r --2' X PAJa irovn IxfTCmORD MATT) TRlBUNfi. MTCDFORT). ORTCCION, MONDAY, MATCOTr 20, 1915 mw&w, kv i f i Mkdford mail tribune AN INtM'HNn1NT NrtWSPAPRtl rUBIilMMK MXO MIS suroitD r iflVKUY iU'TKHNOON UNDAY HI" TUB XUITINll go. -Offlc Mftll Trllnmn Building. 15-S7-:9 Mdrlh Fir street; tclcphftttoffi. The IVmoorntlo Times, Tho Medford Mali, .Tho MeiUnnl Tribune, The Soutli irn Orcgonlnn, Tho Ashlnnd Tribune. mvraHonrrrton hateb Ono ypnr,,by mall 15,00 cHw month) by mall..... .80 IV r month, delivered by carrier In MfrAtord, I'hoonlx, Jscksonvtlls and Central 1'olnt .-.. .SO tutiy.oiiiy, by mall, per ycnr 3.00 Weekly, pnr -yenr 1.E0 Offlclnl Paper of thfe City of Medford JOHIelnl Paper of Jackson County, HAtetcd an sccoml-clnss matter at Mefnrd, Orcson, under the not of March tifit 8 worn Circulation for 1914, 2RSS. in rtill leased wlro Associated Press dispatches. r Subscribers falling to recelro papers promptly, phone Clrcu- lalien Manager at 2G0R. . t fJfos&$ GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OP RAILROADS -Sff ti "It usually taken a young fellow four or five .years to find out that tho ''chicken" business doesn't pay," LAUGHS Selective Method "Is your client koIiir to plead Insanity?" "f haven't decided," replied the lawyer. "Ho wants to look tho ground over and sea which Is the easiest to escape front, tho prison or tho aBylum." nirmlngham Age- Herald. M in rirrtcHities "How's tho family?" a fond par ent was asked. , "Well, my children arc at a diffi cult ago now." "Difficult? Why, they're all pass ed tho measles and teething stage, havo they not?" "Long ago. But you don't know a father's troubles. My children are at tho ago where, it I use slang, my wife says I'm setting n bad exam ple, and if I speak correctly the lclds think I'm a back number. Which would you do?" i Wanted: A Man Mistress Why, Mary. Isn't this your Sunday afternoon out? Aren't you going for a walk this lovely day? Mary I'leaso, mam, I'd rather stay In. You see, most of tho people out on a Sunday Is couples and I don't llko to bo conspicuous. Lon don Punch. Needed Inspiration The witness In a law caso waB an old country-woman, and her reply to overy question wa3, "I Jhlnk so." Finally counsel became, angry. "Xow, lookjhere!" ho said. "Stop that thinking business and answer my questions!" "Ah," said tho witness, "you will havo to 'sciia mo! 1 ain't llko you lawyers. I cant talk without thlnkln'!" In Sky Terms Ho rls aviation very expensive? Avlalrlco-Why. yes cxpenso Is very high. UNDOUBTEDLY tin- noxt pmiHssue before tlu tropic of tho nation will bo government ownership of rail roads. Tho financial condition of tho railroads is proof that private ownership has broken down. .Financial and railroad influence has broken down gov ernment regulation and the interstate oonnnoreo commis sion is becoming an instrument, not of relief to shippers and consumers, but for the guarantee of profits for rail roads. "When Bryan declared for federal ownership in 1900 ho was abused, maligned and ostracized. Now tho rail roads themselves are for government ownership to avert bankruptcy many of tho railroad magnates aro openly advocating it. Bryan was in advance of his time. Transportation exists primarily for the benefit of the public rather than for the creation of dividends or finan cial exploitation by masters of "Wall street. To avoid economic waste it, like ethor- public utilities, should bu a monopoly, but a government monopoly. Government regulation has served its purpose by end ing the era of unfair discrimination, chocking criminal in flation and exploitation, curbing waste and extravagance, and providing equal rights to all. But the financial and economic construction of the railroads is such that manv of thorn cannot maintain tho waste of competition and pay interest upon intlated capitalization in lean years. .Mon opolv is necessary to eliminate this waste, and monopoly of public utilities is intolerable unless