ti MIUDFOR!) MATIj TIM RUNE, MRnKORR, OUKHON, AVI5DNKSDAY, 7nTUrATcY 17, 1915 iron kti H : w i AL F PAIUH. Koli. 17. The French wm' officii HiIm afternoon IhhiumI the fol- lUWhlK SlnttlllHUll Oil tllO prOKIUNH of tlm Will'! 'in Hjilln of nn active rniinnriiiilo din Futnoii mi'd'UiihilHii u'vlniiirH who )(Wlinluy lhovv bombs In tlm ri'Klon or UliJIUllw itntt (Intend linvo boon iililu lo in-iimur our Ilium unliiiriiiitd. "Tlio llulliiii artillery hint carried out HOtmi offtx'tlvtt shooting ngnliiHt lintlltnlnga f ti(iniM mill ahelteni. "In Oliampuaiit' tun of tlm onumy'ii (ouiiliii" nttrkM wero lepiiUt'd dtir lim the nlKlil. "In llio Argonntt there wait con ulilnriihlit iMitlvlly. Near Fontulno Aiix Chmmea wo linvu tlttHtioycd n blockhouse nml J 00 metres of trnuulina, A Column ultnnlt Inuiiohi'd by nl limat three hntlnlltina Imlvvfen Four do I'arla nml Hill 203 iiiIIom weal of llniiriHiilllkw, Iimh bum Miry ho- mjio. Wo have entirely repulsed It. liifllrlltiK on tlm enemy liiiK'i lomii'H nml tntitiiK hoiiiii prlaonoi. "Aloio to Hit 'iiHl In tlio f ureal of Mnlunroiiit. wo lnlvo inptiiitid 100 inutorit of ttoni'livM "From tlm Memo to tlm Vtmgoa imtlilnt: twtewoithy Iiiim oieunod." litortctt ly Jnchmiti County Ah trnct Co , Hlith mid Fir Ht I limit K. Chlldim to I. M, ,)nii. Hum timtm filed. Dr. Mc M. Dow rt ul va. A. I), Lit tin tit tut. Domurnir filed, ItOBUf Itlvnr Km It & Produce An hooinlfnn va, (llllon, Chnmhors Co. Mollon to strike nml memorandum of ilttfMiiiliint. II. 1.. Atntwor vs. Hazel n, Moraer. Certified copy of decree, First Clirlitlan Church or Mtilfonl v. (i Itotih nt ul. Stipulation. II. M. MoPitrlunil vs. W. II. Hum phrey t til. Answer f Mod. Kuto McAndrtivv vs. Sallle C. I'll clmr tit kI. Dlncliiltiior mid reply flliitl. IJUMvdl Qrnjinjn vA. W. Clnncey. RcpUT Hlod. ' Stulo of Oregon v. E. J, Nodd. Htllttllntlon mid ordor. "P. It W. Smith vs. Southern Pn- elfin Co n cl corporation. Action for inonny. M'l rr- I'llltllllK. In the Waller of (ho tmtato or .1. P. Hitter. ik'CtmiMnl. Verified claliUM ttKHt. In (ho mutter or tlio estate or Isaac Flndloy, ilticoiutid. Petition and or itur fllud. In tlitt mutter or tlm estnlti or E. 11. Duvis, dticonuod. Petition for pro. hiilo of will. In thi) inatttir of the ohuo of A. . Tnluiit, tUeonaod. Invtintnry nnd nppriiliiiiiiunt of properly In I. Inn county fllud. In tht) iiiattur of tlio uunrdlmiahlp tif Prank- Jnohaoit Van Dyko, Jr., n tiiltinr. I'tititlotiH, order nnd under-tnltliiK-rllciK Itoiil Hstatt' 'riiuiKrcp (I. II. Vco ml, or Miiri;nr( A. Wulltar to I.. II, Wjnnt t nx lot In II, II. Add Ahhlmid. uihn, D, Clm-u 2d. Criiwun to Anna II. Wttrka, land In kpim. l'J, JO, v 2ti. .it), t. :t:i u. : n., deud 300 10 JUDILEE SINGERS AT THE PAGE THEATER IHhIiik from tlio clinplo plnntntlun moludlfl'i or tlio iioiithlnud to tlio tllf ritnilt iitialna of kuiikI oporn will ho tlm feat nrcoiupllidicd In tlm proKraiu or tlio 1 1 (tit n Jiihili-o SlimurH nt tht) IMro Thtnttir TliurHdny ovfiitnir, l-'iih, .sth, Tlm choi'iut coiihIhIh or mU vory highly culturud miIcoh, ouch or tlmiu pomitmHliti; n votco or (ixtraordU nary tiuullty, In Introducing llann'H ,1iiI)IIio SlnijorH, tlm iumim;oiiuuit pro iinutH out) of tlm rincHt coinpitnlcH or coloroil tnlon( oyer oi'Kai)Uod. Thoy mo u woll-trnhlnti, lonn-oxporlcncoil couihluiitlDU. TIiIb coiupnny will pro Hunt tlio iiuurtiittn from tlio Oporn JMhoIuWo ii b a number on tholr pro- Kriini, 1'i'iu inportN itlvd tlil.s foil tuio npcalul inoutlon mid mnrvul nt (lio nrllHtlc Bltlll exhibited. Mrn. llnnu. n ih'kio Imporfloinitor, will rend 1'iiul l.uwionco Dunbnr'n pocniH. 