Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nmliliiK lino, Tim liullen imi koUIiik
roiuly for tlu tuiminl kustor ilruim pn
H. C. Colllim hml llio ntlnfortuno to
loco a ynhialtu brook nmro Inst
A renl cstnto tliutlor of Moitforil
with two iroBioi'llv lnnil buyera wn
looking over llio Hay ranch In IIiIh
coninuinlty InMt Monday ami noontoil
to bo woll nlonttoil with our offering.
W, A. Suninor of tlio Palmer In
vestment romntuiy ritlcmlilo tlio ditch
MiH'tliiK hero Tltlirmlay nftornoon.
li. K. Cntou nml ilittiKlitur. MIhs
Dulcle, wor trntllni; In tho Vnlloy
towns Thtirtulny.
ltnwl Supervisor Vlticmit la null
liiB tlio preliminary nrrmiKvmuntn for
KruilliiK tho now road Just opened
between hero and Hold Hilt,
.lack Front wan ivconiioitorltiR in
theaovarta Wetlnemlny nlRht and was
met by a brigade of miiiiiIko pota.
The achool la nroparltiR nu KnHtor
proKram to bo rendered Sunday con
tiiR April 4th. llov. W'nlrnff will
havo charRO of tho imrvlces and will
deliver a npcclal nornion followliiR tho
closo of tho exerclnos.
Hotidinot Conner la very liiiny
buay theao lua dolnR RmftliiR work
In hlM ix'ar orchnrd.
Tlio ball gniuo Sunday between tho
local tonni and tho Central Point
team drew n largo crowd that aeomed
to enjoy tho hltthiK and rnnnlnK
which was about nil there wan to tho
vanio aa tho Central Point boya aeom.
ed to bo feolliiK tho effects of o nlRht
out and tho homo team wero ron
tentcd aa lonr na thoy wero n fow
runa In tho lend. Score. U to 19. Wedneaday evening tho younR
people of tho neighborhood gatherod
at tho Colllna homo, It being tho 18th
anniversary of tho birth of Mlaa Clara.
Tho evening was spoilt with gamea
and Jokes, aomo of which caused
much merriment, after which a do
tlcloua lunch waa served. Tho young
folks nro united In declaring tills
ono of tho most plcaannt affairs of
tho season nnd wish Mlsa Clara many
moro happy birthdays.
i -iii- tpt r
Axe.1 Lnndnrcn of tho lUuo Led so
district who has been spending the
winter at Jacksonville Is In tho city
toddy attending to business matters.
M. Mannseo of Coshocton, Ohio, la
spending, n fow days In tho city nnd
valley Inspecting local conditions.
Havo your lawn mower sharpened
by J. . Mitchell, phono 320-J. tt
Judge William M. Colvlg or Port
land, tat agent of tho Southern Pa
cific Is in tho city today on official
buslties. Tuesday morning ho will
iy half of tho railroad taxes, or
about $35,000 to tho county treas
urer. Another five hundred pound ship
ment of those, delicious chocolato
creams going at thirty cents a pound
at poVoo's.
Palm Sunday was obsenred In tho
churches of tho city yesterday with
appropriate music and sermons.
Oregonlan agency at DeVoo'a.
Louis Knutzcn of Talent spent Sat
urday In Med ford attending to bust
.upm matters,
C. A, poVoo for subscriptions.
i ,A. Main ot Ager, Cat., to spending
a few days in tho city attending to
business jnatters.
v ..I Every, day is fish day. Wo always
,, kJMTB the best .in tho fish line. Call
us at phone 362, Med ford Fish and
Poultry market. 9"
James Anderson ot Cold Hill was
a business visitor in tho city Saturday
Sweet cider at D Voe's
W. J. Rodgors of Beagle transact
ed business matters in this city Sat
urday. Money to loan first roortgago on
brick buildings. IU II. McCnrdy. "!
Thomas Carlton of Wctlcn spent
Saturday and Sunday In this city at
tending to business matters and visit
ing friends.
Wo havo fresh every' day, clams,
crabs, oysters and fish. Your orders
will bo delivered promptly. Mcdford
Fish and Poultry market, phono 3C2.
