Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 25, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r a
h. II. Drown linn carpenters nt work
building a modern Bovon-room farm
MtnRiUow oii liln 200-ncro ranch nonr
U))iir Table nock. Mr. Drown H
cxpcrltnontlnR with swoot clover on
liln ranch, haTlng planted about flvo
ncros of Seed this aprlng nml Is ex
pecting gratifying rvmilts. Several
other ranchers of the valley aro rx
perlmentlnR In a small way In the
growing of Bweot cfovcr. In all lo
calities when sweet clover has been
Krdwh to any extent It Is fnst sup
planting alfalfa as a Btock food, es
pecially Is It recommended fir fat
tening hoes.
Wo have a particularly good lino of
tailored hats at medorato prices.
Misses Lonsbury and Sonion at tho M.
M. department store. 5
Manager Rates of tho Applegate
C roam cry transacted business In Mod
ford Wednesday and went to Grants
Pass Thursday.
Another five hundred pound ship
ment of those delicious chocolate
creams going at thirty cents a pound
Tho Parcnt-Tcachcrs1 circle, of tho
Roosevelt school will meet Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The subject
for discussion is "How to Maintain
the Physical Health of tho Child."
Tho loaders aro Mrs. Lockwood and
Miss Wortmun. This promises to bo
an interesting meeting and a full at
tendance Is desired. Light refresh
ments will bo served.
Modish hats at tho M. M. Store.
Mrs. 2. L. Atkinson of Ashland vis
ited friends and relatives in this city
Wednesday afternoon and evening.
C. A. DoVoo for subscriptions.
Tho spring clean up Is In full swing
in tho rcsldenco district. Housewives
as is their custom, will not begin
their houso cleaning until after the
smudging season. Thcro is much
beating of carpets, however.
Papering and painting. Phono
Spraguo Itclgel of Gold Hill is
spending tho day in Medford with
Money to loan first mortgage on
brick buildings. It. H. McCurdy. 7"
George T. Henry of San Francisco
is spending a few days in the city
visiting friends.
See- Dave Wood about that fire In
surance policy. Offlco Mail Trlbuno
Sergeant Pat Mcgo of tho pollco
forco visited friends in Ashland Wed
nesday afternoon.
Cash paid for eggs. Medford
Poultry & Egg Co., 100 East Eighth
street. 314
Lester Adams for tho last eighteen
monthB a reporter on the Morning
Sun, leaves today for Wallace, Idaho,
Mr. Adams will engago in newspaper
work in tho Idaho town. Ho form
erly lived there.
Seo Sbapleigh Hardware Co., for
fishing tackle, especially tho boys.
Tho pollco Thursday night routed
a force of tramps camped along Dear
Crook, and' forced thdm to evacuate
their posltlon'in tho jungles. All thd
booking utcnsllfl were heaved into the
creek. The- denizens of tho camp,
campaign along Main street seeking
alms, nnd retire to the creek bank
to cnt what they have garnered. Tho
authorities made a sortie on tho
"Jungles" along tho S. P. track south
of town but found nobody homo.
J. O. Gcrklng, tho best all around
photographer in southern Oregon
Always rclinMo. Negatives made any.
whoro. timo or place. Studio 238
tnln St Phone 320-J.
Game Warden Fred Merrill of
Grants Pass attended to business mat
ters in this city Wednesday after
noon. Candy, candy; get it at DoVoo's.
Sheriff W. II. SInglor attended to
county matters in this city Wednes
day afternoon.
Get it at Do Voo's.
Frnnk Burgess of Tncoma, former
ly of this city, visited tor a few hours
in this city Wednesday, en route
home from a business trip to Cali
fornia. Papering and painting. Phono
G. H. Rice of Glendalc, Oregon, Is
spending n few days in the city on
business matters.
When your feet hurt don't, try to
put up with it. Have thorn cared for
by a skilled Marlncllo operator. Tho
comfort it brings Is worth many times
tho cost of treatment. The Marlncl
lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utlcy, 407
Garnett-Coroy building. tf
The Rounders club will hold a
danco nt tho Natatorinm Friday
evening. Invitations havo been ex
tended to tho High school and alum
Dr. Riddcll has moved his offlco to
tho Medford Furniture & Hardware
building, third floor. 314
H. E. Deal of this city has return
ed from a short business trip to Cal
ifornia points.
