r' TXrfE SIX n MEDFORD MATH TTUTWNK MEDFORD. OlWflbN, TUESDAY, MARCH n, 101,1. ( " t BRITAIN PLANS TO SEE EQUIPMENT FOR ALL FACTORIES! LONDON March J.'-A Ornsttc amendment to tlio ilofonso o( the taalm act, unexpectedly presented to the Iioubo of commons this afternoon by Chancellor or the Kxchequcr Lloyd Heorgo, imaseil till Ita Hinges. The chancellor proposed that the govern ment be empowored to commandeer alt factories required for war pur POBOS, Up to tho present firms and fac tories alrcndy producing war mater ials could bo takun under govern ment control. The amending bill of tlift chancellor extends tills power to cover all other concerns which the government may wish to utllUo for this purpono. Mr. Lloyd George laid particular emphasis upon his statement that only tho duration, but the success of the war depended ukmi tho output of munitions. Tho government, he declared, proposed to organize tho en tire engineering community through committee headed by business men With the Idea of assisting in the in crease of output LINCOLN LECTURE DRAWS LARGE CROWD COLLEGE GIRL WRITES FAIRY PLAYS AND BOOKS ON PROBLEMS LINCOLN LECTURE ENJOYED BY MANYi i Alice CmixstenberAHy Tho First M. E. church of Medford was filled to Its capacity Sunday night by Medford people who hod gathered to listen to the lecture on Lincoln, delivered by Dr. C. K. Cllno, of Portland. Every available seat in the church was tilled and standing room in tho aisles and tho vestlbulo was at a premium. Dr. Cllnc's lecture was attended by members of the O A. K. and W. U. C. and to them did his lecture seem tho most Impressive, still all pres ent listened with the mort earnest and devouring attention to every word uttered. MIm Alice (icrstenberg whose dra matization of "Alice In Wonderland" Is one of the stage successes of the season has turned rrom fairy tales and "little plays" to a serious con sideration of social and economic conditions that affect women, and in 'her new novel, "Tho Conscience ol Surah Piatt," these subjects are madu (the basis of an Interesting romance. Although she but recently grad uated from llryn Mawr college Miss Oerstcnberg has two novels nnd sov eral plays to her credit. Her home Is in Chicago. ROOD CONDITIONS IN ALSACE WORSE RUMANIA EMPOWERED TO DECLARE MARTIAL LAW BUCHAREST, Rumania, March C. The Rumanian senntc adopted today n bill cmpowcrinE tho government to proclaim mnrtial law throughout the country whenever it deems such a measure necessary. BERNE, via Paris, March 9. Hood conditions in Alsace are stead ily becoming worse nnd serious dnm nge already has been canned. Com munication between Altkirch nnd Mulhnuscn has been interrupted. The lower part of Atlkireh is under wa ter, as is the village of lllpt'urt and many other places in the valley. Troops havo pone to the assistance of the inhabitants, whose safety is men aced by the high water. i In the upper ranees of the Yo.'.ges mountains the snow is still from six to ten feet deep nnd military opera tions arc virtually at u standstill. IKxJgc Car Arrives The long looked for and much talked of Dodge car has arrived nnd Is being admired by all. It can be seen at tho Crater Lake Motor Car company and is for sale by A. A. Ber nard and Court Hall. VACANT HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE All those who were fortunate enough to hear lli ditto's addresses both Sunday and Monday evenings at the Methodist church upon tlu sub jects of "Lincoln," and "Love Mak-I tng and Mnrrlngo" are loud In their praise of the doctor. It was through the efforts of the ulslted the mUiilc, and Mis. J, K, IIuwUIiih gnvo it iciidlim which was reiiilcied In a manitiM' pleasing lo the audleiito mid up to tho standard of her mm til luudllloiis. The ICpworth League and Its off!' vers deserve ciedll for bringing to tho city such an able man as I