M"' MIBPFOTH) MA7U TIUVVM, JMflTHTQKn, QKHflONT, KATtTI?Diy,. MAKfTi; 27, IMS SS3L i OSCAR AND ADOLPH His Conscience Must Have Hurt Him AT f HEM 0AY PRANKS 1 At th6Churches j KtlH'it(il SI, Mink' (lifirrli H it, tn , Holy Communion, 10 ii, in., Huinlny iicliool, 1 1 , . i "'31Y, PDoLPH.x VflT UKCAMt. Of J your xicxc y II it. in., Holy Communion, 7:il t. in, Kvutlliit: prayer. W.U II. IIA.MIIiTON, Vlcnr. X iw ,. ,Wjt-t. f.-r1 , TrJL Q-S 0,VO-r U VACT f-- TRIG N T 1 " - BACK W J)M , . , 1 'jf I my a. I (Ar ( wire- (itir j rf L iwt wooouy J V -C?K f D&asc to I him, Ufct Oct.- J 1 Onltiliiln Aw. .MelllndlHt Huinlny School nt til it, in, Prnflf'hiiiK al 11 ii. in. "ml 8 I. m. I'liwtutli Lenrttii nt 7 p. in, I'iii) or miMitlnic Tlmrmlny twining. All aio Vlolno l attend our twr vlreit. II. M. IIHANDON, lHliir. t I .Inn Lutheran Hrvlren lit Hfoii Lutheran, 512 W. 4lli HI., will l," coniliiclnd In KimlUli nt 1 1 ii. in. In rtiiuiortlmi with IIiIm hoivIco it nlimH or Catiii'liiiiuiiiiH will lin hnlil .. cnnf Iriiinil iiml lliu Lord's Hiipixir will tin mtmlnliiliiw'il. Illlilo School (English) nt in n. in, (lodd n nifty nnrvlrn nt 10::io n. in. In (''muni, Come nml wornlilp, I'lrM (hiiuli or InM, S.lciilM Sunday hurt Ice nt II o'clork Huh eel. "Ititiillty." Wndiitwdny ovoiiIiik (illmoiillil HHotliiB nt 7: nu, All mo runllnlly liivllml. Hiimlii)' iitiuiol nt 10 o'clock. All uiiilnr Urn ngo of SO nif welcome. Hndlng room In rhurrli edifice. 212 North Oultdalo, open from 1:.10 to I:.'I0 .ilally uxcupt, Hiwdays nnd holiday. Itilittlivt: .Mortiliii! ffftrvlwi It o'clerk: nvin Iiik di'rvlc" 7:30 o'clork. Hv. (I. Hill for 12 yi'iitn n niMiilonnry li; Jnimn will 'prourh nt HiuiiiinrnltiK K-rviro iint( dio Kor, Mr.-ninoimtonn of Aalilnml will immoh In lh nun V. 1'. V. nt fi HO. Tojilo, Hour. Iiik. Hiiinlny ncliool nt 0':r. a. m. II. Mlwtlon Opportunllloa Thnt Call Ud." Will Ktlnxon. l.m.li-r. I'lTfiliyii-rliti) I'rnnchtiiK nt It n. in. Hcrmnn by H Onvlil Onulhir. Holo ixifortctl I'lordiU'o IliunU rlRB. rronchliiR ut 7:30 p. in. Kormon liy llov, DiivM Oimtlnr. Holo Mooted Klnrrnco IlnznN rlRK. Orcltoitrn In thu ovonlnR. tliinilay nchool nl to n. in. KltiilurKiirtcn nt 1 1 n. in. Y. !'. S. C K. nt 7:30 p. :n Thum. lnyn. Iiilli' Alii nt 2:30 p. in, on Tiiim ilny. Nftit Bilridny. Aprll'tli, i:netor wirvlcp, rrcapllon of inoinlicm. ('oininiitilon. In tho mornlnp; tho Rpoclnl nolo In "KIiik of KIiirs" by Urnckut, MIm I'lnrnnrH HaMlrlRR. In the uunln: tho nolo Ih, "O II) oh Tlmt Aro Wonn," liy llrnckott, I'loronco HuxulrlKK. I'li-M MoihiMlUt KiUciuil I'alnti.Suiulny ut tho Klmt Motho (tltt Kpliicopnl church, corner of I'otirth untl IJfUtliitt fitrCntH, will ho npproprlntoly ohmtrxod. At tho Sun dny nchool hour tho children will h'nro nn opoprtunlty to ncropt nnd roitfoMi Chrli.1 nml to tinllo with Ibo rhiirch. At tho openlm: of tho morn In); hiirvlco nt 11 n. in. pnixnitH wilt pidNcnt tho ImbloH of tho crndlo roll, nonrly fifty In iinnihcr. TIiomi who tloHlro nmy hnvo thlrrhtltlron cli-li tiittod ut (hlit tlmo Uldor children v.'lll bo lmii!lsod nt n Kiipninlo ror FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL C T2T'flS5QBJBJE2SHKSF?SJE-SJBJBBV33J bhhshhhhhhhh& iPPhhv pjpf. js-BrpppA 9B liiiMv:-iiiiiBiiiBItiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB jPHHMBKC3jV-ato,wC39H - FV,j'BKiAJyBii L-l mtm 1 i H IHklRHiHBS Jikkkikkkl x mmu n liHHBik.'tJwi3ik' 1HBk 1 v ftz&&'wSBiimSMaB i i.M.A' .r w0!IHH '7 "" ' PP51P I , . -. 