0. K. Harrington of Salem was a
business visitor in the city Saturday
"Grown In Mcdford" vegetable
plants for salo. Many varieties. Or
der now for futuro delivery. Mad
dox & BoUnney, Portland Ave. Green
house. Phone S7R. 30
D. H. Cronemlllcr of Jacksonville
was a business visitor In tho city Sat
urday afternoon.
Free to adults, lecture by Will G.
Steel, Illustrated stercoptlcon views
of Crater Lake at tho Presbyterian
church, Tuesday 8 p. m.. March 30,
auspices of Knights of Pythias. 7
The Andrews Opera company pass
ed through this city Saturday attor-
noon en routo to Eugene whore thoy
will make their next stand. They will
present "Martha" in several Willam
ette valley towns under tho auspices
of Elk lodges.
If you C. A. DeVoe, you can get
The Country Gentleman for one dol
lar. Roger S. Dennett returned Satur
day from a ten days business trip
through northern California and
Klamath county.
Soe ShnplclKh Hardware Co., for
f'rhlngitackle especially the boys.
Since tho pollco Issued their edict
regarding tho cleaning up without
the Incentivo of clean up day, tho
garbage haulers of the city have had
more work than they could handle.
City officials maintain that Medford
will be nearer a spotless town than
In any year, when special days were
sot asldo.
J. 0.i'43erklng, tbe best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any.
where, time or place. Studio 328
Main St. Phone 3 20-J.
Henry Thompson of Watklns spent
Saturday in Mcdford attending to bus
iness matters.
Candy, candy; got it at DoVoo's.
J. T, Sullivan, manager of the
Roguelands company will return to
morrow from a woolt'a business trip
to San Fraticlaco,
First class dressmaker wishes en
gagements. Phono 855X. C
T. E, Danjols and Carl Tongwald
wero visitors In Ashland Saturday
Get It at De.Vpe'i.
A Ford auto, owner unknown, was
wrecked on tho Ashland road south
of Phoenix Saturday evening, by
crashing into a telophonu polo. Tho
driver, to provont hlf) identity from
bolng known, removed tho license
Get ycur nutter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo'i.
E. D. Hanley leavos today for Alas
ka for tho summer, whoro he baa
cannery interests with County Com
missioner Frank H. Madden.
Papering and painting. Phono
Arthur Row, concreto inspector of
the Siskiyou division o'f the Paclfio
Highway, is spending a few days in
the olty, '
Taxi Fester ft Holbrook, Phono
Hi. City trip 15c Two for 2Dc.
Corner Fir aad Main fits. nl "visitor in the city this afternoon.
Mrs. MnrRarot McOuIrk of this city
left Saturday tor n three months visit
In tho cast and middlo west. She
wilt visit Uiq San Francisco fatr,
points to the south,' New York, nnd
rolntlves In Milwaukee boforo return
ing to this city.
Papering nnd painting. Phono
54 4-M.
Herbert Ilerrlan, n student nt Eu
gene, la spending tho Enster vaca
tion with relatives in this city.
Flro Insurance C. Y. Tongwald.
"Potash nnd Porlmulter," ono ot
tho greatest Jewish comedies over
written, and founded upon Montaguo
Glass' stories In tho Saturday Even
ing Post, will bo presented nt tho
Ylnlng theater In Ashland Wednes
day night, A number ot loent theater
goers havo mado arrangements to nt
tend. Special trips will bo mado by
the lnterurban service.
For better insurance see Holmes,
tho Insurance Man.
Tho funeral aervtcea of Mrs. Ames
D. netl who died suddenly In this city
last Thursday was held from tho res
idence of William DudRC, Gil West
Tenth street Sunday afternoon, in
the presence ot n large number of
friends nnd acquaintances. Tho Inst
rites wero performed by the Rev.
William D. Hamilton of tho Episcopal
church. Interment was in the I. O.
O. F. cemetery.
When your feet hurt don't try to
put up with it. Havo them cared for
by a skilled Marinello operator. Tho
comfort it brings is worth many times
the cost of treatment. Tho Marinel
lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Uttoy, 407
Garnett-Coroy building. tf
Miss Madellno Pratt of Eimlra, N.