controlled bv the state. Tho railroads have proven too powerful for regulation. The interstate commerce commission cannot, or at least has been unwilling to, adjust tho rates to cripple tho rail roads by squeezing out the water, and as long as dividends must be paid on speculative and promotive water, rater wil continue to go up. In other words, tho regulated is becoming the regulator. Relict! for tho public can only bo secured by government ownership. COl'NTV COl'IlT PHOOKKlHNtiH. .tntittnty tilt ft 'IVrni The following Is u schedule of ox pondlturos of Jackson county, Ore iton, together with tho Usl ,ut clulm nnts and articles or sc-rxicn for which claim Is ntntlc, nittl which wuro, passed upon nt tho January, IJMIi, term of tho county court for Jncttnon county, Oregen: Comity nirt and OtnintlsHtpncrs Jas. M, Cronontlllcr stamps $ ,'Ju Charles 11. Hay. probation of ficer's salary nnd expense . Ho, 05 Home Telephone nnd Tele graph Co.. tqlephone hill . C.7S MotUord Sun, printing county court proceedings 12S.70 Med ford Mall Tilliune. print ing county court proceed ings .. . Ul.firi .Medford Kurntturo & Hard ware Co., desk for county judge .... . .. S".nO A, K. Itenmes, legal advice .... 1S0.00 Horuo Hlver Valley Hallway Co., freight on supplies. . ..13 P. I.. Ton Velio, county Judge salary . . 150.00 W, C. hoover, commissioner's compensation 30.00 Frank H. Madden, commis sioner's compensation 30.00 WOMAN WHO SUED tho overhead Kcouoiiilcal "Snogglcs says tho principal, rea son ho mnrrlod Miss Dlllyuns was that thoy would have so much in common." "Surof Her money." '1 ANARCHISTS TRIED FOR MAKING BOMB NEW YORK, March 20. -Frank Aljarno nnd Curmine Caihone went on trial in tho supreme court hero today on tho chargo u making u bomb nnd ihigin'' it in St. 1'utriuk'n cathedral March '2, when 700 worshippers were ut their devotions in the edifice. In-dii-ntionK Were Hint little timo would ho lo$t4in.,8elM'tr the jury. i pi'ciui squud of detectivcH was stationed in the criminal court build ing io hcrutiniio anarchists and other rumeiiiK wjiu migiu cuuiu iu imcnu un. (rial. The special sessions court room was, guarded. The detectives Jmil outers to halt nny man who nt tonptcij to entry into tho building u iriokap of siispccjed, nppenrance. The ilefenso holds that tho two men wrfro vjwtimi of a police "frnmo-up" fiiid (lint tho vlioo plot wnu conepet wl by i iJotMljvo, wlio obtained jhoitofmfiilnnee and who wng chiefly imt'uniei)ln.l iu their urr(t. OSBORN ADMITS NEVER- SAW HIM NEW YORK. March 29. Miss Itac panzer, a milliner who filed a $50,000 damage suit against James W. Os borne, former assistant district at torney of New York, went on tho arm of a new lawyer today to tho office of United States District Attorney Marshall and took back everything she said recently Identifying Mr. Os borne as the man who courted her under the name of Oliver Osborne. Hoforo Mr. Marshall would tako her btatcment ho prepared a waiver of immunity for her to sign. Sho affixed her name and her signature was witnessed by jter new counsel, Harold A. Spcllburg. Then sho sat down in tho oftico of Assistant Dis trict Attorney Wood and began to tell her story. It was said sho would bo at It all afternoon. Miss Tanzcr, according to her law yer, simply made a mlstako in iden tifying James W. Oshorno as Oliver Osborne, her admirer. 'No ono clso was to blame for her error, Mr. Spcllborg said; the firm of Slade & Slade, the lawyers who represented her, wcro In no way Involved. Friends of James W. Osborno claim that ho has been made the victim of a conspiracy to discredit hint and ex pect that other names will be drawn into tho investigation. Assihtnnt District Attorney Wood, who enme from the examination room ntl o'clock, hiiid Miss Tanzer in sisted that Iter net in conneotiiij: Jns. W. O'fiorno with the citso wan an honest mistake. Mis Tunzer told Mr. Wood that she hernmo aware of hor miftuke lnl Thursday. While sjie was sitting in tho office