wdWBHP fVC s HW VV'"""'' lOTCDFOTlT) MATTJ TRTBUNF., MEDFOHD 0I?E00N, .SATURDAY, TrmTTATcY 27, IDlfl PH.K TJtrtflH 1 " '" - Tr J-r J 'I'V .'-.. i ... . .. .. u, MJi i.i .j, '.MM " '-J.-JL l- k u ak nfcaLTIBff Aiiiioiiiieeim B' Hir Tw tliitiniiiijiijji) mMT Wi'lrli, liimifi Mf (lull T ' in Cm n, Mie J !t::iliii. mi., II Tim (It iiilr Mndfnril rluh iiiiihI ml, which Im umiully hold on (ho flmt Monday of ouch iiioiith, Ih to lit) poNi piiintd IIiIh time, iik It In ImpoMlhlo to Ht'Cino tln oper- hoiimi on (lint iluli'. Mrn. I". V. Coffin who In our next lioHtiixHH I it Kriiiliiittii of tho Con iiervatory of MiihIc nt lown CoIIcko, (lilnuell, lown. Having flnlHltril nn jiltnio under Mr. Kliiituil mill wileo tin clt'f Mr. l(n)iuontl. I lor recital itlvon nt kiikIiiiHIoii won mentioned im f li ts IlI'M of t ho cIiihh, .Slit. him lnttl n r.nod ninny )onm MicrnHHftil experience In totichliiK In l Im emit, mill Ih fiiMl KrowliiK In pop ulitrlly it m it lonelier hero. Thn mimlriiU given under Ihn nil nplron of Ihn (Ironlur .Modfonl cluli lutve hi'n Hlt'inllly tinprovlni;, ntnl Mrn. Coffin I propnrlni; n fine pro ttiiiin, expecting It to continue In th iiwiiiIIiik "culo.. Tim proKriim Include n hour cycle hy Ktlinlhori No In. All inimlclnnM know lln In'iiui)' of Nov In'" rnmpo idllnmi, nml thl In oik of llio hot. Tin tlitto of t It 1m inimical will he nnnoiinri'il noxt weoh. Annul miveiity-flvn Indie enjoyed tin miitiinl "WiihhliiKton 'IVit" ulven hy (lie I'nrcnl-Tonrhorii' clrcln of Ihn KoomivoII choo nl thn honu' of Mm. .1. It. Ki'iit, SIS Kim Mn I n Mroul, nn Momlay afternoon. Tin uiomhorii of the circle cnlfoil nn colonial da num. iircliloil knicIooh I) In room npproprlntcly decorated wllh fmttnoim of hatchet" nml fine. Thn follow Iiik well rcniltirt'il pro gram wn very much enjeyed: Piano nolo, Wltehoif Dance McDonald MUn Kinnm Die Heading . In) WniiKhty ell Ih) Thn lloolhlnek Mrn. J. K. HitwMnn tVornl nolo ( "IllnU Arn Kinging" (li) I'll lln n Soldier .MIm OlmlyH Illnninn Violin nolo, Spring Souk MendelnHolin MIhh Alli'tin Pert Itendliu; (n) "Old llor" (h 'Honinliody Mil" Minn Carol I In Jarkn HnfrcHhnieiili of cherry Ico, enkn nml Ion wore nerved. Tho Parnnl-Tcachor".' clrcln of Hit ltooneVelt hcIiooI held nn intoro.ttluR meeting Friday nfternoon. Tim opening 1'xerclno wnn Ihn fnlry rpenn from Ihn mlilHtimtuor night's Dream given hy momhorn of thn lth grade. rollowltiK thin thn nuhjcrt of ".School (iardeiiB on Vacant Lots" m nhly liandlod hy Mr. I'l'ternon. Mm, I. nut nlno contrlhiiled a well jirepared pnpur. While thn piirentn rccoi;nUo tho merlin of MardenliiK nn nn educntor nml character hnlldnr, thn ohMnclon In thn way of co-oporutlvn KardenliiB In our dlHtilrt illncournKo iih. However, cnotiKh cntliimlanni wnn nroiiKcd for thn calllim of another mvetliiK fur l'rlday evenltiK, March 11'. whon Mr. IlnrrltiRton will ho proB nut. A voto of tlinnkfl wuh tendered hy thn clrcto tn Mrn, Kent for thn iiho of lior homo for tho "Wnnhlnston Ten." ' ' Company No, 2 1 or thn Uniform Hank of KiiIkIiIh or Pythlim hold ltd annual liiHtallatlou of offlcorri hint nlnht