Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 22, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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UmmHnmviimMwiimmmv immu'WjWwwBwwwMwwwpmniiiililiii mmvwnmmmmmtmmlr,m,iwu,wmm,,mm,.u
I'orty-f mirth Yr.
P'lllv Ninth Vcrir
Stoamcr Evelyn nt Bottom of Sen
Willi Cnro o( Ccpprr Crew Sav
nl, Exrcpt One Vessel Ventured
In Mined Waters Inquiry Ordered
hy United Stairs Government.
WHIIIN'UTM. IVh 82- KInt.lliK
or the Aintti Iran mIiihikt IIwiIjii off
(In- Herman roam pttmuinobly liy a
IllltlO. IlltllOUIill Willi Olid exception
tln crew wim unv'ml, brought I vlil l
ifnii ofllrlnl Washington today the
t'm-m rs to which American eiooli
nr.. fii(iitpil In Hit will "IK. uiljinclit
l tliii llolllretottt iiiMitH lo i:tirot
'lio Aiinirloiiii nolo In Gorman)
warnintt (hut touilti) analuM uUix'Kk
mi ViinTlifin ul In iho noil rointi
o' Mur Applied only In Hiiliiiiiirlni'n
Hlri.e til mil III cilk or Hl Mm, till'
North lin lli'illi mined by liolll
.rnmtijr iiml (Srctit llrltnln ami mi
.Mci HiitiiliiK was given to neutral
iiiiniiHTro h) tlm Herman toply to tlio
li-nti unto hint week In an
iioiiiiiIiik Unit niltiea would bestrewn
In tin' wntuni Mirroiiiiilliu; (lrat
llrltHln mill liolaud iiml In tlm Kng
llli channel.
No Diplomatic .t Inn
It wan eonnldorwd unlikely that
tlii'io would ho any diplomatic action
nuiiltlng fiom the lomi of the Kcln,
ho mid claim for damage Inasmuch
aw thi-iH U now Intornhtloual comon
lion In form for prohibiting tin- lay
Iiik of inluea ollhur for offetmlvo or
llffl'llilwi JlMrPltOK. Ill tllO ItllKMO-
.liiinni'o war tho JnpancKo Mrow
H'Iio-H arrow tlm harbor entrance to
I'ort Arthur, which won hold by tho
ItiiMlaim. similarly tlio .lapuiiono
lul.l mine. In VlndlvoKtoU waters
iirroM 1'ntor th Great Hay for 40
tnllra. Whllo tlio hi) lug of milieu In
nffminlNo operation, Pitch an tlio ro
iMit note proclaimed, linn not been
ncUliwccd li us u hclllKoicnt light.
It in believed In official quarter Unit
thin am! other precedent would make
It difficult for tlio t'nlted Htnto in
make furllnir diplomatic piotcul.
Sliind Ity Warnings
Tho provHllliiu opinion In ndmlnltf
Nintlon rlrrlw tndn) vn that tlio
f nlted tftatoa Kovoriimoii would Htand
firmly on It warnings to Groat llrlt
nln rcpcetlly, concerning tlio inln
iiko of limit nil fliiRN ami posnlhlo nt
lack on American ousels or lives b
aultniutlue. Til ollr was r
wtrded iih nlKiilflcant of n poiwlhlo
ulllral turn of affairs, should nn
Wnlnlluns or tlio wnrnlng oiihiio.
Horrolary Danloln, oilalnctl Dial
Itln purpiKo In dlroctliiK tin Imiulry af
ter tho tato iliipartiuout had called
upon tho anihanaadoiH til l.nmKiu ami
llorlln for n urt, win to ol It'oli
ulcal Inroriuatlou which porhapn
iiiIkIiI not ho Included In tho am
hmmadoi'M toply. II wan. of rourno.
niulornUiod that ('oiiiniiindor Hluir
iirdl, tin Atuorloan altacho nt Iho
Aniurlutn onihawiy nt llorlln, would
ho Kiildoil oiillri'b hy AinliKHMiilor
(iorard In ntnltluK liU ItnoMlKUtlon.
It uan until at tho navy dcpait
incut that fioiu ptoHout ImllcatlouH It
would ho difficult for tho muni offl
niir lo ncrmo ""act Information of
what itctually dentrojed tht Hvoljn.
. In .Ml no IIckIoii
Tho fact that tho Kudyn Hon at
tho hottoiu of tlm North Ht'a would
tnaUo It difficult to oxatulno her hull.
