k ' r i , - r ' e PAGE TWO tmmmm IOCAL AND L PERSONAL h. K, Iloyiioldn, nralstnnt manager of tho Hotel Multnomah Is In M eel ford loelny to moot tho Whirl ot tho World special train passing through nbbiit t p. in. Tho Whirl of tho World nlays Hi Portland tomorrow. Kdgar Ilnfor Ih r-ncrtalnlng Mr. lieynolda. M , - v . N tfrr-d Hanpsoii, sBltnnt x buiortn tonddnt of tlio Southern Pacific com pany, In In Mcilford. foifay. Ladle?.' 'doj)wrb llk hoso, 35c a pair, throo pair for $1.00. llutcht non & Lnirisdon. 292 AV. J. Stockham, section foreman ot the Southern Pacific, foil from Bonio troc ho was "pruning and bruin ed himself about tho head. Hutchison R. I.utnsdon aro offering n 1Ik bargain In ladles' Bilk hoso at 35a a pair nnd tlirco pair for $1.00. 292 Dr. Springer and bride, nco Ger trude Kay, returned fiom their hon eymoon tills morning. Kodak finishing and supplies at Woston'fi Camera Shop. Opposlto Book Store. W. 0. Aldonhagen of the California-Oregon Power company. Is In the valley on loudness. Don't miss getting thoso ladles silk hoso at Hutchison & Lurasden's, 3r.c a pair, throo pair J1.00. 292 T. V. Mllos and wife, Dolroy Getch ell ahd family, W. II. Goto and party. John S. Orth and family nnd many allien? motord. to Ashland Sunday. Get It at Da Voo'B Sunday was an Ideal spring day With bright sunshine and balmy air, nnd Me4ford people enjoyed a day In tho open air, many going to near Creek and Roguo Illver to fish, meet inc -with noor success. City pasenger eervlco 18c. Coun- trv trlnn In nronorlion. Plerson & Foster. Phono S78-L. tf Seventeen wanderers were housed in tho city Jail Saturday night, tho larsest number at any tlmo this year Tho spring migration of -transients from tho south Is now on In full force, which accounts for tho sur plus. Kodnk finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book Store. Owing to heavy southbound traffic on tho Southern Pacific two engines wcro attached to No. 13 this morn ing. Tho train consisted ot four bag ebro and mall coaches, and twelve naasencer coaches, all full. This Is duo to exposition travel, mostly from tho cities of tho Northwest, who are seeing tho fair beforo tho rnld-sura incr rush of eastern tourists. See Dave 'Wood aoout that flro In turanco policy. Offlca Mall Tribune Qldg. Ed G. Drown and wife returned Saturday night from a month's tp through tho southern states, vjsii lug relatives and attending to bus lness matters. Matlnco. tho Page today. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mcllrldo spent Saturday afternoon and evening in Ashland visiting friends and attend ing- to Mcdford-Ashland basketball gamo. Sweet elder at Do Voe's. ' Charles Young and Shorty Miles re turnod Saturday from a two weeks hunt on Evans creek. Mr. oYung klllod throo cougars, two largo .ones and n cub. Uet your Dijttor, cream milk and uuttcr-nillli, at Do voo'i. Donuty District Game Warden Sam Sandry of Itoguo Illver Is In tho city this week as a witness In tho I.orls Martin murder trial. Pclvitouor for ladles, Mrs. Leach. Phono GC3-J. Robert Gordon has returned to his home near Trail after spending a few days in tho city. Kodak finishing tho best, at "Wes ton's Camoro Shop. Ovor Isls Thea ter Tho noxt gamo In tho Ashland Medforil fcorles for tho championship of Southern Oregon will bo played in this city at tho Nat noxt Friday evening, aud 1000 peoplo nro ox poc'tod to witness tho game. A special train will bo run from Ash land to accommodate tho rooters. A return gnmo will bo played In Ash land noxt Saturday oveplng. No sporting ovont In the History of South ern Oregon, not ovdn whon Dud An derson was light wolght champion of the world without his title, Is at tracting so much attention. Early cabbage and. cauliflower plantH jendy March Jst. Orders also tukenror all kinds of vegetable planUf. Maddux & J'onHcy, phono 87-U."' 310 J, A. Westorlund loTt Sunday after noon for San Francisco to attend to business matters. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Caraora Shop. Over Isls Thsater, A, O, Arvldflon of Uldgeway, Pa., is spending a few days in tho valloy Inspecting local conditions. v JmncB H. IIukkIus of Marshal Is spandlnfE a fow dun in this city and A'shlMid Hturadlngtto business mat tM. A meeting will bo held nt the pub lic library next Thursday evening with Wilt 0. Steel ns chairman for tho purpose ot organising n hiking and mountain climbing club. Alt Interested In this form of activity aro nsked to attend. Prismatic hay has accomplished tho most wonderful results In scalp trou ble; used only In connection with Mnrlncllo treatments. Try it for falling hair. Marlnello Hair Shop, 407 Garnott-Coroy nidg. Tho typewritten evldonco In tho suit ot.tho California-Oregon Power company suit against the city of Mod Tord has been received by Attorney Gus Newbury, and wilt be forwarded to Judge Wolvorton of tho fedoral bench In Portland at once. A decis ion, In the ordlnnry course of court business, will come in from thrco to four months. J. O. Gcrklng, tho best nil around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any- whero, tlmo or place. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. Gamo Wnrden Kred Merrill of Grants Pass spent Saturday In Med- ford attending to official business. Tho Elks Lodge has organised two bowling teams, the best of which will contest with other teams being or ganised for the city championship at an early date upon, tho Nat alleys. For better Insurance, see Holmes, the Insurance Man. County Surveyor A". T. Drown has returned from a week's business trip at Itoguo Illver. 13. J. Stewnrt will buy somo county warrants at discount, 290 Tho army of the nover-work will have to execute a wtdo flank move ment, or make a center drive, through Medford In the future or go to work. This Is tho policy likely to be adopted nt tho meeting of the city council to morrow ntght. Spring Is here, nnd tho annual agitation for a clean-up is on, so the city fathers will let tho wonderers do the cleaning up. All transients after 24 hours will bo put 'to work sweeping tho streets and al loy;. Ashland has decided to use tho wanderers In Its spring campaign for a city beautiful, and Medford Is forced in retaliation to follow suit, or suffer. $2000.00 to loan. Sco Holmes, tho Insuranco Man. " Attorneys Newton Dorden, Gus Newbury, G. M. Roberts and O. C. Doggs aro visitors on legal business in Jacksonville today. It now dcvelopcs that $25 worth of pipes were stolen In tho burglary last week ot the Sparta cigar otorc. The thieves crawled over tbo iron gate way. Mrs. A. A. Flynn has returned from a visit with friends and rela tives at Gold Hill. Tho Easter vacation In the schools of tho state will begin Thursday, April 1st, and last until tho following Tuesday. Medford Camp No. 90, Woodmen of tho World, held a busy session In their lodgo hall, Wednesday night, February 24. Tho W. O. W. orches tra entertained with a number ot cholco selections. A banquet wns