of United Slate Coinmis sinner Houghton awaiting the sign ing of her bond, she said, Mr. Opbonie came in nnd she saw him "under n strong light" for the fiit time. When sho realized her error, Miss Tnnzer said, her first iinptilso was to tell fommisHioncr Houghton. An" in terruption prevented her fiom doing so, mid she lold hor brother when sho went home. Her borthcr then told Mr. Speilberg. PROGRESS ON LI , REPORTED BY FRENCH PAWS, March 20, Tho French war office today gave out a report on the fighting of yesterday, which lends: "In the region of Ypres n German observation post was blown up by tho French with u mine. At Epargcs thu Germans- attempted to regain the trenclieH Jost by them Murch 27. Af tor n violent struggle tho French gniiiH oil tho wholu wero maintained. Tho Germans obtained u footing in li tow sections, of their old trewhcH, hut on th other hand tho French made piogresf at many points." NO ONE WANTS DUKE OF ORLEANS ASF N MAN PAKIS, March 20. The French government has refused the request of the Duko of Orleans that he be granted permission to onlit in the foreign legion under nn nssumed nnme, says the Fmneni-e in nn nr ticle which deals nt length with his efforts to obtain service under thu flag of his country. Early iu tho war he sought to buvo amended the law passed in 18S0 forbidding him to inter France or serve in the nrmy. He agreed to restimo his exile if per mitted to fight, but his efforts were fruitless. After the French refused to accept his services as u soldier he sought to enlist in the Hritish, Helgiau nnd Huh sinn armies, but the military author ities of those countries out of cour tesy to the French government refus ed to accept him. He then updated to Premier Vivi nni for the right to enter tho foreign legion, but tho premier held that such n step vtlfti impracticable, for he would be sure to be recognized and the government compelled to expel him from France under the law di rected ngninst members of former French reigning families. M. Vivinni is said to have suggested nt the same time, however, that he again try to cnlcr tho Hussinu a nny, promising to in form tho ltussiau government through the nmhnssador at Petrognid tlfat France would raise no objections to the duko serving Kussiii. The re ply from Petrogrnd is reported to have been u polite refusal of the re-quctit. E SI'OKANK, Wn March 20, A flro early today partially destroyed tho Mohawk building In tho' ccntor of tho business section hero and caused n Iobs estimated in excess of 200,000. Tho four upper floors of tho struc ture wore burned out. Three women sleeping in the building wero rescued by Ircmen. Ono woman wns. low ered by a ropo to a life net. NOTICK ' Notlco Is horeby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil at Its meeting to bo held April Gth, 1915, for a llceuso to sell, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon on Its place of business at 13 South Front street, city of Medford for a period pf six months. O. J, CAIISTKNS, Dated March 24th, 1915. Jo Jin A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant S8 8, BAItTLKTX Phones M. 47 and -17-J3 Anibuluuc Service Coroner ro9.nu nr,.io 2.70 2.00 1.80 1.50 42. SO r.,so 'J.IO 2.05 1.50 1.50 5.00 Total 1 CUcult Court. Fred Day, witness Home, Telephone nnd Tele graph Co.. telephone MIL . O. M. Murphy, circuit court expense Charles Print, witness Will C. Smith, witness Total . , Justice (urt Scott lloyer. constable fees.... John Calvin, witness ..... Henry d. Dox. Justice fees J. K. IMoll, witness .. John Hals, witness A. It. Hammond, constable fees A. II. Hammond, constable fees T. H. Johnson, witness A. It. Irwin, constable fees A. U Irwin, constable fees A. I,. Irwin, constable fees 0. 