mttmnHmnmmvmwKwiiiiimmmwi jhmmmmh w.mwin m t. zs fc 441 AroTVFOttT) TVrATT, TTUT1T7NR OTDFOTM), OftTWAT, CTOtffiAT. VATK'Tr 22," "1f)T: F3TOH MfS v ,. . H. , Y 5! r Exclusivo, Up-to-Dato Auto Repair Shop Roliablo Ropairing, including Oxy-Acetyline Welding Wo wold any metal that moltn Pacific Highway Garage L. J. DAVIES, Prop. 20 S. Bartlctt Old Cars Made New If you wish to have n place in voui ciiv when? you can have; your old cars made new at the rijht prices, patronize the Oregon Painting Co. 18 20 North drape Street Signs and Auto Painting r j- THE FORD CAR REBATE IN SIGHT Mr. Oaten nyi: "When the Ford .Motor compiiny ttiinouiiccil a profit hIiuiIiik rebate to niirclinwrii of (.urn, there wore Home who coimtil ered tho relmto rnther n remote pov nihility, bcratnm of tho ntlpulntlon that 800,000" ciim hud to lm sold, Any doubt un to tho I'onl coiiijianv'a lability to Mill Hint many ciiih bun require nil tho ntimiirreii of tins ntnto to iicconitnodato them when they cot I hunt. Conditions iitirnud will ho n factor that will Induce (IiuiikhihIk to nco American find him! tli: I'liiininn-I'n-elrlc expoHltlon will ho tho objective point, They will nlo he fittrnrled by tho grand climate of Oregon ami her many ocenlc wondent, Including Cm- tor I. it It o. to which Mcdford In tho I E I .MrM?rn. flornnrd nnri Hall, local lURcntM for tho Doriifo car, say: '.ll'Pl.n II,., I,... . 1... ..... .t... A -II .. . im; iuuki; u.u nun 'Ai I'l'lll.'ll it 1 1 (JA- gateway. It in mtlmateu that the vfKltora to tho tako In 1015 will doit hlo that of any prevloun year. TIipo tottrhtH will have to bUy oil, can, tlron and havo repair made. 'niinlnllnna flu ..I ha .., L a ":.i..ii.ii. tn IJUilllllllll All f'nilllllllj body, and It great pulling power ban been the admiration of oven thn moat i.evcro critic. Not ono fault find about tho car. .hint .- ... m,. ....... .... -"T,,.ywn,wanUl0,,UccamlodntonH(can ono fln.I about tho car. .IubI been removed, by tio fact that tho, ' ,. hf fJt cnn pclU,,nk of cnr Inaik. oul of thn ,.al lord mle an, 10 per cent ahead of , , , r R InHt your, whon tho union woro war- . , .. ' "". " " momm y KU.QOO ran.. Tho ,. for the "' ,'f . ", ""V 1 "'" . r,000 car I,... bnlunco or IIiIh m-uhou tan fall way below thono of laitl year for tho Maine period, and yet tho required ntimhor will bo hold. "Tho nalet! will ho greatly nttinu lated for tho bulanco of tho neanon, jby the fact that thn new model car II now ready for tho market. With tho now Httoam lino body, rowrl danli, electric IIkIiIh. wntllutlm; wltulnhlold, and new IiIkIi power inaKiieto, tho nalen for tho halanco of the Hcason uro bound to double, "Hovenil yearn oko tho Ford com pany announced tho Ford dh the mil veiiiiil car. While to koiiio thlx may appeur to be an advertbiliu; kIokbii only, tho nale of 300,000 cam In one pear In xurely proof of tho fact that I tho Ford ban demoiiKtrated beyond all doubt, that It In tho bent car for unit omul norvlco. One factor not to The advertising donn by Mcdford will attract IIipko tourlntn and many of them will como with a vlow of delecting Home city In which to locate and mako their permanent home. Few of them) tourlMe will go throunh tho city without stopping an they nro out on pleasure, connequent ly thin city rnn expect that tho flnh Iuk on tho Mogul and other ntreamn and tho road trips out of tho city will hold many of them, travcllern here for day. A I no the contemplated Jitney lino from Healllo to tho exposition will If It Ik a nuccunn, and matures accord ing to tho plan of Itn promoters, bring an additional motor travel to Med fonl. Kven If the number of cam which tho proposed Jitney lino states It Ih possible they will operate should not bo reached, thero In stilt a wjdc niari'lti of benefit to bo derived by ho overlooked, In the accessibility of .,,. -.... Ir oniy .mnii 1flrcentace of i ' ------ jrcpalm. On the Pacific loant be tween I'ortlnnd and Han Francisco, I tho longest distance you ran travel before finding a complete net of 'Ford partn, In 26 miles. The over age dlntanro between Ford service jhlatlonn In about 12 miles. Thin i added to tho durability of thn cur, ;tho simplicity of operation, and the flow cost of Ford supplies, In to a ! great extent responsible for the fact that more Ford earn will be sold thin year, than all other makes combined." their expectations should be realized. BY THOUSANDS Motor tourists are coming to the I'nclflc coast In greater numbers during the approaching spring and summer than over befora In tho his tory of the Mate. It In estimated that at' least 80,000 cam will mako the rross-continent Jaunt. It will BRISCOE VERY POPULAR NEW CAR One of tho new makes of earn to appear In Medford this neason Is tho llrlscoo for which A. V. Walker In local agent. Tho car has been admir ed by all and Mr. Walker ban been busy