served in honor of tho Orchestra, and the meeting as a wholo was consid ered ono of tho most pleasant and en joyable sesHlons of tbo season. Several ot the piano pupils of Mrs. C. A. Meeker wero heard In a recital Friday afternoon at her home, 315 North Dartlett strcot. The mothers and frlonds of the pupils wero tho guests of tho afternoon. The program consisting of piano solos and duets, was given by tho following pupils: Evn Vaughn, Florence Cleveland, Lu cretla Dntoman, Izola Vaughn. Marie Turpln, Clarence Turpln, Charles Gault and Peter Ilaloman. Dr. C. II. Ray of the Dradon mlno spent Monday In Medford visiting his family. Ho states that Colonel Frank II. Ray of Now York will ar rive tho latter part of tho week for a fow days visit. 10 Fl SALEM, Ore, Mar, 1. Governor Wlthycombo announced today that ho would appoint Major Carlo Abrams, of this city, to succeed Miss Fern Hobbs as member ot tho state Indus trial accident commission. He will assumo the duties of the offlco when Miss Hobbs' resignation becomes ef fective May 21. JURY OUT IN CASE OF ALLEGED MALPRACTICE Tho jury in fie cosp of Russell Wheeler against Dr. R. W. Cluney for $10,000 damages for ullcgcd malprac tice in Iho setting of a broken leg, be- gun its deliberations at llu'O this morning, nnd nt 2::J0 tins afternoon was still out. A motion for noii-guit filed this morning by the defense was disallowed hy tlio court. The plaintiff in tho suit is u 13-yonr-old boy, ami tho legal action is being taken by his guardians. Pliysieiuns and surgeons of this oity uihI Ashland wero culled ns ex port w'ituebbe: by both sides. MHDKHiD MAIli TUinUNK BELGIANS NED RELIEF 10 KEEP F LONDON, Mnrch 1. -Ueriieii r Hoowr, chairman of the Amorienn Heluinn relief committee, today sued tlio following stntemi'tit: IX- 1 "It is duiml that eertivin, facts he Krfoi,ti,v clear in the dicii-ion. gxHUK on in the American prc- with relation In the work of thi oommis sion : "1'in.l The Gorman authorities n greed with iw in December that there should he no further reui.itiotw or jmrohnvos of foodstuffs by the Ger man tinny in the occupied xone nl Itctaium. The occupation xone eoin- prkes the whole of Helgium, with tho exception of territory immedmtol.v ailincciit to the tmhtinir lino. The Gormnn authorities have enrriotl out this undertaking: with scrupulous en re. There never has been any in terference lv them with foodstuffs imported hy this commission, and the whole of these foodstuff or Ihcir equivalents have roho to the Ueliintt civil population. "Second Every Helginn is loilny on n ration from this commission. Food and money nre not intcrclmnge tthle. A Ilclpinu man with u million .dollars in cash eun obtain no more .bread than tho man who is destitute nnd without any opinion on tho jus tice or injustice of levies in the way of forced issues of paper money. 1 enn reiterate that the Helgians cnu onlv ho unxed from starvation by tho imports of this commission. The Germans cannot nnd will not unpply 10,000,0(10 peoplo north of the Ger man line with food." SALEM, Or., Mnrch 1. With ap parent assets totnllin;; .f ."7,71U.70 nnd liabilities totalling .123,01-I.U0, the Horticultural Firo Relief of Oregon, through its president, II. J. Miles, to day filed u petition in the state cir cuit court hero asking that Insurance Commissioner Wells be appointed re ceiver for the company. Although tlio petition does not nsk for the ap pointment of commissioner us re ceiver of tho Pacific Home Mutual Firo