Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    wnni wia.M wtttmm,HiMuwmiiviiitHMMVm
mm wrTirrv 1
- A V L.
907 WW UWI & V
t'noiilcd tonight and to
morrow Max. (II; 3Hn 4a.
Portr-rourth Yr.
nlv Ninth Vi-ar
NO. 290
, v
K li
Admiral Fletcher Afinln Sails for (he
Mexican Port OlircQon Flcportctl
to Have Evacuated City of Mexico
Carranza Denies Accusations
Aunlnst Ohrcnon.
Ameiiciin Consul Hilllniiiii telo
gitipht'tl from Vera Vrur. loilny
llnil he liml Imtii reliably iufnini
il Hint tin I'lui'iinlinil of .Mex
ico 'ily ly tin1 foin'H of (It'll
imiiI Obicgnii began lit II o'clock
lu.t night, l.nte (iiilnv tint
emitter Don Mniuo, en initio to
Vein Our, ih onlt'iiil lo i o
I in ii to I'rogrcsn, whom there
Iiii been lotml troulilf mill fiic
tiou over ('iirniiixn'M report em
luirgos, f
' WASHINGTON, Mnrch tl.-Geiwinl
('nrrnurii linn made n preliminary n
ply to llio Amciii'iiii lonit'Ht'iitutioiiH,
denying generally tho existence of
1'oinlitioiH in Mexico "ity which tlit
I'uited Sillies has called upon liim
to Improve.
In a Hlnlnnt'iit mntlo ortillv to
American ('ouxtil Silliimin ut Vera
Our, the .Mexican chief denied that
General Olirccnu, lil i'oiiiintiitlir in
,Mt'.i'o City, hud prct ruled food from
reaching tint Mexican capital or tlint
In liml Mill Mipplit-H a way.
Meanwhile, however, oider went
fprwuiit to (tear Admiral Fletcher,
miumiiiiiliug the Allnnlit! licet ut
Guniitniintun, to Ht'iitt two more hat
llt'Mliips to Vein On.
aU lo Atlliilritl
The selection of tdiipi was left to
Ailiniral Fletcher ninl hhnrtly alter
noun totlity he icpoitetl what older
In Imtl giuui. 'I'lie Washington is the
fhiKhip of the dinner tHpinilrnu ot
the Atlantic fleet. She oilmen forty
one officer ninl IIO'J men and is com
iiuiiiileil liy Commander IMw. I..
Iltmeh, Tim. Georgia is one of the
llrxt line lutltleMiips of the tlmil di
Uion. She cnriios -111 officer anil
8(11 men. The Washington in n little
I'uMcr thiiti the Georgia, ninl holh
whips Hluitiug today tihoulil ho ut
Vein Cruz liy Thiirmluy iiiht.
After the eiihiuel meeting today it
wiih suit! (hut the M'liding of llio nil
tliliinial warships to Vent Crux wax
the only move eoiitemplitfi'tl ut pies
enl. The entire Me.ifiin Mluittinii was
gnuo over.
Xo A nny .MotenieuU
Secretary DatileN Kiiitl llio Wiihh.
itiKtoii mill (It'orlit liml no 01 tiers
other tluiti to proeeetl lo thai poit ut
ouee. Sceielury (lunlson haitl no
a nay inovemeiitrt uuo In eoutcmpln-
tiou. It wan ileuhuetl euernlly (hat
the eouiHe of the United States de
pended upon lint attitude of Canaiua,
Scereliiry Dmiiu'Ih niiiiI the ships ut
fliiantanaiao had plenty of miiiiues' on
I'leHideut Wilson today said Car
rmuu had heeii eulled upon liy the
United Slates lo proleet fmeh;iicrH in
Mexico City. Tlie president iciter
nted that llio noM'niineiil had lepoit
eil ilH vitnVH on whnt iippouietl lo he
the Hiliuition in Mexico City. He add
ed Hint in all Hiieh hitiialiniiH it wus
ueet'sHury to iliHcouut repoits u ureal
ileal hceiiiiNe, ho said, certain persona
would liko to have (ho United State
intervene in Mexico, even If they had
to mmiiifiieturo tho fuels with which
to IniKo tho intervention.