It waa pointed out. howovor, thai
Oorinan offlclalH might iIIhcIoho to
(Continued on Lam Paso)
SAliKMi Or.. Fob. 22) - AinoiiR cpv
ci ul Hi'iuu hills iii8Hinl liy'lliO lOOent
liihliitiin', to wliicli Oovcinof Jnnu'H
Wjlh.M'oiulio ul'hvcil.liix Hinntnro to
iltt.Vi won oiio pioviilitif,' for joint n,;jit
jnlion of l'ihliiiip; on Iho C'oluiuhiii
vixor, its iiKU'i'il on with Uo hluto of
WiihhiiiKloii, Tlio inenmii-o iiuiKch llic
Oicooii ami WiifliltiKtnil lawn iiiiH'oiin
ullt'i" .vonrs ol' conflit'liiiK rculution.
II iiie'roiiKOH tlio mt of fishing li
iuii.t'H "ill per font '" tlio prinioiiH
Oiokoii law. 1'Vtltunl rntlficiitjim of
ilio compiii't will 1 1 neooMiiry when
it hiiuilitr iiicitHiim )ioiiiHir in tlio
WiihhliiHlon Hlnto k'Kihlnluio is pasH
fit, bul'ojo tlto law lit'foinca olfecltvc.
California oxoiulhcn an thoy tin
toroil tho ICxpoMtlon nalun on open
Iuk da. l.oft to right: Major II.
II. I tone of I .on Amcolon, (iovcrnor
lllram V Jolumon of California.
Muor ,ln in oh Itolph Jr , of Han
KramUco, and Cajilaln IMwIn Car
poiitr, coiiitiiamlatil of Kxponltlon
Mini irciiiicilmH Tor wot wcio the
hi.lo lol.ios ol illi'llxioil today III
i'ipiitro, tho nomito ilohatmi; tho I
iinnv bill uml Ibo hoiiko wotkinir on
iippioiiintion for otiht loriiliiu
limin. Clniirumn ('hninbciluiu of Ibo -en-ato
imlllnr.v ooiinnillo unxo mdico
thai oiiliUii'ii or nn unity of li.'.M,
llilll moil ami n icnono k,vtciii would
bo Inkt'ii up ill Iho nol noninn.
"Willi rcoivnuixotioii iiIoiik Ihoso
IIiioh," ho wnitl, "tho foiled Slnlo.
will ho in n ponitioit lo uicol all dung
oiv within or without tho nation."
In llio Imimo, ltopiot)iitiitio tlaiil
nor ilcolaicil thai at Ibo pioncnt into
it will bo viclilct'ii i- beforo oonst
ilclViixo tjiiiix Inn! niiftioloiil lumuuui
lion for mi hour's oiilmikouiciiI nml
t lit t Ibo coul foititicniion- could be
I iikcn fiom Ibo i vac.
Moico tiguicil miii'li in the M'liale
Mm to. Senator Not lis MtgKt'tli'd
Hint if (Jeuenil Villa Knew bow tut
prepateil Ibo I'uileil Slates was for
war ho would Inl.o tbteoiiulrv in two
Senator Full declined u "it nation
Iiml developed in Movieo similar o
thai us n result of which tlio Kicneli
chlabliMbeil MiiNiinillinii on u throne.
SlmuM tho I'tiited States ho dinwn
into the Kuropeati war, bo ilcelaied,
.Meico would fiiinisli tin iuvilum base
ftom winch it could bo uttueked.
WASHINGTON. Fob. 22 Mystery
mtnoundliiR tho reported tohhory of
tho oxproHH car on tho Atlantic count
IIiio'b Floilda Filer near AIomui
dila liiHt TliuiMday nlKbt. baa boon
cleat oil up, accotdliu; to an an
nouncoinont by tho AiIiuiih Nxproim
company offlco horo, by a confession
fiom tho two tuesBoiiKors who wero
In tlio car that thoy tboiimolvoa
tuunhod tho conipanj'a stroiu; box
and throw It from tho iuovIuk train.
Tho box contained no valuables Tho
mcBKoiiKora btoko Into It, tho expla
nation wiyn to net hoiuo fitatloiuuy
thoy noodod for their nlBht'a work,
and later, feurlui; tho Job would mt
them Into trouble, amend to tell tho
Btorj of "tho iiinuKvd robber, '
c.vjjs AK'irAtcn.j:NvimiiuzR 4iav.
saE.aiij eiiiEmcB
pimMi pot
3.0T T m- ' WSLWiScSKmmfm u
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11 HS
mFtmf D A. L n V mWMtmWMm9m 9 1MWMm Mmm)mm- 9P
1. I .
CHIdin paMdo lo i:pohltlon Gromitls down Van Ness aenuo on mornlnc
000 colobrantB inarched on foot to the Bates. The ctowdwns uufiinented hy
utreet earn, forrloH and nuloinohllen.
