gtyrgtrruitfagjwuiinwwi j...i juminiiiiri timim ' It mnTf 'f ' ,ii"i,;rri "Tir1 " ' II' " "11 --' -a,... ...,...,.,. f-r. rrri.,rir1Tr , ,.,,, r ..... II . aMEDFORD MATL TRTBONI3, MEDFORD OmSGON. MONDAY, FETfflUA..V 22, 1015 PAGE THRTCT5r , i. wuryyM" NO VETOES FROM EDITORiKAISER AMERICA" AT THE PAGE THEATEn TONIGHT AND TUESDAY PLAN TO IMPEDE ACTIVE WORK ON MHuartA; MsHsH I,.- XRooH.g that must last! fl G i SJroi enn t toll by looking at n roll of roofintt I Wors it -will last on tlio roof, but when yot inr nT,",T t fjet tha guarantee of reipoml- Th rtnhi bio eoRipnnjr, you know tha real test of - A-w" wwiiii imhii Xw Vnf Lfln Miiiaf i Vfttfcai 5 ntlifaetc rooting quality is on the roof IB OF GRANITE CITY l - I Buy materials that last j ji i i n mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm KlaaLfl - n i ,,-.-v'A &0m '.$;;. ' ' ' '' HHHf Ml GOVERNOR N NOW POSTMASTER M MION SODA POP SYSTEM frv, ?. A v! "U'6 ?- tf -, : 8AI.K.r, Or., Kcli. 2'J. Nut i Miu (tin viilo liuli tluirt for Ih'cii lilnl liy (InvuiiKir Williyi'iMiiln' mill lln inm jioi'Im ii io (liul tliu liinnioiiv innyiiiiii will Im iinirii'il liy )iniii', Nor liuvi' nuy IiIIIh Im'cii 1'ilnl willniiit tin kovit. tiiir'n hlnnaliiri', km l'ri'iiinitl.v Imp jmiirtl wild riiiuiilii'iluiii ninl Wi'xt, In III" M'linlo tliiii wcio .'111 IiIIIh inlroiliii'iil, TIiIh 1h 'J I li'rtrf thmi lliu niiinlicr iiilnnliiccil at llio UUII hi-h-hImii. In llio Iiuiimi (lui total iiiiiulier of liill inlnnliii'i'il wiih Til.", which 118 liM lliiin lliu inunlii'f iiitroiliii'fil (wo yarn uio, Alioul hull' of (In' IlilU llllVU lll'IMI IIIHMIl1, A nmv tux law mill " jM-nninirnt ri'Kin(nitlon law linvo lii'fii tiuiHi'il. Tim (ax law pmviili'M for tax pay iiHMitN April fi ami Oi'lolicr f. II pro viili'M for n I'liuip1 of I por rent n month iiilitrtml on lirnt payinrnlH wlii'ii not pniil wlicii ilm', ami an ml ililioiial iicnallv of A ir rent If (Im Ni'i'oml liulf jiavau'iit U not paiil No vi'inlicr r, or om inoatli nftitr tint iluc tlulo of tin MM'oinl pawnt'iii. Iti'Dpoinlin to tlio ilcinanilx of tint proplit of tin Hlato, lint li'ixlatiiri' liaMoi a loMilnlion rrfi'iiin ti tint votitrx a I'oiiMtilutioual auii'inliiirnt xivini; tin governor untlioritv to veto hIii'Io iti'in In appropriation ImIIm. Tit Im "Hint- ili'iimiul of the M'oplc nNo Iii-oiikIiI aliont a Hindi iiii'ilcd reform In llio nianuiM of draftini; appropri. ation liill. Iiinlentl of introiliieint; a HDMil oitiniliti iipproprliitioii hill, car rvltiK ileum that would total a million ilolliir or inure, a fotparafc hill Iiiin hi'i'ii introiliircil for tin1 appropria tion for 1'iii'h btaiti institution ami ili'piirtiiifiit. Thot who have uiven tuily In rimvenieiilM for llio iuiiroemfiil of funniiiif conilitionx miv Hint tint hill, uliieti Iuih hi't'u piihvil. pro Mini: for llio fonnalion of rural orcilit unioiiK 1 a crv imporliitit fli'p in llio inlor t of (In' fninii'i-4 of Ort'Koii. Another hill nlotii; Nouii'whal ximilnr Iiiiin an thorii' llio ilahli.liiiiriit of htuto Imiitw on n ro-oponitivo plan. Tho irriuatiou lulvnutttc, while ln!uu !inppniiil' in fniliuir Io ohlniu ap propriations fur llio tlovelmmii'iit of I'i'ulral ami caMtru Oick'ou, hn oh taitu'il a utvixiou of llio irrigation lawn whitth Im expected to promoto