tei- . ', Mislwetrf ni Second Strwt Medford Mail Tribune V WEATHER I'alr ((might, probably rain tomorrow Mat. M, Mln. 49 SECOND EDITION rmly. fourth Yitr. 'Ilv Nllilli Vwr OF, E Submarine Torpcdoss Vessel Thai Escapes to Port Zeppelins Active Atistrlans Drive Russians From Diik'owlna Heavy Fllitlnu In Northern Poland. LONDON, Fob. 1II.-(leiiuuny hn td nick tint first blow Hinoo lii't war mnr ilui'icii unit into effect. A Krejioh mtmiinnp wan lorpedoor in lliu Kiiglish dIhiiimuI tiv n (litmmii solium- line. Sim wiih tilth' In rcueh pint, ul- though liaill.v damaged, Tlii'iu uui incicimiiig signs Hint (Icrmnuy is hlinliiiK every el fort to make good Iiim llirciU. Thoo mo Annul in tin uddi'n ac tivity (if Zeppelin uirhip in tint .Noitll (.(Ml, involving (III) loin of (wo biii'Ii vcnmcIn, together with report Unit llioy nto cniitmiiiiii' to putinl, iniiuitliNtaiiiliitic III" rigor of t lit utmtlmr. Added tu Klin in the i-it or Kiilpomr William atnl Ailimial Von Tirpilx lo WilluiliiHilmwtii, where il i Nniil they hope to w impetus to tln machinery tlimimii'ij to clear tint vvnt ura urtoiindiiig the I'tiited Kingdom of all incifliant shipping. Tint Zep pelin aiixhipH presumably am natch in Tor food-tadou era It moving to ward I'Jijsliiiii!. Till) halting of the Dlltrh MeuilH'r llolenit I iy a Xenpelin livriuu mwt her give a new role to dirigible air onifl, which ho far ilmiiiK thi war have dotio liltlc on land or mm to ju. I i T v their inaliilciiaiiue. Iliikovvlim Clrtiml Tho Anxtrian trot m aie reported to lit) continuing their victorious ad vance Hfrou'gh Hukowiun, tolling hack Him c.xtreiiitt eiiNtttiii cmt of the Kus Finn lino. A London dispatch wivh that the Hunmiiuh have now evacuat ed all of Huknwiiiu. Official reportH from I'cliogrud and Vienna sponk of eneoimteiH of gtcnt eventy in the ('nrimlhiaiih, lint apparentlv no doew ion in near. In northern Poland the IttiHaijum are mnkin" dc.iirale if I'iiiIh to Hlav the advance of the (Icr itnin anny, which drove them from cant I'nihxia, and the fighting now in progress is described hy the I'rtro grad war oftien as "reaching the cli max of stubbornness." The Hitnatioii in the noithern ex tnmiity of the eastern hattht line is not no clear an it tin a few davn nyo. Toiiitorv on hotli hides of the cant 1'riissinu frontier has heen omi latcd liiul a i on if hoth In Hiishii ami In east I'niHhia haxe heen coin cried into it xoit of pieent dav llclginin. l'cliogrnd Mienks of the flivht of the Itiisaiuu poinlation hefme the Her iiiiin ndvunre, while Hmneror William, ttulngiriug the victory of Field .Mar hhal on Ilindcnhuig, laments the depredations of tho itirenling Kits shins. .ippaiently no -rent hnttle ha heen fought since the IdiHnintiK begun tlnilr luliciil toward tho river Nic- inen, lit Wettern Amui For sovcriil days past Ihe fighting In the wcMein luenn of (he war would heoin, JiuIkIiik ii"'i the repoils reaeh iiiK London, to hao heen in favor of tliu allien. The (lennans have heen oniintur-ntfiioUlnj; violently, hut lliiv nppear to have had heavy lohis. Tho in-erwnru of llio allies, no doiihl, has liecii tinii'd to keep the (leimans huv duriiiK duvelopinenls In llio eat and to prevent thir withdrawint,' of forees for thu lelief of thu eaxtuin line, an was dono In Deenmher. REN CALLED WASIIINCHITON', Fob, 10.Tho litHhliiBH or Inst nlKltt'H wordy k1o in tho hoiiHo wltoit UeprcHonlntlvo l-'arr culleil ItqproKoututlvo l'nlmor it lobbylat and Itoprosontntlvo l'nl mor called Itoprosontntlvo Knrr n tndpolo HtutoHiimn, (tuliHliloil toduy when KopioHontntlvo Fnrr told ho liouao ho lind no Intention of ro flecthiK on tho honor or IntcKrlty of IiIh collousuo. Mr. l'nlmor did not want to eontlntio tho alnniHulon and tho most blrtor perHounl iow tho houno hnd noon In lluvproHont pophIoh wn omlod, FRENCH STEAMER NO RRST VICTIM A BLOCKAD FEAR FELT FOR SAFETY OF Cabinet Considers Published Report of German ncply Pretended Friendliness by Germany Destroyed by German War Craft Situation Not at All Threatening WAHIIINtJTON, I'ol). 