II M in li-ii :)K NMHNMBMNMM " .t,i. .. inn&DFORD mote tribunr MmwiT). cmrcaotf, WTJDNKRnAY, MArcorr 10, win MKDfOttt) JgjUfe fitlBUNl WtTKI.iail n "W fRNn d i NT NRWI it- AK- Ur MY TliM HINTING CO, HR . OON Offld Mull Tribune' l)ulMlnr 25-27-20 Kwth Fir streett telephone 76. Th Democratic Tlmis, Thn Mdford Mull, Tha Medford TrllmnA, The South tn Orcftonlan, Tbn Ashlnml Tribune. ,. MwuKMtrrion batm Ont.yesr, by mBlI.. .5.00 Una mfiih, by matt-..........-. ,10 Per month, dsltvcred by carrier In MWfoKd. , Phonnlx, Jacksonville u nn$ Contrhl Point ..u .60 Mturjlay only, by mall, per ycr t.oo Weekly, r year .-, 1.60 OfflaJol pnr of tho City or Medford OffloUl I'aper or Jackson County. Knitted n aecond'Clnia matter at Medford, Orevon, under tho act or March 8, i:. Htrorn Circulation for 1914. 25SS. Full .leased wlro Aaaoclated Preta din-patches. . e a.v. Subscribers falling to receive pupors promptly, phono Clrcu- lotion Manager at 2G0K. . Jhwckh iSbrs "Soy clinn observed Wnsliin'ton's birthday by not workln'. There's only 304 other birthdays tlint Soy observes in this fashion." LAUGHS On tho Wrong Mission "We played under your window last night," said the spokesman of the band. "Well, and what do you wantT" "Wo'vo come for our little gratuity.- "Coino for a gratuity, have you? Bless mo! I thought you had come to apologize" A Miniature Moo A month-old Jersey calf was nib bling In tho yard of a certain coun try friend of mine when the "sum mer boarder" arrived a young col lcged maiden from a Boston suburb. Sho eyed It doubtefully. "Tell ruer- sho said, turning impulsively to her hostess, "does It really pay to keep as Braall a cow as that?" Boston Itccord. Candid A lawyer had a borso that always stopped and refused to cross the mill dam bridge leading out of the city. No whipping, no urging, would In duce hire to cross without stopping. So he advertised him: "To ho sold, for no other reason than that tho owner wants to go out of town." Focllni; tho Way "Well, well'," said Dr. Blgblll, as ho mot a former patient on tho street. "I am glad to seo you again, Mr. Brown. How are you this morn ing?" "First, doctor," said Mr, Brown, cautiously, "does it coBt anything to tell you?" Detroit Freo Press. A Makeshift A little hoy of ftvo was Invited to n children's party. The next day ho was giving an account of the fun, and said that each of tho little visitors had contributed either a song, a rer citation, or music for the pleasure of tho rest. "Oh, poor little Jack!" Bald his mother, "how vory unfortunate you could do nothing." "Yes, I could, mother," replied tho young hopeful. "I stood up and said ray prayers!" Wnlls Have Ears "Sssh, this Is a gossipy place." "Snail, why?" "Sbhh, even the rooms communl cnto with ono another!" Harvard Lmnpoon. 'Tww Ever Thus "Iloro'a a follow patents a con trivance to keep girls from falling out of hammocks." "Moro machinery displacing men." Louluvlllo Courier-Journal. ' Thrown Out Golfer Confound you, hoy; you mado me miss that putt! Caddlo I didn't do nothin', sir. Golfer Yes, you did; It was your blooming hiccough, Caddie I didn't 'lc 'Iccup, sir. Qolfor Of course, you didn't. It's the first, time you'vo missed, and I al lowed for Itr you idiot! m Get ItcMilts Salesman 'Here's an alarm clock that's guaranteed positively to make a fellow Jump out of toed. Mr. Titnleo That's what thoy oil say but let's hear t ring. Salesman It ' doesn't ring it Uanku.