'J OTDFORT) MATL TltTlWR. MFJ)1701W OTtTCCION, TUESDAY, Fl3BT?rAT?Y 1fi, 'M ttoik fmim tSEA 10 i ITALY TEACHING 5. .GERMAN SOLDI ERS LISTENING TO MASS IN FOUNT i VAWTERS INSURANCE i PUBLIC UTILITY 1A PLAY LEADING ROLE TO : BILL IN INTEREST OF DISTRICT BILL IS m i Al-rr, E BLACK WORLD HOW I v, - t , " j,m WA PROBLEMS RAI TOMATOES NSURED PASSES KILLED IN SENATE W 9 S WAHIIINOTOJf, I). (, Feb, 1(1. -. Tim N'lilluiinl (lengriiphle, Miclely in n Htntcinent on Furnponn war geo ginpll.V, KII.VH l)f HlO llllldk hCII : "Tho Illaek hod in unique tttiionu the war theater. It in Hut IcaM logout. I'll ll' tll people f tlll VCh, Mill) .M'l, opciatioiiH Hieie iniiy icmiH in ii icrmnnonl leurgunmillon of Miuo. )CIIU llffllilM. llllll'-pimHCShillll lilt JiihI (jr-ivi'il In ulii'l tin ilcsIicH n' i'iii'Ii i' the two oupiic fiir lull poM. nrdon, mill I lu Ottoman anil tlu Muscovite have long fi owned at one another over Hip wiiIoih of HiIh in- lllllll M'll. An Oilcnlrtl Water Itmly ''Dnelnneil on the noilh by the fioulheiil comhI of ItiiHsin, on llie ciihI liv IIiixnIiiii CiuicMxiii, on Hie noiiIIi ami wo l y Tin key in Aiu ami Tur. Key in F.uropc, ami on the iioiHiwcnI hy lliilgmiu anil Hoiiiniiiiin, the llliiel, M'li Ih In rery iopeet an Oiiental water hoily, I'lijHicnlly, il In n lioiinilary between the cuM ami the west j in lealily the life which Htir jound it-is htrongly related to the fin I am an Mniiigly rnrcign to the wett. Ilcnee, Hieie U little gencinl inleiesl in (ho militaiy operations there anions Amciicniix. "The Jlluok, ('iikiiIiiii ami llaltit Sean are ahout the name tte, hut, of tlti'in all. the lllael; eu drains the country of gronte.t iinlural icoureos of tuoMt ndvniilngcniiH connections with the hading wmhl, ami liv far of the mot eoiimirieSnl iuiMirtanee. Fium fiiM to weil the I thick ea has H length f 7.fl mile; IN grouteM width of XIKII mile", ami it covers an area of 180,000 square milex, or i oiiniiteinhly greater limn the sum of the n r en n of the Auieiicau (heal I.nl.i'H, him a 1'imMiif line of'JOOO miles, nml a In rue part of its erntral bwfln reaches Hie cticmc depth of (1000 feel. Iliulu .Million Square .Miles "A million Mptiuc mile of land in Knrnpe ami Asia drain into the IHuck sea. The Danube, Dnieper, Dniester ami linn, of (Vutrnl Kiuoe; (he Don of eastern ltilHin; the Kuilmn nml Mimllor livetx of ('aueaxia; ami tin Tchuiuk, Kitil liuiak, Sakaria and oilier river of Asia Minor, carry enormous uduinos of water to it basin; it ricM ami falls according to the increase ami deoieao in the vol ume of its (rihiilnry water. Of tidal aetioii Hieie Ih little or none. "Chief among Hie port cities am Odessa, Sevastopol ami Ilatiim, in JtiiKMit; Trthirnml nml Siuope, in Asia Minor; Varun in Iliilgnria, and Kustciijo in Koiiinaiiia, Urea text "I nil the roiamereial polls is Odessa one of KiishIii'h most iinpoitaut cit ies for the shipment of ugriciiltiitnl produce. Hntuiu is a fnmoiis oil pott With the mouth of the Illaek sen, the llosphorus, corked hy the Turks llussin is in the peculiar position of having plenty of grain ami pleat v o pelioleum, nml of vet being tiuahle to take advantage of the high prices of fcied ly her allies for these coin modiiies. With Tmkev in 1'nrnpc tin ndvnulngos of Idissia's only warm water ports are, at lies!, ilouhtful. Only One Island "The sea is swepl by violent stnimo mill heavy fogs in winter, milking navigation in winter ami casly spiiug a mutter of some lumird. Then, on everv side, c.cc)t alonu; that strip l'lom thu Ciiiiieau peninsula to the Oaiiuhe, its shores are hlh and hold I'urllieimorc, theru is only one ilnml larpi enough for u medium-sired ship to tako relume behind on all the sen This is Serpent's Island, thlilv mile from Hie Dnuiihe, "Tlio Illaek sea is heller known lo the people of the west in fahle than in history, for the myth-laden Cim merian icion is upon its iioilliein Miores, and niauy if the early fliv einn heroes earned on their knight, errantry