T"wWff!iWi,,'( M'irW,1CWP',t " giSDFonp yATn Trnnoyw, M-npiroi.D, ohtotox, -Friday, ma-rctt 2fi, ioir &KGW BfVRlf LJJJJl Uliil1 M OSCAR AND ADOLPH Is It an April Fool Joke, or What? AT THEIR GAY PRANKS 10 RESTRAIN ITALY VON BUELOW FAILS A 7 PACE MISSION J HOME, via Path), March a".-- Ef forta of Prince vuu Vuclow, the tier- 1 1 1 II II lllllllllHHIKlOl', (O llllllg IllXlllt tin agreement between tlm 1 1 nl In 11 uiiil Aimtilnn gnvorinnfintii regarding tlm cession or territory, him doflnllely failed, accoiillng to tlm AkhiixIii Nit tlnllllll, Which NII)'H It Ih Informed tlint when Un last courier from Vlun mi lirouclit tint iiiiibnsradnr Auh trla'n final trinn tlmy were of mti'li niitiirt) Dint Im illil not couiihlor It wiih while to mi limit tlmm to (he foreign officii licin. ft tn repotted that Prince win lliiclow bus rimlKiied tlm lolo of incitliitor. x . ... I . j M. yj .... , , , , I- ,1 1 L Uv. f HOME. Mnrcli 20. - Commenting upon lepllen ri'CclviMt from illntln Kiilithetl Englishmen regarding their view upon Augln-ltiillnii ftloiulHlilp, tlm (lloniule D'ltulln ilecbuvn the cnr illnl relations between (lienl llrltuln mill Italy, whllu based In part upon Miiitlnii'iit. are founded chiefly upon political conditions. Tin paper says Unit fliicn Italy In ruhontlally u sea fnrliiK natliin, Mint can not union thu special mnrtlmc position of ICriKlnuil, ami It adds: "England In her turn, having no many Intermix In tlm Mediterranean has frit ami wo hope roiillniim to fiel tlm convenience of not having as a hostile power a nation no distinct ly Mediterranean as Italy." The cm Hit npi'iiintr or tlm xciimmi in Htuyitij; '" tlm hunk ami poHtoH'icc hiiuply for the iiiiinNt nl' uniiiini? ilurinj; IiIh absence. greater ol'llcicui'.v, Knelt i it'll or- ,v?v. l.iuilhhiil in Jiolilin hcrvieen giininlinii in entitled to 1(1 110(1 ioiiimIh hen tliiH week. of miiumujtlon, vvliiln each officer oi' Mr. .WcMnnalil nml Mim. Ainh.-r- ciilixli'il nmn nrnicil Willi u pintol can mm nml lutliy returned from Meili'onl reiuihiioii 1.1(1 ruiimN, Horn--To Mrl nml Mh. William Tiiimiliiy, Jluiolil I'nt Ion, (ieeouiiniiieii Ity liis mim AND VICINITY lllll ol" Alierileen, H. I)., Mnreli ll, jinollicr, went to Knle Point Tiich- llli;., a iluuitliter. The llille miK Iiiim . y heen iinuieil .Minion. Tlm mother whm ''''" AIHIh family went lo Mcilforil fimni'ily MiH (Irneii Kner, u uiOl-1 '"' ,l,?H''"y kiioun 'iiiiihIi teimlier in (Inn viein-i Tlm -ope of Hulli I'iiIIh nrn tnk- ity. .Mr. nml .Mi-h. Mill ore now tlm!'"tr inlviilii o' the nice, weather we larcnls or three ehililren -llnrrii'l,.nre Imviiij,' by putting lit Kiinlen. Itobetl nml Marion. ",;V' Hiiiley of I'lincnix Mpeiit Hiilmi'iilifiH to the jiielimiunrv fmul ' 11,",r?'l".v '''"''"y "1 Sntimliiy here, ror iiilvimriiiK tlm mineral hiiiiiKs ' " Kv'e n very inlcnHlinK talk nt the water project havo reeoi.e.l lion, the f,'1"lr:''' ",;",l ' '''' 'mil Thur.s.lay lirnt Mill., or IhiiiiIh. Tlm oriuiiiul "'" "K -r mnni iiiiiii it iiumircii fiiml wiih ..".1I)0. which win MuhM.rib.I''',"l'1" '"'"V1 ,.""1 "PI"-1'1''"''' '' i-il wilh the iiiiili'iHtttiiiliujr Ihal ii it-!'" "" """ " u'v '"Jyliie linn Htroot, city of Modfonl for n period of nix montlm. C. J. CAHSTKNH, Datud .March 2 ltd, l'Jir,, UKM, IHTATKTO V.XCHASUi: 1M trado BO acrflu of good fanning land near Kaglfi I'olnt for renldenqo property In Medfard. Valuo C000. K. H. Tinny, 210 (Jarnctt-Coroy Hilt. r, VOH ItKN'T KUltKIBtinil HOOMH Till: PALM roouiH. he.it rooinlnK Iioiiko In .Med ford. 1'rlcun 35c mid rc. Weekly rated. 