TTT' 7?M' p:ni3 rh ftrrcrnroTw matt; TrcrmiNR miwforr omwox, Momw. FrcnmiArcY 22. 'win if . fr K i . m EXCHANQEPLANS TO PACK FRUIT FOR GROWERS Association to Do All But the Plcklnn Standardizes Pack by Uniform Ity To Call for Fruit With Auto Trucks and Do Gradlno, and Boxlnn, Precoollnn and Car Loading. (Ily S. V. lleckwMi. Manager 11. K. Fruit nml Produce Assn.) TIio fruit season of 1914-15 hus omphaslxed a number o( interesting features. Not the least of these Is the question of proper physical hand ling of our frull and standardization of our pack, combined with economy and relief to tbo grower from some- of his most In-Haling problems. In our opinion a very large factor In tho futuro success or the box ap ple and pear business of this valley will be the quality or tho pack and package, and their absolute standard (ration Insofar as this Is humanly passible. The achievement of this result depends upon several Import Hnt factors method and tlmo of parking, physical handling from the tree to the packing house, evenness and excellence of grading and pack ing, efficient pro-cooling and cold Etorago, and careful carloadlng. Af ter this part of the work Is done and properly done, It Is up to tho rail roads and our marketing facilities, whatever they may be, to do the rest. All Hut Uio rickjug Of all, these Items of labor, there is only onj, viz: the picking, that the lloguo JMvcr Fruit & Produco Asso ciation will not be prepared to per form for the growers this year. Af ter a senson's experience which has been trjlng to all, both In the qual ity of the fruit and tho conditions or the niBiket. wo are most strongly Im pressed with the nbsolute necessity of concentrating the packing opera tions In onu place and exercising strict supervision over all of tho labor that has to do with tho physi cal handling of the fruit. Wo be lieve that only in this way can a thoroughly reliable package be put out, which, on account of its stand ard of excellence, will eventually bring a premium to the grower, and -xv 1 1 1 porslbly enable us to sell our fruit f. o. b. Medford without the prlrilcgo or Inspection to tho buyer. To Pack All Fruit To this end we havw made our plans to pack all or our fruit, both npplcn and pears, during the season lOlG-lt! nt our cold storage plant In Medford, and wc aro prepared to tako tho growers' fruit loose In packing boxes nt sonio placo convenient to his orchard, and to haul It, sort It, and pack It, rurnlshliig all materials and labor. Including boxes, dclivciy or shook to orchard and box making and nails, for ono fixed charge, which we believe will bo actually lower than it can bo dono by the Individual grow er. Tho result will bo not only concen tration of packing and constant sup ervision over tho pack, but also con centration of all packing materialu, with the exception of tho boxes, which can bo inudo up by us at the grower's packing house. I'so Auto Trucks Tho only possible criticism of this method as a wholo we believe might ho tho clianco or bruising the fruit by carrying it loose from some of the most distant ranches to our ware house In Medford. We think that wo can readily convince any fair minded grower that this criticism is not Just. Our plans contemplate the hauling or all fruit in automobile trucks. This means or conveyance) has been thoroughly tested out by us thlH souson with most satisfactory re sults, Wo liavo repeatedly carried 175 boxes of looso fruit in tlicto trucks at ono tlmo with practically no bruising in fact less than has been exper ienced in tho past in carrying packed fruit in wagons, Some of this fruit hus been hauled as groat a (llslauco as 12 to ll miles, , 'Wo, propose and have -mado ar rangements to use trucks tho coming season, which will carry larger loads, ;ifnnd th6 hoavitr tho load up, td thu caplclty of tho truck, tho less tho lia bility to brulso, I'nloudlng at Wmvhonso ' , Tbo unloading at our warehouso will bo accomplished by means of an Electric plovator, which will deliver the louso fin It as rapidly us it can list unloaded from tho truck, into our iMtoopd story where tho wholo paek Uitr operation wU bo carried on, In this way wo will have our raw ma- PsiImIs upstairs and aur manufac ' tttre4 product will bn easily