'Wo nil onjoy (lio Blniplo hcurt lho por tntyoil In tlm wiitui'H or thin dusky pout mid to boar Uioiu load by ono of tlm rnco thoy woro wiltttm for, Will ho it ,iuro oppoitu'utty. Mru. llivim Ih not mi ordinary rimdor or piQdlocrti ability, but an mtlHt accom plished In lior art. Madratt- -C'ommoiclal club In boost lut; a utiircli factory. FRENCH en ON WESIERN RONT COURTHOUSENEWS News From Our Neighbors Frank llnuiiimuil of Mcilfcml Ih now liii'iitiil on llio (). K. lllacKfuiil imii'li. .Mix. W. A. Tliomphon in viNltint: IliT limlliri' in I'liiii'iiix thlw wool;, .Mr. nml Mim. W. A. Cowley of (Vu Iml Point wen1 Sumliiv diniit'r (timM of I'VmiK Tliiiiiipiui mid wife. Tlio 1'iciiliyltirimi t'ltoir inel ut the home of W. I). Plitilm Kiiliiimiy eve ning Air. nml .Mm. T. ('. Law imtl fam ily were in Table lloek ilUhict Ktm tlny JHitiiiK Hi" Hani Knilon fipnily ' AIi-h. ('. C. Pontine f Alcilfonl l tixitiiiL' Mr. (leoiKii Davis of t 111 -vleinily. Mn. Kiiiii Whitney nml AlrH. T. ('. I .tin weie Sitluiilii" KliopoerM in Med io) il. .MImn lleiniee Hmilli of Portlmitl i vl-ltiuir Imt iiinllier, Mim. W. A. Pierce .Mr. (Iienliain, brotlier of .Mim. uy N'ieliotn, Mpenl Katui'tlny nml Suui1a. in thiw tliittiiel. .Mix. A, T. I.OUH ami Mr. W. I), l.euirt cnlleil on friend in IIiIk ihmkIi Imrlioiul I'tiday it I lei noun. .Mix. (Iiimo Taylor and All Ha zel Tuylor were dinner cuimtH of Alrw. Smn Wliil in v Hnmlny. Ahtiitrn, Herliett nnd Willimn Clail.e mid Joe lloiiflmid attemlcd the n'publieaii liumitit I ut the Aledfoiil hold I'riday evening. Air. mitl Air. Claienee I.oVern wer. Citet to dinner Sunday evening ul the imiiie of Mr. ami Mim. II. Al. Por ler. Chailcx l.nw ham Hie reeiuienl of a I ttn I rum Siiperiiiti'iiileiit Well, iven fur the euirinr out of 'nun of the U-ojtMU in the linluMiinl club. A ery intereHtiiin uieetin of 1 111 k'rime wax held Saturday evening, ("totral Point mid local Inlent partici pated in the program nml ".ond, extra Kotxl, lliin'H to en I finished a vor. pleaMiiut eveniui:. ProfesMir lleiiuer of Talent jjnvn a ery iiitruclie pniniu tlcmonttrn lion nt the Clarke Uro. orchard on Sntiinlav morniii". Thero wcie ttnty-fie jirfnent mid much infor mation watt learned. Air, I). AleKillop on Thurhdav cn titrtaiui'il livviilv vui"tH who ftnmerly lived in Niagara, X. P., mid who now i oxide iji KoKitt) Ith'cr Mtlluv. 'ixliltittoiirt Itirtlulnv will he eele- lirtiteil liy the chililreii of the mdiool Afoudav iiflenmon. A iro.rmu eon- aistin' tif leeitntioiiH huwh mid a ilialoyue will iulorcHt all who attend. SiiMrilioiilinli Is liein-iifeil liber ally on the alfalfa ucrcagca in this iciuity, uh it in claimed to ho the next bout tiling lo irrigation. A pound Ntieinl will bo iven nt (lie M'hnnlhouM' Tliurniliiv evening, l'Vli rniiry 18, by (he Parent-TeaeherH' club. Admittance fee will be one pound mid each pound will he auc tioned timing the eeniiiK. Kvory one conic ami lirinjj your be-.t I and enjoy Ihe k,,,I pttujrnui prepmetl. Alim I'raueiue AleN'iihhor t-nlcrlaiii-etl tint Central Point Pie lliiudred eliib al her tirehard home Wcdncs. tiny iifteruoon. The pii.ewiunoiN weio Alr. Shipley Komk ami AIr. .Inn Coruult. Valentines were ii.eil m place card. All Ihe nitmherH were present, AlextlamiiH ii n I.ceer, Shipley IIosh, (Icorce PnnUcy, Ken neth Heche, .lmtuw Coinult and Hie .Mi-bi'M I Vml Ho" anil N'eltie Lewis. LAKE CREEK It. II. Itmleaou mid family linvo Juitt arrived at tlm homo of their par. enta, Mr. nml Alra. II, P. JliirlcHon. U, M, Uurleanti la vIhUIiik Ida brother, II. P, llurlcaoii. 