Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 25, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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II, D. McUrtilo nntl family of this
Clly nro well acquainted with tho
Colorado country where tho outlaw
Pluto Indiana havo been resisting nr-
Vcisl for tho Inst ton dayd. They nro
former residents of Durnnirn. Colo.,
lOfldqimrteri of tho U. S. marshals
Mnd -deputies In pursuit of tho rod
6 It Ins.
Prof. Admits of tho Gold Hill
schools spoilt "Wednesday In .Medford
atlondinjr to business matters.
"What will tho parrot Bay?
Tliomns .Martin, n transient Ml off
iho plntiorm of tho Medford wnro
lioiiso liulldlnf? Wednesday striking
lils bend Upon an Iron rail. Ho was
knocked unconscious, and for n time
It was feared ho had sustnlnetl ser
ious Injuries. Tho police brought
him to his senses by throwing cold
water In hla face.
Hundlctt's millinery storo Is open
again with now spring goods. 291
"nrlnglng Up Fntlicr" n comedy
ndapted from tho comic cartoons of
tho wimo name will bo tho attraction
at tho Page Theator Friday night.
Mrs. Leach, 320 North Dartlctt, ox
pert corsetlere. Phono 5C3-J. "
Miss Mildred Shearer leaves tomor
row for Portland where she will visit
with frlcndB and relatives for tho
next month.
Tho millinery department of the
M, M, storo is now open under tho
management of Misses Lounsbury and
Thq. Parent-Teachers association of
tho Roosevelt school will hold their
regular meeting Friday afternoon,
tho subject under .discussion being
tho beautifying of vacacnt lots. State
School Industrial Inspector U. P. Har
rington and School Supervisor Peter
sen will be among tho speakers.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Book Store.
The spring migration of wanderers
from tho south to tho north Is now
under way, ten being quartered in
the city jail Wednesday night. Soma
of the number engaged In begging on
thu streets. Ono who thus sought
aid' was offered work in an orchard
at $1 a day and board; but rejected
the offer.
Don't forget to hear Ror. George
Schoenor, tho roso wizard, public li
brary, Fob. 22, 23. 24, 25 and 26, at
8 p. m. All Invited. Subject, "Rosea
and Roso Growing."
A. Ii. Cornell of Grants Pass Is
attending to business matters In this
city for a few days.
What will tho parrot say?
James Ellis of Roseburg is among
tile 'out of town visitors In tho city
this week.
' City pasenger eervlco 15c. Coun
try trips in proportion. Plerson &
Foster. Phone 878-L. tf
Tho seven small children of Mrs.
Mary" Stock of Central Point were
taken to tho Uoys and Girls' Aid So
ciety at Portland last night by Pro
bation Officer Charles 13. Oay. The
children havo been depondent upon
charity for tho last six months, and
afforded a very pathetic case. It
was thought best to put thorn under
tho caro of a juvonllo institution.
Chic tailored hats at right prices
rit the M. M. store.
Co'unty Surveyor A. T. Brown Is
spondlbg tho week In Roguo River
dtto'ndlng to county business.
Kodak fiulshlng tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Dook
C. B. Gates spent Wednesday af
ternoon In Jacksonville attending to
business matters.
What will tho parrot say?
11. Chandler ICgan is spending the
weok in Jacksonville on petit Jury
Seo Davo Wood anout that flro-ln-s'Oranco
policy. Offico Mall Trlbuno
Attorneys Gus Nowbury, n. F.
Mulkcy, W. K. Phlpps. G. M. Roberts
and Newton Ilordon spent Wednes
day In Jacksonville attending to legal
What will tho parrot say?
CoiiRldorablo local Interest Is bo
lng manifested In tho basket ball
gamo to bo played next Friday night
fiotweon thu AMiland and Medford
high sphool teams. Students ' of
both lUBtitutlonn nro excited about
tho gamo which will ho for blood.
Ashland defeated Roseburg two
' , ' gamed, wfiifii the locals woro beaten.
Slnco then Coach Mooio affirms his
'charges havo tulcon on now life, and
pit Jtato grasped (bam work, Tho Ash
l .land toam Isicredltod. wVth- being able
to "cover up"vbottor than any basket
ball team In the state, and this gives
lliotn a powerful edge In a close, fast
game, Tho advanco sale of tickets
assures the largest crowd In tho his
tory of an athletic event In this
Matlneo, tho Page today.
