Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ' V, W
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hnho V. M. Colvlp, tnx ivrciiI of
tlio tfoutlicrri Pnclflc, with hendnunrl
Org In Portlrthd In In tho clt for n
few dayn vlsltlnpold frlcmla nnd rein
IWhillfU'H mllllncfy ntdro la oiion
ngalif with "OW rtprIi!B Roods. 2$l
Thd Vttflllr.ef orchestra ;wir oper
ntoil nt tlio rngo Theater Friday night
for thd ftret Utile, nml made, ti litctily
fnVornble impression' on natrons of
tlio pluyhotnic. "Tlio Vninlilrc,'' n
drnmutUntlon ot lludynrd Kipling's
Kteft fiOein t UiQjJsiutjfyiifunur! unH
nhown, ' It In one ot the beat movltiK
IilcturB over Bhown In this clly. nnd
drew a InrRo attendance.
Mrs. Leach, 32C North Bartlett, ex
port fcorsetlcrc. Phono 5G3-J.
MIbh Fay Pankey loaves today for
Portland to spend u few weeks with
frleiuln and relatives.
Johnson's Cafo will ho ready to
ncrvo ltd palrons lit Its new quarters
In tho Holland Uotol building at noon
Wednesday. 11 will bo under tho
same management which has made
this home-lllto eating Plnco so rnmous
on 86utlt Central, and the bid popu
lar prices will remain In force. 2SG
L. U, Stewart of tills cltjf Is hold
by thd Kbrttntrg auUtbrlltcB upon a
wnrrft'rtCchnrgtnfe wife desertion, and
Is al(idito- haVo Jct;hls wife In this
clly w'ihiout funde, ami In a destitute
condition SfewarL'Tvill ho fought
bach to' tho.cfty' fojtrlhl, Constable
Al If BxniQud..fvlnV for his prisoner
today, it "Ms alleged that Stewart,
though able ami in cood health,
mado no effort to secure work, and
spent all lila time loafing In the bus
iness district.
Lottie Howard Is showing every
thing now In advance styles of spring
millinery. 2SG
Don't forget to hoar Rev. George
Sclioener, tho roso wizard, public li
brary, Feb. 22, 23. 31, 25 and 2C, at
8 j). m. All Invited. Subject, "Rosea
and Itoso Growing."
J. T. Myors and wlto left Friday
night for Grants Pass to visit friends
and rolatlvcs for a few days.
City pasengcr service 15c Coun
try trips in proportion. Plerson &
Foster. Phono 878-L. tt
K. N. Warner has returned from
Portland where ho was a delegate to
tho annual meeting ot the Oregon
State Retail Merchants association.
Mr. Warner was named ono ot tho
directors for the year.
A. II. Woods of Klamath Falls is
spending a few days In tho city at
tending to business matters.
Dressmaking by the day or at
homo. Satisfaction guaranteed. 340
South Riverside Ave., tMrs. Geo. II.
Wolf. 285
Miss Hazel Clarke vUited with
friends In Phoenix Friday afternoon
and evening.
"A Fool There Was," last tlmo
tonight at tho Page.
Rain fell over' tho valley Friday
night and Saturday in ono ot tho most
substantial showers of tho month. In
tho foothills snow fell. Roxy Ann be
ing covered with white, and tho snow
' extending far down into tho valloy,
unusual for this season of tho year.
Sec Dave Wood aoout that firo In
surance policy. Office Mall Tribune
Bldg. '
Tho Commercial club at a meeting
of 11b dlrqctors Friday afternoon de
cided to hold tho regular monthly
banquet, and appointed C. M. Thomas
W. F. Isaacs nad H. A. Latta a com
mlttco to arrange details.
Matinee, the Page today.
Attorneys G. M. Roberts and Gus
No'wbury attended to professional
matters lu Jacksonville this morn
ing. Tho boys' team of tho Mcdford high
school defeated tho Cottago Grave,
team at the Natatorlum Friday night
by tho scoro of 32 to 0, and tho girls'
team of tho high school dofeuted tho
Talent girls' team 1C to 0. Tho
locala wero never in danger, and
showed much faster than their op
ponents. "Mutt" Williamson, Philips
mid Doncam starred for tho locals,
doing most of tho passing and guard
ni Mian tfnlllo Corum excelled for
tho Medford girls, throwing a num
ber or difficult baskets,
Sweet cldor at'De Voa'i.
