r . . "j t. 9 i .fjovtw xrx arrsTWonr) matt; trthtw.. mtcwotm). okiwon'. vujday. MAHrrr i. una CANNERY CAPACITY i t QUADRUPLED FOR COMING Ml Tho cnpurlly of Hip Moko Co-opcr-ntlvo cnnncrv will lio qunilruplcd tlio I'omliiR Kenton io linmlii' the iiuTcn oil ncrMlRC. A petition is hcinpr rh iMilntrtl by JlnnttHor It, D. ltoko, nnd niil!flriptloiis for new itincliinerv. rl nro being itcpIvciI. A now wimliiuiM now cooking tnule unit hor equip ment will lie mltlod. The Hoko rnn Vr5' it will bo rcinoinlioroil, n pm nonnooil n fizzle before it stinted, liv our loiuHnjr nt reel -earner neer. II paid a rilviiU'ifit tho firt yonr of its operation, despite scnsunnl tuul orop hnndicnp, Tho lofcnnberry nerenj;e U growing ilnily, nntl when it eontes into full bonring will make Min'liem Oregon n lognnhcrry renter. This fruit, when canned, linn nn unuminl flnvor, anil the ilefitniu) in s'o gront in Hie ent thnt it onnliot ho supplied. The emu nl nreseht in this nlnle supplies nliont oiK'-lenlli of tho demand, lie tween thlriy-fivo nnd Jiftv neres will he plnuted to loganberries in this vnl- ley this yenr. Even with the ihere.nped fneililies, the, enpneily or the rnnnerv will he taxed o the limit to linudlo the pen. boon n ml miKill vegetable ero. Tim neronge signpd now is im to the limit, with more pomtng in. Mnnv nre tnk ing to tmek unnlening for ennning punweR ns n Hide issue. Com, pons nnd henns will he the prineipnl vege tnblri used. According to Mnnnger Hoke, this will he the most prnvpemuq yenr in the history of the vnlley for small gardening, nnd says that it will put the ennning indu-trv nKn n sound iMhl'miVvfniithil hfi-is nptautlipm Oregon. TAKING TROUT TO E K prlntlon oovoih only smlinou propogn tlon. Kleltl Superintendent OWlnlley Trail, nlo ISO cnt-thront trout phk. willed will ho debt nepnrntelv nnd foil At the Applegnto utiitlnn, MM- writ en thnt on t it.li s, 1 S I Meelliend .silo uteellu-nd eggs dad been liilten. trout eggs bnit I'een eolloited ntai'l of which will I hi xhlppid to tho Kill cieek hnteheiy when eyed. Mllnieli Ih nlxo n mouth when main Hloollietulu npiiwn, and It Ik e peeled the tuku till uioutli will equal tdat talten pioluuM thin neimon ROGUE TRIBUTARIES At tho InM. meeting of tho otnto flili nnd game commission, nt tde re Quest of tlie. HdgneMUver KIp-Ii Pro tective 'nssWlrttlon and upon the rec ommendation of Master Find Warden Clnnton, nn appropriation, of $2000 was made for ro-operaltve work with I the t'nlted States hureau of hatcher- leB for trout proportion work In Horiio rler at the- Klk crock dated-' ery Tde money will he used to de fray tde expense of trout egg taking and feeding fry to the age of flnger llnga. It Is expected to hated several million stceltiead and keep at least a million until tdey reaelt tde finger ling stage. Tlio government appro- S E YOUR FRECKLES NYsmI Attentioii In IVdruuiy mid Mui-cli or Knee May Stay Onmrd Now Is the time to take special car? of the complexion If you wish It to look well the rest or the ear. Tde February nnd March winds have n strong tendency to bring out freckles that may slay all summer unless removed. Now is the time to use othlne double strength. This prescription for the removal , of freckles was written by n promi nent physician nnd Is usually so suc cessful thnt it Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money If It falls. Oct an ounce of othlne double strength, and een a few np- I plications should show a wonderful , Improvement, some of tde smaller freckles oven vanishing entirely j Adv. Tomorrow SUNKIST Orange Day Buy R Week's Supply of These Delicious Seedless California Navel Oranges NOW! Trainloads, direct from Sunny California, have just ar rived in nil markets especially for Orange Day. juicy, sweet, firm, tender fruit, the finest that California grows. Get them tomorrow n supply for nil next week. Hun dreds of dealers nre mnkinc specinl prices. Buy them by the dozen or by the box. Tomorrow is Ornncc Day all over the country. Even the creat rnilronds nre plncintr special ornnce salads and desserts on their dining car