fxgh Mxm ftFETTFORT) MATTI TRTRUNTO. ArEDTTORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAROTT HO, 1?)15 8 if M 5- v-r MAIfc TRIBUNI k 4K PUNtHMT NnWSPAPKn.. HYunr Aia-KiiNuon ffUNOAT HT TllK M foru mwTiNa co. Offl Mall Trlbtlti BnMln, 25-17-59 Nortli Jflr mrecti tclepliono 1i. i ii . 1 ii Th Dn-mocrtlllo TimcK, Thn M-dforJ Mill, The Mtdrorri Tribune, Tha 8)Uth wn Orejtoiilan, The AiiliUnd Tribune. BvaNOKirrieir -- Ojpe yw,.uy mail...- Qn month, by tnall- Per month, dellvfcrnt t ,.5.00 .ou by cArrltr 1A Meilfonl. riioenuc. Jacksonville ami Central Point - .to Saturday only, by mall, per year 1. 00 Weekly, Per ywtr.... 1.50 Offl8l(U-,PaMir of tho City of Meflford OfnMal Pa nor of Jackaon Countr. ,, HntemV tii accrnia-clasn matter at Mfilford, Orouon, under the not of March . 1ST. Sworn Circulation for 1914, 2CSS. Full Iraiioil wlro Associated Prcaa dla-patch-, Subscribers foiling to recelvo papers promptly, phono Ctrcu- latloa Manager at 2G0M. . i -' . i With movies and Jltnoys'so popu larwhat chanco has a guy .to save his nlckles? LAUGHS Oae Benefit Mistress Good gracious, Susan, the house Is on tiro! Susan (overworked) 'Well mum, it's coiufortla to think that at last there's a fire in tho 'ouso I 'aven't 'd to light! Congenial Mrs. Nextuoor I supposo your daughter is happily married? 'Mrs. Nagsby Indeed aho is. Why her husband Is actually afraid to open his mouth in her presence. Prince ton Tiger. Sure Rule "How can they tell when a woman 1s only shopping?" "Whcnlhoy-lntcnG to buy they ask to see something cheaper. When they'ro shopping they ask if you haven't something moro expensive In stock." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. Getting At It "Mrs. O'ltoonoy, why do I never see Patrick at church now?" 'Sirs. O'ltoonoy shook her head sad ly. "Is it socialism?" "Warso than thot, your rlvercncc." "'Is It atheism?" "Warso, yourlverenco." "What Is it then?" "Ithcumatism!" Owned Illm A woman mounted the step of a car carrying an umbrella like u re versed saber, says the Chicago Post. Tho conductor touched her lightly, saying: "Excuse me, madam, but you are likely to put out an eye of the man behind you." "lie's my husband," she snapped with the tono of full proprietorship. Moro IVillfl Johnny handed tho following nolo from his mother to the teacher one morning; "boro Teechor, You Jccoji tollin' my boy to breathe with his diafram. Maybe rich children havo diafraros, but. how about when their father only makes a dollar a day and has got five children to keep? First It's one thing, then It's another, and now Its dia frains. That's tho worst yet." , Not Chronic IrrltabjQ old, Man Say, does this car always. inako (his ruclcct? Chauffeur No, sir only when it's running. Buffalo Express, He I Invited your mother to go sailing this morning. She Did she become seasick? He No; I took pity on her and didn't go. i .? REPORTED SURROUNDED OUAN'MER, Okln., Murch .10. Sheriff Wilder paid today ho bad lot cntcd the five- robbers who vbenped after ,h)Hnj tho tvo juinkH at Stroud Itmt pHtiinluy. The oullnwH are ii Uio, Owirc lillifJ, nbonl fourteen miles rrA-l,oiHl,.iui,Imve boon i-om jilatoly Surrounded' he. said. NBDFORD wfpil lUHiliji MHD JosHfev A SKILLFUL PtLOT A WASHINGTON dispatch statos that tho "White House - is flooded with letters from persons of rospousihility and organisations represent iittf substantial husiness inter ests eonnhcuding the president for tho manner in which he has maintained neutrality between the United States and the warring nations, while protecting American trade in terests. Among the letters quoted is one from George Cope, president of the National Association of .Manufacturers, an