. 1 i A. V MEDFORT) MAIL OTtlBONIlJ, MRDITORD ORKCION, 7WWAY, MAROir 15), 11)15 PflGK THRU! -sjjiesg ' MINERAL SPRING COMMISSIONERS PUT UNDER BONDS ASIII, AND, Mnii'li II).- -City hiiiii tiil jiroet'i'dlnpi Tin-wlny cvi'iiini; went ilcvoltl (if nxi'Ili'iiictit, In hMh of iiiill('iiiiti(Mi to tint I'lmlrnry. An ex cciitivn hi'mhIoii, fulluM-lng tint luii't' K'Hiilnr, illicit liiive all'iiiilcil Individ mil mmnlii'iH of tlmt body nn optor t unity for u Hornp hi-hlnd cloned dtmrM, Iml no repot (h nf dlnttiihiiueii urn fmllirninliiK. 'iitnr or po lice piillclcH rnutiiiuo t ciipy ton milch Hpni'n mid nllcullnu nt llm ox penno of otliur tiii'HlimiH In wliliih tint ii vim net) rillni Im iiiurv lulcrchtcd. (live iik a n-nt. (Iclliiigiliiwii to linsinruM, the coini. I'll exuded IioikIh of ft 10,000 fiirli i'rom tlio three nirmbcrH of tlm witor rotiiiiilMhliin. Tln roniiiiixHioiii'rrt mr licit (Irrcr, Hay Minkler mill J. V. Hodge, An it mutter of fuel, (In (oiiiinlHHloiinrK ilon't liiimllii tliu money, Imt II'h tlu i'iihIhiii for offio ImIh of hi public IhikIh to give IkiihIm, mill nIvIch iiuim t In' follotwil. Kicker on tlm water project iih nlri'iiily initlliii'il ninl tlm construction of which h.vnIi'iii U lionnil to become. tin nceimiplUhcd fart, claim to Im iiwuiy of tlio existence of n letter from im 1'iihti'ni exjiert in hydraulic engineering which will provu to Im u trump curd in tlio Niipport of tlii'ir rotiti'iiliniiM, Imt Niii'h mlrtnivo is locked up in n nafo rcpoNitory until it i'iiloiliiHiM hoc fit to umbo itH con ti'titH known thimigh Icjjitiiuutn chnii ih'Im, ntnl in Hi,, iticiiiit lino tlio object or will lmc to pursue llif policy of "wiitfiiftil uniting" pending develop ini'litrt. ASHLAND ELECTS SCHOOL A E NAME "GRIZZLIES" FOR CLUB Tin' mime ("Iri.rliex was decided upon fur the newly nrgiiuiirrd hlkerh' club at a medim: at the library liiht night, Tlm eonlest for tlm iiaiiio mum a clone one, "Siskiyou" running hrc- unit ami "Miitnwn" third. It. A. Joliiisnii pro)MiHe the winnim; iinme. Four trips to eliiMise from for the annual outing were oiitlitic.l as fo. lews: The Oregon Caves, Crescent City, elimh .Mount .Mcl.uughlin ia Luke of tlm Woods, and the trip to and around Crater bike. All these trips are walking trips. A M'leetioii Mill he miiilu at the next meeting W. (I. Steel presented the eluli with n gitvel made from an oar belonging to the hunt which made the Hoiiud- ingn In Crater lake. The handle of tlm gnvel will he mailit from a portion of a hhatteird Hug mio which stood upon tlm summit or Mount Itiiiuier. Thin pole, curried by n man to the top of the mountain, was a load for the average man on level ground. The Sunday hike will he taken to 1'orl Lane, where the history of this ..i. i . . ii i ...in i . . . . . HIIIWIgllll Will 01) IOIII, AIIIO lius to Set I'll OakK leaves Motel Med ford at I ::i(l p. m. Twcnly-fivii cents round trip. FOR NEXT YEAR AHIII.ANI), Mnrch l(.-With hut ono or two iixi'iiitlonn, tlm personim! of the liiHtructorn In tlm Ashland hcIiooIh roiniilmt as Inat )car. At u inedlng tal I cil for tho election of teiicherH nt tlm CltlzuiiH llniili, on Tuesday evening, March 1, tlm fol lowing wuro HiOHon for 101C-IC: (J. A. Ilrlncoo, 1 K, Moore. fordo Hit (loffe, Madge ICulinnlcn, Anna II. Harris, Wllmuttii HiiNNlnimr, Maude N'lNHley, Charlotte Koiinnrd, Utiru McL'ormlck, Otto Kliini. I. T. llodgo, Dolinar Harmon, (I. M. Itucli, Cnlllo Vogdl, 0. W. MIIiiiii. Margaret row cm. Nelllo II. Houh, llorthu KIIohoii. IIohkIu Dunliiim, lUfln Alvomoii, Myr tle Joliinmn, Myrtle Mulr, l.ornlue JolniNon, (lertrinlo ICiikIo, Hit Myers, OiihhIo Unleuritff, Jennnetle Creek paum, Allco TIioiiiiihoii, Clnrltml MnrehoiiHc, KvniiKollim I'olny, HIIvh Drown. Iriiui JnmnH, Kthelyti Hurley. Ml Hit JiuneN In tlm new teacher (tmoiiK then lint. Of tlm fort'KoliiK. Mr. Ilrlsroe In niipnrliitnmlent; Moore l prlnclpnl of the IiIkIi kcIiooI; Ml Inm, prlucltmt or the Hunt Hlile: Minn i:ni:le, prlnclpnl of tho Went Hlilo nml ileimrttnentnl nclmol; Klum, mnnunl tralnlnK ami nthletlr director; Minn McCormlrk directs nthlvtlcn In behalf of