It, "li - TtfEDFOttD i -.! li-'l MAIL1 TItlBUNE, MI81J1TOKD OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 0. 1015. gaQ1B:THRgy a T: LI j, , ml1L MARTHA'DELIGHTS PROBE OF BLAZE ' If You Are Ever Tempted L AI PAGE THEATRE AT KING'S REQUEST NEW CABINET AK HOUSE BOARD AIOURAINE GREECE UNDERTAKEN NOW UNDER WAY yS. lf"Wt; Pw, Kr r?x,- Hehlom Iiiih u Medfnrd nudlt'iion ween iiiuro (IcIiKlitoil with mi npcrutio jiorfonniuioo than In the iioiliictioii r "Mnrllm" liiHt iiIkIiI .y tlm An ilrowH Oporn ('(Miiiiniy. While wn hoo hiiiiin of tint bimt druiniitio liilinl here, wo rnrdy linvo tlm iileiiMiro f Union, injr In ojicru of tlm higher oIiihh, mill yet Medford 1m over ready, iih IiihI hIIiI'm luiilicni'c ilriiiiiimlriitt'il, to jiutroiilrn moHt llhornlly the higher jjnulii mindful onti'itiiiiiuioiit. Wo Kv u crowded Iiuiinu to Diuiinmi'lii ori'lioxlm, Miuluinti Htilitunnnn-lloiuk, Miidnino (luiluld, Midiiino Nordlou iiml tlm l.iiinhnrdl Opura !ouiiiny. It would Hci'in tlmt oMtrntlo iniiniiKvrH inlnht with profit Include Medford in llii'lr route, "Mnrtlin" In n delightful openi, iiml Wlllll) It Ih UHtllllly oIltMNod M II I'lliul oM'rn, tint plot h on thu niriouoinio onlor. Tlm delightful inclodloH tlmt urn fuiniliiir to nil iiiiihIo lovorn nre illtl'l-Hpt'l-riClI with IlllM of ooincdv iiml npoki'ii (Multiple, which convoy tint Mory to tlm ntidit'iico, men though tlioy limit not proviotiNlv fiuulliniirod tlll'IIIHolvt'H with tint pint. Mm, Kil Andrew, in tint tillo rolo, wiim everything Unit etiuld Im ilrhirctl in tho part. Kim Iiiim it lyrio voire, uniwuiilly flexlhle, wliioli Ih rl miit oil to Ilio rolo of "Martini." Kin wiih thoroughly ilnunntlii in tho liouvior mtiiom, yet in "The Liiht Koso of Hummer" him mi lie with n ipiiot pntlioH tlmt hi'lil tho nuilinieo Hpoll- lioinnl. Jnlin Zinnwiilt irnvo n must intolli oiit iiml artistic romlition of tint part of Nancy. Klin won favor in the l'iot ilnct with Marllia inn! held her mnlioiioo through tho onliro porform mioo. (Irnrp Andrew U well milted to the pari of I'luiikclt, the jolly fanner. Ho Iiiih it Nplemliil hiiritono voice ami in the thiol IicImccii Nancy ami I'liin kotl in tho third net ho developed homo excellent htiinor. Ho wiim en pecially pnnl in IiIh nolo, tho drink ing mi m k'. mid in tint duct with Siunnr (liordano in thu opening of tho fair hrenc. While Kir Tristan is Ilio very anti )iodoM of Koko, i'et Kit Andrew dcui onxthatcd that hit Ik eiiially at homo in tho IiIkIi comedy part of tho Kng. lili lord. Mr. Andrews U a vorwitilo comedian and alwayw pleases hi nn ilienco. Kalvaloro (liordano not only plonft. rd, hut thrilled his audience, and was encored agiiiti and ngnin. Hu most P'lioroiiNly responded to Ilio many en cores and It is really temarkahlo that lie could hold tip with hiicIi power and finUli tn the finaln of Ilio last act. After hearing Signnr (Horilaiio there is no doubt of his lioing ahlo to hold his own ns it member of tho Met ropolitnn forces, It is only doing this artist justice to say that ho is in a class with Caruso and other world lamed Italian tenors, Ho is a hand Mime man, n splendid actor ami a imiht superb singer. Tho local Klks lodge is to bo con griituliitcd on (ho splendid oienttio entertainment that it has been instru mental in liringing to tint music lov ers of Mcdfoiil, IIAVIIIJ, .March II. A rlid Inquiry already Iiiih been hegiin into nil tho phases of tho tiro at sua aboard tho I'roneli lino Mourner I.u Toiiriiluo, which docked hero, yesterday after noon mid liimled wifely all hor piiH- scimers. Ailmirul (!liuilior of tho ministry of murine and Director Dno rot of Ilio Coinpiifxiiio (lencralc Trann Atlniithpic, boarded the vessel upon hor arrival ami started tho invcHtigu lion at once, Tho rM)rt of Admiral Chnrlier will bo submitted to tho ;ov. urumout. Tho firo, which was confined to oiio of the holds, was oxliuiriiishcd at midnight Kutulay, and tho last slant of tho vuyiiKU wiih completed without iiicidi'iit. I.iro liolts were iiislribntcil amou); tho passciiKers mid tint Ioiih worn iic)iiifd for iiiHtnut iimi as soon iih the flames wero discovered, but at no time was llicro nny real danger, no conlint; to it htalemcnl by Captain (.'iiiismIii, who declared tho K. 0. K. call for assislanuo was sent out mere ly as a measuro of precaution. Tlierp wiih no disorder mid no panic, he said, tho passengers acccptiui; tho situa (ion calmly in tho belief that tho firo would bo comiicreil and that other Meuini'rw would reply promjitly to tho wireless hiiiuiiioiih. Tint slciiiner Itotterilam, one of