Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 25, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Pn7 accoftd Slrcst ?
Medford Mail Tribune
l HJ ! iMi h
Itnln Mat. nil- .Mill. Ml;
Precipitation .10.
Fortytfmirtli Yr.
"Ilv .Nlnlli Yrr
MEDtfORD. OIIKOOX, TlfntRDAY, VmilUAUY 25, iflif,
NO. 280
J h,X,t). - L.-Js .,,
10,000 SLAVS
Polish City nciortnl Cnpturcil Alter
Heavy Fighting Russians Deny
Ovn-wlii'lmlnii Defeats Claimed by
Kaiser Slavs Victors nt Dukla
Pass Calm on Western Front.
LONDON', Feb, 'J.'.. Another iiu-
piiilniit victory over tin UimMiius
WH IIIIIIOIIIICCll lllllllV It V lilt (ll'tlllllll
will' office in Hut I'liplllic of Ihu Pol-
lll I'llV "f I'lyilHIIVH. Tll Ill'IIVlCst
In-hliug in iioilhcrii Poland hIiido tin'
i'iiiUiiui or the ltiiuliiim from cn-d
Priim Iiiih iM'i'iiiii'il in 111 iciiiil.v
it)' thi cil, mill il- 111 U wild I"
have Ini to tlw caplun' tif limit' tliiin
10,111111 ItiioNimm. IVlmifiiiil Iiiih not
confirmed tin ii'pi'il.
IVriii'li mill Oeiiunii official com
iiniiiii'iiliotiM oCiti-itny ilitlifiili' (lull
I tit i'iiImi itii.imv(vtli'iii front i un
broken. I'li'tii'li attack in the CIiiiiii-
.HUIIf I'lllllilltllt Without l"lltH.
ItllSllllllH Kslll lll'llllll
Oeiiiiuiiy'n claim lii mi ovci whelm
niu' victory in i'iit PiiiMii, ii'siilling
in llif uiluul annihilation ( I lir Hit"
inn ti'iuli iinnv, i ilfiiii'il entcgor
inilly ltv tlic Kiinmiiii uiiiirriil Muff.
Tin iiiliuiixioii in niiiilc tluit two nnuv
I'lirjm Miffcicd heavily iluiinu' tin re
tii'iil. Imt tin' remaining rurp an'
lllt til IlltVl' Crfl'llpl'll flOHI till Her-
limit hiirroiiiiilinic movement.
KffnrH of llio (IfritiuiiH to rliiirlt
their vielorv by, -Milking n dceUivo
liltiw in urn t huni Poland nri' lending
It llllltlllllllllN lllltllc llll IlllUlg till'
MTllnit of tin' front, tlu outcome of
winch the HiiftMnn Mnff docs not nt
ti'imit to fint'ra-l.
I lat ill v li' intense is tin' campaign
in tin' CtiipiilliianM. -Tim Petrogrnd
miiioiiiii'cnii'iil chimin niiccc-imjk for
HlK llll!uW ill Hlllllll Cpg'llgl'IIICntH.
I)ipiilcbe from tin front to SwN.
nVw -.paper iiMiirl that ( lit I(iimuii-i
an1 winning conMMeiitly ami that Ihe
Aii-tnnni have nt mnri' tliaii JHHIO
nun at DiiMa Pa-.
('onfllrtliig Claim"
Now that llic ltiiMinii have made
n xtmiil on their own soil, lu fiiihlimt
in Hit' cnMcrii aii'iia of llio war i rc
MoUitiK it'lf into a ma of contra
dictory MnteincnU a nil runnier
I'liiiinx. 'I'll" (li'riaan c.liiiniM of a vic
tory m lluMnii Poland nro rircuin--liin'ml
ami detailed. The Russian
denial, iiIi I'liiplialii, atv KWi'cpinu
ami uiiii'ial. It woaltl apprar from
ilipalrhcM ii'i'ihiiiK l.omloii that nl
Die iiiofci'iit imniii'iit m'ithur the Aus-
tiimiH nor th (IcnnniH aio innkinc
lii'iiilwav aiiywhoru on llio lino from
tin- llallii' to th().ranillliM Hnlih
oIimtm'is nit' tiallin allcntion to Ilia
fai'l Dial lhtri appaii'iilly has lifoii
no ilcciHivi' Inillla at Ihc nortlu'in t
lii'inilv of llio lini' to iirow wliollit'i-
llii icccnl mHmii'K will ha of laliii
nliic or imt.