nt IIk armory In thn K, of 1'. hall. MaJ. 0. II, Pickett of Hnliim cmuo to Mud foVd I'Hpochtlly for thn cereinonlen. After thn lnntnltloii of tho offlcorn nml thn lnHpoctlou or thn company tho mnjor khvo n very Inlori'stlim talk on tho lilntory nml DoIiikh or thn Uniform Hank. ArrmiRomontH worn a I ho cnmplutml for tho dnnco to ho Klvmt hy tho company nt tho Nntn torltini nnxt Tiiendny ovoiiIiik. Tho followhiK offlcorB woro InHtnllnd: K, (1, TrowhrldRO, Jr. captain; C. W, llnrrlnon, Int lieutenant; (l. I l.lmlloy, 2d ltoutonnnt; ,1, n, Vnn Horn, chnpliiln; 1). J. Crnwoll, qiinrt. iici'KC-nitt ; II, KutoB, 10, II. McKee, C. U, Pulnoy mul 0. C, l'ontlut,', nor KonnjH, Two now monihors woro inkon in mul ii most pronporoim now yonr la looked forward to hy tho compnny, A very p!ennnnt HiirprlHo wan t?lvon ,MIuh JoHophlno (IrcKory nt hnr homo 1'i Idiiy ovonliiR. A dulnty two courno luncheon wnn scrvoil, TIioho prcHnnt woro MIbhor Jnno lliuiKon, Mabel Joiioh, Mllilroil 1111 ton, r.onilno Hilton, MIhh llnnkn, Mih, KeiHhaw, Mr, nnd Iih, Nyu mul (lor dun KerHliaw. Ill Iiiim heen rccolvcil of of Mihh lleillin II, ly of tlilf. rily, to Mr. nailer, wlileli took plnec i.. I''ul)ruurv lHlh nt ov, Win. (Inllnulicr, i'nlli- er nl' (he uroiuii iicrfonnitii tho iiion.v. Alter thn eeienmiiy tho hiulnl pml.v iiiljiniiiicil In Ihe rectorv wliutn till' Wl'llllilljr llll'llkfllHl WIIN Hl'IVI'll. Tho litiilul eoiipln left on the noon trniii lor Cli'M-himl, Ciiieiniuiti, To ledo mul other pnintri in the east. Tho hilde Ih Hio ilmiRlitiT of Mr. nml Mm, V. I). Wi'li'li of Mi'dl'onl, when) hIio Iiiih liml I'liilt'Kn of tint iloniCHtie Hi'U'iH'o ili'piiiiiurnt oT tho Med ford hijli Hi'hool nml h well known lien. She U it riiiliiiili' of Milwmikec Dow. nor college, lull. Thn (,'room Ih Ihe nun of Rev. Willinm (Inlliilier of Trinity KpiHl,l"il elinieli of Cnro, Mieli,, nml in n Kinduute of Coniell, 1111)11. Mr. (InlliiRhi'r in nt preent connected with the pnlilihliint; liouse of I!. P. Put tun Co., New Vol I,, nml in malinger of ihe educational dcnnt meiil of llui miililli' went, liniiu; hU lieitdiiiniteiH in Cliicno, where Mr. nml Mm. (Iiillnher will iiinke llielr fill in e lioiue. A very pleiixnnt Hiirpii"i' wnn jjivrn Mr. nml Mm. ' S. Ilitler TiicmImv incniiiK nl the home of Mr. nml Mm. l I'lidciiclison on N'oilli Molly "treet. The evening mim spent in (iimeH nml eonverMilioti, nml nn im iiiimptii pioinm wnn furiiihlieil. Mm. .1. II. Ilnwkin- mul Mm. II. 0. Mini iiiiI fJ"o koiiio M'iy iiilcri'sliiiK leiul. in!,", lifter whidi lefn'shmcnl'. weie Hi'iviil, Mr. nml Mm. Ilitzler nre leaving Meilfiiiil In make their home mi the llioimuer rmieli nml the host wixhes of their fiioniN for kiiooohh o wild them. Mm, J.. II. Kent nml Mm. W. K. N'orrii entertained Ihe ''Omul Will Cluli' nl the homo of the former, KIR 1-J.ihI Mnin htiei'l Weilncilny. The nflenioun wns spent in fntiey wmk nml rent soeiul time. The hou-e was liemilifitllv ileeointeil with flaw nml ItntehetH. Delieioim icfrt'slimcut of eoffee nml eitke wiik himvciI, nfter which the IntlicH departed, thanking tho liiiotosHOH for tho ploiiMint time nml hoping for many more such ath- orin-ji. InvilnlioiiH have horn Kent nut to tho memhem nml fneniN of Mcdl'ord company, .No. 