1 lurry l''roy nntl Cinrltm l'tller are out In lClnmntli county. Mra. Proy la vltdthiK hor mothor vvhllo Mr. Proy Ih aliHcnt. Mr. llroonmenl In. tho teacher for tho l.oat Creek tichool. It wna reported that Mr. Ilurleaon r rented Tom Pnrlovv h place, but It wna a fahu) lepoit na ho Ih Just hired to work. Mlaa (Uaco Miller wna ;t lio Kuest or Mra. Tom Pnrlovv luat vveok, Mlna Alma (lould, tlio I.nKo creek toucher, la vlulthiK hor rolkB utVMod ford, bo tho children or I.nko Creole a ro havlnt? a nhort vacation. , .MlttsoB Muudo Torrlll, lllanoho llurlcson nml Myrtle Pnrlovv woru vlaltora or tlm upper llrownsboro Hchool lniit Prldny, ,M. P, Iluuloy U up ut Ida ranch on North Fork. There will bo a tlmico nt 0. 1(. Mooro'n Prldny nlKht, Poh. II), nntl then 'Kol, 30, thoio will bo u tlnnco nt tho South Pork tlunco ball. ' 0, M, Torrlll mitl boh Glon, wero up nt their mountain much tlm other titty. Otto Aloyor hua liocn nhsont from Hchool tho pnat week on account of buvliiK to cut wood, II, P, riurloson, who la working on Tom Ftirlow'H place on Houth Poik la vIhUIiik Ida family, ANTIOCH ITEMS .Iimpi'r Hoiiuer, Ihe Ilcnule nier cliaul, wax trailing in Ihe valle town), I'cecnlly. Air. Alooie of (lie Afoatlntvx pumhciI IIiioiikIi our hiiif,' "" M wav home I'ioiii Hie vulluy. loe Alooie caught u luru wildcat ill bin trap) lliit wtVlc. Air. nml Alt. It. C, Chnpiiiuii of Pontile were vimjIu fiicutU in Aled foul ThuiMdity. A dance party wax iiehl tit Hie hnnio of Kloronee Walker Hiiluitlay nil-Ill, Quite u iiumher of the youutr folkn weii) present and cnjoyetl thein Helves. Kltner Symomlt in eultiiiK wood for Air. llohiHon ul Kealc. .lim Vitiocnl in fencing ami im proving Ii!h motlier'H imit'h. Air. Oliver in dentine laud ami do-in-: xoirie fencing on hiw imieli. (leor0 Staev wiim dintij;in the An tioeli road iceoiitly. Some of our oilier faiiaeiH otiylit to ct biixy nnd help, out ami those who linvo aiilos need ooil i oath', Theo, (HuhN wiih I raining bin ear on Ihe road-t recently. The Anliocli literary will have its uioulhlv nieclin I'riday nllit nl the hchoollioiisc. Air. W. ('. Chapman wiih whIIih.' nt (lie home of Alt'. Mori is Cum- re- eeiilly. Sum .Marshall mid I., Al. Swcel mo. toreil lo lovvn Sunday. William Alayrifh! of Central Point moved bin piircnU to (he Alemlovv'H count ry .Monday. Air. mitl .Mix. l)Ave Ct.lteiill paMsid throuj-h our bun; reeuully t,u their wit" bono- to the Meadow h. Air. Aliuot it doiii" Home feuciut; nml other iiiiirovciaeiiU on his Anli och ranch. Your correspondent ban lived in this Hcction for twenty venr ami ho luiH never hciu the roads in better Hliape for the traveling public at thin time of the year than tbev are ut the present time. It in Miiucthiui; we have mil been used In ami the chance in n pleasant one. AIih. C. Chapman and ilauchter, Alistt Lillian, visited nt the home of .Mr. mid Airs," Prank Alycrs nt Table Itock .Monday evening. BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES .Mr. nnd .Mra, Cnrl Jackson of KtiKlo Point vlaltcd tho Intter'n par- vnta, Air. nnd Alra. Chambers Inst week. Mr, Smoota, n forinor realtlcnt of thla plnce, wna here trnnanctlnt; busl ueia nnd vlaltlnR friends