Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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?07 Sfcotirf strwf
Medford Mail Tribune
1'nlr Alar. n:i Mln. IMt
I 'rod p. .01,
i i
' i
Forty-fourth Yar.
ruilv Nlnlti Ymr
I I II -
Brunswick, Georgia, Business Man
Goes Suddenly Insane, Kllllnu Five,
Seriously Woiinilliin Six nml Sllght
ly Injuring Score More Is Himself
Killed hy Lawyer.
lllM'NSWICi;, On., Aluieh h.rive
ini'ii weto killed, hiv other itoriously
wounded mid about n Hcorn mom
Mighlly wounded lioriftnilny li.V Aton
i lie Phillips it local I nil iwlulo iiml
llllllnT (ll'llIlT, who wan 111, apparently
doningell, run down Hut principal
htiii't tiring mi uiitniiinllo xlmi gun.
Phillips lillilHt'll' h xhut ileml liy K,
('. Iluttx, ii litw.wr, while lit was till
living In llri' iln cition.
Phillip i lliiniulit In have become
iniiiio Iicdiiiimii nf financial I limbic
iiml iloolnpcil mi enmity f"r Harry
!'. Dunwiiwly, u prominent Inwjcr mid
politician in wIhiho office In began
In- iniirili'iniiK iii'linn. After Killing
Duuwoody lie went into iln Mrrrt mid
hi-gun hhonllng in every one in night.
It wiih linlf mi hour nflor the firnt
shot wiih flroil liv Phillips tliat ho wiih
killed by Mull.'
List of VMIiits
Tin' other killer", wine W. At. Ilnek
clt, mi iiudcrluker; George W. Afbcll,
ii mnloriiiuu; Rex Deiiwm, n police
mini, mnl I.. C. Padgett, it former po
Iti'i'inmi. Several of llu wounded mo
priimiiii'iit ojlieiiH nf HrniiHwiok.
lit cry ph,ioiiin available uh call-
ii out tu ilnvt till' wounds nf Phillips'
Uotims. Slmttly hofoic iiiinii Phillips
walked ilni) Duiiwnoil.v' olfico in tin
center nf iho busine district. 1 1
filed tun ehnrgoM into tlir iiltunicy'H
head, killing hint instantly, lie then
went into tlm Httci't whore n crowd
iitlrnc.tcil liy tlio.Hhot. Iiml gathered
IN fired into tln gioup, killing Pad
gett. Slint Into Cnmil
Phillips then began Minuting into
n crowd of men new tin' stiect,
wounding Htvi'inl ami killing Asboll.
Hi' then look up his stiitimi on n cor
hit mnl Im'l'iiii hlinntiiiL' at ni'rt per-
sun who appealed. Ilnrkrtl was
killril as -ho stopped fi out n building.
' Policeman Denver fitcd nt Phillips
mnl was shot dead. UiiIIh then rnnii'
up, firing n tovolvcr. Phillips wit,
hliiicli mnl ilinl almost instantly.
Phillips had hi'i'ii a ic-idi'iil nf
llnintMi'l; twt'lve ycni", was onri' itn
iiiii.m"', mnl Iiml lici'ii it mi'inlii'i' or the
(IcoiKiii li'Ki-'liitiiri'.
IWMS, Alntvh (5. -Tho llnynn
Ai'iu'y liim rtvoiwil tlm 1'nllnwiiiK
I'linii its Atlii'iiH cnrrcNpiiinli'iit:
"Tim nllii'il lli'i'l fiiW'U'il Hie Dnr
dmmlli'H thin moniiii,', pint (;K 1
' the (lulf nf Siiioh.
"J)i'tinyci-s ami iIiviIkith contiiiiu'
tho ili'rttriiullnn of inini'h, covcrt'il by
Imttliihliipi. Tito movi'ini'iilH of Tutlc
ihI; artillery worn 1mmti1 toward
flrnkli, HmlVji, Saros ami Yi'iiieheir.