tho development of irrigation dilrie'H. N'o road lej:iliition wiH rnni-teil. Tho hlato liikjliwav oiiKinoor offioo miih consolidated with I he xtalo on Kim'orV ami llio hiohwav oiiKinoor made an axi-tant to tho H'ato en gineer. E SUBMITTED TO PEOPLE HAt.KM, Oro. I'oh 'i'i. Aiuoml, iiiontn relating to tint rliclilatlnn of Inlllatlvo nml referendum itctltlonw, no an to allow two method of plac Iiik inennureH minu tho ballot, will ho Miilitult'tril to tliu iiooplo, If Houuto hill nit. liy liny, In panned hy tho limine. It vun pnsiKoil hy tliu nuiintu youtur day atturuoun, Tlio hill provide that jiionHuron inn)' ho liy omployliu; paid cliculntorH, nt now, hut If IIiIh ilouo then In counccllou with tliu ballot tltlu there iiuihI bo u statuiuonl to tho offoct ha pniil rlrciiliiorn wuro em ployed. Tho other mothoil Ih that tliu putltlon Ih to ho placed with tho county clerk, who nhnll provldo a pluru in tho county courtliouuo for poiHoiiH to nlmi tliu pfltltlnu. Whoa two per cent of tliu votorB of tlio enmity havn fllKiied It thou tliu elorl niiiHt provldo flvo uthor pulillc plncuH whuro tliu putltloiiH may hu hIkuuiI. Tho eliuiHu rofurrhiK tho monuuru to tho pcoptu. If piiBflud hy tho lei;lHln tiiro, wni tacKed on at llio roijucht of Houator Kulluher. OF E WASHINGTON, l''h. 22. WibIi iiifjton'H birthday was boiim ooiiunem oratud hero today with appropriutu o.Noreitjos. (lovorninout IniHiiiosn wiih partially Hiispomlod with tliu- cloning of tho oxoeiitivo ami jmliujal (lopart montrt ami I'l'cfcitlunt Wilson joined with othor liiuli offiuialri in lionoriiiK WiihIiIiikIoh'h moniory. Tliu lenislu live lirancli of (ho Kdvorninent, liuw- over, was in KOHbion, Tho vr'11,,'l",l eolehrnllon was at Memorial Continental lliill, umlei' tho jnnt auKplooH of varioim palriotio orpniifenUnnH, with ProHidcnf WiUtui on (he prograin s principal npoakor, AKIILAN'I), I'oh. 'J'J. I'. M. iiiikIiI hlaml for eilher hohI poilem or post ineiidiaii, hut in this iiihlanco It uieaiiH pimtuiaNler. applieil tin a niiffix to llio woll-lcuowii miuiii of K. ' ICiiIhci'. who wan noininalcd hv (lie nri'Hldeul IiinI Satuiiluv uh head of the local poHtoffioo, to hiutcoiI .IoIiii It. CiiHoy on or about .March -I prox. Thin iioiiiiualiou cipiivalenl Io eon- lii iiiatlon, nml lint appoiutiiient waa a foiouono oonoliiMiou inoutlm iikii, in UHiiiueh an IM undoubtedly had tho IiiioMul' of not only ImiIIi llio (Irepm HcnalorH, hut aUo llio nioriil Hiippoit of (lovenior West. ICaihcr U a unlive hoii of Kixkivoii county. Califoriiia. At one limit it looked ns though hi forluuex were (o ho case in tho miiiiHtorial inatiix, hilt ho hhowed a piedilectiou for jour iialihin ninl drifted into tint office of tint Vielta .loin mil, whom ho urmlu aled wild IiIkIi Iioiioih. In 1SHI In cionsed tint plains over into .lai'lorna counly nml for yearn profiled oer llio iU'nIiiiIom of llio AhIiIiiiiiI Ilecord Always poHlllvo, ami never im');iiU in tho cwpioxHioii of opinion, thin trait xoinetiim'H naturally d him into double. In n cettaiu eouteuipt cane ,vcar no a "deli" on hix purl ami roHiillanl coint procccdincH wan the oeoaxiou for not oiilv llio umualiiu ot one circuit judue, hut iiIno the ere- anon oi auollier. Huh wiih a rauxo eelehnt in Oreoit'H jmlieial annul-. I'olitiutlly, KaiM-r