Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    A'tiB FOUTl
rum.iMKi . Kvr.uv
?. HUN
(Uflro JvUlt Trlbuno Hulldliur, 25.27-50
earth Mr mrtotj tMcpiiono 76.
.Th6 Democratic Tlmw. Tho Medford
Mull, Tlie Mtdfnrd Tribune, Tim South
irn OiTgonlBii, The Ashlnnd Tribune.
One j'wr, by mnll..............m.5.00
One uMinlli, by mll..,....,.... .(0
,Fr month, delivered by currier In
Medford, rhoenU, Jacksonville
nml CVnthU J'nliit ... .CO
Ksturday only, by mull, per yenr. S.oo
wwVdy, nor ycnr.....-.. 1,60
A 'MENTION is allocl to the reumrkp printod olsowhoiv
Newspapers Need Not Be Truthful
of AY. W. Watson to tin Ashland Ooinnioivinl Huh
roiriuxliiny (lie not'osnily of local support for local L
pers as the surest way of developing tho community. Tho Ik
Official Tflhcr Of lite CUy of Medford.
Official Taper of Jackson County.
Knlerol ns seetmn.cinsB innticr at
Mtxlford, Oregon, Under Ihc net of March
I, 1SJD.
Sworn Circulation for 19H, SB38.
full leasc-d wtw Associated 1'ress dispatches.
Smoko Homc-Slndo Cignrs.
Governor Johnson, ,Mt. Pitt nnd La
VlsU are tho best.
Subscribers falling to receive
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
latton' Manager at 25011.
I'AIMS, Feb. 10. America's reply
to Germany's blockade notification
has brought forth n chorus of praise
from tho principal writers iu the
French press. Even Georges Clem
encenu who hitherto hns been dis
posed to criticise President Wilson
Bnys tho president hns spoken the
words the American expected in such
rt way thnt Germany has no altern
ative hut to bnck down.
Gabriel Hunotnux says iu tho Fig Fig
aeo: "The Atncricnn note to Germany is
an act of high historic initiative and
tho first htep toward the inevitable
participation of itcutrnls in the great
events which arc dividing the world.
President WiUon was obliged to pass
from discussion to action. What do
the measures mentioned in thu note
mean hut that American warships
will fall upon German submarines
attacking American ships in total dis
regard 'f America's sovereign rights J
Hither Germany can give in or she
own disregard Washington's note nnd
go on with her plan to foreo Knglnnd
to capitulate. President Wilson will
not recede from his position."
The proiwsal nihdc y fount von
IJemsloriT, the German ambassador
to the United States, that Germany
would withdraw its blockade order if
the import of food was permitted by
Knglnnd, arrived too late for com
ment, but tho newspapers cuplion the
Announcement "official German
shortromitig is plainly noted by a visitor, though unseen by
the community
The newspaper gives freely of its spaee for- community
upbuilding. hether the subject is municipal improve
ment or country development the newspaper is always to
the forefront. "Whether the subject is the exploitation of
the natural resources and the attraction of hoincseokors
and tourists bv special editions published frequentlv be
cause of lack of proper support, nt a loss to the publishers
or a campaign to secure a beet sugar factory or a lumber
mill or to secure the expenditure Af millions in the develop
ment of the valley by irrigation; whether it is for a city
beautiful campaign or a swat-the-fly campaign, the news
paper is always on deck, using it influenco and energy for
tlie common gootl.
The Medford newspapers sustain, with one exception,
the largest payroll in the city. They have championed
every movement for progress in the historv of the citv
since their establishment. They publish better newspapers
than are issued in any city of the si'e in the northwest, but
the quality must be determined by the support given them.
The size of the paper and its excellence depends entirely
upon the patronage received, poor patronage meaning a
small paper, enlargement following increased patronage
for newspapers are not eleeomosynary institutions, and to
be enduring must follow sound business principles. The
Mail Tribune would like to run an eight or ten or twelve
page paper daily it lias the facilities, but not the business
to justify it. When it has, it will gladly enlarge, as it has
enlarged in the past.
Both Medford newspaper are independent in the full
est sense of the word and hold to a high code of ethics.
