Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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KAlKM, Feb. 18. In reply to at
tacks inmlq by disgruntled eontrnet
r nnd n recalled county judge
ngflinHt him, S'nto Highway Engincet
Bowlby Iiiih issued the following
"I have, been nskcd to make
Htulcmcut relative to tho meeting of
fbvcrnl contractors, ex-countv offic
ihl nml heir ntorncyn wjth tho hcii
nto wnyn.nnri menus committee Mon-
dny night nt Sulem. As n mlc I do
not believe in making explanation
i no iiuihiicu worK w n workman
bowl ndvocate.
In Columbia County
"Jn Columbia county condition'
nre ho confused nnd so many false
mid malicious htntcments have been
circulated by mnil nnd by the country
prcHK throughout the utnte, that I fee!
that n Hort of Ktatemcnt of facts may
bo bc.M nt this time.
'in my annual report for 1014 the
itemir.ed statements show the condi
tion of tho Columbia highway in Co
lumbin county on Xovember 1, 1014.
This report accounts for in detail the
cxiMsnditure of every dollar that has
been sjiont in that county under the
mtpcrviMon of my office. Thirty-four
nnd n half miles of the new road have
been htnrted nnd 2G'A miles of high
wnv linve been completed. Theo 20
odd miles of rond have been built 24
feet wide nnd no grade has been used
in the county that is more than 5 per
cent. All culverts nrc of permanent
construction nnd the work is eompar
nhle in results to those obtained on
the Columbia highway in Multnomah
county, nnd on the Pacific highway
in Jackson county. In fnct, the work
in Columbia county has been done nt
n less cost per cubic yard of material
moved than was secured in either of
tho other counties.
Contractor nt Fault
"The only sore spot on the highway
in Columbia county is a section of drv
rubble mnsonry wall which has fullcn.
Paris of these walls fell on the tracks
of the North Hank railroad, which are
parallel (o and iilonssidc the highway
for many miles.
"Although much has been said by
enemies of the highway concerning
the sections of wall thnt failed, it
must be borne in mind that these
faulty walls hnvc not cost the tax
jiayers n dollar. Tho contracting
company consistently refused to
build these walls, according to the
plans nnd specifications, nnd crsist
ed in continuing tho poor wall work,
notwithstanding the protests of the
engineers in charge. These protests
wero mado to tho contractors both
verbally nnd in writing. This is sub
stnutintcd by carbon copies of the
letters written nnd the entries in the
engineers' diaries.
"These walls will be rebuilt as soon
ns tho weather is favuralib) for such
Ktnr Clmm1cr Session
"The meeting before the ways and
means committee was in the nature
of n star chamber session fathered
by the chairman. Senator Day. No
notice of any kind that a meeting was
to he held was given to tho highway
department. From piess leports I
was informed that complaints would
bo heard by the committee from the
contractors. I attended tho commit
tee meeting nnd was surprised to find
two membors of the recalled county
court of Columbia county, the two
contractors nnd their two attorneys
present, with a muss of accusations,
part facts. False representation
and insinuations wero presented to
tho committee in that inimitable way
thai good counsel arc paid for doing.
"At tho conclusion of n two hour
and a half presentation of tho case
for tho plaintiffs I was asked by
Chairman Day whether or not I de
sired to offer anything in defense.
Feeling the futility of trying to pre
sent evidence ut n parked meeting
without tho guidance of counsel, I
nsked for an opportunity to appear
beforo tho committee with counsel
nnd prove thut the work in Columbia
county was n credit to any highway
department. This appeal was denied
on tho ground that th committee was
too busy to give, up moro timo to tho
Explains Contract Amounts
"Much has been said, about the dis
crepancy between tho quantities to bo
moved as. appearing' jn tho notice to
' contractors uud those shown in my
t" annual report. In greut part the dif
ference in totals is due to the fact
tkat several sections of tho highway
wrt witfed froip tno list of nunn
itiUw published in the notice to con
' motor. These sections, were omit
v( WwHuse the 'existing county road
Ws4o le usiul until inoro funds wcrn
Major II. Ii. Uowlby, Statu lllglmny
SALEM. Or., Feb. 18. Governor
Withycombo has received from State
Highway Engineer II. L. Uowlby his
resignation to take effect at the
pleasure of the state highway board
According to Governor Withy-
combe, Uowlby hns been the s.onn
center of opposition to good roads
legislation tilt;, session, nnd it was
realized by the governor nnd Kay
that unless Uowlby was removed
nothing could be accomplished.
"Personally I am friendly to Major
Bowlby, but he is the big obstacle in
securing needed rond legislation,"
said Governor Withvcomhe today.