WASHINGTON, I'Vli 2Ti - I'ohhI
IiIIHIoh of an e.Mrn HeitHloii of the hen
ate almio aflor Maich I, for coiihIiI
orallon of trout leu ami iiomlmilUmH
wmo iIIbcuhkuiI today ainoni; uilniln
iHtratlon lemlurH. While white Iioiiho
offlolalH ro(iHoil (o iIIhcurh the stih
jei't, It waH known Preulilent WMIhoii
wiih kIvIiik It coiiHlilointlon, Trent
Ich with Culomhla tq pay r.,000,-
000 for tliQjurtllon of Panama ami
with NlniiuhiSd to pay ?a,0()0,Q0O for
lnter'Occuiiiicantil ilylit ami naVal
haHCH, timlotihteilly will fall of rutl-
1 lent Inn at the proHont huhnIoii, Tim
neeil of action on thorn Is cnnuldorori
hy (ho mlmlnlutrntlon of threat 1m
porlanco. Offlclala alno tr con
firmation of the federal trmlo com
iiiIhhIoii will ho delayed,
The pieHhlenl It wiih mild, Iiiih no
tlimicht of an e.xtva hchsIoii of con
KI'ohh a h a whnlo, Special hohhIoiih
of thn uenato hitherto huvo liouu to
ronflrin nomluntluiiR of cahlnol offl
clahi, Ah the Iioiibo or tho Oltli con
KienH would ho unorh'iuiled, prohahly
no Konurul IohIhIhIIdii would ho un
dertaken at ii Hpuclal ischhIoii of the
lUhlVtKUMH '
Russia's Desire for Access to Sea In
Entire Accord Willi England, An
nounces Secretary Gray to Parlia
mentConstantinople Will Be the
Czar's Prlie at Conclusion of War.
LONDON, Kih. 'J... Kir Kilwiml
(liey, the foielin Hi-eielaiy, aniioiim
nl in Ihe hoiimt of i'iiiiiiiioiim today
dial Oreat lliilain wiih in inliie lie
I'linl with ItilNMia'ri ileniie for lirciWH
to the Hca.
"With ltiiMla'' for ai'cesH In
Hie him, LiiKlmitl in in enliro aeeoril,'
tile foieiKti M't'relaiy xaiil in ii'ponio
In a ipienllon I'min Ptcili'iink W.
.lewctt, whi'ther KiikIiiiiiI loiew of ami
approved the statement of tho Kiik-
hiiiii foreign iiiinihler, M. .Saronoft, in
the iliima, Hint "Itiiia inlrmlol per
maiaeiilly lo occupy CoiiHlmitiiioph'."
The foreign M'ciclarv reipomlcil
that he was itnawaio thai Siir.ntinlf
liml iniide any oiii'li Htatciiicnt, lint he
lidded "the hlnlcilli'lit I IlllM' M'i'll Will
that M. Saroiioff xaitl thai the event h
i Hi the Itiio-Tiiikihli frontier would
Inlni; llii"ia neaicr rcali.ation of (he
political-economic prohlcm lioiiml up
willi KiikhIii'iI iicccm to the sea."
"Willi Hii'mc iipiiiilioiiM," lie eon
timtcil, "Knjiliind i in sympathy.
What form their realiy.alion will take
will no ilonht ha hettlcd in the tenn
of peace."
The animniiccment of Sir lMwnnl
Orey mink one of the important tie
xelopiaentH in the r'tiropcau political
xitiiatioti hiiiee the hfiiinin of the
war. ItiiKHia h ilcMire for a warm wil
ier jMirt ami unn'Mrirlcil outlet from
Ihe lllack ca loiii.' has hecn one of hei
moot eheiiiheil national HMHiatiom.