organization that bitterly opposed "Wilson's election. The lollownig is an excerpt: As president of the National Association of Manufacturers, the largest national body of manufacturers In the express to you my appreciation of tude with respect to the various orders by the belligerent governments In Europe which sffect nil neutral commerce and particularly of tills country, I, therefore, wish to assure you of tho sympathy and steady mippdrt of this association In your energetic effo'rts to protect tho rlgliU of this country. , Coming from political enemies, this is sufficient, proof of the wisdom of the president s toreign policy, which is modelled along the hues followed during tho Napoleanic wars by George "Washington. No president since Washington has faced such a grave foreign situation as President Wilson has had to face, with a civil war devastating Mexico and a world-wide struggle raging among the civilized nations of the globe. ,Yct through this maelstrom of trouble and turmoil the presi dent is calmly and scrone.ly, with even poise, guiding the ship of stntc. firm for the nation's right, but skillfully avoiding pitfalls of disaster. "We are so close to the events that are remaking the map of the world that wc necessarily lack the perspective essen tial to "View events or men in their right proportions,, hut there seems little doubt but that, uuiinpassioned history will assign a very large niche, in the hall of fame to Wood row Wilson as ohq of the greatest presidents of the republic FLEET o IB BE REVIEWED Al NEW Y WASHINGTON", Murch 30. The Atlantic fleet, Admiral Fletcher, has reported to Secretary Dnnick, is pre paring to leaVe the Guuntiinatno drill grounds nud start for Hninpton Itondg nbout April 1. Details of the review nt New York in May or June nfter maneuvers in Xnmit;nnMCtt bay will not be nettled until Secretary Daniels has conferred with Admiral Fletcher, but the secre tary announced today that President Wilson hopes to attend. Secretary' Daniels snid today that. n fittinp; close of the review would be the departure of the fleet for the Pnnnma-Pncifio exposition through the Pnnntnn canal. Tho present plnn is to take nt least three divisions of the battleship fleet to San Francisco and it is not unlikely the cruisers, destroyers and other craft will provide- a place in the naval procession which will pass through tho canal on July 4 if possible. Ueforo returning- east Secretory Daniels will accompany n division of IxittleMiips to Honolulu and to Se attle. Secretary Daniels believes ho hns anbwered those who ehnrgc lack of efficiency in tho Atlantic reserve fleet by getting tho bnttleship Ala bama into commission at Philadel phia and on her way to Hnmpton Itouds within thirty-six hours nfter the order was issued. GUILTY BY JURY r- i PORTLAND, March 0. Tliomns R. Sheridan, cx-pre&ident of the First National bank of Hoschurg, Or., was today found guilty of miMippling funds of dejositoiN. The jury whieh went out yesterday afternoon, found tha nged bnnker guilty on' two countrf of nbbtrnetinjj $2:10 from David Hull mid fj0()0 from Mrs. Laura Ver till. The minimum penalty is i'ivq years in prison on encji eount. Thirty diiy wns allowed for motion for it now trial. LAWFUL TO LABEL EAS MADISON, Wis., March 30. A decision restraining-, so fur as inter state commerce is 'onceriied, the en forcement nguinst the Corn Products Refining; company of the Wisconsin law requiring tho labeling of syrup paokuges to show the ingicdients used was linnded down today by Judge A. ,L. Sunhora of the federal district court, Tho court held that the ap plication of tho law would interfere with interstate, commerce. Tho decis