LONDON, Feb. 22. Tlio allied ro -erniuciitn
lijo not jet decided upon
tho precise atliludo wbich it is pro
posed to adopt in U'tiilinlion at;itinst
(lennunjV recently initiated belliger
ent policy, hut n speedy jiy;rcciiicnt i-.
CNpcctcd. Itepljin' lo a question in
Ibo bouse of couimoiiK this morning:,
Premier Asqiiilh said:
"Tho allied KOveiniuciil nto con
sidering wluit aeliou it would be
proper to tuKo in tlio way of icprisnls
against tlio Geinuui policy of uttnel;.
iii and dostroyin Hiitisli, allied and
ncutval iiuuelmnt vessels, without
warning and without nn nt I em pel be
ing mudo to save the lives of civilians
and innocent eiews,
"Pending n decision, which I liopo
wil soon liu iiiiuouuced, 1 cannot
uinko u statement i egiu ilini: tlio nn
t,uro or scope of the mciisuies o bit
"As to tlio fonns in which tbe do
eisions will bo published," paid Pro
itiliu Asmiitli, "tbcio ceilainlj will bo
a unto from f I teat llrituiu, nnd I Itopo
thtuo will bo u joint one."
. - wnnnw''fciswws
Mail Tribune
s .l
On account of tho unsatls-
factory condition of tho courso
and tho threatening wenher,
tho Vaiulerbllt cup rnco was
postponod toilia, until ono
week from Saturday. Tho
drivers mudo ono oxbtbltton
round of tho couiso' for Iho
bonoflt of tho Hpoctators.
KAST ST. I.OCIS, III., Fob, 22
Flro BtaitluK from an explosion In
tlio uppor floor of .legonholn IJroth
ora 'furnltnro stoio today spread to
tho four corners at tho Intersection
of Colllnsvlllo and St, Louis aonuoa
ami caused a lona ovcoodlnu 160.000.
Two bulldlnua wero Uoatroyed,
Piy-t i f fcpjpi
w first? imnt mwi!MMi
V , v. .... .,,
mmr .
... n . irm
. r. -ar
u f tu
& & ZA
of openlnu day when fully
oer 200 000 more who
took SAU:.I, Ore., Fob. 22 Although
tho appropriations made by the Ore
gon loRlslaturo that adjourned yes
terday oro approximately J755.S00
les than the total appropriation
made by tho provlous legislature, tho
continuing appropriations and nppro
prlatlona derived ftom feea and mile
ago souicea mako such an Invasion
Into this sum that tho cost or main
taining tho Btute government and tho
state's Inslulons, according o esti
mates iiitulo by state officials today,
will bo qnly about $S7,830.GS loss
for this Mountain than tho previous
one. , - Z9t
Appropriations mado by tho logls
latuto of lUi:t, Including continuing
appropriations nnd fees, totalled
$7,735.92 l.GS, whllo for tbla blen
nlum they will total about J7.GIS,
0 10.
11KUI.1N. Feb. 22. When tho
Pnisslun diet resumed Its sittings to
day considerablo enthusiasm waa dis
played by tho membora of the liouao
in cousuqueuce of the latest des
patches telling of tho Gorman vic
tory In tho battlo of tho Jlazurlun
Lakes In Knst Prussia.
ONLY $87,850 OVER
tLsn&tKixBt "ia
I President Charles C Moore of
tho Kxpofltlon tnhovc) dictating the
' telegraph measo to the operator
I (below) announcing to President
Vllnon that the fair at San Fran-
' ttt tfftM Pflnilt' t Ilia rt f Intft II iln.
v iw -' j v Mt; wuuittii UiT"
dared open b) tho nations executive.
LONDON. Feb. 2--Gorumny's
Mihmnrine blockade eontinues- to be
the chief topio of interest in the Unit
ed Kingdom', nltbouh liiti-h ship
ping apparently i- moving with its
iiMinl freedoui. The Scandinavian
noutnil-, hovover, are showing much
iiliuiii over the situation, a :rcat sen--atiou
limiii' been eaii-ed in those
countries by the toredoiii;r of the
Norwegian stmnohin lleldrio off
Folkestone lal wtek. ,
Jepreentntive of the Scandinav
ian KOU'rmuout are holding another
eonfeineo todtiy, tho outcome of
which i awaited with much interest
hy neutral shipper-.
T.(e question of n, naval convoy,
it is undorslood, is bcinj eon-idercd
seriously at tho conference, but the
guarded comments of the newspaper--how
that it is clearly reeojjnirod
that such n step misht lend to war.
Ibo question of tho right of the
crews of fivo Dani-di ships to refuse
to sail for Kngli-di poits is now before
a court which is considering their
excuse that Gorranny is not likely to
respect a neutral flag.