Y., Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
Fred H. Hopkins of the Snowy Ilutto
orchards noar Central Point.
Matinee, the Page today.
Tho playing season of tho Pacific
Coast lcaguo opens this week in Cal
ifornia cities. Two southern Oregon
"players aro Included on tho rolls, Don
Radcr of this city, inflcldcr with tho
Vcnlco tern, and Jud Pernoll of
Grants Pass, pitcher with tho San
.Francisco team.
Dr. Rlddcll has moved his oftico to
the Mcdford Furnlturo & Hardware
building, third floor. 314
According to R. D. Hoke ot tho
Co-operative cannery, tho Rogue Riv
er acreago for garden truck this year,
"will bo three times that ot any prev
ious year.
Fancy groceries at DoVoc's.
A. H. Calhoun of Phoenix spent
Saturday in Mcdford attending to bus
iness matters.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposito Book
Herman Purucker of Ashland spent
Saturday In this city attending to bus.
incss matters.
Get Pan Dandy bread; at DoVoo's.0
Louis Ulrich and wife of Jackson
ville visited friends in .this city Sun
day afternoon and evening.
Auto Insurance. C. Y. Tengwald
A, S. Ames of Talent spent Satur
day in Medford attending to business
Why not got It at DoVoe'aT
C. D. Hoon made a business trip
to tho Applegate. Ho expects to be
'absent three or four days.
Kodak finishing and suppllos at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
UnnV; Store
R. E. Ncal of Mcdford Is a recent
arrival nt Hotel Uonson, Portland.
Seo Dave Wood aoout that tire In
lurance policy. Office Mall Tribune
R. W. Ruhl, editor of Die Medford
Morgon Sonne, has received a letter
from his brother, Arthur Ruhl, who
is in nerlln studying Industrial con
ditions In Germany during war times,
as a representative of Colller'a Week
ly, stating that tho kalsor's realm Is
suffering no sorlous inconvenienco,
nnd that there Is plenty of everything
eo eat except bread. The correspord-
ent sent an envelope In which bread
Is Issued. He writes that .the cafe
life ot Berlin is the samo ns usual,
and that normal conditions prevail In
Llopzig, Dresden and Frankfort-On-
Choice Roguo River I Tamo and Bat
con at Independent Market, phono 27.
E. W, LllJegran of this city Is a
business visitor in Ashland for a fow
hours this afternoon.
II. G. McWjIliams ot Ashland Is a
business visitor in tho city this after
noon. Gerald Sooysmlth and Carl Mlddle
busher havo moved to tholr ranch
south of Medford.
A posso of Oakdale residents have
k skunk corralled under Dr. E. G.
Rlddell's garage, and a stringent
blockado has boon declared to Btarvo
tho member of tho mephltio family
out. The mophlto will not como out,
and no ono will volunteer to bring,
him out, so it has been decided to
starve him out. There is no question
about the blockaded varmint being
under the garage. The South Oakdale
district Iiaa boon pestorod for some
timo by the unwelcomo visitor, now
making a last stand.
Harry Taylor is seriously ill at
his home on South Riverside avenue,
A. A. Craft of Agate is a business
C. C. McOlcndon of Gold lllll spent
Saturday In Medford visiting friends
nnd attending to business matters.
County Aasosaor W. T. Grlovo ot
Jacksonville la In the city thla after
noon attending to official buslnens.
Andrew Poolo and wlfo ot Trail
spout Saturday In Medford attendinu
to business matters.
W. C. Frullt. forest rnnRer nt Cop
per, California, has returned to bin
station after spending a few days In
tho city.
Joseph Duffy ot tho Uutto creek
district returned to his home Satur
day after spending tho week In Med
rord. Frank Farley of Grants Pass spent
Sunday tn this city visiting friends
in thla city.
Installation ot new officers of thu
Elk lodge will he held ut the Elks
temple on Norlh Cent nil avenue,
Thursday, April 1. E. T. Staples of
Asliliuul will install the officers. The
following officers will be intnllvd:
Y. 11. McGownn, exulted ruler; Curl
Heilbronner, esteemed lending knight;
Junns Wold, esteemed lo.vnl knight:
J. J. lluchtcr, esteemed leelurinc:
NKWTOl'T NKAW, Vn., Mureli 'Jl.
