fc V. MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OltKOON, TUESDAY, MARflir 23, 1015 PXGE THRWB MALBOEUF WRITES ! FRUIT GROWERS OF T WES COLORADO W'onl coiiu'h fiitii Clriiiul .Jinn-lion, Colo., limt Cliuili'M A. .Miillioi'iif, for mcr niiiiinuitr of tlin Mcill'onl oiii iihucIiiI dull, formerly roiiiirrlril wild t lit) KiirlliwcFttcni Fiult I'.xcIiiiiihc nml tlio North I'milfio DihtiilniloiH, )h ut tlin liciiil of tlin ni'iv ('oliiimlo imi rrutlvo orMiilrnllim, Mr. Mnllioi'iif wiilt'M to tlm Mull Tiilinnu from (Irniiil .liiiii'tiiui Muting Unit lio Ih liciiil of tint mm orpiiiiiitlon. Colo jimIo hIiIih ftoin noill) to 7(11)0 i'iirn of iiiik'H, irarn iiinl pi'iii'lii'M iiiinti ully. Mr. Miillioi'iif inclnHcn tint fol lowing wiitt'iip of tliu new nriitilra lluii. "Tlin ili'i'lnivo Nlcp lowiinls tin jittiHnj; of tlin Ciilnniilii I'nilt IihIiim. try upon u IiiihIm of iiMNiiri'il projjrr-NH nml currying uilli it nil tin' piilill tliw of profitnbln miiiuiil ri'lurim to tlic rnwiiiH, w'iih tin' formation of tin1 Itorky Mniiutiiiu ('iiHrattv Kruit DihtrilnilorK ut Delia on WVilni'mliiy. Till n tln final niovo in tin wi'MiiiL; toKi'tlicr of nil illHtrii'ta nml local as Hoi'ialloiiK into a htriutly ttrowcra' . opcrativo central nolliiitf agency, ami the perfection of it will now proceed rapidly ami HyMeniaticallv in order to In thoroiiKtily e(piiiped to take cm a of tlm cropM nf 11115. "For tin' firm limn in tlin history of fruit jrewiii: in till Mnti', every Mo tion on the wcftem xlopn not together on common ground, llirouli tliu rep. rcxcnlativcH nf Ilia dil'IVreat lucal fruitgrower' nxHocintnmM, fur tlin isuoioii of mutter nffveliiiK tint licft interchtM f the j; rower. With that t;iitlieriiiL ami tlm perfect unity of ideiiM which prevailed, tliu forma tiou nf lint central marketing orpin iratiou wiih iihhiiiuiI, nml the iictnui taken formally launched tlm (41 eat en- tcrprihc. When it Ih taken iuti 11- hideratinii that the uHMiciutioim jiitm cut, Ihrouch their accredited dele jmlon, represented upwards of 7.ri per cent of tlm Ioiiiiiiku of tlm western hlopo, (he farrcachiuc; character ami rchiiltn of tlm uieelin will hu fully npprcciatcil. COURT HO USE NEWS ReportoJ by Jackson Countr Ab tract Co., filxth and Ktr Bta. NEPHEW OF CHINA'S PRESIDENT COMES TO U. S. FOR EDUCATION vw ThP jTY w 7 iiBlllllllllllllK dtt I i . f ait fiiiucN iiitii;, ncpiiow m iiiaii Mini uai, prcMticni 01 i iiimi, am urn wife ami child, who recently came to San I'rancihcn from New York, where the huxhnuil lain jtit completed Iiik I'icmIiiiiiiii car in (Niliitnhia uuivernity. lie ix Miidyini: hankiui; nml nuance. The luihy, Victor Yuan, wiih horn In New York ami is the first American citir.cu nf thin famous ChincHo family. PRZEMYSL'S FALL ii PANFUL BLOW it TOT ETON A E Circuit W. II. Kwiiih . Frc.l K. Kail, re. turn of hiimiuoiiH. Kohcrl Nye vn. John Y. Opp mid II. Crouch, HiImmoiiH. Hi. M'eM. Dow ct al vh. Florence I-onsdale. ct al, ilcmiirrcr. A. Dclhert Diddrido vh. .Jackson county, complaint, KiuumoiiN, II. M. MeFarlaml vh. John It, Al len ct al, complaint. Peter J. Hunt VH. Lena -llaven ct nl., complaint. II. M. MeFarlaml vh. F. Y. Simp Icih ct al., complaint, order for pub lication, motion for order appointing KUiiitliati ail litem. IUil ICstalo Trnaufcr Kulloek Mercantile Agency to M. M. llullock ct al, lot in lliilo Fallrt ... . 1 h. I.. IIokc ct ii to ('ml l,claml Lewis et iix, laud near Ash land in twp. :umk llradlord S. Itadcliff ct ux to lliillouk Mercantile A'iiecy, lot in Unit Falls . .. Jlutler & Thompson Co, to (I, 1). llollcy, lot in Ashland V. II. Kinkier, Hheilff, to Seat- tie Trust Co., tractrt in cloven F.inhty Orchiuil TractH.... l7,87l Oliver It. llrowii, trustee, et al to AkoiiIh K, Uroun et al, lot I, hlnnk 7, Med ford . 