-- Pck. A TRAVESTY dN JttTICB. ilK )Qni' lliyth that courts twist For the adminis tration of justices law for tho protection of sociotv and peace officers for tho enforcement of the law, received a tremendous jolt when Loris Martin was acquitted by a jury of his "peel's" of tho murder of Game Warden A. S. ITiibbard. The. verdict is a travesty on justice. It is a reward of honor for a premeditated, and often-threatened murder of n faithful, fearless officer in the discharge, of his duty by a notorious law-breaker, ft is no longer a crime to slay a man in Jackson county. It is open season on game war dens. Like the Kentucky moonshiner, tho Oregon poacher holds it as his inalienable right to conduct his operations in nominee 01 mo law. .ns me nioonsiuner who slays an officer becomes a liero in his native mountains, so lias the murderous Jackson county poacher boon crowned with a tinsel gore-spattcrod wreath. The trial itself deserves to be staged as a scene in "Pud- den-IIead llson. The disreputable old courthouse, crowded with friends of the prisoner, swept by maudlin Hysteria J or tlie accused: the sheriffs ottice, sworn to up hold the law, actively aiding in its nullification as star wit nesses for the law's transgressor; the clever, carefully pre pared defense with its black thread of perjury; the intoxi cated witness and his inimitable buffoonery; the unfailing support by the court of the contentions, of the defense all these and many moro incidents helped transform a tragedy uuu u iiiirt", iu tut' suiinii 01 iiucKsoii couiuy. State Game "Warden Pinley is right in refusing to ap point a successor to Martin's" victim. Why risk another life in enforcing laws when the law itself affords no pro tection to the law enforcer? The Martin verdict has made a joke of justice, shattered the game code and disgraced Jackson county. It is an outrage. Loris Martin goes forth a free man, receiving congratu lations for breaking the commandment of the Lord and the laws of man, but all the acquittals in tho world will not wipe from his soul the scarlet stain of the blood he has shed a damned spot that will not elcanso. Sulphur Most Valuable Alfalfa Fertilizer (lly V. C. Rclmer, Kxperimcnt Station, Talent, Ore.) (Continued from YcMerdny.) Ltmc Sulphur Spray n Fertilizer Since niinouiieinjj our reulls Inst summer several fruit growers in this valley nml nlso nt Hood Ilivcr, nnd some section of Idaho, lmvc told us Hint they hml observed Hint the nl fnlfa directly under tho fruit tree which hnd been sprayed willi lime sulphur whr usually larger, more ro bust and darker green thnu that growing just beyond the spray drip pings. It was thought that thw ws probnldy due to the lime in the upray solution. We now know that so far as ibis valley is concerned it was du to Iho sulphur nnd not the lime. ExjicrimcnU in Vi-ogres Theso experiments are now being repeated on many farms, representing nil the important nlfnlfa soil types in tliis valley. We aro using sulphur in many different forms. Theso experi ments will determine what sails need applications of sulphur, the best form of sulphur to use, tho most profitable amount to npply, the most econom ical source of sulphur, nnd also whether applications of phosphorus In addition (o the btilphur nre needed. J low Sulphur Enters I'lant The alfalfa plant cannot utilize sulphur ns pure sulphur. The sulphur must first combine in the soil witli certain other elements to form sul phates. It readily combines with lime nnd forms calcium sulphate or laud master, in which form it is readilv u.-ed by the plant; or it mny combine with magnesium, or with potassium, or other elements, to form aeceptahle sulphates. This is indeed fortunate for tin alfalfa grower in this- valley, since his soils arc so abundantly sup plied with lime, magnesium and potns muiii, Hint when sulphur is ndded to his soil it i? readily transformed into the desirable sulphates. Attention should ngnin he called to the fact that the soils, so far ns they have been nnulyd, nre, with the ex ception of the . .expensive sulphur, nlmot ideal for the growth of al falfa so far as plant food is con cerned. These soils contain lKttnsh, magnesium nnd lime