, FXGTC STX mf.dkotcd isrArr; 'nrmrNW. mkokoud. oknuon. Monday, mahou s. tnia FIVE GUILTY OF PLOI 10 SUPPLY FALSE PASSPORTS XKW YOniv, Mnirli 8. -Call Itn. roedc, n Ofrmati Amerienn, nnd f-ur tlcrmntt rexervists, brought to tHai in tho federal ennr,t hero today, t.i m illelmcrttR e.hurjriiifr them with eon splrinjr OKniiint tho United Stales by obtaining false. Amerienn passports, unexpectedly withdrew their pre unit pleas of tint guilty, nnd thiew llicm felvr on the uicrov of the court. All five plcndcd guilty, lluroede, who wns nrpusod of operating n bureau for the issuance of fnNe. pasp.rN. wm Nhentenoed to servo three years in the fedeial penitentiary at Atlanta. The others, Ar.hur Wilhehu Snehs.se, a reserve lieutenant in the Herman nrmy; Waller Mueller, August MVver and Herinnn Wegener, were fined $200 eaeh. linns Adam vou Weddell, a fugitive from juRtiee, has been apprehended in Scotland, District Attorney Mnr!nll annonneed and negotiations for his e.lrndition are understood to be un der way. lie was described bv M', Marshall as the ehiuf ooaspira'or in the ease. ADVANCE SALE FOR TODAY' FOR WEDNESDAY Advnncc ale for the play "Today" at the Page Wednesday, March 10, It good. Reservations have been made, for theater parties from Grants Pass, Ashland and (Other parts of the val loy. The auto stagen will make spc elal theater trips to Ashland and Cen tral Point both before and after the play. From all Indications thero will bo a capacity house. I LONDON', March 8. It was offi cially annonneed in London this even ing that the TurlcNh batteries nt Mount Dardnnus and forts of Ilum ili Mcdjidich Tabia mid Ilnmidie'i--Tnbia in the Dardanelles, have been Hilenced by 'shcllln from the nllied fleet. Th IlritWi battUhip Quoin Kluabeth, the nnnouneoment nlso said was hit liy shots from the Turkish fotts and slightly damaged. HEAVY FIRING 1 NORIH SEA HEARD AMSTi:iWAr. March 8. For tho first time since Admiral Sir David Ut-atty engaged a German squadron In tho North Sea tho latter port of January, heavy gun fire, according to a dispatch from the Hook of Holland to tho Telegraaf, was heard In tho North Sea today. The Daily Fashion Hint A chsrmtnfl .jmliiwt on Pf vlvct sua ,Mtln, Tie Vrl fuli.p. Is nbtaliitMl ll' an palla viivst jufrie Tim wit iieplum mi4 front l at he nivct U Dim of ttif iimw hull lurvitd ud ul tliu tack l oiu 1Ui UO ivuu i CAVF. SHELTERS REFUGEES DRIVEN FROM HOME IN w fcv'i I imM w' ''"' " 1 tw i jWUL, J"l JkLX? ., SiSvKiWfc Ifd0 IHEBaaaH IVfe ""flLHRv HNub ui??? " jRtt y "i ,HiMbbbbw.ia i kf :&9bLbbkV These refugees live in this gave noni the river Anino, in the north f Pranov. At ono time this eave was "home" to 'JU0 men, women and child i on. 1 KANES CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Olson are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and Fons of Long Ilcach, Cal. Mrs. Chapman Is a sister of Mrs. Olson. Fred Hrown and Will Lewis are in Jacksonville as jurymen on tho trial of Loris Martin. . Mr. Fennell who Is still confined In the Mcdford hospital Is Improv InK slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Mardon who have been residents of tho Ilraden. have moved back to the ranch, preparatory to gardening and farming. Wc are glad to say that Mrs. Householder who Is Jn Medford for medical ticatment Is much Improv cd. Our popular young teacher, MIm Katie Foley, and sister Magglo spent Saturday and Sunday In Central Point the guests of relatives and friends. Kane creek business visitors to Gold Hill, Mrs. Fennell, Mr. and Mrs. Mardon, Mr. Mason, James Lawrenco, Mrs. HiKlnbotham, Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Olson and daughter, John Drawn and Prophet Foster. Weather prophet forecast, good weather for sorno days. Mrs. Ilean and children of tho Wil low Springs spent a day recently the guest of Mrs. Deans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Drown pf DlacK'nell hill. Mrs. Geo. Haff of Gold Hill was a recent Kane's creek visitor. .Mr. and Miss Drown of "Garden Row" attended church at Central Point Sunday. Much road