Not nn Ultimatum
When tho prerilriont wiih nsl.eil If
(Contlnuod on page two.)
HOMi:, March O.A bill which
would uutliorUo tho ntato rallwuya
lo purchiiHo or chnitnr Btenmora for
(ho triiuBiortu(lon of conl niut other
coiuiuodltlcH of fli'Ht nocoHHlty, wiih
presented u pnrllnniunt hy tho gov
orninout. Tho iiioiihiiio Ih iIorIriiuiI
'to eounternct tho effect of Hlvadlly n
cieaBliif ocean freight rates.
Czar's Warships Dlow Up Black Sea
Supply Yards Russians Roll Up
Left and ntrjtit Wlnjis of German
Army of Invasion In Poland Only
Center Holds Firm.
1'KTItomtAt), Mnroh 0, vln l.on
ilon'Arnrrh 9. Tim nomlmnlmi'iit hy
the ItiiMlnu (tent of Czunipilillnk, on
the itotith H'norc of the Iltnrk Ken, nail
tint ili'ittriii'tlon of the tlnrkH there, ltd
nnnniiiiretl liy llio' Hiimtlau naval mi-
thorltlen yetiterilny, eonntltuteii n iter
loim hloft to the TurltUh (cet, n I nee
It In from thin point tlutt the Turku
hlthcrlo hnvtt tlrnwn tln-lr chief hup-
plleH of ton I for the navy. It Ik re
ported tneiul-offlrlully thai In nihil
lion to nllencluK the hatterh'H which
defended the doiks, tint Itinoiluii fleet
nlo tlentrox'tl the ronl chute.
llt'iiilereRll, 40 inlli'K to tho went,
which lit nnother vonlliiK poit, Uo
wnH ilnmnKetl.
CriiUci-MIkIiII)- IiiJiiiviI '
The only tlftinno to the Ilumilnn
fleet ilurliiK tint homlinriliiifnt of
CzuiiRiiltlliik wim n nllKht Injury to
the emitter Almnz, which wtxn struck
hy n nix Inch nhell. Threo itohllern
ero wotiniled. The cruller ero
not ilnuinKett. With the evident In
tention of tllntrnclliiK the Itiinnlan ml
vnncu Into Turklitli nrmenln from lint
turn to tho Vttlley of the Tchoruk tho
Turku hovo utartcd n movemrnt In
tho vicinity of'Khol, In northwestern
I'ersln, lo tho west of Tabriz. Tho
ItusHlnn nutliorltlt'H attach little itu
pnrtnncn to thin move, IioIIuvIiir llio
limiting snows ninl swollen rivers In
this reslon will Inipetlo tho proRress
of tho Turks and preclude the possi
bility of their turnliiR tho left flank
of the Itusslnn Cunrnslon army.
DIhIoiIrIiiK rintiKs
Efforts to tllslotlRo tho rlcht and
left flnnhi of the derman forces oper-
ntliiR In the Buwnlkl dlstrlrt of North
ern Poland apparently arc brliiRlnK
some success, ninl only tho (lernuin
center, In the rcRlon of Sliuno seems
lo bo holdliiR firm In possession of
tho possessions recently Rnlned In the
nilvnnru from Knsl Prussia. Tho
(erinnii left flank Is reported to have
retired to positions In tho roRlon of
Marlnnpol-Vlrsbnlovn and Kldcunon.
The ilKht flank, reports from tho
front say, has retreated hastily ao
iiiIIch from (Irodno toward ARiistowo
thioiiRh Iiors ami forests.
Itctivnt of (ifniwiiH
The retreat of tho Oerninn rlpht
wIiik. which within elRht miles
of (ho frontier, Is roRardoit ns espec
ially dnmnRliiR to tho nermann, slnco
It severs tho communications from
Ciorman northern nrmy with tho army
lo tho south, whoso loft wlni? Is ho-
sIcrIiir OsHOWelz. This Becontl Oer-
nt an nrmy Is thus loft open to nn at
tack from tho renr by tho Husalnn
forces which nro iitlvnncliiR hotweon
tho Itiiwn river and AiiRiistowo.