1 I vlco. Tho ilocorntloiiH nml iiiiihIr will ho of imiiAiinl lutoroiit. Tho jmiitnr Will pronch n uliort rormon on tho loplr, "Tho Day of Trl ph." Tho Mlbjort of tho owiiiIiik Hcrinoti, "Tho l.unt Hlop," I'iihhIoii wi-ok will In (ilimirvnil with wook lilKhl Mirvlci'H. InrltlciitM of tho roriotipniitllnK tny In Mm last wook of Chrlnt'H out thly nojoiirn will ho toiiKidorod, mid will nld groutly In I ho Mlmtilntloii of tho Innor llfo In )iropntiitlon for tllo olmorvmico of Knitter. Trldny nl;ht tho norlou will clone. Tho choir will hu In chnrRo unit nlvo tho colohrntcn cmitutn, "Htnlnor'H Critclflxloii," Thowo rt vIcom nro froo nml opon to tho pub lic. Illrdtf, linbk-n mid blor,omn will ndorn tho church I'nlm Rtindny morn Iiik. I'Ii-hI (1n Nt Inn Corner Ninth nnd Onkdnto Rtrcoti. Our music wnii oHpcclitlly r.ood lant l.ord'H day nnd wo Invito yotl to our Bcirlcim for noxt Hunilny. MornltiK, 10 15, uhjcct: "How Hhull Wo l.lvo?" In the IlKht of tho ftorld'n tiphonvul nnd uiiUorxiil tin lout, hour thin dlxcotirno, KvonliiR, 7:30, Kubjcct: "Anchor Iok tho Mfo." Iltltlo nchool IiokIiih nl 'JHT. n. in. Y. 1. 8. C. K. inootn In tho locturn room nt fl p. in. Choir prncllco Prlilny ovonlilcu nt 7: -in. Ilonioinhcr, to hIiir iiicnnii prnutlro. liiNtontl of our roijiilnr nild-wook prayer nimtliiK w nro p.oIiir to ho Kin noxt .Monday ovoiiIuk nml oboro tho wtHk of prn)er hoforo Kniilor. A special proRrnnt each ovonlni; nnd n Hprclnl loader. You will find thin n xplrltunl uplift and wo all need It. I'lcnuo co-npernto with tho Icndom. llnrry II. TucKcr, Mlnlater. SHslal Sorihcn nt t'lirlollnu (Ittirrli Io r tho woel: of prayer, Mnrch S'J, 30, 31, April 1 nod -', helpful topics VIII ho comildered each cvenlni; nnd pracr for itperUlc iivchIh will ho of fered. "Tho Ahundnnt Mfe," John 10:10 wU bu (ho Ronornl topic for tho wook. Monday, praor for InrRer knowl odKo of tho world flotdit mid tholr neoiU, S Poter 1:2-11. Tuoudny, prayer for n wider vIkIou, lull. r:2-H. WednoHilny, for tho convlcltno that lllii (HiKipies nro Ills chosen revenl urn, John ir: tfi. Thiirtulny, prayer that tho money power of tho world may bo 1'hrln tlnnlrod, I,ttke 21.1-1. Krlilny, prayer of tluitikHKlvliiR for n growing co-opera t Ion nnd tinty nluotiB Chrlatlnn forccH, 1'sl. 13.1, A A KVnornl Invltntlon Is extend H0IR OF MEDFORD, WHICH WILL ed to nil tho norvlces, hut Tuomlny uvenlnR wilt bo niado npcclnl for tho yeuni: people, WednoKilay for tint lllhlo nchool, and Thursday for the l.adlon Aid. 1'iro MctliiHlUt riitirth Corner 10th nnd Ivy Kuridny nchool nt 10 n. in. PrcnchliiR nt 1 1 n. in. PronchltiK and praUe ncrvlco 2:30 p. in. Prone hlnc 7-30 p. m. Hpiclnl rovlvnl norvlce every nlRht wcptltn: .Saturday beKlnulne ut 7:30 eiicli nlRht. Tliedo Honlres nro freo nnd ojiun to nil. Come nnd welcome. Pull mtlvntlon our theme. J, K. IIKADLKY. Pititor, . furl- IX)S1 " I.OHT Kluxlt nttto horn, lleturn to 131 N, Hlvemldo nod receive re ward. 31.' I OH ItKNT rUltMSMHl) HOOJIH THf: PAI.M rooms, host rooming hoiuo In Medford. Prices 3Sc nnd COc. Weekly rates. 