Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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BU8INRJW WHKCTtmir, , j.
News From
II. Imwn-hi initdn n hiiHint'MH trip
to (.'iiiitrnl Point TinNiliiy.
Nehnol will Htm t iignlu m'.t Tntm
diiy, tint 'Jlliil, with MIhh Dewlo Howe
n tt'iu'hcr,
AIIm "Mho TniMy relumed home
.Monday niter u few ilnya vlwlt with
trii'iiiU In Knglo Point.
KhiMlff Hlnglor, Air. Irtlug nnd Mr.
HiiiiiuleiM tumid it IiiimIhomh hip up
Trnil Creek Kiiduy.
.1. II. Trimly of F.Ik (Vug went tti
tlm vnlli'y Nundnv bringing 11 huge
IiiiiiI of griiln homo uillt him Moii.
II. Duwhoii mill I twin llown moved
lloyd Tucker mill I'ltinily up to Mi.
(liiovuH niinl I'Minp the hint of (he
.MiilillfhiiHlii'iM nro milking muiii
film Improvi'iiii'iilM on thu hill hack
of their Iioiim', ideating anil binning
all IiiiihIi,
'I'lii! penpln tiro all looking fnrwnrd
to a good tinio at tln ilani'ii at the
power plant Hiituidiiv night.
Ih'iiiiin Ziainu'iliMi ami hi" brother-in-law
M, Kvmm left Huudiiy fur
Yioka, Oil. They will drive through,
Mr. Kviiiih will ulny and Di'iiium will
lit lit II llOIIII'.
Mr. Dimlnp Iiiin leeoveml nuffi
4'ii'iitly In it'Hiniio IiIm wot It In tin1
lihickMittllh kIio iignlu,
Mrx. M. I1!. MlddhhiiHliiT Iiiih been
Uniting if I n lives and friends at Tnlile
Itni'k the piiht Week.
Wo nolieo m'wimI hauling hay.
nil hough wi have hud a fine open
I.. 7$. I'oolo h intieli heller at this
wtiiini;. I.ewiH TIioiiiumiii is htay
ing with him, during Mr. and Mix
1'ooIu'h al)M'iii'i.
I Kllppul or Portland in iMting
with relatlvOM near Trail. Hi health
in impinving fail.
Mr. Illiighnm, Mr. (Iniiii'x, Mr. ami
Mi. Vandyke, Mr. and Mm. I'oolo.
Iloyd Tuekcr, Kd Afh, J. Warner and
I.. MiddlelniKlier, went to Med ford
Monday. Sonic of the. former were
Mthpoenned for v.itncHxi'H hy thu
grttnd jury.
Mr. and Mr. W. Cinilimiin enter,
lained the MImkim I In .el and Mao
Winner, (lerlrude SIioiiIih, Mr. mid
Mrx. I'ted Wnraer and litllu nun, Mr
Daw mnl family, 0. (lainen mid r'nuik
M'lddlelnihher at their home Honda
The afternoon with upcnt in a guuiu of
I.. !. MarekM, T. C. Oiiiiir. W.
Iloimton mid Dave IVneo linidii'il
Him eying the new telephone, lino !ri
day. .l. Ktiihry, liiiemaii, of Prosper!,
made a tour of Iiixpri'tinu over the
lino helweeii Trail and tlm power
p'l.u' Kiidny. and found the line in
Ji.'i'.' oriVr .Mi the lug wind storm
It. 10. llotdiiou ami wife of Talent
were vhdtlug relatives m Pliornlx
Clins. Smith was vhdtlug Joo Untlur
nml wife Hitliiriluy and Hnndny, Mr.
Smith lit milking nnothnr otio of IiIm
trlpH from Mexico to tho nortlilanil.
Mr. ItlggH arrived In Talent front
California Friday to visit .tame
.McDonald. Mr. Itlggn expected to
find hlii Muter. .Mm Lovrlnrq at Tal
enl, lint wnn dhwippnluted.
Mr. Illemdng and children of North
Talent uoie In .Mcdfnid Saturday.
Tliorq front I'lioenlx who worq
tiadliiK la Mudford wnro Mro. Tlieo
MalniKron, Mth, I.. A. Heanm, Mm.
Mllo I'tirry, Mih, folio Htettdniitu,
Mrn A. II. Monro. Mr. Win, Curious,
Mm. KtoHt. Mm. A. H. Kurry, Mr. mid
Mm. .loo Itador. Front l-'orn Valley:
Mm. Hnitt, Mrn. Iloyor. .Mr, and Mra,
W. J. MeC'oy, Mr. and Mm. Mark
Fern. Mm. Yost.