Jr. CI I no which shows the nclvlty and the high standard of service they believe lit cultivating, SLJ -- T-r -1 ' ' ' It his hoped that this Is only n he- hacked h.v one of (ho largest and 'most ' gluiiliig of the Intellectual treats In active young pcoplu's orgiiiilxiitlonii In store for the people of Medford vouthorn' Oregon, HKl.tMtUMANT IIOMH DOCTDIIM. Is what women are called who all oer this broad hind make their an nuiil collections of roots and herbs, and rely upon recipes which our plo- Epwortlt League of the M. E. church . neer mothers found dependable for that this able nnd effective speaker different family ailments. In one of was secured. Sunday evening the these recipes, Lyilln E. Plnkhain'H church was packed to overflow ninny Vegetable Compound had It proved being turned away for the lack of , that there Is hardly a city, town or hamlet lit America where some wom an who has been restored to health by Its HMO does not reside. Red Crown .4 X 1 the uasoltne of Quality T .LaLvhBLLW K m Kivcs you power plus. Easier starting on chilly inorniuns, no tiouliluMMiie carlmn. A refinery Knsulinr distilled, redistilled, then purified. Dealers every wncrc. Standard Oil Company (l.llfuinl.) T-! room. Dr. Cllno knew Lincoln personally and thereforo could speak of his do mrfttlc life, hnblts. tmrnonnlttv In a manner as only ono could who had I Mg;;M;;M come in personal touclt wtlt sucit a eharocter. For 30 minutes ho held his aud ience spell bound on Monday even ing, much practical adUce was given j to the young and old as to love mak-1 , I A. V Y Y '! A Ing and marriage. Tho orchestra of eight pieces fur- T X &8iG!0&OX?OXfeKX t. r .. -,-.---.-.-...-. vw.- .w- . . , 81V Don't Merely "Stop" a Cough TIRES! TIRES! I X 1 A -iT Slop lkr TMac tksr rauir It 4 Ik Couxh Villi So llarlf Klre last night at 11 o'clock de stroyed a vacant bungalow near the Trail Lumber 'company, causing a property loss of over J2000. The bungalow was the property of Mr. Snider, of Itiverslde avenue. The origin of the blaze is unknown, but a tramp's pack found near the de stroyed homo leads the authorities to bcllevo that wandorers, who evi dently slept in the houso had be come careless and thrown a lighted cigarette on tho floor, thus causing it to Ignite and destroy the home. The fire department, at midnight answered a call to Rates garage. The blaxo was quickly extinguished and no damage was done. Dcfectlvo wiring Is blamed. Mrs. S. Jones and daughter, of llorubrook, Cal are guests at the Holland Hotel. 'V A cough Is rcallr one of our lt . .. -. .... .. t ' I ncmol friend. It warn us that there U in flammation or obstruction in a danger ous pine-, 'therefore, when jon gt-i a bad cuititn don't proceed t dew' jonrirlt with a lot of drugs that merely "stop" the cough temporarily by itcadrnlng tlw throat nerves. Treat the ciuio lical the inflamed tntmbrancs. Here U a home made remedy that et rlulit at tlie cume and will make an obntlrmte reugli vanlili moro quickly than jon orr thuught ixts-slblr. Put 24 ottnecs of Plnex (flO cents worth) in a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated ntigar svrtip. This irivrs vnu u full nlnt nf ifiA itm iitM,.nt and effective cough remedy yon ever ud, I ni n coi oi oniy in rents, iso notner to X r ? t t ? ? V This A K prepare. Kull direction with Plnrx, It hrnl the Inflnnted mrtnbranes so gently and promptly that you wonder IV flow It does It. V & AIno'Ioom-iiii ii dry, hosrso ! or tight couch nnd stops the formation of phlegm in the throat nnd bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose coti;di. Plnex s a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, rich In inmlacol, and is famous the world over lor its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid dlaapnolntment. nk your flrtlL'irlnt for "?U ntnn nf PIh." in,l don't accept nnvflililw ele. A guarnnteo pf alMoltitc satufactlon, or money prompt- Most Complete Stock of Tires in Southern Oregon Goodrich Plain Tread Goodrich Safety Tread Ajax Plain Tread Ajax Non Skid Tread Goodrich Silvertown Cord Kiiight Plain Tread Knight Non Skid Tread When You Think of Tires Think of Gates Y ? t I A C. E. GATES r Y ? T ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y lr refunded, goon trlth thl preparation. 