Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 17, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    -jy1 mwyfjr
Medford Mail Tribune
Unsettled tonight, protwbljr
ntlii Mux. fJllj Mln. 4H.
Torly. fourth Yr.
DnIW Ninth Vi-nr
NO. 282
After Miclnlulit Su'imarlno Activity
Benlns Neutral Vessels Paint
Nnmcs ami Nationality Upon Bows
England's Retaliatory Policy Ex
pected Momentarily.
LONDON, Kelt, 17.--At Hip stmko
ill midnight the wnlii miimuudiiig
tlic riiiihiK of lu Pulled Kliiilin will
lu'COIIIC, fill' ns lie within the
power ol' (lonimiiy In ninlm llifm, u
war nine. iMiielij nil t mum-In, iinitrnl
nr ntlirrwlKil, will penetrate ul their
n ril.
Siiiiik of tho M'i'wei'i ncrow Ih
iliniiiii-l prnhnlilv will ho curtailed,
Iml a uuijoiily ir (In neutral shipping
lines will' ncccpt 'I lio link mill eon
litiuo llii'ir Miillugrf.
IMIul .Vinni'H mi Ships
The yniiKM nml nationality of Hi"
ci'U nml (lie ling of their initioiiM
will lm painted on llii'ir Hides in tin'
Impc llmt Gorman submarine will nut
Miik tlioiit liy mistake.
KtiKlntidV announcement nf tin de
tail of lii'rtiiroiiHi'il retnlinlort pal
let- IV tt I ell Milt IIIIHIS III MIDI in i
ln (li'imnii fiinil hiiiiiiIv ftiiiu tin
outside, is iixrtvled monii'lltlUllv nml
apparently there in not tin slmhlcst
inii-iK'i'i llmt (hi country will nc-
ii'lil tin (li'itniiii iritnl to call off
Hie lilnekndu if 'iiuIiiiii will roln
iiNvnl imMniro mi whipping.
II In not expected Ihcio will lm nny
iniiiitnlinto nml widiwprciul uelivitv by
Hid German ttliuin fines, Iml tli !-
viliiiuii'iitH ri'irutiHiiir neutral ship
xlioiilil liiiin: In n lii'fiil niie of the
inii-t inlerMiitg Mini Ihientcning sit
milium. nT llii wnr.
To Imnilc Sctliln
An Allii'im iIIriiiiIcIi hIdIom Hint n
formidable n nny hn lieen ti-wuiiihled
fur a new eninuiiirn uieniut Soihin.
TIiIh nnnv in described m ninnunt
iiiL to l.'ill.OIKI men, iinnle nit in purl
nf (Icuiuum. The nnny wliieli Serbia
nuw ho in the field in estimated nt
nlimit iPiie-liulf this hire.
I Inn tier fighting i- now under way
in I-Yiiin-n nnil Holgiuui. I lie (leniimi
wnr nffiee iimm'Im Hint nttnrks tin
dot taken liy the Hrilifli mill French til
ninny nlneiH woro icpiilscd. It in
stated nihil Hint an iidvnni-o was
niiule in the. Argonnc, lint Hie mi
ii(inni' tho French wnr office
snys Hint the Ueiiimii onslaught in
this region was driven linek.
PARIS, Kelt. 17.-Tlin aetioii ol
two socialist ineinlierH ol" the Fieneh
enhlnet. .filler (Jiiehih, minister with-
init iiort folio, nml Mured Seinliat,
minister of public wiiiKh, in iittciiiling
the recent Inlerniiliniial socialist eon
foreneo in f.oiiflmi. lias evnlied pt li
test i'roni a largo mm-IIoii of the
French press, wliieli makes (he dccln
inlion Hint' this cnnfcionco wiih in
Hpired by tho Oennan hiielal denio-
iirnliu piuty.
rteniitor (Imuliit tin Villnino Iiiih
wrllton n U'ttor tir Premier Viviitni
amioimeiii); that iiiiIphh Hid mivoni
nuintjpnliliely iUhiivowx (Iivmi two ho
I'iuliHt iniiiiHtefrt bofoui next Thins
tiny JieMvill preheat an interpullation
tin (lio hiilijeet In the senate.