giving demonstrations. It Is an American built car on French lines, ban electric lights and starter, has honeycombed radiator with single light In center; ouglne, dynamo and brakes are all herurely enclosed, thereby making them perfectly dunt and dirt proof. Uther right or left hand drive wooa or steel wheel, In light running find mnken an nt- jtractlvu appearance, soiling for $S&T.,00 f. o. b. Medford' Thin car In especially designed and sold at a popular price to meet the domandn of tho farmer, the business man, and pleasure seeker. It Is an Ideal ladles' car, being very easy to control and tho gears shifting smooth without apparent effort, Tho Dodge ban made n hit hero In Medford tho s.imo as it ban dono In other localities. While Immed iate deliveries cannot bo niado we have already sold 1 1 cars tho past week, for future delivery, as most people In tho market for n car are willing to wait a few weekn longer In order to get tho Oodge. "Tho factory Is turning ont 200 earn per day and tho latent advices are they will bo able to nupply tho first car load for Medford at an earlier date than expected." Hornard and Hall aro willing to give the most severe demonstrations I with the Dodge, as already the car has been given hard tcstn on S5 perl cent grades. Uut no hills so far hare been found thaht have tested Itn full rapacity of pulling power. TIiIh great little car In on exhi bition at tho Crater Lake Motor Car company'n show room. Tho demlnstra- tor In kept at the Valley Auto com pany. BLUE RIBBON Kentucky thoroughbreds and Ilun mobllcn can now cantor side by sldo. For tho Model "K" has Just been dec-' orated with tho blue ribbon, by the Central Carolina Fair association of (Jreenbsoro. This in tho first automobile Illuc Itlbbon nliow over held, and the Hup-, mobile carried off first honors In beauty, design, stylo and good looks. Almost every car built In tho Fnlted States participated in the event. i Automobile Repairing I. will equip your ear with Firestone or any other demountable rim or with fores doors. I do all kinds of automobile repairing. 1 also havo an expert spring maker, who will put new springs on your car or repair your old ones. Why send away when you ean get better work at home? AW work guaranteed first elass or money re funded. J. W. MITCHELL '.VI South Riverside. Phone 320-.T More Miles Per Gallon Means Less Cost Per Mile . SHE'LL GASOLINE Will Lubricating Oils and Greases INCREASE YOUR MILEAGE. KEEP YOUR ENGINE CLEANER. START MOTOR QUICKLY. GIVE GREATER POWER. All of which means Economy. von. A trial will convince HUBBARD BROS. Selling Agents Medford, Ore. mXm3m:mxjm: r-.TT, . ,-, . T, .,-, I 1HLL 1 WO FAVUKll OVERLAND M You can put more into a car, but You can t get any more out of car than you can a FORD F. O. B. Medford Why So Many Fords? The answer is easy. The most servicable car on the market, at a price so that people can afford to use it, and with it you get Gates1 Service Model 81 F. 0. B. Medford $975 Model 81, 30 II. P. y Overland Model 80 Model 80 F. 0. B. Medford $1200 ARE HERE I v The 1IM.' Overluntls Imvc tho popular streamline bodies, nro elcetiionlly equipped, fi.ted with .llx-Much quiek dotnchnblo tires on ?, .i.,,.,......t..i.i,. i.:w :i'. ..niii;.. nr inulirlim.r .mil t.eiiii.illiitiu front M)iiiiL". luivo H'fMiuiiil drive, larger mid mom comfortnblo IHIII"IIMIM"' t -IV'-I rk !' V ...-.-- jy -.-,-. i ,, , hotly, ami wliocl hiwc 1M inclu. SPECIAL FEATURES Cnt im- MOTOW l-'mir cylinders, Ps-ineli bore, -Miinh stroke. Mildly. Kivu-beariiit: ernnkhhiil't, l' h. p. nt iiuriunl speed. COOI.IXO Tlienno-f.n1ion system no pump. Itndintar of proved typo; xliell prehood l'nnu ono pieoo of blieet fcteol. IGNITION Wall-tension inngtioto. No dry Imlteries roquircd. l.UBIUCATION Constunt level oplwsh system, with gemod oil pump. Improved siyhtfo ed on eoui duli. TKANSM1SSION Seleijtive slidiiiR gonr type, threu speeds forwtud mid reverse. Double lietit-treuU'd, nickel steel "em's; immiltir hull bi'iiiiiif,'. Located at roar nxlo as u unit with differential. WIIKF.I.S-Aitillry type, hickory, 12 spokes, 12 bolts each wheel. C. E. GATES llODIKS Steel and wood. Tufted leather upholstery. Front-hinged- U doors, disuppenriu' hinges, large pockets in all doors. FINISH Ilrcwster recn, with ivory striping. Nickel mid nluminiun trimmings. EQUIPMENT AND PRICES TQUIUNfl C'AH Kleetrie starting and lighting system; mohair top and top boot; side curtains; witulMiiold, built in; rain-vision, ven tilating typo; jowelod magnetic speedometer; electrio horn; robo rail; foot lost; side outturn receptacle in tonnonu.; tiro carriers in rear; extra demountable rim; full set of tools, tiro repnir kit, jack, pump, ele,, l'rico $1201) f. o. b. .Mcdfojd. , Corner Pacific Highway and Main Street Medford, Oregon c?' r ifrjHfrfrfrfrMX 44H444' &b&4rt&WMswwsrtw