Improvement Is going on In this section. Tho road to th Ilraden mine Is being graded and put In first clans shape, a piece of work which has long been needed, It being almost Impassablu as so much heavy team work was being dotio during wet weather. Undo George Iloberts camo over from Fern valley Thursday to I'hoo- nlx to be at tho bedside of his broth er, Allen Roberts, who is near death's door at his home In Phoenix. W. K. Jacobs of North Talent was In Jacksonville Friday. Mrs. Kfflo Taylor, formerly of .Medford, came In from Klamath Falls tho first of tho week on businoss. James Martin has sold out his store up north and returned to Phoe nix to rebldo again Mr. and Mrs. Peachy have returned bo tho valloy aftor a year's ubbonro. Mrs. Peachy was formerly Miss Kf flo Wise. C. Carey and H. N, French went to Jacksonville to pay taxes Satur day, Mrs, James Allen has been very low tho past week. Dr. Malmgren has been In attendance much of the time. Mrs. A. H. Fisher and Mrs. Hay man and daughter worn ' visiting friends In North Talent Wednesday. About fifty young pcopln gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Furry Thursday for a social evening with tho bride and gitioin, Mr. and Mrs, Colvor Furry. Games and dune lug filled tho hours, Delicious r- EDEN PRECINCT ifreshmonts wore served at midnight. i All had a most enjoyable time. I Mrs. Wllpamotl of Talent came down Thursday and brought little jxuvla Stump, daughter of Mrs. Win. 'Stump, nee Ora Shldolor, to sea Mrs. James Allen of North Talent. U. S. SENDS ULTIMATUM 1 (Continued from Page Ono.) r i produce results. Ono of tho minis ters who had received a telegram saying the diplomatic corps In Mexi co City had decided to leave, cabled his legation there saying that after learplng what serious steps the American government had taken, he advised the corps to remain in tho J capital and nnalt developments. . Moo Kept Secret Just what move Is row contom platod Is only known to President Wilson and a few of his advisers. The opinion In official quarters was that oven though force had not been threatened In the note to Carranza, tho American Rovvrnmont was pre pared to meet eventualities and would hereafter pursue, an Insistent course to cornpol protection for for elgnors and their interests. Secretary Dryan would Fay only that thero was no change in tho con ditions from tho sorlous state of af fairs In the last days. Askod wheth er Carranza and Obregon were at odds. Secretary Dryan replied that tho state department had evidence that Obrogou recognized Carranza as his superior officer, but could not say whether1 any friction had devel oped. Scarcity of Munitions Scarcity of war munitions In Mex ico, It Is bellovcd hero, has affected Villa's cnmpalgn. Tho poslblllty that neither faction will bo ablo to gain n contplota victory and that tho situation may remain deadlocked In definitely, is known to liavo In fluenced tho administration to take Its stnnd. Tho Washington government re cently has been subjected to n con tinuous bombardment of foreign In quiries. These, activities of tho for eign diplomatic rpprosentatlves liavo constituted a moral pressure that has now practically compelled tho Amer ican government to speak in emphatic lunguago to Carranza, Plight of Americans Tho plight of Americans, however, has been of Increasing concern, Obregon's repudiation of Villa's cur rency worked tho first hardship bo causo It mado wealthy folk penni less. The poor rioted, clamoring for bread, and Obregon, In published an nouncements, practically sanctioned plunder and rioting, ovon predicting the evacuation of his own forces If the riots developed Into extensive demonstrations. An International relief committee, composed of rosidents of tho foreign colony, camo forward with an offer of 250,000 pesos to buy food and tnko charge of the situation, but Obregon refused freight facilities or permis sion to unilortako tho work. The committee recently sent a petition to the stnto department, described as of a most sensational charactor, DIED George C. Doltz. uged 