Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I ,
r. .
Don't forgot (o hear Kov. Oeorgo
Schooner, tlio roso wizard, public li
brary, Fob. 22, 3.1. 2 4, 2f and 2G, at
8 n. ,ni. All Invited. Subject, "ltoscs
nndUoflo Growing."
Mrn. V, '. McUrlde, whllo ranking
cnntly Monday afternoon, spilled some
ot tho liqt sugar on lior right hand
causing n painful burn.
Miss Lenrson from San Francisco,
has arrived to trim for Dernnrd mil
linery. 2S1
Jt.,1., N'cal of this city ts spending
n few days in Portland nttondlng to
uUBlaora matters.
City pascuger Rcrvlco 15c. Coun
try trips In proportion. Plcrson &
FoBter. Phono S7S-L. tt
Ton tramps wero quartered In the
,dty jnll .Monday night, nil headed
north, tho Bprlng migration from the
.south being on.
Dr. J. J. Emmons has moved to
bis now sulto ot office rooms In the
second floor of tho M. F. & II. Co.'n
.Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Turner have
returned from Gold Hill after being
thore five days on account of the
doath ot their mother, Mrs. George
Heo Daro Wood noout that tiro In
surance policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno
"Wednesday night will bo tho rcgu-
Inr social night for the Pythian Sis
fcrs. Wlllard Scott of Oregon City, Ore
gon, la attending to business mat
ters in tho city for a few days.
Matinee, tho Page today.
V. E. Hanimcl of Eaglo Point was
a business visitor in tho city Monday
Sweet elder At Do Voe's.
Axel Lundgren of tho Dluc Lcdgo
district has returned to his homo
after spending a fow days in this city.
At tho regular meeting ot tho city
council tonight, consideration will bo
given to tho various lighting propo
cftions submitted to tho council.
Mrs. Leach, 32G North Dartlett, ex
pert corsctlerc.
Though it is early In the season
fishermen aro reporting fair catches
in Dear creek.
Charles It. Greer of Ashland Is
spending a fow days in the city at
tending to business matters.
Johnson's Cafo will bo ready to
servo its patrons in Its new quarters
in tho Holland Hotel building at noon
Wednesday. It will bo under tho
ramo management which has made
this homo-IlKo eating place so faraouB
on South Central, and the old popu
lar prices will remain In force. 2SG
Secley Hall will leavo Thursday on
a three day's visit to San Francisco
and other California points.
Tho Misses Nell Storm and Fay
Pankcy expect to leave the last of tho
week on a trip to Portland.
Matineo, tho Page today.
H. H, Croft ot Agato spent Monday
In Mcdford attending to business mat
ters. J. W. "Hanna has returned from a
short business trip to northern Cali
fornia points.
Any caso of piles relieved at once
and a permanent cure guaranteed or
no charge. Call 21 Genessco street
and see J. L. KIdd. Ladles may see
Mrs. KIdd. 285
An epidemic ot 'hog latin has hit
the school boys of tho city, much to
tho disgust of parents and teachers.
Tho bays talk in a peculiar jargon
which no one but themselves can
understand, and uso It whenever tho
mood prompts. A ban hag been put
upon tho practise in many homes and
sonio of tho schoolB,
Get yur butter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo'i.
L. Anderson of Trail Is upending a
fow days In the city attending to busi
ness matters.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
Tho Southern Pacific tax assess
ment tor tho year, according to tliu
records of tho treasurer's offlco 1h
971,243.30, 170,000 of this amount Is
appllod to tho land holdings ot tho
railroad, much of which Is now in
litigation in statu and .federal courts,
Got It at De Voo's. '
Mary K, Gardner lino been named
postmistress for the Sams Valley dis
trict by tho postal department at
Washington, D, C.
Tho buskpt ball teams of tho Jun
iors ,and Sonlor classes of the high
school aro playing a mutch gamo at
thejNatatorium this afternoon,
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes-
tonla.Caraero 8, hop, Oyer IbIs Thoa-
tor, '
Rain so earnestly desirod by tho
farjue rs of tho Yalley is predicted by
the weather bureau for within the
nt-t 2,4 hour's. Monday night a
ijrlnklo foil, .driven by a hfgh wind
.from the south which Is still blow
ing ciyor tiie. yalloy. According to
old, Miners t,1i(a is the wlndest season
,1m Jrs.
