Goodrich Tire3 Ajax Tires United States Nobby Tread Tiros Silvertown Cord Tires Federal Tiros Loo Rod Velvet Tubes IF IT'S NEW SPOKES a now wheel, ruhher tiro, or any tliliiK eluo your cnrrliiKo neiifla yon enn rcHt iiMurod tho worlc will ho ilono thorouKhly and BlUllfully If It In dono hero. How nliout that car rlago you cannot imo for tho lack of ropalia, Send It to uh aim wo'll res tore It to lino, BILLING'S WAGON & CARRIAGE SHOP Millinery Joyful Mcpta ofJIotheAQod There lirpt li Do a litent n pirln I'ln.i of iilsin w tn nur Hi" imi'Mo y f i M'rH.itwn, nil i I Mil M iIIto uxri" iiiiiin liv tli niltltn of no in i i imc a til II M ,Mt'llll'l II t rlrtail, TliH h no eil.nint iiitlcilliiii 1 'irinil I i id luliil I lit t- Dm t(iH unit to limn mi icli' vi tlm iii'iiir ('" Hut mi I'm Mir i, Hi I tlio uprmtv c"iii ail II i iiniiHiiiiiiit l tin- i i re imturnl ulntn I'lt'l.tit It lint ti wiln unlit tn ui iitiuftrn', innii Inil cM' inn nun ninny iihih uii-irr m it, Jtnny iMiild licllmn tint Hi mr rcurillfit Wlll(h llilVU CtlhM t' o liwt tif (I , Hut Jne I'U'ii I'lil In i vi ry tri-l n j. r tlm Mirlnir itimiuioiiK nt mum, Woii:lit, riiim it linilih, i'te., nmy li hufuly i:ii i npi n. Anil JiillnK y til.' Mrt Hint "Milli r' 1'rli'llit" ll.lH lirrli (Militllitliit linn plln.i our Kniiiilinuili r noilir yruru ninl H Kiuiwii ItirmiKtiniit tin- I'nllitt fit iir : It limy lut mm! liifui'tixl Hull It 1 1 H iiau llitnir llml wiinm ulmlly irronini ml, "MntlitiN I'iIhihI' in iuinr it only In our own liibrmitnry ami U hM y iir rlitii i-irywliic. Ak fur a litl" t t ilty iiihI wrlla fur n riM-rl.tl jntoH for t xii I Mil itiiitlnTn. AiMrcDii Unulihitil loiiulator Co., 3Df Unu.tr JIIJi;,, AtLiuta, Ua. Don't Forget Your Eyes NKGLECT In Junt nn dnnnnroim nil INt'Olt ItlXT uliuoieit. Tho Klaimen 1 fit nro NOT JI'iJT ULAHHIIH. They are nlateii ADAI'Ti:i TO YOUIl i:i.uy lli:gUllti:.Mi:NT and furnlnhil aK a hi:ahonaiim: coht. V. I don't perforin any Inipoimlhlll- V lien, hut If your uyonlulit ran ho linprovod any I ran do It, If It cannot. I will tell ou no. Dolayn nro dniiKerouH. DR. RICKERT i:vi:ai(iiiT hpiicim.ist Over Danleln', Meilford, Orcon. Employment Agency MRS. RUTH SMITH Itoom UKI (hiruetf.nircy lllit(t. I'hono IKU Situation h anted li flmt clnnn man cook in ri'itaiirnnl or hotel. Man for raifh work, iiiuH havo had nomo expirlmro nn lilnckmnltli. When In Need of a Cleaner or Dyer PHONE 244 Best of Workmanship FROM $15 UP A lnadc'-to-inonHUiv Hiiit of perfect workmanship and highest (iialily is tlus host Imrgain yon tiiiii buy. Our lino of imported nnd donu'slic. I'ab vU'H is slricdy all wool and cannot bo excelled at any price. To know the com plete satisfaction in being'" well dressed," you should let us take your measure i'or a suit today. GUS THE TAILOR Corner Yiv and Main Sis, jUjyH Uag Olbffl, . jgfck J2Hma,. .