AccordliiR to tho Kusslnn nllltnry
nuthoiltleH tho Oerjnnns havo por
cutvctl tho tuennco of this situation
nutl In consoquenco already havo bo
Rim to niovo tholr heavy bnttorlos
from boforo Ossowot. This Is ro
Karded as forecaBtliiR cossatlon of
tho bombiirtlment ot Ossowotz liy tho
nermnnH and tholr retreat toward
tho border,
LONDON, March 0. Obstlnnto
fighting marks tho battles along tho
eiiHtorn front on tho continent, with
tho Gorman slowly withdrawing
from tho lllvor Nlomon In tho direc
tion or tholr own Hast Prusslnn front
lor. At tho Httiuo tlmo tho now of
fonnlvo movement against Warsaw
and on tho Plllen evidently lma not
hb yot dovolopod Into tho great on
gagoment which has boon expected
In this locullty.
In tho western nronn of hostilities,
tho only now foaturo latoly has been
tho nlllod ulr attack on Ostond. lu
tho Ohampngno roglon, whoro tho
Krencli havo Jioon nssumlng tho of
fonnlvo lately, n snow storm haa
glvon n forced rest to tho troops, It
la not uuwolromo, for thoy hnvo boon
iilmont constantly ongiiROd for tho
Inet fortnight,
Aged io "i Years in
For First Time In Automobile Race
History One Man, Darlo Rcsta, Won
Both Grand Prix and Vanderhllt
Cup In Succession Victor Drove a
Peugeot, Maklnjj But One Stop In
ach Race for Gas His Time In
Vanderblll, 29G Miles, Was 4:27:37.
HAN niA.NTIBCO, March 9 "I
nRetl ten yenrs dtirlnR the four hours
toy hiiNhiiiitl wns spredlnc to victory
that Is the story of tho rnco to me.
A fearful IkM!"
With tenor renter than pride, I
Mrs. Mnry Itestn, 20-yenr.old hdile I
of U;irlo itestn. winner of lioth tho'
Ornnd Prix ninl the Vnnderltllt ('up!
races, told of how her husband's Ian-1
rels had left n 0nr upon her heart
Uefiifllni; to watch him drive, .Mrs
Itestn had cowored throughout the j
whole afternoon In n thenter box.1
uumimiH in ner siirroiinuiiiRs, whll
the Intrepid Itnllnn wns demonstrnt
Iiir his track mnstery over n scoro of
speetl IiIiirs.
"I hnvo never scon my husband
race," slut stild nfter tint ordeal when
Itestn had hurried lo her side. 1
am terribly nfrnltl. I hnvo net or
i.ii.., ..
wanted It! ut to race. It Is not tho I
tliouKlit or speed that unnerves me. I
hnvo often driven with Mr. Hostn nt
an 80 nnd OO-mllo clip. Hut if I
should bo on the courso and some-
thlnR should hnppen "
A shudder punctuated her confes-l
"I suppose It Is becnuso we have
been married hut a short, tlnio. Per
haps In tlmo I shall tnko n mora sen
sible view of rncliiR. Hut now
well, It Is something I enn hardly
bring mytrir to think about. Darlo.
you know, has told mo about two
.times ho lias already gono Intd the
ditch. at n rate of SO miles nn hour."
Itestn, pnttliiR his wlfo's hand re
assuringly, ndmlttcd thut lief plens
would probably (ako hint nut of tho
spt-ed Rnuio within lite cur. Tho
forthcoming Venice, Cat., and In-
diannpolls races, ho allowed It to be
Inferred, might terminate his bril
liant speedway career. And that in
ference bropght n quick, flashing
smile to tho eyes of his brltlu.
WASHINGTON, March 0. So fnr.
no formal replies havo been received
fiom Franco nnd Great llrltnln ns to
tho inquiries by tho I'lilted States to
the means tho allies Intend to pursue
in holding up cargoes destined to
their oncmlc.t. President Wilson
said today ho had been Informed un
officially that tho order In council
wns to hnvo been Issued hy Grout
llrltnln yestorday.
l.OS AXC1KLKS, March O.Jess
Willaid, the henvyweiRlit pugilist, left
hero today for Havana, Culm, to meet
Jack Johnson in n battle for tho
wovld'rt ehiiinpionshin April II. While
hero Willnrd kept up in t-mnll mens-
liro the t ruining he begun at Kl Paso
for tho buttle which wns to have
taken place t .limrer, Mex.
