Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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arnnyFORD matt; trtiwnr, mrdford otctcciox, ttctday, pebrtury 20, imn
MMHh Jf IflTirlflirllli m fmlm n firf V ilf rrffm. '
ASHLAND, l-Mi. 2(1. Oowiimr
WilllU'lHIllin HlTIIIK 10 llllW ll)llllll
hIkih'iI H'ir'H'iiliiliii I'. II. Wiigut'i'n
Ihiiimi hill Nil 11.1, pinviiling lor
public W'lllllll linilut'U jiiImi Vllull'lV
IiImihi' (till No. MHO, nulliori);iii hind1
uiil Tor tin' SiNlmnii milt l llio I'm
elfin lilnliwiiy. Tlu iiiihiiiih nl
Vim ili't IIcIIiiii'h hciimIi1 lull, iippm
printing .:i(KHI fur the nlic' of llm
Ininily of tlic lute (lniiin Wiinlcii
HuMmitl is of piullfulitr local inter
rl, iiiiiNimii'li iih the piutii'M icslilcil
lioie. .Mix. Iliililiunl Mini children lire
nl pu'Hcut living with their futlier
mill Kiiiiiilfiillii'i', Nvm Long.
I'. II. Sliowi of Tui'omii. prnnil
iiciit in the lumbering iniluslrv oflio
I'lii'ifii' noitlivu'sl, uiih in the cily
Tiit'Hiliiy, ii'(Miii""iiili'il liv IiIh wifi', on
tlm miiv to Sun Fmiiii'Ihi'h mill tin1
exposition. Tliry Mopped off lino n
iluy for 11 In iff visit with tin' Linn
Llm, foiuii'V iii'IkIiIioim tlii'iri, in
tin' vicinity nf IiiwooiI, Lyon rminly.
Iliitcv Itliilnliiy
f'onlcv I'. Iliili'i, mjctl fi'J, rrle
hinted li'm Ithtliilny unnivoritirv on
.Wednesday at the fiuiulv H'hIiIciicm,
'HIO lliiiilcvntil. The oIimimviiiici' wmh
piutii'ipatcil in hy .Mr. nml Mm. W,
It, lli'ihc ami Coiiiiciltiiiiii f'oincliiih
nml fntiiily. InllniMtc filrnds, who
fiiiiKi-ntiilatcil the hokt mi (he attain
incut of pawning hi lialfccnlury inn
jonly. .Mr. Mutes nni horn near
VaJiiiiitoiir Mii'h,, ami him heen a
ii'Klilciit oT Oicuon 'for over twelve
jcnri. For a lime lie was .Snutliorii
I'licific nucnt at SikiiMi, ami later
on tilleil a like position in the local
olfiee a ficiuht aucnl.
HocM nml other litonin mc all
tilth) in llicir place, hut it i a ipnm.
tiua whether the proper place is
iiIiiiil' the lieel uIIkuiiiciiI. A well
l.cpt paikiow of eineriihl hue nffnids
a finer M'tiiug than i afforded lv
hhriiho ami liu-Oic. finl ami fiineie
to the eoutiarv tmlvvitlihliuidiiisr.
The M'huol board inet tin prnoitioit
in icjjunl to the itaikrow faring the
West Sale m IiimiI, ami not oul
fiowiieil upon lull ilcculcil not to lit -I
induce the innovation i
KjMP Mr x ifmtv- 1MB: la'' 1m 1
hw -?ie - ui i '-, 1 a. -
HAI.i:.M Ore . Koli :'il John Mln-
Tl e omliii'iitli NiicccBiful coined) !
cm toon pcrli'H l) OcorK MrMnmiH,
entltlcil HrliiK I'p rather," now
running itnllv nml Sunday In tint
York ittiierlian anil hundredg
of other lhe nuMMpaperii llirotiKhoiit
tint I'nlleil KtntcH nud Canada, linn j
hcmi untile the nuek'iiii of a immlrnl
HAI.KM. Ore, IV'i 20 On the
l ........ - . ... ... 1
to, better IdUMMi im 1'iiclii John lrnn,0" ",r ,nK" promicnon iy .Mr. jcrounil that It In unworkable, Senate n pioneer of 1RH ami on,, of j1,"";, " "J " '""(l Wll 2'. I. con.olldatlnB the offlceH of
. . ilncllon of hating niado a million, , , ,, . , ...