delivered 0ii xrftvlly conveyors to pur pro- !iooluif and cq)d storage rooms, und to the curs. TliU will enoblo us to pro-coal every box of pears previous to landing, and such of tho early tip ples as in our opinion nm need prc coollng. Tho wnsto of paper and nulls nud other tunterluls will be ours rather than tho grower's. It will bo our duty to minimize this wusto. and wo bollcvo wo will Iks much hotter equipped to accomplish this than would be tho individual grower In his packing house. Thie whole plan hns been made possible by the ad vent of tho auto truck. Without It' in our opinion the physical handling of tho fruit would present, a much groator problem. 7000 oei lVr Day Our maximum dally capacity at present would bo 7000 boxes or ap proximately 12 cars, hauled, packed and cold stored or pro-cooled and rolled. Another Important feature is the opportunity to handle culls and rrult suitable for canning purposes, at n distinct advantage to thu grow er. Tho manufacture of canned elder alone this year has consumed In tho neighborhood of half a million pounds of lloguo river apples that were un fit for any other iuo and would have been otherwise practically a total loss to the grower. There is n growing demand for lloguo river canned rrult pouches, pears and apples and the assembling or a comparatively large tonnage of this class of fruit will enable us to take quick and most economical advantage of the canning and cider markets. Wo feel that this innovation is something that should 'appeal to every good orchardlst as a means to Improve and standardize his pack and at tho same time to relievo him of re sponsibility, save him money, and rind u much needed market for his wasto product. HELD PRISONERS WASHINGTON. Feb. 22 Harry T. Hhoades, general manager in Mexico City for a Haltlmorc manu facturing concern, taken prisoner b Zapata troops, according to today's official dispatches to tho state de partment report, has been released and returned to Mexico City. No Americans or oilier foreigners aro un der arrest at I'ledras Negras ns hat been reported. On representations to General Carrana that vessels have been damaged in Tamplco harbor and that lighthouses on tho Campecho banks aro dark, tho general has agreed to start the lights again. The arrest and holding tor ransom of ISO Roman Catholic priests by Carranza forces in Mexico City, was attonded by organized protests of the people. A procession or women marched to the Brazilian legation to ask tho minister's intervention. DAYTON TESTIFIES WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Federal Judge Alton G. Dayton or West Vlr Xlnla tfatlfled today boforo tho house Judiciary BUb-committco Investigat ing charges against him. He de clared he had been ' repeatedly mis represented." Tho case or tlie HIchman Coal and Coko company against officers and organizers or the United Mino Work ers or America he roviowed In detail. A restraining order, which finally developed Into an Injunction re straining union officers from attempt ing to organlzo tho employes of tho HIchman company, was ono or tho factors In the charges agulnbt him. Judgo Dayton declared ho had based his decisions In the caso on tho fact that the company had a contract Vith each of Its men before they were employed, In which they agreed not to Join a labor union. "I never spent a year or such hard labor and close, study as I did in that caso," continued tho Judge. "I worked to such an extent that for the first tlmo In my life I dropped In the street in a dead faint by reason of tho mental strain Involved in It." WALDO COPPER MINE IS PURCHASED Dr. J. F. Iteddy and A. II. Gun ncll or Grants Pass have purchased tho Waldo coppor mino from tho heirs of J. 11. Gunn, and will operate1 the claims ' again after two years Idleness. Tho mino Is located. In Josephine county near Takllma, and Is rated as one of tho best producers! in southern Oregon. 