Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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'" .1
Tho niotnbera of tlio commlttco ap
pointed by the Farmers and Krult
RroworB IcnRiio to Investigate the
jicst wnyn apil moans ot alleviating
tlio UaniaRo dono by predatory anl
jnals Iijivq prepared a report tolling
of, tlio reconicndatlonn, npcc(c rMii
ele, how to prepare the poisons,
wlinri) to xocuro Jliom, tho proper
niftUp qf trap? and precautionary
Wliat'H better than an old estah
llBhod Plro Inmiranco Company nftor
n flro? Qnly ono promlupi. San
Francisco ldssr paid In full, $4,5,V
000.00 ijqo DENNETT at 105 Wpst
Main St., Agent for UNION ASSUR
Tho 7th company basket ljp.ll men
are practicing dally In preparation for
their Ramon with the Ashland mllltla.
Nap ganlco of (Sold Hill spont Sun
day In Mfdford
FroMi Cohimbla river Bmejta six
cents a pound. Mcdford Flah & Poul
try Market. I'hono 3C2. tf
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Crawford and
family hiotored to tho Jacksonville
district yesterday.
Frederick Heath, an Eagle Point
merchant, has returned to his homo
after a short stay In Mcdford.
Arc you Insured by a first-class
company? If not seo V- T. York at
onco. 303
Jack ColllnH, a ranchman of upper
Roruo river, Is spending a Tew days
In tho city on business.
Krnest Wolgnmott Bpent Sunday In
Medford visiting with friends.
You have heard many selections
on phonographs and player-pianos
from tho noted opera of "Martha."
Now you havo tho opportunity of see
ing tho whole opera given by tho well
known Andrews Opero company
which play at the Page Theater on
Monday, March 9th.
Miss Carollno Watson of Ashland
In tho guest of Miss Mildred Scott of
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Lupton, of tho
Enclo Point district, visited witn
r.-i.rwi in MoiironT Sunday after-
Kodak, finishing and supplies at
Weston')? .Camera Shop. Opposlto
Book Store.
Tho Ashland high school basket
ball team defeated Medford on the
Ashland' floor Saturday night and
won tho championship of Southern
Oregqn. Tho scoro was 22-10. Tho
Ashland girls trimmed tho local girls
5-4. Tho Ashland teams will take
a trip to tho northern part of the
stato this weok.
Fresh Columbia river smelts six
cents a pound. Mcdford Fish & Poul-
try Market. Phono 362. tf
Corbln, Edgell has returned from a
wlntor sent In Now York City.
Mrs. ChCarcY has returned to her
homo In Phoonlx after a short visit
with friends In Mcdford.
Firo Insurance C. Y. Tengwald.
Samuel Franklin has returned to
his home In tho Applcgato section af
tor a three weeks sojourn In Califor
nia. Dr. Henry Hart and family havo
moved to Ashland.
Oet It at O Voe'a
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson havo
returned from Grants Pass -vhere
thoy spent tho past week visiting
with friends and relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. T. tiallcghor of
this city, visited with friends In Gold
Hill recently.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book
Tho southern Oregon exhibits aro
not satisfactory according to Sceley
Hall who has recently returned from
n fortnight's A'lMt in San Francisco.
Mr. Hall states that It is pitiful to
nolo bow far Koutliorn. Oregon has
been left behind.
Fresh Columbia river smelts six
cents a pound. Medford Fish fc Poul
try Market. Phono 302. tf
George Jacobs was a recent busi
ness visitor In Mcdford.
Miss Mary Hurst, of Jacksonville,
visited with frlendB In Medford laBt
Auto insurance. C. Y. Tongwajd.
Wm, Stuowe, of Portland. Is In
tho valley on mining business.
' Mrs. J, W. Brown yho bus been
visiting with friends In Medford re
turned yostmday to hpr homo In
a rants Pass.
Matinee, tho Page today.
C,ccll Clemuns spent Sunday with
frends in ModfonJ.
A. K. Ltnioo, of Ashland, U - In
Mcdford today on bualnowj.
Seo Davo Wood aooui that flro In
surance policy. Offlco Mail Trlbuno
Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Payno. of
Some. Alaska, aro In Medford today
en routo to San Francisco where they
vyill spend a few days attoudlug the
Panama Pacific exposition. Mr. and
Mrs. Payno formerly resided In Med
ford. Sweet elder at Do Voo's.
Thomas McEvory and Arthur Rud
, fauff, qf Hong Kon$, aro guests at
thgajpljaHd Hoto).
