!. t-rjMr ma'-F r .racra RTX MBm?OT?T matt; trtbttnr mtcpford. orfiox, saturtmy, vriwttav 20. 'tmrs ROS E CULTURE FREE LECTURES BEGIN Mi Y WILSON SIGNALS DM E A FAIR OPENING WITH CHEERFUL UGH I KEY OF NUGGETS SHE LOSES LEG!, PPROPRIATIONS 1, TOTAL $6,088,915 i: llov. (IrurKO Hchocncr ,of llrooks, Or., tlio llnrbnnk of this Voc woiltl, will deliver n none f lectures on ro(M niul rose culture nt (lie McdTord public library beginning Monday oU lilng next nt 8 o'clock. Tfic sciics of lectures will bo given iittVrth'nus- jmccs of tho Meiliord-, lu!o no,etetyl 11 lid will bo free to the imhlu'". hvi crybne interested in growing roses mid helping to initkc Med ford n ro.e city fihould nttend the lecture. If the weather permits n practical dem onstration of the priming of ro-es Mill be Riven in one of Medford's rose gardens. While the lecturer is here n committee of the Hose society will (tike him about the city nnd trp to form some plnn for its benutificntion. llev. Schooner has now 120.000 now seedling roses, the result of 1"00 different coinbiiintion. From these hn hopes to raise some roses so beau tiful as to send Oregon's numc down in rose history. After the lectures questions will be answered, and the difficulties attend ing rose culture iu this vnlley will be solved. I ' ' The subjects of the lectures arc as follews: T - Monday, JYlminry22, nt S ). in.. "The Hose, in Htttory WASHINGTON', lYb. 20. 1'ivsi dent Wilson pushed a button at it o'clock this afternoon giving an dec trii"iunal which fonnallv opened the I'anninn Pacific exposition nt San Francisco. The flash wn conveyed from the white house to San Francisco both liv telegraph and wireless. President Moore of the exposition immediately sent back word that tbo flah had come through and that the exposition was fonnallv oened. The president used a telegraph key studded with gold nuggets which was ued by President Tnft in opening the Alaska-Yukon exposition nt Seattle. Present nt the ceremony were Secre mutilated thnn powerless. "Work is mv life I want to get tariesUrvan. McAdoo, Houstoa. Wil-!" wr ". !" uvoxering my son, Daniels nnd Attorney General pt-c.y nnd I hope to use again all Gregorv. Assistant Secretary Roosc ' t'r' f rtr wl'' kwl "' "l vrlt nf'ilii. n.ivv. Senators Works and "d will keepjne up until 1 pass into 'I'crkins and all the repre.-entatives tlw world beyond the grave. There from ritlifarn n. Governor Hnml n of.-""' w's '' " so,1 "" the federal reserve, boanl and Mr. Onminctti, commissioner -eneral of immigration. (Contlnnea from rag li I hae four intuitions for your in valids in our theatre. Fore in me for speaking so much nbout mvself, but you will understand why I have done so. Think of nie on Sunday moin- mjf. ' ? t ? V Y ? t ? ? PANAMA FAIR OPENED -'"k "t me on Mimlay mom- r i A flood Itcsoltitlon. j Lane said iii part: To help build up Mcilford payrolls "To von. President Moore, and to by Btnoklnc Governor Johnson orli m .- A in 1 . " . I . , V luesnay, twminry 'J.J, iu a p. nt.. i your colleagues, Jariics ami gentlemen, Mt. cut rier 'a. IITI. t)..l....;t) -!.... :c:....l!.... r il.iil'. i .i I..,..; e ii.. i i i fT i- ii)iiuiiv.iik uiiinniiiL-iiiiuu ml "ii near uie consraiuiaiions oi mo mi- i the appiopitatiou bills. Regular appropriations from tlio genet al funds will total ."KM'-V Pt..7.r). Plus the iiiilliiuf taxes lor ie support of the three state ulucu- ioual institutions and the new up propriatious made iteeessuvy liv tlu aoonsiuueui oi ine cnuiiiiuiiig up'' '" SAI.F..M. Or.. Feb. 20. Something litiou plan, nn extra $I.H!I8,000 is ke $tIMIlU:) will bo I he extent of 'IU'1 lor, ninkiiig a total ol fiU's.!,- legislative eeonoiny in the administrn- I'lti.i.i. tion