11. May, witness Mrs. Jack O'Connor, witness.. A W. Thomas. Justice fees .. A. Thomas, Justice fees.... K. S. Turner, witness O. O. Taylor, Justice fees W. J. Uhltnan. witness O F. Wertz, Justice fees J. II. Whipple, witness Total Sheriff's Office Jas. M. Cronemlller. stamps.... Oarnett-Corey Hdw. Co.. sup plies " Home Telephone and Tele graph Co., telephone bill.... Jacksonville Post, supplies .... Medford Hook Store, supplies Postal Telegraph & Cnhlo Co., n1nf.rftm WfcH. Slngler sheriff's salary 333.33 W. II. Slngler. siieritt s iraT- ellng exponso w it Kinder, stamps Western Union Telegraph Co., telegrams L. H. Wakcnlan. premium on sheriffs process bond Total ,. .f . .1 5',l5'!i,J Clerk's Olfico Tl.i.lmnf Jt. Pn.. SIIDIllIeS I'J.IJU Jas. M. Cronemlller. stamps.. p. h. Coleman, deputy ntre.... 0. A. Gardner, county cierh s salary G. A. Gardner, oxpenso ui- tondlng meeting ai ron lnnd v O. A. Gardner, casn auvaucea for stamps Glass & Prudhontme Co., sup plies .. Medford Printing Co., print ing v.-"' Medford Hook Cloro, supplies Hoguo Hlver valley uauwoy C!o.. freleht City Drug Store, supplies K, It, Peterson, pfflco ex- poitso, school supervisor .. 13.06 J. P. Wells, sthnlps ta.00 J. P. Wells, express on sup Piles , .... . u ..,,M 1.03 J. P. Wells. HnpTuiittmlont'H truvelhii) onpuiimu . . ,. 50.00 Total ... , w,il2Mri i l'rnlt Inspector's Office J. i Allken, deputy riult In. spoclor's salary , . 21,00 J. C, Altktjn, deputy fruit u- Bpectorji expense . 2 1,00 4l..k.tl.v 1I.....I... t..t .. iijiiiv iiviiiiuisiiu, Minor in ) ratnoiORisi ortlco, Hoc. M'll 2;,,oo Myrtle. Ilendemou, labor In Pathologist's office, Nov. 1011 25,00 I. It. Kline, deputy lnsHctor's snlnry 30.00 I, It. Kline, deputy Inspector's expense .10.00 J. W Myers, Inspector's ex pense . i (.00 J. W, Myers, Inspector's sal- ary . ... .. 33.00 12. H.Oatmau, deputy Inspect or's salary 21.00 K. It. Oatiunn, deputy Instwct- or's expeiiHo 21.00 Albert Pankey, deputy In- spoctor'H salary 30.00 Albert Pankey, deputy In- spootor's expense 30.00 Total , $319.0(1 Assessor's Office W. 11. Ilowen, extending taxes 00.00 Chauncey Plorey, deputy hire 100.00 W. T. Grlevo, assessor's sal ary . 125.00 Katlo M. Grieve, deputy hire 65,00 W. T. Grlevo assessor's trav eling expense til 00 W. T. Grieve, stamps . . . 10.60 Glass & Priidliniiime Co., sup plies for assessor's office . S.30 Home Telephone uud Telo graph Co., telephone bill ti.10 Medford Printing Co., print ing supplies. fill, 75 Medford Hook Store supplies 21.95 Clinton Purkeyplle, extending taxes . 27.00 Htta Purkeyplle, deputy hire C5.00 Leslie StauMcll, extending taxes 00.00 George W. Hal.er, premium on assessor's bond 15.00 9.10 H.75 2.25 1.02 07.00 10.00 14. SI 75.00 30.20 70.00 250.00 20.70 10.00 19.00 1.75 8.75 .45 1.75 Total Treasurer's O.ftlce Jas. M. Cronemlller, treasur er s salary Jas. M. Cronemlller, ucsk tor treasurer Jas. M. Cronemlller, extra ne- puty hire ........ Home, Telephone apd 'Uo uranh Co.. telephone bill. .. Jacksonville Post, supplies. . .. L. E. Wakeman, premium on treasurer s tax bond Total CotoiiciN Office Prank Daw, watching body of Hubbard, ilcceuaeii B. K. Bads, Inquest witness.... Bads Transfer & Storage Co., unto hire, Inquest of A. t. Hubbard H. C. Hubbard, inquest wit A. E. Kellogg, coroner's fees A. B. Kellogg, coroner'B fees A. B. Kellogg, coroners ices W. A. Mcssncr. coroners Juror Bd .Miller, coroner a expense, B. II. Porter, coroner's physl- clan It. W. Pollnltz, coroner's phy sician .. Sunt L. Sundry, coroner s wit ness P. G. Thayor, coroner's physi cian II. J. Trowbridge, Inquest Juror .1412.20 100.00 5.00 125.00 2.50 3.00 115.00 .$380.50 2.50 1.00 25.00 2.10 40.06 12.80 9.20 1.00 2 50 5.00 5.00 2.30 5.00 1.00 W. II. Watt, Inquost Juror 1.00 i.'. m. Wilson, inniicut Juror.... 1.00 Total $130.35 School Supcrlntedent'K Office The Argus, printing Jas. M. Cronemlller, stamps.... A. II. Chuso, supervisor's sat nry - A. It, Chasq, supervisor's of fice expense ., Home Telephone and Telo graph Co., telephone bill.... Harry Johnson. Janitor work.. Medford Printing Co., sup plies t Medford Hook Store, supplies K. It. I'otorson, supervisors nalary IS. I. Peterson, office ox-, pepso f Roguo Itlvor Valley Hallway Co., freight , , J. Percy Wols, supciintena- ent's salary Mayo I), Wells, deputy hire,,. 