Clinrlos Marshall, a capitalist, of
Nnbrnnlia CIlv. Neb., who has boon
visiting tho exposition at San Fran
cisco, stopped off In Medford Sat
in day night whllo on routo to Port
land and spent Sunday visiting with
friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Slen
nnlt. Ho was taken for an auto
rldo through tho valley yesterday
afternoon and expressed himself as
moro than pleased with Medford and
surroundings. Ho Is looking over
tho west with a vlow to locating
whero climatic conditions are more
congenial than In Ncbrnska, and
thinks popBlbly Mcdford Is tho Ideal
spot. Ho expects to return again
and If lo should decide to make his
homo here several of bis old busi
ness associates will como with him.
Infnril's sets made to ordor, from
13 tp 30 pieces. Prices JS 00 nnd up
Also children's cloth. 10G North
Front street. 102
Dr. C. E. Cllno of Portland gavo n
very Interesting address on "Lincoln"
at tho Methodist church Sunday
A. J. Peterson of Sacramento. Is
attending to business affairs In Med
ford. Got your nuttor, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo'i.
A. Franklin Wngar, district or
ganizer ot tho Yeoman lodge, has
returned from Ileaglo where he or
ganized n lodge.
John J. Turber of Klamath Falls
Is a business visitor in the city.
Pelvltoncr for ladles. Mrs. Leach,
Phono DC3-J.
Miss Grace King attended to legal
matters In Jacksonville this morning
Miss Stella Denzer of Phoenix vis
ited in Medford tho latter part of last
Early cabbago and cauliflower
nlantb- ready March 1st. Orders also
taken for all kinds of vegetable
nlants- Maddox & Donney, phono
S7-U. 310
Harry Cooper has returned to Cor
vallls. Guy Thorndyko and Willis Turpln
woro visitors In Medford Sunday. .
$2000.00 to loan. Seo Holme-,
tho Insurance Man.
C. Thomas, Leland Noe, George
Gates, Artemus Spooner. Walter Har
rington, John Dcmmer, William Uov-
cridgo, Clarence Brown, Carl Jack
son, Carl Tongwald, Wesley Judy.
Boy McKeevcr and James Vance woro
among tho many of this city who at
tended tho basket ball games In Ash
land Saturday night.
Prismatic Ray has accomplished tho
most wonderful results in scalp trou
ble; used only in connection with
Marlncllo treatments. Try it for
falling hair. Marlnollo Hair 8hop,
407 Garnctt-Coroy Bldg.
Dr. R. E. Golden, county health
officer, announces that there art but
few cases of small pox In Jackson
county at present. Tho Jacksonville
school which was closed a fortnight
ago becauso of tho smallpox scaro op
ened this .morning.
J. O. Gerking, tho best all arouna
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
whore, time or place. Stu'dlo 228
Vain St. Phono 320-J.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Williams of
Eugene nro visiting in Mcdford.
Harry L. Young is attending to
property interests in the Browns
boro district. Ho will return to
Medford tho middle of the week.
For better Insuranco, seo Holmos,
tho Insurance Man.
A. S. Boscnbaum local agont of
tho S. P., leaves today for San Fran
cisco, as a delegate to the dedication
pf tho Southern Pacific building on
tho exposition grounds.
"Everet McKee of Seven Ooaks, Is
spending tho day In Mcdford.
Miss Margaret Dally visited at, her
country homo In the Phoenix district
Tho condition of J. O. Qrammer,
well known In this city, who was
operated upon in Portland recently
Is reported to bo improving satisfac
Guy Beacom and RiiBSeil Edmpads
spont Sunday afternoon hunting
Jackrabblts in tho Phoenix vicinity.
Carl H. Gains returned Sunday
from a three months sojourn in
southern California.
Lester Van Dyko is down from
Phoenix today.
Evorct Bccbon returned today from
Applegate whero ho has been look
ing after business interests for tho
past week.
8. Barron of Ashland, is spending
tho day in Medford.
F. Foley, foreman of tho Modoc or
chard, Is in tho city today buying
Miss Elizabeth King has returned
to hor homo In Ashland after a short
visit with Medford friends.
W. Estell Phipps was n recent vis
itor in Jacksonville,
A. W. Walker, agent for tho Brls-
coo nutomobllo, motored to Ashland
this morning.
Tho Shakespeare Study club meets
Tuesday evening, tho 9th, instead of
Monday (today), Meeting at tho
library building at 7:QQ p. in,
D. W. Stono of Willow Springs apd
family havo returned from" a trip to
the California exposIIops,
Ex-Governor Oswald West spept
Monday lit Mcdford and Jacksonville
In connection wjli tho Pacific high
way settlement.