of Oregon's af fairs durum the' The general appropriation of 11)1.1 I'AKIS, Feb. 20. Mamiee Hanes, oxt bienuium, aeeording to a bt was .f(l,7:i:t,lll2.08. This shows u . . ... ... .. . . . . who is condiieiiiiL' a eainna un to nidi luted list of all sums called tor in all tuning at once over l'.u.l ot tHII, war cripples has received the follow ing telegram from Sarah Mernhaidt. "Your last aitiele, an appeal uiHa, the invalids of the war. touched ii?! deenlw iterhnns because I am going to hao my leg cut off Sunday nud(j thus join the gieat nrmv of the intiti-1 lated. 1 could haxe kept mv leg if 1 1 A bad been willing to live strt'tched on! A a sofa. The surgeons asked me to give them five montlw. but I refused. J W3iyf Mecause longing for the J J theatre filled me. 1 would rather be' V 5l(l,:i:i. Adiled to this in rcclMiilu,r the eennomy, however, niitsl ha con sldered items of .f7l!l,H!lt).iVi appto pilaled in HUM for peimuueiit nn pvoveiueuls, iueluillug the $l.")0,000 Tiuualo ii'iigatinn appropiiatioii, no coriespouiliiig approprialious hciiri necessary this year. Selliu,; off against this the item in the present approptiatiou bills of .ft 0(1,0(10 for the new building at the custom Ore gon hospital, a total net saving of .fill 1,1 1(1. !i:i, or approximately two thirds of a mill lc. CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF f Kvcry bit ot ilaiulrutr dlHiiiMarii after one 'or two applications of Diitulerlne rubbed well lulu Ilia iirnlp with the riuiter llpii, Out a Ufi-cont buttlA of DiuhIuiIiio at any druit Bloro and imvo your luilr, Af ter a fow aiillciitloim you can't find a partlelo of iliunluiff or any fullliui hair, mid the scalp will nover Ituh. (Paid Adv.) 00v0 zi'ziiy?iKzzit& Ford and Overland OUTSELL THEM ALL More Ford and Overland cars sold .California in January, 1915 than all other carsmbined CLASSIFIED LIST OF CALIFORNIA MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS Showing upmbor, according to each mako, of now automobiles registered in California in January, 1915. Compiled by the WESTERN MOTOR RECORD, San Francisco, Cal. HosoV' Wednesday, February 24, nt 8 p. m., "The Planting and Pruning of the Nose." Thursday, February 2fi, at 8 p. in., "The Mest Varieties of Hoses and I low to Conduct nn Exhibit." Should the members iu attendance justify it, another Icclure. xvill be given Friday. February 20. The public librnry has nn extensive collection of roo books loaned for the occasion, some from the state li brary and Mime from privnlo librar ies', which can be consulted by those interested in roc culture. f i is World's Wonder:? bear the congratulations of the nn- .. .. . ...... i tion on tlie opening oi tins interim- Maim Dthu 'ionnl c.xKsitiou. This morning I J IM NCW NOj Imve from the president the lollowiny telegram: "rlense convey mv heartiest eon- rverr tlnr Infnni make Me'n gratulations to the authorities of the rcUvo wWer una brighter. .Ana what n . . crr tnrre H to en- e.xjosition and express my 1iom thnti J sii hance Un arrival nna I their highest expectations for its dis- iVj iKJttG ZSJ!Xl.Z!2f'.l . , , .... , .. Wb -MwK&t the txps?tnnt mother tinguished success will be more than r7vj "F-irJIhSi houia i slva nt- .,! .1 1 . 