Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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IT" illiiiiili" M)"iii'lf n" MrfAMM
I'BTIIOORAI), Much 4. Tlie Oisr
ninii forces in northern Poland nrc
concentrating (heir efforts' in nn en
deavor to break through the Hussion
fortified lines nenr tlio Prussian fron
tier by capturing the foitresN of Os-
tlie Imiliff to be more prompt in Hit'
bringing of witnesses to the court.
Nlntc (Ihmo Warden V. L. Finley
testified tlmt the slain iniin wo u
game warden duly appointed in lt)ll.
John Dnhl. a young man, testified
he guarded Hubbard's body, mid thai
it was not touched fiom the time of
the killintr until the annul nf the
Sum Snndry's Testimony
Deputy, l)isriet (lame Win den
Sam Sundry testified that Hubbard's
eoat wiii bnt'oned at the too and that
the bullet that snuffed out hi life
Kent through both lnpeK Sundry
was one of the party that isited the
Scene the day af or the prime. He
described the position of the bodv
howrtx. This bnttle, the outcome of jnnd the finding of the dead man's
which is regarded ns of high impor
tance, is proceeding with increased
violence. The Hermans on this oo
(iitHifiu have succeeded in bringing up
Rome of their heaviest and most ef
fective guns, including the great six-tecn-incli
The opinion of Mussina military of
ficers is that the Germans having
been expelled from Prznsnys, their
only hope of successful execution of
their plans, which include .securing
the position of the left flank "by
breaking through the Russian line of
fortresses, lies in taking Osowe z.
From the chnracter of the fighting, it
is evident Hint the Germans have dc
tenuined to exhaust every effort to
win (his point.
The liussinn occupation of Kerjen
niniounced officially here, shows a
hlight advance on the northern front.
(Continued from Pag 1)
Irwin testified he took off his rifiht
glove when Martin said, "Stay back,
or I'll shoot." "When I heard (he
void 'shoot' I wanted to be ready.
My -foot caught in the saddle."
Did Not Draw Gun
"Then 1 take it if yon had been
rjuieker von would have tnken part in
the shooting," asked Attorney
"Yes, I would have defended myself
and Hubbard," said Irwin,
v Irwin testified on cross. examina
tion by Prosecutor Kelly that he first
gave a detailed s atement to Mrs. Van
Dyke, telling the manner of Hubbard's
death. He said he had no way of
knowing Martin was surprised when
be met them on the trail. Questions
relative to the witness' view of Hub
bard just before, were asked. Irwin
Miiil ho saw every move clearly.
"Did you see Hubbard make a move
rcarwaid with his band?"
"Had ho thrown an object to his
right or backwards, you would Imvo
Keen it?"
"Yes; hut he did not."
Hubbard'n gun was found under a
bush fivo feet from where kp fell,
and is one of the main links in the
So Movement Keen
Irwin testified he saw no movement
of either of Hubbard's bauds toward
the bush. The gun and coat Hubbard
used and wore were introduced. The
denth scene was re-enacted bv Irwin
before the jury.
"Yes, he's gone to God. That man
done me dirt ami there's the result-
my life ruined. Now I might as well
blow my own brains out. I have to
pistol under n bush eight feet from
the body. Sundry described how the
dead mnn carried his gun under n
but toned mnckiiiaw and sweater. An
elastic strip used to hold the scab
bard in position was torn off in tak
ing the gun from the body. This
brought a series" of ipiestions from
the defense in an effort to befuddle
the witness. Snndrv said he unload
ed the pistol of Hubbard's.
The shoo:ing occurred on a slant
ing piece of crouud, and one of the
claims of the defense will be (hat
Hubbard bad bis gun drawn at the
time. Sundry was dismissed by (he
defense for future cross-exnininntion.
Sundry testified that the lnisb under
which the gun wns found had been
removed since the murder, sawed or
chopped off at the butt, and it will-be
introduced bv the defense as an ex
hibit. Afternoon's Session
Thursday afternoon Dr. 11. W.
Poellnitz testified that Hubbard came
to his death by bullet wounds nnd de
scribed the course of the bullet.
Kx-Coroncr A. K. Kellogg testified
as to finding Hubbard's body, cor
roborating testimony given bv Sntu I..