Judging from n statement yester
day by tho Hrltlsh ndmlrnlty, It Is
nppnront that only ono merchantman,
uio coinor nongrovo, tins rnilon n
vlctlii) to tho Hubmarlno blockado of
tho Gormant) slnco Fobrunry 25. Tho
first hint of Hrltlsh retaliation
ngnlns tho personnel 6f Gorman sub
marluo raldors had been convoyed In
an official statement that tho officorH
and crow ot tho Gorman undor sen
boat U-8 which fell a prey to tho flo
tilla ot torpodo boat dostroyors do-
tailed to hunt for submarines, ns ono
ot tho fortunes of war,
Tho Turkish opinion thnt tho Dar
danelles tiro Impregnable Is being en
dorsed and pnpora express tho belief
that King Constantino will
Greece to u couruo of noutmllty, a
Mi-t. Mnry Itesta ninl Iter Iliiktmtiil,
After Winning the
INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Mnrch 9.
Frank C. Dalloy, United States dis
trict attorney. In his opening state
ment today nt the trial of Donn Itob-
erts. mayor of Terra Ilnuto, nnd tho
' othors chnrged with conspiracy
to corrupt tho election of November
a, 1SH, In Term Ilnuto, told how the
government contends fnlsc registra
tions were made, of alleged slugging
and rough work nt tho polls, nnd of
tho ninnncr of collecting, and tho
amount of tho so-called "slush fund"
and discussed the government's right
to Interfere In tho election.
Mayor Itpberts, tho government's
counsel asserted, called a meeting of
his "hand-picked election inspectors
nnd told them that no ono had n
right to touch tho voting machine?
accept tho inspectors nnd thnt when
n man entered for voting, tho In
spectors should do tho work."
Roberts nlso demonstrated on a
voting machine tho manner In which
n voto would nut bo registered, nnd
often times, Mr. Dnlloy, snld, tho
tho Inspectors would pull down the
democratic lever, forcing tho voter
to voto that ticket. If the voted pro
tested vigorously tho Inspector would
permit htm to oto again, thus pairing
tho votes and leaving both uncounted,
according to tho lawyer.
"Tho Itoberts Inspectors," Mr.
Dnlloy assorted, "always stood In n
position to sco how a person voted
and if tho voter voted "light," com
bined with tho mnn outside who
handled tho money,"
NKW YOUIC, March 0. An Indict
mont returned by tho federal grand
Jury today against Hugo Grobo, re
cently released from tho federal pen
itentiary nt Atlanta, charges that
while n prisoner thoro ho was en
gaged In perfecting a schema for
smuggling opium from Germany,
concealed In rlflo cartridges nml po
tatoes, Grobo, who is a former offlcor of
the Ilamhurg-Amorican lino, Is nl
legod to havo sent letters from his
coll to a retired Hamburg-American
offlcor In Gormany' suggesting tho
Bchome. According to federal au-
thorltlea horo Grolie exported to mako
profit ot $1,000,000 anuuully,
4 Hours
Mrs. Resfa, Wife of Vandcrbllt Ct p Winner
Dm In IU"tn, Photographed )ti Hour
Vitinlci bill Cup I tare
CHICAGO, March 0. K. II. llo.vil.
chairman of the Western trunk lines
committee, testified ns n grain traffic
expert nt the interstate commerce
eomnii-Moii hearing today that the
forty-ono western tnilronds .which are
asking for freight into Wrenses nre
now required to enrry grain nnd grain
products between certain western
points-nt rates much lower than the
nitu prevailing in cnMern territory.
Mr. Hoyd presented figures pur
porting to miow mat tlio jncrenes
nskeil were in equalization with the
rates nn thu sumo commodities in
other purls of the country.
"Tho present low and inadequate
rates uro tho result of the old rate
wars which the railroads fought he
fore tho interstuto eotnmeroo eom-
niis.-ioii wns orented," miiiI Mr. Dovd.