Halriii'n and uiont r.,vr Itl- ,,, ,,. M,0n, cnr,0on plnyn. Mnt" ,,,Bhwuy enRlnwr nml Mute, en-
'MlrliiKlnK I'p I'mher" like the mini. (K,""t,r' governor wunycomuo nan
iiroim other more or Ichh nuccoKnful Iwon nuked lo veto It. The hill wa
coiauiouly rnllml 'funny picture,' , the product of the lommlttee on con
lme pained their euoriuouH popular-olldntlon and nholitlou of bonrdg and
xeiiH, died nt the family residence
litre Thurnda nt the itRe of Utt enrn.
John .Mlnto wiih liom In KiiKlnnd
In 1.M2, nml accompanied IiIh pnrentH
to America In early ami. lie upont
hi joiith In the conl niliic'n of I'omi-!iu,HcrouIy crude cnrlcnlum lepre
It)' liwaum they oke a nioincntar)'
Innoifiit nuiutieiiient, ptoduced hy a
lUaiila. In 1MI In. contracted
with It. W .MorrliMin nml drove nrrniMt
the plaliu, arrlxlm; at Oregon City,
October IK. IS 1 1.
In I MT ho married Martha Ann
MorUou. KlKht children wen. born
to Mr and Mm. .Mlnto an follow.
John WlUon, Mary i: , Hubert II,
Wlllinm JnnMr, Irwin, DoiiKlufi C
llnrry 1'ercy nml Mny.
ronnnlBidons. Tlnv bill provides that
the work now'p'-'rforniod hy the mate
hlKhway engineer xlinll be performed
mmtlaK a beliiK not entirely liuiuou. 'by the Mate cnRlueer, and that the
It Ik natural to HUpponu that n two'KOrnor ahnll appoint a deputy for
A8III.ANI), Pel. 20, TonlKht
there pronilneii to no n great outpour-
jlnK of tho people nt the IllkV build-
liiK where the bl booster movement
'will hold away, A aubntantlal lunch
eon will ho nerved, and the remain
ing bourn will Ikj given over to
mimic, npeeclien and IntcrchnnRc of
nodal rourtenlen. One of tho prob-
Meinn will be how to accommodnto
over 1400 Knents when the enter
lalninent of about S00 nan nntlcl
patcd. Tho tenult Ih that the coin-
tnlttec of arranKcmentN are filling
Irunh ordem to perfect ways and
tneaiiB In order to meet every cmer
Kfticy. The ladles ore enllnted In
the work and this mere fact spell
nucccHS. Co early, state late, and
whoop it up for Hprlncn and slogans
Tor several years pant a quartet of
elderly ladles have been accustomed
to meet annually and celebrate- the
Washington birthday observance
This year they met with Mrs. Mary
James, at the home of her son-in-
law, Ucorga W. Dodnon, 431 North
Main street. Her guests -were Mrs,
nilznhcth Calhoun, aged SC, residing
at A. M. Heaver's, on Iowa street;
Mrs. Matilda Hatch, ago 71, Oranlto
street; and Mrs. Mary Shepherd, age
85, I'lne ntrect. Mrs. James, age GG,
ns Junior member, was hostess. Her
nntlvo stato Is Virginia; 7!rs. Cnl-
jhoun, Ohio; Mrs. Hatch, New York;
and Mrs. Shepherd Is "from Miss
ouri." All theso mothers In Israel
nre widows except Mrs. Hatch. They
belong to the naino church Metho
dist and their affiliations In regard
to temperance, missions, and good
works In general run along sisterly
and beneficent channels to n re
mnrkable degree In exemplifying ap
plied Christianity.