1912 1980 tons of oro valued ut $00,000 was taken out. The property has 4000 feet of underground tunnels, and tons of oro blocked out ready for mining by tho gravity system. Tho mino will start operations as soon a? the railroad is completed to Derby. Tho purcfiUHo price is not made public. AMERICANS SECRETARY LANE i. 4" V Franklin K. Lnno, xi'erctnn of tin' liilerior, unit KroiMl v re-eiilntiio of I'lV-ulenl Wil-on nt llie oticniui; t'clclirntioii of tin l'amimn-Pacific expo-ition, di'liveritit; the iiiitnuuil me .age to u llnong nt over '-'00,1100 pen pie miller the portal of ihe Tmvors of .lewols within tlu fmr ground- nt Sun KnuiciM'it. L AT WORLD'S EAIR SAN KHA.NCISCO, Feb. 22. A re production or the Pacific coast won der spots In miniature that Ib tho main exhibit or tho Southern Pacific company which 1915 visitors to tho Panama-Pacific International exposi tion will see in tho company's own building on thu exposition grounds at San Francisco. Tho entlro exhibit will bo enclosed in n mlaturo wood- , . . ... .,,,,, , i land, with trails leading among real' trees and foliage; with wild flowers growing on native soil, and the horti cultural beauties of California and other coast states blossoming In full bloom, according to season. Passing from tho foyer Into tho central part or tho building the vs-i . Itor will find himself stopping Into a different world. 'The entrance leads through the heart or a Califor nia big tree, Just us the road passes through the famous "Wawona" In the Mariposa big tree grove. Hero and there nre the best views of the best known scenic features reached by the company's lines. Mossbrae Falls, near Shasta Springs, with her glistening waters, Is Just ahovo tho entrance, while Yosemlto alley is sect, in tho dlstanco on tho right and I.alto Taboo on tho left. As tho trails aro followed through tho woodland other sfunes coma In view. There Is Cra ter l.ak, Ore., reproduced with a faithfulness oven exacting tho Iden tical color of tho water. Again thero Is Mount Shasta, with hor towering snow-clad peak; Lake Taboo and n picturesque view of tho Santa Clara valley and Lick Observatory, There Is Midway Point on tho Monterey Peninsula; tho Santa Darbara Mis sion; Catallna Island; tho Klvorslde Orango district; Palm Canyon; tho hcadgutes of the Trtickeo Carson Ir rigation project, Nevada; the Ilooso velt Dam and Cliff Dwellings. Arl zona, the famous old Alamo of San Antonio and a Louisiana plantation on llayou Teoho. AMERICAN SHIP SUNK (Conttlnued from Puso 1.) the naval officer In confidence tho map or their mino Holds In tho vicin ity where tho Hvolyn wus sunk. Tho minister from the Nothciiunds 'called at thu state department early today to Inquire, what reports tho government hud received ubout tho Kvolyn. After conferring with Counsellor Lansing ho expressed tho opinion tho explosion apparently must have boon entirely nccidentnl, Chairman Stono or tho somite for olgn relations committee said ho could seo no complications arising fiom tho destruction or tho Kvolyn. "An American vessel," said tho senator, "vonturJd Into an area known to bo mined, and unfortu nately struck ono. So fur It Is not known what nation laid tho mino. It is probable that a national claim for dumuges might be mado when all tho facts mo established." With Bedford iruuu is T.iudford made GRATER AKE RAILROAD EXHIBIT ADDRESSING EXPOSITION CROWD i , PIUTE INDIANS E BATTLE TO EEOERAL POSSE DKNVKH. Colo.. Feb. 22 -Aihlccs from (lra) win, Utah, by telephone to Dolores. Colo., today stated that tho uuna or i-iute inuiaiii minor tso - .m - i.aie. which rougnt a uospernto uai - I.. .......!-.. ...1,1. ..... ...l .. .'.. ii. .oi I............!. - cil by lnlte.1 Mate Marshal Aqulla .NeneKcr, ha.l been, surrouniled In Cottonwood t.ulch, nar Uluff. Lead, crs of ll"-' reinforced ponse expected i . . ... . . . . i io renew me anacK un ess no in ,. , , iiituin pin i vmiiv.v ii. The telephone lino from Cm) son to Illitrr has been out of commission : much of tho time slnrn i-urly last evening, ami detail or tho situation ' aro difficult to obtain. As nearly nu tsltli1 In. Iiinaiiiiil t f'lifil'iiiiM ttii ., , , , , , , lover, tho whiten liavo been reinforced by bands of armed men flocking from tho nearby Mittlenients und ranches. It was stated that tho posse, nrglnnlly outnumbered by 52 to 20. today was stronger than tho band of Indians. It was believed that both tho ori ginal party of redskins with Tto-Nc-Gat and tho detachments known as Posey's band, which enmo to tho re lief of Tso-Ne-Gate after tho battle be. jgan yesterday had been cornered In Cottonwood Gulch. So far as could be learned at Grayson, thnro wero no moro casual ties after tho fighting In which J. C. Akin or Dolores, a mrmliur or tho posse, nml "Jack s Mrothar, ami mi unidentified girl, Indians, wero killed nnd several wounded. Word has been sent throughout tho frontier settlnmiuits near Dm Colorado-Utah line, and from nil sides has come word that ranchmen aro urmlng themselves ,nud hurrying toward tho scene of battle. DKS MOI.VKH, In., Fcli. '.