It is generally believed that the
whole proceedings in the Bowlby mat
ter hno been carefully staged, large
ly under the dictation of Senator
Day, who is chairman of the ways
and means committee, in order to
eliminate the highway engineer. The
Columbia county controversy was
used at n hearing before the ways
and means committee, it is said, in n
final effort to create sentiment un
fnvornblc to Uowlby in the legislature.
Fob. IS. - Samuel
In lichntf of Major
available to build the highway on the
new location in these places. Another
reason for the difference in qunnti
ties is due to the betterment of the
location by lino changes during the
progress of the work.
"Tho quantities shown in the state
ments in the annual report cover the
construction of the entire work be
tween termini.
"The fact must not be lost sight of
that nil our contracts are unit price
contracts, therefore the contractor is
paid for just the amount of work he
jwrfonns. Under this system line
betterments may bo made, and where
the quantities re changed tho tax
payers nre protected and get the
fircut Hush of Work
"The construction of tho Columbia
highway was undertaken in the spring
of JOM. There was a clamor for Hie
contracts to be let nt once and the
work to start. Tho 07-mile section
from Tide creek to Astoria was lo
cated and work started nt the same
time that nu engineering organization
was commenced. During tho same
period the Pacific highway in Jackson
county was started. With all new en
gineers more than $l,.r)()0,000 of new
work was started and completed in
the period of the first yenr of the de
partment. No excuses are offered
for the few mistakes nnd errors that
have occurred.
"Tho finished work in Coltimbin
county challengcH comparison with
tho results obtained by nn equal ex
penditure of money on mad work in
tiny state in tho Union. Moro than
400,000 cubic yards of material were
moved, besides tho largo amount of
walls built (besides tho faulty ones;
culveits constructed nnd finishim
done. In no place in Oregon can tho
same showing bo pointed to nor one
half the efficiency demonstrated with
road work that has been accomplish
cd by county authorities under an an
nual expenditure totaling between
$3,000,000 and $4,000,000."
THOMPSON -At tho hmo of W. W.
Taylor at Bugle Point. February 17,
Mathow S. Thompson of Climax, from
cancer, aged 40 yeara. Ho was a
native of California and had been a
resident of Jackson county for 38
years. He leaves a wife, Fannie, a
brother, J. W. Thompson of Ontario.
Ore., a Bister, Mrs. W. W. Taylor, of
Eagle Point. Funeral will bo hold at
the Taylor residence Friday. February
19, at 1 p. in.
w A Good Resolution.
To help build up Medford payrolls
by smoking Governor Johnson or
Mt, Pitt cltcnra.
Hill's statement
Bowlby follews:
"I am thoroughly satisfied of the
Integrity and ability or State High
way Engineer Henry I,. Uowlby. It
would be well for the public to con
sider carefully beforo making up its
mtnd what qualifications ns road
( builders the men had who were mak
ing tlicKo attneks.
"In ono year'B time a green or
ganization had been put together nnd
the sum of $1.7.10,000 expended, and
outside of the defective wall in Co
lumbia county, from which tho state
should suffer no Io, and the con
crete pavement In Clatsop county,
which was used by narrow tired ve
hicles prior to tho time tho eoncretu
had set, no rases have como to my
knowledge whero defects have oc
curred. The expense, of repairing
these defects should not exceed
JS000, which Is a small percentage
of loss for carrying on nn enterprise
of this magnitude. No mention Is
mado of trie fact that Major Bowlby
saved the county of Clatsop jrfO 000
by rejecting the first bids offered for
this same work.
Why the Attack?
"It would be well also to ask why
this attack was made on the depart
ment which had expended 11,750,000
and no Question was raised regarding
the expenditure of tho 14.000,000
made by the counties of tho state at
"It is woll known that my Inter
csts In roads lies entirely in tho bene
fits to bo derived from them by tho
farmers. They arc tho people to
whom Oregon must look for its fu
ture prosperity. They cannot get re
lief except by an organized system of
competent road builders. Slnic.
Bonson, who Is known as n hard
headed man, Insisted that tho money,
dcralvcd from tho salo of bonds which
ho took, should bo spent entirely un
der tho direction of Major Bowlby.
"Lot tho public ask themselves just
ono question. What was tho reason
for this attack?"