Mr. and Mrn, .loo Under, Mr. nnd
Mm, V. (I. KnlKliton, Mr. (MmrleH
i'mltli woro mtostH of Mr. and Mm.
O, Cnroy Hnndny.
Talent Medford vlBltont Inst Sntur
day worn Mm, I'owem mid drtilKhtor,
MIhh lOllunote, .In m on MuUonnld, Mrn.
(J. Caroy, .loliuu Patturvon and wlfo,
Mm, I'M .Incouti, Mrs, Hartley,
Mm, Mmnio Wolf of Miulford wns
vIhHIiik hor nloco Mm. M uclt lo
Wrlnlit of IMioonlx over Sunday.
Mm, Mary Durkou oriAtdilnnd. linw
boon np'undlrtK tho week with Mm,
I'M Jncabn of North Talent.
Mr. nnd Mrs. fJrnvoB of North Tul
out wnn viultlm; frlomls In Medford
RALI'JM, Or., Feb. 18. To cnviy
into el led the coiiHtitutiomtl iiincml.
mem, linden in tno mm genoriu oieo-
turn, grunting the privilege ol' voting
only to of the I'nltcd KtntoH,
U tlm purpoho of H. H. ill'J, iittroduo-
ed hy MoHor, nnd which piiKsed tho
hoiihu today. It nmkuH it the duly of
all county ch'ikH to Htriko from thv
ri'gistralioii hooks tlm iiuiinv of all
jiur&oiiH wu iuo not t'llir.cits,
Our Neighbors
A nmnhur of peopln fiom Central
I'olut attandod tllu OrntiKo meotliiK
nt thu Willow Hirlnisn nehool Iioiiko
1mh Hiitimlny ovimiIiik. Aiiioiik IIioko
prepont woro Mr, Cowley, who Im it
torturer for tho current nix itionthn.
Mr. Drayton ami wlfo, Mennrn, (ieo,
Fiirnuui, Hllcy, Mickey nnd Htnnloy,
Find Taylor, lloland Flnhorty nml
I'nttl OIhoii wo to on tlm proiuuni
with Minn I'arktT In Joint dobnto.
They dolmlcd tho nitiiiD iUontlon an
lined In tho IiIkIi ncliool Ioiiku, "Thu
(lovoriiiiiciit Ownumhlp of Itullrondn,"
An oxcollout mid IntoroHtltiK program
In ntportud. Tliero wuro a nuiubur
prenuut from tho nowly liiHtlttttod
(IratiKo at Annlo,
Thu uii'iitltiK nt tho Chrlntlnn
church under tho direction of Itov,
It, 13. Jopo of ItoKoliiirK, Ik ptocrexit
Iiik with renewed vlKor nml Interent.
On Hnndny evening n Hpeilul fen
turo nt tho .MethoillHt church wiih nn
OreKon Day exurclNo under thu ill
rictlnu of Prof. V, A. I)nvln, Oregon
hud hor flfty-tilxlli blrthdny on Hint
ditto, Tho oxorclm.'ti roiiHliitod of n
itliort ndilniHii by tint lender of Oregon
and J lor Keitoiirceit. Dr. Mcl.oiighlln,
by Mnor Cowloy, Thu atnto Hettl, by
Mr. Fnbor; An Oregon poem by .Minn
Myrtlo (llennon, nnd Ibn Htntu flow,
er, Thu Otegoti (irnpu, hy MImi IMna
Colo. Tho proRnnn wnn (included
by n Miort nerinon by thu pnntor, Hov,
C, I Crooflcy, on Pioneer Mcthoillstu
lit Oregon.
Tho Ceatrnl I'olut rcliooln bnvu nn.
notinced n ncliool festival nml rally
to bo held ntiout the Inst of April,
They nro plnmilng on nn olnbornto
progrnm In tho unttiro of a spring
tenth al nml rdiicntlonnl exhibit. A
pageant Indicative of tiprlng, riant,
Mny poleH, hours nml folk dnncun nru
a part of tho plnn, A bower on tho
green, wnml ilrlllii, music, orations
nnd Imlustrlnl dlnplnys, flidd contcstn
nml outdoor sports nru Included In
tho list.
Dinner on tho grounds with nn In
vitation to everybody come with it
well filled bnskct nnd help ent Is thu
Adjacent schools urn naked to Join
In the exorcises of thu ilny.