"I.lclit warnliipH coittinui'd tlm
liomliiirdiiiciit nf tlm aniiitm eoal far
into tho iilmiit .M'Htitrday. A Turkish
wlri'U'HH Htalliiit and I'limp wan do
btroyed, "Tlm nllii's nro now three miles
from riimmk.
"Turkish hhips nro reporled to he
tiHHemhlini; at NiiKiirn.'
WASIIINOTON, March 0, Pott
Hour worn Mod with Intorstnto cont
niorco coninilHHlon today by tho Amor
lean National MvoHteel: itHHOclntlon
and tlio National Orowors assoeliw
on, imklnK that tho Oronon Short
. hlrni and tho Ban Podro, I.ou Aitgulou
and Halt I.alco roadH bu loqnlrod to
vntnhllRli Joint throiinh ratoa on llvo
Htimk from polntH lit OroKon, Idaho
itnd (Kali to I.oh AuoIoh and other
California points.
French Liner, La Touralne, on Fire at
Sea Carries Half a Million Rounds
of Cartrldues 84 Passengers and
100 In Crew Besides Rapid Fire!
Guns and Supplies for Allies.
LONDON', .March (I.- Tlm ulemiiKhip
l.n Tniiraiim is on fin- in liitlitinle
HO.OIl not til, lonj-Jtmlc 110.01 nee. ii din;,'
In it wlreh's" nii'hHani' hti-UpiI hen.
Faiiitli'miii'n. hni' tsmn' to the iinniM
nnei' nf La Tiiralui', the mi'Nn(;i' "iiid.
'flu' iiir-"HfKii lellinj: n the fire wns
leeeixi'il liy I.Io.mU Iioiii tlm win-less
station nt Vnh'iitiii, lielmnl. In addi
tion In Hiving the positiiiii nf the l.n
Tnnraine, it stated that tlm steameis
Itntteidaiil, Hwmiiilori', Conii-hinan,
Aralni' and othet weic koius to her
NKW YflllK. Almeh II.-When l.n
Toiimiim -ailed nwnv fnirn this pott
lat Siiliiidav she had about HI paos.
enters of uhiuii .'IH weie in tlm first
cabin, the reinmiiinu fmty.six licin;
in the sti'cniKe. The ep-w nninhercil
100. The esse was one nf six hie
liners In leave I hi" port the same day,
the Mtilinpt hein the heaviest lecoid
ed hoic for some time.
llnlf a .Million Itintnils
Stored nvtny In the vessel's lmld
was miimnnltinn which caused keen
apprehension as the vessel's fate
when it heci'iine known it .tiro wiih
infill); ahoatd. It was estimated that
the shipment contained at tlm very
least half it million toiiiids mid possi.
lily several times as inneh.
Wireless stations alone the Atlan
ta' ncabimnl diieeted vain calls
Ihrnuuh the air to the btirniiij; shin
mnl the little fleet nf rescuers tcport-
ed to he around her. While tho
erneklo of tlm spaiks from powerful
stations hero, it was thought, could
he heaid liv steamers in the Atlantic
as far away ns l.a Tnnraine, the
u'iiclcss plants aboard those steamers
ucic ton weak to send hack their ans
wers. All news nf l.a Tnuraino's fit to
it was thought, would have to come
from the other side of the .Atlantic,
dialled Willi Carnitines
I,u Tonniino was heavily loaded
when she steamed out of (he haibor
lust Sattiiday. In addition to the -I.-nilll
cases of cattiidKi's she carried
an Kit rapid file pins and it varied
assortment nf supplies for tho allies
commissaries, liollt foodstuffs and
cluthine. Twelve hundred tnns of her
eaten consisted of uiiifoims cloth for
iinifnims, sweators and Im'.ierv for
soldiers in tho Ireuehos. Them were
l.oOO enses of maehinery aboard, as
well ns tunny hundred wagon wheels,
ami 'J".'i bars of silver. In addition
there wni it InrRO iissortnient of food
U'AIMKN'SHl'ltn. Alnreli . Tlm
..j... ,..-, -,..., ...-., ... ..-
Warivnsliure Stato Norinal school
hero was destroyed by firo eatly to
ilnv. Tlm loss Is estimated at half
a million dollars, Tho flames start
ed in tlm laboratory o tho Science
Hall and swept thiough tlm adminis
tration biiildinpr ami into tho audi
tniiuui and tlm dnimstio arts hiiildinj:.