2S l-'OIt UI2NT Nicely furnished front room on West Main Ht., clone In. Phono 13X. 8 kou m:.M nomw POIt HI'NT 4-room Iioiibo nenr Tolo. Apply J. II. Htovcns, Tolo, Ore. 1) POIt Jtl'NT Piirnlshed house, 4 rooms, strictly modern, nnc oIock from now federal bttlldlnR. Phono ii.11l.or call nt 213 N. Holly St. POIt Itl'NT- H) April ICtli. 5-roont modern house, full cement base inont. Phono 370W. POIt ItKNT CIoso In four room houro ono block south of park, Reed soil for f;nrden, I C per month With city wntur paid. Addrna P. "0. box 207, .Medford, Ore. POIt HUNT Threo room furnished bungalow, phono 770-J. POIt SAM: Onsollnn pump pump Jack. Uox 34, It P. D. 1, Medford. nnd So. 315 FOU 8ALIV UTKUIOCK POIt SAI.H HeRlRtered full blooded hull calf, 5 months old. Phono 741, Prank O. Owen. 31C POIt SALi: Horse, liitRRy. mid har ness, 9.. Lady can drive. Uox 20, Mall Trlbuno. 31C POIt SAM Pair youiiR work horses, team or sIurIo, time It desired. Phono 317. FOR SAM? Two snddlo horses, broken to drive, double nnd sln- rIo harness nnd snddlo. Mrs. A. S. Hubbard, ABhlnnd, Ore. FOR SAM? Six fresh cows, six calves, two teams of work horses, three mules, two sets of heavy work harncsi. Walsh's ranch, mllo out North RoobovoU avenue. 318 GIVE "THE CRUCIFIXION" AT M. FOH BAMC MISCniiMTJKOUB POIt HAM: Uleyclo In A-l condi tion, 221 'oith Holly St. G POIt 8AM-: Ono 1913 Overland, model ISD-T, In porfect repair nnd one Httlck "whlto Ktrenk" road ntor. It. If. McCurdy, Sparta IIMr,, or C. i:. Oatis. tf POK SAM: If you wish to pur chnso a flno Alrednle puppy of rof.lstercd stock, male or female, nddresa Itox 101, It. P. I), or phono llM'll, Ashland, OreRon. 3K POIt SAM: 314-lnch wnRoii, 12 Ineh steel plow, 12-Inch chill plow, - spring tooth harrow, orchard disc, 120'CRR Petal lima Incubator, heavy work harniiss, ono Ji-year-old 1350 lb. mare. Phone NG-.M 7 POIt SAM: Household furniture nt 517 South Newtown, Phono 17C J. ::ir 1 O It SAL K PiilrrlRitted, home Rrown. potntocs. Sir Walter Itnl- cIrIi, Hundred Fold nnd New Snow vnrlutles. 1.50 per 100 lbs. 1. W. Carlton, Upjier Tublo nock. 220 POH SALK Furniture, Rtis range, stoves, etc. 820 West 12th. 210 FOR SALK Looio ulfatfa hay $14 ton nt barn on Ross Itno. O. All- don 315 FOR SAM-: Furniture In n good hoarding house, Reed location. House can lio rented. Inquire box 1G4, Cold Hill, Ore. 315 FOR SALK Medium weight automo bile, runnbout body, new rear tires, best ensh offer this month will take it. Address P. O. box 207, Medford, Ore. FOR SALK Top bugRy with polo nnd shafts, almost new, 307 S. Laurel. 321 FOR SALi: Wood saw cheap. Uoardmnn street. 403 321 Kfllt SALI To' orchard bonds In Roruo ltlvor Commercial Orchard ft. m' S-- HOrf1 -.1 "I-llt -til 9nm 0. .. L.UBI UUV Ullll "III CUI1 IUI $500. Addrosu M. II. Yutes, 922 L'inpiro IJldg., Atlantu, GeorRla. 340 FOR SAM POULTRY AM) IXOS FOR SALK Turkey crrs In any qunntlty. Medford Poultry & Krr Co. S0 FOR SALK Rhode Island Red CRgs, 50c a setting. Phone 407-M. 321 FOR SALK Chicks, 10c. eggs 5c, best crr laying strain O. A. C, S. C. W. Leghorns. Collcgo Vlow Poultry FanitH, Corvallls, Ore. 319 I1USIMCSS Ol'PORTU.MTII'S WANTKD Druggist to take over a drug store, in Southern Oregon, snlo or oxchnngo. Address Drug Rlst, Medford Mnll Tribune. 318 FOR SAIiK RKATti ESTATH FOR SALK OniToii 'tho choicest lots In SIsKlyou Heights addition to Medford. Address F. K. 0 cure Mall Tribune. 