menus. California Sunkist Oranges Famous Seedless Navels IK 2W & Trv Sunkltt Orange salad. Try Sun klt ucseru. There are scores of dainty waystosrrveoranKcsxotbewnolefamlly can bare this healthful fruit every day. Start tomorrow Otangt tay-tomalie tender, seedteis navel oranges are best suited for all culinary uses. All the famou chefs ua them. Mil. ) lions of hounewlres do. Make thii the day YOU try them. ') Sava th WraDMra for Beautiful Silver Premiumt Ear Sunkltt tliue wrappers and nj to ut for btautlful tableware of pure silver ptxts orlcinal, eenulnt Korers hllrcr. ilelnisl ctpeelallr for u by Wm. Kvctit A Son, on or ine wunu s mou lamout illrersmlUis. There l an entire ! of M pieces thai you can Ket In llil ni snner. The spoon Illustrated comes In aschiiiie for II Sunkltt wrappers ami 12c. II ur a Uoien Sunkltt Oranges bow ami seuj for It. lie suieto enclose ltd. thet It. ot course, no advertising on any piece. If any ple.e Is not enllrely satisfac tory, return It and we'll iclum your tusoey. Order by Phone Your Mm It a Sunkltt agency a trmr tiiitr ii, Mmpiy can your ueaie r ana tay, hena sunlltl " uon I say infifl"ornirt" "SunVlsl" urint t lue Deti. W?l Tfi lo wills C&yjli" . laoeBssiiatailr iiiaUx wsmi w- r-Aoei;''-. rftf" .,' aaJsr kwa imi . ttrltt igg0 nsssit, rsert ror nm. iwrt a iwa amrstt lltf ra A CAUFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANCF. I3f. UsrkSlrstl, Caissia IX JJJJmJJmJXJ E POKTItAXD, Or., Murrli 19. Clii neso -emdents of Portland today dc elnreil n boyeott on nil Japanese (;nods in retnlintinn for the ileinnmU reeenlly mnde upon Cliinn by Japan. The nutiuti wn derided upon at a liietein;; InHt nisht of the Cbine'-e Sis companies. Any Chineee n'ola'inp tlio boyeott, iL wa decided, will receive waniinj; iikiii the firjij offepse, nnd tlieienfter will be KtiijM'f to i( fine. A .piekel will be htntioiiPtl in front of everj JnpniiChi' More nil itlruic9tt bouse. GREATER MEDF0R0 CLUB RECOMMENDS PICTURES Tbe pieiiirps1 on biht Snturiliiy nt Ibe Stnr Hi eat it were very good nnd jiroper for fbildren Io see, having been heleeted by the board, composed of women rcprecpiiting the vnrinim elnbw of the city. Another progrnm will be given for children Snturdiiy nftcrnonn. TIiik tnovement i surely a bten in tho rif,rht direction nnd fliould bo eneonrnped nnd patronized by thoso who lciiro proper niniise inent for llieir cliildivn. GAS, HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION A SICK STOMACH Time It! Pupe's Dlapepsln will dl BfHtan"ytUIng J6d eat dnd overcame a sour, pnwy or out-of-order stom nch Hurely within rivo nilnutea. "rydiTr'iifA'.S don't fit comfortably, or what you oat lies lllco a lump ot lead In yourntontach, or If you have heartburn, that la a sign of Inden tion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cont case of Pnpe'H Dlapepsln and toko a doBo Just as soon as you can. Thoio will no sour risings, no holch intr of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy fouling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dlzzluess or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and besides, there, win bo no sour food left over In tho stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Tape's Dlapepsln Is a certain cure fr out-of-order stomachs, because It takes hold of your fopd aud digests it just the .same as If your stomach .wasn't tjierp. ( -Hellef in flvo minutes from all stomach misery Is waiting for you it any drug store TIimo large fifty-cent cases con- y4H enough "J'npo's. Uiapopsln" to kejPyfUjtf entjraanilly free from "tUouiiujh "disorders and Indigestion far )any months. H. belongs in yr lioiwai, Adv, f ak.Ttk. T X GLOVE SALE 500 pi-s. fino Kill 0 loves, in all colors, up to $l.."0 values, on sale Saturday at, per df 1 1 Q pair tU X J MANN'S STORE FOR WOMEN CENTRAL AVENUE NEAR POSTOKFI CIS BUY IT NOW AND SAVE MONEY Mary Pickford CAPS the craze of the ae, just received a new shipment on sale at, each, $1.25 and $1.75 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED BES GOODS FOR THE PRICE X ? ? ? ? X t t .i. j Easter Only Two