18,55 120.00 3.71 9.95 2.50 21.00 42.25 120.00 11.14 .55 150.00 38,25 City Drug Store, supplies 9.55 Total $094.99 AsMssiuent anil Cnllettlon of Taxes P. L. Coleman, labor on de linquent tux list . O. It. Harper, labor In tax de partment, sheriff's office .. Geo. W. linker, premium on sheriff's tax collecting bond 1.50 Sl.00 50.10 ..$132.50 ! ! Total Widow's Pensions Brnestlno Austin Nellie G. Hush Itena W. Hnrr Orphn lletts l'rlntha A. Hlackburn - Anna L. Corutn Mrs. 11. A. Crelghton Lucy May Davis May J. Daw . Ollvo Bills .... Nettle Green .. Lizzie Heath . Jennie Jones .. Mrs. I. . Cox ,...,', Dolly Lovo .'.' Amanda McNcnl Bstnlla Nelson Mary E. Payno Emma Pnulsson Cathcrlno E. Silver Laura E. Stewart Mary J. Torey Total f 487.60 Court House, M. B. Abbott, supplies Jacksonvlllo Post, supplies . J. A. Norrls, Janitor's salary.. Hoguo Hlver Valley Hallway Co., freight on supplies .. Taylor-WlltlaniB Co.. supplies J. W. Wilson, cleaning court room City Drug Store, supples. . 17.60 to. no 10.00 10.00 32.50 10.00 17.50 26.00 40.00 17.50 25.00 25.00 17.60 17.50 32.50 20.00 40.00 17.50 25.00 17.50 35.00 35.00 S.CS 1.25 C0.00 2.17 .05 12.00 7.50 Total Jail i:miino California-Oregon Power Co., HghtB .' Garnott-Corey Hdw. Co., sup plies i ? Mrs. Jane Johnston, washing for Jail . ... J. W. Koblnson medical at tendance to Inmates . Hoso It. Slngler, board of nrlsonors Taylor-WIIIIams Co., supplies J. W. Wilson. Jailer's salary Mrs. J. W. Wilson, board of prisoners Mrs. J. W. Wilson, matron . . rstv nmif Store. autiPllcs.. . Dr. It. E, Golden, profession- al services to Jail Inmates 15C.00 92.22 14.45 3.75 22.55 20.00 1 25.80 1S.70 50.00 16.05 C0.00 20,80 $507.10 . 10.00 20.00 14.75 Total - Ctoro of Poor II. Alger, regular Indigent . M. L. Baldwin. Indigent ul- lowance for M. P. Huldwln Welborn llecson, lumber nnd wood for poor farm . . -Bagtey Canning Co., poor farm supplies ... Bllne Curry, regular nd gen gronflll & Hobnett, Indigent supplies ""'''" California-Oregon Pw,r Co.. light and powor for poor J. H?Pnno7."''poor"fann 'sup- Pouts" Grocery S7 IndlKonl supplies .. "VViii" Mrs. B.C. (lard, care of Mil- S- fllllllf ...m Catherine Gillette, regular In- Granite Clt'y"llospItal, care of GannKoroy"'H'iwV'Co'.,;po'or farm supplies ;- Garnott-Coroy Hdw. Co., poor farm siipplICH ...... j. p. Hart, county physician's Hubbard BTosV.'poor'VaVm'suJ.- piles "' W. T. Houston, poor 'supplies " Holdrldgo Bros., poor Holmes Bros., indigent sup- M plies 10.98 8.00 20.00 farm farm 3.90 10.00 35.00 25.05 115,00 15,00 10.00 23.75 0,00 5,25 40.00 1.35 8.00 5.00 P. II. HamTton, Indigent sup- piles ". TVi" Mrs. Hudson, regular Jndl- HuTchlon & '"Lumsdoir'Vndft'- (Continued tomorrow,) sjuMMONR ran pubmoation in ronnoLoaunn or tfx i.inr. Ill III eliTilll court or the Hlnln nf ,Or'Hnu fei1 .liielisoit Cuiiiilv, '.iHolisiin't'miniy, Oiehnn. Plnlnllfr. VA IViry I'ostit, K HWiillHell. ,Mli ll Willi )-, H. .1. Austin, l' It lli-iit ilMli'V, Mis I. if HllNllllKll. T I'. Hlll.V , II I) HllUKN, J. I' IMM't, R I Orwrx. Ilelii-ccii KkkIi' MUM, Ullllllll' KlIMIH'l, I.IK'lllllll HlllllllUl Itst , Mis. .Mlnlild (lunu, A IIiIhIIiiuk. Oseur IlinilM, J. I., Mulmil. II. A. Mtilli iuvh, Mis ItnliH'lhi .Milnki'tN, ('Imllnlti' lMlton, J T hliwvi'i, W. II. Holiislil. Ilinvy Mllvei, W. IS. Vmi Vneim. .Iin; s WnlliKi', .1 I, Hiiiimi, LUxlo iloiiillow, II. W. Kliii'ivw, .lumiis O'l.'iiinn'l. .Inlin IVI IIiik. Miirv VIcklrM. l I' lliilelilnl. ' It, I'lOHHcr, Plnl ISilmlll. tJeitrs" l.i'IS, Win Nelsiin, U K ItPiiilt'l', J. ,M, lleeli, A. . IS. Hliuilli. .' M WiTls. WeHtiTii Cluv eoiupiiiiy. .1 I) WliiH'i- ISnI . M. I, Wlllllioy, V l '",".v'.'.' J.0.' ."ndxe. V. U .IniiiH, U I". Wind. H Welisli-r, .1 ,.l Keir. Mlssiilirl Valley eeinpitiiy. II. I'. ltnlmi.ll. II II Hlilpp. tllUer Islii'V. tliHiniiin Hi'linilills. 15 I' A.K.JIrs Iiiiiii, r K. 