The Uoiumn uuxiliiny oiuNer
Priiu Kilol Fiiediich still lay nl her
look today, iiimmilly no more pre
pared to nmku ti dtisli for sen than
ut tiny other time during the Inst
week, but tho nativities nil nround
her convinced local officiulx Hint
some defiuito step soon would be
taken either to interne the raider or
scud her out.
Other tliiuPtwii torpedo boats nnd
ihio submarine, dnylight disclosed no
other American ships in tlicu wnters
although hntllcrfhipi were reported
throughout tlio night pitliering' to
protect American neutrality.
Cattle nnd Iiorie owners of the
south fork of Little Uutto hnvo form
ed the South Unite Cattle association,
fccuring permit from the forestry de
partment to range their stock in the
Crater Lake national forest reserve.
knight; L. I Jacobs, Beerelarv J. J.J At n meeting held recently (he fol
Wilkinson, treasurer; Chnrles It. I lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Charles 1 loci ft; vice-pn'suleiit,
C. H. Moore; sren'tary nnd treasurer,
Gay, tyler, and C. E. Gates, trustee
for the thrcc-yenr tenu.
Wi'unesdny night, March 31, the
Elks will hold a stag party in their
clubrooms nnd on Tuesday, April 0,
will hold n dnuce and reception to the
newly elected officers.
The house rules of the recently op
ened clubrooma hnvo been issued, and
provide that no resident of the Med
ford district of the lodge not n mem
ber of the lodge "shnll meet in or en
joy nny of the privileges" of the club
rooms. Xon-resident nro granted
uuuiis.Mon upon introduction uy n
member. Non-residents nro barred on
Sunday and election days.
Tips to employes, credit to all,
doRS gambling and disorderly con
duct aro barred.
W. T. Kinnoy; advisory bonnl, Gus A.
Peck, CharlcH Edler, John Wnlch nnd
Jlenry Tonn. A dozen stockmen arc
on the membership list. The members
co-operate in care of the cattle nnd
the economical handling of the range.
Fire early Sunday morning gutted
n residence on Kenwood avenue, near
West Fourth street, owned byS. I).
Sleppc, causing n damngo of about
$400. The nlarm wn,s turned in tit
2:30 o'clock. The house is unoccti
pied, but furnished. Tho fire is sup
posed to have been started by tres
passing mcrrymnkers, who entered
tho homo widi n pass key nnd built
n fire in the stove. Tho floor be
neath the stove was burned. Uecr
bottles nnd other evidences of mi
orgy were found. Neighbors report
ed that thoy hnd heard singing nnd
loud talk in tlio house on several occasions.
Annette Kellcrmnn, the ncrf-et wo-
inan, is seen nt the. Page Mom!ny and
Tuesduy of this week in a gurgioiu
nnd Hpcctnculur film masterpiece,
"ricpttineM Daughter." llns is a pic
tnro different from anything eer be
fore seen and is n thrilling and beau
tiful pictorial triumph. It is a won
derful production, showing Anuctto
Kellcrmnn, tho queen of tho sen, ns a
great nctrcss, a graceful dancer and
an expert swordswomnn.
Mrs. Nottlo Green of Control Point
Is spending n few days with Mrs. A.
L. Vincent who Is busy .with several
Easter gowns.
Dick Waters nnd family of Medford
motored out to tho Scabrook ranch
Sunday where thoy spent tho day.
Vorno Pendleton Is spraying tho
Arrow Head orchard .foe Mr. Wilcox.
..Inspector Kllno has spent tho last
foWdays in jlheso parts and has gath
ered several specimens of orchard
pests that lie will'takja to Dr. Ilemler
tton to bo exnmlned. Mr. Kllno ad
vises all orctiarillsta to spray for scale
this whotltc fliero any acnlo In ajght
or not, as tho-worrthcr Is Ideal for
spraying and no.xt oprlng It might bo
different. . :'
Sevoral of our yotinKpcoplo,nttcnd-
cd a dance given at tn&Turpln homo
In tho stlckey country Saturday night.