SpiltKlmr in the iliiwia oil' iviiraary (f),
I'reimcr uorui.VKcii nam:
"Tmkev Iiiih iniircheil willi our rn-
emv. hul her lexihlanec nlreatlv has
hecn hhallcictt lv our jliiriouK ('nil-
I'lixiun lioopi ami the nullum lutiirc
of the Itiissiaim on the Hlaek kcii i-
Iti'Kimiiiii; to ilawii near the whIIk of
The attitude ofOteat lliilain In tho
ewnt that Ihe forlmies of war nhoithl
laii IIiikmii m the MriiKiilo with Tur
kc h.i" hiiii an oicii iptcslmu,
TORONTO. Oil!., 1'ch. '.'.-..-Tom
Flauacau, who l rained .lack .lolmsiin,
the :icf;ro iui;ilist for the fight with
.lames .leffnes, at Itcim, aiinouuecil
today he had received a cnhlcKinm
from .IoIiiimiii at Havana, in which
lohnnou "miiil he hail called off the
fihl willi .lesrt Willatil, ct for .March
II at .Inure:, ami that ihe fight would
take place in Havana.
FIiiiiiikiiii pave mil Ihe let of Hie
cahle fiom .lohiiKon at llavaim n
follows :
"W5II fight Willunl here. Fight
will (lrnwjH much as .leffiiofi-.lohn-mui
fight. There is not a chance for
mo to go (o Mc.ico."
llONOUM.r, T. II., Feh. 20. Mrs.
Mil oh Dull and Mrs, llulo. pasBongorH
n tho oxcurvlon llnor (Ircat Northern,
toguthur with a nntlvo chaffour, worn
killed hint night In an automohllo ac
cident on tho road to Kllauea vol
cano, llio. Tho stormier nailed from
Illlo at midnight for Han Polio, with
tho liodloH, ,
POHTLANI), Ore., Koh. 25. Mrs.
MIIch Moll and MrH. Matlo I Uulo
who wero ropotted to have been klllod
hiHt night In an aiitoiuohlltvaccldont
In Hawaii, wero both resldentH of
Portland and loft horo together for
tho oxcuiHlon qii tho flront Notthorn.
MrH. Moll wiih (12 yenra of ago nnd
la Hitrvlved hy throo children, one of
whom, ChnrloH A. Hell, Ih an attor
noy of AndorHon, Cnl. Mih. Itulu
wan a clerk In llio illKtiict forest ser
vice offlco horo (11111' waa about 50
ycum old,
f ; Z-
'. TRYIN6TO rVADC .' 'J MAGNETIC TORFFDO ( V, ,' rl T ZZaiir .
J TOPPPDOt -. ATTRACTED T3Y. , ,. ..A' j ) ' V ' , ,fe, &E&lk,
TORPEDO - SUBMARINE V. G W Ml,, V lA ' ' WjfK. -fMj
Fifty feet beneath the surface the submarine pushed
on, its smooth, silent engines thrusting it relentlessly for
ward, its men-keyed to the. highest piteh of exei(bnTe.nt, for
only three miles' beyond lay the grand fleet, theirs to
JIalf an hour more and all the naval glory of ages would
be erushOd into insignifieaneu beside the achievement of
the X-:i.
Hut what is tlmt torpedo-like object thsit follows,?
Discerning it, the commander signals for a sudden dive.
The thing dives also, Frantically the officer orders a
zig-zag course, but the eccentricities of the one become
those of the other. Like a copper moccasin preparing to
sting, the under-sea Nemesis speeds forward, and the dis
tance between its larger brother grows less.
In despair the officer of the submarine turns his craft
sharply and stops deatl, hoping the torpedo will slide past.
lTueannily the thing describes a sweeping curve and, with
unerring accuracy conies directly at the larger craft.
There is a crash and through the amidships of the sub
marine's steel plates comes the nose of the torpedo and
witter. For just two seconds does the crew live just long
enough to know (here is no escape.