l'KKINO, March 6. At n confer
ence today between Japanese dlplo
niitlH and statesmen of China, tho Chi
nese republlo conceded an extension
for a porlod of 00 years of tho ptos
cnt Japanese rullroad Bystont In Man
chttrlit, Tho conferenco nt which this con
clusion wns reached was one of it ser
ies Inaugurated some two nionthB ago
Immediately following tho Japnneso
occupation of Klao-Chow tho former
(loruiun concession in Shantung pro
vlnco, At thoso conferences Japan
has been dlsousslng tho various do
mauds uiado by her upon tho Chi
ueso lepubllc.
China bus bceit contending for the
retention of it clause pormlttlng Iter
i Foreign Corps to Leave In a Body
Situation More Critical Than at
Any Time Since Landing of Troops
at Vera Cruz Action of Ohreyon
Bilnijs Matters to Crisis.
WASIIINOTON, Miiifli . The
fnieiu coiresonilneo corps in .Mexi
co City has decided to lenvo in a
lindy. )ismtches telling of the de
cision were received hem today l
Kmopeaii didomai!sts and foi warded
to their home cuVcrimiciiM.
The .Mexican situution, topped by
this latest development was admitted
in all ouark'is to lie nunc critical than
'it has been ul any lime since lliterta
piecipilaled the landing of troops at
Vera Cm. Secrelarv Mryan )iad re
ceied lodav no word fnun the Intel
repi escalations to Carraur.a against
(leueral Obieeon's decrees ill Alexico
City mid his threat to leave the capital
unprotected with water mid lie'it
plants nut of commission mid the at
tendant possibility of looting mid
Dctclopntcnt KH'rtcil
Some ilefiiiito development wns ex
peeled in diplomatic circles as the re
sult of tho decision of the corps of
Ktiropeuu iepteentatives to leave the
Mexican capital. Whore the displo
mntisls would v was the subject of
some speculation. Inasmuch as the
conditions which nro forcing tlient to
leave ambeitiK imposed by Carrmutn's
oommmnler, Ohieun, it wits pointed
out, they hardlv would j" " ,,',
Villa has invited the diplomatic
corps to join him at bis capital in
Chihuahua. To do so, it was pointed
out, they luirdly would pi to Vera
of his faction.
CapltMl Cut Off
Without diplomatic represelnatives
in Alexico City, the capital and a
large portion nf tho distracted coun
try would piactically bo cut off,
While tho foreign colony in tho Alex-
icon capital has been greatly reduced
in the last .vein's military movements,
.limit II. Amador, head of (leuernl
Carrnimi's agency here, todnv do
elated in it formal statement that re
potts of the gravity of the situation
hits been "grossly exaggerated." Me
declined that Clenentl Ohrcgon would
do nothing to "cause needless suffer
ing." SEEK FOR L
CIIIC.0O, March C Search for
tho hiding plnco of n sum nuiiposud
to bo 1120.000. part of tho loot In
tho S3 17,00 robbery of tho branch
Hank of .Montreal nt Now Westmins
ter, II. C, on Soptoinber 15, 1911, wan
begun hero today by a scorn of detec
tives as a rcmtlt of tho arrest yester
day of two men believed to bo tho
rlngleadors In tho robbery.