Allco Gale, who Is scoring a sub
stantial personal succiss In her lov
ably human characterization as the
solt-sacrlflcing Ucrmau mother In
"To-Day," has been on the Btage over
30 years, during which she has played
an exceedingly wtdo range of charac
ters. It Is difficult to determine
with which part she Is best associated,
as she has performed them all with
J. A. Whetsell of McAllister, Okla.,
has purchased tho barber shop owned
by J. T. Summon Illo In tho Medford
National Bank building. .Mr. Sum
mcrvllle has not mado up his mind
as to his future occupation, and will
tako an extended vacation, visiting
the exposition.
Wm. L. FInley, state gnmo warden,
returned to Jacksonville Monday as
a witness in the Martin trial.
(Conttlnucd from Page 1.)
tions of the defense, restricting
state in its crovs-cximiiuntion.
When the hare details had heeti told
the jiro.secutor nked:
"That is nil you care to tell about
tho killing V
"Yes iir," replied Murliii, and lie
wns cxeused.
With Martin's testimony tho de
fense rested, and the proxecntion be
gun the introduction of rebuttal testi
mony. Impeaching Wltnov-os
31rs. A. S. Hubbard, wife of tho
slain official, wan the lirnt wituow.
Sho identified daily reports filed by
her husband nnd the handwriting.
r . tr n I ... .Ml
Vliiln llnniii 11 ilMlatl t I. 111 lit I.' Will
arrive irom naii'ia mis minimi i
nlco identify the reports mid writings.
This is tho first htcf in nn effort of
the Htnlu to impeach testimony given
by Walter Woods, and other resident
of tho Kngle 1011)1 district, ti'li.vx cf
tlirentf Iuhbard i lli k'" " '"uu
muilo in their presence "In git" ."Jai
tin. .JitnosROh mve alo liisii i.I
Mjenead from Kngle to tLlily
to tljc jjenerul credibility of Woods
nnd other witnoses for the defense.
Attorney Itcamo.' objection to the in
troduction of the icporls woro mis-
Inineil in tlio preliniiimry xtngvs hy thu
court, pending niore caboratfl intfo
duction. The report, tho stnlo con
tends- will prove wuh n plisi-
cal iiuiossibjlity for Iuhbnnd to havo
been at Kngle Point, when -he is al
leged by tjie witnesses to havo made
thu "get" thrents ngtiinst .Martin.
Sirs. T; C. dailies crtled itK"iin im-
pencliiii'' witness, for M tfr J)it)y, who
toh pf Constubje Irwin's first iiceotint
was not allowed to testily Jinon tlio
ground), that no pioiter ground, for
;iu iinpenchipg statement, had hcen laid
on cross examination.
Irwin, In Itebuttal
Consrnhlo Irwin was recalled itT rc-
huttul to tentify rcgaruing tho accu
racy of it mat) of tho scene of the
crime, introduced hy tho'defense, told
of u iht niodc to tho spot Sunday
with District Gnmo Warden Sam Kan-
dry, and Photographer Ld Weston. Ho
described tho lay of tho land. Irwin
testified t)i;it Martin at the time of
he killing was wealing rubber hoots,
Tho, witneHB for tho defense, nnd the
defendant identified n pair of heavy
mountain hools, i?h tho foot gear worn
ut the tune, apd itffordg n cppflict p
the testimony.
Photos taken Sunday on the fici-no
of t)ip crime will ho introduced hy the
stillo today, through I'd Veston.
, T Jury Tuos4ay
It is expected that bolh sides will
reach nrgitmcnts in tho cube thin aft
ernoon, and (hut the opening mid cjos-
uimiv ". ...w. ' "fie bullet throne i the lime k o the
uniform excellent She flrit m
tluared herself to the .New Pork pub
lie when she opened, man) years ago.
as leading woman for Thomas Kvvnu,
playing Portia. Orphella. Rosalind
and other Shakespearean heroines.
Miss Gale has appeared In the sup
port of Bllllo Burke, Mrs. John Drew,
Otis Skinner, Nat. Goodwin, Ben
J Greet. Frltzl Schcff and other stars,
iiif: arguments will do made by 1'rtHo
eulor Kelly. Tinier the conditions
I lie most costly trial m the limlory of
Jackson county -.liouM go to the jury
omq time early Tiio.mIiiv afternoon.
Many of tlio wilno.-.os culled lat
week were aliKcnt from the court
house this morninc, licinjr ccii"cil by
the court from further service.