Saturday. Air. .Murphy wna hero for n few dnya the last of tho week. Herbert Wnlkor went to Aledford to work tlio first of lnat week. Howard Pox, who baa been In Portland on a wltneaa before tho Krnnil Jury, returned homo Thuradny. Alra. John Seller Rnvo n birthday pnity In honor or .Mr. Seller Wetlnea- tiny evening. All those present fceemed to enjoy the games nml ro Vrt'HliinontH, Tlm Mothertt club met nt (ho chapel Wetluestlny, Tho followliiR program wna carried eut: Rending and Tnlk, TenchlnB Truths Mrs. Seller, ltetidliiK, Welcomo I.lttlo StrnnRor, Mrs. AlorKun. Souk, Renk a Kind Word ror Father, Alra. Pox. ltendlnK, Allsa WrlKht. Social Hour and UefreslinientR. Mr, nnd Mra, MIIIh nntl Mia, James wont to Modrord Ttieaday. Mr. McDonald or Ituncherln apent Sunday nlKht bore en route to Mod rord. K, A. Illldreth made n business trip to Med ford Tuesday, Air. and Alra, John Clark wero hero Prldny and Saturday, Alra. Clnrk apent the time vlnltlnt; rrlentla vvhllo Mr, Clurk inndo novernl trltm down tho creek with machinery for n shin gle mill. Mian HohoitR who tcaeliea near Derby Kpont Friday nlKht with tho .Misses Abbott and nt the tlnnco, Alra. Seller and two youm;or chil dren. Ada mid Harlan, went to Knglo Point Saltirtlny, Tho musQuorndo tlunco nt tho hull Friday night was well attended and all hnd n vtryvonjojnhlo time. Tho toaohoru mid pupils very cord ially welcomed tho parents nnd pa- Irons of tho school nt tholr vulontlnu HOUSES FOR RENT $10.00 510 N, Rlvoraldo1.10 rooms, hnth nnd tollot, tenant pay water, lot 100 by about 500 root, running back to Hour crook, flno for gnrdon, $15.00 230 S. Oakdnlo, seven rooms, until nnd tollot, gna, wnter paid, $8.501120 W, 10th, rivo rooms, tollot, wnter pnltl. $8,00411 S, Front, aevon rooms, bath, wnter pnld. $8.00110 E, llth, rivo rooms, bath, wnter pnld, BENNETT INVESTMENT COMPANY Jroelnl Piirtny iiftcinoon, Tlio former llriirtlml tlm crowd to lomouado and cook li'ii. l FLOUNCE ROCK FRILLS Mr. and Mm. Iloyd Tucker linvo moved tiji lo GHovcr' rofttl camp where thoy oxpeet to run tlio lionrd Iiik IiOiimu for the toad w or kern. .Mr. Conroy In plowing ror T. II. HlKlnbotlimii. AIIkk AInbel llanaon apont .Saturday nlKht nnd Huntlny nt Mr. Manning. Mian Mdln'rtl nnd Mrl Wllllta or I'orwluls, Hient Hundny nt Mr. lira klno'a. Guy Col)loy)l holpInK bl fntlier-In-law, J, P. Dltannrlh, for n row weoka. .Margery Krflkuio njiont Hnndny night nml Alontlny with the Nye fam ily. Allan Alyra Urown.nnd Mr, NVtr or ltonol)iir weio recently married In their homo city. The ninny frlenda of .Mra. Noff, in thla nectlon oxlend beat wlalica. Alra. Alyrtlo Dawaon wan quite kick diirliii; tho pnflt wt.ok, .Mr. andAlra. Dlunrhnrd apent Prl tiny with Jiff Klncnld'a family. Ilnzcl Dltaworth apent Saturday nlKht nnd Hunday nt her brother Prnnk'o. Paul Peyton apent SMurdny nnd Huntlny at hear Spring ranch. W. C. T. U. nut Balnrdny with Mra. J. P. DllBWorth. There wan n ciphering mutch mid two MpellliiB mntchoa nt I.niirolliurat school houau Prldny nlRht. lloth Iiurelhurat nnd Plouncc Itock achoola hnd n Valentino box I'riday afternoon. Teachct, puplla and vlHltorH rt'ccheil n plentKut mip ply of tho lovo tokena. S. S. A Ikon Hr.. returned Thursday after an absence of iwvornl montha. Mr. mill Mra. Mcl.iod nmdo a IiiibI- lieaa trip to .Mr. Nyo'a .Saturday. Thla wna Mra. Mol-cod'a flmt trip to thla part or tho country, aa alio bad never been nbovo T. II, lllglnbothnm'a he ro