Tho men under arrest, GeofRo
W'ebster and John Ulnghnm. were
caught whon they appeared at n prl
vato bank and attempted to change
Canadian money Into United Statos
currency. Tley bad boon trailed for
sovornl months by private detbctlvcR.
to rc-purchaso tho South Manchuria
railroad at tho expiration of a period
of 3G year from the data of tho ori
ginal lease of this Una to Russia, but
It now appears that hor efforts have
boon fruitless,
Tho Chlnoso, authorities nro reluct
ant to grant (o Japan the quests sho
In Insisting on concerning land own
ership attd trading rights In China,
This because of tho condition of ex
teri'lorlallty which accompanied tho
presence, of all foreigners lit China,
will extend Japan's legal Jurisdiction
throughout South Manchuria and
Knstorn Mongolia, Tho Chlnoso are
fearful that Hussla It thoso conces
sions nro granted to Japan, will sub
sequently Insist that similar privi
leges be nccordod hor,
I m i un ''w
1 m miw ' Hf
Vice Admiral RiicJjHUo 11. Garden
of the Ilrltlnh tiftv), commander-ln-chief
of the allied fleets now storm
ing their way through the Inn!n
ncllcs on Constantinople.
XKW YORK, March fl. -The attack
of n Oennau submarine, silent, un
heralded and unexpected, upon n big
nierenmu snip mat new no nag, was
witnessed from the bridge of the
Dutch liner, Kymlain, in the North
sea about thirty mile;, from the Ger
man const, nccordiit',' to Captain Vnn
Den Iluevel of the Kyndam, which
reached hero tfldny front Hotterdnm.
The nttnek took jilnco Kehrunry 21
and tho stricken vessel was slowly
settling to the bottom ns the Ityudmn
steamed nway.
"Wo heard u muffled explosion,"
said the Kyndam's oitptniu, "and when
wo looked n grent whito cloud of
steam and smoke wns rising from the
ship. Sho had struck amidships. Wo
slopped and prepared to lower our
lifeboats. As they swune out to dav
its, wo saw tho merchantman lower
her own boats and some of her ctew
go over tho side.
"Then ennui the vessel's wireless
calls for help. In ten minutes or
thereabouts, a British destroyer
steamed up and began search for the
submariiie. The ilesrnyer sisnnlled
that no assistance was needed mid
advised us to proceed on our way
cautiously. This we did."
NKW IIAVKNT. Conn.. March Ik-
Coroner Mi today completed his
surrounding the suioulo of Lillian Alny
t ook, the young tirooklyn stenog
rapher whobo body wns found in
West Hook nark Thuvsdnv. The cor
oner said ho would filo n report on
Monday stating thnt'M.iss Cook cnino
to her deuth by Jtel own hand mid
that she and slio alquo was therefore
resopusiulo for hor nvt.
MAIfC'If 0, 1915
Dry Track and Ideal Weather Condi
tions Greaetst Throng That Ever
Witnessed Contest Assembles at
Fair Grounds All Entrees Partici
pate Except Earl Cooper.
-With a perfectly dry track and al
most Ideal weather conditions, one
of tho greatest throngs that ever
watched a Vandcrbllt cup race crowd
ed ec,ry vantage point of tho Panama
Pacific exposition ground.
For two hours before the raco
stnrtM the drivers were busy tuning
up their cars. Itttrninn, Oldfleld.
Pollen and Dlsbron were among the
first to put In an appearance and each
was lustily cheered by the crowds
which lined the course. There Is
l.een rivalry between them and the
race will be fought bitterly from start
to finish. With the many sharp
turns with the course presents. It
was freely predicted by automobile
experts that If an average of ri miles
for the entire race was maintained
by the victor that the limit of com
parative safely would bo reached.
All l.'utries VurtlcljMtte
It was announced that every car
cutercil would participate. Karl
Cooper was the only absentee among
the drivers. He Is til with pneu
monia contracted In the Crand Prix
last Saturday. Harry Grant took his
place In car No. S.
The 300.30 mile raco was started
promptly at 12:30 o'clock when the
first trio consisting of Durant, Do
Polnin and Hcsta got away on the 300
mtlo dash. 1'ullen, Dragg and Illck
enbacker wcro tho next threo to
thunder away, 13 seconds later. At
tegular Intervals of 13 seconds In
groups of three the entire field was
sent away.