Tho inuuibivrn of the Presbyterian
choir met Inst Kattirdny nt thu homo
of W. I). Clnrko nml wlfu of Willow
Springs, those present were Mr.
Mr. Clnrko nml wife. Mr, nnd Mrs. D.
McKlllop, II. II. Clnrko, Miss Fran
rlno McNnsser, W. II. Ilnrrls. Mr.
Dnvldsoit mid wife, unit two dnugh
fers, Margaret and Frnnces, Miss Mc
Nnsser rendered thu hour "Tho Day
Is Kmlod," nt the Hnndny morning
J. Arnold nml family conslstlnc'of
wlfu nnd thrco sons, tltrco dnughters,
nml two grandchildren have moved
Into thu Marshall plnro on tho north
sldo of tho city. Mm. Arnold Is n
daughter of D. D. Norcross, they
couiu from tho enst, hnvlng bought
this plnco nearly n year ngo, but woru
not lit a position to take tip n resi
dence hero until this Hum.
Mrs, Mlddlebusher nnd son Clar-
enco of Trail woro visiting nt thu
homo of M. F, Ponco In ContrnI Point
during tlio past week.
Floyd Uohh, eon of T. I). Kosh of
thin city returned from Bncrntuouto
lnt week, llo met with nn Injury
while working near Knerntueuto that
laid him up for some tluio, but ha
Is now nblo lo bo about, Htlll walk
Iiik with n limp.
M. It. KiiRlnnd, left Tor Frisco nnd
polntH no ii th on tho Hnndny evening
Tho North Dnkotn club met nt tho
homo of Mr. nml Mm. I), McKlllop on
the ovuuliiK or Tliumdny litHt. Din
nor nnd n gonornl good tlnio of it
roiulnltteont nnturo woro thu fenturos
of tho evening.
Tho great piano routesta con
ducted during tho past four or flvo
inoittbn by tho ImibIuobh Itotisca' or
MlbB Mnry Moo nnd W, C. I.covor,
citino to n cIoho limt Monday oven
In. Tho Agnto school won with over
800,000 votes nt Mr. I.eovor's, while
Miss Kiln Huy was tin ensy wlnnor
nt Mlaa Moo's.
Tho Jolirnnl contest at Crnnflll &
ItohnotpH Is wnxlitK warm. Miss
Pearl Uohh nml Miss Frnnclno Me
NnBsnr nro tlio favorites, Tho win
ner sots n trip to tho world's fair, I
Dr. If, K. Ooldeit wuw a profe;ioii-
n 1 cnllur luht WednoMlitv. Ax n nt.
Niilt of his visit the hehooU won.
doxed to prevent fiirthor hprojulinp;
f m'nrlctinit. No new cases nro re
ported and Hohool woik will ho to-
hiiiiumI Mopday,
Arthur Alldir, tho priinnry teaelier,
is snoiumiL' his viiontion in' Modrnnl
AU at IiIh homo in Hosh Lane. ,
Chun, jiarliy have routed tho I). A,
llnnnr oreharil.
ieV, ami Hw, Codct of vMictaou-l
vlllu were mioMlM of Mr. ami Mm.
MeDitiilulM IiihI WiIiicmiIiiv.
iMtM. (', li, Illokerdlko ctituilitlni'd
it few fili'inln lant Tlitii-Hility, TIioho
pri'Henl wtiro Mm, Oiinpholl, Mm.
Ilrag((, Mm. WiiMin, .Mm. McMiinivlN
and Mm. .). A. Illekerdike,
Mrn. Klolngfr nrrived Motidav'from
Otlifornla to ichIiIo with her liiihlnmd,
I'tiicxt AdaniH Ih prepariiiK-n (cutiiK
court diirinpr leiHiiru houi'H,
AltH. J, W. Honor, who underwent
mi operation nt tho hoHjiital hint week
in icpoilcd iih doltiK iih well as could
be expccled.
.1. A. Uohh iijeently piircluiNCil a
new team of homoH.
By A. C. Howlott
laid; HoiihIoii of Trail wnn in town
I.. ..i l . i . t (
iiimi niiiuniay mill te)ortH that e
iryilmiK iw iloiiriMiitiii; up on I.oiik
Uraueli. That hin daughter, Mito,
Inez, wan to eommeneu tenehlng
ncliool in thu Wellen dlHtriet on the
l"itli of (IiIn month mid that Iiik niece
MixH l!iila llitHton, Ih to eoiniiiein v
her ncliool on March 1 in the Iuik
llraneh Hchool dlxtriet.