Insurnneo company nnd the Or egon Merchants' Mutual Firo Assur ance company, Mr. Miles authorized the stntc that the issuance would also handle their affairs. Tho Horticul tural Firo Relief of Oregon had rein sured these two companies. The proceedings instituted today wero taken at tho fitnrgestion of C'om missionor Wells nfter tho books of the company had been examined by an expert accountant. AMERICAN FLAG HAULED DOWN FROM DACIA NEW YORK', Mnrch 1. The Amer ienn flag, which flew over the Amer ienn steamship Dacrn, ctiptun'd Inst week hy u French cruiser aud tnlnn into Jirest, hits been hauled down im.l the American consul nt llrcst is sending the Dacin'g crow hack to New York City, according to cablegrams received hero today. BRITAIN CLOSES GERMAN PORTS (Continued from Page 1 continued, "Jt is probably within tho nmrk to suy that by April 1 wo shall bo spending roughly 2,000,000 pounds daily above tho normal. " Tim vote credit lor 2."0,000,000 pounds sterling is tho largest single vole ever put beforo tho house. It will cover iho period to the second week of July. Attack on Dimluuollctt Referring to tho attack on tho Dar danelles, tlio premier said there had been no impairment of strength of tho allies in Franco or in Hnuders hh a result of withdrawals of men for ser vice in tho enmpnign ngninst Turkey, "Wu shall continue to give tho full est und most effeotivo support there," ho added, referring to iho westorn front. "Neither has Ihcro been, for tho purposes of tho Dardanelles opera tions, any weakening of the grand ileet. Tho enterprise was carefully conceived, with distinct political, strategical and eeouomio objects." Tho premier said that the opera tions against Turkey again illustrated tho close co-operation among thu al lies, Tho volo of credit asked hy Iho g overnmenl, tho largest over put be fore tho house, was adopted unani mously. OM STARVATION HORTICULTURAL COMPANY BANKRUTCY MlfllWOmS ORMION. MONDAY, MARCH I. t!iir LORIS MRI TRIAL FOR MURDER OF GAME WARDEN l.orls .Mm tin, licensed slayer of Gamo Warden A, S. Hubbard went on trial In tho olnuill court this after noon and the task of securing a jury to pass upon' his guilt or Innocence began alter abort court formnlltlcs. Owing to tho wldo Interest In tho case, and tho bitter fooling mnuf fested In somo quarters, u special ventio may bo necessary. Tho game laws nnd tho opinions of prospective Jurors, upon their merits or demerits, form tho key question for both de fense and state. Many witnesses from Trail, near where tho murder occurred nrrlved this morning. It Is not expected that n Jury will bo sti I'ured before tomorrow noon, und that tHc hearing ot toRlltuony will begin then. Martin will plend self defense. In refutation of this the state will I li tre ill ice tho mncklnaw Hubbard wore, showing tho course of the bullet through tbo lapels, and bring wit nesses to proo that Hubbard's gun wns strapped under his arm, making It Impossible for him to have drawn It. Hubbard'H gun wns found under a bush ten feet from the body. Tho state will claim that .Martin put the gun there as a link In his defense. Uvldencc will also bo Introduced showing that Martin hud threatened Hubbard, and that the latter was warned to bo careful when ho se cured tho warrant for Mnrtlu from Justlco Taylor of this city. Tho de frnso will introduce testimony to show thnt Mnrtln wns persecuted, nnd of a peaceable law abiding na ture. The only eyo witness to tho tragedy Is Coustnblo