Spcctt (IH Miles
At the end of the tenth lap tho
s,eed was officially announced as GS
miles per hour, At that Unto Alley
was first, time 33:-IC; Hester, second,
34' 13; 1'ullen third, 34:51; Oldfleld
fourth, 35: OS and Uuckstell fifth,
WASIIINOTON, Alareh 0.-President
Wilson todnv gitxe n recess ap
pointment to George Riiblco of Cor
nish, X. 11. ns n member of tho new
fcilernl trade commission. Afr. Hub
lee's nomination was not confirmed
liy the senate nt the Inst session. The
president's notion today completes
the membership of the trnde commis
sion, which will organize hero next
LONDON, Ararch 0. George Hen
ry Cndogan, fifth earl of Cadogan,
died hero today nged ".". Ho wns one
of tho wenlthiest London ground land
lords and n grent enteitainer of roy
nlty. Threo heirs to the title died
durintr his lifetime.
LONDON, Ararch 0. Tho Totro
grad correspondent of (lie Star for
wards the follewing:
"Areliduko Joseph's nrmv now is !n
full flight through the woody country
between tho Dueister and Truth livers
(eastern Galieia) pursued hy tho Rus
sian army which occupied StunUlmi
on Thursday.'
PKTKOGKAn, Aturoh (1. lie-oeeu-
pation liy tho Russians of Stnnislau
is regarded hero as justifying their
claim that tho rapid advance of the
Austro-Germnn right flunk in eastern
fluleia wns hnznrtlous so long ns their
left flank in Galoia was successfully
hold back by tho Russian foroes.
Tho right Austro-Geriunn flank ad
vanced impetuously, apparently with
out regard to tho inability of tho loft
Congress of Democrats In Session at
Lameno Form Republic of Northern
Portugal Existing Government
Opposed Because of Militarism
Royal Dlsafftcoln Frequent.
LONDON, March C General An
tonio Zavler Correrla Uarreto has
been proclaimed president of tho re
public of Northern Portugal by?n con
gress of democrats who havebeen In
session nt I-ameso. according to a
dispatch received here today by lic
Fabra news agency from Madrid.
This news reached Madrid by way of
Itejittbllc's Courso Stormy
The course of the Republic of Port
ugal since Its establishment fire
years ago. following the assassina
tion of King Carlos has been marked
by political dissension and strife. Re
ports of Hoyallst agitation from Lis
bon have been inoro or less frequent
ed these latterly havo been super
seded by Indications of another move
ment, the democratic or radical which
In the last few months has shown It
self strongly opposed to the existing
republican government.
Portugal, by treaty obligations with
Great lirltaln. was bound to send
10,000 men to fight with the troops
of King George upon request. So
far as Is known, Great Britain has
made no such demand on Portugal,
and there arc no Portuguese, troops
fighting In Kttrope.
Fighting In Africa
Little has been published concern
ing Portugal's attitude In tho pres
ent war, duo largely to tho censor
ship. If-In-a factr however, that
Portuguese troops have been fighting
German soldiers In Portuguese west
Africa, otherwise known as Angola.
Tho German troops In question came
into the Portuguese colony from Ger
man southwest Africa.
Thero was an uprising In Lisbon
January 15 of the people against the
military. This movement was de
scribed as a protest against tho pol
icy of the government as exemplified
In the courses of the administration
of the army and navy. It apparently
came to an end when certain Portu
guese officers surrendered their
General Darreto served as minister
of war In tho cabinet formed by the
provisional government of Portugal
during the first year of tho existence
of the republic.
PARIS, March C. "Greece awaits
with extremo anxiety," says the Ma
tin's Athens correspondent, "tho de
cision of tho crown council at yester
day's session at which was discussed
tho nation's policy regarding tho war.
Tho general opinion Is that the coun
cil pronounced in favor of interven
tion In which coso mobilization Is
Imminent. If the decision was to re
main neutral tho Minister Premier
Venzolos will resign Immediately, ac
cording to tho newspaper Hestu."
wing to co-operate in tho contemplat
ed encircling movements. Tho right
flnnk in consequenco is now hnving
tho tables turned and now is sur
rounded by Russian soldiers. The
Rilussinns look for tho retirement of
tho Austrinns from Czernowitz nnd
nil of Bukowinii whero tho Austrian
positions will become untenable if the
Russians arc nblo to continue the suc
cessful movement initiated nt Stan
islau. Russian staff officers say
sineo tho failuro of tho Austro-Gor-mnus
in tho Stnuislau region their
nttnoks havo weakened, not only in
that vicinity hut in west Gnliein, bo
tween tho rivers Ondava nnd San.