2 . . . . fhePincxLo., iLVNaync. Ind. ZZtZZytZZ 'V:H:t IftMKKKKH-M CASH BUYS MORE THAN CREDIT GOLDEN RULE a Y American Lady Corsets y Y Give the Modish Figure i ! The glorious springtime has come and our spring apparel is here. Every day's express is bringing in more of the latest creations from New X York. We invite you to come in and feast your eyes on these new things. We are at your service at all times to show these goods. Make 4 i,i. i Lii .1.1 4., : l. your selection cany wiuic uic bcuuiv ia cumpicic. Ladies' Tailored Suits 1 1 of shepherd check, galjerdiiie, poplin, serge and other fabrics. Priced $10.00 and upwards. One lot of unusual values at $20.00 Coats of white Chineilla, English eovei t, serge, shepherd check and plaid niixtur er. Modest prices $5.00 and upwards. Preferred shades arc sand, putty, Bel gian green, black and navy. A fine new stock of dresses in daincy models poplin, crepe de chine and serges. A lovely exhibit in all shades and pleasing color combinations. Priced $7.50 upwards. SHOES rtfP For Men, Women and Children This store enjoys the reputation of selling better shoes for the inonoy and every effort has been made in our spring buying to maintain this reputation. Ladies' patent buttom in the new toe and heel $3.75 Ladies' Mary Jane pump patent Same in gun metal .'. $2.75 Mary Jane pump for misses and children in patent gun metal and kid, priced $1.00 to $2.15 Special for men a good gun metal, wilt, dress shoe, button or lace .. $2.08 Parry shoes for men in all tho new things $3.50 to $5.00 An all leather calfskin shoe for boys, sizes 11 to 1H 1-2....$1.25 Parefoot sandals, white canvas Oxfords for men, women and children and outing shoes for boys now in stock. . $3.00 Kuppenheimer Clothes The kind you'd like to wear the kind you ought to wear at a .price, von can afford. $17.50 to $25.00 Other makes $10.00 and upwards, Specials for Men A new up to date hat $1.30 A better hat new shape and color ..$1.05 Our famous J3. and W. shirt 05 A gorgeous army of Necktics..l3and 23 Canvas gloves, paiw 5 Extra value socks, black, gray or tan, two pair for 25 Leather worl? gloves 25 "UiffHill" work shirt, can't be boat....50 A big special in Men's Caps 30 A good heavy work sock, II pair 25 Khaki pants for men, special $115 Same in boys' sizes $1.00 V The greatest array of wash dress goods this store has ever shown. Crepes, Lawns, .Klaxons, Voile, Tissues and Silk stripes, 8 1-3 to 50 yard. "We are anxious to show them to you. Suit Cases $1.00 Ginghams 10 Yard Pest Children's IIoso PursonJloso Calicoes Two Pair for Ladies .... 5$ 25 19 , x Y I i ? II l Y" I I I V v e, y 1 t A big can of Talcum 10 S e want your business, not because TTIE GOLDEN PULE originated tho UNDERBUY AND UNDERSELL, nor for anv ro asons save thoso of prices, and service. AVe do chum that there is morpot mutuality between JTIE GOLDEN RULE and its customers than exists elsewhere. Perhaps one of the chief reasons lies in our ability to do more for our customers. We can take euro of practically his ontiro wants; but back of this feeling of mutuality lies the principle of the square deal, the supreme satisfaction of hav ing saved our customers ten lo twentv per cent on their nurehaso. i our money hack if you are not perfectly satisfied. Yours, --- Xi MERIT IS THE TRADE MARK OF SUCCESS C. W. WHILLOCK & SON VALUE IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAPNESS v. 'Zi WW