Ono of tlio principals a recent
boxing carnlvul' fti Spok'an was Dud
,Home or Vancouver, -mere is a won
'.grounded suspicion that' tho gentle
man may bd bono ollYorTlfa Hud An
derson, na tho weight Snd general
description fits.
A Fool There Was',1' last tlmo
tonight at Uiov"Pago. 'Wr
James Kills of Hilt. Cal.. Is spend
ing n fow days iri tho city attending
to legal majors,
Any case of piles relieved at onco
aud a permanent, curd guaranteed or
no charge, Call 21 Genesseo street
and sco J. L. Kldd. Ladles may boo
Mrs, Kldd. 285
AV. Hughes of Rutto Fulls spent
Friday in Medford attending to busi
ness matters.
.. J50fl.00.i$ J"- Jtod. ctttlug np
jl3 cheap. Flro" insurance that
pays' in ease tit loss. .1, W. Wako-
- .
Monday Is Washington's birthday,
and will bo observed In thin city by
the closing ot tho banks, city, county
and public offices. No special observance-of
(he day will bo mado. lix
crclses In honor ot the day wero held
lu the lower grades of the city
sbhbolK Frldny afternoon.
Uot year mtttor, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo'.
At a incntlng nrtho directors of
the Hokfl tcnnnrry Friday artcrno'on
iillt UiV old oflcrs for tho year
Jv'erdjrfo-Vlectudl a follews: J. b.
'MnnMHldonl; J. A. Westctlund,
'v!cpVeldent; John H. Cnrklns, sec
retary; J. A. Perry, treasurer, nnd
R. D Hoke, manager.
"A Fool There Was," Inst tlmo
tonight nt tho Page.
"R. A. Toircr, returned to bis home
In llUgetio Friday night after spend
ing a few days In Medford attending
to business matters and visiting
friends and relatives.
Get It at Do Voe'a.
Mrs. Kdna Isaacs who wns oper
ated upon at Sacred Heart hospital
Friday morning Is Improving.
Kodak finishing tho best, at "Wes
ton's Camero Shop. Over Isla Thea
'er. An Insistent beggar called upon
tho residents of South Holly Friday
evening, frightening a number of
residents of thnt section by his in
solent manner, 'and demands for
money, refusing offers ot food. The
police were called but when they ar
rived tho alms Bcekcr had disap
peared. Karly cabbago and cauliflower
plants ready March 1st. Orders also
taken for nil kinds of vegetable
plants. Maddox & Uonney, phone
S7-R. 310
The local high rchool basket ball
team will play tho Ashland high
school boys and glrs teams, for the
first time this season at the Nata
torlum next Friday night.
Kodak finishing and suppllos at
A'eston's Camoro Shop. OTr Isls
Warren Ilutler. a high school stu
dent, while racing out of the Nat Fri
day night nfter the baBket ball game
was knocked unconscious by running
Into a door. He rapidly recovered
his breath, and suffered no III ef
fects from the injuries.
Cora E. Utley, chropodist, 407
Garnett-Corey building, phono C57-R.
Tho debating tenms of tbo Med
ford and Grants Pass high schools,
will meet In this city next Wednes
day evening, tho quostlon under dis
cussion being tho federal ownership
and operation of railroads. Med
ford' to date, has beaten all competi
tors In oratorical lines.
J. O. Gerklng, tho best alt around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
whoro. tlmo or place Studio 228
Main St. Phone 320-J.
The Greenback mine in the Graves
creek district is reported as running
ten of its 40 stamps, working excel
lent ore.
Dr. S. A. Lockwood nnd Dr. Myrtle
S. Lockwood, (physicians and sur
geons) havo moved to their now suite
of offices. Rooms 309, 310 and 311,
third floor, M. F. & II. Dldg.
