Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 22, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    V 'fSxlFv' ',
Kl'imUTAUV 22, l?)ir
I j.
, Tim petitioned ennitfdnlim for tin
coining ulccttou In tlm rltt of Jack
sonville, expect to oicrt n lirldRC
ncro8 .Inckson crcok of concroto to
coRt hpproxlnwloly $3000
UuiHltctt'fi injlllnory store la open
ngalu Mlh liy HprlijK gooifyt., 231
Mrs. Loncli, 320 North Dnrtlott, ox
pul fcorsotlorc. X'liono 5G.1-J.
MUrcb J tin Cochrttn nnd .logcphlno
Klcy visited tlir $ Ashland xchool
Johnson's Caro will l)o roa'dy' to
eorvo Its pqtronR In Its new quarters
in Uio Holland, J lot 9I building atnoon
Wednesday. It will bo tinder the
panto management which has mado
this honio-llko eating place so famous
on South Central, nnd tho old popu
lar prices will remain In force. 2SC
K. A. Hlldreth of Iltttte Tails was
a Medford vlultor Monday. He re
ports a snow storm at ltuttu Falls
Tlio inllllnory department of the
XI. M. store is now open tinder tho
management of Misses Lounsuttry nnd
Phil llnmll has returned from an
extended visit to Chicago and other
eastern points.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Hook Store
Members of tho Jackson county
delegation to Salem aro returning,
llepfesenlatlvo Vawter returned Sun
day afternoon and Senator Von dcr
Hellcn'Mondny morning.
Dont (.forget to hear iter. George
Schooner, tho roso wlxard, public li
brary, Feb. 22, 23. 24, 20 and 20, at
8 p. m. All Invited. Subject, "Hoses
and Roso Growing."
Carl Von dor llellen of Wellon was
n Medford visitor Monday.
City pascngcr tervlco 15c Coun
try trips in proportion. Plerson &
Poster. Phono 878-L. tf
Danks of tho city and public of
fices aro closed today on account of
Washington's birthday. Holiday
hours are In forco nt tho post office.
Chic tailored hats at right prices
at tho M. M. storo. '
Wayno Lcovor and wlfo of Central
Point spent Sunday in this city with
friends and relatives.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Book
Tho last legislature passed a bill
making it unlawful to kill quail In
any section of tho state, except for a
ten day period In Klamath county.
Tho protection was grantod to tho
quails upon tho grounds that they
were more valuable as destroyers of
acrlcultural pests than food for
' hunters.
Seo Davo Wood anout that fire In
lurance policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno
Tho students of the high school are
making elaborate preparations for tho
basket ball gamo to bo played In this
city next Friday nt the Nat with the
Ashland boys and girls teams. Tho
largest crowd that ever gathered to
see a baske ball gamo in tills city Is
expected to bo In attendance.
Matlneo, tho Page today.
Tho Rev. V. W. Carton of Los
Angeles has accepted a call to the
Frst Uaptist church of this city, to
fall the vacancy caused by tho re
moval of tho Rev. It. W. MacCul
loughjta Seattle.
Call at tho M. M. storo and see
tho Misses Lounsbury and Somon
about your new spring hat.
Tho attraction at tho Page Thoa
tcr tonight and tomorrow night will
be a moving picture production of
"America" as presented nt the New
Pork hlpprodrome. Moving plcturo
periodicals rato tills film us better
that "The Spoilers" nnd "A Fool
Tlicro Was" classics with Medford
plcturo fans.
Harmony Concort Party, Medford
Entertainment Course, Natatorlum
hall, Tuesday evening, February 23d.
Seats on salo at lluskins. 2SC
James Franklin of Roseburg is
among tho out of town visitors In
tho city today on business.
Sweet elder at Do Voe's.
Miss Alta Reynolds of tho Apple
gate district Is spondlng a few days
In the city visiting frlendB and rela
tives. (let ysur nutter, cream, milk and
buttor-mllk, nt Be Voo'fl.
John Ucinmor of this city may ac
cept n position as engineer on a fish
ing boat operated by Madden & Hun
ley in connection witJi their Alaska
Wo liayo au oxport trimmer in tho
mUUuory department ut the M. M.
Btor$i ' 4
? ' Miss Fay Pankoy left Sunday morn
ing for Portland where sho will spend
the next three months.