A. L. Irwin ot Ashland, who accompanied Hubbard upon the fntoful trip. Tho murder occurred near Mar tin's cabin on Trail creek last l)e lember, where Hubbard with Con stable Irwin had gone to arrest Mar tin for violation of tho gamo laws. They were met on the trail by Mar tin, rlflo In hand. Hubbard dls mounted from his horse. Martin warned him not to approach closer, Hubbard did not heed, and a bullet fired from tho hip ploughed through his chest causing Instant death. Later Martin gave hlmolf up to .Sheriff SIngler, waiving a preliminary hear ing. The defense is represented by At torney Kvnn Realties, the state by Prosecutor Kolly.tand tho caj prom ises to bo the hardest fought legal battlo In the history of Jncksou county. i T Taxes nro payable today, March 1, and tho taxpayer, as usual, came in like n linn, though tho weather was inclined to he lamblike. For the First half day of collection $4227.8:1 wns turned in, over .lo00 (approximate Iy) more thnn Iiu4 venr. This is a barometer of holler fiuuncinl condi tions. Tho total assessment for Jackson county, ns shown on tho tux rolls, is .?78l,:il.31, divided as follews: Ktalo , jHr,470.8I) Schools ... .,. in:i,(i7fi.r7 City - . 118,074.71 Citv lions.. . 17,102.25 Firo patrol 4,8!i:i.8(l DBIILI.V, March L Tho offlclnl announcement on tho progress of tho war given out In Ilerlln today con tains n statoment that tho French forces liavo begun tho uso of n spe cial artillery hholl which spreads n poisonous gas on exploding. TOO IjATH TO OLAHSIKT. W'ANTND To buy second hand wagon must bo In good condition. Prloo not to exceed $25, phono af ter C:30 p. m C71-R2. 291 FOR RUNT FIvo room bungalow, all modern conveniences, gas wood ranges, Bowing machliio, straw berry bod. :il2 8. King St. 292 WANTKD -To purchase hotol raiiKO or larKO rango and houHohold fur nlturo. Btato chhIi prloo nnd full particulars Address If., caro Mall Trjbuno. WANTKD- I will pay canh ror a 1013 or 1014 model Kord rnr. Glvo doscrlptlon and prlco. A. 11. Stan loy, Central Point, Ore. 203 Top Price paid for BUTTER FAT The White Velvet Ico Cream Co. Medford, Oregon m TAXES AID UPON I DAY FINLEY TO LECTURE m BIRD IVIES TOSCHOOLCHILDREN Stale Game Warden V. I,. Kuiloy will give a free illnsl ruled lecture on outdoor life, illustuiled wllli now mming piolnics, to Ihh school chil dren of Mt'dfou! nt llm Pmso luOntor Tuesday afternoon (tomorrow) at 4 :M0 o'clock. Kxerv child in Mod ford aud Iho public school tenchrrs nro invited to altoiid. The lecture will follow the vcitulnr nintinoo, and tho-o attending tho latter can lomaiii, but only the children nro ndtnlllod fioo to the lecture, which is given under Iho auspices of Iho Stnto Lotiffiiu of Sportsmen and the oo-optlmtion of Dr. Page, to intercut Iho i'oiniug gen eration in out-of-door life, and love of wild thing. Tho following filtns. will ho nhewn: Reel 1 -Cruising the luge legion of stmt hern Orrgon; wrecked in the de ci t; limiting for snipe and other gnmo birds in the tule swamp; wild ducks nnd goose in the marsh: taking mov ing pictures in iho norm of u hald oaglo a hundred liot up in the top of a yellow pine. Reel 2- Landing und camping on the sea rook when1 myriads of wild fowl dwell; gcncial view of Thioo Ajrch Rooks leservution off the Ore gon ooast; gulls, musters of tho air; the birth of the baby niurro; devotion of tho wild mother; trip through the big a it'll. Reel II Crciilurrs of crag and cavern; son lions nt home nnd sport ing in the surf; the monarch