Christ HcrgMiinu m,d ItuDu John
hoii were both dolnj,' hiiNincHH in. liable
Point Katiirday.
Wl M. Hmuini'l innilo it bmdnciH trip
to Medford Saturday afternoon.
Harvey Klanley, one of our promi
nent stockmen, ami wife were in town
Saturday. Mm. H. wuh seeking Home
one to do home dentul work.
C. F.. .lohiiNon. who in charge of
the Table Work school, (ami' over mid
wont to I tittle FiiIIk .Sntmdav, retuni
injr tile name day to Fugle Point mid
spent Hid night at the Kimnyside. He
rcpnrtK that the Arrow Literary soei-
ety of Table Ifoek are preparing- to
havo a grand entertaitimeut nt the
Table Ifoek sehoidhouse on the evening-
of the 27th of thin mouth. Your
correMiondent expects to he present
mid tell the rendem of the Kuglutn
something about it.
Last Kiinday was ipiitu n husv day
tit thu Sumiysiile nml milling those
who tnnk dinner that day were Flor
eneu Trowbridge, Fd, Hen, Alieu nn4
Mm. Kd Trowbridge, lone Flynti,
May Trowbridge, all of Medford, .Mr.
Towen of Portland, John Owcum,
wife mid two son, Miss Ida HUhop,
flay llihhop. Miss Nina McIdIohIi,
Miss I.oreuu HriKshy of Agate, How
ard Painter, Orville t'hildrcth, Pro
fescnr (', K, .lohiiKon of Table ltoek.
(Ichikc West and wife, Mis Violet
Cook of Medford, L. A. StiiKtr, Hay
Column, T. Sautii, (Joorgo Hoeunip of
Talent ami Weldoit Sngo of Medford,
bud in thu afternoon Mr. and Mm.
(leorge W. Loosely and two muis son
in-law and daughter,, Mr. ami Mm.
Fred Neil of Ashland.
Last Satin day night our council
met in special session and granted
James Yogcli permission to cn his
Hulonn in tho old bakery building, nml
j on Monday morning it was fonnnlly
opened, mid those who are craving
that kind of goods can have their ap
petites satisfied, provided they have
the price, but we-livo in hopes that
after thu first of January, 111 111, that
our hoys and girls will not havo the
temptation so prominently before
I hem. Hut it was a iiiiestioti before
the council what they weru to do, for
Mr. Voguli had already conformed to
tho law mid paid his license money,
..i0, tor six mouths-, and bo had
about two months license money p:pd
and they did not like the idea of dig
ging up the $80 mid lefunding to
liiiu, and they did not feel that it
would ho altogether right' to force
him t put up it house where the Tav
ern flood just for a short time, ami
ho tltuy kindly let him run the saloon,
and I havo good conelusivo evidence
that'll' ho wants lo run the saloon
on up to December 111, 111 l.r), the coun
cil will allow hint tho privilege,
John I). Hoist, one of tlio fo rout
rangers of Sams Valley, eamo over
In Ins car mid stopped tit the Sunny
side Tuesday. He expects to remain
in the neighborhood for a few days.;
Heii Peaehev, another forest ranger
nnd Mr. Hoist went out riding' Tues
day afternoon.
Leslie Ossinnn and Louis Ander
son of Trail eanie in for dinner Titos-
How's This?
Wo effrr One HuaJrol Pollan lltimil for nr
( of CUrm tb.t cirmot U curJ tjr Hill's
Cutarrb Cure.
1 J, CHUNKY li (., Tolf Jo, O.
Wr. thu uiulrrdffnril, hT known V, 3,
Ctirner lor the Uit 15 ,r. ami ImIItv IiIui
t'crfiTllj lionoraWn In all tu.lnrn tranurllna
and nnanrlallr ablo to cartjr out aujr vblltatloa
tuaila tijr Ula Arm.
TolrOo, Ohio,
llall'a Catarrh Curo la laVra Inttmallr. actios
Slrwtlj iipou ih bloiKl auj uuruua lurfcv of
Ibt ;lfm. TVatliuoiilaU a.-nt trt. l'tlco T5
tint. wr bottlf, u,M tr all Prussian,
Takt llall'a VtmUr Wilt for eouitliatlon.
$10,00 510 N. Riverside, 10 rooms, bath nnd tollot, tenant pay
vntor, lot 100 by nbout 500 reot, running buck to Dear creek, flno
for garden, ' 4
$15.00 230 S, Oakdulo, Bovon rooms, bath and totlof, gas, wntor
$8,501120 W. 10th, flvo rooms, toilet, wntor paid.