OIIICAdO, 1'Vli. 17. IiifroiiHiiiK
iipireliension as to vehHoln' HhKh in
Hm wnr y.onii wan laroly respuiiHllilo
for a full In wheat Imliiy. Ah niiieli
iih f coiiIh was cut 11 oiii Hie price of
Hm July delivery, in wliieli IrniliiiR
chiefly enntoieil, That month drop
ped n $1.111 'a, iih iiKiiiit I.IJ(I
(u"y lllHl llitllt. ,
Turl.ey ileclnn d wnr without IioIiik
nrtteil liy (iernmiiy nr linpellcil liy
nny other liiflotinren, nvo tlioso of
the empire, unlit Tnlnnt Mil)', todny In
it Ntiiteniunt to the AxKnclntril I'roBii,
tuailo In ri'lily to iiiiuhIIoiir concern
Iiik t lio tiolltlcnl nml inllltnry vltiin
tlon In hU country. Tnlnul Hoy to
day fill the poite ti( iiilnlntor of tho
Intoi lor, iiilnlHtor of Manure and mill
iliter of ninilmi In tho TiiiUIhIi cnlil
net. Two vrekn nKo, In addition to
them) office, liu wiik nUo mlnUtor of
wnr, which envo him the four moid
linpoitant folloH In the nilmlnliitrit
tlon. Ho Ik a youiiK Turk and In tin
ilottlitodly tho moHt Important mnn
In Turkey tit tho prefont time, lllit
advice h liot'iled everywhere nml ho
virtually dlrortH tho public affnlrn of
tho Ottnmiiii empire.
"Turkey eiiKtiKcd In military opera,
tlon." ho continued, "only wlieji nc
tlon.i on the part of IIuhMii nml Grunt
Hrltuln inndo defeimlvo ineiiHuroH
ncrciumry and todny Turkey lias taken
nil N(epn needful to carry tho war
throiiRli tho holy war In not monnc
Iiik Christian!!, lint tho holy wnr U n
fact which tho oiioiiiIoh of tho Mo
hainmodaii world Hlmulil ho In mind.
ChrtHtlmiH In tho Ottoiunn empire who
nro not inrtlcpiit(;iK In tho dentlnlea
of their country nro not miffurliiK
from comllllnuH tiroiiRlit liy tho pres
ent Mnto of nffnlrH, and any stUto
uioiitH to tho contrary tiro a result of
lliltlHh) French nml ItunHlan Intrli;
uoh, tho piirpoHn of which Ir to direct
uKulnut Turkey tho pronauro of noil
trnl countrloH of lower Btandlnn la
tho Ottoman world."
WASHINGTON, Fob. 17. llornnrd
N, linker, a llnltlmoro atoaniHlilp
mnuiiKor, told tho aonnto commlttoo
ImiulrliiK Into chnrgcH of tufliionco
UKtiliiHt tho admlulBtiiitlpn ship bill
today that 80 per coat of tho Oorman
owned llnera laid up In Amorlcnu
portH woro unfitted for tho hojvIco
tho hill coiitomplntoH, and (hat In nil
linTconvormitloiiH with Seerotnry Mc
Aduo ho had ho far ou'ludud those
Hlilpa iih uiiiiviillalilo to tho govern
ment that tho possibility of tholr pur
eluiHo uuvor wiih dlscuBsed.
linker added ho wiih mitlsflod Mr.
MuAdno nciiuleHced In that vlow, Mr.
linker was tho only wltnonH heard to
day. Oeuci'lldnu lilu connection with tho
fDls NOT forced" japan seeking""
The "iiiitiilef.t title In nil I'uulmid"
mat he the gilt the ui of war will
hexlnw upon little Ileiny Ali'Xiinilei
Itemillllil I'lljjet, Mill nf Ihe jjll.VeHl of
the iiiletv fiirJn, Hit l'miner Olite Mnj
Oltte Mat in now the wife of Lout
Vntnr I'np'l. ynnnuer liruther nf the
.ManpiN nl' Anli'e.v, heir to the title
mid the wiM estnleH Hint (jo uilh il
The intiniiiiH has no mmi. lle'x now
fmhliiiur nt the fund. So in Olive
Miiv'm IiiihIiiiiii!. Hefiirn tint liylitiiit;
I'tnlx the piii'ty Ki'l' h,,n muy he tin
MiinpiiH of Anj.'lej'ey.