Horticultural Commissioner A. C.
Allen spent Friday In Joscphlno coun
ty. Wo aro headquarters for real first
quality cut hair. Marlnollo Hair
Shop, 407 Garnett-Corey building.
Mrs. Harry Edwards or this city,
whose husband was reported to havo
been married In Alameda recently,
has never been served with divorce
proceedings and was not awaieher
husband was free to again wed.
For better insurance, seo Holmes,
tho Insurance Man.
Matinee, tho Page today.
W, A. Stewart yawned In bed,
Thursday night and dislocated his
Jaw. For a day Mr. Stewart was un
able to cat, talk or laugh. Dr. E. It.
Seelcy attended tho Injured man.Mr.
Stewart awakened from a sound
Bleep, nnd following a natural bent
yawned long and deep. In the midst
of this function, his Jaw slipped out
of place, arid a doctor was called to
relievo tho predicament. Tho acci
dent that befell Mr. Stewart was not
generally known until today, all Im
mediate frleudH and family being
sworn to secrecy.
Constablo A. L. Irwin or Ashland lu
lh tho pity today attending to busi
ness matters,
William Lewis of Gold Hill spent
Friday in Medford attending to busl
nosH malfors and -visiting old frlenda.
The police Filday night rounded up
four horses that havo been roaming
promlscously over tho lawnu on east
Main street for iho last month. They
aro hold In Ifio city pound pending
redemption by the owners. It is
thought tho anltnals havo strayed in
from tho country.
Contractor J. W. Sweeny of tho
Siskiyou division of tho Pacific high
way Is spending a fow days In tho
city attending to business matters.
The Parents nnd Teachers asso
ciation of tlio Washington school
hold a largoly attended dmeotlng at
the high school Friday night.
Smoke Unmc-Jhulo Cigars.
Governor Johnson, Jdt. Pitt and La
Vista are tho best,
l.tirls Martin, game poacher of
Trail, Indicted Thursday rot- the mur
der of Gnmo Warden A.' S. llUbbard
last December, will be placed- on
trial Monday, March 1st. The high
est penalty that can bn meted out to
bl tn is life Imprisonment, nnd the
lowest third degrees manslaughter.
Martin's plea will bo self defense.
Tho petit Jury will npon Its session
next Tuesday, the first ease to bo
called being that of tho state vs. Ray
Toft, charged with perjury In u pre
liminary of a rase of a stolen goods,
heard In this city.
Tho cases of Medford saloonkeep
ers charged with selling liquor to
minors, and held In abeyance the
last two years, pending the decision
by tho supremo court In tho appeal
of Ed G. llrowu, will begin Wednes
day. Most of the coming week will
bo devoted by the coutt to the hear
ing ot civil actions.
C. C. llcekmnn, pioneer Jackson
ville banker, is dangerously ill. He
has been under the weather for sov
ernl days nnd is reported much worse,
and suffering from hemorrhage of the
IhiwcK Oil account of Id ndvuneed
uge, he relclmited lu 8"th birthday
Jnuunry U" nnd his fifty-third wed
ding nnnivcrnry Juminry 'JO, fears
nre entertained for hw recovery. His
on, Benjamin, has been sent for from
PARIS. Feb. 20. It was sctnl-of-flclally
announced in Paris today that
an Austrian aeroplane flew over
Cottlnjo, tho capital or Montenegro
on February 8 and dropped nine
bombs. Two women wero killed and
tour children wero wounded by the
explosions, according to tho state
(Continued from Pace 1.1
fercnt department:. Wliile the reso
lution wus general in its terms, it wns
drawn only ns n blind to cover its
real purpoxo. Its real purpose wns
solerly that of giving Day n chnneo
to hammer Howlby nnd make it easy
for the governor to remove htm.
Consolidation Hill Withdrawn
Tlio whnle program wns so careful
ly planned and m sure were President
Thompson and Day of its successful
execution that, when IJarrutl's bill to
consolidate the offices of thu high
way engineer nnd that of htuto en
gineer came up for Ihlrd rending on
the afternoon of the day of the hear
ing. Thompson beckoned Barrett to
his ehnir nnd after whispering in his
ear announced that Senator Barrett
had concluded lo withdraw his hill,
Now that they were about to gel
Bowlby's sculp and have lm's 'iinii
Morris appointed to mi -eied hiu'i,
there Svns, of couri-c, ili Jurther de
sire for consolidation.