Neither are allied directly or indirectly with corporate or
other interests. Editorially both express the personal con
victions of their editors and stand for the best interests of
the community as it is given them to see it. It is not sup
posed that everyone will agree with the policy of a news
paper. A paper that tried to please everyone would have
neither popular respect nor confidence. The most that
can be asked of an eilitor is that he hew to the line as he
sees it, and let the chips fall where they may.
Review some of the main campaigns the Mail Tribune
has made for a gravity water system, for street improve
ments, for the Crater Lake highway, for the federal de
velopment of Crater Lake, for the protection of fish in
Rogue river, for good roads and the Pacific highway, for
irrigation, lor a beet sugar lactory, for equitable freight
rates, for blight eradication and for a score of other pro
gressive policies. It does not always succeed, but it is
always striving for something for the community welfare
and a newspaper that docs this deserves hearty support
despite numerous shortcomings.
(Kioin tlio Cortland Speculator).
One- of tho bout Itllts out presented
to tho legislature of Oregon wan
tiled on Monday. It watt Introduced
by that groat orator ami grand Mates,
man, Senator Dan Kollnber, which
probably account for tho fnct that It
was do no to deatli by n vote that was
practically unanimous.
Notwithstanding that (Irnntl ave
nue's most eloquent orator Intro
duced the bill, It deserved a better
fate than Indefinite postponement.
Its purpose was to make uowspap-
Vrs toll tho truth. It will bo rendly
admitted that a bill with such r. nolilo
design should have hi".' n fair show
for passage and should not havo beun
humllenpp;; with a sponsor llkn Sen
ator Xcllahor.
Tho suggestion that nowspapors
should bo forced to toll tho truth
even If It requires legislative action
to do It la highly meritorious, it
proves that our legislators aro work
ing for bettor things- striving for
loftier Ideals. -What thing could bo
bolter, whut ideal loftier than truth,
and what more beautiful achieve
ment than Introducing tho handmaid
of vlrtuo to tho dally pressl
Thu opposition to this splendid bill
reflects little dnullt on those who
voted agalust It. Indeed, tho argu
ments were pitiably weak nnd un
convincing. One noble senator arose
and declared he was unalterably op
posed to tho measure bocauso In re
quiring tho newspapers to tell the
truth It Imposed a duty on them that
was Impossible of performance.
Another honorable gentleman urged
his colleagues to detent the bill, on
the ground that If tho newspapers
were compelled to tell tho truth they
would ccaitc to bo of any Intercut, and
would bo no more readable than a
court calendar. A third assorted
that since the stage had taken up life.)
problems aud the movies had aband-l
ouod Idealism for ro'djxni and tin
novelists wore devoting their tnlouts
to tho solution of tvory-day question,
and all worn using truth as a basis
for their productions, relaxation
from this deadly monotony Of verity
could bo found In tho noWfl and edi
torial columns of tho dallies alone.
"Let us," ho cried, In a tlno burst
of eloquence, "let us not chain tho
mentality, shackle tho minds, nnd on-
xlao tho Imaginations of our gvent
editors by forcing thorn to toll tho
truth, (loutloiuon, life Is sordid
enough without compelling our lull-
luut Journalists to Confluo thottiHolves
to Its Ignoble tealltles. Let us pro
fccrvo to the prens, our safeguard
against oppiesslon, our defender In
time of need, the pure palladium of
our holy liberties, tho people's pulpit,
prtdo, and prexorver. Its Immemorial
freedom from whatever would bind,
bend, or break It. This lufamoint bill
to hamper the newspapers by com-
Veiling thorn to toll tho truth on any
subject would bo a deadly blow nt tho
Ood.glveu i laht of free sn.Hoh."
Thu oration In defense of tho free-
dom of tho press was greoeted with a
ttnmendous huiM of applause. Sena
tor llutter then rasu to express his
profound displeasure of the measure
that was designed to force tho peo
ple's vindicator, the press, lo abandon
Us light -and graceful flights of fic
tion for tho cold, bald, uninteresting,
nnd unconvincing facts. And, any
way, ho declared with great earnest
ness and flnccrlty, even If tho splen
did body of senators, of which ho was
proud to be a member, thought In Its
wisdom that It was wise to pass this
bill, and compel tho editors to tell
tho truth, the law would bo Inopera
tive, "as It Is Impossible to make peo
ple moral and truthful by legisla
tion." And that Is bow tho bill to make
tho papers tell the truth was defeated.