A feast of instrumental music,
Natatorlum hull, Tuesday evening,
February 23, Harmony Concert Party
Jlr. arid Mrs, W. IX. Coleman spent
Saturday) evening In Phoenix visiting
friends and relatives.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's CmeroY Shop. Over IsIs Thea
ter, !'
A cold nnd biting oast wind swept
over tho vnlloy Sunday afternoon and
evening, and attained a veloct of as
high its 30 miles nit hour. Accord
Ing to pioneer weather figuring, this
Is a sign there wH bo no heavy
frosts In April or Mnj, hut plenty of
rain. Present wontlior conditions
whllo far from Ideal for the farmer
and fruitgrower, owing to tho lack of
enough rain, nets as n rttrb on blight
growth. Hear creek It the highest
of the season.
Get It nt Do Voo'a.
Arthur Hnlloy of Rogue River,
spent Saturday in Mortford attending
to business matters.
M. M. Root or the Table Rock dis
trict, spent Sunday In this city vis
iting friends.
Prismatic ray has accomplished the
most wonderful results in scalp trou
ble; used only in connection with
Mnrinollo treatments. Try It for
falling hntr. Mnrinollo Hair Shop.
407 Gnrnett-Corey Uldg.
C. A. Thomas of Talent spent Sat
urday in Medford attending to busi
ness matters.
Early cabbago nnM cauliflower
plants ready March 1st. Orders also
taken for all kinds of vegetable
plants. Maddox & Itonney, phono
S7-R. 310
Complaint has been made to the
police that people in the outlying
districts are allowing stock to run at
large .contrary to city ordinance,
tho lawns and shrubbery of neigh
bors suffering thereby. Tho police
will Impound all stock caught, and
impose tho full penalty of the law
before release.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
A'cs ton's Camera Shop. Oxer IsIs
Tho funeral services of W. M.
(Tennessee) Smith, pioneer of Jack
son county, who died at Tuscon,
Arizona, will be held from tho Bap
tist church this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. Interment In tho Phoenix
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Mways reliable Negatives made any
vhere. tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St Phone 320-J.
Arthur Rose, concrete Inspector of
the Siskiyou division of the Pacific
highway, spent Sunday in Medford.
For better insurance, see Holmes,
tho Insurance Man.
Attorney U. M. Roberts spent Mon
day In Jacksonville.
Matinee, tho Page today.
The petit jury of the circuit court
will open In tho morning, tho first
case being that of tho state vs. Ray
Toft charged with perjury. Most of
the week will bo,, devoted to civil
DIED. rr. llorenco II. Mnruli,
wife of Theo. W. JDimh, died Monday,
Feb. 22. ut the Sacred Heart hospital.
Sho had Kttffcreil for home time with
ucute indirection, and wns oiiemteil
on last Fridny evening in the linpo of
relief, but she wn not able to rnlly
from the shock in her weakened con
dition. Mrs. Mnrxli was born Octo
ber 10, 180(1, nt LnnMiif:, Michigan.
Sho was married to Theo. W. Muih
on February 14, 1900, nnd they made
their home in Alum, Micliiirnn, until
11)10, when they ciimu to Medford,
where they have sinee resided. When
it child sho united with tho Pres
byterian church, nnd Iiiik over been n
faithful Christian and u loynl churcli
membe'r, diligent in nil tho hho might
find to do in honor of her Lord nnd
Savior. She wnR belovod by the
church, nnd by nil who knew her. At
her death sho was aged 48 yeniN, 4
moulhd and 5 diiyF. She is Htirvivod
by her husband, mother nnd one sta
ter. Services were held in tho Pres
byterian church nt 3 p. in. today, nnd
Mr. Mursh nnd Mm. linker, mother
of Mrs. Marsh, started on No. Kl wilh
tho remains for burial in Lnntini
Michigan, where many friend nnd
relatives reside.
SACRAMB.NTO, Fob. 22. Extradi
tion paptrs for David Caplan, wanted
In Los Angeles for murder In connec
tion with tho dynamiting of tho Times
In 1910, wero issued today by the
governor's office.
Portland Live Stock Market
Portland, Or., Feb. 22. Cuttle, re
ceipts, 792; weaker. Steers, prime
lfcht, $7.2;(7.rU; choice, J-7.00(a
7.2.r; cows, prima .fO.OOO.fiO; heif
ers, primo, i).i6(wa.7o', bulls, prime
$4.7S(g)(;.0ll; !iigd, iriine Ki.00()
0.00; calves, primo .'?(!.00((iJ8.r)0.