Fancy groceries at DoVoo's.
Oscar Peterson of the Applegate
transacted business matters In this
city Thursday.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book
R. E. Xeal of this city is attend
ing to business matters in Roseburg
this week.
Cash paid for eggs. Medford
Poultry & Egg Co., 109 East Eighth
street. 314
Tho Jackson County Flro Patrol
association. held Its annual election
Wednesday afternoon, tho meeting
being held In tho forestry building.
W. T. Grievo was named president,
Lincoln McCormack, secretary and
treasurer, II. IX Miles, vlco presi
dent, nnd W. T. Grieve, J. H. Cooloy,
II. D. Miles, Frank Owens, and J. E.
Wheeler, directors. State Forestor
F. A. Elliott addressed the mcottlng,
urging that all slashings be burned
early as a precaution against fires
later in tho season.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlto
Dook Store.
James Victor of t'orvallls Is spend
ing a few dajs in tho clt ntteudlng
to business matters, '
Sweet cldor at Do Voo's.
An Invitation has boon oxtcmlod
by tho Valley Pride Creamery of the
Applegate to Governor Wlth.v combo
to deliver tho address of tho day at
the annual picnic to bo hold In April.
Tho governor hnn consented to come,
or send his secretary. Many Medford
business men nnd old residents will
attend the festivities, which Is the
gala event of tho jenr on tho Applc
gnto. Oregonlnn agency nt DoVoo's.
C. C. llooxer of tho Hoover Dairy
hllo cleaning bottlos on patent bot
tle washers Wednesday, sustained a
severe cut in tho palm of his right
hand, when tho bottle broke, h Jag
ged edge of glass being forced Into
the hand. It wn nedessary to take
three stitches in the wound.
Auto Insurance. 6. Y. Tengwhld.
Tho regular weekly drill of the Sev
enth company was hold last night,
tho soldiers maneuvering on River
side avenue, with a full company nnd
all officers present.
Why not get It at DoVoo's?
Captain J. T. C. Nash of -Oakland
Is fn tho city for a few !lna attend
ing to business matters.
Have your lawn mower sharpened
by J. W. Mitchell, phono 320-J. tf
A meeting of tho base ball players
of thd city will bo held this week to
formulato plans for tho organization
of a baseball team. Some of tho most
ardent of tho players wcro out last
Sunday practicing. Walt Antlo re
ceived a badly bruised finger during
this workout.
For better insurance seo Holmes,
tho Insurnnco Man,
Harry Luy and fnmlly of Jackson
ville havo returned from a trip to
Grants Pass.
Matinee, tho Page today.
County Assessor AV. T. Grievo of
Jacksonville was a business visitor
in Mddford Wednesday afternoon.
Get ysur outtcr, cream, milk and
iiitter-mllk, at Do Voo'.
Beginning April 1st, tho local post
offtco will begin tho weighing of nil
parcel post packages sent out from
this city, and counting tho rural mall
Tho last namod routlno will continue
for thirty days, and the first named
for 15 days. Doth outgoing and In
coming mall will he counted and
weighed. Tho counting and weighing
Is held twlco each year, and from tho
data collected railroad rates for haul
ing of tho mall regulated.
Get Pan Dandy bread at DoVoo's.'
En Rhotcn, who garnered a for
tune or two from his pocket hunting
adventures In southern Oregon, and
his friend John Knox wcro fined J25
In tho Justlco court this morning for
disorderly conduct. Rhotcn Is one
of tho most picturesque figures in
tho mining life of this section, and
from ono of his pocket finds collect
ed $37,000 in gold. Ho and Knox,
after looking upon tho wlno'whon It
was rod, wcro alleged to havo tried
to enter tho cabin of a woman living
on Kano's creok and othorwlso con
ducting thomselves In an unbecoming
W. I), llrldges, William O'Urlon,
Charles McLean, l W. Worthlngton,
James Knight and William Hurt, ar
rested In thin city Inst fall during
tho sessions of tho federal court for
selling whlskoy to Indians wcro ro
loused fiom tho Multnomah county
Jail at Portland Tuesday. All took
tho pauper's oath, Tho violations uf
the law occurred during the Jim
George murder trial.