-'. Tho engineer wus killed, it mail clerk fil ially injured, the iircmmi in missing mul eight piisrengurH wero itijuiol when Chicago flrrnt Wcntcrii piihkoii gcr train No, , southbound, from Dch MoiiiPH to h'miKiiH City, win wieckeil at Tiiliiiuge, In,, todny. The engint'cr was II. F .Mnxivcll of J)e iloiucH. Kpreuiliiir rnilx nr iiHhimi ed ns the ciiiiko o thu wreck. T TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, Feb. 22,- Pre-I- dent Wilson noiiiiniiled I lie following members of the triulo commissien: Joseph K. ll.nifH, MihHhoii, Wis.: Kdwniil N, Iluiloy. Chicage: William J. Ilnriiii, (Vihutown, 6n,; Will II. J'ariy, bciiltlo, Wm.h., mul flcorgo jinuicc, (.oinisii, i, ii, , SATURDAY AFTERNOON JACKSON COUNTY L GOING TO FAIR ( .ttIIIMi Journal.) Thirtv t,llIMIIl, .uu, P,,m, ,.,riifiattMl in the contest which re- ;su(,,, itl ,u, s0,.(.jOI, , t,. wiiiipw .lo , to ,K. p,mmM.i(.iri.' inlenui I . , !,! ,..xM,sitioii with nil pxipiim'k j i( .,.,, ,.,,,, W)1H m,,r ,jM, IW it.(,h r l.xll.Hi0 Hfrvi of llm j ,). .BriMiltnml eollege in co-op vmt,m j,, ,,. t-ni((.(i State lie- puitmeut of agriculture, tin siipeiiit- tciiiletit of pulitic int motion, the Mirioil-i county chml Mipciinteiiil. eutn nml the prc-iilcnt of the various county fair honrilH. Much of the ten winner is given 1011. The coute-t wjih ilixiileil into leu ilii-iili. Amllcy A. Mcvcr liiiils frmu Luke Creek, iluckMiu enmity, unit proved u winner in the potato project by grow inr -J 1 Xltl piiuiiilt of iolutou.H which he mIiI for .(i-.HI. Hi gnnlcii wim c. iii'tly mi eiuhtli ul it n ncre, mul on tint ho grow out two ton of pota toes. Tin co-t of proiliiciug llichc potaloeN, iucluiliiig the seed, rent of ground uml eos of hi- own labor, wiw fll, hi- prolil nu thu eiylilh of mi nere liein .fl'.'.IH, which in cipitil to n profit of .illhlt per ncre. flood, pure ccil iotiitnes, free Irom di-eiisc, me iiIwii.vk in demand. The iciikoii Unit most farmers do not raise mure and lietler potatoes is Hint in place of ,,.; u.Hl potatoes fr need they plant seiuli seed, using wluit i left in tho Inn after selling the best (hiring tho ycur. Scrub polutocK used fur seed will produce scrub potatoes' just iik it scrub cow will have a mtiiIi calf. When the iiotutncn tiro dug1 the very best should he lelaini'd for seed. Clans ('. Charley of .Incknon conn, ty won his Hip to Kan Francisco by raising one-eiuiitli of mi acre of corn which yielded ut the into of 117 liut-hcls to the acte. He won thu first pii.e nt tho state fair mifi hecmiKU of the superiority, of his corn mid lliu publicity it secured at thu sluto fair lie was able o sell it at .f.'l.."i0 a bushel, which would have iiiiule his crop yield ut thu into of more than jf'.'OO mi ncie. He Ims helped prove that uicliiuiilcd seed and Hciuiitil'iu mi'tliiiils in the selection and tcsliiit,' of, the seed nud in the cultivation of thu ci op will mil Oregon in thu list of corn-glowing hIiiIcs. AT THE PAGE fONIGHT Thu thousands who could not jour ney to Now York to witness: the Ilip ioilroni'rt greatest Kcenio hpeotuulu, "Ainciien," will Imvo (lie iiiiuhiiiiI op jioiiiinily Io enjoy thin marvel ol mniisinieiit at the J'nge Theater .Mou ihiy und Tuesiliiy nlleiiiooiiH mul iiveiiiugw, TIio umst hciihiiUonul hccucH over hluked ill (lie largchi theater with lliu Impost ntngu mid hiigcht ncling: comimiiy in (ho wjilo world, 'Iho J'iiiiioiih New Yoik Hip Hiodiomu drought to your very ili.or, WINNERS RECOMMENDATIONS FORSPRINGSPRAYING BY DR. HENDERSON Apple nml I'eac All apple mul pear decs should be spva.M'd with u ilormunt si length of lime sulphui' solution plus lilacl; leitf "ID" just hh tlie tlpi of tip leave me eniergini; froin tlie omly litnli. Tliis in Iho best tiine for tlie upplici tion of a geiietnl clean-up sprav. It