Their nttneks hero, in tho opinion of
tho Russian staff, nro n device to
draw tho Russian troops wostward
from Halicz and tho river DnoUtor,
NO. 207
Fifteen-Year-Old Nephew of Prison
er Asserts That Uncle Told Him
Hubbard's Pistol Seemed to Stick
In the Scabbard First Character
Witness for Defense Is Impeached.
Harry Syrmnn, a fifteen year old
nopbew of Lorls Martin, on trial in
tho circuit court for tho murder of
Game Warden A. S. Hubbard last De
cember, made a statement upoa the
witness stand Saturday morning upoa
cross examination, Hint may mako
him the star witness of tho trial, and
assured bin being called ns a witness
by the state. The words of the rel
ative of tho accused man may he
a serious blow to tho plea of self de
fense offered by the defense.
"When you first went to tho scono
of the crime, what did Undo Lorls
say to you about Hubbard's scab
bard?" nsked Prosecutor Kelly.
"He told me that Hubbard's pistol
seemed to sUck In the scabbard,"
the witness replied.
"Then thero wns talk about tho
scabbard?" continued the state's rep
resentative, tho witness upon the first
query of the prosecutor having denied
that there had been any mention of
a scabbard.
Witness for Stato
Attorney Heames for the defense
was Immediately upon his feet filing
an objection to the questions, which
were sustained by the court. Prose
cutor Kelly announced that he would
call young Skyrman as a witness for
the state when tho defense had con
cluded Us case. Tbo statement af
the boy, coming" from a relative of
the accused, when on the stand In
behalf of his uncle was an unexpect
ed blow to tho defense, which since
Friday noon has been carefully build
ing up the foundations for Martin's
testimony, which are expected to
show that ho was In fear of his life,
when Hubbard dismounted from bis
horse, and fired only in self defense.
Skyrman snld that ho was In
school, when tho teacher announced
that Hubbard had been killed, but de
nied that ho said "Uncle Lorls bos
killed him." Ho testified that a
short time after the announcement
he asked to be dismissed, and started
for the sceno of the shooting meeting
Constable A. L. Irwin of Ashland, tho
only eyo witness to tho tragedy en
Talked Alvout Kcablianl
The witness said that Irwin told
him that Martin had killed Hubbard,
and asked him to hurry to thq scene.
Irwin told the lad, he testlfledj that
Martin had said something about
committing suicide in his roiriose, and
wanted him to persuado Ms kin
against this stop, and also to ask him
to surrender to Irwin.
Young Skryman said that he asked
Irwin it Hubbard had drawn his pis
tol, and that the latter had said he
could not see the warden's hand, but
from the position of his elbows he
Judged that ho was trying to. ThlH
testimony was almost Identical with
(Continued on paga two.)
Word has been received from tho
weather bureau office nt Portland
that they nro shipping nine complete
outfits for as mnny rtpenint observi
tion stations to lio scftttcded over the
valley in conneotion with tho weather
survey to ho made, here under tho di
rection of Tlierf. I. Drake of "tije bu-'.
reatt. Quo set U being shipjted '( 1
K,ngla Point.xnupthpr to Rogue River
and tho hnlanco will be distributed
front tho Afedford station. Thcra is
already nu outfit nt botlt Ashland hw
These outfits are complete in every
detail, witlt regular dcpaifment equip
ment, including standard sheltsrs,
Afr. Drake is holding- himself 'k
readiness to oomo down at snyJbW.
Prof, Henderson will notify hIm abetit
a week in ndvnnco of the tUo wlw
frosts would have to m fewjiMt by
Mitudging. w- , "V r"
i 'O.'A