10, Tho or flclnl text of (lormniiy'H reply to llio United Hlatcn' noto MitrnliiK nKalmtt ilnmiiKi) lo Amurlriui ttlilpn In thu naval war xonu nlionl tho llrltluli IkIck lind not beoii rerolvcd nt tho Htnto diiimrtment toilny. Offlcliiln know, however, that tho reply linn been dellvvreil to (ho American am IniMtnilor oml now Ih on ItN way to America. Offlt'lnlH uxplnlnoil tho dulny hy polntliiK out Hint tho run Imnnnilor h:ul heon iihIiik tho cnhlo whlrli comoB from llomn nml Ke over ii clrcultoim roido with niiinur oiih rluyn, When t tin cnhluet mnotinliled tor tho URiinul I'rltlny meetliiK, tho un official report of tho text of tho Herman noto ptildlnhcil yentunlay, wim illKGUHituil Informally. Tho KencrnI luterpretntlou of tho llerlln noto wrr Hint frlcmlllnuMi pretended to ho hIiomii hy Ocrmnny was denlroycd by (Senium wnr crnft. After tho cnhlnet meetltiR It wan itnld, It wim ronnldered that tho itlt nation wn not nil threatening nml that the ndmlnlittrntloii hnd no fear that any American tthlp would lie mink. The niiRKoHtlou of Curuinny In Ihe Inlcxt noto to tho United Stated montm ho found for lilentlfyliiK nml info- itunrdliiK American 1iIpm venturlnK Into thu war ouo wan umlrtood to hnwt lieen tnken up. It w Kre(l however, Hint tho American govern ment hnii not authority to order rIiI to adopt ituch tnenRureR tin Inkon in lloll.md and thu Scninllnavlan conn- trlen. which lueludr the imlntltiK of the untlonnllty of t)io itnlp lit InrRe lettitm on encli hide. It wnH uudortood however, that In lunulrleN will ho iteut to marltlmo In- Htirnuro companleH to lettrn If nny meniiureH tiro couteinplnteil for Idon- UjIiik neutral tdilpn. IIOTTKItDAM, l'Vli. 1. Tim MB- nation in khippiui: "' Itolterdain yen- lerday m'oiiis to have heen due lo tne weather tnther than to tlenuany's declaialmu of it war zone. The jdup piiiK lodny was ' ntc normal. LIFE ii FOR AKHON. ()., l'oli, IS. I'pon n plen of utility. Harry lloomer, for mer groiory cleik, wiih sentenced to duy to life ImprlKonmuut for tho mur der of MIuh Vlnno Decker, it uiUfilon workor. Mlna Hockor was Hlalu with it hatchet In her hrother'H Btoro. Iloomor coufoHacd Hint ho murdered tho i;h'l In order to rob tho plnco. AMERICANSH1PS GERMANS OF AMERICA ARE LOYAL WASIIINOTOK, Fob. 10. Hopro Keiitntlvu Unrtlioldt of Mlnnmirl imulo hlu furowoll upeoclt In tho Iiouho today donouncliiK tho "nowapaper war nKitlnst Oiinnnny." Ho declurod AinerlcaiiR of (loriunn doscoitt "nro with till other true AmorlcniiB for Ainorlcn, firm, luHt und itlwnyB," mid protoBtod itKitlnBt Ainerlcnn BhlpntontB of arum to the allies, "In our prosont doinnnds nKnliiBt IJiiBlnnd," ho snld. "Our only nl tornittlvo Is oltltor to kIvo In or to dooluro wnr. The tltront of nit out- buruo on arms, liowovor. would quick ly brlui; tho inUtroBB of tho sons to toruiB without wnr," l'nrtnivliiir thu stoutlfnat ilovotloit of cltkoiiB of Hormnn blood to Amor- teun IdonlH und tho fine," ir, Unrt lioldt derlnied; 4 It iiitfortuuutoly tho Unltod MRDlfOUD, HEAD OF WORLD'S FAIR Prcildent C. C. Moort, Panama-Paclfo lntrntlonal Exootltlon. BRJTfSH RETAIN BULGARIAN OIL WANIIIMITO.V, Feb. 111. -The Slamlaid Oil eoiuiMiiy reported toda lo the slate deitartment the detention nt .Malta hy If t it inh nuthoiiiies of Hid l(nlili hteamer Oueka, which Miiled from Kew Vork January 'J, laden with her caruo of American oil, part of which was dcMiucd for Dcde aateh, Uulpiria. Tho oil company contends that tho oil hilled to Mill ptria wits for the Itulnrian ptveni meiil, hut ilritihh Mispiciou wan amiiM'd heeauxo of tho cloe proxim ity of Tut key. Threc-iiiarlers of (ho oil