re. MANY CHANGES AT THE STAR THEATER Introtluclng Paramount pictures nt tho Star theater has mnde It neces sary to mnko several chnnges In tho arrangement of programs. Tho Paramount pictures will bo shown Monday and Tuesdny, nnd Friday nnd Saturday. tIh Kxplolta of P.lalne, will bo shown In connection with a mixed program of comedlea and dramas on Wedoetulny and Thursday, and on Sunda a specially selected mixed program or comedies, drama nnd molo'drnmaa will bo shown. Dur ing the prcjcnt week tho Pnxld or chestra under tho direction or Henri Harcko, will furnish a program of both clasale and popular numbers. cr,.ssiFii:n ads. Ono cent per word per lasud. Six Insertions for prlco of flvo. PKty ccnta per lino por mouth 5- without change pon "iTk""uit?,isii,nn iiooms PoTTTtKNT Furnished rooma. with or without board. Alra, W. T. York. 120 Laurel St. 285 WHY? A word to tlioso who nro coming back. Land (or tho past alx months has boon hanging at rock bottom prices. A great deal of liquidation litta taken plnco In this tlmo. My bus iness alono In tho last halt of this )cnr has amounted to nearly $100,000 I bollovo the last four or flvo deals I hnov tnntlo reprosont absolutely tho bottom. Land with rental valuo of ?30 an ncro will not long remain nt $200 an ncro. Thoro will be no boom but Innil vnluos will huprovo somo. Good roads, Irrigation, Baw-mlll, box fnctory, chenp powor, Btigar Uoot8, cunning factory, good prices, satisfied customorfl, porfect days. Hurry, see Medrord first nnd J. C. BARNES Hnom 201, First National Dnnk Hldg. FOIt BALE OU KXCHANGE Roguo River Vailoy Fruit Landa. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Thnbor, Colonization Tracts. Ileal all-tho-yonr-rouud cllninto on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. n(WVer Realty Co.. Ashlantl. Oronon. roit itn.vr.MiNcKM.A.NnGfH t POIt ItKNT - lltilldliiK lOOxlUOrr any pnit of It. Formerly occupied by Koiinolc Vclerlnnry Ilemcdy Co. IIlK I'lnea Lumber Co. gT-TTi r-g-r ::.--- .m.,4.,.. jt-joa stss FOIt HHN I MOt'HH? POH HIWT- Jiotido ror rent. Aledrord Ware lio one Co. Sec FOIt KENT Well furnUhed nntl un furnished modern bungalowa, Hoom 2, Palm block, phono 330-n, POIt ItKNTPurnlshed alx or tdght rooln house. G15 South Oakdale. 28( POIt HUNT Hy March 1st, Hvc room modern furnished house, room for garden and chicken. 102S Knat 11th, phono 347-.M. 285 FOIt JtnXT Houso and barn cheap, on paved street. Water rent paid. Phono 13-X. 281 FOH HAM' IVOUHKM POIt SAM; New flvo room modern bungalow at u bargain, completely fiiriihdicd. All nssewimenU paid to dnto. Phono J.1-X. 284 PO ItSAI.H -Ono largo team of mules heavy act harnens and plow. Might trade for cattle. Itoso Orchards. 284 FOR SAI.lv Three roomed furnished house, four blocks Washington Fchoo), lights, water, largo lot, fenced, $700.00, all clear. 2 H faro Mall Trlbuno. 282 FOIt SALE Flvo room Iioubo and garage, lot 72x14 0, flno tree, lawn, flowers and berries, all as RCKsmontn paid, $1800.00, easy terms. Geo. W. Reeves, 1310 W. Main St. 298 FOIl SALK II8Cm,liAXKOU8 FOR SALK Motorolo In good me chanical condition, new tire,' a bargain for u() 00 at AT, South Front St. 281 FOIt SALK -Must 1(0 sold. 63 ahnrrs tn Monitor orchnrd. hour Medrord, )our own ,rlce, make m an offer Address H. Llndahl, 3C00 Illoom liigtoti Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 2S." FOH SALK Ono second-hand spray machine with tower and three nozzles, four h. j). engine. 