along its coiisIk, while Col nliin, wliero Jiihou mid hnitlier Anro iiiuilH HoiiKht the flolden Fleece, lies on itn oast hank." WAHHINdTON, 1). C, I'eli, 10 Tint toimito nn kIvcii lo tlio world by Amei lea, but Italy Is today tench liiK the rent of (ho world by example, how It Hliould be rulKcd nml bow ,11 fhuiild ho iireKcrvcd. Italian rnnncd tomatocH liiivn prnctlcnlly punlicd the Amerkiin produrt out of Hid KiikIMi market, ami buvu khIiiciI an enor uioim mnrket In tlio United Rtntoi, The Itallaim raUe n solid meaty to mato of (tun color and It In no packed In the vniiH that tlio conmitncr In not ubllwd to pay for a Inrno porcuiit iik of wnter, ('mined tomnlooH, however, nro put up principally for tlio export trade. The Itnllnim thcntNidvcH pre fur tlmlr toniutoes In (ho form of Hnuce, or paHtc, which Is nothing more nor Icm than bolled-dnwn tnnin to pulp, inliniK the Mklnn and icodn, as set forth In an luiervNtliit; manner In a report hy ('ommnnlnl AkciU J, Alexin Hhrlver ciitltlod, "Caniieil To mato InduMry In Italy," rerently l tilled by tho lliirenu of Foretell and DoniFNtln Commerce. Thin nance I put up In cniis nnd Ih used by tho ItnllaiiN In a Krent vnrlnty of dUhen, of which NinKlicttl U peihaini the iiinnt familiar to Americans. Arrordliik' to fairly accurato sin tlhtlcn the area planted In tomntoes In Italy U uliotit 22,000 acres, pro ducing nbout :isr.,000 toim. Thu ex ports to tho I'nlleil States amount to about 20.000,000 pound of canned tomato ami tomato Nance, nml somo X, 000, 000 poiiuilM of the produit ko to Kouth America. Tho total nluo of the tomnto exports from Italy Is well over f 0,000,000. The skin nml seeds Hint were for merly wasted are. now utilized, the fonner as stock feed ami thu latter as a source of oil. The crude oil Is suitable for soup uinkliiK nnd far lamps, and the refined oil Is said to bo edible. Commercial Agent Hhrlv- er's report. Special Agents Scries No, tn, may te obtained from the .Super intendent or Documents, Oowrnmont Printing Office, Washington, at S cents n-copy, ALKM, Or., Feb. 10. Tho homo, UALKSl, Feb. lO.-Aftar Ilia hoAM ifomlnv passed IL IJ. Hu. Uh, 2S8 ' '"! PhimI it lull providing fer tha nml 47'. The lint wm introduced E OrWI A SUED FOR MILLIONS I.OS NOflALF.K, Oil., Fob. 10.-Twcnty-fivo meinburti of the. Western Ciintalnupu cxcImuiki', mi orgununtion of produuo hiiyorrf of New York, ChU ciiko, I'itthhm'K nml nthcr casteni ma ik els, urn ilcfcnilautH in a iIiiiiiiirc suit on filo today in tlio United States fllHtiict com I for 11, 1UH,00. Jap nncHO cniitulotipo growers of tha liu perlal Vulley, Ciiliforuia, tepreHviileil liy (looi'Ke H. Cuniliiio, are phiiutifiV mid ul('K Hint Hiey were vIijIIkis of n trust combination Himilui' huIk wero filed recciitly in Cliicann, Now Voik nnd Pillshiti, , OF COPPER MINE IlOSF.m'lJO. Or., Feb. 10. II. A Dovens, n iiiiuiiiK man, expects lo be. gin oiienitions at tho mines fonncilj owned hy tho Oregon Cupper coin. pan,, at Dee eieek, in the Cow cicek can on, next inoutli. These mine have mini v hundred feet of tunnel nl ready bored to the nrc-hcnriug; lead. and the present owner will begin to ship ut once to the Kennet, Cnl., smelter. The mines hme been tied up tor u number of years by litigation Tlio lasM eailoail of ore was shipped li.v .1. r. Hanson, furenmn ot the mini when it closed, In settle a hill due him. mid he rccciwd $10 a ton lor the carload. This mine lies on the South ern Pacific line. The Itanfiehl mine not fur fiom Tiller, Or., on which .V-00,000 has been spent in dcxclop ment, has been sold to the eastern lumhennim, l)e Witt Van Ostrand. This mino is fui tv miles from the railroad, and while tho oic is of on- usiiul guide, successful woiking is nwuilinj,' transportation. , SPAIN TO JOIN IN by Vaw.er and contains an impor tant amendment to the fire insurance i bint of the blate. L'ndcr the present law n fire insurance company can in Milidatc n Mlicy if it is shown that thc insured was not