28 .Mri. Archm Million haw been hciu tin ircHen week ackiii(,' up hoiiu hobl pmhIh irciariitory to reinoiii(; to Sacramento, where her huxlmml lut m u railroad job. A patty of four Ko.vnl Arch .Mu hoiiM liehiiiciin: to SixkiyiMi chapter, o 1'lliln city, paul it iiit to ('niter lil.i chapter, of .Mcilt'onl, on Thih day eveuiii),'. Tlti'V were: ". II, ,Mi. Xitir, T. K. Iloltoii, It. I'. CuriieliiiH nml V. II. .lohnon. The social feat ure wiih not ovcrlonkcil at thta meet iiiK'i iiltlmuuh tlm main object of the cniiviiciitioii wiih conferring of the murk tuiiHtcr nml punt unifier ilc iiii't'M. The vitiirH Hpnik in hiuhuHt lernit of eimrlcHiiM cxliiulcil hi their behnlf by Hie companion of tlm Cra ter Lake orpiniation. .Mrn. A. II, ItilhNcll, one ol the pin iieorH of thin huetlon, early in the Meek entcitaiucil hoc hUtcr-Iu-luw, Dr. Owciih Ailair, author of the tuiicli epliitcil nml often itefealcil xlcril intloii hill, who wuh on her way Imiiie I mm .mihmii Califimiin to northern OrcKnn, In line with other notable improve ineiiti bchiK inniiHiiraled thiM hpriiij,', the. Southern I'licifie Iiiih nxprcHM'i! mi intention of Irniliiij; a helpiui; haiiil. It owiik property near the partiui; of lln wayn between thu up town ami ilepot tectum, upon which u Hiilpluir prim; is lociitcil, Thix wa ter U not iivuilal.le for railway iimi, mn iin n enuseipieiiee tin preiniscH In uencral have ioue into the discard of late vearn. The S. I'. nnvv offer.H to further ilcclnp tlm spring ami place n Hiihhtliutiul eiub iiroiiiiil it. This hfiuj; dene, the liulicH will tuke over tin care of the lot unit incorpnr ate it union;,' the tract which pi tit make tip the park .vfiii. This spring Im located about half way be- tweeu the I'lnxii ami ilepot on the main thoroiiKhfiiii between Hicko teriuiuulH, The n liny of hnbncH i now uciul in' iioiIIiwuiiIh. One niht last week over l.'ill found hlccpiu ipiaiterrt in the lower ImmIIik of Ihn Kouitb Htrcet hie stiitiuii, which Iimh now been con veiled into police liiadiiiattetH for the filst wniil patrol dislricl. IM .1, (lowland uml Mrs. Alice Ktubhs were iiiarrieil Weilneilay evening by Ucv. !. H. Smilli nt bin reJilcneo in Went Ahhliltiil. Kil is ov. port lueclmiiiciiin at the Ahhlauil arane. .Mik, (lowland is the dniinh ter of Mr. mid hlw. K. K. Miller mul for ycarH wiih the efficient iistNtiuit in her father' eKiahlihhiucnt, the Vicnnu cafe. After tlm ceremony n reception wiih tendered tliu newly wi'il nt tin Miller rcHijIenee on ('Iniieli Htrect. Tlmv will rcnlde at the (lowland Imint, in Kim. AnI'IhiiiI, near (lie llclleview HchoollmuHe, IF. K. I.owe of the ('olinnbia oafe- leriu, who nltyinplcd H,uiuido Wed iii'lilay mopiinp, is lnwly iniproviun uipl it is Ihouttht he will recover. The uivolvur shot pie. cod tho left )un. Hefuie eoinmitlinir tlm net ho dic tated I wo IcttCi'H to near icIiiUvch, bo it in Miid, the couteutH of which wll probably not be made puhliu iiiiIcsh lieiily ccuhored, ienibuiH of io 0. N 0. havo re ocived notico Ihi'fltiKli elmnnelH of thu adjutant genera I'h ol'lice llu.t rauu priietice will lieii thin year April J anil continue until October 1, thuH pruvii. injj mi open Heamm of nix jiiotUhrt for "rilinntitiK at a murk." fund would be made If the pmject reached the xlngi of netive opera tiotiK, The city libmry coiiimiK"iiiit aw rcvincd, tbero linvinu been nevernl re iipiiointmciit4 iiiiule of late, now in clude p. K. Wawon. (1. ('. McCtillis ter mul (he M'edmuuH Anna Cntter, Kliiiheth Van Sunt, IMith Moore, M'nrpitet Varone Ituidie, Muri cltu Mulit mul .Mary