1 !'. J. Herder ct tix to Otto Mi chel ct ux, lot in Wuulcii'rt Add, to Ashland l J. McrRor ct ux lo Otto Mi- die) et ux, lot in lilock l'J, Aslilaml .. . 5(111 I, noo 1,01111 1,00(1 MARSHALL GRILLS PINK TEA AT SORORITY HOUSE Tlm I'meralil, published at tlm Uni versity of Oregon, coulaiim tlm fol lowitiL' hy Kdisoii Marshall of Med- ford, writtoii upon tliu occasion of sorority open house. "You Icnvo your cheerful firosiilo chair, your can of Liieky Strike, your i'riendly pipe, (tlm ludicH dear may not itH odor like), You don your keenest tog am then, with wide ef fusive, riii, you stroll to tlm so rod tiuH mid ifiiiKorly walk in. You am Iilu down tliu lino of dnmoH and shako tliom hy tlm mil. You ask them how thoy do today, and if they're. feolinK lit. You hull along about tlm (trawls, about tlmii pledges keen, nml drink u tiny cup of pumili, served up hy some. laii' quueu. ton say faruwoll to all the girls uh sweetly as you can. Ain't that a deuce of mi afternoon for a rent, jiltf hoallhy uiiuiT" IIF.IMJX, ia Loudon, March j:i. Tlm press of the Oemiaii capital unites in paying tribute to tlm defend cru of Prxcmysl, who, it is deelarcil only hunger could subdue. At the same time there in mi disposition to make light of the defeat. The I.okal Aiueigcr say: "We have no intention of minimiz ing the loss din hiave allies have buf fered. I'rremyhl was strong ami a great fortress. It showed Uh strength in its proud defence. Wit mourn with our allies its Iiish and the Iosh of its coiiiiimiuler and uarrisou, who have won laurels whosu glory captivity cannot destroy," The Yossiselm Zeituug says the foil's fall release tlm beleaguering anav, hut while it in not known where it will bo employed, the AiuitrimiH un doubtedly are informed and will take the necessary steps. "While wo thoroughly agree with the view of the Austrian general staff that llm fall of I'lv.eiuysl can have no influence on the general situation," siiyH the KreiiR Zeitnng, "we never Ibeless tiro honest enough to admit it ih a paliittil Mow ilealt our causii on tlm right wing of our mutual 1000 kilometer front." POLAR BEARS SAIL TO SEEK EXPLORER i E LA FRANCE" DEATH SHOUT OF OF W KBATTI.K, March a:i.-Thi little power M'lniniier I'olar Hear, noted for her buttles with Arctic icu in prev ious years, sailed for tho Polar sea today under coininaml of hoc owner, ( aptaiii Louis Lane, Lane hopes to icaclt llm Mackenzie Delta and per haps Hunks Land uc.vt summer, WJicrover ho goc lm will keep a sharp lookout for Yilhjalaiur Kief- missoii, tho explorer, ami bis two companions, who have not heene hard from Hind) April 7 of last year. They weer then on the ice l.'O miles uorlh of Muitiii Point, traveling north in tlm hope, of finding now laud. 1 hoy expected to turn east to Hanks Laud, hut tlm Mackenr.iu opened early and tho rivor'n mighty flood swept away tho ioo all about Dunks Land. Tho Polar Hear will capture polar hears alive for zoological gardens, hunt whales ami walrus, trado with Kski in as and take pictures. DARDANELLES WOUNDED CARED FOR AT MALTA VALKTTA, Island of Malta, March 21). Tho governor of Malta Iiiih ap pealed to local veesldeiits to tako convalescent from tho hospitals into their homeoH, thus making room in tlm hospitals for tho wounded, who aro expected from tho Dardanelles. With Moil ford undo in Medford made PAULS, March 'J.I. Standing at salute and shouting "Yivc la France," the officers and crew of the French battleship Bouvet sunk in the Dar dandles on March 