the very es sences of the alfalfa plant suffic ient to grow abundant crops for sev cral hundred years. In addition to this, the nlfnlfa plant being n legume, has the highly desirable power of satisfying iU enormous demniuU for nitrogen by ubsorbing it, with the nid of bacteria on iU roots, from the in cxhauslible supply in tho nir. Whcrt ever the soils nre of sufficient deptli they should produce fabulous yields of alfalfa for generations by simply supplying the necessnry nmount of sulphur; nnd an ubundnnce of moist ure. , ling tin stryehnino in making Iho poWoned nvlicles. I. Handle all tho poisoned ailleles with it spoon and be mm' to wash tho spoon thoroughly nod at once alter "sing. t Hit Ke-peol fully submitted, K. Wl CnrMon, It. Kitten, II. (Jove, Dr. ,1. II, Webster, Victor Payne, Itegitufld II. Parsons, Don ald Clark, K. h. JJhrivpiui, K. llrayton, Horace Peltou, (leorge 11, Donne, Kd Hamlin, W. M. lloliuc, ( M. Thomas, V. , Campbell, 11. C. Kuan, C. M. Knight. (Inv W. Conner, ,1, T. Sullixuu, Spniguc 1 Hegel, Committee on Prodnlorv Animals, LOCAL ORCHARD- ' IN CHICAGO IRAOE CHICAflO, March lO.Thc Doug las Park Auditorium property, at the northwest corner of Ogdcit and Kcd io avenues, with 7f liy lilt! feet of ground, has been bought by Kva A. Wilson Hailey of Portland, Or., fiom Joseph P. Peurruug of Cincinnati, for an in Irion ted consideration ot fJ.'iO, 1100. The property has an inciiiu bninoe of $HI0,000. The purchaser Ifid $110,000 for the equity, nceord ing to the amount of revenue stumps attached to the tleed, and gave back tho puivliUbe money inoitgage for . (10,000. ' The improvements coinprie a four story building, containing five- lodge halls, five stores, nil ntiditoiinm with a scaling capacity of 1700 and a large banquet hall, said to have an aggre gated yeatlv rental of more than $:io,oob. in part payment Mr. IVurrung ob tained an apple orchard in Rogue Itiver valley, Oregon. KEEP A JAR OF MUSTER0LE HANDY It Quickly loosens Up CougUs and Colds lu Tliront or Cliot Gtt to Gq tap to Cure Rheumatism Liniment Help Locally, But the Disease is Way Down - Inside. Tw Krt nt lli nre of tlunmmlli' Halm It mjulren Hie itrvn, mnucMur In Itiirncfl nt 8, S. M, ll tumoim IiIuimI inir Iflrr. IthrnmstliM U irlnmrlljr n IIimI illnuo tlml, Klncfl It I In till vlul ItnM Hut rlir-u iiikI to liiiitrmlrn nre inrrlnl. loilKrt In Die Jolnti nnd mmtclt'ii, tliirr to Irrllsln tlie iii'rtrn anil pn'ilitci' inln. Ami In nriliT tu ilrlve out IIiiip mln ln lllrllni; HilMa It rniiiltr N. K. H. in Ink tliii Into tin' tiny ulmiiU ImlwiMnl In tlir Innrrmimt llntue. H, 5. 8. trnrl vhrrrrrr tlm liloml kim1 ami ner liim lU hirdlclnal tullnrtlMV 'till riiUlni liy It tufrmmcii Hie mont rtirenlr fiitiun ot rliriimntUni, why It ilUlmlura tlimf hunt urpoiltt thitt Hilchrn llif Joints, fur It rt mi a Rolvrut nml nUt thr blcsul in pro. vlilo In ilia Mullen tlnwr lutuml rlcmrnt for which thf IhhIj hullillns pruri eon llnimlly fjavi nml mint lintr. If ymt Imtp nrvrr uwil tt. R. 8. for rhrnmntUm. B'i i M imtay f ilrnntUt. t' It n" itlrrvtnl nml with in ultnplc home hflpt you lll 'n ilrthronr Ih wotut nml niont pulnfiil forum of rhfiimnlUiii, Wrllo Iho unit ral itrpartmrnt, Tho 8wlft Hpnlllc V , on Swift Hill. AllnnU. tin. for mlill- tlond nilvlre. Yours my I' fn whrrc ullght ln-lp fnnn a ipwUlUt whine auric l frrr, will olc tho m. trty Hint h Ihtii umklni; llfo mUrrnhlc for you. wiifn yon n tor n, t. n. in .lt np.m It ami rrfuxi nil uihatltutr. STAR Wednesday - Thursday (To Do Continued.) Remedies Against Predatory Animals HI. How to Make the l"olsons Poisoned Raisins, Carrots and Other Vegetable's Split and insert a crystal of strychnine, or mix moist ened rnUiiiH or fresh cut vegetables with ground or powdered strychnine in the following propertions: One eighth of an