IIop, receipts IgllH; fie higher.
Primo, light f0,.';0(a)( prime ,j(J.00
((T0.73; choice, light !PttV.2fluriQ ;
light, 0,00(9(l.2.-i; vouftli, Jr.").n0Cr;0.00.
bheep, icccipts 3180; slejtdy. Weill
ors, best ytniruiH $7.007.15; owes,
best -1-6.00(0)0.15; slcep, mjxeil, $5,fl0
5,.'i0; litmliN. ptimc, ,1-8.008.25 ;
hheurlilijtti -1-1 less ju till lines,
Attention fMse,
Houso warning in new home, old
Masonic lodge' rooniB, over Toggery
Hill's, Tuesday, February 23, 1015,
8C Secretary.
Berlin Claims Destruction of Tenth
Army With 100,000 Prisoners
Czar Blames Lack of Strategic
Railroads Which Prevented Lack of
Concentration .is Cause of Disaster
11URI.I.V. Feb. 22. The Gorman
war office announced today that tho
Russian tenth army was 'considered
ns having been destroyed" as n result
of the recent German victory In Kast
Prussia. It Is stated that more than
100,000 Russians, Including seven
generals, wero captured, nnd that tho
pursuit of tho ro treating forces has
now been brought to un end. Tlu
Russian military authorities, how
over, acknowledge no such losses.
They admit that one army corps was
cut to pieces but assert that the main
forco extricated itself.
In the Vosges further Gorman vic
tories arc cliiluied, Including the cap
ture of nr.r.ther town.
PKTROGRA1), Feb. 22. E.xplana
tion of tho Russian retirement from
Kast Prussia Is contained In a com
munication given out last night by
tho general staff. Success of tho
German coup Is attributed largely to
the lack of strategic railways which
prevented tho Russians from concen
trating "with necessary rapidity on
our east Prussian front forces In
dispensable to ward oft tho drlvo of
tho onem."
Tho general staff asserts that the
massing of German troops in Hast
Prussia was revealed to the Russians
on February 4, but that tho magni
tude of tho concentration did not
become known until several days
later. Uecatise of theso conditions,
It was stated withdrawal of the tenth
Russian army from Kast Prussia
toward tho frontier wns decided upon.
This was followed later by a further
retirement toward the Nlcmen and
tho Hour rivers. The communica
tion follews:
Cluuigcs in Plutm
"Tho Germans after a scries of
exceptionally obstinate and tenacious!
attacks which cost thorn Innumerable
victims, becamo persuaded of the
impossibility of dislodging us from
tho left bank of tho Vistula and pro
ceeded at tho end of January to put
a new plan into operation.
"Having finished tho formation In
tho Interior of their country of sev
eral new corps and deciding to con-
tluuo the transportation of troops
from their west front in order to
make a supremo effort against us,
profiting by their net work of rail
roads the Germans wero enabled to
launch an overwhelming force against
our tenth army, which occupied
strongly organized positions along
the Angerapp river and tho Mazurian
Plans Itevcalcil in Part
"To assure tho success of this
coup tho Germans transported also
part of their contingents from the
fronts of the Rawka, tho Ilzurn and
tho right bank or the Vistula This
gathering of Germnns in Kast Prus
sia was revealed to us 011 February
4, but the magnitude pf the concen
tration was not determined until sev
eral days later.
"Xot being ablo, through lack of
railroad facilities, to concentrate on
our Kast Prussian front with the
necessary rapidity forces Indispens
able to ward off this drlvo of tho
enemy, our chiefs decided to with'
draw tho above mentioned army from
Kast Prussia toward tho frontier and
further retirement toward the Nle
men and Iiobr has followed."