18, went down with their ship, according to tlm Tenedos corrcsMii)dent of tho Athens Patris, who thus describes the action in which tho Houvet ami tho Oaulois were engaged: ten... ..iinifii.i ,.r ii.., n.iiti'nf ii,..i I ,..,-...... ... ...v ......... ...... been ordered to cross a dangerous mini) r.ono nml force a passage to Cluiuak Klcssi, thus making the al lies musters of the straits as far as N'agara. At 1 :'J0 p. in. liie Iloiivect was five miles from Cluiuak nml wan firing at Foil Dardanus. She had crossed two mine rones. The Oaulois followed, firing all her gnus. The commander of tlm Houvet, hy a skill tut maneuver, avoided two mines, which were exploded by a. destroyer, hut a third struck her in the region of her magariues and shu sank by the head. "Seven survivors of tlm Houvet climbed into a boat and spent the night in a bay on the P.iiropcnn hide of the straits. They were taken off the next day hy a Hritish destroyer. "When the captain of the Oaulois saw that the Houvet was sinking he ordered full steam ahead, but his ship had been struck seven times and lm was obliged to put hack, anchoring off Mavrais island." A dispatch from MytUeno says a division of tho allied fleet is K'.ill keeping watch on tin; Oulf of Smyrna. A Orcck ship picked up a floating uiiuo near Imhros island and another was found by fishermen near Lein-nos. OSEPHI ARMERS F PLAN IRRIGATION OF SYSTEM WN $444"iM4$$Ws4K How To Get Rid of al Bad Cough (OranlH Piikb Courier.) Tlm fanners of tho lower Koguc valley have gone out after irrigation in a miuincr that menus Inisiness, nml already work Iiiih been commenced upon the ditches to carry the fluid that melius a greatly Increased pro duction from tho soil to' u thousand acres this season. Through co-operation among the farmers, who have formed them selves into tho Koguo Hiver Vnllcy District Improvement company, under tlm district improvement act a sys tem is now being installed to water tlm bo:tom lands from the city limits on the west to llm Fort Vannoy ir cliards. Two thousand acres are susceptible of irrigation under the unit being installed, nf which 700 acres have already been signed up, ami included in the project for this season. The lands within the district arc to be bonded for the installation of the plant, the bond issue to be .KiOOO, which will he ncccntcd by the California-Oregon Power company in payment for the motors, pumw, etc. A hundred horseMiwcr motor, direct connected to a twelve-inch Hryon Jackson centrifugal pump, Iiiih been ordered, and itH installation has been guaranteed by June I. The motor nml pump aro to be placed on tho river bank near the Hood ranch am the water raised into a reservoir on the knoll on the ranch, 8.i0 feet from the pump. The lift will be .Ifi feet, mid the pump is gtuiran-. teed to deliver I'lOli gallons ier mill utc into the reservoir. From this reservoir n 2.'i-ineh steel pipe is to carry the water across the bottom land n distance of 1T."0 feet to the ditches that will skirt the foot hills. These ditches arc to run both up nml down tho valley, covering all the bottom lands. Tho ditches have been surveyed out ami work has lib rcadv been commenced upon them These arc to ho dug by the fanners themselves, each giving labor or cash upon the basis of acreage coming un der the ditch. Tho canal will li,e three feet wide on the bottom, five feet on tho top and eighteen inches deep, ijs carrying capacity being 5006 gallons per min ute. A ditch digger has been received and the most of the work can bo done by horsepower with this machine. A metal flume will ho installed where glume is needed. The cost of ditching