ion, however, declared, tho statute valid us to cuiumercu within the stutc. AN OK SHERIDAN FOUND tt United States, I feel called upon to jour prompt action and firm atti MONDAY'S BAULE HAVANA. Mnreh 30. With the battle for the world's heavyweight championship Jess than one week nwny it is set for April f .lack Johnson nnd .Ics Willurd today be gan reducing their training routine. Willurd was so fit that he virtually laid off and planned no work uido from a walk and run of a few miles. The remainder of the day was spent in resting nnd sightseeing. Johnson took short sprints on the road and went through his regular public training in the stadium in the afternoon. Ilotb men sny that the elimnlio conditions of Havana hnvc helped them arrive at an edge quickly. The pugilists were examined and measured bv physicians against Inst night. Each man is said to be in splendid condition with regard to or gans' nnd muscles. One doctor said Johnson had the smallest henrt of any mnn he had ever examined. These latest measurements show that the champion is today heavier and moro muscled than when he was at Reno in 1010. Nevertheless Willnrd is the bigger man in nlmost every particular. LEGAL TO REFUSE SALEM- Or., March 30. An ordi nance forbidding women from fre quenting places where intoxicants me sold cannot be pronounced unconsti tutional on the ground that it inter feres with individual liberties of wo men citizens, according to a decisinu bv the supremo court today in the lease of E. V. Lnnghlin n. Tillamook City. The opinion wns a reversal of a decision by Circuit Judge Onlloway. Laughliii was engaged in the saloon business in Tillamook and was con victed in police court of violating mi ordinance by K'iinitting a woman to visit his place. He npiwalcd to tho circuit court and won ou (ho ground the ordinance wns unconstitutional. BOSTON, March 30. Willnrd C. Wullnce, known also as C. K. Hitch cox, charged with the larceny of money from bnnks at Vow Orleans Sun Francisco and Portland, Or. who was arrested last night us a fugitive from justice, swallowed p&isoh lit thrt city-prison today. He wnM taken to tho relief 'lospitnl, where it wns sold that death was only i) matter i i ,. ho-jis. He hud concealed the pt-i'oi-. in his clothing. Hitchcox is said by'tho police to have admitted to be the. mint wanted for defrauding banks by means of fraudulent drafts, u EASE ON TRAINING FOR LIQUOR TO WOMEN ENGLISH ACTRESS FINDS iHiL iflivmiu .C - tBBHHk M w " ; k '3HHH ' iRH r.itfMiiHfl HI VHHKMMb iGy Miffi!K? i (BH MBmHBIHB roW'V vi2i!? HHflllB mRHH -v-J Si(ri ' ,i ' JF ' MA J I HF ' ALt I Hr vHa. jf , , Hi flH V . 1 v Alexandra Carlisle, lovelic-t of (he KuglNh ingenues, is spending a "wartime" vacation in Aiuericn not in idlcm, to be sure, but in tour ing the country as John Drew's lending womnii. In Drew's icvivul of his old-time success lljs (nlwc plujs the role of the hcrtuue, l)nniUiy. ITALY EXPECTS NO IN CASE OF WAR HOME, March 30 The Olornale U'ltalla nays It connldera futilu tho discussion regarding alleged private negotiations hot fen tho Vatican and the Italian government concerning tho status of diplomats accredited to tho Holy See In caso Italy Joins tho war. Tho paper reprodurcs the law gov erning the prerogatives of tho I'opo J and the diplomats accredited to hint. together with tip) detmtu In parlia ment when the bill wns pasted to prove that It was designed to cover only times of pence. The prudenco of the men ruling Italy and those residing nt tho Vat ican, the1 Glomalfl D'ltallu nH, ren ders superfluous any dlncusslon. In times of war. It declared, tho Italian government would not hcultato to rc movo ambassadors accrrdlted oven to the Vatican without In so doing, how ever, attempting to Interfax) with tho Independence of tho pontiff, while tho Vatican certainly would not create difficulties for Italy In timo of, war. DOING ALL POSSIBLE 10 PJOIECT BORDER WASHINGTON. March 30.