Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 17, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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V 4
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Muurunu 1'jtiNTiNa co.
Offlco Mall Trlbtinn llull.llnjj
North Kir strat; telephone 76,
Tin cmocrntlo Times, Tim Mrilfonl
Mfttl. Thfe Alc.ifnrJ Tribune, The Bouth
tm uroKonmn, Tlio Ashland Tribune.
2n Vonr, by iiirU.....-,5.00
?no month, by inr,ll. . .to
Per month, Onllvervd by carrier In
Mwlfnnl. Phoenix. Jnckaonvlllo
and Central l'olnt ... .SO
InturiUy only, by tnnll, per yer 2.09
weekly, per ycnr...-.-..... l.EO
Official rpir of the Cltv of Mcdford.
Off&lal Vapor of Jnckson County.
, TSntored hh jipcmnl-clum mnttvr nt
Mtdford, Oregon, under the act of March
I, im.
8 worn Circulation for 1014, 2658.
Kull leaved vrlro AHOclatcd Treis dl-putclifg.
Subscribers falling to receive
papers promptlr, phono Ctrcu-
lstlon Manager at 25011.
SAliKM, Ur., rcb. 17. Willi nn
amendment fixing tho "Mead lino" for
net fishermen ns tho suspension
Image across the Willnmctlo river
below the falls nt Oregon City, the
wuato by a vote of 27 to 3 passed
II. 11. No. 18, by Representative John
Gill. Tho fight for and against the
bill was tho hardest seen ou the floor
of. the senate at this session, nnd tho
result marks a triumph for the
fiportBincn, who linvo for years main
tained that, allowing net men to drag
tho rest holes below tho fall, would
ultimately cause tho depletion of sal
mon, because not enough would get
up tho river to givo tho hatcheries
sufficient spawn for restocking tho
Dead Lino at Bridge
Tho passage of this bill is tho
hardest blow that tho Schucbcl-JoncH-Childs
trio, who have persistently
fought everything nt this session de
sired by sportsmen's organizations,
havo yet received, Had it not been
for tho valiant struggle of Dimick,
who was almost exhausted by his or
atorical efforts, it is likely that the
bill would have passed tho sennt in
tho jdwpo in which it did tho house,
fixing the "dead lino" for net men at
the mouth of tho Clackamas river,
nnd cutting the commercial fishermen
out of tho Ahcroathy drift, where
they catch tons of ffch nt the open
ing of the season.
Tho debate was marked by bitter
personal attacks by Dimick on State
Game Warden Finloy, Master Fish
Warden Clnnton nnd Walter P.
Backus, n prominent member of the
Multnomah Anglers' club. Dimick
also nindu soiso sarcastic references
to Iteprescntntive Gill and impugned
the motives of Scnntor Srocr, the
champion of tho measure in tho sen
nto debate.
Pitiful ricluro Drawn
Dimick drew a pitiful word picture
of the Oregon City net men, declaring
them to bo "good citizens, hard-working
and law-abiding, on whom fam
ilies depend for support." Pour yearn
ngo Hcprosenlntivo Schuebel dc
nouueed tho same men before n legis
lative committeo as "n bunch of bums
and roughnecks who deserve no con
sldcmtion whatever because they are
law-breakers, H, every one of whom,
as prosecutor, 1 have hud to fine or
put in jail lima nnd again."
T N n rocent snooeh President A. 1j. !Mi11h of iho "tfivst Na
-l tional bank of Port land made tho assort ion that tho
iniiiativo and reforoiuhun wort dantorotls and that, capi
talists generally wore afraid of it, and that its adoption had
retarded tho development of the state.
As a matter of faet, the initiative has never injured si
legitimate proposition and is not half as danserotts as tho
legislature. A record of tlio measures submitted to tho
people and those adopted show that the people vote more
intelligently than the legislature.
j-iiu 1111 will t V itnu tut ivmium 11410 iiwn mvvii iivivuvi 111
nineteen states, the recall in eight states, while over ,'150
cities have incorporated them 111 their charters. Ulti
mately they will become universal, and probably national.