is estimated at $'', legume will he growing under the ditch- making tho cost ,7 per acre for the lands within the unit for the installation of tho system. Mcritol HlicumntlAin Tow iters. Tho unusually largo snlo of this remedy Is tho best ovldcuco wo could offer you to provo Its merit. It Is mado ot cffoctlvo Ingredients, and Is guaranteed to glvo permanent ro ller for rheumatism. Wo will gladly show you tho formula and explain Its merits to you. Prices COc and $1.00. Loral agents, Hasklns' drug store, tf WA N T TO TOTAL 17 AT YEAR'S ENO (y flilsun Oardner.) WASMNOTON, March 2.l Tlio cost of the present world wnr( ne conling to a couirilation mado by Hcprcsentatlve Cordell Hull of Ten nessee, is -i.fl7,000,000 u day, or 1 7,000,000,0001 n year. This does not count the cost of property de stroyed. The number of men in the nnnioft aggregates l."i,000,000, according to Mr. Hull's estimate, and the loss up to dale in killed, wounded nml can- lured is Jl.000,000 men. The total Intid area of the globe, not including the polnr regions, is A'.!,0QtJ,00() Htpiarn miles, and the men of the countries engaged in the war is 'J8,.ri00,0(lt) Aipiarc miles. The world's interna tional trade amounts to $l()',00(l, 000,000 n year, nml of this amount .t'jri,00(),000,000 pertains to the coun tries and their colonies now it war. Ilcicniic Kin Inking Owing to the interruption of com merce and the depleted customs rev enues tho government receipts nrc shrinking. The outgo is much greater than the income. It exceeds the in come by nearly a million dollars it day. In consequence' of this condi tion tho working balance in the treas ury has swindled to nlmost $-10,000,-000 Good financing does not require n largo working balance In the United States treasury, hut it is the aim of the secretary of the treasury nlwnvs to have the income and outgo about equal each other. Tho innomo tax is not producing nn much revenue as was anticipated. This is duo in pnrt to the fact' that some dividends lnvvo been interrupted" mid some incomes nro not So largo. It is due probably also to tho disujov cry of devices for beating tho income tat. - For instance, ono of tho largest mail order houses in the country re cently converted a surplus of $20, 000,000 carried during tho ourrti yenr into a stock issue nml secured n ruling from tho trenstiry department that this $20,000,000 wn not incohio subject to the tnx. Tho government will have to sell cannl bonds probably to secure a working tmlunce. Tho law I niithorizcs tho issue nf cnnal bonds to the extent of .$210,500,000. Tlurt would hold things level until congress reassembles in December. The Clubmen WmXFNK of America are yJI.J -W; Enthusiastic "Bull" Durham Smokers BRONCHIAL COLD Yields to IMIrloiis Yinol Philadelphia, Pn. "Last fall I was troubled with n very sovoro bron chial cold, headaches, backache, and sick to my stomach. I was so bad I b era mo alarmed and tried several medicines, also a doctor, but did not got any relief. A friend asked mo to try VInol and it brought tho re lief I craved, so now I am enjoying perfect health." Jack C. Singleton. Wo guarantee- VInol, our delicious cod liver nml Iron tonic without oil, for chronic coughs, colds and bron chitis Medford Phnrmncy. Adv. A Homt-Made Rrmrdr (hat Will il It dulrkl)-. Cheap aaA Kadi? Made If you liavo a bad cough or client cold winch U'Iiihch to lclil to onl nnrv remn. ',, g't from nay dniKglst 'i& ounces i J'nox.