PI'KIXCl, Fell. 17. If
from preMimnlilv well informed
miii reei, hot h foreign nml rhinese, is
correct, Ihe mptnornniluui rceentlv
Kivcn hy the Jupatieso legation to the
iliphiiiiiitio repreoenlntive hero of tho
Tinted Sinter, Orent Hritnin, France
ami ItusMii re-pcctiiy the ileuinmU of
Hie Tokio coveinment on China, omit
ccitniii of the teiittireiurnts en initially
prehenti'il to Peking.
Tlico nexotiations, wliieli Iipkiiii
late in .lamuiry, had for (heir ohjeet
the ili'teniiinutioti of the future htntiiH
nf .Iiipmi'H lelntioiiK with t'lima nml
u ilciiiKioii reieetintf ccitniii quo-.
tioim repirdiii the futitio develop
ment nf the Chinese repiihlit'. They
virtually muko iliipmi Kiiuuliiiii of
Chinu'H dehtiny. Tlielr coiiim) lius
hcen (,'iia nled witli urent .ecreey.
1 lio rckui'' L'oteriuiU'iit did not
conceal its conceni over tho situn
t ion thus hroiiKht uliout, nml on Fell
rimr.v 0 Sun Pno-Chi, tho CliincMi
foreign Hecretary, in conference with
tho Japanese niiuiri'r nt Peking, re
ieetcd .lapan'ri pmpoMils nit the
ground Hint thov were iiicouipiitihlo
with Chiuu'a Mivvrciuly and eon
flicteil witli exihline trentics hetween
Chinn ami other foreign powers. The
.lapaneno minister then thked for mi
acceptance in piiuciplc, Rtatinp Hint
tho detailed negotiations could he
conduetcil Inter, hut the Peking gov-
eminent jetiirned the name nnstver as
to tho lirinciples involved.
Tho origiunl ilemuudH, according to
in formal ion from Pekiutr houreex,
tvero twenty-one in nunilier nml were
fur-rcuchiiiff hoth in Ihcir political
nml orimiual uspeetH.
shlppliiK bill, Mr. Ilukor snld ho mot
Socrotnry McAdoo whon tho lnttor
called a conforonco at business mon
poon nttor tho outbreak of tho war.
Ho said ho conferred with Mr. Mc
Adoo on tho shipping bill and ocean
freight rates and discussed tho avail
ability of ships Included In a list sub
mltted by a lloston ship ngont which
Included nono of those owned by tho
largo Gorman linos,
Whon offorts woro bolng made to
got Americans out of tho wnr zone,
linker said ho nskod Mr, Slckol of
tho Uamhurg-Amorlcnn lino to advlso
Mr. McAdoot Slckol refusod, ho said,
until nssurod thnt no proposition to
buy stenmorH of thnt lino was eon
tomplatod, Slckel said ho had orders
to entertain no such proposal,
Berlin Reports Nine Days' Battle In
Mazurian Lake District of East
Prussia Results jn Overwhelming
Victory fcr Germans Russian
Army at Southern End in Danger.
IIKUI.IN, Feb. 17, by wireless.
Fifty thousand prisoner besides
many cannon and machine. Rtins were
captured by the Germans when the
ItitHsInn tenth army was defeated In
the Mazurian I.nko district, Kast
I'ntFidn, nccordlng to n statement Is
sued at genernl headquarters hero to
day. The textof tho communica
tion follews:
"In n nlno days battle In tho Ma
zurian I.nko district thn Hussion
tenth army, consisting of at least 11,
Infantry nml several cavalry divi
sions not only was drlten out of
strongly entrenched positions cast of
the Mazurian I.nko plateau but was
forced back across tho frontier.
Still lleing I'tirMicil
I'ttcrly defeated nt almost every
point only tho remnants of tho army
managed to reach tho woods east of
Suwnlkl and Augustpwo, where, they
are being pursued. J The number of
Pllxanurs taken liusnot been ascer
tained but certainly exceeded GO. 000.
More than r.O cannon and CQ machine
guns, besides an unkmyvn quantity of
wnr material woro captured.
"Kmpcror William was present
during tho decisive flighting in tho
center of our line. The victory was
wan by toternn east 1'ruselnn troops
assisted by other troops who nro too
young for such work but proved tlielr
"Tho achievements of theso troops
under fonrful weather conditions,
marching by day and night, and fight
ing against such a stubborn enemy
nro beyond all pralco."