YconVi Estimate
J. B, Vcon, roadmaster Multnomah
county, when Interviewed concerning
Stato Highway Engineer Bowlby,
mado tho following statement:
"It seems to mo that tho taxpay)s
of tho stato are tho ones that ar Ig
nored In tho present controversy over
the state highway department. From
my observations. It Is clear to mo that
all this agitation is brought nbout by
disgruntled paving companies and en
gineers looking for Jobs. My policy
has always been to let well enough
alone. None of us aro perfect. Wo all
learn by experience. Of course,
Bowlby and his engineers have mado
some mistakes. I bcllevo that tho
proportion of theso mistakes to tho
total work done Is almost Insignifi
cant. Tho taxpayers should stop and
think what, It would mean to thorn
If they hall a now organization to
take ovorUio road work or tho stato.
In road work moro than In most work
nn eiiBlneor'a value Increases with
tho lonKth of her service. Tho bot
tom of all this agitation against tho
btato highway department is very
similar to tho agitation that has been
made, and is still carried on, against
mo in Multnomah county. Tho ques
Hon is, aro tho Interests of tho tax
payers ho tamo as tho Interests of
those who nro making all this fuss."
' .1 'V A TwTTkrT ITS S&v
!z7 HM i Vm ' loJEZIgffffffffffffffffffff 3 aaa -.
I hx $ F rfC
teal - 'Ml fP "v4VFlr
Suporlntedent Will Q. Steel of Cra
ter Lake Park, has received word
that tho following party loft Fort
jClamath on sklls for Crater Lake at
4;30 o'clock, Thursday, Koiiruary ii,
and spent tho night at tho saw mill:
Charles Brower, Fred Moffat, Win.
Zumbrum, Charles Zumbrum, J. H.
Berry, Iv&t Murphy, IUIIU3 Brewer,
Beatrice Harbaugh, Maud Klrkpa
trick, Edna Zumbrum, Alta Berry,
Eva White, and Alma Berry. On Fri
day they wont to park headquarters
nnd spent the night. Saturday they
visited the rim and returned to head
quarters for tho night, reaching tho
Fort next day. They report six feet
of snow at Wildcat and 11V4 at head
quartors. This Is a decided gain
from January 24th, when there wero
only eight feet at tho latter point.
This is the first time ladles have
over visited Crater Lake during the
Tho secretary of the Interior has
At tho Page Friday and Saturday
called tho third Conference of Park J only.
Superlntedents and Supervisors, to
bo held In Berkeley, Cal., beginning
March 11, 1915. and continuing
thereafter during such period of timo
as shall seem appropriate, not longer
than six days. Important matters of
administration and park Improve
ment, both physical and clerical, will
.meeting will havo an Important bear
ing on park interests or every des
cription The conference will bo pre
sided over by Assistant Secretary
Stephen T. Mather, and many repre
sentatives of the government will par
ticipate lnjpldes tho suporlntedbnts.
Supcrlntcdont,iStcol has bejnt' In
structed to bring n memorandum of
tho work accomplished at Crater Lake
during the past, two ycnrii.-oji woll an
a general au.f)lnq If tho Wort difficult
problcuiH1wlilcli confront' hinu lri""tlie
administration of park a f fa Ira. ' J
Based upon Kipling's poem and tho
Burncs-Jones famous painting, Mr.
Porter Emerson Browne, who hns
been hailed as "Tho American dra
matist, accomplished his greatest sue
cess when liu penned his daring, vir
ile drama of a weak man nnd nn un-
bo considered and It Is believed thlMHJscrupulou vampire woman. "A
LONDON, Fob. IS. Insurance
was placed at Lloyd's today at "0
guineas per cent on policies covering gowns alio wears In this role, In them-
Fool There Was." This remarkablo
drama, In which Itobcrt Milliard
starred and achieved a notable suc
cess, Is even excelled In tho screen
fcrslon released through tho Box
Office Attraction company ns a pro
duction extraordinary, and shown at
tho Page Theater Friday and Satur
day, matinee and evening.
Headed by such famous players an
l-'dward Jose and the notable Pari
sian actress. Theda Bara, tho cast as
sembled for this powerful drama Is
In every sense a remarkably distin
guished ono. Kdward Joso is known
to theater-goers all over tho world,
starting his stage career with Mine.
Bernhardt, ho played practically
ovcry clatslcal rolo In thnt actress's
roHirtolro. Miss Bara, who In known
to audiences in Berlin and Vienna
as woll an In Paris. Is peculiarly
suited by appearanco and tempera
ment to enact tho part of tho beauti
ful and heartless vamplrq. Tho
tho holder against war between tho
United States and (Sormauy within
six months. One month ago tho
premium for this tamo risk and por-
sclovs, cost a small fortune.
Dr. J. C. Hill of Medford, who Is to
well known for his management of
the chnrltlcs of this rlty last fall, and
lod of time was five guineas per cent. J Is one of tho best posted and
is a great teacher.
wnen a mans
smokin' he ain't
called on to talk
so much. He
gets a chance to
listen some.