the sole nnd con xluional owner, and the hill pasud to- .day makes this iinpoisible. II. II. i!88 was introduced by Jef fries and allows cities to commit oer?MAW PiELO M5C IN POLAND "municipal suicide." If. II. .J7fi vnq The nlsivo photograph shows n prlot snlug uuis ton coinpniiy of Oerman soldier In roIaniL TJie !glit of introduced by the committee on re group of soldiers llitenhig to the iiiinu after fighting for ninny hours Is witnessed very frequently, llie fighters, J- j vision of laws, nnd repeals an old though ioiiio times cry weary mid tired, arc nitwit iiiixluii for the priests to come. j statute refpiirinR n census to be Mnken of Hie inludjitnntq of the state Jfor military purpoc. ' Hesides n number of minor bills, the house consigned several iinsir tant measures to the legislative cem etery without debate. Kcproscntu i live Went worth's bill prntidin- for I the transfer of the factory inspection work from the labor commisiioncr'ft office to the industrial accident com mission onmo in with an unfavorable report from the committee on labor industries, nnd was indefinitely post poned without protest. The non-partisan judiciary bill, in troduced by Hundley, met with thn disapproval of the judiciary commit AMERICAN SHIPS ' " IN WAR ZONE NKW YOltlC. Feb. 10, Of tho steamships clearing from New York within tho last two weeks, mnrltlmo records show today Hint 27 mo duo to bo within tho wnr one declared by (lermnny around (treat llrltalu on and after February IS. the day set to establish tho one. Four ships of this fleet nro American owned nnd fly the Ameilcnn fine and the of the steamers carry passengers. Tlio four American ships are the Sunum, tho CuhIiIiib, (bo ICnnt.au nml I'lillndclpliln, a passenger carrying ship. Four other vessels, carrying pnss ongers nro tlio Adriatic, tho Norweg ian steamer llorgenstjord, tho dinar iter Ordunii (llrltlsh) and tho French liner N'lagnrn. Tho Philadelphia carried 20 pass engers, tho Ardlntlc (llrltlsh) 100 and the other three liners had fewer passengers aboard. TOBOGGANING AT CRATER LAKE WIFE MUST TELL OF HUBBY'S PURSE MADmi), via Paris, Feb. 1(1. Tin? Spanish government has adopted an it 1 1 it tide of cMrcmu rciorve icgardinp its position on Germanv's note mi unuueiuf its detcrminulion to include iho waters mound Great Hritaio in tlio war zone. Wiilo Spnfu will try to avoid notion which would givo npy belligerent mi exouse to accuse, it of dcpintiiig; from its attitude of ueiu trality it is iimlerstood that tho uov. onuuent will jpin the Failed States ir1 thu hitter pioposcs joint uieasiiies on thu pint of all iieutials, SPAIN'S APPEAL TO (Klamath Northwestern.) Tobogganing tit Cinter Iike is the rme spoit planned by a party of l welt e youn people of Fort Klamath who left the Wood riter valley town Thursday eveiiniK. nrenrdinc; to .1 S. Glover, who came down from Ft Klamath yesterday. When they lelt town, members of the party also planned to bold a dance in n build- in jr nt the rim of the scenic wonder mill possiuiy oilier Miris in aooiiiuu to tohoganin. The .mmiii' Moplc expcclcil to return .Monday. Those who made up the party nre .Mr. nml .Mrs. Chnrles .mnbnim, Mis Almn Horry, .Mis Alta llerry, Miss Kva White, Miss Kirkpatriek, Miss llarbohl, Miss Ida Ilicwer, Chiiek Zumbrum, Chnrles Hrewer, .lack Ilrewer, Mr. Iterrv and Mr. Murphy. SAN FKANCISCO. Feb. 1C A wlfo ought to telt whnt she knows about tlio amount of her husband's purse and tlio purso's whereabouts, according to n decision by Judge Krsklno Itoss of I.os Angeles In tho Fulled States circuit court of appeals hero Tho decision roverses mi or der of Judge lMwnrd '.. Ciishman ot Seattle, who discharged contempt pro. ceedlngs against Mrs, Daniel rubr al tin ot Seattle, November 3, 19KI. when she refuted to tell where $0000 of her IniBband's bankrupt estnto could be found. Piirhman had been sent to Jail for refusing to tell wliero the mono was und Judge Ciishman derided tho wlfo was not supposed to