Snlft Turning Movement
"In theso movements the right wing
of the tenth uniiy, pressed by great
numbers of the enemy md tlircntenml
with being- surrounded on tho ri'li'
flunk, wits compelled to nmku a very
swift turning movement in tho dircc
tiott of Kovno. This maneuver ox
pospd the think of the corps, follow
ing which; owipjj to this fuel, found
itself in nn extremely dangerous posi
tion nnd only broken and disorganized
portions succeeded in escaping from
this district. Other corps of tho tenth
iirmy, fighting continuously nnd stub
bornly, slowly retreated in the direc
tion marked out for them )y their
enmmundcrs. On taking up these po
sitions tho If iiHMiin troops bravely re
pulsed tho attacking enemy, inflicting
uism him sovero losses, and overcom
ing incredibln difficulties caused by
the deep snow which covered all the
roads. The roads being impassable,
mitomobile wero not uhle to run and
trains wero delayed, frequently not
miching their destination.
Saloin Is to have a three-story
nrick apartment building.
Biln.1 ft. A-Vt' v " tft . U'Mfe.'-tK"
, c
,-1-1 ,, ).,t.- . ,- . . - .- ,
4 ' I
.'(Continued from Pacts 1.)
slntyirT )V4bjtj w law instead of 111
the liinufit.n'f the tiviiMiior part of
Hit- time uml the -limit the n-mniiiiuir
part. It was felt that the duties of
tliti office -hi)itld not be divided; tint!
tt wax best that one officer should
have, ill mitlinltv in the matter. M.v
own prefctcucu was for the tren Miter
to collect the te. In deference,
however, from tho-e in authority in
Douglas county. I votel for the plac
ing of nil collection of taxes in the
hands of tho slienff. It wn claimed
by representative, from the eastern
jKirt of the state that tin- teipiiivmciit
of the treasurer to collect the taxes
would nccchsitnto nn additional ex
pense to eastern Oregon counties of
fiO.UOO or $00,000. Many represen
tntives voted against their own in
clination that thee several amounts
might be saved h the eastern Oregon
Politics nt Close
To what extent did xlilii-s enter
into legislation?
My idea is that polities had but lit
tle to do with legislative maters until
near the close. One of the net pass
ed wns the consolidation of the of
fice of state engineer mid the high
way engineer. The net provides that
the governor shall have thu right to
appoint 11 deputy engineer under the
state eiigiueer, who shall be a nulli
fied highway ingiiucr, at the same
salary us formerly paid the lughuav
engineer. I want to say to the credit
of fliu represent alive from .ucksoii
county m the house that thev all vot
ed against this bill. It was not sliowti
that there would bo any saving by
combining thu two departments save
possibly some slight saving in book
keeping nnd other clerical work in the
office. 'My objection to thin bill was
that the saving miide would not com
pensate for the efficiency lost. Time
will prove whether mv views were
right. Xh only have a ipiarter of 11
mill levy nnywuy for road puiposc,
bringing in less tliuii .12.")0,000. If it
bo found that the office is managed
with less efficiency under tuuvvv nr
rangement, two years from now the
segregation can probablv be made.
Opjioscd Ity JackMHi Delegation
Another law enacted and which met
with the opposition from .Jackson's
representatives was a bill introduced
giving the uppoiutivc power the right
to remove. My own opinion is that
the appointive power bus that right
now. Also my impression is that the
bill in principle was right. My ohjec
tion to it was that it was introduced
as a political measure, possibly to re
move soino of Governor West's np
poiuteos. As nboyo stilted, this nut
met with the opposition of thu leprc
seiilatives from horc, hut was passed
I asked to bo excused ill .'I o'clock
Sunday morning. At that time there
I am a Traveling Map-
with a wife anr little family
that I see once a week.
Since the inauguration of the
Western Union Day Latter and
Night Letter service my viic
and I have exchanged Night
Letters regularly. My wife
6ays these daily notes keep
her from being lonesome. I am
assured daily that everything
is 0. K. at home.
was before the house for considera
tion 1111 net combining the office of
the cotportttioit commissioner and the
instirnuee commissioner. These two
departments btiiig into the state tip
proximately one-half million dollar
u ,cur, llntli have been large loveiiue
producer lor the slate.
Corporation IK'imrtiuent
The office nt tho corporation de
partment has been adiuir;ibly lulmiii-
istered by Commissioner Watson, The
insurance people wanted a commis
sioner of their own. I felt that the.v
were entitled to that, iiuismtii-li as
they pay into the stute approximatelv
$100,000 u venr over and above the
exH-nses of the administration of the
otfice. In view- of the fac) that t In
corporation department has been so
admirably managed during the last
two j ears, and the further fuel that
I do not believe in hastily made laws,
I was opposed to that bill. At IJiu
time I left, at II a. in., it seemed like
ly to be adopted. My absence could
make hut little difference, ns nn nb
sent vote has just the sumo force as
n negative vote. It takes thirty-ouo
affirmative voles to pass a hill.