Sundry as to Hubbard's coat being
buttoned. He produced the search
warrant for Martin's cabin, found in
Hubbard's pocket. This was intro
duced as an exhibit, as were Hub
bard's niaekinnw and eoat and gun
holster. The court ruled out his
shirt and underclothing. Kellogg tes
tified that the elastic hand that held
the gun bolster wa not found on the
Howard Ash, a 17-venr-old youth,
Males that he had never had nnv con-
m:iU.U March I -Attaches of
'(lie Turkish embassy here profess to
he unconcerned regarding the liom
j tiarilment of tje Dardanelles forts by
the great allied fleet. They declare
the fortifications are Impregnable,
that the landing of troops at the en
trance to the straltH Is Impossible
unit that any attempt to laud a force
nt some point along tho shore of the
i gulr of Sores wuulil require more
'men than the allies can couceutrnte,
I leaving out ot roiiNlOcrattnu the
t strong Turkish forts stationed at all
threatened points.
The Constantinople correHpondent
'of tlio Frankfurter Zeltung sends hi
.paper an Interview with Hner Pasha
'In which the chief of tho Turkish
I general staff Is tmld to have declared
that the damage to the outer forts
.was lesa than hud been reported, but
' tliimi, fnflu urn IIik nlill'Ml nf tlio
entile lino aud their early reduc
tion always has been expected f a ser
Iouk attack were made upon the
Dardanelles. The allied fleet, ho de
clared, has yet to reach tho real line
of defense.
After washing your hair with soap
alwus applx a little Dnndorhio to the
nou I p to Invigorate the hair and pre
vent dryness. Hotter still, mm tump
as sparing!) as possible, and Instead
have a "Daudoilne Hair Cleanse,"
Just mojslon a cloth with Dnudcrlue
ami diaw It carefully through .sour
hair, taking one strand at a time
This will remove dust, dirt and ov
cesslvo oil. In a few inouientH ou
will he amazed, jour hair will not
only be clean, but It will be wavy,
the hair, one application of Dauderlue
dissolve every particle of dandruff:
stimulates the scalp, stopping Itch
ing and falling hair. Imndniltio In
to the hair what fresh showers of
rr.ln ((ml Hhiiushlno aio lo vegetation.
It goes light to the rootn, Invigorated
aud stietigtbeiis them, Its exhilarat
ing nnd life-producing proportion
cause tlio hnlr to grow long, strong
and hcnutlful,
Men Ladles! You can study
have lots of charming hnlr. (let a 3 ft
Wnsbliigtiiii hiIi-oI girls presenting their war petition to Secretin y lli-mi
The children of America have tar Ilryan by the children and tt will
asked the war-lords of Kurope to l)0 forwarded to the r.ulers of the aev-
stop tho war. A petition addressed
to the warring rulers and signed by
eral nations at war.
The petition i was presented to the
spcretnrv of statp liv twelvn llilln school children In rorty-flve plrls ropwcnllnR Washington
states has been submitted to Secre- He schools.
AT II mam; suffers a reaction
look out for'tnysrir.'"4! never shot till
I saw the butt of bis gun, then I shot
for fear lie would shoot me." Irwin
. testified Wednesday thnt Martin said
uftcr the shoeting:
"I tried to get Martin lo give up,"
said Irwin, "but I told bun 1 wasn't
going down his gun barrel to get him.
Martin said, "You better not try it.
Nobody is going lo lake mo in these
hills while I have my rifle and cart
ridges." The objections of the defense to the
introduction of photos taken of the
wciio of tlio tragedy were sustained
by (he court.
Contradictions in Irwin's testimony
were assailed by both sides, and (ho
witness seemed still under (he spell
of fear (hat gripped him on (he day
of tho (rngedy. He mnde a good wit
noss for Jhe state. The defense sub
jected him to n searching oxnminntion
lunging about whether Hubbaid did or
did not wear a glove, nnd tho wit
ness' ability (0 see. Kvcry possible
lliiw in Invar testimony at all bear
inps wns attacked by (lie defense in
order to weaken his accusing words
against (he defendant.
Invirj described Hubbnrd's phys
ique. Tho witness said that Wednest
day forenoon ho read over his tc(i
niony at (he inquest to refresh his
memory. He denied that he read (he
brief Wednesday night after (ho coin I
uesfcion. At the ploso of tho examin
ation the question of whether Hub
bard wore a glove came up again. Ir
Aviu was confused bv (ho rapid fire
queries of Attorney Kennies.
Coroner Perl Testifies
Coroner John A. Perl, depuly coiv
oner nt ho time of (he murder, identi
fM Hubbard's clothing and tesjified
(lint when tho body was being pre-
jiqred (he glovo of (ho right linnil was
f HIH oni wiul the loft hand glpve off.