the Klrln; Minn HulmnkH, domentlc art: Minn (loffe, ilomentlc nclencu. With the expiration or the preiieal hcIiooI yenr. Minn lleiilnh Cnldwell rmlKiin the position or firth Krndo l'ftclier III the Went Hide nchool. Memtiern of the nchool iKiiird are 0. (1. Kulinnkn, ehnlrmnn: T. H. HIiiiIiboii, I. 8. KiiKle, Dr. C. V. (IreKK, nml O. V. Cnrnon. II. l I'ohlnml In clerk nml cx-offlclo trennurvr of the lionnl. EASTER BONNETS T RIMMED BY MN A Trial Will Convince Anyone- (lie Great Kidney Remedy Never Disappoints A fotv yenm bko I wan trouhleil with a complication or kidney mid ntomiich ullmentn and nlthoiiKh I tried two or three different doctori). I wan uaalilo to obtain a cure. Hav ing heard a creat ileal about iiwaiup Knot I decided to kIvo It a trial nml purchiiHed a oao-dollnr bottle of Mr. Alexnuder, tlio ilriiKRlnt, Krom the bcKlnnliiK I could notice a chmiRe for tho better and utter taking elKbt hot tlen ot your medicine. I felt entirely cured nml hnvo not had any trouble ulnco. Hnd I hoRiin iihIiib Swamp Hoot noonor, I would lmvo boon a row hun dred dollnrn to tho jtood mid Biivod myself n lot of uurrorlnir. You mny una my tentlmoiilnl any time you wIhIi. Youru very, truly, .CHAItUCS 13. HAItlllH, 400 Sixth 8t. Marlon, lown. I cortUy that Clmrloa IS, Harris nlKiied tho aliovo testimonial In my preHonco, belnjf flrat duly nworn to tho truth tlm roof, tbla tho U'th duy or July, 1909. D, R. KINU'lY, J. P. letter to Dr. Kllnnr & Co., lllii(;lmm- ton, N. V. l'rove W1iat Swamp Hoot Will Do lir Von Bend ton cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, UliiKhmnton, N. Y., for a samplo bUq lipttlo. It will convlncp anyono You will nlno receive it hooklot ot valuable infornintlon, tolling about tho kdno'H and bladder, Wbon wrlt liiff, bo uuro and mention tho Medford Mall Trlbuno. IloKulur fifty-cent and ono dollar alio bottloa for nolo at all drop torcH,- Adv, ASHLAND, March 10. Two local clubs, addicted to their uups, cele brated the advent of St. Patrick's day Tuesday evctiinj?. The first event was held under the auspices of tlm Teacup club, a formal and straiht-lnccd orpiuiatiim, in the Methodist church parlors. Ah an in novation, men were iutitcil, who were ciuiik'IIci1 to trim Muster Imn ucts ami pcrfonn other uiiiliniiifii'd stunts, greatly to the edification of the bij; party nsseinblcd. rlioso present htate that in the way of serv iiiK delicate refresliuieuts, this teacup reunion rivaled any preoediiijf ytutli crinj; of the elans. Tlio second event was a picnic of the Tincup club, of senior liili M'lmol htudeuts. Their eauip was located up tlm cnuyoii in the midst of the forest primeval. Mot niiillinan Hlew was served oter a marine; camp fire, cups, plates and saucers licinc discarded in fat or of individual tin cups, a number of which were leoiiisilioucd from the china closet of the Commercial club. Willi tho approach of tho Cluiu tuiiipm season, imiuiierH lire on the alert for tlm best of talent. Willi this ipiest in view, President Hillings lias gillie to Portland to investigate matters for 101 fi, and this visit im plies that the Ashland assembly this year will share ainuii the lucky ones in tho circuit. ASHLAND Y WARSHIP OREGON ASHLAND. March lbV Lieutenant James D. Monro of the navy lias an HHMpmu'iit on the battleship Oregon, now in San Frantdsco bay, waiting in definitely for an opportunity to load the American iirmudu through tlio Panama ennui. Owing to complica tions incident to tlm Kuropotin and Mexican warn, President Wilson finds himself unable to come to tho Paeifio coast and head tho proces sion. In tho meaiitimo tho old bat tleship lies safely anchored off tlm uxpoHitiou grounds, mid opportunely i clearly visible from tho Oregon building. "Jim" in it former high school graduate hore, and has been in tho navy about nino years. Ho is tho Hon of Mrs, S. J. Hviiiih of this city. Ho has seen notivo service on it number of naval vessels, including tho cruiser Cleveland and tho giant collier Jupiter, Z. A. Moody loft for Salem Wed ncsday afternoon, summoned there by tho sudden death of his mother, Mis, Z. I