Ct . '9nf $nmt MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE fc SECOND EDIT J ON WEATHER Fair Mux. 0(1 1 Mb. S. rorly-fmirth Yr. iliv Nlnlli Yiwr MEDFOKD, OREGON", AVIODNKSDAY, MMICU 3, 1015 NO. 294 ALLIED FLEET RESUMES'ATTACK UN A DAN Flfly-two Warships on Scene Rus sians Win Important Victory Over Turks In Caucasia, Ciitllnn Off Turkish Army Little Change on Either Eastern or Western Fronts. ASHLAND HUE TAGMO H HOUS E I'AltlH, Maich a. Tlio llnvnN nuw.ii agency Ki'vo mil n dlnputch this afternoon confirming tho ntnloment puhllnlicd In tho 1'nrln Mntln tltltt inoriiliiK that tlio allied fleet resumed lint bombardment of llio Dardanelles KNtordny (Tiiodny) morning, "Tint bombardment or tlio Interior rnillflrutloim of tlio Dardanelles was resumed IIiIm morning. Tlio ulllvit hnvo it total of f'J warships on tlio ncono. Klvu or tlium entered the htrultn. While this movement was gong on four lmttloiihlN began tho bombardment of tlio Tnrklnh posi tion frentlni: on tho gulf of Hnron. which In separated from the Darda nelles by tlio Gnlllpoll peninsula, Till Un ltoallf Mlttuillon "luformntlnn from ndlnhle sources H lo tlio effect Hint Turku now real. Ivm tlio itltiiatlou In becoming crltt iiil, I lofonium oru being thrown up luihtlly nt different points nloiiK tho rousts of Aula Minor, Troops from tlio Vila) Is of Knilrim nru biting rushed to tlio Dardanelles region. Desertions nro numerous. l'laranlH nrw milil to huo been posted In Con stantinople proclaiming to young TurkH leaders traitor. Hitter dlsson (dons nro reported to liavo arUun among tho Turkish leaders." Council Chamber Witnesses Police Riot Chief Knocked Down by Pa trolmen and Policeman Resttjns Rather Than Arrest Bellincreuts City Without Police Protection. SUBMARINE U-9, THE TIGER OF THE SEA, IS alio (icri'iriii undersea lei ifr( '"IJ 0." gelling. n ioiihIiik mi-Imi ilrendnaiiglif news on Iter icluiii lo Kiel nflii- u timing rnlil on tl fleet lu fl(o Nortli cH. MISSING AD PROBABLY AT BOTTOM ZKQK- Itllknui Defeat Tilik TIFI.IS, THANH CAUCASIA. March 3. Tho Russian army of tho Caucasus, driving tho Turkish force before It, linn reached tho river Kho puchns, tho ostuury of tho Tcliorulc In Armenia. Thin nilvlco by tho Hus sions cuts tlio roulo of Tnrlduli rein forcements and supplies from Con Htantlnoplo to tho Caucasian froutlur, through Khopn, Turkish Armenia, anil Isolates a lorgo section of Turk IhIi territory. Tho Isolated section Includes tho (IIhIiIcIm of Ardnniich, Ardaliau, QUI and Knrl Kniuysh, Tho Russian fore-ox advanced from llatum, on tho lllack Son, near tho Turklidi holder, and wore opposed h tho TurkM at uvery stop. They woio assisted hy Russian warships, Which eloared tho idiom of Turklidi forcoH mid cut off successively several nvo mum of Turklah communications hy vea until only tlio hiiopu routo ro maliied. After n Imttlo of throo daH this hint routo was cloned of fertilely. Utile Change on KniutN Russian' cnmpnlgn In tho north Iiiih deolopod no now features. Although PHrogrud states that tho Russians nro every whoro on tho offensive thltt liiovumiint apparently In not being preHod with vlh'or, except In n fow illHtilrtH. Toduy'H report from tho Herman war office mom Hint mivorat iillomplH of tho HuHHlnuH to mlvanco woro roptdled. Actlvo oporatloiiH In rl'anco nt 111 nro lonflni'd prlnclpnlly to tho Htrlp of (ho front In tho Cliiunimnno tok Ion. Tho Krtmvlt wnr offlco nn uouncoH that u Ioiik Htrutch of dor man flrHt lino ponltloiiH Ih now un der control of tho ulllen, hut tho Ilorlln military chlvfH repeat tholr n