of the herd; cormorant cliff dwellers; tho inratc gulls; burrowing petrels; huge billed puffins or son parrots; 'Tn h Snm's'biggest ehteken ynrd." Reel 4 Making pels of forest clul dren; finding tho baby elk; hoar cubs at home in tho woods; cougar kittens caught in the meuntains: cubs and kittens caught in the mountains; cubs und kittens at homo on the farm. Dinner time mid plav time; "with brotherly love." Reel f) Children of tho Junior Audubon societies in the Portland schools mnking bird houses; scutch ing tho woods for home silos to ho loaM'd to song birds; one of Iho bud mothers killed bv u stniv cat; the children adopt the orphan buds. Efforts arc under way to liaro Mr. Finlcy show his lihas to the general IMiblic. but lime not been prrlcctcd. Has Fine Action in the Blood Doea Real. Work in Cleaning Body of Impurities. It ! to IIia kln llmt imA Impnrltlf aro ilrlrrn liy Natiin-. Ami a l In llm kin Hint K. H. X, llm fninoiu Um pur IIIit, Imi llu iniMit iroiioi;iui(l Inlliirnrt1. For It U hern Hint ymi nv Ihn mulli. H. 8. 8. Ii nans Ilia lit iIT'ellrn In th JolnlM, KlninU noil luuuiim nurfncc In driving (Hit rlicuui.it lim, ocrioniln ImIIx Ami rliMlnjt llm vjitvni ot catnrrli. 'l'h puri'ljr vtuiMnblu InKntllt-nls In H. H, H. nrn iinturnlly miilmlliilfil tint tlirjr rntt-r llm M001I o an nctlvo runll rlnu and are nut ilcnlnijiil or rnnu'rlnl vhllo at work. It In llil peculiar fmt nro of H. H. K. Hint link.-- It Mi i-rfot-ilvr It Ktlra Intu action nil tlif forrra of llm body, nroiura ill-'tlvo m-crcllnna, atlmii Intii I lie blutxl rlrrulallun to dratroy dla iuip brrcdlnu crrma. I'lw.n inti-rtuu llm lil'xxl H, H. R. It carried Ihruiicliout your body In about Ihrio inlnulra. Anil In a brief time It baa any blood troubln 10 under rontrnl Hint It no Ioiik't ran miillliiljr. lrnilii. ally uew fleali la formnl In all brokrtf down tlaaura and llm akin take on I lie ruddy ulow ot licflllli. H aiiro and net a bottle of H. H. H. loday of any droit idal, but nvold nil aiiliallluteii. Around llm bottlo la an llluitrntrd clr cular that tella you liow lo obtain anr. clal frii- adrlrc In quickly ocrromln Hfrloiia blood dlrordera. H. K. H. H pre parid only by The Hwlft Hpccllic Co., 00 Hwlft llldi;, Alluula, Ua. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Street Medford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer in Southern Orogon Negatives Made any time or place by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. OREGON BUILDING AT IS SN' FRANCISCO, March I.- An elaborate program Iuih boon an mined for the dedication of tho Oregon building at tho Pnnnuui Paclfln In teruatloiilil exposition at U:nu o'clock this aUeriioou. It. A. Month, com mission ropi'riftetitlnif the Oregon gov ernor, was scheduled to make tho chief address. Federal .Indus Wol union of Portland was chosen lo pre side. Others on tho program for ml drosses wi'io William II. Lamar, chairman of (ho CnltoU Stales com mission, (lovsrnor Johutoii of Cali fornia and Major .Iiiiiism Itolpli, Jr., ot Sun Francisco. An liltoievtlnK fontiue was to bo tbo proteattulou of a (ommoinoratho lirousu plaque by Clinrloft C. .Mooio, president of the ox- position. Kverj thing iiihhI In llu construe Hon of tho Oragon building was soul hero from that stnto. This Includvs oven tho nulls used In tho rntnentar work. The furnlshlims wcro uiado by students of tho vnrluim advanced educational luttltutlomi, DAISY It has thnt fine delicate flavor, and la made from Jackson