200 gal Ion tank, very cheap. Phone or wrlto A. Conro FIcro, Central Point. . 282 FOIt SALK Oil THADB 12 h. p. en gine; IT, h. p. boiler, all In running ortler, will tratlo for Ford car. Ilrlng on your car and look at the engine. Address box 24, Jackson ville, Oro. 307 FOIt SALK Furnlturo, beds, kitchen stoves, etc. 205 S. Central. 2S5 FOIt SALK OK TltADU Two Incu bators, two seated rubber tired buggy. II. C. Stoltz, phono S21-R 29C FOIt SALK Canned fruit, blcyclo and pack Faddle. Inquire Mra. vv. l'. uaker, 305 Portland Ave. 28.1 FOH SALE Light auto, rour cylln dera. newly overhauled, nearly good aa new- mechanically. Dig bargain. Auto, care Mall Tribune 285 FOR SALK Ono Carey Hrc-proor safo In first class condition. Can pay on Installments If desired. Dig l'lnes Lumber Co. POR SALE Cheap, team mules, liar ncss and wagon. For particulars coll at whlto b Ico Cream Factory. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red ogga. 50c per sotting. Phono 407-M. 295 FOR SALE Upright pianos In good condition, $75.00. Music cnblnct cheap, llrommor Dros., routo 3. phono 5S9-J2. 287 NEW TODAY 2 40 acres, nearly nil tillable, lovel land, on good road, and not a hill proposition, largo now houso, SO acres in crops, and a bargain nt tho price, $35.00 per acre. No trade. A flno small highly Improved dairy, Los Angeles, Is offered in oxchango for an orchard, or other proporty In tho vnlley. Small alfalfa ranch near Los Ange les. Owner will bo hero In ft row dnya looking ror n trade. What havo you? C. D. HOON DIVERSIFIED FARMING 4 Will loom larger and larger In fu turo In this vallpy. Tho homesceker. will find this goed: 55 acres, flvo miles out, all in cultivation. About 10 acres apples, pears nnd family fruit now beginning to bonr. Nearly 20 ncres alfalfa, and 40 acres will produce alfalfa or grain In a big way. Dralungo good, nir drnluago good; Ideal pear land. Creek bottom nntl hill slope Improvements, seven room hard-finished houso, equipped with electric lights nnd beaters. Am ple bnrn, chicken houses, pens nnd rock mill: houso. Two excellent wells. $112,000 ou Exceptionally Good Terms ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. Room 107 M. 1 Ai H. Hldg. OppoMto To&t Office Vtm SAI.i:ltP.Ali KHTATB FOH SALE- Flvo ncrea. vvoll Int 205 proetl. V, O. box 285, roil ham. T.TrrcaiocK POIt SALE Light wagon, ono ninrn, iwo acta double, bnrneaa, two aeta single harness, hand cultivator, alnglo harrow, ateol range, brood sow. J. W. Grant, phono Central Point. 282 PCH78ALE Pine Joraey boHer, Jut frcfth with belter cnlf. James Campbell, Klnna Highway. 281 POIt SALE Team or horses which will work single; young Polnnd China pigs. Phono C, Pitch, 14 PI 2. 283 FOR-SALK Pine Jcrnoy cw with hplfer cair, J, II. Stevens, Tolo, Ore. 285 FOR SALE Cheap, largo team of mules, hf.avy not harneaa and plow. Will trade for cattle. Itoso or chnrd, Aledford, ' 283 FOR SALE 12 extra good fresh cows, 4 yearling heifers, also young calvn.i, flno team of farm marcs Nanh Livery Ham. 289 FOR SALE Rred town and gllta from prizo winning Duroc Jersey herd, JnCksoh county fair; also hoars old enough for aervlco and weanlings, h. H. Houston, one mllo weat of Talenl, phono 3-F12. 297 "j" ; -j: WAXTRl) MTSCTl.iAXBOUS WANTED 1 1000 for ono. two or thrco yar. Good recurlty. Ad tiro's 1250 II1., caro .Mali Tribune. 287 nEM' WANTICT-SIAT.K WANTED First clasa miners and muckers nt the Ilraden mine, Gold Hill, Orcgoto. 