Following precedent, which seems
to lime made Sunday n popular day
for such raids, n lotto German ncro-
plano flew over several cast eoasl
towns last night, dropping bombs
which did only slight material dam
ago and caused little nlnrni.
Fighting in tho Carpathian moun
tains still is being fiercely pio-ccuted
bj the ii-sinn and tho Austro-Gor-inan
forces, hut apparently without
dcei-ivo results for either side.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.Senuto
republicans intend to put a larger
subinariuo building plan in tho pend
ing naval bill than has been provided
by tho house.
Senator Smoot introduced today an
amendment for lift" submiuiucs of a
seagoing typo nnd twenty-fivo smaller
ones. For tho first year it would np
piopriato $30,000,000.
"Tho Kuropeau war has demon
strated beyond any question," said
Senator Smoot, introducing' his
nmoudment, "that subnuuines nre in
valuable for defense of const cities
and coabt lino. That I tho soit of
dofeuso wo want hi this country more
than tuiythliyr else,"
Unlit .Max. .Ill; Mln. 3d J
Put I p. .in.
NO. 286
Jackson County's representative Com
ments on Legislation Affeqtim?
Southern Orerjon Horticultural
Bill Killed Jackson Delegation
Opposed Introduction of Politics.
(Hy Representative V. I. Vnwlcr.)
What measures were beforo tho
legi-laturo of particular interest to
Jackson county?
One was tho horticultural .bill,
which I introduced. It was prepared
bj' the Horticultural societj', whic;h
met hero last November. Tltij) tiill
proposed nn entirely new horticul
tural code nnd provided for one com
missioner, with his hendfpmrlers in
Portland, nml provided ior.Ajtfcnitcd
number of Ktate iimpectors.-rCThis'bill
enrricd iio larger appropriation than
tho existing law. For some reason
the bill met with Htrenuoiis opposition
from certain members of tho present
commission nnd some cx-niembcrs. It
appears thnt there has been a good
deal of ill-feeling between the differ
ent factions of tho existing commis
sion during tho two or threo j'ears
last pa-t. JJ was claimed by tho op
ponents to this hill that it was fram
ed in the interest of Mr. Roberta, who
for some time hns been president of
the existing horticultural board, and
was not in the interest of the general
public, with tho result that tho bill
was mado the target of all factions
and was defeated some days beforo
tho session closed.
Home ltulc Law
'One fenturo of tho proposed law
was of especial valuo to Jackson
county, ns it contained ft"rparH$raph
known as tho "home rule'' law, pro
viding thnt Jackson county should
hne its own entomologist, nnd co
oMrating with the county court, Iho
county entomologist would have full
control in nil matters n fleeting horti
cultural interests. I Lelicvo nt n fu
ture time this proposed net will bo
revived nnd will hceomo the law of
the state.
The Siskiyou rond hill is of some
imiwrtnnee. I think it will accom
plish what it was intended to accom
plish, namely, to commit tho fetnto
highway commission to Iho comple
tion of tho highway over tho Siski-you-J.
Urging, the adoption of this
measure, I claimed that the Siskijoiis
wero a natural barrier to tho south
part of tho state in tho same manner
and to the same extent, although in
n different waj', that Ibo Columbia
ihcr is to an cut ranee into the stnto
from the north. I stated ou the floor
of the house that Jackson conntv had
never found fault that tho state had
assumed and undertaken to pay in
terest on tho bonds issued for tho
building of the interstate hridgo be
tween Oregon and Washingten: that
it was n public improvement, of gen
eral benefit lo the state, and while
Jackson county would have very littlo
direct use of tho interstate bridge, nt
the sumo time it was an improvement
needed for the upbuilding of tho
stnt. This view was genernllj nceept
ed by representatives, with tho result
thnt the Siskiyou hill has passed both
the.senato and tho houso, nnd I think
doubtless will bo signed by tho gov
Assessment ami Taxation T
What about assessment nnd taxa
tion I
A new assessment and tax low hou
been passed which I think will ho
found in tho ultimate ns n worknhlo
law, and ono thnt will provo fairly
satisfactory. Tljo collection of lnxe
will ho placed in the hoods of tjia '
(Continued on Page 2.
CHICAGO, Fob. 23. Grain brok
ers engagod In business on the Chi
cago board of trade have flatly re
fused to submit their hooka and rec
ords to government official InyMl
gutlug tho high prices of wheat and
flour, It waa learned today. As ITre
ault it was declared (he Inquiry
wjilch centers In the causes for the
advanced price of bread l at a 4am4
Htlll. 4
ni st4i simtli
fa '