00 years and eight months, died at tho homo of hU cou, John V Deltz, 1U5 Mantle NORTHERN FRANCE street. March 7, of old age. Ho was born In S.iratof, Uussla and had boon a resident of America since 1S75, of Medford for one and one-half years. Ho leaves four children, J. C. Ileltz, of Margrave. Kans., Cathorluo Miller, , Hlson,.Knns.; Margaret Mooro, of INokoma, Kans., and John F. Deltz, of Medford. Funeral will be hold Tuesday af ternoon nt '2 o'clock at the Advcntlsts church, burial In I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Sadlo Konncdv. wife of Wal ter M., resident of Medford for 12 years, pasK-d away at 3; 30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, March 7, at her residence, No. 0, East Jackson street, at tho ago of -It. years. Mrs. Kennedy was born In Carp Lake. I.elanv county, Mich., August II, 1S70. Desldes her husband the deceased leaves four children, two sons nnd two daughters, Mrs. M. C. Wright, Lcnoro, Wesley and Vernon Kennedy, nil of Medford, Oregon. Ono sister, Mrs. Nellie Kapnlck of Traverse City, Mich., and three brothers, John Cams, of Cadillac, Mich., and Will nnd Mllo Cams of Medford. Sho was married to W. M, Kennedy In 18S7 at Cadillac. Mich., leaving there In 1887, went to Colorado, then returned to Cadillac In the fall of the saino year and lived there 12 years, then camo to Horubrook, Cal., for Mrs, Kennedys' health and from there In 1003 to Medford, Oregon. Mrs. Kennedy had been n sufferer for several months from a complica tion of diseases. Sho was a member of Dogrce of Pocahontas, Woatonka, Council No. 20. Funeral services will bo hold at Weeks ft McGowan'H chapel on Tues day at 2 o'clock p. m., Itev. Shields officiating, Tito Pocahontas council will have charge of the horvlccs at tho grave, Durlnl In I. O. (). F. cemetery, If there Is any truth In tho old adage that coming events cast tholr fchadows beforo thorn, tho Andrews Opera company will bo greeted by a packed house tonight. Thero has been a steady call for seats from tho time tho salfl opened Friday morning up to tho present llmo. Thoro Is no question but this will bo tho event of the soason. A The Woild'h Gix-atost Clairvoyant and J'liVhle I'almlst MADAM!-: WINTKItltOTII, who Is ono of the most famous renders of life's mysteries In tho world, should he consulted upon al nlattcrs. Sho will astonish you. Her many years lief oin tho public has proven her re liability. I lor great knowledgo of the truo science of palmistry Ih bused on Infallible pilnclples and demon strated f,uct. 1113, Control. HOUSE R MARTHA T SELECTING JURY TO TRY HARRY THAW NICW YOUK, March S I lurry Kendall Thaw, hIumt of tf (unfold White, Kinlllnxl.v eauie Into the erlni' Innl tiramli of the Miproiuo Court to day to Htnud tilal for eoimidiai v to emapo from the state hospital for tho crlmluttt Iuhimjo at Mntteawau Kln men charged with astdstttiK li tho coaspliae. were placed on trial with him. 1'lvo Juiors had heuu aceepted at noon. Mrs. Mary fopoly Thaw, the ehlof defendant's mother, accompanied h Ntra. Mcflrgo Carnenle, Thaw's sister, appealed In court early, RESTA WINS IN CUP RACE AT WORLD'S FAIR SAN FKVNClSi'O, March S.-l). Itesta, driving car No. 9. winner of tho Grand I'rlv, won Saturday the llOO.Ito mllo Vanderhllt cup race oor tho t'oiirsii or tho Panama Pacific In ternational e ualt Ion In om of tho most thrilling contest over run In this American automobile cI.insIo. IIIm time was t hours, 27 minute 'and :i7 sicouiIh. Ho maintained nil tneragoof i!7'i mlleii an hour. How ard Wilcox, No. 2ii was second In I hout$ 111 minutes nud .'111 hocondx; Kddlo I'ulleii, third, I hours, II 5 min utes, 37 seconds, and Italph Do Pat ma, No. 22, fourth, llmo I hours, tl!i minutes, 7 serouds. Other cars finished as flillews: Fifth. William Carlsen: sixth.'