While there has been a tendency to abuse tho now pro
cesses bv over-use, there can be no question of their bene
ficial effect.
The opposition to these people's laws centers in the
beneficiaries of privilege, who demand' special legislation
that will provide them unfair advantages. No one that
fears "the light of day, who asks only a Square deal, fears
the judgment of the people and direct legislation has come
to stay a recognized necessity resulting from the break
down of representative government.
The legislature at Salem is passing upon from S00 to
900 measures in tho forty days of its session. It is now
the thirty-eigjith day of the session and none of the needed
appropriation bills have come out of the committees. They
arc being held back, as customary, to force the passage of
special legislation.
Wlnlc the legislature is making a great hullabaloo
about economy, it is opening wide the door to the theft
of the public domain irrantimr In" business all the special
favors it asks, filching from the public for the benefit of
monopoly. Jjills have passed permitting power concerns
to grab all the available water power, even permitting con
demnation of federal holdings. Other bills turn the streams
over to logging concerns, others arc in the interests of
liability insurance concerns and so the list can bo ex
tended. Economv is a useful excuse for blocking development
l " 1 1 A J 1 1 1 "11-
projects, sucn as reclamation won auu goou iuuus. xi is a
Cloak for consolidating nonpartisan commissions whose
members draw no pay, and 111 reorganizing boards so as to
permit tile creation of a state political machine by the gov
ernor, through the reappointment of the salaried em
As soon as every session opens, "cinch" bills and revis
ion measures aro introduced that cause a scurrying to tho
capital from all parts of the state of interested citizens
whose industries are struck at, and of disinterested citi
zens who come from public-spirited motives. Every great
corporation and every statewide organization is repre
sented by a permanent lobby and the small ones by tem
porary lobbies for their own protection and to ward off
attacks upon investments when not seeking extension of
Capital is threatened vastly more by every legislative
session of which a certain percentage of crooks are always
to bo found, bent on reaping a personal harvest, than by
any initiative measure, which must stand on its merits in
the pitiless glare of publicity in a statewide campaign
lasting thrice as long as a legislative session.
Direct legislation menaces no legitimate investment,
for the people believe in a square deal, but every session ol
the legislature menaces not only capital but the rights ot
the people. That is why direct legislation is growing in
popularity while legislatures are becoming more unpopu
lar with every session.
Lessons from lieno Hough's lleutilv (Tho Most oHitullful Telephone Girl
ill A uiimU'II.)
"I Studied Die Kffoct of .My llalr ou My Profile."
it's all very well to look tho world
Btralght In tho face, but remember
that tlio world often takes a stdo
glance at oit cu make the most ot
jour profile.
Tho profile ns any artist will tell
Is more Important than the front
view of the face, for the sparkle of
the eyes, the arch of the brows often
redeem irregular features, but the
eye sheds none ot Us luster on the
profile; tho side of your face depends
entirely on tho regularity of your fea
tures for Its charm.
Therefore, study jour profile;
study the shape of our nofe, the
curvo of our mouth, the line of your
check and the mold ot your chin.
You cannot change these features or
re-mold them, but Jon can mnko them
less Irregular If they happen to lack
perfection of form.
Profile study has not been ne
glected by MIhs Irene Hough, tho
most bountiful telephone girl In the
country, ami ns her photograph
shows tho side lov of lirr face Is
"They uned to say 1 was snub
nosed when I was a little girl In
chool," .Miss Hough said. ".My nose
U rathor snub, I know, but when my
hair wni pulled down over my hvnd
In pigtails my none looked positive
ly "puggy." Well, I couldn't mako
my nose over, but I did study It, 1
studied the effect of certain hair ar
rangement on It. I discovered that
It I piled my hair rather IiIkIi so that
it mado a slanting lino to my nose,
tho none seemed a little longer and
n good deal more delicate, and my
profile was greatly Improved,"
An End to Snivelling
SALEM, Ore., Feb. 17 llovlslon
of the stato's gamo and fishing laws
will bo nccompllBhcd in the house
with the passage of H, U. 4C1, passed
Inst night. After a three hour wrangle
In committee of the whole the bill was
recast according to Jhe demandB of
nearly every county-
t, Tho bill absolutely shuts off tho
1 'killing ot quail at any timo ot year
fcavo for a lOrday period In Klamath
oounty from October to October 10.