'J I, uniform rank, rCniutilH of I'ylhins for nn inforimil ilmieo to ho "iven Tncilnv evening. March hull. 'J, in the small Nalutorium Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Atlnm of Chi- eagii, IIIh who lime been visiting Mr. ami Mm. S. i. I.eoiinril, left Sunday for Sun I'raneiseo, nml from thero (hoy will visit l.iw AiiKelen nml other points of interest eu route. Tho Klkx gnve iuiolur of their pop uliii' nml inforimil dances nt their new home mi Ninth Central avenue Fri day evening. Annul forty couples wore piesent nml n delightful lime was had bv all. ' Mr. nml Mm. Whilmer of Buffalo. Now York, mo guests of Mr. ami Mm. lap Andrews. Mrs. Whilmer was Formerly Mi Trucblood nml ivsiiletl in Mcdl'oid hcfoio her iuaniiio. Mrs. Xollio .MVnowmi, grniul woilhy matron of tho Kasteru Star for tho stale, left Momlay evening for 1'oit laiitl ami other points over the stole to visit the different eliiiptom.. Sk av Mr. nml Mm. W. II. Thompson of tho (llcmlnln ranch in (ho Willow Springs district will eiilortiiiu n mini- her of their friends at a dinner piuty Siiuduv cveniiiL'. Dr. nnd Mrs. L, A. Salado enter taiuctl ut a diimet' paily at tho Mcd ford Hotel Friday evening pievinus lo llio daneiiifr parly given ut lite Cni vcmilv Club. Mr. mul Mm. Slewarl I'allerson liml as their guess at a dinner party Tuesday evening Mr. nml .Mrs, A. Conro Finio, Mr. and Mrs. Waller llourne. a Mrs. C, T, Hutchinson enlerlaincd thn Tiiosdny l.unelipon Cluh at Imr hoinu on South Oinngo sheet Tuesday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. W. C. Woslorfieltl loft Tuestlny nfternoon for San .lime, Cal. whero Ihey will make their future home. a Tho Wednesday Iliiilgo Cluli met at llio lniuic, of Mrs. H. N. Foster on Newtown uvenuo Wcilnesday after noon. Mr. P. K. Uotliwcll of Denver, Col., is vinitinK hid Histor, Mm..), A. llral miy of Went Fourteenth blvcet. Mr. mul Mm. Heinle enteilnineil nt the 1'iulhli hall Wcilni'Mliiy even iiiK, in honor of .Mr. mul Mm. If. If. I'.Im'I. The hall wjih ileeorntnl with niKH, center tnhlcH, etc,, lo icpresent fntli- n pin lor, with ii.h ee., iippioprinln crrt'..to WnMiiiiKlon'M liirtlnlny. I.njer in tho I'vciiing the hull wnn elemcil mul ilnneiiif' nml novelty mnuneiiiciilK oc cnploil Die evening until liinelieon nl 11 o'clock, nfter which the "Home Kwect Home" wiim played nml the KiieiiH iih follow'M ilejmiteil: Mr. nml Mm. II. C. Kloililnnl, Mr. nml Mm. 0. 0. Alemlerfer, Mr. ami Mm. II. K. Khel, Mr. mid Mm. J. J. Ilneliter, Mr. ami Mm, A. 11. Cunninpliam, Mr. nml Mm. .1. I). Kiiiuolt, Mr. , (1. Ilenml. man, Mjkh lleilen, Mr. ami Mm. II. (!, Sloeekinmi, Mr. ami Mm. S. T. Ilieli nrilKon, Mr. nml Mm. .1, J. Wilkinson, Mr. Hcrhcit I.auiiHpnch, MUh Alpli ii'ttn fin net son, Mlsti Kay Launspneli. Mr. nml Mm. Khcl will soon leave lo rootle permanently in San rrmi i'Ini'h, Mr. Khel luivin hern promoted to auditor for the rnlifoinin-Oreoii Power eompnny. A dellithtfnl tlmii wan