$8,00 411 S. FnJnt, seven rooms, bath, water paid.
$8. Op 110 E. 11th, flvo rooms, batli, water paid.
''' i""1 (Jrotfto von dor Ilollch
brought in Mr. Dagger of Portland
who represents .Mason, FJirmaim &
Co. of that oily.
Miwrf Louisa Muss, proprietress of
lliu JJaglo hotel, guvo mc her sub
scription for lliu Daily Mail Tribune,
so that hIio nnd her boarders emi
keep posted as to whiit is going on
in the world.
II. 0. Meyer, who 1ms tho contract
for eltrrylng tho mail from Here to
Lake Creek, renewed his Htihsoriptioii
Tuesday for the Weekly Mail Trib
une. , v 4 , Ij
Just as J was looking my receipt
hook to huo if J hud reported every
thing, 1 i,eo (hat F. T. Newport Iiiih
paid tnu for the ads ho run in Ihe
Daily and Weekly .Mall Tribune. II..
repoVls that the nifisked hall wiih well
attended and that they had a very
pleasant time,
An ordlnnnco to prohibit olnrlnt?
any dam or iienuanont obstruction In
nenr creek, permanently obstruct
ing or Impounding tho waters there
of, within, tho corporate limits or tho
city of Medford, nnd to prohibit the
obstruction, lutorfereiicu or dlterslou
or thu underflow or iwrcolutlon or
imld otream within tho corporate
limits or said city, nnd declaring
either or snli) net n milsnnco nnd fix.
mi; pennuy ror thu Uolntlon there
of, and providing nn emergency.
Thu city of Medtord doth ortlnln ns
Hectlou 1. It Is hereby doclnrod
nml determined that thu waturs of
Jlenr crook within tho corporate limits
of tlio city or Medford, will become
foul nnd Impure If Impounded, und It
Khali bo nml hereby Is declared to bo
n uiilsnnco and unlawful lor any per
son, or persons, firm or corporation,
or thu agent or employe thereof to
build or construct nny dntn or perma
nent obstruction In thu bud or said creek whereby or fco that Mild
waters, or nny thereof, shall bo per
manently obstni'ted, dntnned or Im
pounded within thu corporate limits
or said city.
Section '. It shall bo and hereby
Is declared to bu n nuisance nnd tin
Inwfui for any person or persons,
firm or corporntlon, or the ngent or
employe thereof, to obstruct, Inter
fere with or divert tho underflow or
i percolation, or any thereof, or tho
waters or Hoar creek within the cor
porate limits of thu city or Medford,
out ot tlio channel or bed or said
stream whuro snmo nru wont to run,
Dow or percolntc,
Section 3. Any person, or persons.
Lrirnt or corporation or tho ngem or
employo thereof who shall violate or
attempt to violate nny of the provi
sions or this ordinance, shall upon
conviction thereof, bo fined in thu
sum of not less than Fifty ($50.00)
Dollars nor nioro than Ouo Hundred
(1100.00) Dollars or bo imprisoned
lit tho city Jail ror not less titan Teti
(10) dnyv nor more thun Thirty (30)
dnys, or by both such line nnd Im
prisonment. And U any person,
firm or corporation, or tho nRcnl or
employe thereof, shall begin tho con
struction or opt ration or any work or
structure, heiouy prohibited, tho
health and jtence officers or tho city
or Medford, nro heroby authorized,
empowered nnd directed to Immed
iately nbnto and rcmovo tho same.
Section -I. Whereas, this ordln
nnco being deemed urgent nnd neces
sary for tho public peace, health nnd
snfet). an emergency is hereby de
clared, so that same shall bo in full
forco and effect from nnd nfter Its
ndoptlon by tho city council nnd Its
npproval by tho ntn.vor.
Tho nbnvo nnd foregoing ordln
nnco was passed nnd adopted by the
city council of snld city on tho lCth
dny or Fubrunry, 1915, by the fol
lowing voto, to-wlt:
Mnnn, "no"; Margrave, "nyo": Sar
gent, "nyo"; Amy, "aye"; Mcdyuskl,
"nyo"; Miles, "nyo."
Approved, February 10, 1015.
Attest: Mayor.