A. A. Davis of Oakland1, Cal., is
spending tf few days In the city at
tending to business matters and vlu-
Ring old friends.
Carl Wiling of the upper Roguo
rlVer spent Wednesday In Medford
attending to bus I note matters,
Mrs. George U. Carpenter has re
turned from n trip to San Francisco,
whore sho wast at tho' bedside f her
brother, Jack F. Merrill of Gold Hill,
during nri operation, and H confined
to nor home with a slight Illness.
Call nt tho M. M. storo and see
tho Misses Iounshury ami Somon
about your now spring hat.
Uric Anderson of tho Uluo hedge
district to his home after spending n
couplo of days in the city on busi
ness. Sweet cldor at Do Voo's.
O. N. Nelson has relumed from n
two weeks business trip to Grants
Pnss and other Josephine county
Get your nutter, cream, milk and
hutter-mllk, at Do Voo'.
George H. Ktrkpatrlck, author of
"War What For," tho most scath
ing denunciation of tho games of
kings ever written, will speak In
Medford. Thursday, March 11. Ktrk
patrlck la rated with Secretary Uryan
as an nntl-inllttnrlRt, and his book
the most widely read work In tho
world; It is socialistic In Us trend,
and was barred from the Gorman Um
pire by the Kaiser.
Wo havo nn expert trimmer In tho
millinery department at tho M. M.
The Medford high school debating
team composed of Earl Hubbard,
Clinton Purkoypllo nnd Hugo Lund-
berg defeated tho vGranta Pass toam
at tho high school Wednesday night,
upon tho subject "Resolved That tho
Government Should Own nnd Operate
all Railroads." Medford will next
meet Pnndon, the champions of
Coos county, and If they will will
meet the Wlllametto valley cham
pions. Tho Medford school has been
more successful this year In oratory
than athletics.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wcs
on's Camera Shop. Over Isls Thea
ter. Prof. Ager of Talent spent Wednes
day evening In Medford on business.
Get It at Do Voo's.
Prospects were bright Wednesday
evening for a substantial rain, but af
ter a brief shower, the sky cleared
and tho sun Is shining brightly today
for tho first tlmo this week. The
official weather forecast is still for
Early cabbago aud cauliflower
plants ready March 1st. Orders also
taken for all kinds of vegetable
plants. Maddox & Bonney, .phono
S7-R. 310
W. J. Hill of Slsson, Cal., is spend
ing a few days In tho city and valley
attending to business matters.
Prismatic Ray has accomplished the
most wonderful results In scalp trou
ble; used only In connection with
Marlnello treatments. Try It for
falling hair. Marlnello Hair Shop,
407 Gamett-Coroy BIdg.
Ad Wolgast, cx-llghtwelght cham
pion, well remembered In this city
for his high financing In buying a
ranch near Eaglo Point from Mosc
Barkdull, and then falling to live Up
to his agreement, broke his arm
Wednesday while training for a bout
with Leach Cross, conqueror of Bud
Anderson. Freddy Welsh, light
weight champion of tho world, meets
Charley White of Chicago at Milwau
kee tonight in a ten round bout.
White holds a paper decision over
Welsh, and tho battle will bo a bit
ter one.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
vVcston's Camera Shop. Over Isls
Tho last legislature passed a bill
appropriating J500 for a re-silrvoy of
the boundary lino between Jackson
and Douglas counties.
J. O. Corking, the' best all around
photographer In sontborn Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Mrs. John C. Mann who under
went u surgical operation at Sacred
Heart hospital Tuoftday Is Improving
For bettor insurance see Holmes,
tho Insurance Man.
Shorty Miles and Charles Young
aro spending tho week hunting on
tho upper reaches of Evans creek.
Dean Straub of the stato university
spent Thursday in Medford.
Matlneo, the Page today,
F. T. Ferguson has boon ap
pointed tho new district superin
tendent of tho Metropolitan Insur
ance company, and has opened of
fices In tho Garnett-CpYo'y building.