" CorjK, Utley, chropodlst, 407
Qapieit-Corey building, phono G57-R.
Howard Waters ot Ashland Bpent
Monday In Mcdford attending to busi
ness matters.
Miss Merle Scott of Kurokn, Cal., Is
visiting friends nnd relatives in thin
city for a fow days.
.T, O. Gcrklng, tho best all around
photographer In southern Orogon.
Always rollablc. Negatives mado any.
tvhero, time or place. Studio 228
tnln St. Phono 320-J.
T, Thompson of Jackoonvlllo spent
Monday In Mcdford bust
ncss matters.
Hal Stranton and wife of Ooaktand,
Oregon, aro visiting friends and rela
tives In this city for a few days.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent ot tho Southern Pacific, Is
spending tho day In Mcdford on rail
road business,
P. R. Schiller ot this city nttended
to business matters In Grants Pass
Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myrtle
S. Lockwood, (physicians and sur
geons) havo moved to their now sulto
of offices. Rooms 309, 310 and 311,
third floor, M. F. & II. Dldg.
Arthur M. Clear of this city, now a
student In tho law department at Co
lumbia University, Now York, it
spending a few weeks In Washing
ton, D. C, attending the sessions ol
congress. An article on tho doing
when tho shipping bill filibuster was
ut Its height appears In last Satur
day's issue of tho Portland Oregon
Ian. Grants Pass is manifesting much
Interest Is an assault case. Involving
Attorney R. G. Smith, former mayor
ot tho city, and At Dean, a street om.
ploye. During an argument Dean Is
alleged to havo struck Smith. Tho
caso has been hanging flro tho last
ten days.
Word was received Monday from
Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Drown, who are
traveling In tho south, that thoy
would return homo next Monday or
L. H. Griffiths or Seattlo left Mon
day night for his home after spending
two days In tho city attending to bus
iness matters.
Gamo Wardens Sandry and Mer
rill arrested D. L. .Miller, Richard
Miller and Howard Martin, against
whom they mado complaint before
tho justice of tho pcaco at Merlin
charging violation of the gamo law.
Tho wardens arrested the trio In Cow
Creek canyon nnd found In tho camp
one deer and 10 deer hides. Picas
ot guilty wcro entered and tho fines
wcro placed at 25 each. Grants
Pass Courier.
North Bend Harber: From tele
graphic advices of a privato nature.
It appears tho Oregon delegation has
decided to recommend Hugh Mc-
Laln, of Marshfleld, for postmaster,
to succeed Mr. Curtis. No action has
as yet been taken by congress, and
If tho filibusters keep up their work.
appointments of both North Bend
and Marshfleld may not bo con
firmed. .
Mrs. Frank Owen of Mcdford Is a
recent arrival at Hotel Benson, Port
land, Oregon.
Wo aro headquarters for real first
quality cut hair. Marlnello Hair
Shop, 407 Garnett-Corey building.
For better Insurance, sco Holmes,
the Insuranco Man.
Hearing of testimony In a caso of
alleged juvenilo depravity Is being
heard this afternoon at Ashland by
County Judge Tou VeJIo and Proba
tion Officer .Gay of this city. Tho
caso Is particularly sordid. Involving
Chester Galloway, ago 16 .years, and
a six year old girl. Calloway is said
by tho pollco to bo Incorrigible and
without homo or parental Influenco.
A. W, Walker has secured tho
agency for tho Brlscoo auto, and Is
exhibiting tho machlno In this city.
It sells for ?8S5, and Is un uttractlvo
looking car.
Tho annual Inspection of Company
7 will bo hold at tho-Natatorlum this
evening, tho inspecting offlcor being
Captain It. W. CoIIInB of Eugcno.
W. II. Breeso, mayor of Phoenix,
was a business visitor in tho city this
Mrs. Richard Jlland of Grants Pass,
with her children nro visiting friends
and rolatives In this city.
V '11J-.V.
