', S 1 " i ;s . - i J vTr ' ! k f - . OSCAR AND SSH K, CtoMCLPT Mn UNryiDKTnwrVrtii t?UH AVAV MIT MV CASH. IlU A uw i iu twu io uMowr und Hou) YOU WWu OLrtD to CffK AU2 J IW1 DOT IT, JUfMOf V H DOT IT, JUfMOf -r" 3 "7CTV7 X News From Our Neighbors EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Uy A. C. Hnwlrtt Mm. T. (I. Todd, wilo .if T. (I. Todd, who, with N. T. MeDi.mihl, bought (tin Johnson idiVee, near t 1m mouth of Elk erevk. vnn with u the limt o' tin' week on lii'r way to .Med lor. I. 0. I). Huffman mid A. I'. DavU of Iji (IiiiihIu, Or., were with im hint Siitunliiy. They twro out here to we wlint pronpeet there wan to orwiinizt' n grange. They went liotli deputy grange orgnnirern for thin ntiite. Mm. L. II. Dewechr, formerly of tliii ilii oo, who I nil hern a venr ugo IiimI November for Missouri, nrrivcd hint IViilnv morning. Hit litinhiuitl is ojtpi'eled lv the niiihlln of I ho week. IIU health foiled tiini, no Iik thought thill Im wotilil return to JnekMon eouiily mill regain it. Flnirnee Cox, formerly of this plum', lint more- reeentlv from Port liiml, emno down to attend tin funeral of Matthew Thoiiipmui hiNt week mill HM'iittlit! niuht with iim. lie uUo vis. it oil hi liiilf'xistrr, Mrs. (Ins N'ieholH, on Suit ereek. Mm. V. J. Aiixlin of Climax United our town for (lie find tiini', ulthouieh y JinV lifvn HvJiij: on Antuloiu) vwvV lor it iiiiiiiImt of yenrs. Him wiih (iiitii fnvorahly iiiiprivc( with our town, .Mrs. A. .1. Ilnteli or lleikdhiy, Cnl., a lUtur of Mih. Dr. V. W. V. Holt, in iiiiikiiir IpT sitor u i i t - .Mix. I(. llt'hxli'r of Hniwushoro w In town mil IhimIui'mm tht IiikI of llm wi'i'k. Ohm NiihoU nml wifo of llrowtio liohi, who Iiiis n fiiu' fin in on Suit nit'ok, iwiiiii iu on liniiM'ss hint l'ri. tiny. I.iihl went; It. II. Itrophy Kiild forty lumil of yonrlinic onhiw to Paul An duraon of Apphitnli'. Miilthew HnwkjiiHin, who has linen iiimij(i'cl on tin HillcroHl ori'lianl, took a layoff for n mouth ami iu- I en 1 1 of loiiiiKintf nioiunl nml lilow 1 1 1 j htii imoiiov foiililily, took a trip up In the hills on Hogim rUcr, uiakiiiK heiiiliiiunli'rs at .loo Hannah's, ami Hprut his lime in fluhiu ami pruu tiiK oreliiiiils nml niakine liiuiHolf use. fill, ami so uimo oat with as miieh iimaey as he took iu ami lunl a uoml time generally. Ho relumed to the Hilleiosl i flint il to .'o In work last .Momlny. Hoi ii- To Mr. and .Mrs. Klvin Con over, I'Vliruiir.v 1-1 a son. W. K. IIiiiiiiiiiI has jiihl had n Kpray lank iiiule in the Childreth shop, Mr. llryaut doinc the earpeutur work. The lank is made of Hii;ar pine lumlier ami the lumber roM iu .Med ford l-'i; eeats a foot, and that ilnlit iu a t im -her country where we have millions of feet of HiKiir pine limber slamliu waitiuu for fiimt'oiie to saw it up leady for line. I'Viiluy iiIkIiI the Ladies' Mission nry soeiely mel at the home of Mrs. W. K, Uiiehanau. There were (wen-ty-if:ht present, Afti'i the repilar uxi'mihOH of tlui nu'etiiitf weio over, 'tike and tea wore served. There was an iut renting program ami ipiilo a niimliiii' of pieces n'ail on the sah jt'ei of iiiisniou work. On Saturdiiv alternoou (ho V, C, T. IT, of this plaeo hd a speeial meetini; to eoinineinnrato the hirtli of Miss l-'niueis , Wilhinl, one of the moving spirits iu thu ornanlzatioii of the work for tho ovorllirow of tho liipmr traffiu, There was a kooiI ul teuihuieii anil several pieces read touching on her life work. Amniii; the leadings was one rend hy little .liiil Klonty entitled, ."Five Omits n Glass," that made ipiite an iinpres siou. The pieee was well rendered. At the close of the Imsinoss session the ladies served cake and coffee, The Ladies' Aid soeioly will have their Hciiu-tuinmil sale and servei) oyster soup and cako the afternoou of February 127. Miss Frniices flnb, who Is ntload iu