know anything about tho money. Now .Mrs. Fuihmnn must prove In court hor Inability, to produce the ?9000 or bo llnblo to punishment for contempt, nccoidlng to Judge Itoss' decision. I TO.PRISONFOR PLOTTING SAN ntANCISCO. Feb. 10 The United States circuit court of appeals bns affirmed the verdict of tho dis trict court of Washington In tho con viction of Kdwln F. Moycr, nnd Kmar Goldberg on a chnrgo of forming a conspiracy, with three others, to ob tain higher than tho market price from tho government for zinc sold to tho Hremerton Navy Yard. Tho two wero convicted In 1909 nnd sentenced November 30, 1913, to IS months Imprisonment. Meyer was a clerk at tho navy yard and Goldberg was Seattle manager' for tho Great Western Smelting & defining company of this city. ACTUAL EXCHANGE OF SB REPULSE ALBANIAN INVADERS POWERS WASHINGTON, Feb. 1(1. The United States, President Wilson said today, hiiH received no oonfinuntiun of reports Hint Spain hud nddiessed tho powois oi restoring order m Mexico, Tim president Nil cullerx uioro wiih no itiuicimi eliango lu the Mexican question, PAUIS, Fob. 10 A Nlsli dlnpatch to the Havns agency says: "Tho Albanian nil do is hnvo been routed nnd driven hark across tho Serbian frontier. Moro romploto In formation shows that tho Albanians wore led Into making tho raid by Austrian priests mid Mohammedan adversaries of Kssnd l'nslia, tho pro visional president by preaching u holy wnr. This movement Is being directed by Turkish and Gormnn ngonta." SOFIA'S ARISTOCRACY KILLED BY BOMB AMSTKHDAM, via London, Feb. 111. The nctiial exchange of wound ed Ilritish and German prisoners of war, who have been incapacitated for further use, began lotluy. Tho men weio weary, but cheerful, nt thu pros pect of returning to Kngland. Two incapacitated German offic er nnd ninety-two soldiers who have been prisoners of war sailed today for Holland, where they will bo ex changed for llntish wounded. OE WET ON TRIAL FR TREASON IH.OK.MFONTEIN, via London, Fob. 1C, Tho trial of General Christian De Wat nnd other leaders of tho South African rebellion against Great Britain who arc charged with high treason, began hero today. HF.IIL1N, Feb. It), Two members of Sofia's niistoerney mo reported to have been killed nnil ten others in- jiiiod when u bomb was exploded nt a masked hall at tended by represen tative of tlio most exclusive society of (ho llulgariaii capital. Advices received hero state that thoso killed wero tho Hon of a former minister of W'llt' llllll II ilnill.lil.ll. rtf III.. I1I.1. nni "" " """f"V, V. "I UV-VMl 'war minister, $1 00.000 FIRE LOSS OMAHA. Nob., ,Feb. 1C Flro early today destroyed four upper stories' of tho board ot tradu building, u city landmark, causing a loss ot $100,000. Tho flames originated in tho kitch en of tho Vnlverslty club on tho top floor. Tho Schlltz Hotel, adjoining thu board ot trado building, was threatened for tvwhlle. A IIKAIrilV, HAPPY WIFK Is tho greatest Inspiration u, man can liuvo and tho llfo of tho family, yet how many homes In this fair land nro blighted by tho III health or wlfo and mother! It may bo backaches, headaches, tho tortures of a displacement, or somo ailment peculiar to Iter sex which makes llfo n burden. Kvory womnn In this condition should roly upon Lydla l), Pinkhnm's Vogetablo Compound, mndo from roots and herbs, to lOKtarc, her to houlth and happiness, General Do Wet, tho leader of the rebellion, wns captured December 1 on n farm nt Waterhurg, llrltlsh llechuannland, whither ho had been pursued by a motor car brigade. Since that tlmo nearly all tho other commanders of tho Insurrectionary forces have been captured or surrendered. TO INVADE ROMANIA MILAN, via Paris, Feb. 10.