Count) Cream ,.., w fLZS&iiZiziliW&J .J Manufactured My The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. lcirorl, Oie. EXPOSITION DEDICATED TODAY m i:7zjvi. dn fcVftfltfKM - wC rl mrjuiio b,v II. I. n (illilic H. II. Itauiiiaii I. S. Van UIMer BRAIN OR BRAWN--WHICH? Which will YOC in,- In oartiliiK a IUIiik? Tho MRAIN WW IH tutiKlit at the Medford Commercial College "The School for the Aiubltloun." Unroll Now Day or livening .Mdlfoid, Ore. ill .. Cropo Si., rrii .A." J r 'f V'VaMW V S BENSON HOTEL S. Benson, Mflr. A. T. Lundborg, Ass't Mtjr. L. P. Byrne, Asst Mur. Buv materials Certain-teed mKmmmmammtm-mim u Roofing ft miarantred in whine 5 yean for 1-nly. 10 yeara for 2-ly. and 15 year for 3-plv, and tlio rriniiii()lllty of our hltf inilli etamli bcMml tliU Ktiaraiittr. In ipial ity U the Illicit and It) price the mutt reaiurublc. General Roofing Mfg. Company World't larot ynnnuftuturm f Hvvtitg and lUHJInii fuivrt RtwYarkCUr ffoitta CUc.ft ritlilarili tUUUtU AtUata Cllwl D.lioll 81. Lanli Ciadutti Kiaut Cllr MlaauatlU Iu'iikIki Stitlla Let Jin llimlof, Bt&ttT WOMEN'S WOES Mcdfoid oiucii in I 'hiding Relief at Last It docs s''t'in that women have mom than a fair share of tho nehos and imlus that atttli't liiiliinnllj : limy must "hoop up," must ujtoiul to dut- Icii lit spllo or (ousiiiuuy acuiug ImcliM. or headaches, dlstv nnolls. bearing down pulus: Ihov must stoop uyor, when to stoop moans liiituio. Tboy muMt walk and bend ami wptii u'lil, l'liitiilnu iiiiIiim noil mull v nuhtMi from kidney Ills. Keeping tho. ,lu Hoys well has simrsd thousands, or wtimnn much inlnsrv. Read of a ieiu edy for 1iIi1iih.vm ouU thnt U ondorncd by vooplo you know. Mrs. I. II. Whltu, .UK W. llHlulltnn St.. Medford. wiyh: "Twice 1 Imd nt- tiiuks of kldnov tiouhli. A dull imlu iHtttloil In my bnuk nml I Iiuvhiiio dlsty mid nervous. Titer ioouiihI lo bo no lost for mo day or uliihl. 1 wan all run down. Dam's Klausr Pills brought tho Iimi of rwulU. Hluro using (hem 1 buvsn't IimiI hiu kldncv houb for yowrs. ' l'rlro 50c. Hi nil dwUmn. Don't litipb k for u kidney tonimly -it nosh's Kldnov rili'i I ne snuio uuu Mr. White hud CoslHr-Milburii Co., Props, Murrain, N V - Ad. SUITS MADE TO ORDER FROM $25.00 UP Also Clcnnlnrj, Prcsslnn nml Altering I2B E. MAIN. UPSTAinS IHALL TAXI GO. MEDFORD-ASHLAND SCHEDULE North Mound Lv. .Mod ford 11 ton. in, l-'JOp. 111. COOp. m. 7 on p. m, 10.0U p m. South Mound Lv. Aihlnnd I'.': JO p. m. 2: 2 Op. m. ft:X0 p. in. S:00 p. in. 1 1:00 p. in. KATIMtDAV O.VI.V IS. 00 p. lit. U'iir, n. 111. KI'NIi.WS ONLV 9 30 n. m. tl:noa. m. i-.:;o p. m. 1:00 p. 111. 7; 00 p. m. 10:30 n. m. 12:910 p. m. 2:0p. m. 5:00 p. 111. K:U0 p. 111. I'llO.NC. 100 I'll. me 1.1.1, WHEN IN PORTLAND Stop ul tho incoiupai'.'ililo Uott'l Hoiison. JModurn, fireproof, contra I. Mnit'H inotloruto. Send foi' 1'i'ou hoolclot. MMiTrrTT LEIN ( rron ) VJUORIK In VjlEorow Hidden defects k roofing If your roofinp; is not jrliarantccd liy a responsible company you run tho riblc of fiiulinir out its defects attr it is on the roof. It costs no inoro to act a writ ten guarantee with the best responsibility behind it. thut last At each i)f our tilir 111IIU we tnnkc Hie fol AiplioltRoolln.(llBrJf.J prlcaa) SUta hurUcod Uliinilt Aiphll calls Uftilnlnii I'olU Tarrad I'.lli llululnif I'apora IntuUlIni I'ancra W.IIUo.rJi riailio Itoc(ln0 Ccmant Aanliftll (?am.li, UanS Caatinif M.Ul I'alnla ! Ouldoor Taint ft'r'4 BMnlu.-1lin loallne kNL. , jM'SteV xiif.rtfii?, : .