Niiiih, The cluiinimn, of the board is Mr. Mulit. The hoard meets the fimt Tlmixlay in cacti month. .Mix. Ware wiih ap pointed to fill the vacancy cmixcd bv nbienee of I'rnl'cNunr Van Seoy from the city. .Minn Itlmiehe Ilickn i lib rn i inn and Minx Siimiiiiii HomCH u nihtuiit. Altlioimb the itiKlitutioii ii cNlabliihed on the funicpc foiimla tiou mul benefit bv a small minimi tax levy, reineuibraiieeH from it friends are thaukfullv teceiveil. Anions thuiuctropolilan nttraetiotH htaninj; tin iintrv, the eoineily MticecHH, "I'iiIhhIi mid I'erliniitter," has been neeitred for the Viuin, where it will appear WeilneMlny ee uiuj,', Mai eh :il. ami a lioiiiititul dinner of uientH, veetableH, Milaili, pickles, bread, jelly, cake, fnulH uml col fee. COURT HOUSE NEWS Reported by JacVion County At tract Co., Blxth and Fir Bt. BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES Mi-x Miller in viitiii her mint, Mr. Oheucluiin, Ihin week. Mr. mid Mix, Oriu Train have Mild their property in the western pail of town to K. A. Ilildretb, Sr., mid v. ill move out iinmediately. Mix" (lertriulo Abbott, who ii Maying with her sixter on u ranch neiir here, was up Saturday. Mr. KuierMin lirmiKlit twenty milch itowH up from the valley Saturday. Ii. A. Wtijjbt went to .Mcilfonl on Saturday uml wnlkcil back Sunday, (llli Kibnoudsoii not hU eye hurt ill Hie shingle mill. rr. Marker went to Meilfonl Tuck day on hiiitimsx, Orie Morrin in Germs Can't Stay With This Treatment No Impurities Can Retain A Foothold They're Driven Out. Circuit Court .Med ford )teal(y Co. vn. Southern Pacific Co., obJectloiiM to cont bill. T. K. Ilolton ct nl vn. Sulnthlol (itirwell, et a), unit to forecloKO mort- KnRe. .MlKHOiirl i:. nitmon ct at v. l.'d ward J. Murphy et al, milt to fore clone uiortKaKC. KHlato of A. P. Talent, order con flrmliiK Halo of real property. Kutnte of David It. Itendrcy, In compttunl, Inventory of upprutmv iitcnt. Dow et nl vn. I.lttlo ct al, order ex tcndliiB time within which to file mo tion for new trial, Mary A. Stone v. llonry Humph rey, ot nl, decree default. l.llllu (l. Wood, formerly Lllllo O. Urtmu. vn. CornliiK & HriiHlt, ct nl, motion. lrn Atltwortli vs. W. A. Connor, tmtlnfnctlon of JudKiiient, John II. droves va. Paul Q. neit her, rvply, W. II. ItandobaiiKh, ot nl vs. Orn ApkIc, ot nl, motion. Chnu. nateman, et ux, va. Albert AhIio et u.v, motion. FOIt KBXT Nlcoly furnbilied front room on West .Main Ht., close In. Plionu 13X. FOIt ttKsr-nnvni i'O It I U :NT V ii r n I Nhpii iiouicj T rooms. Htrictly modern, nc ulock from new federal bulldlnK. Phono 'J.'tll-or call at 2 13 X. Holly St. FOIt UKXT Ily April 1 5th, C-rootn modern houise, full cenient bnso ment Phono U70W. FOIt KHXT Small fitrnUhed bunga low, clows In. Inquire of Dr. J. U. Helmi. ,1H FOIt IIRXT Cloo In four room Iioumj ono block bouDi of park, Kood ol for Korden, JO per month with city water paid. Address P. O. box 207, Medford, Ore. FOIt HBXT Klvo room bungalow with bnth, 30 foot sleeping porch, wood ahed nnd gnragc, garden fluff furnished. Phono 882-J or 670-11. J. II. Cochran. FOR Hi:XT Throo room furnished bungalow, phono 779-J. FOIt SAI.H anaollno pump nnd pump Jack. Uox Zi, It. P. U. Xo. 1. Mctlford. , .15 - liOSlo LOST Klaxlt auto horn Return to FOH BATiB SIISCIHiljAXKODB .1. MO.VITV TO IX).X FOR SAM-; At onco 2 rockera, drean era, library table, child' bed. -127 South Fir ntrect. i FOR BALK Ono 1013 Overland, model C9-T, In perfect repair nnd one Uiilck "white iitrenk" road Btor. It. H. McCurdy, Sparta Mdg., or C. K. Oatca. tf FOR BALK If you wish to pur chase a fine Airedale puppy of registered atock, male or female, uddrexB Ilox 101, R. F. I), or phono 13-F1I, Ashland, Oregon. 