310 E. CHURCH, FRIDAY, APRIL 2 WJAIi IWTATi: TO IJ.XCHANOi: WILL trnda 50 acres of good farming Innd ncarKaglc Point for residence property In Medford. Valtio IC000. L'. 8. Tinny, 210 Oarnett-Coroy Ulk. 5 WANTKD MI.itKl.ljAM'OnS VANTKi) Ulds for liaullnR 2 o"ton a ot heavy machinery front Oold Hill to tho Iirndnn Mine, two miles. Address Cold Itny Itenlty company, Cold Hill, OrcKon. WANTKI) - A collie cIor, yellow In color. Cull 9F22. 9 OLD COINS WANTCD JCb paid for Dollar 1S7.1 S. Mint; 12 for 1904 dollar, proof, $7 for 1853 quarter no arrows. Mrtny valuable coins circulating- Bend 1c for larRO coin circular. It may mean larRe proN Its to you. Send to Numismatic Hank, Dcpt. 20. Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTKD Stock to pasture. Phono 201-JO. 315 IIKLP WANTKI) MALTS rt'AXTBOMaclUnlst and repair man, familiar with tho care, oper ation mid repair ot mining pumps. AddresB H care of Tribune. T AVAXTKD TO ItL'V WANTED I have two buyers for cat tle ranches ot considerable size, and would like some new listings. It. II. McCurdy. T MODOC ORCHARD Duroc -Jersey, Pure Bred Spring Pigs Both Sexes We are offering for sa;c a selection ot Spring Pigs ot tho big kind. Sired by GOLDEN NUGOET, No. 142.7S5. out .of dams from prlzo winning stock and Individually tho plg3 are what could bo expected from their lines of breeding. Mako your selections early and for visiting privileges and prices apply to Palmer Investment Co. Mail Tribune liulldlng .Medford WHY? IT IS YOL'U HUSIXIVSS TO SKE MK Because my stock In trado is to have optionod at tho lowest cash price tho best buy In this county. I have been on tho ground look ing out for you for tho past fivo years. Nearly everyday I have In vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated everything except those deals which I am convinced will se cure mo sntisflcd customers. In a few hours tlmo I can give you tho benefit of this research. It is my business to show you over tho county and introduco you to tho possibilities nnd opportunities hero. See Med ford first and J. C. BARNES Room 'Ml, rirt National llaitk llldtf, ALFALFA AND WHEAT Wo hnvo listed for quiet; salo ICO ncres under ditch near Willows, Cal ifornia, In grain but ready for seed ing alfalfa, for $135 per ncre, on ex ceedingly good toriiiB. Excellent al falfa laud. Wheat land is In domnna. A tract of 320 acres In tho "Big Bend," Washington, should appeal to you. It Is so productive tho grain has to bo Btnckod In two cottutlos. Tho man with tho cash can secure It for $1C,000. Mako an oftor of one-hnlt cash nndwill do our best to secure tends. Piiinphtg planl Instnllbd. Well ylolda 100 gals, per minute. Locally, a tract of 1-10 acres, with gdod house nnd barn, 30 acres In al falfa, some water rights, about 50 acres In cultivation, all far $9000. Would mako nn ideal dairy, poultry nnd hog ranch. Convenient, of access to two towns and In every way first cIhsr. Falling henlth Induces owner to mako unusually good terms on this. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. Room -107 Howard Block Opposlto P. O. DtMi't foi-tfofc Hint n anvh toe poul- try for $ luoo, dose In. MONKV TO IX)AK TO LOAN Money to loan on ranch property. Phone 308 or 130-R. C, A, McArthttr, over post office. WANTKD Applications for loans of $1000 or nioro upon farming prop erty. Quick action for Reed secu rity. Karl 8. Tumy, 210 Oarnett Cdrey Illk FOrt ICVCIlrt.TOlt TO KXCHANCK Section of timber land, Reed 7 room house in Spo kane and 1st mOrtRURcs to trade for roIhr ranch up to $10,000. Good Scnttlo residences, quarter section larid near Waterville nnd 1st mortgages for ranch Up to $20.. 