hour nud n half entertainment em
body lug about all of the bent element
of McMiuiuh'k nntlrlcal art, Inter
spemed with catchy mimical numbem
and n chorus of capricious maidens
to ndd zest, would prove more thnn
ordinarily nmunlng to nil rlanncs at
tho I'iirc Theater tonight.
the unto engineer versed In scien
tific road construction, to perform
this work. Further It Is provided,
his duties shall bo such as aVo pre
kcribed b) the state highway commis
sion. Itcpronenlatlve W. I. Vnwtcr at
tacking tin. bill on tho floor of the
provision makes the remaining two
members of tho highway commission
responsible for tho action of an offi
cial In whoso selection they have no
voice, and Incidentally the stato engi
neer is made responsible for his de
puty's action. Altnougli the state
engineer has no voice In the selection
of his deputy and no jurisdiction over
house cnl led attention to tho fact thlnhlm, ha must provide his bond.
Oat of icpccl to the memory of
the late ( ('. Ilcckmau of .laekson
ville, the local hanks cIom-iI Thurs
day afternoon. Anions thoe pres
ent from thin vicimtv who attended
the funeinl fcrviecM were li. V. Car
ter. (1. K. Ilntlcp, (I. I Hilling,
1. Wanner and II, A. Mmklcp.
WjII II. Ailains, well-known travel
lug man, icpiccntliif; M. I.. Kline of
l'oillaml, jobber in plumbim.", t-leaiu
fitting nml milt supplies was in town
Thumilny interviewing the local trade
nml fleeting fricmN,
I', V. .lone, leecntly voil,in foi
en in p at Foul hcmlipiarleih lieic. luw
IciimmI the Oicgon mirage on l'iint
avenue, a t.linp whicli Iiiih heen closed
Tor mime time pirn, ami will icopcn
it on or about Match 1.
Mr. ami Mix. CIiiiiIch T. Day left
fop San Kianci-co on Wcilncmlay,
wheie Clmilcy will tcumc his old po
sition of second (lick opciatop in
the geneial officcK of the Siuithein
I'aeiric, Flood linildinj;.
A rcpoit in ciirrcnl here that M. ('.
Miller, who a few yearn iign was at
the head of elaborate real estate of
fices in the 1'II.k' block, is now pro
moting an aerial railway at the Pun
iima exposition, this new' venture ns
Hiuiiui; the phase of uionorall ami
(yioscopie inopoiliou", the motive
power beiii,' clccli icily instead of hot
It. V.. M'ullniiey, transcontinental
weight liuicau iiispecloi', and whose
teriilory cnIciuIk fiom Ashland to
Seattle, wan lieie Weilucsdav nllciul
inp lo oflicial husincsM. His liend
(piailci'H nn at Albany,
1). W, Longfellow of Minneapolis,
liiollior-in-law of A. M. Heaver, made
a brief visit hen. eaily in the week,
lie U enpigcil in a laige fruit ilis
liilnilinjr husincsH in Minnesota'
lending meliopoliw. This is his thiul
visit (o lliis lenitorv and tho lleav
ecu Ivo in hopes of lamlinir him hcie
as a poiiuancnt lesidcut in llio not
distant future.
ljoillaml DUDPIM of Wednesday
conlaiiiPil iiccountH of the suicide of
Clarcnco SpiioH, liviiifr in tho vicinity
of Vancouver, WuhIi. II U Riipposcil
tlm Hiiieido was the icsult of ie
inoiHo of RpireB, "who was out on
Ml 0,000 hail fop tho killintr of a
neighbor named Larson. Ho lcavow
n widow ami six children; also two
lirotiierH in Oreaoii Oscar Spires of
T.clmnon and Kdwaul Spirei, vpsiil
iiifr near Ashlaml.