Then came tho hearing in the eve
ning. Tho Mate highwny engineer,
not being notified, knew nothing of
tho meeting until just before it wns
eulled, nnd then only from lobby gos
sip. His presence nt the meeting wn
therefore unexpected.
Cun Keo I'M'rs After Dismissal
It wus not intended that he should
be given n reasonable eliniice to ex
plain. Jt was nlmuicd that tho meet
ing should ho packed with people hos
tile to him, and that there should he
rend into tho record charges which,
FOR 11KNT Nino room hoime, ono
block from P. O. Furniture for
salo or rent. Furnished for three
suites houHckeepliiK. Kmiulro ot
M. McDonouBh. S3 8. Almond St.
five room
with garage
lH0NE 527
being spread broadcast through the
eolunms of the press, would aid in his
enu'ifixHm mid removal.
Talk about the rule of Old Chun
eellor Jeffreys yh.v, Smut lor- Day.
had he lived lu -those ihtys, would
hnvo hail him hacked eelnr off, tho
boards. He would have had the king
out rutling paving Contracts roc liw
Tuesday morning following the
hearing Bowlby wrote Senator Day
asking for the documents, exhibits
and other papers submitted t" the
commit Ice in order that they might he
enniined nnd nit answer prepaid!,
lie was mUised on the following f
teruoon. and ut'ter bis dismissal, that
he mtaht eumc and take n look at tho
papers, but that thev could not be
taken from the oonuuitteo room.
Uowlby Asks for lleut lug
Tuesday morning following the
hearing -Mr. Bowlby wrote Governor
Withyeombc, ehatnuau of the state
higliwnv commission, us follews:
"Salem, Or., Feb. 10, lti;.-Tn
Honorable James Withyeouihe, Gov
ernor of Oregon Dour Sir lu view
of the fuel that untrue and umwir
muted charges have boon Hindi
ngnuist this department by disgrun
tled contractors nnd recalled offic
ials of Columbia eountv to the ways
nnd means committee of the senate,
and fuither, in view of the fact that
1 wns not notified of the meeting so
ns to he able to prepare to be present
nnd receive a fair hearing hefote this
committee, it has occurred to me that
you might desire to hear the engin
eer's side of this controversy, from
the engineers who hail direct ehuige
ot the work in the Held.
"As L. (Iriswold, assistant engineer,
who supervised this work, and ('. ('.
Kelly, the district engineer for Co
lumbia county, arc in Salem today, 1
would like very much to have them
explain to you briefly the facts con
cerning the construction of the Co
lumbia highwny in Columbia county.
If you enro to give the time to this
matter they will be ready at your
convenience. Respectfully,
"State Highway Engineer."
No Hearing Is fironted
A meeting of. the highway commis
sion was called l!ic following inorn
ni'r, but instead of giving Bowlhy it
hearing the bonrd, by n majority vote
tho governor nnd state treasurer
voting hyo nnd secretary of state no
culled for his resignation. He wns
promptly notified us follows;
"Feb." 17, ll)lf. To Major II. L.
Bowlbv, state Jiiuliwnv engineer
Dear Sir: Concurrent the action
of the state highway commission nt n
meeting held this morning, in it
chairman, I am requesting your resig
nation ns highwny engineer of the
state of Oregon.
"While I nnd other members of tho
commission appreciate your faithful
ness to the interests of the state nnd
the constructive work of your office,
yet the majority of the board deems
this action accessary til this lime lo
insure u mure generous liealmcut of
road legislation by the legislature
than seems possible to procii'0 ir you
continue in ol'I'ieO. Vciy Irulv ytutvs,
The chief eoniplnlnl uguinst Bowl
by at the heating seemed lo he thai
lie wits' guarding the interests of lite
people ton close j that he hud actually
ilisisted on contractors fulfilling their
contracts with the counties nnd liic
state. Who ever heard of such a
thing? No wonder he was letircd,
Ktrtisc (liven By (Joveinoe
Tho governor lu his letter of tils.
uiNsal to Bowlhy- says while the
hoard appreciated his good work alul
his faithfulness to the stale, yel it
felt his removal was necessary in or
der to Secure needed good loads leg
islation, It will he noted that prac
tically nil road legislation hud been
disposed of and that it was too late
in the session to think of mole.