No tobacco
promote? of
surpasses VELVET as a
reflection and concentrated
thinking; This Kentucky
Burley da Luxe; with the
aged-in-lhc-wood mellow
ness and without a trace of
bile, truly deserves its name
"The Smoothest Smoking
qualiried JudRon or motion pictures,
Iiiih seen (IiIh production In Portland.
Dr. tlllt states or his own accord ho
would bo plennml to ImVo the man
agement or this thenter mm hln nnmo
In any way nn rugni'ils thu merlin ut
thin iiplomlld renturu mid consider
It tho most wonderful, fiiHclimtliiR
.ind Interesting million picture lie
has vor seen,
Within ten minutes niter nu appli
cation or Daiidei'luu you cannot rind
a single trace ol dandruff or railing
hair and your senlp will not Itch, but
what will please you most will bo ni
ter a row weeks' use, when yon sen
new hair, rine and downy at rirst
yes-hut really new hair growing
nil over tho scalp.
A little Dauderluo immediately
doubles the beauty ol your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brlttlo
and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth
with Dnnderlno and cnrefully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a timo. Tho cHert IB nuiar.
Ing your hnlr will bo light, flufry
and wavy, and havo an appearance nt
abundance; nn Incomparable Bistro,
softness mid luxuriance.
(let a I'o rent botllo or Knowlton'n
Dauderluo Irom any drug store or
toilet counter, nnd prove that your
hnlr Is as pretty and soil as any-
that It has been neglected or Injured
by careless treatment -that's all
you surely can havo beautiful hair
ami lots ol It It you will Just try n
little Danderlne. Adv.
Now is the timo to mnkc
Houso and Morning Drosses for Spring
Even the simplest dresses made of
hnvc n chic and style not to be obtained in any other pattern.
wW ilfMI,:, hP
t I' if r'r,!w 1 rxl t hVA
. , . M Aw,' K; , ifi fa hill 11
It . A $jF 0 m
1 , ;( H " m h jlU H
frf " I ' . U CM,Um' ,M C-. - Oil C WM ;f J
11 ii 'lliM lllti II i tntl'SH
IUr ' i A Uili nl lhM numUrt l). IttH .- It till 3H
.l -M I Hit 15 , niul 3
".! Fl U-' r- I-. II-..! I.I ll!tl H liSIIIl AVJ
If " Morning Drestn c T
Cmiwm M4
Morning Drestn co
The FASHION BOOK for Sprinf
now on mIc,
MARCH Pictorial Review Patterns
CtfiM Vtt
All tho well-known brand, hitch ns Toil du Nonl, Ited Seal, A. P. C. All new
Hjiring patterns large annulment to xolcct from.
Absolutely the best iniileiial made for Iioiimi dresses, IiIiuimch nnd chil
dren'K wear, colors nre fust uud guaranteed to give hiitisfaction or money
refunded, made in nil new spring Mylci, ht ripen nnd cheekH.
UmhI chpeeially for iIicssch and unlstH, ht.vles very new uud nllraelivu and
giiaruuteed flint wiihh colors, iilwayK hold for Clfic tliirt hcnbmiti' prico
only 25c.
Complete iiMortineut of new Kpring patteniH in large and hinall llornl
designs, linn the transparent lace effect uud comet, in nil spring" Mimics'.
made after .
are different.
They have a chic and etyle not to be obtained from other pattern.
RgHil tt&rr fthJpl HEP?
Ww STlh:l Ml Wm
III 1 VI llJIiiiM I'll Ii- SlBrn i I I l
1 ;! Vfliln U 1 j 4 m' till I
l llwwhx hthT-rA nrilWBk
v ufM&vS irprh-Pi lilhUPm I. 11
I l, w JtMr rTv r VZZm
rf JJ J..I.I 6016 C.tum. 60I2 Jlil 6011 '
LA W Etch el lluu numtxri 1 n(b 0 A
Jukrl 57
th tX lhM numlxfi ) n(b
I no preuieJC apring oiyiee lor me ever nuigncu c.,lllwt
arc on sale now. Come and look through tho 610)
i- i You will be delighted. MARCH Fashions now ready.,
Wo 'show Hid bent vuluo in Organdies, I0 inchos wide, to bo hud unywliere,
nil riew flornl debigiiH nnd vcrj- nttrnetive.
AH new spring style, espeoinlly a largo nsHortnient of Dresden mul Dolly
Vuidcn puttornH, u bpring fubric that will launder uud it I way b look like now,
We show large assortment of tho Foulard Dulisto, a fabric well worth ltto.
All now patterns for early suiiiinor styles.