Mr. Ferguson assumes tho posi
tion caused by tho removal of F. T.
Durgess to Tacoma.
$2000.00 to loan, Sco Holmes,
tho Insurance Man,
E. M. Wilson has roturned from
Rod Bluff, Cal,, whore he exported
thtf hooks pf LnsB!ri county.
E. J. StewaYt will buy, soirie county
warrants' at discount. 290
Portland Livestock Market .
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 25. Cuttle
Receipts 17; unchanged.
IIog.s Rcceioth JlOll; 5o
1'riino light, $0,70(1.90;
light, 0.50(3)0.70; light,
0,50; rough, $5.00(3)0.15.
Sheep 4tvceiptH 45; Hloudy.
FOUND IJIcyclo ut DeVoo'. Owner
call thoro for same. 290 1
Funornl services for the Into O C.
Ueekmnn. pioneer banker, are being
held In Jacksonville this afternoon,
with scores of friends from all parts
of tho county In attendance. Many
of thoso who paid tho last earthly
tribute had known him for onrs.
Tho banks' of this city nnd Jackson
ville, and all county offices closed as
n mark of tribute to tho lending citi
zen of southern Oregon, nnd Jackson
county's grand old man.
Tho' body Jny In state at tho Jack
sonville .Masonic hall from noon till
2: Do o'clock, and was viewed by n
long line of sorrowing friends. Tho
floral tributes woro many. Tho ser
vices were under the auspices of the
Masonic lodge of Jacksonville. Tho
sermon was delivered by the Rev. W,
F. Shields of this city.
All tho Portland dallies and most of
tho lending papers of tho statu made
editorial comment upon tho passing
of the deceased pioneer, testifying to
his worth as a citizen and tatu
After 12 hours deliberation In
which they wero unable to reach n
verdict, tho Jury In the trial of Ray
Toft charged with perjury was dis
missed Wednesday night by Judge
Calkins. At ono time tho jury stood
11 to one for conviction. Tho bal
loting most of the time tsood 9 to 3
and 8 to 4 for conviction. In tho
closing balloting tho Jury was dead
locked, and could reach no agree
ment or compromise.
This is tho second disagreement, a
Jury at tho September term of court
falling to reach a verdict nfter ton
hours deliberation. The prosecut
ing nttonfey's offico has reached no
decision whether a third trial wilt be
called or not.
$789,316 MS
The tnx rolls of ,Tnckon county
were turned over to tho hheriff.s of
fice1 today for collection nnil show
tho following nmountH to he col cel
lected: State . j: . $Wi.470.S9
Schoolrt l.VI,(J7i.."7
City 118,07-1.74
City liens 17f10'J.25
Fire patrol . 4,893.80
UEHNE, Switzerland, via Paris,
Feb". 25. France and Oermnny linve
concluded nrrnnpi'incnt" f r tli" ex
change of prisoner to', illy incrpuc
itnteil for futuro military etiity.
Swiss hospital train ) .11 he uacd to
trmiKport invalids.
"TATURE sometimes makes perfec'
things, but "processing" spoils 'em. A
good-natered boy may be
"processed" into a cern
fool by the wrong educa
tion an' tobacco can be
spoiled similar.
VrT MriiBI
l.orlo Martin, accused slayer of
Gtuno Warden A. S. Hubbard" near
Trail last December, will go on trial
at Jacksonville noM Monday. Thu
oxtrcnui penalty for conviction on tho
highest charge Is life luiprlnonment:
the minimum penalty three years on
third degree manslaughter.
Martin's plea will bo self defense,
and that his mind wan wonkenvd by
privation nnd worry. A. K. Itenmes
is his attorney.
No case In Jackson county In re
cent years has attracted so much at
tention and It will bo tho hardest
fought legal battle of local courts.