All of the Snlunlnv aftenuion so,
sion wiis devoted liv the defence to
the introduction f character wilnc-..
cs. Many of thcc had known .Mar
tin for venm, nnd the gVnernl drift
was thnt he won a law abiding, hon
est citizen. Th testimony wn nil
favonihlo to the di'fcn-c. But one
Frank Hrown of Kaglc Point ever
hennl of nn iiixancc at n poker game
at Gold Hill yean ago when .Martin
yeurx ago
is alleged to have drawn n gun on
his fellow players. The chnracter
witneOR included Tom NichoU and .1.
F. Brown of Kagle Point, Ibd Iev.(m, AlMifftinl
McDonald of Trail, Assessor. W. T.j
Oncve, Judge J.-It-.Xeil nnd offers.
.Sheriff (in .Stand
Sheriff Singler mid Deputy Wilson
were called as witnesses for the de
fense, testifying to incidents connect
ed with their arrival at the murder
(spot, WiUon donned the giirh of the
dead mini to illustrate the come ot
' . ... . . . . .
cotit. Upon the demonstration of the
defense, Wilson put on only tho.inack
innw. On the state examination. Wil
son put on both the sweater and coat.
Under these rnndi'iont the bullet holes
in the lapel matched.
At lOtfO the court adjourned ujitil
11 :3(l to allow the state to Secure the
arrival of important witnesses, mid
the introduteinn of photos taken h
Photographer Wc,tou.
I'liotographer on HtantJ
IM F. Weston, n photographer, wns
called upon iccnuvenliiL' of court, mid
testified uncut scenes iuiil objects ut
the .spot. A sciiun pf photos, in con
troversion of the defense xeries tcre
iutrodiici'd us exhibits nnd identified.
Figures, taken by the witness were nlsn
given. The state's photos show two
logs-; the defense but one. The do.
fcuse filed objection to the lines of
niieslioniii!.' relative to measurements
Don't Neglect that CourIi
Ubo Schlffiaanii's C'oncontrnei) i:x
poctornnt. 2 ountes mnko a full pint..
Guaranteed to give Instant relief. If
It falls to help you, your mopqy will
Up returned by Medford I'linrmucy.
Top Price Paid for
The White Velvet Ice Cream Co.
Medford, qregorf
' ' ' T tiirn i
Also Cleaning, Presslna .anj 'AJIerlnu
MroR I
I A V. jlAUH 1 . tijKi
but declares that sho has conin Into
her own ns .Mrs Wngnor In "To-Day,"
a characterization that will remain
long In tho memory of all who seo It
Certain It Is that no performance ot
Hko chnracter has elicited praise
similar to that showered upon Miss
Galo all during tho long ruu of "To
Day" In New York last season. Page
Theater, Wednesday, March 10
were mistuincd by
utato photos were
tho court,
marked on
A former resident of Medford,
writes ns follows concerning tho ex
position exhibit:
. ".Wns over ip tlio . horticultural
building at the fair. Saw Mcdford's
show. It U rotten,
of apples and a few
urMi,os. imnchos. etc..
Four baskels
glasM Jars ot
aro tho wholo
show, am) ono Medford book back so
far no one could got It. I could put
up a bettor show out or tlio garuen i
"While the upaeo Is small, a few
U)s of apple would help it out.
The display Is not half as good as
thosu In rsl estate offlieo In Med-
! ford
"What's tho mnttor with Mod-
With Meilfonl trirto if V-iror1 nind.
I'Olt HAM:- Thoroughbred Marred
Itocks (hops and coclerels.) Ad
drtHs Ivlllnrucy Itanch, It F. I).
No. 1, Talent, Oro 3011
"MADE IN OREGON, U. S. A."-Isn't Enough
Medford Ironworks
E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop.
General Foundry and
Machine Works
Phone '101; lies. Phono-5031
Keep Your Money at Home
Wo mako a specialty of Door and Window Ifraipcs and
Insido Finish. Also Doors and Windows.
Factory Corner Eloventh and Fir Streets.
Medford Sash and Door Co.
Four lliouxand two bundled feel uf
Ikwh mid U(I5 gnlhiUM of ehciiilculu
wore used to cxtliiguHli lite four I'iivm
occuriug in this cllv between 8::I0
o'clock Sulurdiiy night nnd -I o'clock
iMoiplay inoiiilug. The Ions Is cstl
mated 'lit $rJ,0lll). Little iiiNiiiaiicc
was cnnied.