tho vessels which miswcrcil Lit Touraino's call and stood Id until tho firo was extinguished, left the French liner nt IWIo Point, Knir. Tho IVeiidi cruisers (liiichen mid Duplit Thouars, which also went to Lit Touraino's its-, histmicc, escorted hor, however, as fur as ChcrhoiirKf and then contin ued on their wny. Other vessels which iiuswcrcd captain's call were infiu med that there was no need for their trips ufler rcceiviiii; tho thanks of tho liner's coimuandor. BRITISH LOSS IN T PERSIA FIH 400 AMKTi:iM).Ur, Mandi t). An of ficial statcmeut from tho Turkish ministry, rcceicd hero today from Constantinople, says that tho Itritish lost -100 men in tho recent battle at tho bead of tho Persian trtilf. The btatement follews: "Tlitec battalions of MritUli iufati try witlw two ipiick tirine; field kiiiis, two mountain utins, one maebiuo cun section mid one Hiiadron of cavalry, attempted on .March 11 to attack our )MihitioiiH in Hie region of AliwithC, in Kliimstnu). After a counter attack by our troops tho Itritish fled in dis order to their ships, leaving 100 dead or wouuiieii, Anieni: uio ilciul were ouo Kiitihh major ami four other of fieers. ATIIISNB, March O.Tho M, (lou nnrU, dotnity for I'litrus, Iiiih ton iiontod at tho reipiefit of Klni? Con htnntlno to iinilcrtnko tho task of formltiK n now cabinet, It Ir re jiorted tlmt M. HiiltndJIn, who wait forolKii milliliter in tho Thoetkls cab Inot, litis commuted to tnko that port folio under tho lenilorntilp of M. (ou nnrJH, M. OotinnrlH will unbuilt hbt lint or mlnlHtorn to tho klnR tomorrow It Is uiidcrntooil ami obtain an nf?rcomcnt Hint tho chamber will bo tllimolvt-d If (ho supporters of tlm mlnlittry nro In 'tho minority, which Is cnmtltlcretl lilKfily probablo. Tho now prom lor In oxtinctod to favor tho continued iioutrallty of (! recce, (1 recto hail linen facing a cabinet crisis Mlnro tho end of last week, 'when VcnlzclOB, tho premier, who tnvorn Greek participation In tho war on tho sldo of tho alllei, resigned bo cntnto IiIh policy did not meet with tho approval 0f King Constantino, 'who desired that the country remain neutral, M. Zalmls wan requested yeiiterday to form a cabinet, but bo declined. PA It IB, March 9 M. Ilballyii, n former prime milliliter of Orceco, In an Interview at Atlmim, printed In the Matin, sayn Hint KIiik Coimtlno acted on the advice of his general HUff In oppoliiK tho policy of Intervention proposed by Mr. VenUelos. Tho staff was of tho opinion Oiat an ex pedition against Coiutantlnople would weaken tho military situation on tho Bulgarian frontier, which In Athens Is regarded as dangerous In view of llulgarla'H iloiibtful attitude. YAOUIS DONE WITH ICAN F IX N 15 SUNK BY SUBMARINES LONDON, March I). Fifteen Itrit ish hteamctx sunk out of a totul of H7.'l vessels of inoro than .'100 tons which arrived at Unlink ports or do j in i led from them Jnuiiurv -1 to March II was tho record achievement of (lonnau Niilimariiies, accordiiiK to figures issued by tho admiralty. Ves sels of all nationiditics wcio taken into accoiiul, excluiliu, however, thoso used by tho udniirnltv for naval and military purpoMts. Twenty-nino iiicinborH of Ilio crows of tlm summ ers torpedoed lost their lives. Tho total number of vessels which in-rived at Jlritish portH durinr this period was dOlt), while tho niunbar which departed was .1115, AMERICAN REPLY TO BULGARIA FACES CABINET II PAltIK, March II. A ministerial crisis Hiinilar to that in (Ircece has occurred in llulgaria, uccordiiiK' to in formation reaching Paris in special tlispatchcs. Premier Kadoslavoff is reported (o jutvo been overthrown by tlm influence of Kintr Ferdhinul iiml Ilio followers of Dr. flhendioff, former foreign minister, bocmiho hu desired (o taku immediato action against Tur key by occupying Adrmnoplo. Although this iuformution Iiiih not been definitely confirmed, it is gener- nlly believed in French official circles that Kadoslavoff had resolved to march on Adriauoplo if (Ircoeo pro nounced for the triple entente and Venizolos made kiicIi an announce- meiit at Athens when tho iiuostion of intervcntionjcanio up. NACO, Arlr., March t. Last week's mutiny of Paqul Indians against their Maytorenlstn command urs continues, according to reliable InfoVmatlon reaching hero today. Sovcral hundred of them arrived at Cnnanoa from their encampment yes terday, announcing that they woro through Vlth tho Mexican factions and henceforth would consider all Mexicans their enemies. Mating nmong tho Indians at Cananea last week was quelled 1))' expelling tho disturbers, Moxlcans