Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    . -.Mwiwyiilirww iti?&'MumntmiimiIipi
nl.ilii i. ! Ill "nil i Kim 'mill I. ,i HlhVllW mtSnuiM
207' scwd Strwi
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Mat. B,J Allw, IHJ
I'wclp. .01.
Korly-fourtli Yr.
pillv Ninth Vmr
MBDFORD. OlfKfJOX, I0XI)AV. AfAIK'II 8, 191.",
NO. 298
'vww i r-fV -j 1 mi- tin ifrni mmiiiwiw iln iii inV mm? i..p m
W.irninn Sent Constitutionalist Chief
Wlio Recalls OIrcijon Diplomats
to ncamtn at Capital Action of
Administration Kept Secret--Situation
Most Acute.
Seeiolary Mated liikr n.
day Hint ln Itiiil i i-i'cix cil nniH'u
from General fiimmii ciuifirtit
iiik tin- repiiit (linl .oif(i Citv
would lie I'VnpimliM hikI that the
diplomatic l'0- IliKl lccill', lit
M'tlllllll in Mexico Citv.
iiiitl iirttoiit representation, uiunout
ItiK prnetlonlly lo n wnrnliiK. fiavo
u nM by tint I'liltml Kttttoa In
(ieiimul Carranin, IouihiiIIiik nn tin
pnnoinoni of condition In Mexico
Diplomatist familiar with tho
ennloiiu of tiio nolo which American
Consul Hllllmnn Iiiih been IttittrtictiMl
In pienom t(i llenoral Cnrrnna Inter
pret It a mi cm tiro allonge of policy
on I h part of the Washington gov
ernment toward Hut Mexican lltiu
tlnn. Tho toumjunlcatlnn lo Cnrranxn,
whlrh waif'drnfted nftcr conroreiire
between President Wilson, (Secretary
llrynii and Cotiniwllor I.nimlnK. wait
I, op l secret ponding word from Cnr
rami it to hi attitude.
t'llliiiatuni Sent
It wns said h) homo offlrlnlK tln
tuito ('(inlalncil ennio of tin at rouges!
iippoiitudoit that hud boon nindu
to Currnxua mid Indicate Hint the
American got eminent I rnpldly ns
Iiik phIIdiico with liU Indifference to
objectionable actH of General Ohiognu
nl Mexico City.
Thoso who Know (ho content of
Hie communication, said It did not
tin :itin force hut Wn In tho naluie
of nn ultimatum, ntid pointed out In
explicit language (ho scrlmiH ronso
tiienros t lint might follow If (ho wol
faie of roiolgnors contlmicd to ho iIIh.
Kurly In tho dny Secrolnry Daniel
hnd unlit no addition woio content
plated to tho fleet In Mexican witters,
I Tut later It wm leamod that the
cruiser '1'acoma had heon ordered
fioiu Tort An I'rlnce, Haiti, to Vera
Cm. Hccrotnry Dnnlol wns In oon
imitation later with Secielary llryan
concerning tho hltuatlon.
Advice. Corps to Stay
III diplomatic (iiinitera thoro wore
moie uiaiilfoHtntloiirt of concorn over
tho Mexican Hltuatlon than at any
time hIiicu tho American forced wuro
landed at Vera Cm.
Tho foiclgn dlploinntlHtM conferred
and coiniiuiulcnted to one another tho
Intent development as they heard
Home of tho dlplonmtlnlH dcclnred
(Ik niHolvim satisfied thnt tho course
of (ho American Kovorniitent would
(Contlnuoit- on l.aHt I'hko)
RAl,i:.M, Ore, March R.Colonol
llnrton K. I.nwflon, wurdnn of tho
Htuto poultnntlury horo, wnn Hiiuimnr
lly dlHiulHHed today by tho ntnto
board of control. John llouuon, de
puty wardoit, wiih tnatructod to per
form tho duties of warden until
Hurry V, Mlnton, recently appointed
to tho position, could arrive from tho
Tho dltmilmml wnn tho result of
Colouet l.awHon'H rofumtl to appoint
.loHoph Kollor, to ho officer at tho
leiiuont of flovornor Wlthycoinbo.