No plausible theory of the origin of
nn of the lues hits been ndwmccd,
'flic home of W'tiltcr Kwkuio of
Clark vtiei'l wits lcnlit).vt'l Hnturdny
ovening. The finally wiw allcnding u
theatre at the tune of the Man-, Fio
hours Inter the homo of I). Cole
of South Central was totally destroy
cd. Benjamin, aged loiiilccu, was
Mivcd fiom the house utter lie had
been (ixercoiuo with Hiuokc, by his
father who leaped fiom the hccoiuI
story window with his son. The fam
ily lost all their possession mic
night clothe. I Hub mdmol hoys iv
tiiniing I nun Ashland saw the lire
and tinned m an alarm.
The Knit Side (Iroccry, owned h
O. V. eilnck, was htirncd Sunday
moriiiiig at .1 o'clock, causing n loss
of ..",."00. At It o'clock this morning
the home of John Paul of West Ninth
street was desttojed. The loss is
placed nt fcUOOO, partly covered hv in
surance. IVrllniik 1'n.Httmc
"While I was abroad 1 witnessed a
duel In France."
"Anbody hurt?"
"Yes; ono of tlio principals had a
rib broken embracing thoother after
tho combat was oor."
w'lth Medford trade Is Medford mado
A Treacherous Trouble
.Molfonl People I'olol the Way Out.
Kidney diseases aro ery danger
mis. They come on sllctttlx, gain
ground rapidly, and rnuco tlijunaiids
of deaths that could have been pre
vented by proper treatment In the !
ginning Nature gives enrly warn
Iuks of l.lduey dlneaRO--backache,
twinges pf pnln when mooplug or
lifting, headaches aud urinary dis
orders. If these symptoms nro un
heeded, there is ginvo danger of
dropsy or fntnl llrlght's disease,
tViaii's Kidney I'llli havo earned a
j reputation for their cffcctlvonrHS
kidney troubles, ami aro known mid
recommended the world over. Med
ford testimony proves the merits of
Donn's Kidney Pills to our readers.
Frank liougwlll, prop, confection
ary store, 102 S. Mistletoe Ht., Med
ford. says: "For a long llmo I bail
all the symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble. I had severe, sharp
pains In my back, felt tired, languid
and run down all the llmo. Tho kid
ney secretions woro unnatural and
too freipicnt In passage. My rest
was badly brokfn nl night. Four
boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills rid mo
of all symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble, I bnvo had no cause for
complaint since."
Price oQc, nt all dealers. Don't
simply nk for a kidney remedy gel
Dunn's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mr I.ongwlll hnd. Fontor-.MIIbiirn
Co., Props., lluffnlo, N. Y. Adv.
Go to J. A. SMITI
;28 H. Grape St.
Tolephon'0 890
Mothei' Yout' ihlld Isn't natural
ly cross nud peevish Sice If toilMIO
In ootityd; this Is n sure sign Its lit
tlo stomach, liver and bow. need a.
clemming at once
When listless, pule, feverish, fill
of cold, breath bad, Ibioal soiu.
lucsii't eat, sleop or In t imtuiully. hup
stomacb-iiohe, dlarrhora, roineiiiiujr,
a gimto ler and hgwol elOimliiK
should nlwiijrt be the frt trtmnt
Nothing eiiiials "(.'alirtiinla Brmp
of Flgn" for ulillilicii's ill: glui a twu
Htioonful, unit In n fe hours nil tio
foul waste, sour bib' and feniiHtltnit
food which Is clogKi'd lu tho Imwuls
pasBeii out or the nv itcin, ami you
have a well and pbi)ful child attain.
All children Iomi this harmless, dell
iIoiih "fruit luxatUe," unit It never
falls to effect u good "lusldn" elimii-
slug. Directions for Imbles, I'lilliluiu
of all ages mid itiown-uim hit plsln-
1) on the bottle
Keep It liniul) In our livmii. A
little given tlday saxes a sick child
tomorrow, but gel tho genuine. Ask
your druggist for a 60-eeiil bottle of
"California Syrup of -t " I ben look
and roo that It Is uiiidc b tho "Cali
fornia ClgHyrup(tiiuiaiiv dv
Cross receipts Inst ear
U00, can bo lmproid, now
bungalow, cost $IS00, wat
er, elcclile lights, nice lawn,
Will trade for a good up-to-date
automobile. I'or
further particulars' sen
208 EtiBt .Main Street
Tho Only Exclusive
Coniiiiori'.ial Photoniphurs
in SoulliiM'ii Orojjon
Negatives Made any time or
place bv appointnicnt
Phono U7-.I
Wo Ml do tJio rest
Book Binding
Phono 75
U '