1 ftS ,n,litn Imnnp (h n'aiir.eu. - Msril - rrai ncipiui inniRj t per- .ssa i ck.j: x- ? T rt , er I t- I Is an external nb Oomlnnl application known as "Mother's Friend." It U o well thoucht of by women that moit drus Rtorcs throuch out the Vnltcil State enrry "Moth'r" I'rlend" os one ot their rtapto and nil nblo remelle!t. It la applied to tho nbaomlnal musclrn to relloo tha strain on llcatncntu and tendon. In a llttlo book nro deserllx-d tnnro MANYNEW LAWS SALEM, Ore. Feb. 20. Tlio fol lowing bills havo been signed by Gov ernor Wlthycembc: 11. H. 221, by Smith (Multnomah) To protect water supplies anil give board ot health authority. H. II. H, by Kelly Itcstorlng sher iffs of counties as tax collectors. If. D. .13-1, by Forbes Ratifying IcaM) ot Summer and Abort lakes. If. D. 458. by Harrow To permit erection of bridge connecting Ran dolph Island with the main land. S. U. 229, by committee on Judic iary Relating to undertakings to secure payment of costs in Justice courU "Within n month I expect the pres ident himself will be with you to greet the representatives of the nations who have joined in the creation of. this new citv by the Golden Gate." All records for opening day at tendance nt world's fair were broken i by the exposition. Less than two t1witit-o t.flnv. II. n .rfilnu ll.lal 41lhA.fftl.jl flll.l i, ., ,, . ..,, ful')' tho many ruauni why "Mother'n while the crowds xvcre still streaming Frtena" has iwcn a friend Indeed to tin, the turnstiles showed 180.000 nd- J0."'" '," wore than two Kenrratloni. i . . . ,-..- . . . I Thl book, waa prcpnrml not only to nld t missions, nt against 1.1, i for thej tho tncxporienccd but to enable many riiieniro fair m ISO.!, nnil 17(1. I.'kI for, women to han at hand thn timely hints. .... .... .... . ...... t rtiifL'piitlunH nnil helliH In cHitielju. nrnl the M. I.ouis lair in Jinn. M ll:l. neatly, vrinM orm tor rrndy reference. I 11117 ill lI'lllltlill'lT llttll LTIIfil 1f mUU.UHU l piivutu " lit mi r Notice K. of I". Work In first rank, Monday 7:30 p. m. E. Jaqua, C. C. 28fi t r r ? ? v t ? ? Mothcr'a X Abbott Detroit Adams Alco American Aiipcrson Atterbury truck Auburn Autocar llessemer truck Urlscoe .? Urockway ....'. llrnsh llulck ... Cadillac Car Nation Cartcrcar ... Cai-o . - Chalmers Chandler Chevrolet ....... . Cole Commerce truck Cutting ......... C)clecar Hewitt truck . . Detroit electric . Detroltcr Dodge Durocar Elmore Empire ITS :ir. '. i . 3 . II . S Federal truck FORD . Franklin (Hide . . . (5. M. C. (raium truck llnrtman Havers Hayiics lloff brooks Hewitt truck .... llomemadn 1 1 ml noii Ilupmoblln I. II. C. truck .... Imp Cycle Imperial Jackson Jeffrey Kelly truck King Kissel Kar Klelbcr truck .... K-It-l-T I.auth Jucrgcns Lewis Lincoln truck . . Llppard Stewart Locomobile Lozler 1056 . 20 3 1 1 1 1 t 3 31 32 .1 4 t A 34 4 4 20 4 1 1 t 1 II 0 L. fc F. Mnck truck .. .. Marathon Marmott Maxwell McFarland MelMer Met Menominee truck Mercury : .... Mlchlgnn Mitchell Moore truck Morelanil National Oakland Oldsmoblle I II n 4 tnn . i t 27 . 1 1 1 l.n 0 s 23 21 OVERLAND . 302 I Packard 10 Paige Detroit ... .13 Pnrtln Palmer Pathfinder .. . Peerless 4 Pierce Airow .11 Premier 1 Pope. Hartford 1 Itniich &. Lang)' f Hnvflcld M ... 1 It. II. C. . . I Itegal .... , II llcnnult Heo . . Republic Saxon Hii)cr & ticovlllc . Helmet Bcrlppn llnoth Hears H. (1. V Hlgnal truck Simplex Htandard elertrlu Stanley Rtevennl)iirn Ktudebaker Stut Thomas Trumbull Twoiuhly Velio Vim Vlxon Wnveily . Wescotl .. While Wichita truck Willys Dtlllty Wlnton No Make Total . . . .. ..V t CO 4 17 1 I 1 I K 1 t' . -ii ' 3 i v 4 4 171 4 1 1 3 7 :i t 3 21 li . 3 !Sl'i3 ,..-'-l"--i -j FOR A BAD COLD Ucorcla. ' Tlit sn lu lifiil rt nlmAt ntlV 1rtfcs T7 j Rlxt but If you fnll to Hud It wrltu im ill- rect and ulo wrltu for hook to llrodrlrl.l . J Kesulator Co., ZQZ Lamar Uldtf,, AIUU13. ' " t ? ? V V ? ! IIleinn i ( nroR ) HL0inty SUITS VHEOfORD MADE TO ORDER FROM $25.00 UP Total Sales All Cars .... 