Imminent, hostility lo neutrals limn it
does to tiny belligerent, The iieul
ruU at whom it is nlmeil mo there
I'oiv uiged h,v every ciuiMdornllui! of
sell tospeel it ltd nnfo to unite til
mice in romniKlruucoN too imiu"do
to ho ignored,
(MIICAUO, I'Vh. 10. -.Iniues M.
Darnell former pastor of a Kenosha,
Wis., ehureh and man of many ma
titmontnl advcntiiios, wan taken In
custody today on a elmrgo or having
violated tho Maun uhlto slave net.
Oat noil resigned ins Kenosha pastor
ate after atleniuin was called to his
'having a wife In Chicago, although
his parishioners believed ho was tho
husband of Miss Itulh Sopor, who
with her child lived at tho parson
Mrs. Doris Vaughn Darnell, tho
Chicago wife, recently was dlvoiced
from Darnell and yesterday n mar
riage Itcenso was Issued at Crown
Point, Intl., lo Dai noil and Miss
Tho Investigation which was made
after Darnell loft Kenosha revealed
another woman, Miss Kthel Spurgeon
of Avon, III., who also had been le
gal (led as Mrs. James M. IMruxll.
i. Y
1IKItl.IV, Kelt. Id. -Thu Cologne
(Inxotto, commenting today on the ill.
plomutle situation whlqh hits arisen
out of Oeimauy's declaration of a
mailuo war one, around ICuglandt
says that tho American note to (liunt
llrltalu contains a demand, tlio giant
lug of which would nt onco lend to
educe to small ptopoitlous all danger
of American shipping. If Ureal llrlt
alu abandoned (ho use of tho stars
and stilpos, few ships would curry
this banner Into the war rouo waters.
To recognUci a ship ns Aniorlcnn
would bo equivalent lo knowing her
as a limit i at
Tho Colgiio Volks 'olliing sn.xs
Uoriiiauy must wait patiently and
show thai I'obrunry IS will a day of
'bitter earnest
Every Method of Warfare
WASHINGTON'. "D.. C, Feb. 16.
Americans who havo been influenced
by tho Orient to tho extent of taking
their tea clear, without milk or sugar
Will bo astonished to learn that tho
Occident Is now bent on teaching tho
Chinese to uso rulllc with their decoc
tion of tea leaves and condensed
milk at that. An enterprising con
densed milk company Is pushing tho
campaign, and expects to be success
ful. This concern has already intro
duced condensed milk ico cream to
the Chinese and thoy like it so well
that many of tho restaurants keep It
always on hand, Practically no fresh
milk Is to bo had in China, although
the natives seem familiar hcough
with the virtues of both tho fresh and
the condensed article. Perhaps after
all tho Orientals havo taken their tea
clear because there was no milk to
put Iu It and not because they thought
the addition of milk ruined tho
Canned salmon is another western
etaplo that has made a decided Im
pression oil the far east, according to
a report entitled' "Canned Goods
Trado lu tho Far East," Special
Agents Series uN'o. 92, written by Com
mercial AKOnt J. Aloxis Shrlver and
published by tho Hureau of Foreign
and Domestic Commerce. The report'
contains many interesting facts about
the hamo life of tho Chinese,, Japan
ee, MrI'b, otc, and many valuablo
'piKliMttiMs for cannera whoaro con
aitlrlug the feasibility of selling
tfeods on, the ethersldo of tho Pacific.
Ceuiw way b? bad for 10 cents each
frwin tkrSdtH'riutedent of Documents,
Ctownmotit PriHllHC Office, Wush-
THE good work done to secure beet acreage is not lost,
even though a factory cannot bo secured this year.
The work of signing up acreage was begun too late to in
sure success, though there is no reason why the lactory
should not be secured another year.
It has been definitely decided that a sugar factory is
among tho urgent needs of the valley, and a. factory must
be had. With the necessary acreage signed up, if the Utah
sugar people will not establish one, some of the other sugar
makers can be induced to.
The acreagetsigncd up forms a neuclus upon which to
begin work at once for next year. The work of securing
signatures will begin at onco and every effort made to
secure the desired acreage. .