was des tined for (Ireek ports, nml the.Hrit ish authorities permitted the ship to make tlmo deliveries upon promife to return to Malta before nroeeediu to llul'atia. In tho meantime, it was satd, (treat llritain would determine whether the Unitarian caruo hhotild ho permitted to roeeed or uo to u pnxe court. TIMES DYNAMITER ADMITS HIS GUILT SKATTLi:, Win. IVh. 1)1. Davhl ('apian, alleged to ho one of the prin cipals in the dvnaimtiii;; of the Los AiiKeli'h Tiuu'h hiiildui); in October, 11)11), pushed lat itilit in tho KitMip county jail at Port Orcliaid, liutid cuffed to it detective. Hnlling Hay, on llainlnidnc Nlaml, wheic Caplan was urrctited in n cabin veslerday, 11 a do7.cn miles from Seattle, and the city is in plain view fiom tho bluff ovei looking tho hay. I'oit Orchard is much further away, out of teach of raiUoad and tclcgrnph, with poor tel ephone service nml infrequent steam er landings. There t'nplau is to bo kept until extradition pitoers from Los Alleles tiro approved at the state eapilal, after which ho will ho tnken by I rain to Southern California. No newspapermen has seen Cnpluit since his urroht. Detective Waller Thay er, who directed the arrest, says that Caplan freely admitted his identity and expressed relief at his arrest. Portland Livestock Market POIITLANI), Or., r'eb. 10 Live: stock nutikct with no trading up to noon. Hogs declined in late trading yesterday to (1.113 top, it drop of 20 cents. lteeeipls Caltle, f7; hs, 3:12; sheep, 2371. Stntoa over itRnlit should bo embroiled In wnr, which Honvon forbid, thu OorniuiiB of HtU country would nnnln as lovnlly rally around Hio ntnrs nml atrlpoB. Tlio OornutuB of tltlB coun try uro for America against HiiKlnnd, for America against Germany, tor America ngaliiBt tho world, They will never waver for ono second In their alteglnnco to their adopted Innd." Mr, Unrtlioldt Bald Americans of (loriunn descent bitvo boon openly ar oused of divided nlleiHnuco and downright disloyalty nml Hint thoy know Hint "this wanton Insult omnuated from KngllBli and French press ngonta and thoy treat It with contempt, thoy resent that In tho fuco of our own history, tho Ameri can press 'should have oponod Is coluniUB to such calumnies," OUliaON, FRIDAY, FKimiTAKY 19, 1915 PRESIDENT TO OPENING FAIR Panama Pacific Exposition at San Franclsc Formally Open to Public at Noon Tomorrow Entire City, Headed by Mayor to March On to Grounds Displays Not All Ready HAN FKANCJ8CO, Krli. 10. An electric spark of, enormous size. Jumping ncrofg tho continent will open tho I'nnnmn Pacific Internation al exposition nt noon tomorrow, Pa cific coast time. In tho white house at Washington tho president will press a button nnd tho uorlals of tho grout government radio station ut Arlington will snarl and sputter. Tho vibrations will bo recelvoi an Infinitesimal fraction of a second Inter by a commercial stn Hon on tho shores of San Francisco Hay, where thoy will bo relayed by wtru to a receiving Instrument on the exposition grounds. As soon as the signal Is received, tho wheels will begin to turn nnd tho fountains to play; the gates will swing open and a procession of citi zens, with tho mayor at their head, will march onto the grounds. Phono Across Continent At tho snmo time, President Chns. C. .Moore of tho exposition company, will Inform President Wlli-on by word of mouth, orcr a telephone, lino al ready set up nnd waiting, that the wireless flash bos been received and the exposition Is open. In return Presldont Wilson will send his greet ings and good wishes. Thus tho two latest modes of long distance com munication will bo eniploKdJo vivify tho fair. Coronionlos of dedication and acceptance, as brief as It (s pos- klblo to inskMliom will follow. After (ho -outbreak of the Euro Kan war thcro sprang up a rumor that tho exposition