3 in FOR BALK 34-Incli wagon, 12 Inch atcel plow, 12-Inch chill plow, Bprlng tooth harrow, orchard disc, 120-ogg Petnluma Incubator, heavy work harin'Bii, one S-year-old 1350 lb. mare. Plionu S0-.I-1. 7 FOR SALE Ilonaehold furniture at 517 South Newtown, Phone 17C J. 315 TO LOAN .Money to loan on ranch property. Phone 3G8 or 130-R. C. A. JIcArthnr, over post office. WAXTKD Appllcatlona for loans of 71000 or more upon farming prop erty. Quick action for good secu rity. Harl S. Tumy, 210 Garnctt Corcy Rlk. for K.cnA.-in FOR "exCIIANOB A flno homo In Portland for a good plcco of land, linjulro at 18 North Grape. 3H FOR SALE OR EXCHAXOE New grand plno. Uox 09, caro Mali Tribune. :i4 TO EXCHANGE Six room modern house for 40 acres. Improved. 237 East 53 St. 314 FOR 8 A L K- -Ciilrrlgated, home lrruwn nntntiwii. Sir Wnltr Itnl- elgh. Hundred Fold and New Snow I varieties. $1.50 per 100 Ib9. E. W. Carlton, I'ppor Table Rock. 220 EXCHANGE Want to soil or buy anything? U O Rader, 114 N. Front St. Employment office and rentals. Phono 125. Nuff Sod. IIO.MKSTCAI)S run S.U.K Kiirnlture, gas rangw. i stoveK, etc. 820 West 12th. 31C FOR SALE Looso alfalfa hay 114 ton at barn on Ross I,ano. G. AH der. 315 FOR SALE Ftirnlturo In n good boarding house, good location. IIouso can bo rented. Inquire box 1C4, Gold Hill, Ore. 315 FOR SALE Light hack, detachable Boats, good an new, 30. Union Livery Stables. 314 FOR SALE Medium weight automo bllo, runabout body, new rear tires, best rash offer this month will take It. Address P. O. box 207. Medford, Ore. niO INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 760,000 acres for settle ment; fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 25c with this ad to Wcnatcheo (Wash.) Dally World, Dept. T, for rollablo data about this melon. HU8TN15HB imtKCTOHT AaaajlBg, E. R. CROUCH Assayor, chemist, metallurgist. Custom Assay Of flco. Mall order business solicited. Prices, gold, $1.00; gold and all vor, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, Bit ter and copper, $2.00. dialling" 4b volopes freo on request. Refer ence, Josephine County Sank, Ilooma 201-203 Hall Dtdg., Grant! Pass, Oregon. 338 ' - m i mi -1' i ' ' BUSINESS mill-CTORX FOR SALE Top buggy with polo and shafts, almost now, 307 S. Laurel. 321 Aato Bapptie- LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Wt are operating the largest, olden and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 28 North Fltteentk 8t Portland, Ore. 134 N. Riverside and receive re-1 FOR 8ALE Wood saw chcan. ward. 315 1 Doardman street. FOR SALE REAL. KSTATH jfKsii flpt'T hHhBHIQh ltMl ICslolo TrnasferM ChrlNtluo E. nurcli et vlr to Knuna N. Iturcli. latH C, and 7 lilk 70 Contrnl Point $ 10 W. C. Murphy to W. A. Folger lltH In lilk 2 Sumtiilt Add. , Medford 1 Theodoro P. Smith et ux lo Win. llruln ot ux, land in 3S 1W near Phoonlx 3300 M. Wilson et ux to Josso V. Curry, land In 23 38 1W 1000 Henry Humphrey et al to Wlt- helmliia Heine, agreement lotH Cent, Sag Medford 800 Henry Humphrey ot nl to Wtl hulmliia llelio, ngrcomeiit lot Cottage Add. Medford 400 Chan. M. ICiikIIhIi et al to Jul lim A. Manke, land In 11, .is ' JO Lydlu A. Spaiion et vlr to L. J, Sloppy, lot 8 blk Q Talent 200 FOR SALE Ono of tho clioleost lota in Siskiyou Hclghtn addition to Medford. Address I E. (I., care Mall Tribune. 