Hortlon that tho Kronen hnvu Imon ro pulHod and coiupollod to rotlro to tholr own ponltlonn. At. ouo point In tho Vohkoh. Ilorlln anuouucoH, tho (lorimiiiH hnvo nmdo an advanco of flvo Dillon In tho litHt fow duya, AHIIWANU, March .1 Momliorii of police fotnt turned tithk'H on Inlinhl InntR Iiihi iiIkIiI and limtead of pre HorvliiK tho penco fracturod It. Hceno city hall, wltli rouncll In nemiloii; tlmo, hot ween S nml !t o'clock; drn iiintlc perxouno, chief of police, ijuo- 'rum of counclluidi, nnd populace. with tho onllnnuco nKnliiHt prlzo flKlilliiR Jimt pnidiiK to Rocond read In K. Act I, Chief Porter culled nut Into hall and Knocked down hy Patrol man Sam W'llnon, who dltappourod from ucciio. Act 2, Pntrolmnn Atlerhory rniin moned to nonrch for and tirnmt Wll- Mm, which ho refined to do, (under InK lift star. , Tablenu WIIkoii wiih nfterwnrdi huntl'd up and tendered IiIh rcilKim- Hon. i Act I, tumult nn tho Plnzn In lnw of ncufflo on ntnlrwny loadliiK to council chamber. IM llutler. from IiIh ilnco of liunlncHii, heard tho Hhock hut tliotiKht It watt the major rullnt; on point of order. Council In uproar nnd adjourned till tonlRht. Act Ti, Chief Porter Invalided homo In Councilman Waro'n ambulance, Iio Iiik coimlderably bruUed but not ncr louily hurt. No Inner fnctn nro ob tainable, but trouble been browltiR between chief nud mibordlnuto for Home time pant. (Irand flpnu: No pollco protec tion InNt nlKht excopt nt hands of ro nerven who woro called out. A feel- Inn of Knco nnd necurlty provnIU In jplto of compllcatlonn liable to nrlno. No arrentM na yet, but probably oxlt inoinherii of force nnd now denl. Curtain. Two hniiil-nie-down police unlforum nud ouo Hplck-nud-Apnu new ono for mile chenp, or will be traded for eijulty In K'hh Htrenoim job. Ouo leport wtnten that when a vol unteer had a Mar pinned on him, ho demanded n riiii, which wan provided on the ureuo by ono of tho council men, who whipped It out of IiIh pocket iih ho ilileiitly wan prepared for trouble. Pntrolmnn Ham W'llnon voluntarily nppenrod before tho city recorder thin forenoon nud paid n fine of $10 for the nnnault on Chief Porter. FrlendH of W'llnon panned tho lint on tho ntreet and In n few mluutcH rained n mini to relmbiino W'Hhou In that amount. ic iiiituii mm i i- ' nrFv- fajH'f ' 'W i. . itfefc j'r-'twoiiw - - pi m'7ms mimimmw rVff53BaSi--' iHK vi ::?r Dauntless BEEKMAN WILL PROBATED TODAY " " F! DURTH VENR E DM 0 MAI JURY . ( State Exhausts Peremptorks and De fense All But Two Eleven In Ju7 Box at Noon, But Several Likely to Bo Excused Cautioned Against Reading Newspapers. FAMILY BEQUEATHED IS 1 PROPERTY WHICH ESTIMATED WORTH HALE A MILLION FRENCH STILL HOLD CHAMPAGNE FIELD E UNDERWRITERS WILHELMINA'S N'KW YORK', Mnrcli ,'. Tho iillicK' interdiction on nil nliips to uuihl'roui (leimuny tuid AiiHtriii Iiiih rcHiiHod in New Yoilc umlerwrlk'i'rt refiiHltiK to ut'ut'pt liskH on uny eiiroeM lo Cler iiinny, ov'i'pt with tho phniho iu tho jmlioy, "froo of HiiliKlt capture." SliippeiH do not wont to accept Hiieh tciniH. Noininnl rnttm of iuHiinineo 1110 from Vj - ti par cent, iih lliey linvo hccii, liul IIiIh iIoi'h nut iiihiuo iib'iiiiisl (ho ciiptmn of u ciuo, l'AKIS, Mnieh .'I, via Loutltpi, H p. m. Thu ol'heinl couunuuicution lroin the wur olfico Hiiyn: "There n nothing of impnttunco to mhl to liiht tii;htV coiumuuiciition. In ChnmpiiKUo we hold tho eutuu 1'irnt line of (lenunn trciuthes from u point noitlittpht of l'ettlicrt to noith of lieu Hcntihjnr unil ut hovernl points wo hnvo projjrchst'il uloiiu; tliix line. Tlio