Hccrotnry of Stnto Hen W. Olcott, ih
11 nionibor or tho honrd, opponod IiIh
Left Bank of Vistula Again Scene of
Carnatjc French Claim Gains In
'Clinnipatjiic While Germans Claim
Er.Piny Repulsed No News From
LONDON, March V--TI10 renter
of Intel oat 011 the 1'iiMorn front Iiiih
a i;nl n whirled a lilt Hi aiiiiouiiuumotil
fioiu I'etioKiad that a ureat hntllo Ik
ilotolopluK upon tho loft haul or tho
Itlver Vlkliiln at a kjIiii to tho muni
and ou Hi went of U'arcnw.
It lit not l clear whli h mIiIo haw
(alien the offeimhe, hut liiHidred
tioiireeft, holli In Hurllu mid In I'etro
Kind hae huen hlutliiK lately that
Mini operatioim iniKlil 'll ho ex
peeled III tho region.
MiwaiiKnii from the ItiiMlnn capi
tal hae declined thnt the old fluid
of action In tho direction of Pouch
and Hlhwlit nlouo could herve an tho
dccllo liattle gidiiml, while Merlin
hut been predicting another hrllllant
aclloii In the direction or Wnrnuw tiy
I'lold Mntnhal Von llliidenhtirK. No
Krenl activity linn been reported elo
where 011 the earttern front except at
Itawa, in tho outhwel of W'urnnw,
where fieriuan army headiiiartorit
claim the enpture of 3100 Itnmlniih
It Ih poKKlhlo that thin action may he
a purt of thu Rrenl battle which I'o
troKrud nnya l now under way.
AttnrkM nod counter allnckn for
the text of both the Pari and llcrlln
official roiuinunlcatlonR roverliiK
(eiiln on tho wentern battle front,
hut there Ik no Indication of u derl-
che Knln by either Hide.
TodajH Stuli'iiteut
Today'H official Ktatetueiitn Indi
cate that there wan no flKhtlnt: f
Kreat Imporlniiro yenterdny. Tho
KhmicIi cIhIiii hIIbIU KnliiH In Chniu
pnKito. The Cermnn flatoiuent nn
norm Kronch nttnckK In ChnnipsKne
were repnliieil.
In the oaittern cninpnlcii the Huh
MnitH appnrenlly are iiialntnlnlitK tho
offoimlvo In Northern I'olnnd. Tho
Herman ntntement tollH of IttiKKlan
iitlurkH nt novernl polntn but nimertH
thnt all were reputed.
There Ik 1(0 lute news of tho nltun-
tlou nt the Dardanelle and tho llrlt-
IhIi public l nwaltlni? with Keen In
torent tho next Mop In tho lnwIneHH
like operatlonn iitarKInK tho work of
tho otormluK fl,pt-
Tho flBhtliiK In U10 CarpnthlnnB.
which ror proloiiKed and despernto
enrounteiH rivals any phnBo of tho
wnr, continue without doclalvo vlo
tory for either Mtlo. AiiBtrlnn forren
are Htlll on tho offonnlvo, nn official
Htatemont from Ketrograd nay. In
Northern I'olnnd tlio UnMlnim nro
Htlll pronMiiK forward In nn effort to
expul tho Invndorn.
LONDON, March 8. Tho flro on
hoard tho Krench Hteamor La Tour
alno ha boon nlniont cxtliiKUtHhod
and tho vchhoI la HtcainlnB to hor iIoh
dilution, tho Kronch port of Havre,
at 11 speed of 1 1 knotH nn hour.
Tho Information horn Klvon Ih tho
lant report received In I'arlHj It vn
ho nt nt 10 o'clock Inst nlKlit ly wlro-
lens telcKraphy from u crulRcr which
Ih eacortlim Ln Touralne.
! 4
WASHINdTON, March S.-Tho
Biipremo court BUHtalned todny tho
cancellation of pntontH to aomo 10
tractH of dmhor lnnd In I. Inn coun
ty. Oregon, hold by tho Linn mid
l.ano Tlmbor company, of which C
A. Hmltli or MlnnoapollHi owned prac
tically all tho Block. Kniudulent on
try wan charged,
I EUNBS iN mm mm s w
kvmiiiiftiir "tnniiH mmiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiH mr mmiii
North Dakota ll;nlto con I rnto law
todny wan annulled nn confltcatory
and unrouatltiitlonal by tho nupremo
court, when applied to tho Northern
Pacific nnd tho Minneapolis St. Paul
and Kault Ste. Marie rallvari.