Tkls action was taken as a means ot
wttormlnaUng crop pests, especially
t fhe sust-ied lady bUK.
FeHinle China pheasants may be
" kilted during the open season, though
the limit Is fixed at two in a day or
four lii a week.
The doer season la shortened IS
days, the time now permitted being
' ' only from August IS to October 31,
with a bag limit ot three per season.
Minor chatfgtM affecting wild birds
uid jfio ilsli In certain localities
were adopted, it different schedule
HWdylntr to nearly Kery locality and
cficinrics of monopoly nnd privilege
who still think that thcro can be no
prosperity unleHH they have one hnnd
in llin nntinnnl trntiKiirv nml tho
that "every day records n marked im-othcr jmml in the ublio'rt pocket. It
(Prom tho New York World.)
Jnmes A. Parrel!, president of the
United States Steel corporation, finds
procnient in tho general situation."
Other business men can find tho snmc
bigns of marked improvement if tlioy
will open their eyes, btop their cal
amity howling nnd get to work.
This country has been hard hit by
tho wnr, but taking nil tho circum
btauccs into consideration, it has
fared terv well belter than uny
is natural as well that republicans
who linvc been brought up to bclicvo
thutjt means n pnnic to pry them
looso from (he public crib nliould ox
ultantly point to tho economic effects
of this war as proof of their conten
tion. Tho United States, nevertheless,
was not nettled by calamity howlers.
other country in the world. When we jj wnK nt developed into n rcnt na
consider that nil the fabric of inter- tion by calamity bowlors. It did not
uotionnl trade, commerce nnd finance hecoino tho richest nnd ono of the
which peaceful .civilization had pa-post populous foiintricK in the world
ticnlly woven for many decndcH waj,y ealnniity howlers. It was not built
torn to tatters in n single night, tlicj ,, 0II the principle of rule or ruin.
miracle is not that wo have hud hard' There does not exist today a wnglo
times, but thnt wo have Mitfeicd bo;N)jt;,.a obstuclo to the complete to
littlc. Thnnks to tho new federal i e-Htorati 0f American iirosnerity.
ROMK, Fet. 17. -Commenting on
tho diplomatic exchanges between tho
United States and (Jcrmnuy on tho
question ot the submarlno blockade of
England, the Ulorn'nle d'ltQla says;
"Tho German nolo to tho United
States does not deny tho rights ot
neutrals, of which tho great Ameri
can republic has becomo tho cham
pion, nor docs It retiounco the threat
ened reprisals.
"Tho German purpose has not been
revealed. The noisy nnd somewhnt
ridiculous maneuvers of the imagi
nary maritime blockade had for their
solo object tho compelling of noutrnls
to mako their olcos heard In I.'ng
land, asking tho Drltish government
to permit provisions to enter Ger
many. Germany lias boon asserting
that tho danger of famlno was ab
solutely non-existent; as a matter of
fact Ilerlln Is seriously anxious, tho
scarcity of food nlrcady Is being folt
among tho less well to do of tho Ger
man civilian population."
MKDFORD, Mass., Fob. 17. -Kx-pcrlmonls
conducted by tho wireless
society of Tufts College have shown,
It wns announced today, that radio
messages tuny bo transmitted nnd re
ceived without the use of aortal an
te none.
The rosults of tho experiments, tho
announcement says, may work a
change In tho use of wireless appara
tus mndo ready for use within a third
of tho time required for sotting up
tho nerlal equipment.
During the experiments tho best
results from tho tiso of Iho ground
antennae wero obtained when tho re
ceiving wires wero laid In a direct
lino with the transmitting station.