Everyone realizes now what a sugar factory moans for
tho vallc' and everyone is expected to co-operate in secur
ing the acreage. A full statement from the promoters and
the committee will shortly be issued and tlie project put
up to tho farmers in a businesslike manner.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 10. Mnnli
Grus day, marking- the end of the
reign of Hex, king of the carnival of
1015. was obborved here today with
elaborate festivities. Ilusincss phices
including the cotton exchunge, all
WASHINGTON", Feb. 10. Charge
by the Gennun-Aincricnn alliance and
tho German Historicnl society of To
ledo that Federal Jude John 31. Kil-
fits delivered nn unneutral speech rv
w. "'i ...... ,....,".; ," ;,,.,". ,
bunks and the postoffieo rcmnintd:"""-v '" l "
closed the greater part of thodMy.;"3i-r,;rjr:.i:,r,:
Traffic on several blocks of ('jinal "" "" i"-' ." --,
street was suspended during tin
morning except for tho Ilex p;radc,
and thu thoroughfaro was given over
10 merrymakers in fantastic, cos
tumes. The Murdi Gran celebration
will end tonight.
TIERLIN", Feb. lOi An official
statement reading as follow watt is
sued iu Ilcilin teday:
"Insomuch us it is to the interest
of Great liritpin that conflicts nrie
between Germany and neutral pow
ors, it is thought in German shipping
circles thnt English submarines, iu
order to bring about (his end, may
purposely sink ono or mord neutral
ships. It is known 'also in tho ship
ping circles that Great Hritniu Iwih
laid large quantities of mines aguiust
were referred todn" by President
Wilson to the department of justice.!
Officials pointed out; however, that
neither tho nresident nor tho depart
ment has the authority to ccnsiiro a
federal judge; that nowcr is rcscrvid
to congress. '
(From the ,'ew York World.)
ilie lull text ot the Uermnii iieerco
threatening the detraction of
commerce is more ol'fcn-ie to neut
rals than the Hyiiop-N that came by
wireless. It N n complaint against
neutrals as well as against Great
Ilritaiu. It accuses Great llritaiu of
violating international law. It no neutrals of making only theo
retical protests. Jlt finds In the at
titude of Great Iliitaiu and neutrals
.sufficient excuse for the adoption by
Germany of "every method of war
fare." One method in to ho the sink
ing of llritish ships carrying neutral!
passengers and c'rgoe. Another is
a notice that neutral ships may he
torpedoed accidentally.
With the disputes between Ih: bil
ligercnts over questions gf interna
tional law we have nothing to do at
present. If Gcnnpny U nblo lo es
tablish and maintain nn effective
blockade of the llritish coasts, that
measure also is not to bo questioned
by us. Hut it is our right and duty to
challenge n pretended blockade such
as is now contemplated, nnd it is even
more imperatively necessary, ns wo
value independence nnd honor, thnt
we resent promptly and with emph
asis even n snugest'ion of "every
method" assaults iion the lives and
property of American citizens engag
ed in lawful commerce.
If Germany is being strangled to
death economically, ns the Ilerlin de
cree asserts, it is the British fleet nnd
not the United States that is respon
sible. What little is left of Gennun
commerce proceeds under tho protec
tion not of German guns, hut of llrit
ish guns. Havin? abandoned the sen
except for an occasional raid iu the
fog or by submarines, its great navy
cooped up in tho Kiel canal, whv does
not Germany, instead of threatening
friendly neutrals, disDorso or sink the
enemy who is calling it so much dis
comfort? When it can have all the
sea-fighting it wants in its own wat
ers close to its own beleaguered
ports, to look for troublo across the
ocean can be rcgaidcd ns nothing less
than madness.
So fnr ns the uso of neutral flags
by llritish merchantmen is concerned
how long is it since tho adoption of
that device by German ships was
hailed all over the world n exceed
ingly clover? Has Berlin forgotten
thnt tho Eindcn, of whoso exploits it
bavc. done
is justly proud, u warship and not a
merchantman, gained it most not,
able success at Pciinug, where it ap
peared in di-giii-of Today it is no
torious that the Dro-ilcn nml KaiN
ruhe, hiding sniucwhcic iu the south
ern oceans, ate supplied from neutral
ports by eaptuicd ships manned by
German crews sailing under neutral
The neutral nations
notlumr in this war that they have
not had u right to do. It is true that
they have traded with Great ilritaiu
and France, whose ports are omh.