'Hack in 1007 tho roads under tho
old competitive system reduced their
rates to u profitless Iiiims. Under
regulation, competition in rates wns
put out of business. Old nnd low
M'lit'tlulo.3 wero enforced so that rail
roads nro working under rates thnt
fail to yield nn nileipinto return on
the (service given hy tho modern con
SAPItAMHNTO, Cal., March 0.A
resolution urging congress to pur
chase und opornto tho Western Pa
cific rnllrond, now In a receivership.
wns Introduced in tho two houses of
t io legtslnturo today by Sonntor Dene.
diet nnd Assembly Gobhart. It is
declnrcd in tho resolution that the
operntlon of tho road by tho govern
ment would afford n test ot tho feas
ibility ot government ownership of
rnllrond lines.
WASHINGTON, March 9. Tho
Cnrrnnzn agency issued n statement
claiming that Monterey has boon cap
tured by Carranza forces with mnny
prlsonors and u largo amount of war
Tho Btnto department was advised
thnt Picdrus Negrns had baeu eva
cuated by Carranza troops who went
toward Nuovo Laredo after moving
tho official rocords ot tho town on
tho American eltlo.
Tho forolgn statement Issued by
tho department reads:
"Tho department is In receipt ot
advices dated March S from Eagle
I Pass stating that on tho ovenlug of j
Prosecution Claims Thaw Insane at
Time of Flight, But Competent to
Defeat Ends of Justice Technical
Evidence Presented Evelyn Ncshlt
Thaw Likely to Appear fcr Husband
XKW VOIMC, Mnrch 0. The netnnl
trial of Harry K. Thnw, slayer of
Stanford White, nutl five co-defendants
for conspiring to effect Thaw's
escape from the Male hospital nt
Muttenwnn, wns begun in the supreme
court here today. Deputy District
Attorney Franklin JCeiiuedv outlined
the oiie of the state and "cvernl wit
nesses giive testimony of h technical
Mr. Kennedy snid it wns the con
tention of the slnte thnt Thnw wns in
mwo nt the time of his flight; thnt it
would still constitute a menace to the
public safety to allow him nt Inrge,
lint thnt notwithstanding thcc facts,
liy renon of his "peculiar form of in
sanity," competent to conspire to de
feat the administration of justice.
None of the witnoe examined
during tho forenoon session was
Court Ilooin Crondetl
The eottrtrnom was crowded. There
wero ns mnny women ns men. Thnw's
mother, Mrs. Mary Copley Thnw; his
sister, Mrs. fieorge L. Carnegie, nnd
his half-lirothcr. .Jo-dali Thaw, occu
pied seats near him.
After Mr. Kennedy concluded, John
IJ. Stnnchficld, for the defense, made
motions to dismiss the indictment on
the ground thnt thci alleged fnjts
were not sufficient to constitute a
crime, nnd there was nothing to show
thnt Thaw knew there wns nnythin
wrong in escaping. The motions
were denied.
It wns announced today by nn of
ficial of the district attorney's office
that in all probability Evelvn Xesbit
Thaw would npH'ar as a witness in
Thnw's behilf in his present trial.
Wife May Tc-llfy
In prcn'nus cases affecting Thnw's
liberty, Evelvn Thaw has npcnred
against him. esterdav attaches from
the district attorney's office culled
on Mrs. Thnw with subpoenns.
She was quoted ns saying: "I am
tiled of this cae. I think Harry is
being persecuted, nml if I tnko nny
interest whatever in it, it would bo o
do what I can for him. I think ho
lias been confined long enough, nnd if
his lawyers want me, I will do any
thing I can for him."
troubles today besot tho National
Grand Opera compauy which closed
Its engagement hero prematurely
Sunday night. An application for a
receiver for tho company was filed
In tho superior court today by Dr.
Camllo Darsottl ot San Francisco be
cnuso of tho failure of Mnrlo lrni
bardl, tho Impressarlo of tho company
to pay n noto for i 12,375 loaned him
by two of his countrymen hero in
1911 when I.ombardl produced un
profitable opera,
Lombnrdl today pleaded not guilty
to a complaint by ono ot his chorus
because ot unpaid wages.
March 7 tho Vllllstns captured Al
londo after a fight lasting two hours.