The Winners' nnd Fruitgrowers'
league today ivsut'd tlw following
nruciit call lii iirvhurdlftK fur u cam
ptiign uignhist bliehtt ' "'
' Conditions Similar to tOM
Tho situation with Jegnrd to blight
in tlu valley is so nearly shnllur to
Hint in the early miring of HU:l (lint
we hnvc felt it incumbent upon us to
bring tho matter to the attention of
the orchunlist with a view of supple
meeting the warning of A. C. Allen,
district horticultural cotumi.vMmer
ami Dr. M. I. Henderson, cum y
pathologist and first t deputy inspec
tor. The year lUl'J had been a .sin
gularly light year in the work in blight
control, except in n few isoluted. eases
enough so, in fact, to lull many or
churdists into the secure feeling that
their places were elcnn of blight, ami
wo believe the direct result of this
was the terrible attack of 1013. Ev
ery present condition points to n
growing scasoirfor lllf that will re
semble HI in, i. c. rains during the
kV w-JHfHkHffiisaHlkkkkkkkH I
Kiy, ' kkkkkkkkkkkkkHl
'Cltn rSrnnttlAlm.vltll ' it flt). tnftinramnn(iil 1.1.1 li.Hiimni. mm.m
-.., v..v.........v....... ...u v..... .v...,. ...... v...-. iiiiu .uuu, UII1IIU
the sacrifice piny of his career recently when papers wero signed by Supremo
Court JustW John .1. Brady, In Now York, granting $20 a week ulttuony du
growing season, which make blight r 'g tho off nenson mid $10 a week during tho baseball season to Mrs. Helen
control most expensive and difficult,' t'hniiir Zlmmerumn, of No. l.IUW luten'nlo avenue, tho Bronx. Mrs. Klmtucr
if not impossible. The orchnrdisWi man fllwl paiMTj In a nult for separation n week ngo. Sho alleged her husband
then, has this alternative of saving was cruel and abusive and dtd not contribute to her mipport. In tho complaint
both montv ami ilant in the future by she asserted that he received $",'.'00 a year for his services as a ball player
at this, "d asked for $2i a month alimony and $500 counsel fee. Mrs. Zimmerman
HAhEM, Ore., Feb. 1(1 Influenced
by tho appeal of Hcerolary of Navy
Duulelu not to abolish tho Oregon
naval mllltla and by tho ntuiul taken
In favor of Its retention by the gover
nor and ndjutant general or Oregon
tho Imiuho today pnxsod a hill re-oi-ganUlug
but not alkillshlng that
brnurh of the national guard. Knrly
In the legislative session, a bill was
lutiudured to do away ulth tho naval
mllltla principally on tho Kroiiudii of
Kepreanitatlvo Wesley O. Smith,
author of tho subHtltuto passed today,
explained thnt tho inoasunii cnriloH
an appropriation of flfi.OOO repre
suiting n cut or JU000 and that It
nbollshea all tho admirals and rear
ndlmlrals and putn tho mllltla on a
sound ImHh. A nnvol staff, consist.
Ing of the adjutant geneinl and two
coinmlssloneil naval officers, taken
the place of tho naval lioaid.
SALEM, Ore., Feb, 1C In vjow of
tho danger from attacks by coyotes
during the prevaloncy of tho rabies
opldomlc in central and eastern Ore
gon, deputy gamo wardens will not
for tho time being onforco a provi
sion of the law, which requires that
aliens pay a llcenso feo ot $26 for
tho privilege of carrying flro arms.
Tills action was taken today at the re
quest of tho Lake County Wool Grow
ers' Association, which, In a tele
gram received by Qovornor James
WHhycombo, points out that nearly
all shooji herders are aliens, and that
"beside, tho need of their holp Jn ex
terminating the animals, firearms
aro absolutely necessary for tho pro
tectlon of the Uvea of tho horicrs,"
giving a vigorous inspection
time for "hold-over," bith below and
above ground, or waiting until blight
is upon us in the spring nnd spend
ing more money less effectively ami
suffering more damage to crop and
To KlenUmitc Blight
Should 11)15 be ns dry i growing
season ns 1DM, this work will have
been well done, for it will be, we be
lieve, entirely possible to absolutely
eliminate blight from this section bv
a systematic campnien curried on in
n season which is most unfavorable
to the spread of blight and following
one which has nlrvmlv been light.