A word to tboso who nro coming
buck. Land for tho past six months
tins leen hanging nt rock bottom
prices. A great deal ot liquidation
has taken plnco in this tlmo. My bus
iness nlono lit tho litst hnlf or this
yenr has nmounted to noarly $100,000
I bollovo tho Inst four or Ilvo dents
1 hnov mndo roprosont nbsolutcly tho
bottom. Land with rontnl valtio of
$30 an ncro will not long remain nt
$200 nn ncro. Thoro will bo no boom
but lnnd values will Improve somo.
Good ronds, Irrigation, snw-lnlll,
box tnctory, ch6aii powor, augnr
beets, canning factory, good prices.
satisfied customors, porfoct days!.
Hurry, soo Medford first nnd
Room 201, First National Dank Oldg.
Roguo River Valley Fruit Lands,
Dniry, stock, poultry ranches and
Tlmbor. Colonisation Tracts. Best
all-tho-yonr-round cllmnto on connt.
Honlth Rosort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Beaver Realty Co., Asiltland. Oregon.
:: j: ,, 1
FOIt HUNT- Furnished rooms, with
or without board. Mm. W. T.
York, 120 Laurel St. 285
roit hunt Mirwm.My nou.s
nny part or It. Formerly occupied
by Korlnok Veterinary Itemedy Co,
Dig Pines Ltimbor Co.
rirx . , esrsarsTsi
(loxo In. HS
Phono 13-X.
furnished house.
North Oakdnle,
FOIt ItDNT Jloitso ror rent. 8co
Medford Warehouse Co.
FOU ItKNT Well rurnlshcd and un
fiirnlshod modern bungalows.
Itoom 2, Palm block, phono 330-H.
FOIt ItKNT Furnished six or eight
room house. CIS South Oakdalc,
FOR ItKNT Hy March 1st, live
room modern rurnlshcd houso,
room for garden and chickens.
1028 Kast 11th, phono 347-M. 285
FOIt ItKNT Houso nnd barn cheap,
on paved street. Wator rent paid.
Phono 13-X. 284
FOIt HALK Now Ilvo room modern
bungalow at n bargain, completely
rurnlshcd. All assessments paid to
dato. Phone 13-X. 281
FO I18ALK One largo team or mules
heavy ret harness and plow. Might
trndo ror cattle. Iloso Orchards.
FOIt SAI.K Plve room Iioubo and
gnragc. lot 72x140, Una trees,
lawn, flowers and berries, all as
sessments paid, 11800.00, easy
terms. Geo. W. Ilcovcs, 1310 W.
Mnln HI. 2f8
FOU BALK- Cheap. 50 egg Kilo Incu
bator arid brooder nt 30C South
King street. 285
FOU SAI.K No. 11 Homlngton vls
Iblo typewriter, 14 inch cnrrlago
and decimal tnbulator. A bnrgaln
lr taken at once. Wrtto box 101,
Central Point, Oro. 288
FOR SALK See tltoso thoroughbred
R. I, R. roosters, 1 each at Med
ford Poultry Market.
FOR SALE Motorcylo In good me
chanical condition, now tires, n
bargain lor $50.00 nt 45 South
Front St. 281
FOR SALE Must bo sold. C2 shares
In Monitor orchard, near Medford,
our own price, mako mo an offer.
Address E. Llndabl, 3600 Bloom
Ington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
FOU SAI.K OR TRADE 12 li. p. en
gine; 15 h. p. boiler, nil tn running
order, will trndo lor Ford car.
Drlng on your car and look at the
engine. Address box 24, Jackson
vllle, Ore. 307'
FOR SALE Furniture beds, kitchen
stoves, etc. 205 S. Central. ' 2S5
bators, two seated rubber tired
buggy. 11. C. Stoltx, phono 521-R.
FOR SALE Canned fruit, blcyclo
nnd pack saddle. Inqulro Mrs. W.
P. Uaker. 305 Portland Ave. 283
FOR 8ALE Ono Carey tlrc-proor
safo in first class condition. Can
pay on Installments If desired. Dig
Pines Lumber Co.
FOR SALK Rbodo Island Red eggs,
SOc per setting. Phono 407-M.
FOR SALE Upright pianos In good
condition, $75.00. Music cabinet
cheap. Drommor Pros., routo 3,
phono 5S9-J2. 287
FOR SALE Flvo acres, well 1m
prood. p. O. box 285. 295
How would this ono do? Tho lenso
or 1U0 ncres well located with 25
acres In cultivation, seven of It In
nlfnlfn, good hog nml cnttle rango on
tbo uncultivated part. Vivo room
house, barn, springs, etc. Also a
goad teniit, wngou nnd hnrncss, somo
chickens, nnd tho household goods,
and nil ror $425.00. Must net quick
ly. Creamery hnndy, nnd n flno place
to run a bunch of milk cows.