Owing to tho wide Interest nnd pub
licity a speclnl venire may bo neces
sary to secure a Jury,
The rest of this week In tho circuit
court Is being devoted to civil stilts,
lottug most of tho time stood !' to 3,
A jury in the circuit court this
tnoniin found J. I). Hell iiml John
Shcridnn of the Nttsli Hotel company
not guilty of M-llin liquor to minors,
nfter hut five minutes' ilelihcratioii,
Tlii is the inglorious finale of agita
tion launched two yon re nt;o. Nine,
other Mctlfonl Hiiloonuieii were in
dieted on Htmilnr chaiyo.s. They will
be dropped. The iuc in tho ene
win woven nhout the responsibility
of nn emnloyer for the nets of hU
LONDON. Feb. 23. Two nnws
ngencles dispatches received in Lon
don todny from southeastern Europe
describe the warmth of receptions
lately given General Paul Pan of the
French army In Rumania and Serbia.
General Pan recently has been In
iiusaiu onu ii is eriueni mat no is
being employed by tho French gov
ernment on special missions. A dis
patch from Bucharest. Rumanln. h.-ivk
I ho was given a hearty welcome on his
arrival nntl that he made himself
popular In the capital.
Sarah A. Stought, a pioneer of the
Roguo River valley, died at her homo
in Phoenix yesterday noon of ail
ments Incident to old ago, Mrs.
Stought was 90 years old aud had re
sided In the valley for G2 years. Mrs
Stought camo to Oregon In 1857 vln
tho Isthmus of Panama. Sho was
ono of tho most widely known pion
eers of this section. She is survived
by four children: Thomas Short of
Portland; Mrs. P. W. Ilnrvoy of San
Francisco; Mrs. L, A. King of Phoe
nix, and A. W. Short of Phoenix.
Funeral services will bo held at tho
Presbyterian church at Phoenix Fri
day morning, February 2Cth, at
10:30 a. m.
Durlal at Jacksonville cemetery at
2 p. m.
The Smoothest Smoking Tohacco, VELVET,
is naturally right. Its two years' ageing
simply mellows and refines its natural qual
ities. The secret of its "no hite" is first,
right tobacco ; second, right ageing. 10c tins
and 5c metal-lined bags.
LONDON', l-Vli. 'J.-.. ltuM"iiui
troops I it we rt'itiviulotl Miikowiim mill
trocoupietl Suiluguru, on llm niilroiiil
fotir miles north of Crermiwitx, uO
t'otilitii to it tlixpnloh twciwil by I ho
MVeiutijr News from .Miimovuitit, in
Kuiiiituin, The Aintiiiin, tho eone
upondent mill", n re pii-luinr up their
troop toward (Vernon il. to meet thm
new ltiiHtimi uttiuk.
PETROGRAl), In London, Fb. 23.
Trial of five socialist deputies
charged with treasonable conspiracy
began hero yeHtenlay with thu doors
of the court room open to the public.
The dunmltcs, with other social
ists, met on November 17 In a house
on tho Vlborg roml eight mlleti from
Petrograd an delegates from a social
ist organization to oppdso tho war
because they feared a Russian victory
would strt'iiKlfit'it the government
and result In reactionary measures.
This nice ting and tho discussion
which took plneo there resulted In
tho arrest of tho men who went ar
raigned jeatorday.
SALEM, Oro., Feb. 23, Governor
James Wlthyrombo announced to
night, after n busy day during which
he had affixed bin signature to more
than 100 hills passed by tho legisla
ture, that only a few measures re
main to he acted upon, and ho hnd
laid theso aside for further considera
tion. Two vetoes wore announced.