Houso AInivo Average.
, How do you regard regard tho leg
islature In general?
I was not woll Informed as to tho
personnel of tho senate. There aro
so many things to bo dono in thu
short space of 10 days one has but
little time to get acquainted except
with thoso nenrest him. The house
wns composed of KU men, It seemed to
me, far above tho ordinary. In the
main they had In mind only what
thoy considered for the best Interests
of the statu. Pnless thu last few
days bo considered, the houso wns ab
solutely unhoused. Kach Individual
seemed to bo a factor to himself and
usually took the cuu from un one but
voted tho way ho considered best for
bis own locality and tho general up
building of the state.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22 Sir 1M
ward Grey has sent to the statu de
partment through the Urltlsh out hero a statement characterizing
as a falsehood a recent statement
from Ilcrlln attributing to the Urltlsh
the Intention to destroy nn American
ship in tho naval war 70110 and
charge It to u German submarine
with the expectation of precipitating
a crluls between tho United States
and Germany.
Tho Ilcrlln statement received In
tho United States by wireless, was
cabled to London by tho Ilrltish em
WANTKI) A Ford car, must bo In
good condition ami a uarKaln. Ad
dress Hox 177, Central Point, Ore.
WA.NTi:i 100 on city property.
Phono 24U-Y. 288
MOUINSTOWN, N .1., Tel.. 21
The lilted Ktulcs Is Ihteiiteiicil wilh
11 sennits invasion of its riulits (h a
neutral h.v the warring nations of
Kuiopo and In piot-ci-viug iu eui'
mcrcf with those nation U Inn- to
fucc with 0 j.-iisi, in the opinion of
Ioiiiut President William II. Toll. In
the solution ol (ho eiii", should it
hum-, no jingo Npiril muri)i' iill-iwed
to pievad, Mr. Tuft udicd; neither
pride nor momentary piiNfjoii should
iullueiiec our judgment.
"When the picxident nets," Mr.
Tuft declared, "vvj must Maud liv him
to the cud. This deteimiiuitioti we
may he sure nil will join, no mailer
wlial their previous views, no mailer
what their lliiiopeiiu mitriti. All will
forget their difv."ices in cf-Ntcii-fioiitg
lo.viilly to our ou'imou I lug
mid or common coiintrv,"
Our lulcirM In War
Mr. Tafl's reference to the situa
tion confronting the Tinted States
was made at the conclusion of tin ad
dress delivered heie today befoio the
Washington Association of New ,lcr
sey. Quoting 11 reset vittion iu the
treaty of Algeciras proclaimed in
1007 ami entered into by the Tinted
States and eleven Kiiropeau nations,
including most of those now at war,
Mr, Taft said:
"Our interest iu the present war,
therefore, under the conditions that
exist, should IV limited as set forth
in this reservation, to-wit:
"Preserving and increasing the
commerce of thu United States with
the belligerents; to the protection as
to life, liberty mid prosperity of our
citircus residing or traveling iu their
countries nnd to the niditig by our
friendly offices nnd efforts in bring
ing those countries to peace.
"Our efforts for ticace," he contin
ued, "b.ivc been inmlc 1 1 -t-ph-tc a
possible, lor the president has al
ready tendered Ins j-ood oflu-cs bv
way of mediation between the powers,
nnd they have not been accepted.
Vlohitl if Our IIIkMm
"III pioscrving the uoiumeicc of the
Tailed Slates with the belligerents,
however, wc arc face to face with a
ciipd. Wc arc tlmjatcueil with 11
sci ioiik invasion of our rights us neu
trals in trading with the-belligerent
country. What certainly is an in
novation upon previous rules 111 u--
spect to neutral commerce and con
traband of war has been initialed bv
belligerents of bolli sides. The
planting of miiicH iu the open sea and
the use of Htibmariiies to m-ml neutral
ships to the bottom without injury iih
to their uentiiilitv wero found in a
so-called war zone of the open wn,
arc all of thorn a variation from the
rules of iutcrualioiial law uoveruiiig
the nctioii of belligerents toward neu
tral trade.