A letter from Fred Itecao who la
In San Frnntleeo'ntates that ho Is hnvi
time doing cariwntcr work and at
tending the big fair.
Ed Vlncont nnd R, E. Nealaan wero
in Eaglo Point Saturday night (link
ing arrangements for tho staging of
tho play "What Happened to Jones,"
which will bo put on there somo timo
in tho futuro.
Much work is going on In tho dress
WASHINGTON, March 20. The
stato department officials feel that
American forces already nt Hrowns
villc, Tex., nre maple to protect that
town during tho fighting between
Cnrranrn and VilV.forcea.
(Continued from Page Ono.)
people were strugglinc in the water
when a trawler reached tho scene and
rcM-ucil 10.1 of them, tntiiHferrtiiu
them later to n destroyer. Another
thirty-five were picked up by another
Msliiiig boat. Ihrec ot the persons
rescued had mistiuied injuries lv
TT Theatre
Price Pja Vf Dexiera
EGOS ir,173c
UUTTER -Dairy, two pounds -15c.
POTATOES $1.7,r) per 100 lbs.
ONIONS 1Jjo per lb.
HONEY l'Jeo pr lb. '
CIDER 25c.
PORK 88sc.
UEEF 9llc.
LARD 10c.
BACON 13fn)18o.
HAM 10c.
BUTTER Wliolebalo(27c.
HOGS Alivo, 0c.
STEERS Alive, rji-0,c.
COWS Alive, 50c, r
VEAL Drowsed, 1012c.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, 10
12o; dressed, 1215o; hens, 12
14o; springs, 1420u,
Hay and Grain
(Buying Price's.)
;V7IEAT $1.30 bushel.
OATS $38 ton.
HAY Alfaira, $14 ton; grain, $13,
BARLEY Whole, f 33.
Monday -Tuesday Nights
The Conway Sisters
In Their Natlvo Songs and Dances
"The Kiltie Girls"
Photo Plays
The Golden Goose
Two Part Hroncho Fcuturo
Producing u NATION'S PRIDE
Madona of the Poor
Two Part Thanhauaor
Cursed by His Beauty
A Rip-roaring Keys tono Comedy
Stop CoiiRhs, Croup, Whooping
Lough and Colds
promptly with Svlilffmnun's Concen
trated Expectorant. 2 ounces tnalio
pint. Guaranteed to bo tho best
remedy over used or money refunded
by all druggists. Adv.
10 and lfic
Any Seat If) and ICo
Mr. Tcsse Lasky
Robert Edeson
Where the
Trail Divides
Aftornon 2: ID
Evening 7
Among the field grnlni: that thrlvo in this locality Is FIELD PMAR,
tho great forage ylolder for hogs and cattle. It also Is a great humus
builder for worn cut soils. Try somo this spring. Wo also havo to
offer tho following field seeds: Early Maturing Spring Oats, Alfalfa,
Timothy, Red Clover, Rye Grasses, Field und Swoot Corn, Sudan
Grass, Millets, and various other field seeds suitablo to thja local
ity, and ?t tested nuulity.
0I7K. MAIN S . ,
Uornuui shrapnel mill mime, of llie cit
ttinc. iiioln Htal'l' on the Falaliu welc
Captain Couflnim Htmy
Tho nkipper of tlio IIhIiIiijt bout
Eileen Euunii, which lmitleiimliM lu
tho ickimio work, icpoilcd Hint no el'-linoio luin
I'utl.wiUU Hindu li.V Hi" I'H'W f lli'J
Hiiliiiuuhio In nNh IIiii nni'muiH who
wiM'ft'MniifKllnjr lu I ho wilier.
TJie,Elccii.Kiiinia xijjlilcil llio hiiIi
inui Inn Hhurlly iifloi' nin, tier hUii-
ner until, und tiilltiwcd llio cifil't lor
11(1 filllllW
an iiour.
CI ffieaaaae
Those of Middle Age Especially.
When yon have found no remedy for tho horrors that
oppress you during change of life, when through the long
hours of the day it seems as though your back would break.
wnen your nenti acnes constantly, yon are nervous, de-
down nams,
i Compound
dv. and has carried bundled:!
of women safely through this critical period.