is a free lance. Old niOHhhaek ileuioeralH repudiate lux political affiliation! nml have MiiecoHHivoly lornieil him a Kociali.l, prohi, roaetiouary ami auarehist. lliu Hliouhlom uro Inoml, however, ami he eau stand it. In bin htrcnuoux work year alter year, in m-iimiii ami out of heiiHiui, for llio rehahililation of the Southern Oregon Nonmil hchool, toimo have oven twitted him as hein an uh-N'ormalilo. l.'h.Vhieally, ho piohahly weighs more than uuv ev-editor in Jackson county, ami is tho uoMor aiueiit: tho-o who liavo retired, weary if not wealthy, from that exalted profes- Men. Intellecliiallv ho ranks above the average, wilhlirain htorm powerH ami veheuieiil nrnuincnt that aro not (o ho ineaMiireil in watts, tunasteiiH or ampere. . Like Kitchener, nml also leseuihlin Clevelaiul at least until drover ar rived at years of .li-oretinu--liiiM,r is a continued ;,aehelor. t'nliko the llritish war lord, however, his sin pa I hies are ino-l prouomtoeillv pro Teuton in tho present war which is devastating Ktirnpc. (Iiils, the salary of tho Ashland postoffieo is over Wtlllll per Year and the offioo is completely furnished. L SAI.K.M, Or., IVh. 'JJ. Am a testi monial of their osiicm l'.r their speaker, meiuhors of tl house Sal unlay flight piesouted Hell Selliim wiih a hamlsomo enracd mild wateh. At the presentation a riiiKinj: round of cheers and an outpnuriiu; of oratory betokened llio sincere jjood wishoH of .Mr. Sollin'h fifty-nine im nociateH. Allen Kalon, who opposed .Mr. Soll liiK for tho speakership at tho oponiti;: of tho sesHion, imido the pro.entaTion. Ilo interrupted tlio proceedings about 10 o'eloek and asked to speak on n point of pcrs-onal iirivilepi. Tho speaker seemed perplexed, hut readily assented. .Imljjo l.ittlofiehl, who up pea ted Io hu in on tho Hcorct, shouted Io tlio speaker to lay down hi navel ami allow Mr. Kalon to mako his speeeh. flALKM, Oro., Koh. 2t!.--Ono hun (I red thouanml dollarfl for now bulld- Iiikh for oducntlonnt Inutltutlona was appropriated hy tho botmo Saturday, K0,000 for (hu nccommodntlon of tho Monmouth Normal koIioo! nml $50.- 000 for tho roastructlon of n modi cnl coIIoku liulldlnK In connection with tho University of OroKon nt I'ortlnnd. Doth measures oncount orod oppoalttoiii tho wnya nml inenna coipmlttoo havliiK roftmod to consUlor fnvornbly tho modlcnl school appro priation, and It romatnod for tho hoiiHo ItBolf, In commlttoo of tho wholo, to add thut sum to tho amount nuthoiii'.Qd for inulntonniico ot tho nchool. Hnioko llnmo-Mudu ClunrN. Oovornor JohnBon, Mt. Pitt and La VlHtn nro (ho hept. BERT GREER IS ASIII.ANI), IVh. 22. Friday nlKht Mert Greor n nerenniled. Tho Mir lirlno wnn toiniiloto nml tho plcnmiro wiih reciprocal. A pnrty of over 50 niutunl frlomlH, both IiuIIch nml r.en tloiuuu, iiiolilllr.ed at tho Hotel Oro Kou and from Hint htrnteclc poHltlon, rnlded tho (Ireer douilclla adjacent on Onlc wtreel. Tho Indies aro i;lvej credit for tliu nffnlr, .Mth. LouIj Dodge ImUiiK taken tho Inltlntlva Tho dttuionntrntlon wait Intemlcd na n voto of confidence In Mr. (5rcer' Inhor nt tho head of tho water com iiiIhuIoii In view of a erlnln whi)h In pumlltiK In tho furtherance of tho front mineral uprlnKn project. TIiIh inoveineiit In roIiik abend. What ever hnppeiiH It