high ucjiao) in Mudl'ord, caiuu oul ADOLPH -You v ttm Tii.., TABLE ROCK TABLETS lobu Minliiim ami finally of Autioeh attended church services lieni Siiii day. I'ri-d Itowmaii wim a Mcdforil is. itor Siitunlay. Several fanners of the Iftiglu Point district have been iu this vicinity lately after seed Kiaiu. Kamlford Kiehuidton of Medfonl was a Table Kuek visitor last Sim day. l.tiwrcnce l'itzjmtriel: drove to Central I'oint Kunilny to meet his friend. Darwin 1'hillips, who arrived that day from Kan Francisco ami will npcad some time iu this valley. .Several of the young people en. joyed n birthday dinner Inst Sunday ttivcu by Mrs. 0. I'endlnml iu honor of .lames IVmllaiiil's Il.llli birthday. Our school observed Washington's birthday with appropriate exercises. Monday afternoon a large number of isitors were prcent and enjoyed the oM'i'liint program. Ilrv. Wnlnufr of Sums Valley preached it very interesting sermon ti it large congregation at the school hoicc last Sunday following the close of thu Sunday school. I'. S. Collins, siiHriutemleul of the Medford schools, was in these parts lust week exercising a new Ford au tomobile. The Arrowhead Literary soeioty held a hiisiucM meeting Saturday night mid transuded con-iderablo accumulated liusiuchs. A vote of llwinkn was tendered A. L. Seahrook for his generous donation of wotk iu preparing the stage for next Sat urday night's entertainment. Inspection of tree tools in the Vn!ibiini oruhard wits begun last week. This is a good move ami should Im followed by every one in Ibis distiiet expecting to grow fruit. Let's bogiit in lime ami get ut it, ami where we find the roots are badly in fected we should lake the tree out, for one healthy tree is wot lb more than a dozen il it-cased ones, to say nothing of the damage done by. spreading of the disease. IjixI Friday afternoon while every thing was (pilot ami still then1 sud denly biirxl foi lb olit. of the lower cud of the community many loud ex plosions, followed iu ipiick siicccsmoii that caused some of us to think tho (lermaiis had proclmmcd this a war r.iine, but on investigating it wns found that Harry N'ealoii and .lames IVuillanil were blowing out stumps with dynamite. Mrs. Mary Fuller of Hridgcporl, Wash., a cousin of S. 0. Collins, is spending a few weeks ut the Collins home. The Arrowheads have everything in readiness for tho big play, "What Happened to Jones,'', uexj Saturday night. This is u standard play iu three nets and runs (wo and one-half hours, wilh thirteen people in the cast. There will be plenty of good music and among other attractions songs by Fitxpntriek and Phillips of the Globe ipiartet of Portland, in fact, more than three hours of sidld entertainment, ami the price will bo in keeping with the times, 10 and ." cents. Doors open at 7:110. Per formance begins at 8:10. last Salurdny to visit llto old folks at home. Will try to tell about thu school (LNcrciscs lust Monday in my next. Mrs, A. M. Thomiis has an ad in this week's Weekly Mail Tribune of fering a lot of household goods for salo. Attention Obioaus, Tho annual mooting will bo hold In the Moohq ball In Ashland, Ore, on Tuesday, March 3. Dinner at IU noon, All OhtoatiH will bo on hand with woll filled bankets nm came, tor n good (Into, J. S, SMITH, Proa, MTCDF01W MATIj TUTBUNK, Oh, No Wonder He Was fX GCC,YCW THOUGHT 1 CHASED OHi VEU.HMD OVERD&fOl f f LISTeJ.VILLYouI TJI53 "BARtf- U- i ( M3U ACROCC Tt3 COMTNBMT V QALAWCE I WEED IT. VjfACED H&GOZUEIltSAYs:''houJ . R, V f. VcT4 UK"?, BUT I VAUT MY I"""-" - "" VV-----. ,w CAW ?" x LEpT I OK Ilojiortod by JnckBon County Ab tract Co., tilxth and Fir BU. ('limit John II. droves vs.