3ic FOit sali -biviarrooK FOU BALE--Team wHghlng 3100. wagon, harness, spray rig, disk cultivator, two plows, ono buggy, ono light harness. Can bo hocii at 428 W. Fourth street. Telephone 405-11. 4 Attorney. IPnnTRB T V-'PE' WTLf O URlt.Mt 403 I Attorneya-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 321! 9, Medford National Dank bide. FOR. SALE: To orchard bonds In Rogtto River Commercial Orchard No. 2. Cost $G00 and will sell for $500. Address M. D. Yates. 922 Empire Illdg., Atlanta, Georgia. 340 FOR SALE Registered full blooded bull calf, 5 months old. I'hono 741, Frank G. Owen. 310 FOR SALE Horse, buggy, nnd hnr noss, $95. Lmly can drive. Uox 20, Mall Trlbuuo. 31C FOR SALE Pair young work horses, team or single, tlmo If desired. Phono 317. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Druggist to tako over a drug Btore, In Southern Oregon, salo or exchange. Address Drug gist. Medford Mall Tribune. 31S WANTED n-dA?CEOU8 WANTED Stock to pasture. Phono 201-JC. 3 1 5 HELP WANTED MAIjK The action nf & H. B., tho fnmnuH blood purlllnr. Im illrvot (ruin Ilia moment It euturs tho ntunmch. UultUu feed that liuiHt bo nctoil upon by tlia illKoattvn Jillurri, H. H. H, i;oi'M ut oaeo Into tlio Mom), iiiut In Icbm Hum live intnuta. ban ti-uvemuil tlm unttro elrruliitlnu. It now rapidly npraailH Ita madlclnal netluu In tho Una iiotwnrk of blooit vim moU mul Is lllcu giving thu blond u tharniiKh bath, tn overcome eciema. hlooil rlnlnuM, liolls unit other erupttvo coiulltloiis. It can not liurm liny part of tint HyHtoin. It docs not linigo til thu JolntH na do mcraiiry, iirsuulu und othec mlncrnts friuiucntly tu bu found In blood roineillc. It Is a imtunil medi cine fur thn blood, JiiHt im usnimul (o houlth It norms havo KOtteti tho upper burnt as Ih nutrltlotm food It after a -poll of bIckiiouh tho body fulls for uour iHhniont. WliomvoC you go you urn miro to meet moiiiu ono who iisod 0. S, H. for tlm blupd uml Is u wltllnir wltmiia to Ita womlorful power to overcomo blood troubles. You cun obtain H. H. 8. In utmost uny drug1 storo In the U. 8., u vlKtilncant fact us to Its worth and Its Mtorllnir repututlon, Got u bottlo tiuiiy. It will do you good. Write to The Bwlft Hpuclflu Co., 104 Hwlft blg., Atliintu, On,, If the directions, with tho bottlo du not fully cover your nine, NOTICE Notico Is hereby Riven that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil nt Ita meeting to be held April Gtlt, 1915, for a lIcottBo to rU malt, splrltuoitH and vinous llquora in quantltloH less than a gallon on It placo of business at 13 South Front B i FOR BALE Two saddlo horsos, broken to drive, daiibln nml sin. glo harness nnd saddlo. .Mrs. A. S. iiuutmrd, Ashland, Oro. FOR SALE Six fresh cows, six calves, two teams of work horses, three mules, two sets ot heavy work harness. Walsh's ranch, mile out North Roosovelt avenuo. 31S FOIt HALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Turkey eggs In ' any quantity. .Medford Poultry & Egg Co. FOR SALE Rhodo Island Red oggB. GOo a sotting. Phone 407-M. 321 VANTKD Machinist nnd repair man, familler with tho caro, oper ation and repair ot mining pumps. Address n care of Tribune. 7 WANTED SITUATIONS A. E. REAMES, LAWYER GaraetV Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvtg-. George M. Robert COLVIG & RODERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. D. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERR1 Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Building, NEWTON W. DORDEN Attorney at Law. 232 East Main street. WANTED Work for man und team. Phono 392-Y. 313 WANTED TO 11UY WANTED I hnve two buyers for cat tie ranches ot considerable size, nnd would like gonio new listings. R. II. McCurdy. 