Juittlce HiiKhea. for the court, laid
down tho fur reaching principle that
a Mate cannot holect a particular
commodity, xuch an coal, to fix a rate.
io lout; a the return from a rail
road'a entlro lutrattato bunliiMS g
Tlio Htato ha broad powors over
rnllroadn hut It does not enjoy tho
rlKhtH of an owner," declared tho jus
tice. Tho aupreiuo court of North Dako
ta had held the rate vnlld hecmiso
tho rond hud not hIiowii there wnn
n Ioh on tbolr outlio ntnto luialnoRii.
Thnt wnn reversed by tho supreme
court, all hut Juattco Pitney con
curring. In HUinmurlzlitK, Justice
IIUKlie until:
"It I pieiumed but (ho pre
Hiimptlon Ih n rebuttable one thnt
the rates which tho stato fixe for
lntrntato traffic are reasonable and
Just, When tho question in a to tho
profltnhlenesH or tho lutrnstnto busl-
nesH oh a whole under tho general
scheme of 'rates, tho ran lor must
aatlsfactorily prove tho fair value of
tho property employed In Ita Intra
state IniHlncpa mid show It Iiiih been
denied a fair leturn upon that
Wireless Across Ocean
CIICTHAM.Muss., Mnreli 8 Di
rect wirelesH eoinmiiuiention hetween
the United Slides uiul n neutral nation
of Kuropo will soon he possUito for
tho first time hiiiee tlio war begun
Hiroiiuh hlntioiw now virluullv coin
pleteil on I'upo Cod mid in Norway.
' Darto Rcsta and
LISBON, 8.-- The p.ilitn-n'
siliintion in I' which lat wvaU
entered upon n serious epoch with the
inauguration of the republic of north
ern Portugal, tinder tho preiileney of
(leuvriil Antonio llareto, has in 110
onie been improved by the roMsnu
tion of .MiuiNler of Finanee (irtllpml-.
wliich lieeamo known yotoriluy. A
11 matter of fact a further onhinet
eri.U now would force devolopntoht,
tlio outcome of xhicli f would he
frnught with muelt dnnger.
Tho npsumption of the duties 01" fi
nance minister by tho minister of for
eign nffairs mav help the sitpntiou,
hut nevertheless!, there is a gonoral dp
maud for the formation of n notional
coalition ministry, to bo supported bv
all partio. or Up n ditiuot policy of
jiuiiintonnneo of tho presont ministry
Ipniviiied it will ngrce to net in close
collaboration with congreis.
Should this latter course be nibpt
od, congress would havo to moot in
oxtraodinnry .cs-ion at once.
Outlaw Lopez Captured
SAL TL-AKK CITV, Jtareh 8. A
telegram Iiiih been received by Sheriff
.John CorlM from Nognles, Arir... nn
nouneing the enpturo Hiere of Itappel
Lope, Jfoxican bnndit, who more
limn a year ngo torrori,el Binghiim,
I't., hilled six deputy sheriffs before
his escape.
It Up at ioo Miles an How
Eddie Pullcn Firjhtlnrj It Out For First Place in the Vanderbllt Cut! at the World's Fair. fj
STH 0F m m mm fm M(S
The Dollarhidc toll road i n thine
of the past. No longer will the Cab
fomia visitor to ()ngon and the Oie
gou vi-itor to California be compelled
to pay to leave mid enter the -talc by
wagon road, for the county court
Monday purchased for $10011 the Pol
larhide toll rond, and thereby affect
ed a satisfactory settlement of (he
suit institupted apiint the county by
tlio roiul owners.
The Dollnrhide road was built in
the early '."()s nud for sixty year has
been in eoiistaul ne. It wna nmnfo
ly built in territorial days, nnd pri
vately inmntnined since. A poition
was purchased a year ngo for tho IV
oifio highway. Tho balanco affords
an outlet for some sixteen familie- re
siding in the mountains, besides will
bo used during tho paving operatiens
to be conducted by (he stale this sum
mer on tho l'neifio highway.
The road is twelve miles long, con
tains many steep grades, but ha ihme
its sharo in tho development of the
county. It is tho last toll roml in
southern Oregon. ,
LONDON, March 8. No belligerent
government has a right to requisition
a cargo belonging to a neutral gov
ernment, according to n decree given
out by the prize court today.
mal announcement that - President
WIIon will ho unable to attend tho
Panama Pacific exposition at San
Krnnciaco rends:
"With very grent reluctance In
deed. I feel myself obliged to say
that my visit to San Francisco nt
this time Is Impossible, in vew of tho
clenr demands of public duty upon
"It Is Imperntntlve that for the
present nt any rate I should remain
In Washington in closo touch with all
sources of Information as to tho var
ious matters with which tho govern
ment has to deal. I could not go
away with a clear conscience; I
should feel that I was not perform
ing my duties In tho way tho peo
pie expected with me.