-Pnul 0. ik'tihor. Hhcrlff'ft return of hiiiiiiuoiih. Alexander McMillan vt, Henry il. Hnmlor, Loo II. Kamlur, et al. Hhor- Iff's return or huiiiiiioiih. Mary I-'. (Jiik et nl. .1. T. Froitch et al. Uoinilnltil. Affidavit for or der. Order for publication of muu- inoitfl. . JJ I-:. H. piutur vn. J. W. Hwucncy. Demurrer. I'roluilo i:tntu Jennie (',. Jones, pointing nppralncrn. Order ap. EUGENE BANK ENJOINS LANE COUNTY TREASURER Ft'OHSF, Or., Feb. 'J(J. S. W. Taylor, county treasurer, was ycctcr day afternoon enjoined from impos ing a K'iiiilty on the M'cnud half of the llir taxes, Hint having been inslt tutfd bv the Firt National brtnlc ditr inir the dav. The case is exactly the sumo as thu one Inst year when thu bank, acting iu behalf of all of the people, enjoined tho treasurer att'l made it possible for the taxpayers who were unable to raise all of their tax monev at one time to make two payments. Many Recoveries From JLunfl Trouble Kckiima'M Altcrntivu liu rvsturcd to tii'ttltli many urrercr from Iuiik trouble. Itvutl what It ilia In thin caie: Wllmluittmi. 111. "C;iillrniru In Jununrx, 11HS, I nm IttUru llli tirnuirrliaurii of tbr Iuiik'. Mr ililrlnii. u IrmlliiK irar tlllunrr, milil thnt It una lunif IriiiiMr. I kiiI rr rnk. C A. rjiiliiriilt, r l.liilnritt'K tlrenrl mrlil Store. llliilnclull. DcIm rri'oiiiiiiniilril ;-I.inuu Allrralltr Hint lunl iIiiiip urrHt uimmI, I Itkmii Oil. nm It ;it onrr, I rimllnuiil fnllli fult. iilnii mi ntlirr rcim-il. mid llimlly niill.nl llio i-lrnrliiK of ilic Iiuih. I linn t.lltr- mi irmililn illli in I ii ii Hi. I Hri.il) liilli-c llrkmniCa Allcriilur fcMM-il m life." tAlilirr lntnl.l lAlllilntltl JAS. Mirnu:. lirkiiinn'n Mlvrntlvo I mint ulllrn clmiH in lioH'hlM I'Htnrrh Itiel " WNi tin "ill hikI Iuiik urfoctloiMl mm iii-liillulioi I hi' oxtwin fllllllllllB mi liArinful or IimUI fuimliiK itrui:. ,i-.i-l mi utiklltiut Hiimlt nuu. II. n-KUlm j.l 1.' I'--II I IhI Imk ilriiHKlats V.'rlto for liimklct ol tMutvni' i:t-kiiilili l.ul.orutur). IMillil.li'lplilu. Price $1 and $2 a bottle. k nrM-' I'Olt HKNT MjISUKMiANHOUS FOIt HUNT UtilbtlnB 100x100 or any part or it. Kormuriy orctipioti by Korlnolc Veterinnry llutucdy Co. Dig Pines Lumber Co. WHY? A word to tlioso who nro coming bnclc. Land for tho past six months has been hanging at rock bottom prices. A groat deal of liquidation baa taken ploco In this time. My bus iness nlono In the. last bait of this year has amounted to nearly $100,000 1 ballovo tho last four or tivo deals I baoy tnttdo ropresont absolutely tho bottom. Lund with rental vnluo of $30 an aero will not long romnlu at $200 ntt ncro. Thoro will bo no boom but land values will improvo some, (load roads, Irrigation, Buw-mUl, box factory, cheap power, sugar boots, canning factory, goad prices, satlBflod customers, porfect days. Hurry, eco Medford first and J. C. BARNES lloora 201, Firnt National nank IUdg. HOUSES FOR RENT $10.00 510 N. Riverside, 10 rooms, bath and tollot, tonant pay wator, lot 100 by about 500 foot, runulug back to Dear creok, flno for garden, JtS.OO 230 8, Oakdnlo, seven rooms, bath and tollot, gas, wator paid, $8.50 112G W. 10th, flvo rooms, tollot, wator paid. $8.00 -111 S. Front, sovon rooms, buth, water paid. $8.00110 K, lltn, flvo rooms, bath, wntor paid. BENNETT INVESTMENT COMPANf MTCDJfOKD, OKJOTON, IWfDAV, FICBRXTATIY 2fi, roit ni:.Yi---novHi9 VOll ItlCNT Six room cottage, fur iiIrIicc (except bedding, linen nntl Mllvor) wnl'T iialil, I'iU a month. 007 W. llth HI., jihono fiC-J. FOIt IIDNT Moilorn f urn lh d liotiBU. 003 W. 2nd. phono 370-W. 2S.1 roil ItDNT Kino trlctly"odcrn bungalow, bnm, Inrgo chicken Itotimi, fili nrron of Iitnd. cloro in. Call Medford Crcatnary. 2J0 FOIt HUNT Nine room bungalow, uioiUirn, two baths, stooping porchcit. good location. Address F. C, caro Mall Tribune. 201 FOIt ilKNT Six room ftirnlsbcd and olght room vacant linaso. 310 N. llartlclt. VOll HALI5 3II.SCR1iljA.M-:onS FOIt 8ALB 1 pure brod, 70C-U. L. It, I Wlillo leghorns all laying. Phone Warner. 