Then the second and more powerful explosion and one
officer and fourteen men actors .in the most supreme
drama thp twentieth century can produce go down in his
tory as missing.
Not only l Ruch an Incident ponHlhle, but highly probable as tho deter
mining factor la the war.
And again electricity magiietlum Ih proving Itself tho mighty element.
An American, Allan ('. Canton, linn perfected a torpedo which, ho claims,
needs no alining' Tho heavy Bteel hulls of tho drcadnaughta themselves
liuiire accuracy to tho new demon of tho deep which spells their destruction.
MnguctUm Ih the guiding power of his torpedo, which, speeding nearly
fifty miles an hour, will pick out the largest battleship of a fleet and send
It, a mass of wreckage to tho bottom.
(Continued on last pa go)
WASHINGTON, l'Vb. 2.1. Willi
only six working' days rcniiuning of
tho present sckaIoii of congress, the
prot-pect of enacting any otlnjr leg
islation abide from the apprnpriat.ion
hills boforo adjournment was regard
ed by Honuto leaders today ih very
Mini. Thoy were, concentrating their
efforts toward tho passage of the
supply measures.
While reports continued today of
a revival of ntleinptr, to put through
the government ship purchao hill, in
aeeordaueo with the wiMies of Pres
ident Wilson, mhiiiuUtrutiou admitted
there wiih lit IK hope of doing so hu
ciuiho of republican oppoMtion. l'ros
peels of passing tho river ami harbor
hill in its present form nlo wero uny
tliing but bright,
SALT LAKH CITY, Utah, Feb. 'Jo.
A special to the l)eei'et Nuws from
llhiff. Utah, snvs that Indian Audit
"-'-- r r -- r -
Creel and Assistant District Attorney
I ook are m eonleienco today witn
roiled States Marshal Neheker,
Agent Knkins and citizen of llluff
egarding tho best method to appre
hend tho hostile lMutes. Several
wealthy cnttlo owners at tho confer
ence are urging that troops ho rushed
in at once, as thousands of cuttle he-
vnnd the Indian stroimhnhl are in
danger, llluff is under heavy guuid,
with looKoutu siiuioueti at an points
... .. i .
in vmiingc.
According to a treaty entered into
vimiiv Hie Ule Indians nureed to
....,., .if,--, ...- -- - - CT.-.., --
assist in tho tmpturo of any outlaw
mumuors 04 inuir inuu,
Diagram indicating how- zij: y.aggiiifr, resorted to hv wnnliipx and other in trvinp to caenpe ft torpedo or
mine, proves u-cle-s when a magnetic torpedo is approaching or following. The magnetic toqedo, traveling 40
miles an hour, follow the xubiiiarme automatically until overtaken.
Two Small Steamers Struck by Mines
or Torpedoed Crews Saved Ex
cept One Man Previously Ten
Vessels Sent to Bottom.
LONDON, Fob. 25. Tho second
week of Oermany's submarine cam
paign opened today with tho loss of
two other llrltsh ships. Tho Dopt
ford and the Western Coast, both
small steamers wero sunk off the
Kngllsh coast by mines or torpedoes.
Previously, ten vessels, seven of thorn
llrltish had been sent to the bottom.
Germany apparently Is preparing
to extend tho Hold of Jtheso opera
tions, for thrco submarines havo
been sent to l'ola, presumably for use
in the Adriatic and Mediterranean,
Tho small Drltlbli coasting steam
er Western Coast was sunk by a mine
or torpedo In tho Kngllsh channel at
a point off lleachy Head. The crew
was landed at Portsmouth today.