Muchcll Hi oh., feeders and ship
noi'rt of Ihis cily, on Wciliicsdav for- n
warded four rnrlontls of ilomoslio
eattlo lo f'aliforuia tonilnry, of
wlilcli flnzelln is llio center, fop rat
ioning purposes,
You know what Cottolene
is made of
There is no secret about Cottolone.
The world has known Cottolene for over twenty-five years.
It was in the van of the great movement for the improve
ment of food products.
x It is an exact combination of pure, ultra-refined cotton
seed oil (a grade so high it is not listed in the market)
with beef-stearine from' clean, fresh, leaf beef suet.
That is what produces the splendid qualities for shorten
ing, frying and cake-making in
There is an appetizing appeal in the thought that your foods are cooked with
Cottolene made of an oil that is far superior to most salad oils and as fine as
the best, combined with the choicest part of rich, leaf beef suet
Nothing has ever been found to equal this combination. For more than a
quarter of a century "Cottolene has been alone and has held an unchallenged,
Order a pail of Cottolene from your grocer today and use it
in shortening, frying, or cake-making. Added to its splen
did results is its economy you use one-third less than of
any ordinary cooking fat. Arrange with "your grocer for a
regular supply.
Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for our real cook
book "HOME HELPS" free.
"Cottolene makes good cooking better
x.M.(,, ,
i. i
t Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con
tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world?
We have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen
uine and true. Here arc three never before published:
From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
Piiovidence, IL I. "For tlic benefit of women who suffer as I havo
done I wish to stato wlmt Lydia E. Phikhiun'n Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I did boiiio heavy lifting and the doctor said it
caused a displacement. I havo always been weak and I overworked
after my baby was born and inflammation net In, then nervous pros
tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. rmk
ham's Vegetable Comtiouud. The Compound is my best friend and
when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to Induco her
to take your medicine." .Mrs. S. T. 1icumond, 84 rrogresa Avemw,
Providence, U.I.
From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y.
Teru. N.Y." Ucforo I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com
pound 1 was very irregular and had much pain. I had lost threo
children, and felt worn out all the time. This splendid incdiciiio
heliwd mo as nothing eLso had done, anl I am thankful ovcry day
that I took it." Mrs. Mama Inwm, RFJ). 1, Peru, KY.
From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass.
South Qi'incy, Mass. 'Tho doctor said that I hod organic trouble
and he doctored mo for a long time and I did not get any relief. I
Baw Lydia t. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound ad- ss
venieu unu i ineu it ami round relict tietore 1 Had
finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all
through middle life and am now a strong, healthy
womsm and earn my own living." Mrs. Jank D.
Duncan, Forest Aveuue, West Quincy, Mass.
gV (COXFinKXTIAU LVXX, MASS., forad vice.
Your letter w til be onoiicri. read and answered
"by a woman uud held In strict confidence.
"What Can You Do?"
asks the lluslnoss Man. "What Is YOUIt answer?
oirr a iicsi.vkss kducatio.v at tiu:
Medford Commercial College
anil your answer will satisfy Mr. Dustncss Man.
Tin: school ok Mowntx .Mimions."
31 North firniic Street, ItNlford, Oregon. Tclci.lionol3.Ii.
One of Our Distinctive Features
Is our prompt, competent sorvico.
Wo havo every facility for tho transaction of your
banking business nml cordially Invito your account, sub
ject to check.
Reduced faro round trip tickets, permitting stop
overs nt all points In either direction, to tho Pana
ma Pacific International Kxposltlon, San Francisco,
and to tho Panama California Kxposltlon, San
DIcko, on salo cvory day to November 30
VIA thi:
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily
Shasta Limited San Francisco Express California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days' stop-ovor will bo allqwcd at San Fran
cisco and Loa Angeles on ono way tickets sold to
Knstorn Cities when routed via tho Southern Pacific,
which will ouahlu tourists to cither or boll)
I'ull piullniliir., laws, literature on tho Kxposltto,
Unlit m'IiciIuIcm, etc., from nearest Agent of the
John M. Scott, (Joiu'iul I'MfcHcHwr Agent. I'tHlbuul. Qw.