On the score of economy tho governor
killed bills providing for nn addition
al circuit Judgo In the Tenth district
nnd fur tho appointment of two more
Judges In connection with tho crea
tion of tho fifteenth, sixteenth nnd
seventeenth districts. Tho appoint
ment was announced of T, E. J. Duffy
I of Prinitvllli), to ho circuit Judge of
th nowy rrpatpd v,Klltot
iCOInlirWnB t'rook and
nth district,
and Jefferson
It is Just Natural
To Admire Babies
O'jr nltnistle nature lmr'l love for tho
ootnK Infant. Anil in tho rnnw limn
the k il Ij J r e t of i
niouiorjHKxi ia rvrr
lxfor u. To know
wlml to lo ttutt will
mill to the pliynlml
comfort of cxiwttatit
iiwilhrrlioo. In a mil)
Jn:t Unit tins lulrr
0M0O moat womu of
nil tlmcH. Oun of
'VV tn nut liflpful
ttilnits l un ftxtrrniil
nlxlomlnnl nppllcntlun hum In mint
Uruif tot,n tinilvr Uit iiumit of "Molli'rrt
Krlfiul.' u hnvti known m many gnuil
mothers, who In their youtim r 1ayn
rrlliil upon this rrinoily, unci who rocom
mend It t lh"lr own ilmiKliti-r tliut It
certainly inuit lie wlmt Its luitnu hull
cntM. They mc uwd It for Its dlriyt
InMiH-neir uKn the nuwlei, roriln, llm
menu iiikI twiilon nx It iilmri to urford
rrll'-f from thu ntrulu nmt imlu o often
unnKi'Smirlly xtivcru ilurlnir tho period of
A little hook mnlli'd by UrnilflcM ltn:u
lator Co., 303 iJiiuur 111. Ik., Atlnnlii, (Ij
refers to many Oilmen Unit Women like to
r en J nliout. It ri'ftrx not only to th
relief from niunclo ntnilii luu to their
-xpnnnlon Iml ul to iiuuncu. murnlhK
tlckncn. raking of brcuU und many,
other dlitreuica. r-
m ir.n.
agf ,
MW i
o Cnrdon Syrun a m thotisiuidn
fcJ -urnr
nf wnvH in cookimrl Wo wimt tho
IiousowIvch of tho Norlhwcsl to loll u how thoy
U8o it for doHsortw. Tor prc.scrvinir nl I'ryHlnl
iBinsr fruit, olo. Fov tho best rocolpt rocolvod
wo will pay ?7n hi tfolit, nnd 'X for tho nocontl
biwt. oiul as ninny its you tlcslro. Conleat
open until Soptoinuor lHt.
Tea Garden
is dolicIouH mid
nutritive it Jh
far 8Ui)prIor to
mid hoalthful for
tho childrou than
nil corn or ulucono
Pelican Molasses
Id nn open-kettle, hoiiuIiio Now Or
lentiM iiiolntu(N - dlrlclly puro tho
best on tho market cunts mure, lut
worth It. voun ouorKit.
Pacific Coast Syrup C
I'Olll I.A.MI, OltlUIO.V.
Fancy Golden Fruit
Medford Warehouse Co.. Distributors
Free Demonstration
A cclchralcd Cliientfo fool Hpfi-iulinl will
k'ivc a I'i'tH' (Icnionst ration of Sfholl's
font comfort HiTvicc at our Mtorc on
Friday, and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27
I f you have any foot IroitlilcH, if your
i'ect ache or pain, if you lire cmily; if
you have any fool, deformity, cowsulr
liim. Tliere will le NO CIlAlftfljlJ'dr
his services nor will vou he obliged fty
purchase your shoes here.
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Krroctlvo from AiikukI 1, (Oil, o AtiKuat 1. IHl'i, aiul uiuantouil
nKUltiHl uny roilurtloii tlurlnii tliat tlme:
'I'oiiiIiik Cm' illtlt
Kinuilxiut I III
Tow it Cm film ,
V. O, II, Detroit. All cam fully oiuliioil,
(In tho United Btntoii of AmUrlra Only,)" i - 1,n.)U''
Furtlior, wo will lio ulilo to olituiu tho iiiiinIiiiiimi nfriclimcy In our
furtory proiluctlon, anil tho minimum rout in our iiiiicIiubIiw ami
nalofi ilflpurtmoutH If wu can roacfi nn output of .'lOQ.OOO cura liotwcou
tho aliovo (Intea.
And Hhould wo rrnch thin proiluctlon wo nitico to pity nn tho liuyor'n
rolnll buyer who ptirdiBHou it now l'ord car liotwoon AuielHt I,
Bhuro from ?40 to fill) por oar (on or about AkuiU 1, IDIH) to ovory
1014, and AtiKUHt 1, lUlli.
Kor furthor purtlculurH rummllng Uicho low juIcoh iiml prorit-Hlmr-
liiB plan, hoo tho nourcHt l-'onj Ilrunch or Dtmlor,
Ford Motor Car
C. E. GATES, Agent
Hpuitu llulldliiK
o. H
'I t )
All tlfonl, ()i
I'i'Koii, II
k .,.&',,, J