can only hu tempor arily delayeil hy a cutinl of inalron toutn who uphold uothliiK In com mon with tho nplrlt of civic rlplit oouxueHH nml munlclial proRreH. I'ledi;en of nlleRlnncu In behalf of tho work In band were Riven tho chnlr nutn of tho water coiumlsidbn nml bin fellow inemborH or tho board. MrM rorreidimeutri wore nerved nml gongs were utinK- prominent nmonR which wnn n paraphrase on tho Ilnttlo Hymn of tho Republic, tho refrain or which eodoed tho tiontlinont, "We'll Iuiiir nil knuekora to a Hour apple tree, while tho KprliiRs ro flowliiR on." In bankctball BchedtiloH, AHhlnnd defeated CottnRO Orovo, Inst Thurs dny, m to IS, nml on Kntunlay nlRht repenteil tho ilofont hy n ncoro of 33 to fi. Tho locnl tonni l now victor- Ioiir over (IrnntH l'moi. Klnmnth ImiIIh, i:tna MIIIh, ItoHoburR ami CottnRU (trove. Tliu IiIrIi ehool mpiail wilt now tneklu Medford.ln a (our-Rnmo nerloH, the flrnt of which will ho playedhero l'rldny ovonlnR thU week, nml thunecoiid nt Medford on Snturduy ovenltiK. Tho other two Rnmos may ho plued on noutrnl ter ritory. (Iuoh IIoobo, a (Jcrinan, detrained hero Insf l'rldny ovouluK'from No. 10. In n demented eonditlou, thotiRh nt times apparently rational. Ill mile iro croilonllonnl over tho rhllwny from Onldand, Cnl., to I'ortlnnd, wim or tho enlior'a clarification and not conHldered Reed form by tho S. P.. n fact which nnnnyed lilm. Ho nlo toru up bis linuk book, hIiowIiir a hnl- unco to inn crouii in mo rirsi .mi tlonnl of I'ortlnnd. Ho dictated n teleRrnm for funds, boliij; short ot cnsli, nml J20 wua forthcomliiK nnt- urdny mornluR, In tlio arturnoon hu atnrtoil for tho northbound train, uny- Iiir IiIh homo wn nt HorlnR, Clnckn iiuih county, hut wna soUed . with another upell, ot Intermittent mania and poltod hyHtnndors wttji pollota In n munnor Hint wna nioro potent thnn pollto. Shorlfr SlnRlor thoiv. took him to .InekBonvlllo., pciuIIuk further InvoaJIfrntlon. ? T KUGKKB, Or., 1V1i. 2'2.- -B. I. Camplrt'll, iioneer demooiatio editor of hnnu county, Iuih been nppninted poHtiniiHter of Kii(;ene, whieli enrriea a salary of .U00, thonuli not in- Idoi-Hod hy tho local democratic organ- It i ti i? i . i .. . uaiion. 'iiioro woro six eanuioaies. Leo Cnmphell is propriotor of tho Savoy theater. Ho wns horn in Ku Keno in 1803 and his l'atlior wan a l.auo county pioneer, lh lirotliurrf, John Cnmphell nml Im Campbell, published the Daily Kuseno Guard for a (pun tor of u century, and lmnlly sold it to Loo Campbell who had learned (ho printing trade in hi brother's, ldnnt. Ilo was odiUr for s'oven years, when ho hold it to Chas, Fisher nml entered the furuititre litis- iness uh years , Whilo editor of tho flunrd Mr. Campbell waa an ni deal demnornt. SERENADED NAMED L BY ISE 8ALHM, Ore, I'oh. 22. Tho house Saturday oxcnlng broko tho denillock hy patHliiR tho Mosor bill mnkliiR nil npnolntlvo offlcinla aub- Ject to removal nt tho pleasure ot tho nppolntivo powor tonlfiht. In return tho Ronnto ngrcod to three Imlmitrlnl nccldcnt commls hloucra nud took off tho emergency clnunc. On tho npproiirlntlon hill for the Rlrla Industrial school, tho house cut nut tliu Horn ot fl,000 for n now building and tho sennte approved nil the other itoimt, including thoao for cqulpplnR tho prcecnt bulldliiR. Tho undorlyliiR