Two ordinary wires, 30 feet In length,
wero found sufficient to receive mes
sages from points from &0 to 70 mlloa
MALUM, Or., Fob. l7.--liiiumicnt
load work in Oregon under tho sys
tematic plan of eo-opt'intiou between
state, county and individual was con
demned by the liotiso oT icpresentu
tives when Kuiuuel Hrnwu'n house hill
'Jill came up in Hueciul order, t'lmigcH
weie made that economy pledges wore
being ioluted in the effort to put
through the proposed half mill levy
to begin tlio system.
Oilier protests were mndo Hint Iho
principle goes so far us to put the
whole road scheme into the lunula of
u highway eommissioii which
toward the scenic highway i other
than the farmers' mad thnt will open
up the way from the field to thu home
Killed lly 17 to II
The bill was killed ItV vole of 17
to 41. Kcnnomv wiim the watchword,
with sectional interests aligned
n gain it the general plan. Mr. llmwu
outlined the general features of the
V. 1. Va'wter of Jackson, chnirmnu
of the road committee, spoke briefly
on behalf of the bill, stilling Unit
while it might not bo Iho hod pot
mIiIu measure, it certainly is nu im
provement over any previous mail
bill and put construction upon Home
definite plan.
liiiiMiiiicli n the appropriation
calls for but half a mill, mid that only
for Ullll and 11)17, he itigurd that ul
itn wond the bill could do little harm
and at its best it should bbitig about
valuable and coimtruc'ivo dcwlop
tncnt. How Vote KtiMid
The roll call showed the following
Ajes-Allen, Sam Itrowu, I!atoii,
(II!!, I Ionic, Huston, Joiich, Lllllo
llclil, Purler, iMsloy, lllliiM', Andrew
('. Sinilh, TliontH, Vnwlor, Wilgner,
Wculc and W'cntwoilh,
Noiw- A. A. Antloison, ,1. V An
ilcisoti, Hat row, llliinclmnl, llowmmi,
Thomas llrouii, ('indwell, Cailmlll,
Clilldrt, Clink, Cobb, Davtiy, Dllliu.l,
Kliuorc, I'VnwIi'k, T'oi'Iich, drier,
Hundley, lllnklo, lluiil, Irvlu, .lelT
lics, Kelly, Kuchii, Luf forty, Lewis,
Mlchelhook, Obis, Olson, I'nlslcy, K.
I'. I'clrce, I). II. I'lctcc, Hchuebcl, W.
O, Sinltli, Stnuflcld, Hlownrt, Htott,
iMSss Towiie, Woodi'll, Mr. Speaker.
When the (lilldmi Coiiglt, Hub .Mils-tci-ole
on Tbroats mitt Cbcwts
No lolling how soon tho symptoms
may dovelop Into croup, or worse.
And Dion's wiiou ou'ro glad ou linvo
leans a jar of Ml'HTKKOI.U at hand to gtvo
prompt, sure icllef, It does not
As first aid and a certain remedy
there's nothing like MUliTIUtOLI'l,
TliouKnuds of mothers know It. You
should keep a Jar In tho house.
It Is tho remedy for adults, too,
Itelloves Hiiro Throat, Hrotiehltls,
Tonsllltls, Croup, Bllff Neck, Asthma,
Neuralgia, Headache, Congestion,
Pleurisy. Hlimimnllsiii, Limitingo,
Pains and Aches ot Duck or Joints,
Sprains, Horo .Muscles, Chilblains,
Frosted Feet and Colds of the Chest
(It often prevents Piiiiumonla).
At jour druggist's, In Tc and r,Qtt
Jars, nnd a special largu hospital nlo
for I '2 Ml
Ho sure you get the genuine MI'S
TKIIOI.K. Utilise liultailous- get
whnt you nsk for. Tho .Mustcrolo
Company, Clovrland, Ohio - Adv.
HiiudrinN of ,Mslfortl Header Had
Daily Toll it Itunlen
Tho hustle nnd worry of business
The hard work and stooping of
Tho woman's household caros,
Often weaken tho kldnoys,
llacknchn, headache, dirtiness,
Kidney troubles, urinary troubles
frequently follow.