2563 Total Sales Ford and Overland 1358 All other makes 1205 COME IN AND WE WILL EXPLAIN WHY OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY C. E. GATES CORNER PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND MAIN STREET The surest way to stop a cold Is to liven tho liver and cleanse tho bowels, nnd the nicest cathartic to do this Is a 10-cent box of Cascarcts. Take j your cold may bo gone by morning. jAlso Cleaning, Prcssintj and Altering , M, ? T ? T ? ? ? t ? ? T r r t f t f y ? X t t t T f y x x f t t t ? f v (Paid Adv.) ' 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS ! NEW SPRING OFFERINGS For tho past fivo weeks our buvcr has been in the eastern markets securing for this store the newest and best in high-grade merchandise I'or the coming season. These beautiful sprii mer goods arc now beginning to arrive and are being placed on display as rapidly as possible. We invite your inspection of these wonderful new showings and wish to call your atte many exceptional values you will find among them. . . ing and sum- ntion to the THE NEW MIDDY BLOUSES ARE HERE "Wo now have on display a complete line of the fam ous, Paul .'Jones Middies, acknowledged all over tho country to be the best middy blouse made. They come in a variety of styles and in all sizes and prices, ftfako your selections early while choice is complete Special, $1.25 Paul .Tones Middies now :.98tf SPRING, MILLINERY Our showing of the season's latest modes in High Grade !Millinery is growing more complete every day, new shipments arriving by express at all times. This space is far too small to give any details of this ex ceptional showing come in and see for yourself what we have to offer it will be a pleasure to show you. NOTE Our expert trimmer will arrive in a few; days. Watch for announcement. NEW SPRING SILKS The new Silks are indeed beautiful and well adapted to the full styles now so much in vogue. Our spring showing includes such popular fabrics of the season as Chiffon Taffetas, Silk Poplins, Failles, Crepes do Chine, Crepe Meteors, Foulards, Tub Silks, the new Trimming Silks and many Black and White Novelty Silks. The more fashionable colors are, -of course, sand, putty, droadnaught gray and Belgian blue with black and while effects still holding good. Why not save money on your Spring Linings? Use Holding's Guaranteed Satin, IK) inches wide, and the price only, yard 98 SPRING BLOUSES We have just received another shipment of clever new lilouses for Spring. They are really more beait- tiful than ever before, being made up in such dainty fabrics as Georgette Crepes, Embroidered Crepes do Chine, Jap Silks and a few early styles in Lingerie. .Military effects seem to predominate, although a good niany low necks will be worn as usual. The favored colors are Belgian blue, Tipperary green, flesh, maize, pink and white. NEW MODEL CORSETS AT CUT PRICES We are placing on sale for a short time only these three special lots of .Royal Worcester Corsets at greatly reduced prices. These arc really cxcellont values, most of them being tho now models and tho materials consisting of high-grade coutil. Nolo those ; prices and come early while the sizes aro completo: One lot $1.25 Corsets now 98tf One lot $1.50-Spi.75 Corsets now $1.29 One lot $2.00-$2.&0 Corsets now , 449. BIG BARGAINS IN BATH TOWELS Here is an excellent opportunity to lay in a supply of good Hath Towels at prices which you would find hard to duplicate. These towels eomo in a wido range of colored borders as well as plain white and iu sev eral different weaves. They aro an especially fine quality. The usual prices i'or these towels flfto, !() and 50c our price, each 25 See window display center window, ffftKft DQYAL '"vv vrOHceMiK y ? T t ? Y ? t t Y ? Y f Y Y t ? Y t t Y ; We Sell Ladies' Home R K. DEUEL & CO. Bartlett Streets Journal Patterns $$$frfrfH;oXx;Hfr M Corner Main and