Moody, wife of tho ox- governor ol Oregon, "mf ri Cottolene Unequalled for purity and wholesomeness The shortening you use in cooking and baking should be as pure and wholesome as the food that is prepared with it. Cottolene is itself a pure, wholesome food, consisting of ultra refined cottonseed oil as fine as the choicest salad oil and beef stearine from selected leaf beef suet The purity of Cottolene is indicated by its rich creamy tint. It is unbleached, contains no salt or water, and possesses high food values. . J Cottolene .M ' . .j : for more than a quarter of a century has been giving complete satisfaction in thousands of homes. Cottolene is not "just as good" as other cooking and frying fats it is better than any other more nutritious, more wholesome, more digestible better in every way. The purity of Cottolene is safeguarded not only in the refining processes, but in the careful selection of the choicest cottonseed oil and beef suet Nothing else is used in the production of Cottolene, the supreme -cooking fat Cottolene does not absorb tastes or odors. Heat it slowly and use it over and over for all kinds of frying. Always use a third less of Cottolene than of any other short ening or frying fat. Cottolene goes farthest and gives the most gratifying results. Pails of various sizes, to serve your convenience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." (8i Pbi i rmHiHflrvMLJV lg ft-. FAIR BAN KI55g3 ii Cottolene makes good cooking better 9 nty ' ' If , t. 'A; Employment Agency MRS. RUTH SMITH Itoom 210 Hantcti.Corry Jtldx. I'hone 1N2 lan and wlfo on ranch wife good rook. Wanted day work or limine denn ing for women. Top Price Paid for BUTTER FAT The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. Mctlford. Oregon FORCED SALE ATTENTION ! A good Iioiihi) A good lot In A good neighborhood Lawn, garden, fruit Klowora, chicken pen, etc, Mghtn, water Alt clear and In full ONLY $000.04). Ucnt buy wo know. You will think so when you boo It. WYNKOOP & CO. I Villi! llldg. zzacj 1 E. C. NORRIS formerly with F. C. Hart of Tacomu In tho new watch repairer and being nn export wo arc prepared to do all repairing with promptness and guar antee all work. Wo also do diamond netting, manufacturing, agato cut ting, mounting, engraving, etc MARTIN J. REDDY Tlio Jeweler 2111 Kt Mala St. mulhM' To Know WSr Good Crackers 1 & ; r, $$$ . l& W$& Look for this package on your dealers shelves. & rS?i? ou may C surc tat contams fresh, crisp, Ji fSWS well baked, and delicious soda crackers. 5 ' '.? Pv SWl Pure, wholesome and appetizing. Perfection ? Silte Sodas are "different." $ $ . m . . 49, i 'SftfiSj Q Dealers throughout Oregon ' :VM will gladly supply you with these $ $;$ splendid "Oregon Made" crackers $ M ' 1 SgMlRiciFic Coast Biscuit Co.liglil Mj Pdrtiand. Oregon It. I. Van Gilder 8. II. llauman F. S. Vaa Gilder Get the Education Worth While Learn To Do Things Which Have a Money-Earning Valuo Thoy aro thoroughly taught at tho Medford Commercial College "Tho School That Trains for D uslnee and tor Life." Enroll Now. Sessions Through out tho Year Day and Evening. 31 X. Grape St., Medfonl, Ore. Phoao 1S-L m m Twenty-seven Years of Progress For 27 years tho Jackson County Bank haB constantly maintained Us well earned emulation for careful manage ment, progressiva methods and satisfactory service. When eeoklng a depositary for your funds, start an account with us. EST.VllUSUKD 1HH OVER S2 YEARS' UNDI"ONt'"MANAGEMENT' 1 ALFALFA SEED THE CROP WITH DOLLARS BEHIND IT Our stock ot this seed is unlimited in quantity and is superior to all in quality. It will pay you to get our prices boforo you p!s your order elsowhcro. Every pound ot seed is tested for Kormlna tlon and purity and tho tost wo represent to you Is not flctltous. Wo also have to of for selected grades of all field seeds and mako a bid for your valued patronage. MONARCH SEED&iFEED CO. ;I17 K. MAIN ST. 5000 BROILERS WANTED WEIGHING 1 TO 2 POUNDS Markot early and got (ho highest prices. Can uso all kinds of Poultry. Wo pay CASH for Eggs. Medford Poultry & Egg Co. Phone 583 Of 'l VtH