We feel it it our duty to warn or
chiinlists that tho kind of security
which we, as a mass, nro now feclins
was responsible for tho enormous in
fection of JUKI, for the great losses
in California last year following n
number of seasons unfavorable to
bliuht spread, and in fact for prac
tically every wholesale infection in
any district at any time.
Watch Root Infections
Wft must remember that mnny root
eases infected in the fall of JUKI may
hnve not, nnd undoubtedly have not,
shown themselves as yet, lying prac
tically dormant, owing to tho extreme
drought of HIM.
Hnitifull,vith n high humidity dur
ing June, July nnd August nre prac
ticully bound to give a repetition of
the 1013 infection. It is of eourso a
notable fact that nuiny root infeo
tions, even under fnvoruble blight
conditions, do not show themselves
above ground for threo or four years.
Tho present county bhu'ht inspec
tion system, while economical and ef
ficient, if subscribed to by tho indi
vidual grower, has in it tho grent
danger that any economy nnd cur
tnilmcnt of force neccssarilv lias-
thnt is a relaxation of vigilant in
spection forced by a lnrgc number of
Kxamlno All Trees
Wo.Jliureforo urge that fr(lli pro
tection and economical operation of
our great industry, every ori'lmnlixt
who lins not already done so uiukc a
thorough -blight inspection within the
nuxt two weeks, not confining that
insH!etioii to top nnd body nlonc, hut
also to tho crowns or all or at least
nil doubtful trees.. This does not
mean to pass over "rio-cnllcd" im
mune vurietics. There aro none. Wo
liuvo a concrete example in tho case
of K. 8. Palmer, uho in the winter
inspection of 9KI in removing a few
root slickers from Newtown trees dis
covered a root infection and immedi
ately clcured tho roots of 200 appar
ently healthy infected trees, mid in
tho inspection discovered twenty-six
trees (or 10 per cent of his plant
ings) which hud to bo entirely re
moved, anil n number more which re
quired treatment. Not a single one
of these casus showed any infection ground. If this was truo of n
Variety like the Newtown, what may
wa expect n perfrs or.Spitzcnborgs,
Wo also urge upon the orchardists
tho fuct that money spent on this op
eration is un economy rather than ex
pense, being preventive rather than
curutjvo, Respectfully,
Canyon City 'Utah mining men
are horo to deyolop Canyon mountain
was allowed f'JOo for counsel fees and thu suit will bo discontinued, tho caso
being settled out of court.
Subpoenas were i-sucrf .Monday
and served by the sheriffs offico in
the grand jury investigation of moral
conditions ill the lodging houses of
this city, nndithis. morning a number
of landladies ami women emploves
Promoters of the proposed jitney
sen ice between Seattle mul Kim
Francisco, to handle the thousands of
fair visitors and tourists the owning
summer are watching tho steps of
me legislature at Salem oliisolv fur
journeyed to .'Jacksonville to give tcs-j fear discriminating action will he
timony. Among those culled nro re-1 tttkfii in the closing sOasioiiA of
cent arrival.-, who wuhin the lat two I solans, Tho Commercial Club will
weeks have opened lodging housos in write the Jackson ctiuiilv repicsenta
tho city in soi;id-.snry floors vnrunl lives lyt Keep tin eye iml, nnd the
for the last !i. months. Jt is .x- KofSeburg Cotnniereinl club will nmke
pected that tho investigation will take a similar pica to their ropra.u. alive
most of (ho day. j Much intei'iwt i being iaaiiil'oted
Jlondny afternoon W. R. Colemnn j locally in tlio holioinc, iiimiii the stuiuil
former county clerk, uppenrcd Jiuforn principle that it scatters inoiuv and
the grand jury and iqrbnlly and in x-op!u owr a wide area, nnd jtnes
writing requested the gr.tnd jury toltheni no opportunity to see the conn
make un inn&tigaion of the .121,0110 .try. There- i a well defiuvd idea that
shortage in tho accounts of ox-Shyr- the railroads proiMu to route a I arte
iff Wilbur Jones, innsfar us rumors (proportion of tlio fair visitors over
growing out nf it uffected iiiai CoIc-;tIie southern route., thereby boosting
man). The request wns made by, the southwest inMeud of (he north
t'olomnu in his own heliulf. Tim wct. The Miito line, wniietliiiiir new.
statutory limitations were waiwd by out in Ihu open, nnri n cheap as rail
I travel wouhl oflVut this, mid give tlio
Judge F. M. Calkins in his opening, Pfteitic Const Htmic of its just duo
instructions to tho jury warned tlirm
against returning un indictment for
from the world's fuir.