'dirtnii, I'runifM' Unillieis. Hllns ridtiliiK. J I. .Piirtlfii. Hi'cniii MlnlliK vmniHiliy II. L. HtleKM. HO lleiilnon, K A. HnlllH's, J. 11. Mcl'iilllH ter. U, .1 felillelili'l. I' M iVllters, I. I'lilvii' KmI .1.. . I lui Hot .liilm ItllHi't' A KSle. !. 1J. linilCli. Liniise t iiirnn. Mrs liui.llev J II IttniRitn. H P Until ner. II. U KiHleiK.in. II. ivllel. V I.. Tliiitlliin. J J. I'm lee. II ItiinMelil, numniiel KIiik. Victor Keeli, A l' il .linn, It M t'niltli. II. II. )tt. M H liilm. V l. J. .Moure. Tlins Hue Tlmlier I'n ISnlerlulsi. .Mlulnit l'.. Tlios llitiiHHi.l. K'. .M HiiHtli. II. II Alldn. .V r AtnisliKMU. Mm I it 1 1 l-Sxt , I'nlrlek MeMiilien. Onu. I'onsnltiliileil Mini's i'n. Mr .1 K lleM' l II Tliniiilisiin. Trail l.uiuliur Co. Jnmi' Voiiiib. I.uuls AiIiuiih. It N. Iliiller It W I'urild'. I trm V 1'lnrli. Cnrile K Imniiiii. lle I. Davis. D W Duv Win IMhIi-i, lli'sttr Unllunnv. II I Unrnitt II II. HiilH". It.-u IIiimiihihI KM J ,M llniiiinl. .Inlin Ktllliuiii. W Koxsi-r. I XV Lux Inn, A. I'. Liiwri'iiee liilllf l.llln I XV. l.iMlielHtil Jnch .Xlurtlll, M. H Metiil own. X.'llli M H' Miirlln MoDiiniuiKli. A It llimir IlilMiir I'.utlrrv. I'.-M HikInIit .Xliirtlm I'nwcll. ,Mur A Pi re .1 I lliil.l. Mntiel Humir. U Heliollll llliirlloril.,lleskli' HI.'i'Ulil I' A HlllltU. Jnlni !' Nteplieiismi Jnlm T 'IMrnt iluM.-y Vltivcnt. xX'r.'Us Airnsl unit Killlli Ore. J J Murplix. K II Hlmiinm". tl. XX". N'li'linl". N H. XXVIeli. N D llrn. pliy. T. R llnl'erts. H ''.Conk t'rlrtl Unrdnii, (lnu'c .Mm tin, Murle N t'lileli. Il.lt S'lielilnn, ll.'ii HiiMMiiiiil list.. Mrs J. N T. Mlllpr, It II Dunn. John D"e In llllllli' titikmixvii. It M liwpfller'ltil anlH To Hie iiImiXd iuiih'iI ilef.'inliiiilH. illnl I'lieli of yutl III llir Nnme nf III" Hlutn ( Oreunn You iiit lieii'li! nutlfleil ttmt Jiirhs.iu County. OrvMtni. tlie linMr i.r llm Cor tltlCHU'N nr Drllllipi-lioy her'lllifler set nut iiiul iiuiutierrtl, iiml Issiieil ns lii'ii'lu afliT srt foilll li Hie Ia cttllretur f tin- mild cngnty nf Jnehwin, utiiln nt iije Kllll. flllT tin' lllllnillll Ili'lolim'tiT iIhhIU nnteit. I lie mime Ih IMS' tin- HilliMIKl llti'ii itili. iiml il'lliuiui'ht for tsxes for the i-sr IDUs, touetlirr with penalty Inter vf. ana cods ilieremi upon the real nrnp'TH b.sihI to you unit iscli nr ...... ,.r wi.l.'h vmi ii r I lit- nwii.'l lis tiiilieiirs or r.'Cnrit. tlie m.Hi! proiMTix ! Inu slluitleil In "rtlil count) ami sliiie unit the nsine of tin' liersmi to wliom HRNeHeit. the itiserlilloii or milil pre is'rly mill I In niniiiint ttl th.'i.'.ni Ih-Ihk In lir Hiinls unit fl"ls ns fnllnw", tn ll luMinl AliKllsl 1 IU 1 1 Nn. ITJ4. I'eri Kotr. south X of KWi,. Ni: ."tXX'ii less 10 iicrfs "itit. sec Unit 4 t!i. 3S, II I XV. neirs ISO. t.ltr Hi lift ..-imllv tl (in. Inl.c t . till cniitM Re, mini tuv nlitlly, Interest mill ".Vn V;j. a Hvan.'H. Hi: NIV'i. see tl. ni SJ It S XV iieren til luxrs II :. pennlty 13P. Inlerrst HSe eoiils Sue Inlnl tttx. penult). Inti tent unil rout ,:N?i I7S9. Mr II. Wnlkir. HXV HXV, NW.U or NXVIi. se 11. Ii!i 1. It i XV.. ucreit SO, taxes 11 '. Ih-iihIIV I.e. In terest I: ID. cdhIs Knc tnlnl lux. s unity. InliTist uml cost "' . , -. , No. I Jin H .1 Allslln. ! N Bl iler l nilii, XV S00 f'-et from l ti)9 I fe.it N unit ill.tt feet XV tf NXV rnr i I. t. tssp 39. It. I 11. H J6 ili'K 55 mln XV 131.1 feet N D ili'K 16 mln. W 100 fesl. etc.. Iileii I.MSt, IM'iiiiltV tS.H. Illtetel ttATS, cost Sflc. Inlnl tux, ("'natty. In IrreHl unit cnt 113 J No 1731 I It lleiirilnli-v. Nti lot 3 hlk 9 Asliliiml. tuxis tit l. ivinill! 15. U. Iitli'iit IIS 31. omln M)e. Inlnl lux iiennllv Intcrewl mill cul tIJSI Nn. Ii32, Mrs U l lliishnll, ll.ll.' Wi'iv Ail.l XV V4 N'n't HX'. tXVV, 'e II lU'n TJ It I I!. IIITVH S. IllIl'H 12 72 li.'iiully 27, Inli'icut II. M. tsmln ft 0c (mill lux. is'imlt). Int.'rcl nn.l (list l 31 Nn 1731. T. I Hr., XV tt Hi: Hi:, nnit I nrre uilj sre II. ii aw. u i . ucren SI. IkXPN 113 (I. penult)' 1131. In terest IM9. rusts &r, total lux, prnult). Inieresl sml rout fS3 KH. Nn 1738. It D lltUisw. Ill 10 tilths I" nn.t a .