On KniithcnMcnt I'ront
Tho Uusslau army nt the other end
of tho eastern front nlso Is In dan
ger, according to tho correspond
opt of a Herlln newspaper, who states
that tho forco which penetrated IJu
kowlnn has been enveloped by Aus-trn-Hungarlan
A Kcnornl battlo Is believed to be
pending near Czcruowltz.
SAi.KM, Or., Feb. 17. Tho
Klnto highwny commission today
lequestoil tho iinmedinto resig
nutioii of Major II. L. llotvlliy as
htato highway engineer. In explaining-
tho reason for the re
quest Governor James Withy
comlio bnid that much needed
mad legislation U.bclmr held m
hy tho untipntliy which heeineil
to exist ngaiiibt Major llowlhy
"" on tho part of members of tho
nOUDKAUX. via I'm Is, Fell, 17.
Sarah Itcriiharilt, who is in u hospital
hero awaiting tho amputation of her
leg, necessitated by an injury to tho
knee, pontiiiucs to maintain her
strength nml spirits. Her cheerful
courage has won tho admiration of
nil her fiiends. In answer to one of
hundreds of inquiries regarding her
condition she telegrnphed that her leg
would ho amputated next Monday anil
after that sjio would he quite happy.
mkm wit T vvVHmmmmmBmfl' 'tftmmmWJlZi:
A jjP. W7 KL iHVHHHHHw A y 'kflbKSi
JHHBr ' 4 ?fLiJrZ" "SVC' .
Latest )ieture nf Itiehnrd Cmker, cx-liort of Tammy Hull, and hi-j
bride, who was lteulali llentnn KilmiiniUiiu. n direct ileocnndent of Chief
I Hue n.Ii.hei nf t!ii Cliernki.i, Indi:in
.. .. ........,fc .......... ............ ....... .... ...... ........ . . . . ....v
some mile, from Palm clinch. Fin. The pair have named tlicir winter home,
which lh n veritnlile inii-cnm of Iiidi:in-i-elieV the 'iW'psrimi.'innd.tlio pleas
ure they uppareiitly find in lung tnitnps together nver the glmle is ninjile
proo that ilisantt in nge is no oh
SAI.F.M, Or., Feb. 17. Although
the Oregon hoiiso of representatives,
hy holding night pessinn, limiting de
hate, slaughtering what woro pro
nounced unimportant hills in com
mittee, nud in withdrawing others had
succeeded nt noon todny in disposing
nf 420 nl the -lib hills introduced in
Hint body, more than fifty appropri
ation hills icmuiued to he introduced
this afternoon and apprehensions
were expressed hy lenders today thnt
with these to consider nud a number
of important senate hills, the legis
lutiire will have to work Saturday.
Adjournment is due Friday.
Members anxious to bring about an
adjournment within tho constitutional
limit began withdrawing hills and n
total of foity-cight had been with
drawn at noon today. One hundred
nud seven hud been indefinitely post
poned, 23 1 passed nml 31 failed. This
left fiS undisposed of, which, with tho
appropriation lulls yet to ho intro
duced, will menu more than 1011 houso
hills to bo considered, in addition to
tho senate hills in tho next three days.;
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Presi
dent Wilson declared today he be
lieved an erroneous impression had
grown up concerning tho food supply
in tho United States,
In a. letter to Mayor Mttchel of
N'ew Yoik, replying to a suggestion
that mi embargo ho placed hy tho
federal government on v'pmts of
wheal,'tho president wrote that in tho
near future the administration will
give out n statement showing the ex
act situation.
Tho president thanked Mayor
Mitehel for his. letter nud for tho ro
port of tho food committee, headed
by Gcnrgo W. Perkins, in which it
was suggested that the amount of
wheat in tho United Stales nt pres
ent us compared with the amount on
hand a year no, bo uuido public.
Mr.MrAJiiaDd. Croker
nntiuii. t iiLr,ii mi llinir ivtpiiu!vi etnti
- tacle In liappinens in mnrnage.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 17. Governor
Jnmcs Wilhycotnhe was reminded to
day that 100 years ago the treaty of
peace, which cuded tho last wnr be
tween the United States and Great
Hritnin, was signed nt Ghent. Among
telegrams received was ono from tho
Canadian peneo centenary nssocin
tion and another from the municipal
ity of Viotoria, It. C.