Tho Carranza forces are reported to
bo In full retreut toward Nuovo La
redo, Pledras Negras was being eva
cuated on tho eighth. All documents
and customs houso books have been
moved to tho American sldo.
"It Is s'tated that the railroad Is
being torn up from Pledras Negras
to Nava, It Is said that nsldo from
the destruction ot tho railroad it Is
pot anticipated that there will be
nny destruction ot property, Ple
dras Negrns Is reported quiet and
(hero is no exodua as yet
to the
American side,"
Eloquent Closlnrj Arguments by At-
. torney A. E. Reames for Defense,
Followed by County Attorney KeHy
for Prosecution J utlg Reads 50M
Words Instruction to Jury. , ,
Tho jury in tho Loris Martin
7 cns0 at 2u')0 this afternoon re-
turned n verdict of not guilty,
y after five hours' deliberation.
Sympathizers of Martin in Urn
courtroom nt the time of the re-
turning of tho verdict clapped
their hands nnd wero ordered
out hy tho court. Tho defendant
woh visibly affected and shooic
hands in joy with relatives and
friends. The following compos-
ed-the jiirv: Gcnruo Lvmnn. Gnld
Hill, fanner; II. M. Clute, Apple-
gale, fnnncr; John Mitchell,
Meadows, fanner; W. f. Van
.,. - -- J "
Talent, fnnncr:
Kay K. Wilson, Medford, far- ""
mer; Fred J. Fiek, Jacksonville,
mcrchnnt. ,, ; -f
The closing arguments were made
Tuesday morning In the trial of I.orla
Martin accused of tho murder of
Gamo Warden A. S. Hubbmrd, asd
the deUbeaUoM.oUL.J.irx bKa
at 10:30 o'clock. Judge F. M. Calkin
from tho bench read a noon word
prepared Instructions covering every
legal phase of what the court referred
to "as nn eventful case in the history
ot tho community, nnd the atato ot
Oregon." ,
Three Yenllrtx
Threo forms of verdict were givan
tho Jury, second degree murder, the
highest possible punishment given
by the stnte statutes, manslaughter,
nnd acquittal. The court in Its in
structions said that the gist ot the
defense lay In whether Martin believ
ed from tho manner of Hubbard that
his life was in danger, and that he
shot in self defenso under the belief
that his llfo was In great danger.
Tho reading of tho instructions occu
pied half an hour. They seemed fav
orable to the defense.
Pronounced Own Fate
"Lorls Martin pronounced there
on the trail that December day. after
ho shot Hubbard, his own fate.
'There he lies, he 'did me dirt I'll
spend tho rest ot my life In tho peni
tentiary. I might as yell blow my
brains out,' were IiIb first words after
the tragedy. I submit to you gen
tlemen of tho Jury, wero thoy the
words of a mnn who shot hi self de
fense. Tho firing ot the bullet waH
the climax ot four years ot hate that
this defendant had nursed in his
heart against Hubbard.
"I ask this Jury to hold no preju
dlco against game wardens. The
laws they enforco wero made hy you.
Thoy should be upheld the same us
ou would uphold any other law. A
wife may wait for the gamo warden's
homo coming, tho samo as a wife
waits for the home coming ot any
other citizen, ho Is Just as much ft
horo In the oyes of his children as
any other map. Counsel for tho de
fenso would havo you bellove that
this tragedy was an accident It wan
mnrdorf Attorney Iteamos at this
Juncture asked that the last be strick
en from the records nnd was Hiistaln-
(Continued on Page 2.)
LONDON, March 9. SpeaklnK
tho house of commons this sfteraee
in reply to a question Foreign Peer-
Jlouten, Gold Hill, farmer; J. C.
Godlove, Perrydnlc, farmcr;,0. ""
J Itoss, Talent, fanner; K. i
Jacobs, Talent, farmer; W. E. ""
Stabler, Central Point, retired; "f
" ". A. Stmtton. Talent, fnnnnr- -f
tary Grey said he had no doubt Wt
that Japan would observe the lrty
ot 1905 under the terms where the
Japanese and Grout Hrltsln guaran
teed the Integrity sad the lBpewi
ence ot China, tober with nI
commercial opDortuMffcM t tt
ties, - -,1 r- . ,
' "
, '
V ,