hnd nt thn annual dance nlven hy tho Unlernlty cluli held at the cluli rooinn nnd tho llollnml Hotel Krldny cvcnliiK with nhout nconty In nttendnncp. DiiiicIiik nnd hrldRp formed the oveulm;' entertainment. The mimic helng furnlnhed hy tho Unxld orchriu trn. Supper wan nerved nt mldnlRlit In tho Unlvernlty club roomn. The piitioncnNOH were; Mrn. S. Vllnn HeckwKh, Mm. Itnlph (I. Hnrdwell, Mrn. tJeorRo II, Cnrjientor, Mm. A. Conro I'loro, Mrn. Ktnuton (Irlffln, .Mrn. I-:. II. Ilanley, Mrn. Prod Ilopklnn, Mm. Fred Lew In, Mm. Lincoln Mc Cormnck. Mrn. I'rnnk Owen, Mm. Stewart Pntternon, Mrn. Frank Pren ton, Mm. Kvnn Iteauien, Mrn, Ilohert Ituhl, Mm. I.ouIh Snlndn mid Mrn. Win. I. Vnwtor. Mr. IMwnnl .Mulnntey of Jackson villo nave n ilanee at Oitli's hall Kri ilny owning whieli wnn well attended. These danci-H m,. jtjveii foriuiRlitly hy Mr. Mnhoney nml lire proving ery popnlnr. The Ntilln llridRe Club met nt the home of Mm. C. A. Knfclil on Knst Main street Tliumiliiv nfternoon. Eat tr t '?. SWASTIKA GRAHAM CRACKERS $ ', s- t. ' f s J if I..! v An InterentltiR nml well attended , Home C'oiiiIiik of the l.nillen' Aid wnn. held al tho M. K, church lnnl Weilnen. day. DurlnR the hiinlnenn nennlon Reed reporln from tho different clr cIijb nml offlcorn were rend nml phiun for nn linntor nle were mnile, ench circle will liava chnrRo ofoino npe dfil work for thin nnlo. A twenty minute Rnt-iia'iinlntcd period wnn nl' lowed before the proRrnm IjeRnn. The Loyalty circle hnd charge of the noclnl part of tho afternoon nml nerved refrenhmentN of nnmlwItchcK. cit Ico ami tea In tho hanement which hnd been mnde home-like with rilRn nnd flowern. The followInR proRrnm which wnn much appreciated wnn nlno nrrniiRed by the Loyalty circle: Piano duet, Mrn. C. A, Meeker nnd Minn Mniiiln Vrouinn, Vocnl boIo, Minn Hone Fielder. Short talk, Hev. Ilawklnn. HeudlnR, Minn Vern Itoundtreo, Vocnl nolo, Mrn. Maud Phllbrook. KeatllnR, Dorothy Hawkins. A number of the younR friend of Minn (lenrRln Wllllamn put over a Miirprlnn on her on the evenfnR of Februnry 22, In honor of her birth dny, nt her home 510 Ldwnrdn street. A very dellRhtful evening wan hud with Raiuen of vnrloun klndn and n repnnt nt n Kenhonable hour. Tho Riivntn were: Minn Vera HutchetiB, Myrtle Vincent, Charlotte Howelln, Harriet Howell, Doth Clark, Krmlnln Wllnon, Ilnrel Womack, Theltmi Hnilcllffo, lleatrlce McDonald, Jonephlne Maxwell, Ola Winer, Dona iH'iie Prenton, Delia Wnrrcnj Mnntern Carol Powell, KiiRene llutchenn, Krn ent AnuntronR, Vnlleii Wllnon, New tun Winer. , Word linn been received by Mrs. J. I). Fny nnnouncliiK the inarrlaRe of her dntiKliter, Oertrudc, to Dr. W. II. HprlnRcr, Thurndny nfternoon. Doth partlen are well known here, the bride hnvlnR lived here since childhood. Dr. SprlnRer Is nssnclnted with Dr. J. M. Keenu In dentistry and ban lived In this city the pant six months, Tho couple, after n short honey moon In nouthern California, will make their homo In this city. About twenty-two Hebeckas Ravo Mrn. Nellie WIiir n dellRhtful surprise nt her home on South Holly Friday cvcnlnR. Games wore played