280 nKLr WANTED FI-3IALK WANTED- -Cook ror amall ranch household Apply II. Rosenberg nt Nnsh Hotel, 7 00 tonight. 282 WANTED Capable woman tor cook ing nnd houso work. Address Mrs, E. P. Guthrie. R. R. 2 .Medrord. or phone Jacksonville 232. 28C WANT Kl hITO ATI ONS WANTED Set of books to keep dur ing afternoons, ucat or reference. Uox D., euro Mail Tribune. 282 WANTED Odd Joba. gardening and taking care of lawns a specialty. Phono 740-.M. 291 nUSIXIXS OPPORTUNITIES POR SALE A good business In Ashland. For particulars address box 533, Ashland, Ore. 3IOXEY TO LOAN AIONEY TO LOAN On close In ranches. C. A. AIcArthur, room 3, over post office. Phone 3CS or 130-R. 289 IIOAII-STHIDS DIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 750,000 acres for settle ment; fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 25c with this ad to Wcnatchco (Wash.) Dally World, Dcpt. T, for rellablo data about this region. FOUND TAKEN UP At Four Hundred Ono ranch, ono spotted sow, silt in right car, under cut In left. Call and pay for feed and add. 290 LOST LOST Small diamond shaped black and white fratornlty pin. Name on back. Return to Hotel Aled ford. 283 FOR EXUHA.-IUh EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy anything? U C Rader, 114 N. Front St. Employment offlco and rentals. Phone 125. Nuft Scd. DUBININS D1KECTOKX Auto SuppllcH LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cUlo northwest. Ubo our spring when others fall. Bold under guar ante. 26 North Fifteenth St. Portland, Ore. Attorsry PORTER J, NEFF, WM. P. MEALB1 Attorneya-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. B. REAME3, LAWYER Garnett- Corey bldg. Wra. M. Colvlg, George M. Robert! COUVIG & RODERT8. LAWYERS Medrord National Dank Dullding D. F, MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRl Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Dullding, NEWTON W. DORDWN Attorney at I.ny. 232 Enst Alnln street. . Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOTOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey DIdg., suite 111 Medford, Oro. Phone 86 6. Public Auction 'W-W lH'W Kvery snturony at i:ao. corner Main and Fir will boh on commission all kinds ot Block. Implements and furniture. . Wo also havo employment nnd rent al agency, Hnvo furnished and un furnished houses for rent. List your wants with us. WYNKOQP & COMPANY' P. E. Wynkoop, Licensed Auctioneer Hoom , Palm Hlock VUom Mtt-K nuHiNHM mnmctota, E. R, CHOUGH Awayer, ehftM, metallurgist. Custom Assay Of fice. Mall order hustneiM solUHM Prices, gold, $1.00; gold wtd 4l vur, $1.25; copper. $1.00! Wty, MI vor and copper, $2.00. AlRlltng h volonoa freo on request Refer en Co, Josephlno County' Hank. Rooms 201-203 Halt Bl-Jg., Grasti Puss, OreKon, 33 .--at Chiropractor DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Lohm X. Hodges M'QChnno-TherapIirs, Cairo practon, SpondylothernlU. T1im syntems, Including dletetlos, cara tlvo gymnaitlcs, bydro-tharaphy. etc., produce results In both a eat and chronic dlaeases. CoHSHlta tton free. Over Deuel ft Co., eeN ner Main and Dartlett- Hor t a. ro. to C p. ra. Other hours k? appointment. Phono 17C, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD., Chiropractor, nerre specialist Rooma aOfs-284-205. Garnett-Corey bid??. Vapor baths and scientific masaago glvea! nendlo spray, head and shoiilrtw shower In connection; advlM la dietetics, medloat gymBastlea, hydroptherapy. Lady atleadaat Phone, offlco 