would not open. As n mnttor of fact, tho exposition stands today 100 per cent com- pleto, free of debt and with A for eign nations participating, of which 'it hnve built pavilions of thrlr own. England, Germany, Austrln and Rus sia, among tho belligerents aro not officially represented, although var- Iouh of their commercial organiza tions have soon to it that they should not be wholly left out of mind. Franco Italy and Japan nro officially rcprc sentcd, as nro il states and territor ies under tho flag of tho United States. Canada and Australasia, under tho Urltlsh flag, both bavo buildings. KMMtNltion Itself Complete! When tho management says the exposition Is 100 per cent complete, It Is speaking of Its own activities. It does not mean Hint ovory conces sionaire lias driven tho last nail, or that every exhibitor lias beon punc tual to the minute. Hut tho un avoidable dolays lncldont upon tho disarrangement of commerce wrought by tho war and tho tardiness of In dividuals nro a ncgllblo frlngo on tho outlying edges of tho general plan. Structurally speaking, that part of tho exposition built out of Its own funds nml wholly under tho control of Its own directors was finished six months ago. WILL BE CREMATED KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Fob. 19. Tho body of Frank James, the for mer outlaw, who died yesterday at his homo near Kcolslor Springs, Mo., will bo cremated In St, Louis nnd thu, ashes kept In a local safety deposit vault, rolntlvos announced to day. This was ouo of bis wishes, It was said. Also at bis own request tltoro will bo no religious service at tho funeral to bo bold on his farm tomorrow. John F, Philips, n former federal Judge, who defended James when ho was tried tor murdor nnd acquitted In Gallatin, Mo., will dellyer the fun eral address. Several years ago at tho tunoral of General Joo O, Selby, undor whom Frank Jnmes Borvod In tlio confed erate ranks nnd whoso funeral ad dress Jttdgo Philips delivered, tho Judge promised tho former bandit to offlclnto nt bis funoral. R BUTTON DIRECTS DIG EXPOSITION aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaJVHr Fradtrlck J. V. Skiff, Director In Chlaf Panama-Paeifio Exposition. WASHINGTON, Feb. ID. (leiicml Cnrranza's ngency here todny an nounced receipt of tidviccs that -1300 troops were movin to join other Car- ranzn troops in a general nttnek on Monterey. "The Ziipistas Imvc been routed in Zoutuitliin und Tehuaean, Miburb-i of Mexico City suffering heavy lo-ses, ' the iigcticy announced. "It is nbso Iutely fnlcc that Mexico City has been evacuated," Kntlwny communication between Mexico City nnd Vent Cruz has been interrupted and there hits a No been n break in the line to Tumpico, the tatc department learned todny in a message from Mexico Citv. Consul Stillman goes todny to Vent Cruz, to join General Cnrmuui. Iteports from 1'iednis Negrns Indi cate tho Villti forces in pos-e.sMon of Monelovn arc repairing the railroad behind them before 'marching north. PAHIS. Fob. 19. Despair plain ly Inspired Germany's reply to tho V'nlted States protest agalnBt the sub marine blockndo In tho opinion of writers In all sections of tho French press, who fill columns with Ironical comment. The tono of tho document thoy consider tuodernto enough, but decluro tho reasoning preposterous and It meaning plainly defiant. LONDON, Feb. 1 ".