The dwfcuBo linked but one question,
TJ fourt ut (JiL juncture urijeil
ven-ntion with Martin regarding
Hubbard, which brought chaigcs bv
Prosecutor Kelly. Mr. Mandy Peel
corroborated her husband regarding
threats made by Martin against Hub
bard. Mrs. Hubbard, wife of (he dead
warden, wns among thn-e present,
and the lcci'.nl of (he events Icndiii"
to tho murder caused her to break
The courtroom was crowded with
interested spectators, who drank in
every word of the testimony. A hit
of humor wns introduced during at
tempts of I lie statu nnd assistants to
take the cartridge belt out of (he gun
belonging to Hubbard.
"Seeing that none of yon know
anything about it, the court asks that
you keep it pointed towards tho ceil
ing at all times."
Tiiis brought n ripple of laughter
from the audience.
IlOflDKAt'X, March A - Sarah
Kidnapped or the mystery of the '
missing heiress Is the bill at the It Hcrnhardt. whose condition wns con-!
Theater Friday and Saturday. The , sldered excellent for sexeral days af
nisterious woman .Madomo Duval ter the amputation of her right leg
who comes Into this cpldsodc of Zu-1 February 22, recently has felt a ro-'
ttora Is a new star, beautiful and a .action nnd her condition for the last i
wonderful actrdfs. She becomes Zu- 4S botirH has caufcsl her friends some
dora's antagonist, nnd the situations anxiety.
COHVAI.US, Or., March -I.- 1 . 0.
Ocnti.iT !' Portland, who will ijitiih.
nt- in .low nt the Oregon Agric'i'
tural lollege, has been iiipoiutd to
.i fi-ltow,.bip iu the department of en
Homology, This fellowship eovu's a
n nod of two eais. rive month
i-.ich nr will be spent ut Corwiilw
; si-vei, months ns nssisiani 10 i.
M. (. HeiKicison, plant pathologist
'nnd assistant eoiuitv ugriculturis. It r
'd-iclo-wi loiintv. at Medford,
that develop constantly will bo thrill
Ing and full of sunpense.
Madame Duval and her band of
conspirators have the will, which Is
really Zudora g only title to tho fahu
lously wealthy diamond mine In
South Africa, ami other good pictures.
It was announced bv her physicians J
last night, however, that she was i
somewhat better.
Xotlro Is hereby given that (he un
dersigned will applydo the city coun-l
I ell nt Its meeting to lie held March
10th. 191.',, for.a license to uell ninlt.i
I toy Scouts Xotlro. t spirituous and vinous liquors In
There will he a short lnmlneM quantities less than a gallon on Its!
meeting on Friday evening, March 'placo of business on Main
s'tli. at ti:S0. so bo on hand promptly; street, city of Medford for a period
at this hour, as we havo some ini- of six months.
portant matters to take up.
K. KI) Hfl.L.
S. M.
Dated March tth, 1915.
This glass was originally Intro
duced Into tho Pulled States about
IIMI'J, fruiii The Siiilaii, l?g)pl. The
results of early expcrlmenti. war
ranted the bundling of the need In
rommerclal quantities, cxpctinllv In
the Kouthern state, where l! has lie
corn n very popular. It Is pin Ocular
ly suited for sect Ions deficient In
rainfall: lias all the good qualities of
Johnson (trans without the objection
able features, but, unlike .IoIiiikou
(trass, It Is an antitinl and must be
planted each season, and docs not
spread and become a pest. Tho qual
ity of Sudan (Irass liny Is considered
equal to Timothy. It lebbt from
two lo four tons per arte without li
titration, and with Irrigation, ot
course, would run much higher. The
seed should not be planted until alt
danger of frost Is pnst and the ground
thoroughly warmed, ns the young
MONARCH SEED & FEED CO., :t nut Main si.,
riihllc Auction.
If not raining I will sell at public
auction Saturday at 1:30, corner
Main and Fir, furniture, carpets,
rugs, stoves, willow settee, Incuba
tor, lounge, Ico cream freezer, fire
less cooker, washing machine, blue
flame oil stove, lawn mower, feed
cutter, pump and pipe, tar paper and
many other useful articles. 29C
P. !:. WYXKOOP & CO.
Without "oilinen" any
lubricant would be worth
leji. You can ice the
oilinesi oferolene by
pouring a little oa a piece
of gkui and rubbing It
arnund with your finger.
Oilmen it In reality the
molcculci of the oil rolling
over each other -miniature
ball bearing! ai it were.
TIiuj when voir use a good
oil likeZcrofcne the wearing
lurfaccs of your engine roll
over these "ball bearing"
initead of rubbing together.
Uealeri everywhere.