ounce of strychnine to ono gallon of material. Poisoned Uarley or Wheat Clean grain, 20 quarts; strychnia sulphate (ground or powdered), two ounces; saccharin, ono teuspoonful; glos fitnreh (common laundry starch), one- half teacup! ul; water, ono and one half pints. Dissolve the starch iu a little cold water nnd add n pint and n half of boiling water, making a rather thick solution. While hot, stir in the rdrychnino and mix until freo from lumps. Then add the saccharin and bent thoroughly. Pour in the poisoned stnrch'over the barley and stir rapidly until tho poison is evenly distributed, then allow thu gram to dry. When dry it will keep indefin itely without deterioration. Uy this method a coating of poison is found on tho outside of the grain, which nets much more quickly than if tho trraiu is boiled or soaked in the poison. Poisoned Corn for Crows Sonk one-eighth ounce of powdorcd strych nine to ono gnllon of corn just cov ered with water for 'J I hours. "Wlicee Traps and Polns May Ito nought The coramiltcc has gone to consid erable labor in securing a quantity ot poisoned barlny, which cap bo secured in five-pound cans for (10 cents, from the following uivrclmnts. Central Point, Itnbihctt; Gold Hill, Ilowers; Kaglo Point, Von der Hcllen Moonvillc, Mrs. Oordner; Table Hock, Table Hock Store; JEedford, Haskinsj Phoenix, Dr. Mulmgrcn' store; Tal ent, Vnndershiis, Ilurgau, genera) merchandise store; Ashland, Ashland Klamath exchange; Jacksonville, Taylor-Williams Co. Thu Mneubee traps nnd tho Victor Ko. O.trap can ho purchased from the luirilwn.ro stores in Medford at an ex ceptionally low cost. IV. ' Precautionary Measures 1. Iu making poisons, do not leave any of tho strychnine,, around ' the placo where children or domestic ani mals may get nt ir. 2. In putting out poisoned grains or vegetables, phieo them whero the wild birds or domestic stock cannot get at them. .1. Jlo sure to clean your hands thoronghlyjind at once after hand- FOR STUBBORN COUGHS uho 2 ounces of Schlffmann's Concen trated Kxpoclonint Olvcs Instant ro ller and breaks up the most stubborn Coughs and Colds. Besides, If it does jiot glvo perfect satisfaction, money will he refunded by Medford Pharmacy. Adv. John A. Perl j UNDERTAKER ,j Lady Assistant' 28 ri.mAim..Kny I'Jiones M.,47 ad 17-J3 Ambulance Service lfc , . Coruner Just a llttlo MtiHterolu rubbed on jour sore, tlRht chest before you go to bed will looten up conKestlon and break up most severe colds nnd coughs. .., Jtustcrolo Is a clean white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Sim ply rub It on. Ko plaster necessary. Hotter than mustard plastor and docs not blister. Thousands who use Musterole will tell what relief It gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsllltls, Heart aclto, Congestion,. Pleurisy, Rheuma tism, Lumbago, 1'nltis nnd Aches of tho hack or Joints, Sprains, Sore .Muscles, Urulscs. Chilblains, Frosted Kect and Colds, (It often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's In 2."c and 50c jars, and a special arKC hospital size for 2.C0. lie suru, you get tho genuine .Mus terole. Ilcfuse imitations get what you ask for. Tha Musterole Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio, Seventh Episode H THL PAGE Medford's Leading Theater On Account of the "TODAY" Company using the theater Wednes day, the Twelfth Episode of the Master Key Will be shown only THURSDAY Matinee 2 P. M. Evenlnrj 7:00 "Exploits of Elaine" THE DOUBLE TRAP Two Parts Two-Part Comedy Drama "An Unexpected Honeymoon" World Famous Pathe Weekly Matinee 2:15 Evonlnn 7:00 Top Price Paltl for BUTTER FAT The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. Medford, Oregon THERE CAN BE NO DISEASE GERMS IN MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER IT IS PASTURIZED Come Sec It Made at 1 15 North Central Avenue A. A. M000Y, Prop. HiiI ' Wfer(rlKft Lace Boots Are "IT" Just Now Pawn, Droadnnught, Oroy and Illack cloth tom, sterling pntont colt quartern, wolt sewed solos with bund flnlslied nil leather Louis heels, . JW.OO .Till: PAIIt Hee Tlieni Iu Our Window AT Tlin sia.v op .