1 WANTED To buy or rent, largo in cubator. Phono CG1J or P. O. box 698, Medford. 313 MODOC ORCHARD Duroc -Jersey, Pure Bred Spring Pigs Both Sexes Wo nro offorlng for sao a solectlon of Spring PIrs of tho bg kind. Slrod by GOLDEN NUGaET-, No. 142,785, out of dams from prlo winning stock nnd Individually tho pigs nro what could bo oxpoctod from their linos of breeding Mako your selections early nnd for visiting pilvllogos ami prlcos npply to Palmer Investment Cc. Mull Trlbmio Uutldlnj; Medfortl FOR SALE Chicks, 10c, eggs 5c, uost egg inying strain O, A. C, S, C. W, Leghorns. College Vlow Poultry Farmn, Corvallls. Ore. 319 WHY? IT IS YOUR ItL'Sl.MCSS TO SEE ME Booauso my stock In (rndo Is to have optioned n,t tho lowest cash prlco tho host buy In this county. I huvo been on tho around look. lug out for you for tho past flvo years. Nearly everyday I havo In voBtlgatod somo "good thing," I havo ollmlnatod ovorythtng excopt thoso deals which I nm convlucetl will se cure mo satisfied customers, In n fow houra tlmo I can glvo you tho bonoflt of this research, it la my business to show you over the county and 'introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities hea. Sea Mod ford first and J. C, BARNES Room 1301, Flrht Nattoual Uuuk Uldg. ALFALFA AND WHEAT We havo listed tor quick salo IG0 acres under ditch near Willows, Cal ifornia, In grain but ready for seed ing nlfalfa, for $135 per aero, on ex ceedingly good terms. Excellent al falfa laud. Wheat land is In demand. A tract of 320 acres in tho "Dig Dend,'' Washington, should appeal to you. It Is so productive tho grain has to bu stacked In two counties, Tho man with tho cash can secure It for $10,000. Make nn offer of one-halt cash nnd will do our best to secure terms. Pumping plant Installed. Woll yields 100 gals, per mtnuto. Locally, a tract of 140 acres, with good house and bam, 30 acres In al falfa, somo water rights, about 50 acres In cultivation, all tor $9000, Would mako an Ideal dairy, poultry and hog ranch. Convenient of access to two towns anil In ovory way first class, Falling health Induces owner to mnko unusually good terms on this. ROGUE RIVER LAND 10. Room 407 Howard Block Opposite P. O, Don't forget that 5 acres for nnul., try for ijtlouo, close In. CWropr-ctor- Dll. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Louise K Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplats. Thest systoms, Including dietetics, cura tire gymnastics, hydro-therapny, etc.. produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douel & Co., cor nor Main and Bartlo'.t. Hours S a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours b appointment. Phone 170. Employment Agency featflPlt EMPLOYMENT AGENCY We wis everybody to know that tho Old Re llablo Bittncr Real Estate and Em ployment agency, will get your help, find you employment, rent your houso or sell your land. Mrs. J. S. Clark, manager sneccwor. Rooms C and 7, Palm Bldg., Med ford, Ore. G-rfeeffe OARDAOK Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 274-L. F. Y. Allen. l e iBs-racMe- fas Mm HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401. Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Fred Al ton Hnlght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Halgut, voice. Telephone 53-W. Notary P-MM N. YOCKEY Notary u- 11c. Bring your work; to me at the HELEN lie. i altn of the Mall Tribune. Phyestciaaa DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OtteejMkthle physicians, 416-417 Oaraett-Corej bldg., phone 103 6-L. Keelaeaee 36 Houth Laurel 8L DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath physicians, 803 Oaraett-Ceres balldlag. Phoae 9Q4-M. DR. J. J. BMMEN8 Phys4eia a surgeon. Practlee limited te eye, ear, nose and throat. Kyea selea tltlcally tested and glatees she piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. It, Co. Offices M. F. to II. Co. Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 667. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jaek son county Bank bldg. Ofttes phoae 43-R; residence phoae GS-K DR. MARTIN C. BAR8ER Physt- cmn ana surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. 3. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 3 03-8 04 205. Garnott-Coroy btdg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given, needle spray, head and snouldei shower In connection; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics hydroptherapy. Lady attendant Phone, office 543, residence 511-R Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg., suite Medford, Ore. Phoue 856. Ill DR. R. W, CLANCY Physician tad surgeon. Phones, office 86, resi dence 724-J.. Office hours 10 to 13, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOC1CWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 309-310-311, M. F. & 11. Bldg. Phones rosidonce, 814-J2; office, 814. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic physician, practice limited to ob stetrics and diseases of women and children. Otflcos 3 and 4, 8U Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 160. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. M. DOW Physlclaa aad surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12. Phone 160. Resi dence, the Dow Hospital, Central Point. ' Engineer sul Contractor FRED N. GUMMINGS Engineer and contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg. Surveys, estimates, irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Improvement NEW TODAY This proporty will bo sold, because it is marked down from Its vuluo of $8000 to only $4800 und that will make it soil. 50 ncres with an 8-rooin house, largo barn and other buildings loss than two miles from a llvq town with good high school. Paid up irrigation on half tho land, which is now In crop. Dalanco of tho place is timber. Romombor tho prlco Is marked down to $4800, and hulf can romain as loan If desired. C. D. HOON Printers ana rubUsbera UEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leat ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland price. 27 North 1Tr at - '- -,-JB'j Stenography and Multlgr-ph Work ' N-- MRS. M. T. EDWARDS Work done promptly at reasonable rates. Room 3, Palm block, pbone 107. -. , ,rr---j-i . : : , -, a Shoo ItepalrlBif 8IIOE REPAIRING First class sh4 repairing, on moaera eieecne machines while you wait B, N, Blden, located In Kldd'a 8hee ofe. Phone 313J. FOR, SALE Or, EXCHANGE Rogue River Valley Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonization Tracts. Besi all-the-yoar-round cllmato on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs, Ueaver Realty Co., Ashland, Oreu BSS-tti Transfer. EAD8 TRANSFER ft STORAGB CO Office 42 North Front it. Pheat 315. Prices right Service gear-nteed. Tyiievvrltere aad ftofflies. ' TYPEWRITERS AD amPLlks Now Remington, Smith Premier and Monarch typewriting, aWtag and subtracting maehlaes, reWutlt machines for cash or easy pay ments. Machines for rent, ribheae nn4 supplies of all kinds, simple re p4r (Mecf.,)uurpii .ifsr . -wtmi, u rwHMi a,,