-T-PreIw dent Wilson told callers today that he believed the administration . was doing everything posslblo to protect Americans along tho Mexican border. A suggestion that General Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff of tho army, might bo sent to Urownsvllel to stop the fighting near tho border nt Mal moros, was-met with a atatomont by the president tbattuero wns no plan for that. Reported by Jackson County Ab tr&ct Co., Blxtb and Fir Bts. Circuit Williiim Tuveruei- vs. MarHlns K. King et ul,'ruiirn of summons. Kenneth H. Harnett vs. O.R, Chaf fee, et a!,, complaint, affidavit nnd undei taking for attachment. NOTICJ-l Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned tlll apply to tho city coun cil ut Its meeting to bo held April Cth, 1915, for a llcenso to soil malt, spirituous nnd vinous llquois lit quantities lens than n gallon on Its placo of business at 13 South Front street, city of Mcdford for a porlod of six months. C. J. G'AKSTBNS, Dated March 2 lib, 4915. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER , Lady Assistant ' 28 8. JIAIITI1" I'boncs.M, 7n(I -17-Ja Ambulance Service oner TROUBLE WITH POPE COURT HOUSEN EW PEA0E AND WORK IN U. S. AMERICAN REPLY TO GREAT TO WASI1I.NT.TON, .March 30. PrcM. dent Wilson announced today that tho American note to tlreat Hrltaln con cerning the order In council wa prac tlcally complete nnd would bo for wnrded to London within the noxt 2 I hours. The president told callers that tho text of the into will Imj mado public as noon as It has reached tho HrltUh foreign office. Out of courtesy to Croat Ilrltaln 'ho asked that thcro bo no speculation nbout Its contents un til It had been received In Loudon. No nolo will bo sent nt present lo Cermany regarding tho sinking of tht- American ship William V, I-'ryn by tho Herman converted cruiser I'rlnx Hltel Krledrlch. The president sub! the government had not jet re ceived all tho Information It desires concerning tho ownership of the car go of tho Fryo Mothers Tel! of Mother's Friend rrlf nro M or shout 1 tin our tst teacher. WnmMi who fuive obyiM thn lilclicni nml nobloitt of ull nicrinccii, tho atruvalu for I ho llfo of olliorn. atioulil linvo a bUr I Jon of helpful lnllUPMCii t Ii u ii tliniii) nliu thi-orlui from otr ntlon. At any rate when a prnspcctlvn tcraml- mnllicr urnos lur dnuKlitcr to do an ilia 1IJ to line "Moihi-r'3 I'rlinil," thuu N umpl.) reaaou to litllnvo It thu rlr.lit kind of ndvlcu. IU uitH)o In to furnlalt pliancy to the muxclei, to taku away tha atrulii on thu conlH unci tUumcrita, to rvlluvo thu tv.ii lon uf ncrvca and tendons t iipl to jirovoko or nKKrurato nauncti, jn()riiln nlckntHii, twllclilnui of tho Utah unit w: on. 11 Ik applied oxtenmll. Althouxli, In tho naturo of thlnm. n Woman would Una ".Mother's I'Moml" hut rarely, yet no cfTcctlvo has It tipon found that thl bplotnlM rrmt'dy Is on tuilu In moat drus atorrs throuRhout thu United Htutia. It han been prnriHl by Uradneld Iifsululor Co., 300 Ijnnar lllilif., Atlanta, (it., nud adyrrtUrd by ua for nvcr twenty ytura. Ak ut thu ilruK Moro for ji botlhi of "Molhi-r'n l-'rlend." U 1 worth Whllo, IT Theatre Monday-Tuesday Nights Photo I'litya , r The Golden Goose Two Part llronclio l'eaturo Producing A Nation's Pride Flying "A" Feature Madoina of the Poor Two Part Thanhatmor Cursed by His Beauty A KIp-roarliiK Koystono Comedy 0 mid l'Q corlW onfy, BRITAIN REP SEND DER GOLTZ BIB T BE K l " , i mirAiuiaT, :Ainrell 'J.V-1l0l(' I Marshnl Von Dor (loltx, the (lormnii nilllliuv coiuluunder of roiiHtaiitluo pic, Interviewed by tin) Adovortll, do dared tho defcimcn of tho Darda nelles had prh vliil nujro ttfoct!'o thu it hnd been oMiceted hhd that lu now would nfrirm that the hilled fleet would hot force u iitiHsaite. "Wn await a now iittnels Without fear," tho field marshal Is reported lo linvo averred. 