and a noclal Reed time hnd by all. After which refreshment!! were hcrvpd. Minxes Hmmn and Minnie Horch nrdt entertained n number of their friends at their homo on South Grape street Frldny evening. More Physicians endorse graham flour as most essential to health. This most wholesome of flour is especially beneficial at this time of the year when the system needs "bulky" food that digests well. The most pleasing way of enjoyingithis nutritious food is in the form of Swastika Graham Crackers are pure and wholesome. They are made in the big, sunlit baking rooms of our sanitary plant... Fresh and crisp, they are packed in sanitary, mois ture and dust proof packages and quickly come' to you. They nourish the little ones and sustain the aged. The busy business ma n finds Swastika Graham Crackers and milk a splandid luncheon which increases his efficiency. As an every day article of food, they are economical and healthful. The tiniest toddler enjoys them and is benefitted by them. As a "bite between meals," school children relish them and derive real benefit from their inherent food value. "V t H Pacific Coast Biscuit Company .. PORTLAND, OREGON - Tho Wodnendny Study cluli will meet next Wednesday afternoon nt the public library. t i At ths Churches embolic. South Onkdnlo Avenue. Flrnt mass 8:00 a. m. Second mass 10. HO a. m. KvenlnR services 7:30 p. in. Dpltropnl Holy communion 8 a. tn. Sunday school 10 a. m, MornlnR prayer 1 1 n. m. DvenlnR prncr 7:30 , in. Wm. II. Hamilton, vicar. Ion Lutheran Services at .Ion Lutheran, CI 2 W. Fourth St., will he conducted In Kng llnh nt 11 a. m, lllble school at 10 a. m. Come and worship. Medfoul CliHitlan Asscmhly The Mcdford Christian Assembly meets every Sunday afternoon In St. Mark's hall, 218 West Main St., at 2:30 o'clock. Full Rospel teaching, Including divine heallnR.'tho baptism of the spirit, Christ's comlnK, etc. Hev. C. K. DodRc, acttnR pastor. Onkiliilo Aientio MctltiMllst Sunday school nt 10 a. m. PrcucbliiR at Jl a. m, nnd 7:30 p. in. Morning subject, "The Way of Life." Dvcnlng subject, "A Truo Itcvlvnl." Kpworth League at fi:20 p. in. Prayer meeting and Hlblo study Thursday evening. Kveryono Is welcome to our serv ices. II. M. Ilrnnhnm. pastor. Flmt tliurrli or Christ. Kclenllst Sunday service nt 1 1 o'clock. Sub ject "Christ Jesus." Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 7:30. All are cordially Invited. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All under the age of 20 are welcome. Heading room In church edifice, 212 North Oukdale, open from 1:30 to 4:30 dally except Sundays and holidays. Music nt the First Methodist Cliurrli Kspeclally Reed music will be heard nt both of the services today. The vested choir will sing. "Hark, Hark My Soul," by Shelley, and Coenon's "Come Unto Mo" arranged as a trio will be sung by Mrs. Van Scoyoc, Mrs. Steep and Mrs. Danker. At tho evening service tho choir will Graham Crackers In 10c and 25c Packages - All dealers supply them. Look for the Swastika on the ends of each package before you buy. It is your guarantee of freshness. "LAFAYETTE