-Official warning has been issued nt llorlin against over-hnsty return to their homes of fugitives in east Prussia, says n dispatch to Heater's Telegram company. Although lumping accom modations nml food supplies uro not sufficiently guaranteed to make it advisable for women and children ui'tigees to go hack nt present, mu nicipal and state officials are urging tho return to east Prussia of lormer residents who nre without families. KOOSRVMiT, N. J., Fob. 10. Living conditions nmong tho htbor- cw ut tho plants of tho American Agricultural Chemical company were denounced ns "iudoM'rilmbly vile" by Or, Max Jacoby, a local physician, ut testimony toduy before llio stato leg islative committee which is investi gating the causes which led to tho htriko ut tho plants hero last mouth and tho shooting of strikers by dep uty sheriffs. DNenso was rampant, ho said, mid malatiu und tuberculosis common, irttd that it did not oven pxcito pity. The chemical fumes in which tho men worked, weakened tho throat,' lungs and intestines so that they hccitmo bitseeptiblo to disease, he said. 'Men nnd women dm from tuber culosis right ulong after oxpo&ing CARRANZA DENES EVACUATIONOFCTY DESPAIR INSPIRED IN ANSWER STRIKE DUE TO VILE CONDITIONS ktoimm TO HID HGHWAYS LEGISLATURE IN DEADLOCK OVER COMPENSATION Three Millions Appropriation Bills, Consolidation Acts and Many Other Important Measures Hunq Up at Salem Adjournment Today Seems Out of the Question. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 10. With tho wheels of legislation both In sonata and house, locked on appropriation bills aggregating S2.93G.3U1 and with tho workmens' compensation act amendments, tax, consolidation and many other Important bills bold up, because of tho deadlock between the two branches of the assembly, tho outlook for adjournment tonight was regarded as almost out of the ques tion. Tho deadlock centered on the fall tiro of tho houso nnd senate to reach a compromlso on the Scbuebcl bill amending tho workmens' compensa tion act. Objection Is made to tho sonato amendment to the bill reduc ing the Industrial accident commls slon from tbrco to ono membors, which would oust tho appointees of forer Governor Oswald West. Governor James Wlthycombe, It was said, Is taking steps to bring about an agreement. Jackson Itotintbiry A mild sensation was created In the Oregon senate today by Senator J. C. Smith denouncing a bill Intro duccd by Senator Katbryn Clarke Ho declared It was "an attempt on the nart of Douglas county to steal a part of Jackson county, and an In suit to every tax payer down there." Ho explained that by a subterfuge tho people behind the bill were "trying to swipe a part of Jackson's good roads." Miss Clarke read an explanation of the purposes of tho bill, which pur ports to settlo tho boundary question between Jackson and Douglas coun ties. Only 11 senators voted for the measure and It went Into tho dis card. High School Vina! Senator T. L. Perkins' bill, pro viding for a county high school tui tion fund passed tho house today. Tho bill provides that tho county courts In which there aro no county high schools, levy a tax on all pro perty In such counties, exclusive of that situated In high school districts for tho creation of a county high school fund. This fuud Is to bo used In dofrnylng tho high school tuition of boys and girls residing In districts having no high schools. If It Is moro convenient for them to attend a high school In an adjoining county, tho tuition may bo paid to tho high school In such county. Ei IS OFF FOR FAIR RENO, Nev., Feb. 10. Nearly the full membership of both houses ol tho stnto legislature nnd several seort Of privnto citizens of Nevada, left Keuo todny for Sim Froneiseo to bo present nt the opening tomorrow of tho Panama I'acifio ExivoMtiuu to take part in tho formal opening of tho Nevada building on Monday. The legislature adjourned yesterday until Tuesday. others to it," said Dr. Jacoby. Little attention, tho witness contin ued, wns paid to siuk children, und physicians wero seldom summoned except when n child wns dying, und then "moro to insuro n proper death certificate Hum with nuy hope of say ing tho life of a child." Children were born, Dr. Jacoby as set ted, amid conditions iudescribablo for their filth