Ono sailor lost his life when tho
small llrltish steamer Deptford, 2D0
feet long nnd 120S tons, was sent to
tho bottom In 20 minutes, eltbor by
a German torpedo from a submarine
or by coming Into contact with a mine
In tho North Sea at 2:00 o'clock yes
terday morning at a point off Scar
borough. Tho 15 membors of tho
steamers crow- wero saved and wero
landed at South Shields at an early
hour this morning. Tho engineer of
tho Doptford says ho was on duty In
tho stoke hold at tho tlmo tho explo
sion In tho torpedo head or tho mlno
rent thp Deptford In twain. Ho says
ho saw a bltio flamo shoot up from
tho bottom of tho Bhlp and through
her deck. The force of tho explosion
throw lilin violently and stunned
him. Ho managed to reach tho deck,
however, as tho vessel was heeling
and Just as tho Hfo boat was
7 s
OKNKVA, viil Paris', 25. Tho
military governorr of Strnssburg,
capital of Alsace-Lorraine, has pro
hiluted tho Mile or consumption of
iibMnthe, Person who violato tho
older will he bcnteneed to ti year's
American Note Seeks to End Danger
to American Shipping by Securing
Adoption of Definite Pollcv bv Bel
ligerents Toward Food Shipments.
LONDON, Feb. 2."i. The proposnls
of Washington to Oreat Hritain nnd
Germany, which nre in London as
sumed to embrace tho abandonment
of Germany's i-elf-declarcd war zone
and the adoption by tho belligerents
of some definite policy regarding
foodstuffs for the civilian popula
tions, have noticeably quickened tho
public interest both in this country
and in Germany, in this delicnto dip
lomatic, situation.
Tho press of Knglnnd in general U
restrained in tone, hut the average
Englishman plainly resents want he
considers a hint at an attempt to in
terfere with tho actual blockade of
Germany should England care to en
forco this with her sea power. In the
meanwhile nnd in spite of tho sinking
of four British merchantmen involv
ing the loss of four lives, Great lUit
ain still holds off from declaring food
destined to Germany to be contra
band. It is believed if this step is
taken that it will ho postponed. The
American proposals havo been dis
cussed nt length.
Just what this proposal is the pub
lic both hero and in Berlin is unaware.
Its only information hns been gleaned
from the meager and qualified dis
patches from Washington. Thero
would seem to bo no doubt, however,
that Great Britain will reservo tho
right to declaro food contraband at
nny time sho deems it necessary, es
pecially as Gormany's so-called
blockado has been enforced with all
the power Germany has at her com
mand for a week past.
ii i i
WASHINGTON, Feh. So. Tho fate
of Leo M. Frank, under death'H fcen
tenco for the murder of Mary l'hngan,
tho Atlanta, Ga., factory girl, depends
upon tho outcomo of oral arguments
of his habeas corpus case, which were
to begin Into today before tho su
premo court.
Spanish and British Ambassaaers
Protest to Washington Acttai of
General Obregon in DemanMni
Cash United States Files Protest.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. Tho
Spanish ambassador, Juan Riano con
ferred again today with state depart
ment officials about the heavy levies
of cash being made In Mexico City by
General Obregon on Individuals and
business concerns, tho time limit for
which expires at 6:00 o'clock tomor
row night. Tho ambassador said It
was a subject of serious concern,
Sir Cecil Sprlng-Ulco, British am
bassador also called at tho state de
partment and protested against
Obregon's decreo. But tho ambassa
dor was told that tho Unlted Stated
already had mado representations.
Tho state department received to
day a telegram from ono of its con
sular officers In Mexico recommend
ing that all owners lu the United
States of properties In Mexico be ad
vised not to Instruct their Mexican
employes on any account to violate
laws or decrees, to risk Uvea for the
sake of monetary consideration.
A dispatch from Vera Cruz said
that all steamer passengers entering
or leaving Vera Cruz, ara searched
for letters, which are opened and
reud In their presence.
LONDON, Feb. 25. A dlspatoU te
tho Dally Telegraph from Copen
hagen says that private reports from
Uorlln concerning the budget 4btft
In the Prussian diet, assert that on
of tho feature was a strong attack
by one of tho members of the diet en
Austria for the alleged feeWWwww ot
her assistance and particularly on
her Inability to deal a deobtlva MaW.r
In Serbia. It Is said (he ship wm ,
received with prolonged applauW, ,
The official report ef tke, 4ebte
does not mention tUU alU4 afimfc,
- I
4 h
s ,
W t w
" 5m