""Tho'worU of laying the brick for
tho basomotit of the federal building
under courso of construction at Sixth
and Holly streets, began this morn
ing. Attorney Gus Newbury attended
to professional mutters In tho county
seat Wednesday.
If you C. A. DeVoe, you can got
Tho Country Gentleman for one dol
lar. The track team of the High school
began Its regular workout? WodnoH-
Winy evening for tho first meet to bo
hold early In April A series of inter
class meets will bo held to detormluo
the ontrles for the tsouthorn Oregon
meet tho date of which has not yet
been fixed.
Mrs. F. M. Crowley of Mndtson,
Wlsronstn. Is visiting with tho fam
ily of F. S, Carpenter of Perrydale.
Flro Insurance C. Y, Tcngwald.
In answor to uuorles regarding the
Jack Johnson-Jess Wlllard fight, it
will bo held at Havana, Cuba, on tho
nftomoon of April I. for tho heavy
weight championship of tho world,
Johnson being assured $.10,000 win,
loso or draw,,Vil!ard to receive train
ing expenses, and a pcrccntngo of tho
gate receipts. Tho men will fight nt
catch weights.
Tho Palm rooms, best rooming
house In Medford. Prices 35c and
50c. Weekly rates. 28
W. A. Wattan, owner of n carload
of Central America bananas shipped
to this city from New Orleans, was
arrested this morning under tho city
ordinance covering itlnornnt merch
ants, nnd fined $50. Wattan appeal
ed tho caso. The banana man waa
prohibited Wednesday from selling
"bananas from his car on tho Darnum
railway siding because It was viola
tion of tho Interstate Commerce
commlssson regulations. Wattan Is
now selling from a Front street store
Under the provisions of a Inw
pushed by the lust legislature, m-itor-rycles
will belt n.sisnl mill upn
upon the tax mils for next year. A.
bchriors of the state have Imtii m
Mniriril to notify their deputies to
ns.schs motorcycles, irri'Kpci-tiwi vi
the vehicle tax, which heretofore hi-,
exempted them. Motorcycles nre now
listed ns pcrxonul troivr(y. T'io
machines in this county range in
vnluo from .fl'J5 to $200 nml will p'
xult in nilditionnl money. There i
between 130 nntl 17.' inotort'U'l ( n
uro in Jnckxon eountv.
Tho firt CuihI of. tho mcumou
out it'll Woilncilay night, March 111,
tho nnniersar of llio lint heavy
frost of Inst season, The hoiuiit
fiiitt oeeurtt'il tho Willow iim; niijlit.
ami i Wis outlook is I or another frost
tonight. Thm lwi trust a voar ago
caught tho orvhimlists utipremu't,
with tho season a week or ton iIiijh
ahead of tho present reason.
Tho tlioriiioinoler last uiht drop
ped to 'JU in Metll'oul ami at low
points on tho Moor of llio willov (o
'2i.' llartletts ami I)'Aiioiis were jinl
hcginuiiu: to bloom, ami tho oiop will
not, ho iiffi'cloil iiialoiuillv. Other
nriol!os wore nut oiulnngeu'il.
.Nfoul of llio orctuii'ilisN hml plinlx
of oil, ami tho endangered orchards
resorted to healing, so were not iif
fovlcu. Xo frost warning was given
and tho oiitiiiienl sent down for tho
Trost survey of tho valley hits ioil vet
been installed. Special frot ohfoivor
'Drake, uVluilcd from Portland, has
been awaiting' wont from Counlv
Pathologist llciulerson to cunte, ami
it wns generally supposed that tho
)nngor period had not jet arrived.