pi'ogienK ut vaiioiiH poiuth which vvuh reported yehtetilav is confirmed. This proRTCHH hits lieen inuintnined every- where, "There Iiiih been ciuiuoimditi); in thu Arconiu. "On tho rest of thu front there ih nothing to report." Tho Itiht will nud IcMiiineiit of Cor iielitH C. llcekmun, pioneer Juckon xille hanker, wiih filed for probate with tho county clcik thin morning. The Miluo of the Chtute will ho deter mined by nppruixcrrt. Wealth iMi muted ut .f.'dKMlOO i left to his wife and daughter, Carrie, and son, Hen jaiuiii li. lleekmuu, uu attorney of I'mtlnud. Theio nru no lieipiests to charity or cduentinuul iuxtitutiouK. The will was dniwn August 7, 1011, nud !h witiuNhed hy Henry (!. l)o. and Dr. J. Y. Koliiu-.on, both lifelong frndrt. 910(1,01)0 in (.'old to Wlfo to iiih who (he tlepaiteil pioneer heipientlieil $100,(11)0 in gold, or its equivalent in bonds, if hhu so deiires, the family homo iu Jacksonville, nud .f.'iOOO in gold to he paid within sixty days ufter Ins death. Thu will in htructs that till money bo paid in United KtntcH gohl eoin. The Iiouse liold effects and the lot and lots upon which the fumilv liomo htuuds are given to his wife, with tlio exception of u piano. To bin daughter, Carrie, ..'i000 iu United Stntes gold coin is beiueiitbcd nud the plnno, with tbeproiion that tho money bo paid iu sixty days uf ter date. Provisions not mado in the will were inaile for tho daughter. Tho tcinaiuder of tho estate, con sisting of land, notes, mortgages, Htookn nnd bonds, valued nt between $150,000 nud .fllOO.OOO, is left to his eon, Hcnjuiuiu. DcjmisKoin to Do Paid The first nrovisions iu the will pro vide for the payment of nil depositor in the "lleekmuu hanking bouse," and the settlement of nil just debts with out delay. These two obligations nro given precedence over the legacies. Ilis ton and daughter, lleiijnii:iii and Carrie, mo named joint execut ors, nnd tho will requests that they servo without bonds or order of the coint. Tho ontute will bo udmini tiled by Heujaiuiu Heekmau, who will give up his law practice nt Portland mid make his residence with the fain ily. Tho will, covering throo pages and a half of legal cap, iu full is nt fol lows : Hcvkmnn Wilt Ih IWwl "I, Cornelius C. lleekmuu, of .lack son county, Oregon, being of bound and disposing mind nud memory, do make, publish nud declare this my l'bt will and testament, hereby revok ing nil former wills made, by me, in iheuauuer following, to-wit: "l''irt Wliereus, I mil the owner of nnd hnvo for innnv years past managed a bank situated in Jackson ville, Ore., known us the "lleekmuu hanking house," and whereas various pcooiiH of tho general public liao r-ccoutits with said bank for money deposited therein, and for which I am (sponsible, therefore I direct my e rmilnrs hereinafter named to take cberge of said banking lnisiuess im n.edwitely ufter my death, nnd to nj ecry depositor therein tho full amount found to bo duo him; nnd that said executors do this without any nider of court, and lief nro nnv of tho Captain Leaves Behind Story Of Under Sea Raid The kaiser's sea terror, Submarine 17-9, is missing. Site probably licj m a watory tomb iu the bottom of the North sea. JJr.r to her belongs the credit for the greatest single naval exploit in the great hiiiropean war, and perhaps m history. .This was the blowing up, on one raid, of the three English cruisers the Cressy, the Aboukir and the Iloguc. C'aptai.i Otto "Wcddigen, commander of the little sett tiger, was allowed by the German admiralty to jtell the story of his exploit and