U elfeelivo ngiiiit't scale iimocln, nihlrt. pear leuf lilNter mito und led spider; and icceiit evperimenlH in other sections of the stale iudieitii that it N also very itupoilmit in Hi J control of tipple scab. In th'w con nection may also state tluil ueiiu inutioii tests carried out in ll'is la hornlory on Ihr iiimiui'r ipols of 'ip plc neali taken fiom rior-n mil il eayiug fruils nt various times; dining the season show that Hicpc spoiei ute cnrr,ing over winter hi good condi tion. Appro.vimutclv lilt) per cent of the spoics Kcimiimli'd wilhi'i liiteeii hunts. Thin gives ns nu added souice of itifcclion which will Juoliably he most successfully met with the ilor munt sprax. 'I'hc lime sulphur should he used ut the rate of one gallon to nine gallons of wuler mul one pint )f black leaf "10" should be added for every l.'ll gallons of diluted spray. Wheiu tipple or pear scab occurs, n second spmv of lime sulphur thiee pultons of the lime sulphur so lution to Hill trillions of water should he applied when the blossom buds have the cluster mul llu pink is beginning totdiow if the opening blot sums. This sprav should be put on us it pieventive nieasuie, even though last season's crop showed oulv a very small percentage of scab infection. In most sections of the country this is considered the most important appli cation for scab mid is iisuallv desig nated in spray cnleiulnr ns the first scab sprav. If leuf-caliiig insects nre present, iirsenato of lead pasto iniiv he added at the rate of two pounds to fifty -nitons of the diluted spray. The third spray should be applied just nfter the minis Imvo fallen mid before the culvx lobes have closed. This spray is nriinarilv for the con trol of the codling moth, hut where scab and mildew nre present in nn or cbaid (hex should also icccixe nl tuitiou ut this time If codling moth mul other luting insects me the only ih'sts to he considered, any good ar senate of lend paste used a the rate of two pounds o fifty "iillons of wa tec will be sufficient. If scab is also present it will he nec.essnrv Io add lime sulphur ut the rule of one gallon to thirty. live gallons of the arsenate of lead solution or atomic suliihur nt the lute of twelve omuls to 100 cal lous of the lead arsenate spray. W'lieie mildew is a factor in thu or chard, the atomic sulphur mid lead iii-senate combination should be used for this mid later sprats. Subsequent r Mentions will depend upon tho seasonal development of iKists to be controlled mul will ho ice- oiiiiiieiided as conditions win rant. Stone Fruits For stone fruits, the first or dor mant spray oi lime sulphur, I to III dilution, plus black leal "10" at the rate of 1 pint to loll gallons of (lie diluted spray, should he applied just before the buds open. The purpose ol this spray is Ihe contiol of (he peuch leaf cuil us well ns scale insects, pouch twig miner, aphis, red spider, tic, The best time to catch thu peach leaf curl is just bel'oie thu buds open, since the mujoiitv of infections tula plucc fiom spines which Imvo been adhering to bud scutes: and twigs over winter. As soon as tho this of leaves show in the buds they am like ly to heroine infected, h is impor tant tluil every twig ho thoroughly covcieil with thu sprny. For California peach blight ami fruit spot, which occurs on peach, ap ricot ami almond, n spray should bo applied about Iho lirsl week in May. Sujf-hoilcil lime 'sulphur, H-H-o0, of atomic sulphur, 1(1 pounds to 100 gal lons of water, is rccoininuiidei I. A second trealineiit tuny also ho with sary lliu latter part of May. Oao grnwV hi 'tho valley repoils using Jloiileaux mixttiru, Il-l-'ip formula, on hi pi'uulii'H without in jury o folingo or fruit nnd with ex cellent results so far as control of thu fruit spot is concerned. TIio up plication jk mado lilloi tho young fruits mo well formed, just boforo thinning time. Neighbors ami fruit dealers huvo also assured mo that this orchard him been producing excep tionally clean fruit, 1 recommend, tliuriiforo, Hint peach growers, who have InrTl diffioiillu.iu controlling .this dincasu try thin liciiinicnt out oil u small block this: season, llordeaux luixturo has lieen fopnd very tiffin icnt in the coul nil of this discuso in California iik well iih