-liH N of HXV cor. nt NXV, of NXV i, of It CM elm N 19 ili'K mm XV S22 clis. H. 19 .!.:. IT. mln XV Hl71 cIin. cimlulnlim- ueres w, nee r,. ip an It. I IS. nixes $:t in, penult) 12 & I. lu I. Text tlil.35. conIh Be. Inlnl lux. pen nlty. inteii'si unit cost 111.19. , V.. I?lrt I' tilt.. AHlilnx.l Vlllli- HI.' 12 sere IhiiikIiI of l. XV Olls'h. tiixei 111,22. is'iiuity lit..i. iniiTt'Ki i.i'J. coniii Rue. lutul tux. iieiiull). Intt-rest it ml cohI 179.17. .. No. 1711, It ' l)rry. Leg on It line HXVH sir. II, 21 elm. XV of cor l.el (h-o II nml 21 N. 5.31 rlis. XV 9 5S elis tn NXX" cor. ItellevlfW neln ul Iioiih... see II. IWp. 39. It. 1 IS, iiete 6. tuxes 2 III iM'iinlly 2tc. Interest II B3. couls 50c lotul tnx. iM-nnlty, Inli'icut uml (hi f 1.67. Nn, 1712, Helnk-cii Kb1i Html. Aslilutnt It. II. Ail.l lots 21. 2.', till, , luxes 12159, penally IM, luletesl Il3.k2 costs 5Ac, inial tux, penalty, Iiii.tiaI uml cosls I3S.U7. No t75. l.!Hlitl I nrmer, Im-ic. 10 If. elis N uf cor, com, to s.ch. id mnl tlef. 53 mln. IS Ul rhs N IH.55 cits tn center county roii'l thence It 1.30 clis XV I.Cii elis, H, 11.05 ch" s-r. II. l!vp .19 II I H. luxes 13 20, penult)' 32c. lu Icrest 12.01. costs 60c, lutul tux, iiull). Interest nml con! lO.UtS Nn ITtii. I.iielnilu (Inlnnnl ISsI , N' of HXX'i,, sen 15, twp. 37 II. I XV. liens kli, tuxes $9.53, pi'iiilll) 9in, Ittletesl icon, costs toe, mtiii tux. pi null), lu ll, rest nml cost 117.07 , 7 No. 1717, Mrs .Xlliulle flnno, Home- sltitil Asn.i. 'lot. Iijt 10, sol I ttlsti-lft NiK.S, tuxes IfiOl, liciinll) 60. Inti'M'Sl 3 31, costs K0e tnlnl lux, pfiiiilty, In Icresl nml 'dm I ,1'J.l'J NO I7R2, A HiiHllllKS. lies. R1 131. sec g, tn. '19'l. It I K, IIIXIS li(0 32. 'll- slty 12 03. Interest l3.uo. cosis 40c, lutul lux, iionult), Interest mm enst 135 85 Nn, 1733. Oseur Jlnnts, llninisltnil An kii. luntl on K. CiilU HI.. Aslilmnl. ties C2-39. sclinnl illnlrlcl No 5. luxes J) tt 1C peiuilly G3L-. Interest 1107. ciinIs 60l intul lax, I'l'imlty, Inleiesl uml, cost ".N'l'h'lWl. J. L. Miilrnn, Nt! or.NWi sec. IT, tyi 30, Jl. I '. 'teres 10, luxes 15,10, piiiiullt' 52c, Interest 13 S2. costs 60i), lotul tuxes, pciinlty, Inienxt mnl cost 19.53. ... i . : .' . No, J755. IS. A. MnlliflWS. Ashlund, .MallinwH Adit, lots i. I0j liixiis I3.HI, penntly 3c. Interest f2 tT. Vosls 60o loal lux, iii'iiully, Interest unit cost No. 1756, Mrs, lloiiicl ii Muiilterij. f M acres out of iles. 15.512. tuKtis 60.i, pnnulf) 15.00, Inlcri'st 3 00, costs 5t)e, Inlnl lux. nenulty, liitimsl mnl cost No. ' W6K, Clinrlolte Pel ton, Ashluiul.j on 7 unu . iiik. iw. im i ". i" : nl y, II.S7. Interest W.I2. costs i BOc ,t tul lux. penalty, Inleiesf nml cost IV-'-SI.. tin. 1781. . I T Hnwyer. II. it. Ailil Pits .1. 4. blk. H., luxes IUK, luiiiiiltV 11.77, Interest 111.37.-cost "." I"x' penalty, Interest ami cost t.ll.U. Nn, ITOIi. XX" II Hulietlit. AsliUuiil Ailil, Int .hlk Ii. luxes 1 1 HI. petmliy ;ti', iileii'S.,iJ, I'lislH R!lr. Iiilul tu, ciisls, inntiill! uml In ert'si 7 I? .,, ...,.,. Nn ITHI. Ilnfiy Hllyer. HU of NV , see N. (vi :U, II, I XV, ml. I HI! nt NIUS. hit i. iwp :m. II. I W: ui'ies ISO. luxes 7i)H, puiiiltv Mc. Inlciest Kill, costs f.nr Inlnl (tin, peniill!. Inlili'sl nml cnsl "nu" lit", W. Ii Van Vuetni'. .slilnml It II. Xilil. Ivil 'J. I'll. II.. isxns 118.411, penult) l tl. Inleiesl III7K, inslM.Riic, It lal Mx iiiiult, Int. n si mnl cost ' n'h, 1771 Ini'les Walker. Iwn linilSi'H uml liunl tuU tVslel lutul mi iioilh mnl Hmi uilii.t oil isisl. tnxi's $1X2 OH. iii'iiully IB 'JO luteii'st 113 Tl costs (US'. Inlnl tux, llfllillU. Illlelesl uilil cost l' III. ' No ,771. ,1. I. Mrnwii. NK of HKM unit HIS of Nl'.'i. "'.' i 111.,l'i' K. neri'H Si' lux's III 81. peiiiiliy II. l. Illli list li.H7, costs Mie. lotul lux, pell nil!, Iiileltsl mnl en"l Iti'JI'i .,,,, No. 1777. I.lssle llunilln!! Nlfc or NJXMt uml NXV or NISVt. s.Tj fo, twp, S3, It a IS, liens lao. tnx.s tii HI. in null) IJ.tl, liileresl I7M. costs Mlc Inlnl InX, pi'll. IlltV. Illlefesl mnl enst UML . ..., No, I77S. tl. XV ICIniM!!, HP) of NUXl. see no i ii u is It 2 li, acres to, tuxwi Itl 13, point II v Vie, inleiesl h. eosls ROc InlHl Isx. psimll! Inlrrrsl mnl islst llil.au. .Son ITHI. .inin.'H ivdninrl, NU of Kit, Stl. XK, tl!i. .11, A. 1 li, ucies 100, iHHen 112 ill piiiall! 