-sir iMiwara vwiiKor itesires, on
behnlf of tho executive committee,"
said tho message from tho pence as
sociation, "to convey to your excel
leney and tho people of Oregon an
expression of warmest esteem, to
gcther with tho hope Hint no dispute
win jiorcaiter arise between tho tint
ish and American peoples incapable
ot adjustment by friendly agree
ment." Tho other message said: "Victoria
embraces with pleasure tho opportun
ity nfforded of renewing expressions
of esteem and good will for tho pco-
plo of tho United States, especially
of tho states of the Pacific coast."
"Tho mnttcr is ono to which tho
ndministration hns, of course, from
tho first, given tho most thoughtful
and careful nttention." wrote tho
president. "Tho agricultural depart
ment is in possession of nil the facts.
About these facts somo very erron
eous impressions obtain, nml it is our
purposo in the iinmedinto future, to
roinovo theso misunderstandings by u
vory full and clear statement of all
tho facts. They will, I think, roas
sitro tho countrv,"
Mnyor Mitchel's letter has been re.
ferred to Secretary Houston and a
thorousli iuvestiirntion is now heiuti
made. It is understood to ho the
position of tho president that ho hai
no nuthoritv to deolnru mi omlmrpn
on tho exportation of foodstuffs,
even tliougii such u step were consid
ered wUo.
Measure as Put Through Hwse
Loses Support of Progressive Sen
ators and Democratic Iters
Plans to Concur .Wrecked IM
Finally Gets to Senate Calendar,-
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Admin
istration democrats jot another iwi
baek in their fight for President Wil
miu'h ship bill when they maidenly
learned today Hint the bill as it pass
ed the house last night will not com
mand tho support of Senator Ken
yon, Norn or La Fnllette, progrcH
sivu republicans, on whom they
counted, nor tho support of any of
the seven insurgents of their own
The plan to move to concur with
the !iouip amendments was wrecked
by the discovery Hint tho leaders
could not muster enough vote. Ad
ministration leaders mado no attempt
to conceal their embnrrn8inent and
planned to send the bill (o confer
ence with the hope of putting on some
amendments to command Support.
Tho bolting democrats were said to ho
favorable to nn amendment to mnko
the enterprise n temporary ono to end
with the European wnr.
After n series ot motions to send
the hill to a conference motions to
table, appeals ajjdjiitUec , maneuver,
in which the pcveti democratic 'in
surgents voted with tho republican
opposition, tho hill finally got into a
parliamentary position, where it went
to the senate calendar and can bo
called up again only on a motion for
its consideration. Tho situation put
the administration lenders into n
qiinndurv mid loft the whole situation
almost ns indefinite ns before.
N'EW YOIIK, Fob. 17. Agents of
tho Scnmlinavian-Americau lino to
dny announced that tho steamship
Oscar II, which sailed from this port
rebrunry 4 lor Cliristiauta and Cop
enhagen, had reached Kirkwall, in the
Orkney islands, just north of Scot
Inud, last Sunday. Fenrs had been
felt us to tho vessel's snfety.
The Oscar II is a Danish steaicor.
Local agents of tho line said today
that tho vessel hud not intended to
stop nt Kirkwall nud that they in
ferred she hud been seized nud held
there for examination us to her cargo.
Tho messngo received hero caino
from Captain Hemphcl and consisted
of four werds:
"Arrived nt Kirkwnll Sunday."
This is tho second time tho Oscar
II has been diverted from her course
into n British port.
"Tho messnge undoubtedly menus
that tho Oscar II has been taken into
Kiikwall by n Hritish war vessel,"
snid a representative of Hio'lino, On
tho previous occasion she was de
tained for u few days and ther.. re
I1KKLJ.V, Feb. 17, The Hu:4
army In Ilukowlna has been ye!r,
opod by tho Austrian and JlungarlaM
near lluono and Seroes, the Tsr- u
blutt says In a dispatch from HUtrRa,
Ono Austrian army pushing tk ,
Husslans from the south mow kjm
reached Storozhointz, while mMtkr1'
Austrian force having hi1vr4 -ward
from Marmaros rk&Iim Wtft
nlcz, now stands In th vletalty (
Czemowltz. The HmwUn army fcM
hulted IS mllH from tkai miut. tk
TageblHtt Is Inform!, kaviiig met Wk.'
0 i
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