000. Prefer places In the Medford country. Frank J. Smith Co., 910 American Hunk hldg., Seattle. "Wash. C EXCHANGE Want to setl or bay anything? U C Radcr. 114 N. Front St. Employment office and rentals. Phono 125. Nuff Sod. HOMESTEADS DIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 750.000 acres for settle ment; fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 25c with thiu ad to Wcnatchco (Wash.) Dally World, Dept. T. for reliable data about this region. DDHLVESS VlKTXrrOST Aato SsppDea LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant tn the Pa cific northwest. Use our spring when otbera fall. Sold under faar ante. 26 North FlXteeatk SC Portland, Ore. Attonwy PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P.MEALEi Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank bide A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Oaraett Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg. George M. Robert COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coub ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at Law. 232 East Main street. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E Hodges Mechano-Theraplsls, Chiro practors, Spondylotneraplsts. Thest systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydrc-theraphy, etc., produce results in both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Oyer Deuel ft Co., cor ner Main and BartloU. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. tn. Other hours bj appointment. Phone 170. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 803-304-205. Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given; needle spray, bead and shouldei shower tn connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastics, bydroptherapy. Lady attendant Phono, office 543, residence 511-R DeaUsts DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. a C. VAN SCOYOC Dontlsts Garnett-Coroy Bldg., entte li Medford, Ore. Pbone 856. Engineer and Contractor FRiD'NT'cUMMINGnginrand contractor, 404 M. F. ft H. Bldg. Surveys, estimates, irrigntlon, dralnago, orchard and land lm provement. NEW TODAY This property will bo sold, because ;lt is marked down from Its nluo Of $8000 to only $1800 and that will mako It sell. 50 acres with an S-room bouse, largo bam and other buildings less than two miles from a live town with good high school. Paid up Irrigation on half tho laud, which is now In crop. Balance of tho place is tlmbor. Remombor tho price is marked down to $1800, and halt can remain as loan If desired. C. D. HOON FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE Roguo River Valley Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonization Tracts. Best all-tho-year-round climate oa coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. Ueaver Realty Co., Ashland, Oregcau iNNtalMtthkH IIUHINKHS imtMCTOKt Assaying. E. R. CROUCH Akajer, chetam. metnllnrglst. Custoatl JAtay Of fice. Mail order btislneM Belelte4, Prices, gold, $1.00: gold aad Sil ver, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, sil ver and copper, $2.00. Mailinx eft- vpJopes free on request. Refer ence, Joiephlne County Bank. Rooms 201-203 HalPBIds.) GrtMlW Pass, Oregon. tZ$ -J&M AJL.'