292 FOIt SALE To orchard bonds In Ilogtio Hlver Commercial Orchard No. 2. Cost JC0O and will noil for $500. Addrosti M. II. Yates, 922 Kmplro Illdg., Atlanta, Georgia. 340 FOIt HALF. O vorlnniloxprom wngon, largo teat, bicycle, good pack saddle. 305 Portland avenuo. Mr. W. P. Itaker. 231 TOU'SALI: Oil THADK Two Incti bators, two tentoil rubber tired buggy. IL C. Stoltz, phono C21-K. 29 C FOIt SALE Ono Caroy fire-proof safe in first class condition. Can pay on installments It desired. Dig Pines Lumber Co. FOIt BALK llbodo Inland Itcd eggs, COc por setting. Phono 407-M. 29S FOR SALE Flvo acres, well im proed. P. O. box 285. 295 FOIt SALE Flno Tolous goose eggs. Phono or nddross W. It. Lamb, Medford. 310 FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT Att tomobllo garago and homo com bined, both or singly. Geo. F. Dyer, 1114 North Central Ave. 290 FOR SALE OR TRADE 12 b. p. cn gtno; 15 Ii. p. boiler, all in running order, will trade for Ford dar. Ilrlng on your car and look at tho engine. Address box 2 I, Jackson ville, Ore. 307 FOR SALE -Typowiltor. slightly used Oliver No. 5. Price $10.00. Address X., caro Mail Tribune. 290 FOR SALE - Dry wood under cover. Green 'body fir, $4.50 cr cord. Val- i ley Fuel t'o. 1'lione o, "OR SALE Young laying hons, pttro White Leghorns. Call 411-R. FOR SALE OU UXCIIANOK Roguo River Valley Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranchos and Timber. Colonization Tracts. Rest all-tho-ycar-round cllmato on coast. Heoltli Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. Reaver ltcalty Co., Ashland. Orogoa. NEW TODAY Meet n representative of tho IlttrK Pros, company in my office. Ho is soiling lots In tho fast approaching btialnosB center of Richmond, Cab, a suburb of San Francisco, Richmond bits added oor' twenty thousand to Its population lit tho last ten years, and Is grow Ins fast today. Tho Standard Oil RoflnorioB, Tho Pullman Car Shops, Grettt Pottery Works, and many tuoro tnctorles, with their olx hundred thousand dollar monthly pay roll, are making It grow. Get Mmu of theso lots on easy pay ments, and low price, and watch Richmond grow, C. D. HOON Out of Funds FOIt BALK IlEAti E3TATK FOR HALF 1 CO aero ranch with two nets of buildings and 78 acres In cultivation. Twonty-flvo acres of flve-ycar-old fruit treejt. Irriga tion -water right. Excellent alfalfa land. Woll located nnd lias deep, freu noil. Total prlco only $9000, payable $3000 cash. Ttttny Fc An drews, 21 OClaniott-Corey Uldg. fou KAi.t: nonsEs FOIt SALE House, plnno and fur nlturo ir taken at once, $390.00. CI 7 8. Newtown 81. 291 FOIt SALE New flvo room modern bungalow at a bargain, completely furnished. All assessments paid to date. Phono 13-X. 290 FOU SALE Flvo room houso nnd garago. lot 72xM0, fine trees, lawn, flowers and berries, all as sessments paid, $1800.00, easy terms. Geo. W. Itcercs, 1310 W. Main St. 298 fok 8AT1R tinrrgtocK FOR SALE Tired bows and gilts from prize winning Duroc Jersey herd, Jackson county fair; also boars old enough for service and weanlings. L. II. Houston, ono rnllo west of Talent, phono 3-F12. 297 WANTED MlsCKliU-CTKOUS WANTED Friday. 50 stock hogs, 40 to 100 pounds. Will pay 5c. Phone J. II. Carlton, Central I'oint. 290 WANTED All tho cull apples In Uogtio river valley. Uaglvy Can nery, Talent, Ore. 290 WANTED March 1st, by family without children, a piano for stor age, lessona neither given nor tnken. Phono 1SS. 291 WANTED To loaso a good placer mlno near Medford. Address Placer, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED $1000 for ono, two or throo years. Good security. Ad dress 1250 IL, caro Mall Tribune. 293 t -.... i .1 HELP WANTEI-3IAYiK WANtEI) Sltuatloii i by married inan 34, with family, sobor and Indus trious, experienced in grocery or general store, farm tools, machin ery, etc. Wants steady position, any Job. References. No. 5, enro Mall Tribune. 