and sordiduess. Largo families lived in three or four small rooms with sometimes three or four beds in each room, with uo ventila tion nor privacy. "No tnnn could snppoit a wife nnd family on tho wages thoy had been getting," deelnred. tho witness. "Al most ovory family hnd to keep board ers in order to exist, Tho general conditions led to much immorality." NO. 284 FAULT FOUND BY Declare County Hospital Not Kept In Sanitary Manner Censure Court house Janitor and Recommend Re pairsAdvise Publication of Ex penditures on Pacific Highway. Chnrgci that the county poor farm is in nn unsanitary condition, with no systematic keeping of 'accounts on the cost of tnnintennne'e; advising ' Hint the windows of the county of fices bo washed and recommending tho exporting nnd publishing of the accounts of the construction of tha Pacific highway, nro tho, cljief feat ures of the report of the grand jury for the February tenn of court, wWch closed its sessions Thursday pt tor noon. Tt is nho held that unsanitary conditions prevail gencrnlly about tho courthouse. Tho county jail is hold to be in good condition, except that "it is kept too wnrm." Tho need of n new courthouse is pointed out strongly. Regnrding the courthouse, tho re port says: "The mnttcr of light in tho county offices might be improved by the npplicntion of a little water nnd energy on the windows, nnd tho np penrnnce of the building improved by n little discernment on tho port of llio janitor." The grand jury was ob serving, for the report finds that tho plaster on the ceiling of tho second floor nnd in the grand jury room is liable to fall most nny time. T),ia.. Iiiiclinnilfw a Mtfirfvnfl in (lin i maintenance of the. poor farm. Disregard of danger or. fire is rap ped, tho probers finding llinfc valuable county records nro stored n tuQ woodshed loft, and that inflammable matter is scattered around. Wood is wasted in the healing of tho court house, it is nUo charged. The county court Is urged to cx nert tho accounts of tho Pacific highway, nnd publish tho expendi tures for the benefit of taxpayers. The same accounts were exocrted by K. Jf. Wilson Inst fall. A verified statement of tho expenditures wns presented by Highway Engineer Kitt riil.ro to tho itirv. with vouchers in triplicate on file with tho county clerk. Seven true bills were returned nnd three not tnie. PROHIBITION LAW SALEM, Or., Feb. 10. "I think this the greatest pieco of construo tivn legislation in Oregon history. In my opinion tho passage of this net nlono is well worth tho cost or tno legislative session, becnuso it iuoiiuh so much for the state nud its peo ple." This wns tho comment of Governor Withyeombe as ho Inid down tho pen with which ho signed substitute houso bill No. 302, by Representative J. E. Anderson of Tho Dalles, tho prohibi tion iimnsure. Intended to carry into effect tho constitutional enabling net adopted by tho peoplo undor tho tintt ativo last 'November. Tho signing of ilm ii. i tnnl- nine ft in tho nrescnce of dozen persons who hud assembled in nnticipntuin of the event. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 10. Counties nro authorized to co-operate in tlio building of roads by senate bill 187, introduced by Ilollls und vinton, ana which nussed the houso yesterday af ternoon. Provision is mudo Hint the county courts of tho counties desiring to eo-onorate shnll meet in joint ew- sion und decide upon tho route of tha highway to bo built, nnd tho funds to be contributed by e-ne.li, Another road bill which passed tho houso yestcrdiiy afternoon wag sen- nto hill 108, hy Smith of Qoos mil Curry. It provides that county court shall, ns often as they may dew it neeessury, but not ofB4)r th ows a year, divide their county iuto vmi district far rpatl-bHiWlujc Hjrpt WITHF1RFARM RAND JURY WITHYCUMBb 4 tl ,-M " 1 Jl j 1