.HI. Employmcat Afteae? EMPLOYMENT ACENCY We wle everybody to know that the 014 Re liable Olttner Real Estate and ploymcnt agency, will get yeur help, find you employment, rest your house or sell youfr laM. Mrs. J. S. Clark, manager sdeeeeeer. Rooms C and 7, Palm BMg.fMe ford. Ore. Gartefe QAniJAOB Get year realees cleaned up for the sanaser. Cell on the city garbage wage faff good service. Those 274-L. f.- Xe AlrCn XBvCkBcWGA Ht MtVmv HAIOHT MUSIC STUDIO Reea 401. Garnett-Corey DIdg. Fred Al ton Hatght Piano, Mrs. Flereaee Ilalllday Halgbt, voice. TeleplKHM 63-W. ITeUHry raMM HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary He. Bring your work to bm at slm of the Malt Trtbaae. ay aij-aTaBaBj UBRm DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. XT A MAINS CARLOW Oetnnrtti physicians, 416-417 Oaraett-Ceref Dtag., pnone i3-u 26 Bouth Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OeteeyaUi physicians, 393 Oaraett Carat Dnlldlag. Paoae 994-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS PkyaMMi M surgeon. Practice lialtwl tta are, ear, nose and threat. .Byea eett Uflcally tested and glass ea eaa piled. Oculist and Aurlst ror S. P. R. R. Co. Officea M. F. ft H. Ce. Bldg,., opposite P. O. Phone 667. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlaa Jaek eon County Bank bldg. Oftlee phone 43.-R; resideacft Bkeaa 61-R, DR. MARTIN; O. BARoSR Fhyrt clan and surgeon. Office Palai block, opposite Natb HoteL Heart 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Pfeoae lltw. DR. R. W. CLANOY Pkya4elaa aM surgeon. Pkoaea. oftlee 16, real dence 7 2 4-J. Office bean 16 M 12, 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and Burgeons. Offiee 309-310-311. M. F. ft II. Bldg, Phones residence, 814-J2; effiee, 814. DR. LYDIA 8. DOW Osteopathia, physician, practice limited to ob stetrics and diseases of womest oj4 children. Offices 3 and 4, St. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. hu Phone 1C0. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. M. DOW Physlctaat a4 surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks Bleak. Houra 9 to 12. Phone 169. Reef: dence, the Dow Hospital, Ceatra Point. . PiiBtera and FabUsJiete,, MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hB tW beat equipped printing offiee la southern Oregon; book biaillag. loose leaf ledgers, billing ay Mease, etc. Portland prleaa. IT Marti Pr Bt -zr-?' " th- Stenography and Multlgrapk Work MRS. M. T. EDWARDSorkeJ promptly at, reasonable rats Room 3, Palm block, pboae 187 ' i !' ' J ' Xmmi3Z ! iTiV ' 'i Hi T ' s'saaaaaaaWBaBC Shoe RepMirlHC SHOE REPAIRING First eiase si repairing, on noeeni eeeetm machlues while yoa wa4i,ni, M, , aiaen, locaiea iu suaa i Pbone 3 13 J. TnurtCm . . r - BADS TRANHFKR ft STORA81B DO Office 43 North Frea,t St. lfcejM 315, Prices rlgat. sntnnd. errtse gaar i Typewriters 4 Rwff41ea, TYPEWRITERS ANDiu'fHHC ew jteiuinsioH, (Naitn.. i and Monarek typewrltlac, ntwl ittttwanHiiM manl.lnui ti4 nuuvmvuii (iimvhih raacnius ,ior cuvn or M Hlhnd UtiAklBAO i-'le.LL'" atla rfullee of t kHida, stasfal i pairs free'W'ekftfit,'? lm Venaett, i 4uiM 9L, .JW tivfx -" -i-a -3 u J, A.