it has been incorporated into the records of the L'nittkl States congress. Here is the story told by the 02-ycar-old captain who will probably never bring his boat to Helgoland again: "1 et out from u North sea port on ono of the tinus of Hbe Kiel canal nnd Inid my eoue iu n southwesteily direction. I cannot say jiiht when I -tnrted, but it was not iiiutiy days before the morning of September '22 when I fell in with my ipmrry. I was then ligbteeu tea miles northwest erly of the Hook of llollnndi Wo were partially submerged with about five leut of tho pcrNcopc showing. As I caught sight of tho three liritish cruisers I submerged completely nnd laid my courtu so us to bring up in the center of tho trio. , (Continued on l.as? Page) (Continued on page two.) UNITED STATES FILES PROTEST ON OBREGON'S ACTIONS CARGO IN PRIZE COURT NKW YQHK. March .-Xnrwin 11. hlndherm, attornoy for tho owners of the cargo of tho American bteamsbip Wilbelmiun, now detained at Fal mouth, Kngluud, announced today that bo had received word from his representative nbrond that a wilt bus been issued and horyed placing tho cargo m u prir.o com I, WAR TO HE KNIFE IS E AMBTKHDAM, Mnrch ,1, via Lon don. Tho Cologne fluzette, com menting on Premier Asquith's recent speech iu tho houso of commons, iu which he outlined Great llrituin'b re taliatory measure for flermnny's submarine, blockade of tho liritish Isles, qnys: "Our mibinurineswill now, we hope, endeavor to destroy nil goods des tined for (heal ltiitain. Ureut Urit aiu wishes war to tlio Knife; she shall hnvo it," RELIEF STEAMER ON REEF XOItFOMC. Vn., March 3.--The liritish steamer St. lloloua, carrying supplies from Charleston, S, C, to Hottordam for llolglan relief, Is ashoro off Currituck Itfo saving sta tion on tho North Carolina coast, according to advices rocolvod hero today, Tho St. Helena, a vessel of 2, 70S tons, left Charleston February 2S. I lor cargo consists of 7,000 tonn of food and clothing, WASHINGTON, March 3 Tho stato department today protested to (loucral Curranza asalnst alleged "Incendiary statoiuouts" mado iu Mexico City by General Obregon, re garding tho food situation thoro. Al though Gcuc-ral Obregon made public announcement that ho withdraw his troops at tho first signs of hungor riots, stnto department advices toda said ho had declined fqod from an i , , , - tcrnatlonul rellof committee.' Tho situation in -Mexico Cljy, Is at tributed to, tho clpslug of govprhmout offices, tho suspension of lnliustry, tho Isolation of tho capital Xrom tho outlying country and tho sending of fod supplies to Vera Cruz. Stato department reports woro sum marized In this announcement; "Tho department was advised that on March a tho press of Mexico city published another statement from General Obregon as follews: At tho first nttompt at riot I will leave tho city at tho head of my troops In order that thoy may not flro single shot against tho hungry multitude ne tho merchants did not GERMAN NOTE HIGHLY PLEASING TO WASHINGTON M WASHINGTON, March 3.Adinin istrntion officials wcro manifestly en couraged today by tho unofficial nc counts of tho German note. While unofficial repoits from Loudon on Great Britain's attitude on tho same subject have to far been indefinite, officials hero take tho view that the Germans may hnvo somo influenco !u)bu it. They hold to tho position of Wie United States is absolutely iu nc- .tkml with international law. nltboiiL'li they realize Great Uritain lias taken n very advanced, stand in her latest uoto. iceprescutativo iMelz, who is in comiuunicntion