11 : Inli'ii'Sl IM 'a, costs .Xilf, Inlnl lux, lii'imll), Interest nll'l cost 7 Kit, Nn liSt. .Inillt's I'ellliiK. H" nf MXX'Ct,. sen .11. IMP .11. II I It, ni'les u. tXH ItO.lii. lieitalt) tl 07, IllUr.'Hl in.!J, ceAls An tntiil lux. pi'iinlh, isists nml Inter est till 07, Nn I7M. Mary Ntckei n, KH of SUM, see tl UXi, 3S, It. I It Mr MO, Aih4 17 VI. penult.! itir. Ititeiftl It, 9. emlti r.iio, inial tux, pi'iMlty. Inleitiii ufnl enst ".Nn. IJST. M P llnlclihir NU nt N'ltti. sec 2H, tlip, 11. It 3 IS, HOPS W. Isss 1120. itelially tj,'. Jtilrrest, KII, iswts ROc. Inlnl IhX, ii'n!l , Inleiesl shil cost Nn 171.1 O It Clilwr, XX" nf HUM, VM, ur HU'li. . I Hti IK It I It, UL'leS KH. IS"'S ll'l .'I. iwnnll) II 02, III. ICi.M IS XX cwla t,ttc, Inlnl lax. peiinlly, llll.'letl nml cost IIS.SI . .... Nn WOO. .Cietl ISiIshII. RXX nf HXVti. M'c 13. lup V, It 1 IC. ucren 10, Intu 3 ec I, twp to. It I I'., acres Ul. taxi"! Ilrt I. Hnstli 11.02, Interest 110,11. cnsl" 50e, Inlnl lax, penult). Ill lelvst iilnl cost IJSMt Nn I7l'. Ilerfi ll'ls. NXV of HIJXi. HXV of NI".!,. HIS of NXV'.. see I, l!i. 10. It 3 U. were 130. Hikes (II 01. H-M-nit) II. Ill lnt.iet IS.IC wwIm Roe InlMl lux lienullv. liileresl anil isn.ts 111 (. Nn. 17Hfl Will Nelmm, HU, nr NICVX, I Ha uf NX',. see I, lp 1, It 3 ft, Iicr.-M ll. luxe fill It MeiMlty II HI, in terest li R, cmIn Rue. I.iIhI lux. penally, llti.ie.l mnl cnsl fix 21 Nn ITU I. It II. siler NltXi eP IH, twn JS, it i i: MIT.. ISO mx, s IU II. lieiiHli, ) HI liileresl !'. II, ttMin 10c, Inltll l, I tenuity, llttvlr.t Mint Cwl IU3t No IT'JU. J M. lech NIC V., see 1, two 31 It, J K. seres l9 MUM II6.IS, Itenullr $11. Interest tin U, etwls Inn, iiiihl lux, p-mnltr, Interest unit isist 129 on. No 1 0 3 . A .V K Hlruuh. tme-tliltil In lent tn Ills 1. I, n. 9. 111. Tslsnt. luxes. tic Iwttullr Se ini.retit lt, iHMtn Xtu (til.il lute tentl Inlrresl iH.t (swt II.SR. S'o. 1x01 J H XX't-rK. H'4 of NUM. XX'I4 or HK,. see f. ti. II. It 1 li. sens l0 luxe- !! II. pensllr II SI. In lcret IC 51, Ousts RSe. Irtliil lux, tensll, Inlerenl unit Mist 11X11 Ni. IMIX. XVenlern fluv r,,. N nf NCX. see titi IU It 7 K neres III, lilies It II peltultv lc Interest f'!0. coals '.Oe tnlnl l.tx. Isnullt Interest snil cn-t II 17 Nn I Mill J l XVirt'.e NI unit!! '.e,J une-hslf ll.t.ie" III M'.1. " IO ln. 3h It .'IT nt i n so tux- si", f. p. unity (Continued on Pni:)i Ti), Employment Agency MRS. RUTH SMITH Itooui UKI Crtnii'lt-rtin'y llil. Phono IHU Hltuntlnn wnntid hy first class mail rook lu restaurant or liulcl. Wanted tiny work or homo clean triK for women. For That New EASTER SUIT Tailored to Fit "" ? VIVI 128 Enst SEE IVLLIN MAIN Upstairs UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE PULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Riverside Phono 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Projirtiitnr. SKW''' J$ Ml t UOrilAMItlUl) Iiniiortod Pcrchurou stallion owned hy Walter Kltto, will iniiko thu sca hoii: Mondays and Tuosdiiy nt Ash land I Ivory stulile: Wodnosdnyfi and I'liursilay, nt it, is. itoiiinsoirs, tiii iiit; l-'rldiiys and Hnturdayii, Vlncnnt'H Dam, Medford, I'liono -lli, .laclisou vlllo, Orn. 'i " IF IT'S NEW SPOKES n now xvlioiil, rtilihor tiro, nr any thing olso your cnrilaKo uoods you can rotit assured tho work will ho douo thoroughly and skillfully It It Is dono lioro, How about Hint car rliiKo you cannot uso for tho lack of nipnlrs. flond It to us and we'll res- toro It to iibo, BILLING'S WAGON & CARRIAGE SHOP f- . e1 2-w