Head tho following nnd I earn tho
way to find relief:
Frank Kasshafer, bailiff county
court, Applegale road, Jacksonville,
Ore., says- "For years I worked as
a miner and If cnused kidney and
bladder trouble. The pain first at
tacked mo In the small of my back,
especially when 1 first got up In the
morning, I also had trouhlo with
tho kidney secretions. Dean's Kid
noy Pills soon reinovod the complaint.
You may contlnuo using the endorse
ment I havo given Doun's Kidney
Pills before"
Prlco 50c, nt nil dealers. Don't
simply nsk for a kldnoy remedy got
Donn's Kidney Pills tho snmn thnt
Mr. Kasshufer bad. Foster-Mllbtirn
Co.. Props.. Uuffalo, N. Y Adv.
One of (lie Greatest Companies of
Colored Talent in the World
Six Very Highly
Cultured Musicians
Encli of them possessing a voice of
extraordinary quality
Admission. 25, 35, 50c
NOTICE "Master Key" Wednes
day afternoon nml cvcnlnn and
Thursday afternoon.
McMlniivllle -Two story nnnox wilt
bo built to hospital.
servo banking net, wo have had no
pnnic. Our financial syhtera success
fully weathered the storm. Although
our normal foreign markets were cut
off mid our doracstio markets thrown
into turmoil, economic order is Moad
ily emerging- from economic chaos.
The American people diave gono
through many worse experiences than
this, and they are better off today
than nnybody elhO in the universe.
Yet certain elements nmong Ameri
can business men have been whining
and snivelling like bnoiled children. If
their grandfathers had had no more
courage nnd gumption than some of
the descendants have shown, the
United States would bo u fourth-rate
power politically nnd commercially.
It is iintiirnL. of course, that poli
ticians opposed to the administration
should Iry to cnpilulizo the hard
times for their own partisan profit.
Professional politicians are lunch like
I. W. W. leaders. If thoy enn lind an
issue to ngitate they are uot nutticu
larly bqueumish about its effect upon
the country. It is nnturnl, too, Unit,
the!) politicians should derive grciil
aid ami cymfoi t frvm tlio foriuor be.
There does not exist a single legisla
tivc or governmental obstacle, llul
business cannot revive itself. Tho
work must bo done by men with
brains nnd imagination and courage
nnd honest intention. It cannot bo
done by sluggnrds nnd dullards nnd
parasites. It cannot be done by
winners uud snivellers and fault
finders. It cannot, bo eigne by men
who ore more interested in gouging u
dollar out of somebody elo than in
mnking two dollars bv productive ef
fort. It is a man's job, and the place
for timid old women in men's clothes
is back; of the firing line.
A flood resolution.
To help build up Medford payrolls
by (smoking Govornor Johnson or
Mt, Pitt 'cigars,
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
Phones M. -17 and 17-JU
Ambulance Servlt'V Deputy Coroner
Exploits of Elaine
See the Fourth and Fifth Episode. Watch carefully,. Write your
idea of who the Clutching Hand Is. Get n card at box offlco March
. first. It is worth while
All the News, All the Time. Some Vaudeville,
Co'mir Friday and Saturday:
Odyssey of the North
More for the nionoy. Better pictures. Better Music.
Matinee and Evening
Medfor d's Leading Theater
The Master Key
In Two Pails
What stops did Wilkcrson tako to soizo tho mino
when he found the deeds stolen frdm Ruth Gallon
wero utterly worthless? What stops did John Doro,
Ruth's sweetheart, tako to hold the mino for Ruth?
Who did tho miners themsolves line up with? Who
brought in Moxicans to fight them? Which side won
the terrific battle that followed? What did tho sheriff
do when Dore asked him to arrest Wilkorson for tho
kidnapping of Ruth?
i n
The Accusation
Two Parts
Uncle Sam's Phenomenal
4 Tlio 1'lrst Trip Through the Panama Canal
(bio Part
Strand War Series No, 17
fclis Doggone Luck
IT'8 AMVAVH A ifclfl rMOW AT TtfM 1A(1H
' 'jWi
- 9et " f