643, rMldesce 511-R. F'sipIoyBcat A&gmcj Wo are here to help people tat re liable, competent help. We tar nish help In almost all Itaei ef business. We make aeeclaKy f competent men and wlfM Ht ranches. We solicit year eatro age. Dinner's Real Metate a4 Employment Dureen,' Rooase ai 7 Palm Dalldlng, MedfoH. PIMM 858. Mrs. J. S. Chirk, Manager, ncceeaer. Engineer ami Contractor FRED N. CUMM IKGEnglMeVajiel contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg. Surveys, estimates, lrrlgatloe, drainage, orchard and tend Im provement. GarbAffS GAlinAGB Get your premieee cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagoaa for good service. Phone 274-L. F. T. Allen, Iactrncttes fat Mrti HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Roeas 401. Garnett-Corey DIdg. Fred Al ton Halght Piano, Mra. Fioreaee Halllday Halght, voice. Telephone 63-W. ZJ Notarr 1'aMie HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary P- lic urinK your work to se at tae Iga of the Malt Trlbuae. Pkyeeicfana DR. P. G. CARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Otteotathto pnysiaans, 4ie-fi7 uaraMt-corer Diag., pnone 1U3S-U. 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oeeeathk physicians, 303 Garnett-Coref building. Phone 304-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyalolaa aa4 Burgeon. Practice limited to -eye, ear, nose and throat. Kyee eelea tlflcally tested and glaaeee raa plled. Office 228 East Mala A, lleurs 8:30 a. a. to 8 p. a. Phone. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. ortlee Jaek ton County Dank bldg. Offlee phone 43-R; residence phone 6 8-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Pfcyal cian and surgeon. Offlee Palai block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 11B-J. DR. R. W. CLANOV Physician and surgeon. Phones. ofKca 3d, real dence 724-J. OlHce hours 10 ! 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Payatetaa and surgeon. MYRTLE B. LOCKWOOD, M. D. fractlce lirottea to dlaeaaea ef womon. Orricea 309. 310, 311 M. F. & H. DIdg. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office, S14. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic physician, practice limited to ob stetrics and diseases tot womea and children. Offices 3 and 4, St. ilurks block, hours 1 to 6 P. m. Phone 1C0. Res. the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. Jl. DOW Physiclaa and surgeon, obstetrics and aurgery offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12. Phoae 160. Resi dence, the Dow Hospital, Central Point. Printer aad raulUhew HEDFORD PRINTING CO. fcaa the best equipped printing offlee 1st southern Oregon; hook MadlCt loose leaf ledgers, billing system, etc Portland prices. 17 NerM Tr Wt Stenography nml Multigrayh Wefc MRS. M. T. EDWARDS Work promptly ut reasonable rates.' Room 3, Palm block, phone 107. , Shto Rehiring shoe repairing First Blase skat repairing, on Modern eieetrsi machines while you watt . N, Biden, located la Kldd'a BImm tot, Phone 313J. Transrww ,"' ' ' BADS TRANSFBR ft ITOHA4M OB.V. Office 42 North Front Bt. PnM 315. priees rlgat. Berytee I1H(I, 'i'ri'JSWUUISUS ANU BUl'l'MB f. Now RemlnKtoa. Iwith Presnaaf y and Monarch tinewritluat. .nassaMT .. ' ant subtracting machine, wnajjl v roaolilues tor eh oK any JMpr ments, "Mcblnwt for rent. rtsntaW . , and supplhw ot all klnos, sinald $. V pah-a free et onar. RaaW NemMtt. le. Qulna B. BBMat M,K. - .jW Xs V S-" "f t. f, ' " V- i'i