declared. EXPOSITION PAIIIS, March . Tho Journal to day sayH it tindorstaiulH tho Amorioan reply to tho French and llritish notes (toneeriiine: Iho hlock,ndo of Oonnauy has boon received in Paris am Lon don. Its contents follow closely tho lines ulready announced in Anlorionn news papoi'H. U asks tho French and llritish governments for detailed in formation an to their purposes, ami particularly what ineasureH thov pro jioso o ido)t o ciu-ry lcm out. A white diagonal checked madras Ide Vslwer Hie leading men's wear stores have Ido Silver Collars or can p?t them for you but If you have tho slightest bother, write us for a list of our dealers nearest you. oto. p. ibi i co., .TS0Y.H.Y. FrenchlRemedy Aids Stomach Sufferers Franco has been called tho nation without stomach troubles. Tho French havo for generations used a simple mixture of vegotablo alls that relievo stomach and Intestinal ail ments and keep tho Iiowola free from foul, poisonous matter. Tho stom ach Ih left to perform ItH functions normally, Indigestion and gastritis vanltdi. Mr, Ceo. II. Mayr. it leading drug gist of Chicago, cured himself with thlH remedy In a short tlmo, Tho domain! Is so great that ho Imparts these oils from Franco and com pounds thorn nndor tho naiuo of Mayr's Wonderful Ilommly. Pooplo ovorywhoro wrlto and testify to tho marvelous rollof they havo recolved using this remedy ono doso will rid tho body of poisonous accretions that havo accumulated for years and con vince tho most chronic sufferer from stomach, llvor or Intestinal troubles. Mnyr's Wonderful Itomcdy Is sold by lending druggists ovorywhoro with tho posttvo understanding that your money will bo refunded without ques. tlon or quibble If 0X13 bottlo rails to glvo you absolute satisfaction. Adv. BERRY RANCH IN ASHLAND Gross rocoipts last year 900, cun bo Improved, now pungnlow, cost $1800, wat er, oloctrlo lights, nice lawn, (lowers. Will trado for a good up-to-duto automobtlo. For further particulars soo COURT HALL MFIKOItl fHET jj i 'i i BMffTljBf V AsVrcH "Bull" Durham, the Smoke of Hospitality At fashionable house-parties, gay week-end gatherings, wherever smart American men assemble for recreation, mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco adds to their enjoyment. It is correct, up-to-date, notably stylish to "roll your own" cigarettes with "Bull" Durham stamps you as a smoker of experience and that delicate, distinctive "Bull" Durham fragrance is always very agreeable to the ladies of the parry. GENUINE Bull' Durham SMOKING TOBACCO 1 Bull" Durham is unique among the world's high-class smoking tobaccos and has been for generations. Millions of smokers find - ! . e i t in the rresh cigarettes they rashion to their own deliciously mild, fragrant tobacco, supreme enjoyment and satisfaction obtainable in no other way. Roll a cigarette with "Bull' Durham today. Learn that original, exquisite aroma the refreshing smoothness and mellowness the irresistible appeal of this world-famous tobacco. liking from this A$k for FREE pack agm of "papmr " with rach Sc sack FREE An Illustrated Booklet, show ing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cipjarettes, and a pack age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, ree, to any address in U.S. on request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 61 . i ImiffivxEm SS " to Buy by Mail Do this Instead znt. Como to tho store with your temp tation. If It'll a watch, or ring, or Beck lot, or chain, or brooch. Or whatever it In put our raluea alongsldo of what the mall order bongo offem. It Isn't likely that after yon do that you will havo tho slightest desire to aend your money away. Because you will havo no reason for doing so. Try it and mo. Wo match all prices and qualities and styles and everything else. MARTIN REDDY TUB JKWELKfl 212 East MMh St, Medfard, Ore. SKl aSZliJSZl'L GOOD JUDGMENT is shown by many men and young men in having their clothes made to measuro by GUS r . Thereby being assured finest quality, most careful work manship and latest metro politan style at a price with in reach of all. We will be pleased to show you our immense selection of spring and summer fabrics. GUS THE TAILOR 101 West Main. k AAA -- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A jkjfjjMjjM ? T i f '4 r ? T & t t r r r r r r r r r t DODGE CAR JUST ARRIVED 'k' 4 '9 4 ON EXHIBIT AT; The Crater Lake Motor Car Co. H FOR SALE BY A. A. Bernard and Court Hall M ii LaJfckiftfcalBfciBfc i! iU a! jiaVlt imt iMt iri iJTt iat irifcri Irft irArk inifc A ifffciifcl & ! V'i ir ;-;r