4ho Standard Oil y
iovMoior Cars
$faninrd Oil Company
We take jjrent pleiiHiire in nn-jurosscs. Then, oi, you will find a
iioiiueiiig lo our many friends nnd I pleasing vuriety of sailors, numerous
patrons tho arrival of our new trim-1 smart Tippcrnry model,-, and many
in or, MtMi Itluiiche Host of Chicago i distinctive military Italians.
nnd Into of Sun Francisco. Mix
Hoyt is mi exceptionally capable
yojuig lady, having trimmed for Oago
Hi osr. of Chicago two sonsiinn and
having spent la( season with Andrew
A. Jacobs of Sun Francisco, where
she was engaged iu trimming pattern j eccentric military nnwltics, so good
hats for (hut large millinery odulj.
Mist; Hoyt is now iu charge of our
exclusive, millinery section, wheio
she will be plcnsed (o meet lhn ladies
of Medford mid vicinity ut their curl
iest convenience.
.Just u word in regard to the
Fashionable New Modes in
High Grade Millinery
we uro now showing. You will find
licit' u beautiful assoitmciil of (he
Jntcbl iu clever stylos for the coming
season, our stock comprising mnuy of
Ihu iillru-small shapes delightful,
clinging little toques mid smacking
of the military, in eoekndo effects,
oicnlcd in ribbons, pins mid bended
' il fV I
sm !
' mBk-.Twn
vr&zMm& h
i m Trrizf m
America's J fa
... . f
i f
) I
No Need to Take the Risk
There Is no really good reason for leaving our valu
ables In some limecuro place. They should havo the Almo
lute Protection of our Flro and Margins Proof Vault,
where we havo Safe Deposit lloxcs for rent na low as
2 00 mid up )cr year.
Our Stock of TrimminKS
Ik particularly notable this season,
being composed of all that is new in
the popular fruit mid flower effects
mid including a largo showing of the
We Invite You
To Call and St'c Our Lovely
Yon will ho delighted withtho .IOxelusivo Mnduls wo
show. Si vies for o.yvvy occasion. Come try them on.
Our rcasonahle prices will please you. -
MARCH 4th AND 5th
Misses Lounsbury 6 Semon
At The M. M. Department Store
during the present war iu F.iaopc.
Kibbotis are, us usual, much in fnvor,
the narrow width Failles being tho
moro fashionable. In silks by Ihu
yard wo bine all (ho now shades in
Failles, crepes do chine mid crepe
We are iccciviiig new shipments by
express every few duys mid can as
mire your finding here nothing but
the very latest styles, whether it he
n pattern hut, lint rimmed shupn or,
merely n few trimmings you wish lo
Pay us u visit now whilo yon have
lirst chidce of what we have (o of lor.
It will be n great pleasure (o 1iow
-J 5 05 '"J -'$-$'5 5
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Kffoetlvo from August 1, 1014, to August 1, lDrfi, nnd guaranteed
against any reduction dining that time: '
Touring Car - V 100
ItlllUllMlllt-. , -1 10
Town Cur ' (MM
V. O, It, Detroit. All cars fully equipped,
(In tho United HtutoH of America Only.)
Further, wo will lie nblo to obtain tho maximum efficiency In our
factory production, and tho minimum cost In our purchasing ami
Bales dopurtiuoutii If wo can reach mi output of 000,000 cars between
tho abovo dates.
And should wo reach this production wo ugroo to pay aH tho btiyor'B
retail buyer who purchases u now Ford car between August 1,
Hhnro from $10 to $00 per car (on or ubout Agust 1, llMH) to ovory
19 H, uiul August 1, lUlfl,
For further particulars regarding those low prlcoH nnd profltjBbnr-
Iiik plan, hco the nearest Ford Ilranch or Denlor,
Ford Motor Car Company
G. E. GATES. Airent
Sparta llulblliig Medford, Oregon, II
fluffy and nhuudanl, aud possess an iceut bottle of Knowiton's Dnndertuo
lucompatable soltuets ami luster. fiom any drug stoie or toilet count
Ilesbles utcauilug and beaiitlfylug er aud try tt.
1 i
plant Is more lender than Sorghum,
The ciop matures Iu 70 to SO days
fiom the time of planting The earl
ier the planting tho moro opportunity
of several cuttings during tho sea
sou It can bo grown In rows U0
to at) Inches apart and cultivated
like corn, or could bo sown broad
cast by hand. The cutting ot tho
grass (or ha should tin done ai sgou
as tho grass Is fully bended; a new
crop will then start again from tho
sumo plants. On nremail of tho
readiness with which Sudan Orus
nouses with all varieties of Sorg
hums, It should never ho , planted
near any of theie crops, especially
when grown for hccI purposes.
Tlio crops ublrli con In grown
from tilts new grass uro wonderful,
anil Suihiii (Ji'iihn N IhiiiuiI to 1st one
of tlio widest planted cro), In tlio
' 1