motive of tho Fcnate's ef forts to amend tho Sebuclcl hill wns to Ret tho ticnlp of MIm Fern Ilobbs, n member ot tho Industrial accident communion. E ONCE MORE WORKS EOR PEACE HO.Mi:, Feb. --. Heporls received by the secretary of state of the Vat ican says the (iinrnalo d'ltalia, show that (lenmiuy, although innintaininR excellent military positions, feels ner ioiily tho eonsemieni'os of tho war, ami thereforo Inn modified mnlerially her views on jieueo conditions (o be imposed. The paper adds; "Tho pontiff considers such n con dition of nffairs lends, itself fnvor nbly to diplomatic steps. Ho is re ported iiRaiu to have iutcrollnted Kmperor William to ljuow on wbnt eomlitions (lermany would be dispos ed to negotiate peace, observing tjmt in nuy ease tho military honor of (lermany is safe." llKKNK. Switzerland, in 1'aris Feb. Si'J,- -Swiss soldiers opened fire yesterday on an aeroplane said to havo been (lerinun, which flew over lloufal. The maehiuo was struck by nine hulleU ami the pilot was forced to descend nt Ferrette, after hovering over the positions at Jloehesv. WORDS FROM HOME Statements That May lie Investi gated. Testimony or .Medrord fltlzeius When a Medford cltlzon comes to tho front, tolling of Ida friends and nolghbora of Ida experience, you can rely on Ills slueorlty. Tho statements of peoplo residing In far nwny plncos do not command your confidence. Home endorsement la tho kind Hint hnckH Donn'a Kidney HU. Such tes timony la convincing, Investigation proves it truo. 'Uolow Is n statement of a Medford rcsldont. No stronger proof of morlt can bo had. r, W. Hrny, 507 W, Pnlra street, Medford, snys: "My kldnoya bognn to bother mo nml caused sovoro pain. 1 think tho troublo wna nindo worse by tho strain ot being on my-f cot so much. Sometlmos during tho day's work, my buck pained mo dreadfully and by night I could hardly stand. After I quit work, I couldn't roat. Donn'a Kidney IMUa w-oro Just what I noedod and cured mo in a short tlmo." Price 5 Oc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney romedy got Doan'B KIdnoy Pills tho samo that Mr. Oray had. Foster-MHburn Co,, Prop., Uuffalo, N, Y, Adv. DEAD OCK BIN COMPROM POP AHIILANO, Feb. 22. Saturday night a meeting wax held at Hrcsn lor' storo for tho purpose of formu lating n plnn which will neck to In terfere with active work on tho auxil iary water system. Those who took pnrt In thin preliminary meeting n ncrt that tho neglect of tho aprlnga cormnlBidon to ndvcrtlxc for blda In connection with lotting tho contract on n 100,000 banln, la the cause or their grievance. They nascrt n fund In being rained to meet tho oxpenxo ot Injunction proceedings and that a firm or locnl attorneys nro ready to ner-vo tho tfflino, tho Injunction to ho carried through circuit to supremo court channels if ncccsnary. They further claim tho neglect In advertis ing for proposals on contract work, as aforesaid. Is In direct contraven tion or city charter provisions. Another meeting will bo called at an early date to further ngltntc thin matter. Tho general public discour ages any mor contention regarding this contemplated move. I'or CIul Itnlly Tho dato of tho rally and boost by tho Commercial and Civic Improve ment clubs la February 20, and not March 20. an erroneously