"I am not only disappointed, I am
sincerely grieved that this decision
should be necessary. I had looked
forward to my visit to tho Panama
exposition, not only with Interest,
but with keen pleasure. My Interest
in tho exposition Is very great. It
seems to mo have unusual signlfance
and I have sincerely admired tho in
domitable energy and tho clear In
telligence with which the wholo thing
has beeu planned. My warmest,
best wishes go out to you. I shall
stttl hope that this Is a pleasure
only postponed, uot entirely fore
gone." Vice President Marshall will rep
resent President Wilson nt the cere
monies on March SO.
SALKSf, Or., Mnreh 8. Bv unani
mous vote, Charles V. Onlloway todny
was reappointed stnto tax comiu'.s
sioner by tho Oregon board of tax
Slayer of Game Warden Hubiurrf
Pleads Self-Defense Voice Tinted
With Trace of Defiance Admits
Making Sure Bullet Would Strike
Hubbard In Vital Spot.
lenlity f Hie giimo law., I'roHfii-
eutor Kelly Jfonilny nflcnioon "
bpnn the elosin? nrpuinent in
tho Mnrtin ensp. The case w ex- "
pectoil to go to the jury Tuesday
morning. "
Loris Martin, Iayer of Oamc War
den A". S. Hubbard, took the witness
stand in his own behalf this morning
the sixth day of the trial and with
replies, to a dozen iiptinnfl nuked by
.his ntomey gave n version of tho
great tragedy in bin life. It was nn
impressive tale, for it was stripped
of all details. For having the blood
of n fellowmnn upon his hands Mar
tin pleaded self-defense.
Gone wnn the air of patient resig
nation that has characterized tho de
fendant throughout tho trial. Gone
was the fretful nervousness the pris
oner bet ntyed ns witno-.afinr wit
ness spoke for and against him nit
last week. He took tho stnno! with v
confident nir, nnd nnswered all ques
tions in a loud voice tinged with a
trace of defiance. Tho hillsmnn,
whom n character witness Saturday
testified was too bashful to nltenil
Sunday school among las own people,
nevpr lacked for n word, or hesitated
with his response.
Denies Sinking Threats
Martin denied thnt ho had mnilo
any threats against his victim, until
that ho fired the fatnl shot because
he thought his life was in grent dan
ger, said ho was 43 yenrs old, and
identitied n pair of shoes as belonging
to him. Thnt is the meat of his testi
mony. Ills ntlornoy hnd forstnlted
nny danger of a gruelling cross. exam
ination nt the hands of the state, h
asking only the simplest questions,
hedged about by 11 mare of legal tech
nicality. "Wlien you pulled the trigger of tho
rifle you mndo suro that ho would
strike nnbbard in a vital spot," nsfccil
Prosecutor Kelly.
"Certainly," was the ready am: half
defiant reply of the prisoner at the
Jrnrtin denied Hint ho nimeu" other
than to strike tho gnmo warden in n
vital spot, "culculnting to hit him tho
Says Hiilriuinl Hushed Him
Tho defendant affirmed tho con
tention of tho defenso Hint Hubbard
"rushed" him. Ho nppenred nngry,
the accused said, nnd threo or four
timps reaehed for his pistol. On tho
fourth ntlcmpt ho scoured it. Martin
testified Hint Hubbard had his pistol
in his hand when he fired. Tf thoro
wns nny remorse in bis heart for his
net he did not show it on tho witness
stand. Tho court sustained objo--
(Contlnued on page two.)
II, II. Lord ol Drownslioro, who
was severely Injured threo weeks ago.
when thrown from u wagon and
dragged along tho ground, was oper
ated upon at the Sacred Heart hos
pital Monday and threo crushed seg
ments of the opioid column roineyad ,
by Drs, Porter and Barber. Mr,
Lord struck a stone and fractured kU i
spinal column, and wua picked up hh- '
conscious In which eomlltloH Iter"
mnlned for 3G hours, and )m hX
rored acoutely sinew. U ralUi af
ter tho operation anil a eampM. r-'
covery Is expected by the pftyjOetoM,
4. S