'Tho moro idilps theor aro.Jhn llntler satisfied Wo will he. Tnrltlsh Industry bus bi'on wuf rlcleutly diivcloped to iiAIl'A flesh hrmj of'ROtf.000 which t will be easy to mob'llliio." "CoiiHtnnthiupIo (s calm nnd the sultan still Is In his llosphorus pal ace. Knver Pasha, mtulflter of war, Is most optimistic and we aro con Mured we shall win." Held Marshal Von Dor tiolt has left llucharcst for IIoillu. Aiinouureiiiiiut Hint Klohl Marshal Von Dor (Ipltr. had left Coustautl hiople tor Sofia, UulKurlu, was mndo from Athens, March '2d, Ills dopnr turn was believed to have an Impoit nut hearliiK ou tho developments In HOW FRENCH PEOPLE CURE STOMACH TROUBLE A hounohiild remedy of the I'ronch peainntry, coiisIsIIiik of puro cKctn ble oil, and said-to possess wondorful merit In tho trcatifient of stomiub, liver nnd Iniestlmtl lioiiblfs, has been Introduced In this country by Oconto II. Mior, who for twcnt years hnN been otic of the IcadluK dovsii'towii dniRRlitts of Chlcano nnd who himself was cured by Its use Ho quick nnd effective Is Its nrtlou that n sIiikIo dose Is usually enough to bring proiiouurud relief In tho most stubborn rases, and mnny people who hnvo tried It declare they never heard of anvthln? to produce such remark, nblo results In so short n time. It Is known us Mayr's Wonderful llcmedy nnd ctin now bn had nt all leading driiR stores. It Is sold with thn posi tive, undcrstntidltiK thitt your money will bo refunded without iiuestlon or quibble- If ONI) bottlo fall to ghu you nbKolnto satisfaction,- Adv, STAR Monday-Tuesday PARAMOUNT PICTURE Mr. Tesse Lasky PlinSKXTS Robert Edeson IS Where the Trail Divides 1'IVi: I'AUTH Afternou 2; IS Kvonliid 7 ' A Shine In ' ' Evory Ofi" Sot n sail today 'front your hardware or ero cqr.4alr WHEN YOU THINK OF TIRES THINK OF GATES VON W DARDAN AN FORGED mSLsVVvh -99i09Gllp-L B I ii USLslU il T f n H thu llnllcniii situation, which Is cnuii hut coni'uin In Turkey It hi evident that ho fltdppml (U lliKiiarnfit bit bin win to Unllln nfter leaving Roflft. CftOWH ihe Gasoline of Quoliiy THE PAGE Med ford's Lend Inn Thcnlcr Last Two Times ANNETTE KELLERMAN In-- Neptune's Daughter The Film Mnslcrpiece of the World in Suven Spectacular Paris Mniliico U p. in, Ktcnlnj; 7 o'rlork t AilmNkloii ync iner floors 1,'e Itnlfoiiy WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 Enst Main Stroot Mcdford Tho Only Exclusive Ooininercial Pliotographora in Southern Oregon Negatives fadu any time or placo by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rent T.. D. WESTON. Prop. uJJliiW'Nrarcst to Cverytlilnt" i HOTEL MANX M Powell St., at OTorrcll San Francisco In the heart of the business, shopping und theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious louby,fine service, and Homelike restaurant will attract you. fcuropean Plan rates $1.50 up. Managrmtnt Cliet V7, KcMty "Mtel Me al The :,tanx" ii g the viosoime I r c r ! I m or vumiyr i B You'll have Ics.t I M troulilc with vottr I M cmkiiio "iiiIsisIhk" f m or "stallhin" If "it J W use lcd t'rowil. A W Tlliit's liccnuso Ucl 1 Crown is uniform. m I There's power in M J every drop mill m I every (Iro )' the Jw I iunc, i.)calcr 15 everywhere. S3 I Stnndnrtl Oil M I Company f 1 (tAlllullll.) M 1 Mo.irmd Ja V fco