Weeks Away 1 5 Ti. 117:11 n Vrt Tr. D.r 17.Kr Ia fA- T D D A,r ! & 11 YYiii ray iuu iu uuy umiy in viiici iu dc ivcauy t t t r t t 9 The New Suits Are Here. Buy Yours Saturday Beautiful new Tailored Suits, up to date in style, all sizes anil col ors, special, each $18 Just received 2" Brand New Suits, in this season's latest modes, we guarantee these, to ho the best suits in c$f F Mcdfiird or anywhere else at tJpZfO 25 Brand New Silk Dresses, made in the latest style colors, sand grey, blue and black, very special Satur day, each $12.50 SPRING HOSIERY SATURDAY WE PLACE ON SALE (50 dozen Women's fine Hlack Hose, all sizes, a regular 25c grade, which we bought below the market, on sale Saturday, a pair 15c SPRING UNDERWEAR AVomen's Sleeveless Vests, fine grade, heap at 12ioe, on 25 dpzon fine Union Suits .for women, made of Egyptian yarn, nicely trim med, well worth 75i special, a suit 59c sale Satur day, each. . 10c T FREE-Save Your Saleslips and Get Wm. Roger's Guaranteed Silverware-FREE NECKWEAR & 25 dozen dainty new Neckwear, in col X lar and collar and cuff sets, 1Q UJ 1 I t f t Saturday, each New Spring Models on Display Your new Suitor gown will fit bettei over a new corset. Three new models Rustproof Corsets, j regular $1.25 grade, Satur- (JJ Rv pair. $1 Redfern Corsets sit, pair $3.50 (Joodwin Corsets at, pair $0.00 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Beautiful new Clowns, Princess Slips, (. onimnations, rjnvelo))o Chemise aud Skirts, the celebrated Dove Brand, Saturday, each . .. . i ? T 98c NOTIONS Clark's 0. N. T. Spool Cotton at 7 for 25 Colgate's Talcum Powder, can ..15c Sanitol Tooth Paste tube 4 19 Cashmere Houquot Soap, bar 5 Children's Jlos'e Supporters, )r,10 Clood Safety Pins, card 3 flood Pearl But tons, doz 5t Children's Knit "Waists, each . .15 j HAND BAGS 100 Hrand New Leather and Silk Hand Hags $1.19 up to $2.00 values, Satin day at, each SATURDAY SPECIALS A Chance to Save Money Best Dress Prinls, per yard 5f flu'-ineh Bleached Muslin, yd.. 9 Pine Soft Finish Cambric, yd 9 '12 and 45-inch Pillow Slips, each 121 Clood Apron (ling- ham, yard Op Colored Oil Cloth, a yard 190 flood II nek Towels, each ,.100 72x00 Bleached Sheets, each 390 Pull Size Bedspreads nt, each 980 01-inch Table Dam ask, a yard 290 LX3nS .... . , t .. a T-r--p p-J ".iMifct riiilit when you bun '! Hluyn riylil (fter you wear tl - .. denouncing an Exclu sive New Spring Line IT'S a full line of highest grade clothing, tailored in the smartest 1915 models from most attractive patterned fabrics. if $15 to $40 Every garment of them is ns carefully and pains takingly cut and tailored as a "custom made," with alt the dash and strength of the latest moment's Style. Extremely jxtpularfar summer wear are "High A rC'Palm lleach Su its THE MQDEL AGENTS West Main St., Medford MaMaf,lMaataaaM'W AT TUJ-1 SION OK llnvo ou nollrnl tlioiui annppr fawn unit Krry cloth top Incoil tinotn m niuiu'roim on our ulrccln? Cliuiirrn iiro (In1)' rniiid rinin our nton, for wo Iiiivi nold a Reed uiany pair, .t f il.oo VAI.I'UATf.l.on W sScAffcett5A "fiooo Snots' OI'POBITH POST OFIMCI3 EVERY OWNER IS A BOOSTER FOR WEYERHAEUSER SILO Wo linvo yot to como In contact with nn owner of aWRVHIUIAKU. SHU SIM) who Ih not a hoontor who la unwilling to toll hU nolgh hor that ho Iiuh not tho hoot hIIo on tho markot today. Tho WKVKItllAI-:rsi:UHIM)H niado rli;ht in tho flrnt placo nUvnyn rondcrs tho Horvlra thnt Ih oxpoclod of It and mora too, TrMr everiiaGUse OTK witiTi: roil ouu SH-O HOOK IT'S rm:i; lltiro nrfl n foir jKilntH of ronhlructlon tluit rccoiiimeiid (Im WI'VCKIIAKUHICH HI 1.0 to you, 1. Its nlr-tlBht coiiHtructlon mcnim porfoct eiiHllaito, 2. Sclontlflcully dt'Hlgnod ntid Kunr nntocd anchorage HyHtom, 3. Perfectly balnncoil. onHy-to.flwIni?, nlr-tlKht doorfl. . Snfoty tread ladder. r. Sppclitlly rolled Btoel Iioopb. thor. OIIBhly tt'Hlod, 0. Bpoclnlly doslijncd, SULF-AD-JUSTJNa roof, - 7. BtavoH mndo from nlr-drled Doub Iiih fir In tho luiKfHt hIIo fuctory In tho north woHt, - " s n m . BIG PINES LUMBER GO. ' i ' v H ftiiairoito, oiticuo.v fMgo;