They have not traded with Russia, for
the excellent reason that Germany
and its ally, Turkey, have bottled it
up, just as Great Ilritaiu and Franco
have buttled up Germany mid Aus
trin. Russia is trying to break its
bond?, not by "every method of war
faro" against enemies mat neutrals
alike, but by hard hilling nt its foes
When Germany sinks or captures the
llritish navy it will find no lack of
neutral shipping iu its harbors.
There is complete nurecuicul among
neutral nations ns to the moaning and
the menace of the Iloilin dceiec. It
is a wanton denial of neutral rights.
It exhibits u deeper, at least n more
llOMC. Fob. Hi.- -It Is explained
soml'Offlclally Iu Vatican circles to
day that tho rcslifnatlon of llaron
d'Krp, the llolglau minister nccicdl.
td to tho Holy See, should not bo
Interpreted as evidence of a lack of
cordiality between tho church and
the HolKlau government. Mgr. Tac
cl, tho papal nuncio to Ilelglunv. Is
remaining at his posllo while Hoi
glum Is sending to Home to take tho
place of llaron d'Krp, M, Vaudohoiiv
el, n well-known statesman, who Is
persona grata to thu papclty.
llaron d'Krp Is advanced In years
and it Is felt that more could ho ac
complished In this post by a younger
Cot n Ill-rent box now.
I'oii'ro bilious' You have a throb
bing solvation lu your bead, a bad
tasto lu your mouth, your ycn burn,
vour sklu Is ollow, with dark rings
under vour ojos; oiir lips aro
parched. No wonder ou fol ugly,
mean and tll-teinporod. Your sys
tem is full of bile not properly pnssod
off, and what you need Is a cleaning
up Inutile. Don't continue being a
bilious nuisance to joursolf and thoito
who love )ou, and don't resort to
harsh ph)lcs that Irrltuto and Injure.
Itomombur that most disorders of
stomach, liver and bowels aro cured
by morning with gentle, thorough
Casrnrcts they work while joii
sleep. A Ifl-conl box from oiir
druggist will keep vour liver and
bowels clean; stomach sweet, and
vour head clear for months. Children
love to take Cnsrarots, because they
tasto good and never gripe or sicken.
yf Red Crown has .
JV lots of "pep" V,
u tu but burns clean.
ike Gasoline of Quality ".
ls refinery cuollnc every droo.
Jt the best gasoline the btandsrd
Oil Compsny can make. Dealers
, ConrANi
Wo want all peoplo who have chro
nlc stomach troublo or constipation,
no matter of how long standing, to
try ono doso of Mayr'a "Wonderful
Remedy ono doso will convlnco you,
Tills is tho medtclnp so many-of our
local peoplo havo been taking with
surprising results. The most thorough
system cleanser over sold. Moyr'B
Wonderful Komcdy In sold by load
ing druggists ovorywhoro with the
posltlvo understanding that your
money will bo refunded without ques
tion or qulbblo If ONJ; bottlo falls to
glvo you absolute satisfaction. Adv.
.Kl 71
II anJlffftiindnetiiniKtWrU 1
John A. Perl
I.ady Assistant
m h. iiAUTLirrr
Phonos .11, -17 and 17-Ji!
Amhtilnnco Service Deputy Coroner
One of the Greatest Companies of
Colored Talent In the World
Six Very Highly
Cultured Musicians
Each of them possess! a votco of
extraordinary quality
Admission 25, 35, 50c
N0TICE"Mastcr Key" Wednes
day afternoon and evcnlnrj and
Thursday afternoon,
Ilrlug Our Reliable
Jewelry Store
, .To yqur very door
Thoso who want tho
very latest and' host
Jowolry will find hero
tho real vol no at rca
' sonab)o prices, No
matter what your
wants may bo if
only a "Ring for
Ruby" Just drop us a
postal or phono and
sco how easy It Is to
havo Genuine Jowolry
at our prices delivered
promptly at your homo
by Parcel Post.
Phono 10,
Present The World's Greatest
Photo Melodrama
Sealed Orders
Six Re els of Film Perfect ion
A great story, tbld in a direct, vivid, forceful, yet"
sympathetic manner
It's Always a Big Show at the Page
Admission 5, 10, 15c ' i
German submarines." .