Will loom larger nnd larger In fu
ture In this valley, Tho homesockor
will find this goed: 55 acres, five
mllos out, alt tn cultivation.. About
10 acres apples, pears and'-family
fruit now beginning to bonr. Nearly
20 acres nlfnlfn, nnd 40 acres will
produce nlfnlfn or grain in a big way.
Drnlnngo good, air dralnago good;
ideal pear land. Creek bottom and
hill slopo. Improvements, coven
room hard-flnlslied houso, equipped
with electric lights and boaters. Am
plo barn, chicken houses, pens ' nnd
rock mills houso. Two excellent
$12,0(10 on Exceptionally Good Tonus
Room 107 M. V, AS II. Illdg.
OnpusJle. vw Office
Fblt fJATift MTItaiOCK
FOrtXLK Fine .forsoy horror," Just
rrcsh with belter cair, Jntnes
Campbell, Kings Highway. 281
FOU SALKTeam or homos which
will work single; young Poland
Chlnn pigs. Phono C. Fitch, 14
F12. 283
FOU BALK Flnu Jersey cow with
hoiror cnir. J. 1). Slovens, Tolo,
Oro. 285
Foil BALK Chcnp, Inrgo team or
mules, heavy set hnrncss nnd plow.
win trnno ror cattio. Iloso or
chard, Medford. 285
FOU BALI-: 12 cxtrn good Iresh.
cows, 4 yearling heifers, nlso young
caivcs, lino team of farm mares
Nash Livery Darn. 280
FOR BALK Hrcd sows nnd gilts
rrom prize winning Duroc Jorsoy
liord, Jackson county fair: nlso
boars old enough ror service and
weanlings. L. If. Houston, ouo
mllo west or Talent, phono 3-F12.
WA XTin ) MtwCKl.h ft BO VB
WANTED A renter ror good Dear
cre;k bottom ranch, houso nnd
barns. Uox H., caro Mall Trlbuno,
WANTED J 1000 lor one. two or
throo years. Good security. Ad
dress 1250 It., caro Mall Trlbuno.
HKTJ' AVAXTlsrs-aiAtiK
WANTED First class miners nnd
muckers at tho Ilraden mlno, Gold
Hill, Oregon. 286
WANTED Capable woman tor cook
ing nnd house work. Address Mrs.
K. F. Guthrie. R. It. 2 Medford.
or phono Jacksonville 232. 286
WANTED Position ns housekeeper
in town or country. Good cook.
Uox P., caro Mall Tribune. 28S
WANTED Set or books Id keep dur
ing afternoons. Beat or rcforcueo.
Uox n caro Mail Trlbuno. 282
WANTED Odd Jobs, gardening and
taking caro or lawns a specialty.
Phono 740-M. 291
TO LOAN $500 to loan on city pro
perty, u. a. aicArtuur, pnono
3C8 or 130-R. 204
ranches. O. A. McArthur, room 3,
over post office. Phono 3C8 or
130-R. 289
OPEN 750,000 acres for sttlo-
ment; rrult, timber, general farm
lands; send 25c with this ad to
Wenatcheo (Wash.) Dally World,
Dept. T, for rellablo data about
this region.
TAKEN UP At Four Ilundrcd Ono
ranch, ono spotted sow, slit in right
ear, under cut in left. Call and
pay tor reed and add. 290
LOST Small diamond shaped black
and white fraternity pin. Name
on back. Return to Hotel Med
ford. 283
LOST Drown mufr. Jn or closo to
Page Thoater. Finder pleaso re
turn to Mail Trlbuno offlco and re
ceive reward. 285
LOST Saturday on tho street dia
mond stick pin, with diamond set
In hand; reward for roturn, phono
525. 285
aaaaataMHa, ,. aaa, w
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy
anything? U G Rador, 114 N.
Front St. Employment offlco and
rentals. Phoco 125. Nuff Sed.
Auto Bopptlca
are operating the largest, oldest
and beat equipped plant in the Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others tall. Sold under guar
antoo. 26 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Dank bldg.
A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Qarnett
Corey bldg.
AVm. M. Colvlg, George M. Roberts
Medford 'National Dank Dulldlnc
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building,
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at
Law. 233 East Main street.
Qarnett-Corey Bldg., suite
Medford, Ore. Phone 856.