with u&ei-s of dyo stuffs on baud in tho United States nt piesent nnd only n few days.' sup ply in prospect. American textile mills nro practically dependent upon German dyestuffs. Another special venire, tho fourth", wns ordered drnwn by Jiultro P. M. ( nlkins of the circuit court thin morning to fill the jury box iu the Loris Martin trial. The stato lias ex hausted nil its percmplorici, nnd tlio defenso nil but two. It is expected that a full jury will be secured (bis nfternoon and tho taking of tedinjony in tho ense begun in tho morning. Eleven men sit in the jury box, but three or four of tncc face exctisa ment. Tlio court this morning in structed the jury to retrain from rending nny local paper during thtir period of service, nnd nny outside pa per article bearing rcfcrcnco to Iho trial in progress. Tho court':! re marks followed a motion of the at torney for the defeneo that tho jur ors bo re-exnmined, for fear preju dice had been caused as tho result of nn nrticlo appearing in tho Morning Sun headed, "Tamper With Loris Mnrtin Jurymen." This nrticlo brought n rebuke from tho court. Had Fixed OplBlotM A large percentage of tho jurors excused from service said that they had fixed opinions, formed by read ing newspaper articles of tho crime. George B. Carpenter, a special veniro man under examination, said that he had formed n fixed opinion from bearing a discussion of the. case by both the prosecutor nnd Attornoy Iteames. Ifo qualified his statement by saying that he had requested tho opinions of the two lawyers nnd had a knowledge of both bides of the is sue. The eight special veniremen drawn Tuesday nfternoon wcro ex hausted in nn hour, lint ono addi tional man wns secured. MTost of thoso called wcro business men of this city. During tho morning session tho court was compelled to caution tho crowd against restlessness, most of those present being prospective jur ors and witnesses. Over seventy wit nesses will bo cnllpd. Many of these are from tho Trail' district, nnd nftcr the adjournment of court visited Mnr tin iu tho county jail. Among tho number were his mother, sister nnd other relntives. . Wears Mountain Garb Martin appeared in court iu his shirt sleeves, wenrin" it pair of blue, overalls sbowine; the effect of wear, and heavy mountain shoes. lie was garbed almost ns ho would have been wero he in tho mountains. When brought to the county juil tho day after tho crime he wore his Sunday clothes. When court adjourns this nfternoon two days and iv half will have been consumed iu tho securing of n jury. I DYNAMI accopt tho Invitation which was mado to thorn to assist tho pcoplo and pro vent violence,' " Murshfleld Contract let for now Catholic church, noSTON, March 3. Three Indict ments charging tho Illegal transpor tation of dynamite In Interstuta com merce have boon roturncd by the fed eral grand jury against Welnor Horn, who attempted to destroy the later national railway bridge at Vanceboro, Mo., February 2, Federal Attorney George W. Anderson announced to day. Tho maximum penalty for the oftenso is eighteen months impris onment and a fino of 12000. A copy of tho indictments was Mt to tho United States marshal at Part land. .Mo., with instructions that Hera bo arrested on Saturday oh his re lease from Jail at Maohias, wkern ho is serving a sentence of thirty days for damaging property at Van-boro. WAHSAW, lhisswn Poland, MnrwJi 3. A Gormun aviator' tedtty Uo--barded Warsaw, Mail of Um bowbti fell in residents dltriti. MiNy windows wcro shuttm! b( tUot wero no cushhHIwl 'I I I "l v4 ' V.M w