(oU ?ciUh worth) , pour into a fun inuwi- aim mi mo do mo witu pmiu Kriumlutcd, Hiignr syrup, mart taking n teUHliooaful uverv hoar nr tun. In -i hours your cough will bo conquered, or very nearly no. fcven whooping cough U greutly rollovcd, In this way. I he aUnu mixta to makes a. full pint iuiiiiiv Biiinu,) oi mo nam couuii Birup that money could buy at a cost of only 04 ci'iiU. Kasily prepared in 0 mlnuU-8. 1-ult directions with Pincx. lnia rlaox and Kiiuur Syrup nrepa ration takes right hold of a cough and gives nliaou immediate relief. A loos, ens tho dry, honrsp or tlht cough In a way, that U realty reamrkuble. Also quickly heals tho lutlamed luembrancs which accompany a painful cough, and stops tho formation of phlegm In tho throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending tho persistent looso cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter coughs. Keens perfectly and tastes good children like It. I'lnox is a spoclal and highly concen trated compound ot genuine Norway plao extract, rich in giiaiacol, which Is so healing to tho membra ncs. lo avoid disappointment. ak your druggist for "Sty ounces of l'liiex," do not accent anything clso, A guarantee at absolute aatlsiaetlon, or money prompt- iVi r',i,,Vn,U,,UKOf!,.,wlt.!' this preparation, Tho Plucx Jo. hi, AVayiiD, luil BUSINESS, RE OK 13 A' TJON mid Social Affairs de mniul your attontion contin ually. Now ulothos from tinio to tinio aro not a lux ury, but an actual need. Our lino of all wool fabrics for Spring and Summer is more complete than any lino wo have over seen. Priced From $15.00 up Wo aro enabled to moot tho needs of cvoryono. Our niado-to-measuro tailoring is perfect in fit, workmanship and quality. Drop in today and bo con vinced. GUS THE TAILOR I No body of men has greater opportunities for wide experience, comparison and selection. They have the means to command and the trained taste to appreciate the best of everything in life. In the cigarettes they make for themselves, to their individual liking, from "Bull" Durham tobacco, these men find the delicious freshness, incomparable mildness and unique fragrance, that afford supreme enjoyment and satisfaction. At all times and occasions it is correct, fashionable, epicurean to " Roll Your Own." GENUINE Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO Made from the finest, mellow-ripe leaf grown in the famous "bright" tobacco district of Virginia -North Carolina, that supplies the world with cigarette tobacco. Much of the delicate flavor and fragrance of this leaf escapes from the ready-made cigarette. P1686 rare qualities can only be retained in the Sulfa of tobacco in the "Bull" Durham sack, and enjoyed in the fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette. TT l1 T7 An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct MT lHlHl way to "Ro11 Your .wn" C'Earettes, and a package of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any nddresa in United States on postal request. Address "Bull Durham, Durham, N.C THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Ail, for FREE patkot of "papott" uila cn a tatm rM0 mi IBBBHn fijMiiDDHi mo liV fBBBBBBBBBHpilH S "MADE IN OREGON, U. S. A." -Isn't Enough "MADE IN MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY"That's the Stuff THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Medford Iron Works E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Phono 401; Res. Phono 5031 For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telephone 890 FIRST-CLASS Printing AND Keep. Your Money at Home Wo rauko a specialty of Door and Window Frames and Inside Finish, Also Doors and Windows. ,! QUALITY THE BEST. PRICES RIGHT Factory Corner Elqventh and Fir Streets, Medford Sash and Door Go. Book Binding MADE IN MEDFORD BY MEDFORD . PRINTING CO. "tottM W ; ! - Oj