''When their violation results in the
destruction of the lives of Ainericnn
citizens or of Amcii'iiu property, 11
grave issue will arise as lo what tin
duty of this government is."
five room
with garage
"Nearest to
Sba Pranclsco '
In the heart of the
business, shopping
and theatre district.
Running distilled icclH;
waef in every room.
Our commodious
lobby,fineservice,nnd III
lunjeiiKc restaurant
will attract you,
European Plan rates
$1.50 up.
"Mett Me at
The Afanx"
Diseased Blood
Calls for Help
Nature's Wlllinir Worlcurn nrc
Alwnyn nl Your
If It It fftrmn pimp' ", I ! ec w -m -your
Mf-hiiiiil li i' f.iniiiin
lilot-d I'urlll-r It U A,v:U pit -I H
ittmrk illincd Mo nl. Ami It always ilum
(In- wurk. II il" tin -"ik ftfor 1li)
polntmuit, nftir als-ni-il mw--IhII, nrT
uirjr, luOlite. mrji'linliir, nnwiili ml tlir
il-'lriii'tli- ilreiM lint lime rt-Mit n Imr
Mt nt iiiUlAhM nml Ml i Irnot i-r IntnlliU
i;in-Mlnit a In Mlml to runic s H M.
I nut mull s ilrutt tot lit mililll) r U-iKirnim-
nf ninti wmilil In- olili- to priMliirr,
It l NntnrKu wninlcrriil eoiitrlliiltlnii In
Ollr lll'ffMllll-4. It It Mllll-l'Tflll Im-AltM- It
rnn mil ' Imllalril) inn nut Ih m.u.t ny
oilier Mr Hi 111 li noM-mtili' Naltir pr-H.
mil unit iriilun wlit 11 tiot nt liu-u kimtv
it-t H H M , III" wiirlit Krxctlitt IimsIIHh
'ttirri' nrf pMipIc rrprywlK-i dial liil u
nlil m-re nr nlrrr Hint ilrll'il nil Hip hIim
known Ami jffl H H H inVrn Into Hip
lilmnl Just imlurnlly put Into llist lil irn
Hip rlriiiinl Hint inmlp le-w tUiilp, iipw
IImIi, nml rirrr.l It with n lu-w rnHnK nt
lipultliy Vln. Urt 11 ImiIIIh f H H H.
tmljr uf ny ilruBiPl nml In n Hip sny
Iu .rrfist I'lmiil lirsllli. Hut l"Mirr nt
PiituHtiilfii I'ur iPfliil mlilr onnlt Hi
iiintlcul ili-iivrtninit. 'Hip Hwlft SihvIOp '
.V NftHt Illili: . AHahiii. Hit It I ft
nml lm lirlic-l n iiiuIIHuiIp.
North Hound Houtli lloiiml
l.v. Medford I. v. Axliliiud
11:10 a.m. I2:3up. 111.
1:2(1 11. iu. a-30 p. 111.
4:UUp. m. fi :llOi. 111.
7:00 p.m. S:00p. in,
lU:uui. in. 11:00 p. 111.
12:00 p. m. U:tr. a. in.
st' oni.v
0:30 n. in. 10:!0a. in,
1 1:110 a. in. 12:30 p. 111,
1.30 p III. 2 -JIU p. til.
I no p in, fi-oo p. m,
7 00 p. in S 00 i. Ill,
1'Iiem: mo
llii South Riverside
Phono 150
208 East Main Street
The Only Excltisivo
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Orogou
Negatives Mndu any time or
placo by appointment
Phono J47-J
Wo'll do tlio rest
E. D. WESTON. Prop.
In onlor lo close out our jiroHont
Htoclc ot W'nll I'npor to propnro for
thu now Biirlim booiIu wo will jjlvo
on all wall jiapor now on lmnil, com
lirluliiK thoH InUiHt Htyk'H, Thin la a
Krout opiiortunltv to ulvo you rooms u
now clrouH,
Iloinoinlior wo' nro tlio only paint
and wall pupor xtoro clvlng IS. & II.
Qroou Trudlim StuinpH,
Waters' Paint and
Wall Paper Store
U1IJ Uuul M'Uti ,
N ..-.
iMEiliHlM Miilli iTi i 1 1 h 1 1
1 jMX. r-i, iiLst
V 1