In Oregon, when applied in (ho fall. If xvo can uso il in tho hining also without in jury, ll will glvi.l!.H H milled ad mi lage; In thu cimtiol of this post. Apply S pi u)s Cmcfiilly Ouu ficipteiill.v bears Ine complaint tluil u eeilulu spin v luKlurc Is mil oflieleuli Mince in a ceitail oiehunl it fulled Io coul ml llm pest for which it was applied. Imiulry In such eases often develops the fuel Unit thu spiny was nut applied al Ihe pioper tlum'or that u putt or all of (ho woik wus hunieilly ami peiluipH caielcssly done. 1'urllW Inquiry will usually hiing to HuliL thu, fne (hat a not far distant neighbor Ims nM'd ldeulleal luulerliilN ntl ohtained lliu desiieil trsiiKs, This slatu of iil'fniis wan stiilniigly nu1 in thin couulv tho piiHt hchsoii, u-pculnlly A'ilh rel'erciiuo Io codling tuotli. The HeiHon, It Is line, was exceptionally fiivoruldii fijr thu develumcnl of insects, but IIiIm ami poor gruilo of muteiinls used can hnnllv necounl for nil of I In; falluies; a pail of the blame, at least, must attach (o cureless sprnjiug, Tlieie Is" a right timu ami a light way Io atily spray mtiteiials for tho control of in sect or fungous pes(s, ami they will not ,ield Io any other method. Tluj time to get apple ami smr scab is before Infeeliou (aKcs plnci Oncu tint fungus Is in thu fiuit or leaves wo cannot slop its piogiess, ''hu lituo to pievcul win my trull is hefoio tho codling moth larvae begin to feed in thu spiiug, mid (he wav to picvent it is to do the spinning ho caiefully ami Ihoi'oiuthly (lint every cup ! filled with the poison ami cxciy edible surface is completely covered. Tho life histories of tho ilill'eicnl pests Imvo been caiefully sjuilied Io dcler uiine the most vulnerable periods in their developinent, and spraying lec ommemlaliotis have been uuule ac coidingly. It is iulportunt Ihal such iccommemlatious he ciirefully adher ed Io, since the life phases in fungus und insect developinent follow each other in such rapid siicciHsinii (hut the pes Is arc soup bevoud our con trol. Spray rigs should he put into good woi king condition hefoiu (he season begins uml kepi that way. lie stito that cvcr.xthiiur is clear so Ihal inci sure developed at the pump will not be lost in tjn lioc or ut tin imxlu. Sie In it that a uiiifoiinly high pres ume is maintained (iipproximate'y '.'00 pounds) throughout thu opera tion. This js cspecinlly important for thu calyx spray. For this codliop modi spray use a uo.r.le with u -Io -degree angle, so that the spmv can be forced d'ncctly down into (ho culxx cups; mul innko frequent examinn (ions of blossoms in leasl ii(iccssihl places to bo sure that (he win I; is being done siiccossfnlly. Arrangements have been made for studying specifically tint codling moth problem of (he valley (his sciimiii, ami with lliu co-operation of (lie growers wc hope to ho able Io reduce the ptr ccnlngu of wormy fruit to a minimum. I shall he glad to discuss specific problems of fnngu- or insect conltol with miy farmer or oichanlist, mat co-operate with him in the solution of those problems. M lYIWNnr.HKON', Plant nalholouist. Jackson couulv. A RAW, SORE THROAT (Julrkly When Von Apply Little .Miistcudo And MUSTi:itOI.i: won't blister liko the old-fnshloiicd muHtard-pliiHt-or. Just sprend It on with your fingers, It penetrates In tho soro spol with a guntlo tingle, lonsenu thu congestion mid drawn otit all sore ness uml pain. MUHTKHOLK Is a clean, whlto ointment mado with oil or mustard. There's ndthing liko It for quick re lief for Koro Throat, Ilroiiehltls. Ton sllltls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia Heailiicho, Congestion, Plourlsy, llhoiimutlsm, l,iimbago, Pains and Aches of tho Hack or Joints, Sprulus, Boro Musclua, Ilrulueu Chllhlalns. Frosted Feet, Colds on tho Chest (It oftuii prevents Pneu monln). Nothing liko MUHTKItOLH for croupy chlldron. Al your druggist's, In SCo und COo Jar, and n special largo hospital slr.o for 2.ri0, Ho sifro you get tho genuine MUS- TKItOLK. HoftiKo tmltutluiiH got what you ask for. Tho MiiHtorolt Company, Clovulaud, Ohio, Adv. THERE CAN BE NO DISEASE GERMS IN MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER IT IS PASTURIZED Come Seo It Made at 1 15 North Central Avenue ' ,' A. A. MOODY, Prop, )i mm 4