With our irrigation program killed
nnd the work of our highwny depart
ment all shot lo pieces through the
present nitxiip, It looks ns though
Tjf lliur was a law
-J agin killin'
worry, I reckon
VELVET would
be indi'ted by the
grand jury.
There's no need to tell
real pipe smoker that
there' no worry killer like
tolucco. Hut faero'a some
thloc for him to bear la
mind. When be want
tobacco that's laild, ceo!,
long burning and bltelcaa
let him My VELVET. The
natural mulitic of Ken
tucky'a Burley de Luxe
and agedinthr-woml nirl
lownesi make VELVET tlio
10c tint, 5c
The Electric Sign
Will Work for You From
You quit .soiling goods al h'ix o'clock (or tlit'iuaboiilK).
Ho tlo your clerics.
But the rent doesn't quit.
And your taxes don't quit.
Moreover, the people do not go to bed fit six.
The electric sign and well-lighted show windows show people tho
way to your store and display and sell goods for you afror six
The very people you want to reach have no time to h6 on the street.
except evenings, and goods displayed in Iho show windows in
the evening mean sales the next day.
You can use 25 ten-watt lamps in sign or show window, for $2.r0
per month.
i t
"(1 renter Oregon" would have lo hole
up for the season.
lu closing, 1 wish to expiess my
admiration for the masterful ntimticr
in which Sijnntor I lay eonliols per
tnlu luctiihcrs of I lie senate. He iiiPi
dies them like lip would a hunch ut
ttreek Inhalers, 'fhey gel their or
ders and you don't hear u chirp mil
of nny of them, These seniitot's
"What Can Yoti Do?"
nskn tho llUMncsfi Mdn, What In YOUR nnitwof?
Medford Commercial College
and your answer wilt Nullify Mr. lliinlnimH Man.
!lt Ninth (Irnpo Sticet, ledrnti!, Oregon. Telephone l.Mi.
Visitors to the Panama-Pacific
will find the moHl convenient medium for earn Inn their
fiindH Ifiln tho form or nurTravclern Choclm. They tun
mtfe and available, everywhere.
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Car
' Effective from August 1, 1314, to Auguit 1, 191C, nnd KUArnn.eed
galnit any reduction during Uint time:
Touring Cur ......-...iOO
IlunalKJiit ....... ... 410
j ivn v tt owif
F. O. I). Detroit. All can fully eqnlpnod.
(tn tho Unltod Btatea of America Only.)
Further, wo will bo abto to obtain tho maximum efficiency tn our
factory production, and the minimum coit In our pitrchnmnK and
nlog dopnrtmonta it we can reach an output ot 300,000 enra be
tween tho above datoi.
And ihould wo reach Oils production wo ncrco to pay as tho huycr'i
hnro from $10 to ICO per car (on or about AuRimt 1, It) 15) to
very retail buyer who purchases a now Kord car botween AtiRtiot It
1914, And Auguit I, iDIft.
For further particulars regarding thcto low prlcoa nnd proflMhar
Ins; plan, too tho nearest Ford Ilrnuch or Dealer.
Ford Motor Car Company
C. E. GATES, Agent'
BparU nulldlng Sledfor, OrctfOk.
Power Company
L !
.. - v T.wayiiajwpM''''l1Hr,wff-',M
should not he blamed, lioueer, for
some men me hoitt only to follow, nnd
it is I'oititniitc thai llii'V have hern
provided with tuti'li'iul nhlu leader ns
Senulor Hay.
Stray slock In city pound!
blucli, ono grey, ono bay and
white horse with hell on,
ft It vM- ?
K 0,