Public Auction
------ - --
rivory aamniay nt 1:30, comer
Main and Mr will soil on commission
all kinds ot stock, Implements and
Wo nlso have employment nnd rent
al agency. Havo furritshod nnd tin
rurnishod houses for rent. List your
wauts with us,
P. E, Wynkoop, Llconsod Auctioneer
Room 1:, Prtim uiock vutmo yno-H
T ii
B. U. CUOUCH Awnyor, clmmlrt,
metallurgist. Custom Assay Of
fice. Mnll order buslnctfl solicited.
Prices, gold, $1.00; gold, nnd sil
ver, $1.35; copper, $1.00; gofd sil
ver nnd copper, $2.60, Mt;!ing en
velopes free- bh request. Itrifer
enco, Josopblno .County Hank,
ltooms 201-203 Hall Illdg., Grants
Pass, Orogon. 3S6
DlCA"." 1L IIKDdESDr'T4Utfl' r!
Hodges Mflchnno-Thcrnpists, Chiro
practors, Bpondylothornplsts. Thwa
systems, including dietetics, cum
tiro gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., produce results In both seuta
and chronic diseases. Honsultiv
tlon freo. Over Deuel ft Co,, cor
ner Main and Unrtln'.t. Hoars 9
n. m to C v. m. Other hour by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD,, Chlropraeter,
norvo specialist Rooms 203-J04-205.
Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific mnwmgfl given;
needlo spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice 1
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
bydropthompy. Lady attendant.
PhoCe. offlco 543, resldenco Bll-R.
' , - '
Employment Agraej
We are hero to helb neoole tsi
liable, competent help. We fur
nish help In almost all liaea a
business. We make a specialty of
comretent men and wives far
ranches. We solicit your featratv
age. Dinner's Real Ketate aal
Employment Durean, Room 6 aid
7 Palm Building, Medford. Phoe
858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINOS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M, F. Si H. Bldg.
Surreys, estimates, Irr'.-atloa,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
GARDAGE Got your preralsea
cleaned up for tbo summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 274-L. V.
T. Allen.
Instracttoa la Maate
401, Garnctt-Coroy IJIdg. Fred Al
ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence
Halliday Halght, voice. Telephone
Notary l'aMie
11c. Bring your work to rae at tfca
atrn ot the Mail Tribune.
aa.h-fcjn-a.afc..f a.aiaa al
PltytvUclaita aaa, Bsimuss
MAINS CAULOW Osteopats4a
physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Coraf
bldg., phone 103C-L. Aatldeaea
26 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath
physicians, 30.3 Garaett-Corar
building. Phono 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aid
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glaseea sap
piled. Offlco 228 East Mala 0C
Hours 8:30 a. m. to S ;. .
E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Dank bldg. Oftlea
phono 43-R; residence phone 68-K.
clan and surgeon. Office Pats
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. OLANOY Physician ass
surgeon. Phones, ottlco 30, resi
dence 724-J. Oftlce hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physietai
and surgeon.
Practice limited to disease of
women. OHlcea 309, 310, 311 M.
F. & H. Dldg. Phones, residence,
814-J2; office. $14.
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and disoasos ot women and
children. Offices 3 and i, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phono 1C0. Itos, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks Mock,
Hours 0 to 13. Phono 1C0. Real
douce, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers aaa rnbU.!iena
bost equipped printing orrioa la
southern Oregon; book blading,
loose loaf ledgers, billing syBtews,
etc Portland prices. 27 Norm
mir Bt
rwxar u Li MT
Stenograph)' and MHltlgrapli Work
MRS. M, T. EDWARDS Work doaa
promptly 'at reasonably rate
Room 3, Palni block, phone "07". '','
Shoo Itepnlrlng
SHOE REPAIRING Firirt elaac ahaa
repairing, on modern ''Meettia
machines whlla you wait. II. N,
Blden, located la Ktdd Shoa Stara
ruone oioj,
Office 42 North Front 8t. Phtwa
315, Prices right. Servlee pun
ntaed, ,
-uw , ,1 li lac
Tyitewtitcrs mk! HMppHe.
New Remington, Smith, PrentUr
and Monarch typewrUltJaTJ addhu'
and subtracting maohlnes, rebttlft.
machines for ettsh or Wy 1 imy
nients, Machined for rnt. rUkoiMi
and supplies of all kinds, stmni ra
pnlra freo of charge. Roger I.
liennett. 10 Uti Rca St..
'aiia-.,a-ai.awjn-f assjl
l38-. , ....... ?.