291 WANTED Miner or mucker who un derstand electrical work. Ad dress G.. caro Mall Tribune 293" IIKLf WANTED FEMALE WANTED Reliable help, woman or girl to do genera! housework on ranch. Phono Gold Hill 100. 291 FOUND FOUND lllcyclo at DeVoo's. Owner call there for name. 290 TAKEN UP At Four Hundred Ono ranch, one spotted sow, silt in right ear, tinder cut In left. Call and pny for feed and add. 290 LOST LOST Hunch of 3 keys, cornor Main nnd Fir on 23rd. Please lenvo at Mail Tribune and recelvo reward. 290 LOST nuneb of keys Tuesday night, botween Redmen hall and Tho Oaks. Ftudur please lenvo at Mall Tribune and rocolvo reward. For Exchange Havo you a good bear ing orchard, applos and pears In first class condition to match n largo tract ot South Texas land In Irrigation district, wat or pumped from slinl ' , low wolls to Irrigate al falfa? Orchard of 20 to SO acres is wanted on this exchange, and must bo priced right, Tho Texas land Is In a developing district, an nually Increasing In vnluo and good In qual ity. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. Hoom 107 M. V. & II. Uldg. Opposite JAmt Offtco 1015 AT THEIR WAXTKlyMTUATIONH WANTED Position as housekeeper or at housework. Phono &82. 291 WANTED Odd Jobs, gardening and taking caro of lawns a specialty. Phono 740-M. 291 HOMESTEADS HIO INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 70,000 acres for settle mont; fruit, tlmbor, general farm lands; Fend 25c with this ad to Wcnatcbeo (Wnsh.) Dally World, Dcpt. T, for rcllablo data about this region. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN $500 to loan on cltr nro pcrty. C. A, McArtbur, phono 3C8 or 120-R. 204 FOR KACJIA.fOt FOR EXCHANGE Modern six room east side, for homo on west side. Address P. O. box 312, Medford. 291 FOR EXCHANGE Clear property and securtles, $2700, for small ncrcage. Clark Realty Co., 20C Phlpps Uldg. FOR EXCHANGE 200 aero stock ranch, Harney county, $7000.00. Clark Realty Co. TO TRADE Good SO acres frco soil, no buildings, 12 miles from town. Price $1320, encumbrance $300. Faulty for 1914 auto or cltf pro perty. Dox G38. Medford. EXCHANGE Want to sell or buj anything? U C Rader. 114 N. Front St. Employment otflco and rentals. Phono 125. Nutt Sod. BUSINESS DIKETTTOnT Anto aupprtce LAIIER AUTO 8PRINQ CO. We aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fail. Sold under guar antee 2G North Fifteenth St, Portland, Ore. Attoravr PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALUI Attorneyo-at-Law. Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg. George M. Robert I COLVIG & ROUERTS. LAWYERS i Medford National Dank Dulldlng B. F. MULICEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Building. NEWTON W. DORDEN Attorney at Law. 232 East Main street. Assaying, B. R, CROUCH AsRayer, chemist, metallurgist. Custom Assay Of fice. Mall order business solicited. Prices, gold, $1.00; gold and sil ver, $1,25; copper, $1.00; gold, sil ver and copper, $2.00. Mailing en velopes frco on request. Refer ence Josephine County Bank. Rooms 201-203 Hall Bldg., Grants Pass, Orogon. 33G - . i. . .I, Chiropractors DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mechano-Thoraptsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotborplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-theraphy, etc., produce results hi both acutt and chronic diseases. Consulta tion tree. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by appolntmont. Phono 170, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and sclentlfla massage given; noedlo spray, hoad and shoulder shower in connection; advlco Ic dlotetlcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, otflco 543, resldenco 511-R Employment Agency Wo aro uore to help peoplo get re liable, competent help, wo tur nlsh help In almost all lines ot business. Wo make a specialty ol competent men and wives tor ranches. We solicit your patron ago. Btttuer's Roal Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Building, Medford. Phoa 858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager, successor, , Engineer nnd Contractor FRED ''nOWUUINGS Engineer and contractor, 404 M. F, & H. Bldg. Surveys, estimates, Irrigation, dralnago, orchard uud laud 'Improvement. GAYjPRANKS IJUBINKHfi IlIItKCrOKX Dcntbrfs DR. W. M. VAN aCOTUO DR. O. C. VAN HCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corer Mdg., suit 119 Medford, Ore. Phono SCO. Garboga GAltnAOB Get your premise cleaned np for the nmmtr. 011 on tho city garbage wagons for good scrrlco. Phone 274-L. V. T. Allen. InMnKtton In HbsIo IIAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Garnctt-Corcy Dldg. Fred Al ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Hnlght, voice Telephone G3-W. Notary 1'abHc HELEN N. YOC1CEY Notary PHb 11c. Dring your work to me at the situ of tho Mall Tribune. riiycsldans trad oargeoiu DR. F. O. CAULOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteoptthle physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Corer bldg., phono 1036-L. Iteeldeae 2G South Laurel BU DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopatale physicians, 303 Garnett-Corer building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aafl surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyea aciea Uflcally tested and glaseea piled. Office 228 East Mala St, Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Of flee phone 43-R; resldenco phone C8-K, DR. MARTIN O. DAnDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pain block, opposite Nash Hotel, lloun 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician aad surgeon. Phones, office 36, reel donee 724-J. Office hours 10 te 12, 2 to 6. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD PhyBieUa and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. li D. Practice limited to diseases ol women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M. F. & II. Bldg. Phones, residence, 814-J2; offico, 814. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathia physician, practlco limited to ob stetrics and diseases ot women and children. Offices 3 and 4, Bt. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. in. Phono 1G0. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12. Phono 1G0. Resi dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. Printers ana rubllsbers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best oqulpped prlutlng office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland price. 27 Norta Fir Ht, Public Auction Evory Saturday at 1:30. corner Main and Fir will sell on commission all kinds ot stock, implements and furniture. Wo also havo employment and rent al agoncy. Havo furnished ami un furnished houses for rent, List your wanta with us. AVYNKOOP & COMPANY P. E. Wynkoop, Llconsed Auctioneer Room 2, Palm Ulock Phono IWO-K Stenography and Mtiltlgraph Work MRsTTLrTmrSVARDS Work"done promptly at reasonable rates. Room 3, Palm block, phone 107. Shoo Repairing SHOE REPAIRING First elas skatf reparlng, pit modern eieetrte machines while you wait. K. N. Blden, located In Kldd's Shea Ste v Phono 31 3 J. " ; ii TrunrcrB BADS TRANSFER 8TORAGB CO, -Office 42 North Front St. Pnoaa 315. Prices right. Servie guar? nteed. Typewriter and Supplies, ( ' ' TYPEWRITERS. AND 8uTpXlpJ,n. New Remington, Smith PiisWer and Monarch typewriting, adcttag and subtracting maehliu, .rebuilt machines tor ca,h or sy pay ments. Machine Jtor real, ribbons and supplies, of all Kind, siMala re pairs free bf charae, Roger f. Dennett, 10 quiaas St., 938-1L . 4