KITS" WILL BE SENT TO SOLDIERS. MHS. V a. DOWN1NO. Mr. Frederick Gerhardt Down ing Is one of the several Chicago t.oelety women who are packing "Lafayette kits" for soldiers In Trench hospitals. Tho "kits' contain the usual supply of mittens, socks and othor cooifortabla tblliE tnnt relievo the sufferings of solders return ing to war after sick Jeav. sing "Zlon" by Hodney, and Mrs. Lunt will sing a beautiful arrange ment of "Come Unto Me" by Lindsay. Elaborate preparations nre being made by this choir for the Easter services. Good Friday which falls on April 2nd, will be appropriately ob served by the rendition of Stalner's Crucifixion. Itaptlst Morning Bcrvlce 11 o'clock. Sub ject, "Refresh My Soul In Christ." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Subject, "The Most Popular Sin in the World." Hev. W. D. Steart will preach at both services. lllble school, 0:t.i n. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Subject, Improving Prayer Ser vice." Leader. Myrtle Meadows. You are welcome to all of these services. Methodist Sermon subjects at the First Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Fourth and llartlett streets, morn V KAii SiV jar m ing' "Christ nnd 0UU Folks," Evening, ,"TJto Oimilprcsont Christ." Tlnio of services J.'l n, m, nml 7?30 p. m. Other services of tho ilnyj htiuiiny scnooi un, n. m, Junior Kpworth League, 3 p. m, Kpworth League dovnttonfti meet ing fi:lf p. m. Special music hy tho choir, with rousing, Imppy congregational sing Ing. All nre welcome to our home like church. 1'iiY MethoiJlnt Corner Tenth nnd Ivy, Sunday school 10 a. tn. Preaching tin. m. Young p-oplo'n meeting and Hlble drill 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Preaching nt Griffin creek school housn 11 a, in. Tho pulpit In town will be supplied In tho morning. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in. J. E. Dradloy pastor. Irelyiorlnn Preaching at 11 a. m. "Tho Value of a Soul." Treadling at 7:30 p. m. Subject, Subject, "Tim Glory of tho Cross." Solo, selected. Margaret Jacks. Solo. "Fear Not Yo 0 Israel," Dudley Duck, Margarot Jacks. The orchestra at 7:30, Hymns 1S9 and 218. Offertory, Prayer from Samb HerolU. Sunday school at 10 a. tn. C. E. society at C:30 p. tn. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. by by m. Thursday. Christ bin We extend a most cordial Invitation to the public to comn and worship with us next Lord's Day. Morning service at 10:45, sermon, "Tile Goofl nd Faithful Servant." Evening Service, 7:30, sermon. "The Gift of the Holy Spirit." Y. P. 8. C. E. nt (5:30 In tho lec ture room. lllble school at 9:4s a. m. You will profit by attending this service. Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 7:30. We have made this meeting a most Interesting one and long for your mutual help. All strangers In tho city especially Invited to all services. Harry E. Tucker, minister. CHICHESTER S PIL l4tnl Ml ltmi,IWi tHa la Ud tad Mitt. MU-4 h TWO ll IlL Ak HUMS M-UNfe rt ysrtk- Snl.it.AIl sduiyNUMiSTsncmMEnf rc.7 v H- UV -A V'. " ' .'3 -i' '4iT ' ';.x' .' " : .. r vi '' '! ' " ' W -1