. It. Xowhoiijc; seventh. Harney Oldflold; eighth, LouN DUbrow; ninth, lliighln Hughes; tenth, A. II. Klein; eleventh, K. A. Hearno; twelfth, Thomas Me- Kelvy. thirteenth; Gil Anderson, and fourteenth, Lou Gaudy. It as a gruelling, heart breaking race, from stnrt to finish. Tho pace set by the winner subjected tho ears to a terrific strain, tv thnt long be fore the finish less than half of those which answered the starter's call were loft In the running. DON'TJSUFFER WITH NEURALGIA Mllsteiolo Giles Delirious Ctimfnit When those sharp pains go shoot ing through your bend, when your skull seems as If It would split, Jiut rub a little Ml'STKItOLH on the temples and neck. It draws nut the Inflammation, soothes nway the pain gives quick relief. MI'STKUOLi: Is n clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustnrd. Dctter than a mustard plaster and does not blister! Doctors and nurses frankly recom mend Ml'STKIlOLK for Soro Throat. HionchltlH, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asth ma. Neuralgia, Congestion, Plourlsy, Itheiimatlsm, Lumbago, Pains and Aelnn of the Hack or Joints, Sprains, Soro- Muscles. DriiiseH. Chilblains Flouted Feet Colds of tho Chest (It often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, In soc ami nuc Jars, and a special large hospital slzo tor $2.."0. Do sure you get tho genulno Ml.'S- TKItOLH. Defuse Imitations -get what ou ask for. The Musteroie Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Adv. SPECIAL SALE on hot house grown rose hushes. Vo have decided to quit growing rose hushes for cut flowers and are offering pink and white Killarnoy, Richmond and Am erican IJeauty roses a IOp and Ific each. PIERCE THE FLORIST Phone 37i, .EH MARY PICKF0RD IN " SUCH A LITTLE QUEEN" MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT THE STAR THEATRE ' " " " i ' ll "i V il'ii'ii i'ii'mIm -i " " ' ' " f ' im"Lmt I fT iii .n ------ -- - - ... . Making the small merchant a profitable customer "I have a list of merchants In 500 towns that are too small to send salesmen to. Once or twice u week I send each of theso buyers a Western Union Night Letter or Day Letter quoting ft list of espe cially attractive buys. This sales scheme is developing one of the most profitable markets wo enjoy. A 3 A LKS MANAGER. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. FIELD SEEDS Wo rarr the hlitlient quality of field ceedn bent adapted to thin locality, and InWtc tour careful limpcrlton of our Mock, All kcccIh an lotted for Kiriiilnnllou and piirll) and can bv relied upon to Klvti rcMiltn. We hnxo the CjIIowIiik field Heedit to offer at thin noaiten: Heard ch llarley, Canadian l-'letd I'ean. Heed Oatx, Mlllctx, Clovcm, Tim othy, Hpeltz. Alfalfa", and all other inlneellnneoiiH Held needs. tit it si:i:ns oxt i cium'V aiav.wssowv MONARCH SEED & FEED CO. ill 7 l M.l ST. Certain-teed Wall TeiCi niaricnntlx IiIrIi Kroilo Wall Poarda how that CttlaMfJ U the itroiiR' est uud that it ri'Ui diuipncss and II run Ik uicit In Iioumh. (.flier. fnrloi lr Xe I-rrTiuiiciil iiimI touix r-r llh run lc QUKLIynml lurlrii.ti.r l-uilt Willi Cttlaln. U" Will liaaiJ. It rim I utlllot lijr uuy cartful wot l nun win NIowi..lli:tkii Our Cr1ln.t roufiiif r known and lura lnd food all over Ilia woilJ, Fur tali by Jtatnt tvtrvuhttt, ul naKinallt ptUtt General Roofing Mffj. Company H'vrlU $ l.irv.l tMimMfifimnrl I'lUtofiuj Nw YiV Ciljr Bailta Caloia IfHIiWria PaUW.Uk.. AlUala tlo.l.ia Derail Sl.LaaU Clulaaill K(MC1I Ww4iatU Sutlaatiua SaalUt Laa4a lUataarg Sfaaaf SBBBSSBVSBBBBBBBB BBBflSBffg . H HSaBalBBBBW BENSON HOTEL S. Benson, Mflr, A. T. Luntlliorn, Ass't Mjjr, L. P. Byrne, Asst Mfjr. If you wnnt n wall board that will give you tho best service at the Iowet coit one thnt keeps the rooms warmer in winter and cooler in summer ask your dealer about Board water U-fU-r than any other Wall Hoard. At nidi of niir tjlaf mill we uuke llic fol lowing piwlucUl AiokallRoaflnaa Mala Surf teaU aUlaftM Aiphalt Falla, Jaadaalnara Tarrad Falu awlaalna Fall mad FalU HultJlnaj fapaia (nautallnf Hapara Wall Boarda rtaalle Koollnf Caanaat Aiphalt Camant (KCoallaa Mala) Palnla Outdoor Patau flhlnla Slalna KallnadCoalTa, Tar Coat la WHEN IN PORTLAND Slop at (ho incoinparnhlo Ifolol Bonson. rodcrn, fii'pproof, conti'iil. l?alps lnodorato. Solid for froo booklnl, A . I V