$cucid!k "GoodSoco"v ' OPP08ITI3 POST OFl-'ICH .!- TL. '-' "TT"S HVNOPHIH OK THM AN'NCAI. HTXTIIMIINT tP TIIM London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, Ltd. of Liverpool, Kngtnnd, In the Kingdom of tlieiil, ilrllulti on llio Mint day of Dociiinber, JIM I, nmitiMoi(thollHHtuiien (Jotnlillssloiieri 0 the Hlfttylor Orouno, iniisiiiUit to law: Cnpltnl Amount of capita) paid up . . . I Income Net iniimlhius received dm lug tho year ili.ilfil'.lir.T.IH Interest, dividends, and routs leeelved durliiK tlm nr 1 K0,JI27.0t Inroino from other souices received during the year, front home officii lS'l,aR0,2ri i nihil aJ Total liieoiuo M.01 l.r.i) l.fia lIUbiitxeuiciiiN Not losses paid duilug tho jcar $I,:IN7,II0.7I Dividends paid during I he )cnr on caidtut stuult Noun Commissions and salaries imlil durliiK iho year .. tl8,'l,'.'0l!,fi2 Taes, HreiiHos, mid fees paid during the year IHi.iiliti.l I Amount of nil other expenditures . . ; , aiifi,rtlT.H7 Loss on sale or maturity of leduor assets, $n,nriUi niinll- trtiice to lioiuii office, ?5S0,I I l,!i I ,,... ilKl.itiiLSI , j:t,i)Ml,2KU.ftr, Total i)iendltures AxxctN Vnltio of real estate owned (uuirltnt viiluo) ;... iltin.tino.Oo Value of stocks .uid bonds owned (nuirliet value) l!,87fi,SH7.fi0 Funds diiposltml with Culled Htnteit trust en l(tii,r,iS.tifi Cash In biinltH and on hand C r, 7 , r U t . :t r, I'lomluins In course of eulleetlon written slnro Hepioniber no, ion nnfi,fir.?.ni! Interest and rents due and accrued , M,IN!).tli Total assets ... I.R8 1 .7uft.it t Less special deposits In any statu (If any llicio li) 17,112ft. 28 Total assets admitted lu Orecou IM(H,37l.7:i Llabllllles ri.ud rtlultii. fnf ln.tina iitmnlil . - i lV0.1l74r,? Amount of unearned premiums on nil utilstaudlnu risks 2.7Ht,i)n;;.o:t 7. ton. tin fiii.oiiH.'.M Due for (oiumlsslnn and brokeiaHe All other llballllos . . .' t i i -- . Total llnbllltl.'s exclusive of capital stock i:i,l)7f'.3K9.l I Total premiums In foreo December 111, IIIH !fi,lo,HIM2 Itii-.lncM In Oirumi I'or Ihe Veuc Total llnkn written durliiK tlm year ft,:u;7,P50.OO dross premiums received durliiK tho year 78,.11S..11 l'miuliiuiH relui ned tlttrltiis tho year 16,310.42 Losises paid durliiK the year . 3:i,SIl.i:i Losses Inclined durlni? the year ,12,t:i3.r.l Total amount or rlslis outstaiidltii; In OrcKou December 31, lUtl 12.287.4 1 1.0(1 lly A. O. MclLWAINIS. Jit.. ,Manur.er. Hlntutory resident Kcneral ajtenl and attorney for nervlce: (1, L, Ooodell, Chamber of Commerce UIiIk., rortlaud, Oie. I'aclfle Department 332 I'luo St., Knn Francisco, Cnl , Knm II, fitoy, MnuaKer. I). It. WOOD ,V CO. LOCAL AOI'.NTS. - THE PAGE Metlfortl's Leading Theater. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 The Theatrical Event of the Season TODAY This wonderful play made a record run in Now York City for one solid yoar six solid months in Chicago. The Greatest Dramatic Success Ever Booked in Medford In all probability the last road attraction for this season. It is soldom that a city the size of Medford can se cure an attraction of this merit, and it was only ac complished in Medford through a cash guaranteo to tho company. Seats now selling Thcatro Box Office, PricesLower Floor, first 14 rows $2.00, noxt 4 rows $1.50. BalconyFirst 4 rows, $1.50; noxt 4 rows $1.00; next 3 rows 75c; noxt 3 rows 50c. FREE LECTURE By George R. Kirkpatrick AUTHOR OF WAR WhatFor? Thursday, March 11 8:00 O'CLOCK P. M. St. Mark's Hall. Everybody Invited H rn ..WMf :x i.T'Xt m. i-r