Read what these three women say:
pressed ami suffer from those dreadful bearing t
don't forget that Lydia li. I'inkham's Vegetable
is the safest and surest leinedy, and has carriet
From Airs. I forming, Buffalo, N. Y.
Hurr.u.0, N. V. "I um writing to lot you know liow much your
ini'illi'liio Iiiih cloius for mo. I fulled toiiibly iliuliur tlio IiihL wlnli'r
nml tmmtiior mid tivery ono romiirkcd uhoiil my utvunui() I Hiif
fcivd from n foninlo trotihlo mid nhviiyti hud pjiiim in my baolc, no
niiotlto mid nt timeu wiw very weak.
"I wiw vi.sltitie;ntii fiicnd'ii liotmo ono dny mid olio UioupIiL I nopiled
J.ydiu K. lliikliiiin'ri Veinlilo Coniioiiiid. I took it mid liiivoKiilncd
eight imuiulK, hnvu a Kxxl ni'jwtlto mid mil fiudlnp; In'ttortivury ilnv.
Kvon'body In n.ikliiK mo what I tun dolne; nml I uieoiiiiiicud Lydln v..
IMnkhnm'.'t Vogutulilo C)inHiiiHl. Vott limy iiuIiIImIi IIiIh letter If you
wish nnd I hopo others who hnvo tlionnuiti comjilnliiL will nco It mid
Kut health from your medicine- as I did." Afro. A. IIuununo, 1)1
ytnutou St., BulTulo, N. V.
Made file Well and Strong.
Maokdom, N.Y. ' I wju nil run down nnd very tiilu lu flesh, nor njipotlto, could not nlcop mid wita wcuk, nml foil Unlly nil
the tlino. Tho doctora wild I hud jnxir hit oil und what I hud wiw
turnitiK to rator. I tix)k illll'urt'iit incdieliiuH which did not holl) mo,
but Lydia 1-1 I'lnkhmn'ri Veitnhlo C)iniomiil iimiln mo woll unit
Btrontr, nnd I mn tvcommemllng It to my frlondd." .Mra. Fjibu
C'iiace. It. No, S, Alntx'don, N.V.
TIic Change of Life.
Helthviixk, JIo. MJJy tho tvio of Tallin K. Pinkhmn'rtVoKolnlilo
CotnjKiuud I Ijnvo Huccoasfully jnnscd throiiKh u nuwL trying thins
tho niungu of J.ifu. I Htiirurud with u wouknomi, und had to ntuy In
lied tluvo dnys nt n limit. Io'dln K. I'inkhiim'rt Vtwlulilo C'oiiiihiuiiiI
restored mo to ivifert health, nnd I um imilsliie; it, for tho U-iicIlt of
other women wlio i:T?r uu 1 did." Mru. W. ti. Dvyxll, Ilouto No. 1.
Jkiltsvitlo, Aid.
For no yearn T,jtlla r.. Plnltfinm'n Vflffetnlilo
Compound liun !eou tlinntniuliirtl rt'incdyfor f
tnaln lltn. No nun nlclc avKIi vvoinun'rt iillmoiitn
docrt Juitlco tn liemolf If ulio does not try tlilrt fa
niotiH inciileluo niailo front rootx nmt liorlis, it
1 um rcttorcilHoiiiunyHUf fori m;wouioutolnuiltli.
JMF (CONFIli:.NTIAI,) LYNN, MASS., for nil vice.
Yiaur letter will Iks opoueil. reail nml nnnworcil
by a wotnau unit held In ntrlct coiilltlcncoi
TUr n A r MONDAYand
Mcdford's Lcatllr.-3 Tlicalcr
Afternoon nml Kvcning
Annette Kellerman
Hh 7rfT7ii; fKH
HL ?JiV'ffRri "uVBI
i n 2,'rf99H3SHI
i Ml
Neptune's Daughter
In Seven Wontlorful Parts
With a Company of 1000 Players
Contest Coupons will not bo accepted for this at
traction Monday and Tuesday aftornoons and evon
ings. Admissien: Lower Floor 25c; Balcony, 16c.
While this is moro than our regular4 admission, it
is less than this picture has been shown' for in many
of the larger cities.