-The Italian government, us the result ot reports that Austria was about to in vade Itumniiia, say tho Comoro delln Sera has nsked tho governments nt Vienna nnd Itorlin to give nsiir nnees Hint no attack will ho made on Itumnnia. tec and no member raised n voiecjtpn, 0f assessing mllmad mileaftc.' creation of public: utility districts, giving the rural communities the Mme rights that citio liow have for ftp em 'lug nnd owning their own publfo utilities, the senate defeated tho measure 17 lo 12. Tho proponents of tho tncacutro Me clnred it was one of tho most iniMr tnut nnd beneficial pieces of legW tion proposed nt this HOHuion. Tho bill wim drawn by thq Iiydro-e!ecriB commission. ' "" Among tho house bills passed by the pennte are: By Bowman, providing for tho pay ment of thn na!flries of ito orfiM monthly instead of pmrterly. Uy Jones, abolishing tho Ininkha game reservation. ? Uy Dnvey, giving eitien of 100 population tho rtmnl rigbtsj to wn public utilities ns nre now enjoyed by cities of HOOO population. w Eleven hills wero killed in the house today. Ohtcf among- f hose vrau the non-partisnn jtnliciarj bill, in troduced by ltcprcsetitntivo Handlcy 'nt the reque4t o tlio Oregon liar as sociation. Forbes' trading stamp bill was also killed. The houe parsed four bills, chief union;: them on xearrHnEiuer the sys- ngninst it being indefinitely postpon ed. Two WIN, II. II. .110, crenling the fourteenth judicial district, and II. II. 1108, creating the fourteenth nnd fif teenth judicial districts, went the same route. Forbes consented to the indefinite postponement of his bill," regulating the uc of trading stamps in view of the fact that there is another meas ure on the same subject jK'tiding. Stott made no objection wlien the house sounded the death knell on his bill, which provided that apartment houses should have n lien on bag gage. ONon'n bill amending the ex emption laws relating to homesteads wan killed, and po whs S. 1 1. 14!) re lating to the coiintruetion of bridges by counties. Tho S. P. Co, bridge across Coos Hay will bo 5400 feet long ot struc tural steel. The hill stipulates that tho tar commission shall estimate thn total valuation of tie railrr.rtd'truckH In the stale according to the same data now iiKd From these figures, they estimate what por ion refers to main lines and then assessing the branch lines-, side track nnd spnr track on a basis that shall not bo greater than .r)0 per cent of the main line valuation. How's This? W tiffrr Oo llwtilrtd DolUrt nrnrunl ts tnr rtM nf laturL Umi raiwnt I currU tx Hall I'aUrrU Cutr. I'. J. CIJK.Nr.V k CO toUia, O. Wf. li oo-lr!rl.,lnr known r, J. Ct.nrr for lb ! 16 (ncn, awl U.ltf lilni fttmr lunortiL hi all luiilnmi Iranuctlva anil fininrlallr al.lij In ratrr oat an oMIfattw mail lT lila- firm. Nat. bank op cnjmr.ncK. T.'lfJj, OMa. Ilall't Talarrlj rnro U likfa lnlrrnallr. aftlnr iHiril mut lb tlMl ami waru tarltr r Hi tjttta. T.illfuwItU aat tn. 1m ti rfiita -n lwllr. Kud t'f aH IHnHta. Taka 1U11' lamll rtUt Ut collptln. "" w I "Roll Your Own"-It's All The Fashion "Bull" Durham tobacco, fresh, delicious, satisfying, is the favorite smoke of ultra-smart America. Any afternoon in the fashionable metropolis, prominent business men, professional men and club men roll up in their motors to the popular Thes-Dansants, Hotels and Restaurants for a bit of light refreshment, a view of the dancing, and most enjoyable of all a fragrant, fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham Cigarette, fashioned by their own skill, to meet their individual requirements. GENUINE "Bull Durham TOBACCO "Bull" Durham is distinguished from all other tobac cos by a wonderful, delightful, unique, aroma that can instantly be recognized in the faintest trace of smoke. There is no other fragrance like it in all the world. "Bull" Durham hand made cigarettes are a source lasting satisfaction to millions of experienced smok Ak for. FMKE Package of uFpiT J' FREE An Illustrated Booklet, show ing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a pack age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U. S. on postal request. Address J'BuU" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY l of im mam I ilhVM liawnimu l'-'