The hot weather of the past week,
hovvovor, has forced tho bloom,
Until tlio arrival of Observer
Drake, A. C. Allen will act us oh
server ami mmu! out frost warnings.
jks3? -JV- c
This (loliKhtCul syrup is pure,
healthful mid nutritious and a real
economy, because it is packed in
nmrnintriniil. Slnnrllll'tl VllH-McaHUl'O
r ,,, Ymi uroL HETTEK Byrun and
W MOKE of it for tho money.
tl . ,4
iami Mmt) m
W Olvct a brilliant c'omr ihln Ihnt
M 3oc r it tub tit or l-st cil-tht
U mioa',lth lion latls lour
times ntlcnir many oUior.
n Black Silk Stove Polish I
til U li a claaa br llorlf. It'a tuoro I
m t.t '(i'nloarlinaC
J It J ttrputnnt.. .
IA !. iHirLMu it re G
IB of mir r nrw. nBBiV
H If TliV)o'l rn.iu ffoTm&o
ihiwttuhra MUHilHlr m
H rv r uil. your VjiKifiV I
n ti.rclwuro tr tHB h 'V
M rtrrrilnlTU llflV iv ftk. I
W . ji rtMdiarv StfK.B H
J fnail r JjfgWjsBi? IB
n, 7.-ojHn" 3M!iffl3l ' f 1
I Mttlnnln ,.B??535A bfl
Pacific Coast
Syrup Co. jp
da m JMurJ .. . jm
a fe: mm
JM i) Mam
M ftj RBI
r vii
JfPtr!n.1nn.lvnH nnmhnrlosa 11SOS ill COflU-
V ?J- J -!.,)., .1 t ,x minml fr1rV nP rrSj-Z.
Viandy to frpstings pudding sauces
frruits. For the best rccipo for a
Ten. Garden dainty we'll pay .?o
Sn.1 S2T for tho second host.
Send as many recipes as you
Ucsiroto our Portland onice
Ask Your Grocer
Tor l't'llcnn IMtilassca
It'H IlOHt
lo not forKet to tnko with joii folno of our Travolom
Checks tho S.tfo, Convenient .Muitluiu which eimblos
ou to iirocuro cash tiromptl)' wherever you ko.
At New Dnnana Store nnd car on Front Street. Just got in car
load direct from New Orleans,
r,-" - " . , , , , ,, .,, . B--.
t $!
I Ladies'
A now Shipment Arrived Yesterday.
A Stylish Coat, made of tho (Jjnr fiJA
now fabrics, special w J DJ
Other Coats in proportion.
Skirts $2.25
The now models and cloths, unexcelled val
uos, : , $2.25 up
m mm
e !
A new line of Painty Muslin
Underwear .just in. You will
want to sec it. Prices to suit.
Corset Covers up from 25
Princess Slips up from ,.98
Envelope Combination Suit ,....'..'. 981
Combination Corset Cover and Skirfc....98
Combinatn Corset Cover and T)rawo'rs.,98
Oowns up from 635
Child's Satteen 31oomers 25
Silk Gloves 50c up
Lookout for 6ll!cf;Iovcj that won't
wear. You want fbo Kayair fit onil
finish tho Kaytier tlp-tfao j;uaran- i;
tun !. ft.fn.. .! Vmi . ,!( 4
lieront ho price of tho choapojt ?
oil wltU "ICavier" Irftho beta.
Phoenix . Silk Iloso, ('very
pair "gimran teed,
75c and $1.00
That Look Right,
Fit Right,
Wear Right,
Because They're
Made Right
$17.50 to $25.00
. $13.50
Ail-Wool Bluo Sorgo
All-Wool Suits for young men DJ Q A A
at ., wtll;
All-Wool Suits for men
mi op& -f
J'WliWH'T V t
nMt' k
Middy lilouscs 98 to $1.25
Child's Wash Dresses 3 for $1.00
Guaranteed Silk Petticoat JB2.25
TI.HeuMtKvrfrllM J
8.:j i !
,..B "--''
Men's Hats, the latest stylei
M"en's AVhite Canvas Oxford, rubber sole $t.05
Moon's Caps, a 50c seller, special .31M
38 W
t- r
i '
j. aI, '; " '-li ' . i - ,. ,-,..... ,, . , -