stated In these columns recently, and tho dato for receiving slogan proposals is lim ited to February 25, instead ot March 25, Ilkowlso Incorrectly Riven. Chairman Kubanks and Superin tendent lirlxcoo, of tho school board, accompanied by their wives, were guests ot Superlntcdcnt Frazler, of tho KvcrctU Wash., schools, at a six o'clock dinner, served at Hotel Ore gon, last Friday evening. Kpwortli languor! Hoss Ellason was host to a Jolly gathering ot Kpworth Lcnguers, nt tho parental residence, corner of Main 'and Laurel streets, Inst Saturday evening. Tho social event mingled with the serving ot refreshments. Ills clster, Miss Ilcrthn, teacher in tho Knst Sldo Bchool, nsslitcd in en tertainment ot the guests. CHANGES IIS NAME SALEM, Ore. Feb. 22.Exlt tho Oregon Kallroad Commission. N'o, this is not a part ot the so-called consolidation program. It merely means that tho houso and senate havo passed a bill that changes tho nnmo of tho llnllroad Commission to tho "Public Service Commission of Oregon." Tho duties and personnel of tho commission remain tho same. Tho chango was nindo tor the reason Hint it describes moro adequately tho functions of tho commission now that It handles all public utilities as woll bb rnllroads. CHICHESTER S PILLS ' Arii.crn:K.TEB ItlVSo.SD IIUANU I'lLLH. fc Si mtmmm. R, mT vm rankao-aauBsl.Salt.AlaatllUtl SMIBVDRWJCISISKRfflHERE I'll la la K4 a .4 CUM mrulikSM txin, taajad nj Clua RlUoa. vv m "MADE IN OREGON.'U. S. A." "MADE IN MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN TH Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Maehino Worka Phono 401; Res. Phone 5031 Keep Your Money at Home Wo mako a specialty of Door and Window Frames aud Inside Finish. Also Doors and Windows. QUALITY THE BEST. PRICES RIGHT Factory Corner Eloventh and Fir Streets. 'Medford Sash V A voiir 't 'tr f it X' i iKtiinwleby u-lhr ir our name. A.phall Reoflno . (Ail tmUt fW) SUl Surltlrd SL!aU AipKall Fcllt . Porfrnlnr Fll Trr.d Pll BulhUnr fprs Roofing l-pl7 guaranteed 5 yean 2-ply giuraBteed 10 yeari 3-pIy gaarastecd 15 years General Roofing ManufacturJicr Company H'orM lrj mnvtweinrm tf tUvig and u ( raptn KTlCHr lrU Oitf PntiUni FUIftU Atkela OtrtlaW ScLb CbcItM!l KttttfCtf KlMuntU The Harmony Concert Party A COMPANY OF TALANTED MUSICIANS Natatorium Hall Tuesday Evening, February 23 AT EIGHT O'CLOCK THIS IS THE FOURTH NUMBER OF THE Medford Entertainment Course A FEAST OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC SEAT SALE AT HASKINS General Admission 50c Reserved Seats 75c Mai 3m s!Su: ' l3iii?iiiaB"fall B tPVwF A 3LB-9aBKflalfl RIVER VALLEY"-That's the Stuff E ROGUE RIVEfl VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Por GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telophone 890 and Door Go. :ain-teed tituUdnt Ppf Wall lloantf rUilis KAodne Cmt AiphaltCcnxat Hoof CoUa Mll t'dnu Out-door PalnU Shlnd Slain R(In.dOalTa TarCoaUof StaFrtadao SuHl Lasoav lUMSf VjfvWt ' ' " nP3MPWPWfMWI WHEN in Portland stop at the in comparable Hotel Benson. Modern. fireproof, central Rates Moderate. Send for free booklet Hotel Benson Portland, Or. Carl Staalej. Ifgr. - lsn'tIEnough;iJ mx. FIRST-CLASS Printing' AND Book Binding MADEINMEDFOED BY MEDFORD PRINTING CO. 5 w if v F:; t ft -111 f J"1- r.