One of tho hnckci'H of the Maniiit
murder in tho first degree, inasmuch ji- I. ('. Sinilh of the t.jicuiiter linn
ns capital punishment had been uhol-jof the same name, who has large ha.
ished, and this was the only punish- hues holding- in Seal lie,
ment provided by law, hence a pleu
of guilty wouhl embarrass the law
with a techniealif'y. The warning Jim,
a direct benring upon the vime of
Loris Martin, tho Trail creek poacher,
accused of slaying Onmo Warden A
S. ilubbnrd last December.
Madam Wluturrolh, palmist, elulr
voyant ami trance medium.
Now located In our city Is creating
sensations by hor truo predictions.
Sho has engaged a patronage of tho
very host peoplo or our city. 8ho
reads you as ojion book, past, pres
ent and futtiro, and rets you ,on thu
right road to hnulth, wealth and hap
piness. All those In doubt don't fall
to sco this gifted woman as sho Jh
hero for a fow days only. Offlco
Hi South Central..
LOS ANGELES, Cal, Feb. 10..
Oovnrumcnt rate regulation linn done
bcneflclent service In brlugtng about
better business prnctlco and ethics
which tho railroad themselves could
not have accomplished on nreoiiui of
pressure of competition, declared
William Sproule. president of tho
Southern Pacific railroad, In nn ad
dress today before the Western Fruit
Jobbers Association.
Sproule said tho genernl public had
thu notion tho rnllronds ought to be
punished for ncta whloh wero not
legal crimes In tho earlier duya In
S hlcli thoy were committed, but mere-
ly rommon business prnctlees.
Out of ISS.OOO.OOO paid by tho ul
timate consumer for woittorn fruit,
only fao.UOO.uoo riuichoil tho pro
diicor, said JJ. Harold Pownll, inaua.
geroV thillforhla Fruit KXchango.
Trausiiortntloii charges and coil of
delivery look up tho athir 1 52,000,
000 he asserted.
SujHt "I WMi,AII NWioiis, Weak,
lliindo)n Women t'ouM llaio
Vlnol, II Hid' So Much foe Me."
HeaHsvHIe, Ohio "Vlnol him douo
so much for mo I wluli all nervoiin,
woiilt.rilii'down womoii could havo It,
I watt so ruii'ilowu. weak, ami ner
vous I eoutd not sloop nights, Ijvory
thing I ate hurl mo, ami tlio modlclno
I bad taken did mn no wood. I saw
Vlnol advci lined and decided to try
It. I hud not taken It long, hnfoio
I could oat iin thlitK I wanted with
out hurling me, ami I could sleep all
night. Now I am well and strung,
mul lu better health thnn I have been
ror yonrs. I Mover spent money, for
inudlaluo that did mo so muuh good
as that 1 spout for Vlnol.' .Mitt.
Anna MIIIIhoii, licnllsvlllo. Ohio.
If tho catuMoru, tlrod, oiomorkod
oiinn, the palo, sickly chlldrnn and
fceblp old folks around horn would
follow Mrs. .Million's (ommplo, they,
too, would sonii ii slile lo any that
Vlnol, our ilellnlnun cod liver and
Iron remedy, had built thorn up and
made llmm ttroun.
It I- tho combluisl action of tho
medhiunl curutlvo olouieulM of tho
cod'n liver without oil, nldtid by tho
hlood-makliig and stronKth-oientluK
liropertles of tonic Iron, Hint mnkM
Vlnol so sueceiMful In such casus.
.Mmltord Pharmacy, Mudfonl. Ore
gon, and nt all leading driit storos
everywhere dv.
Every Orap"' 4?m
Cut n can to.l.ty (ipm i,9r?flt'
your hrtwat or ' .'.'a U jV
crz,!'u'r' piyffis
(lold Hill gts n powder wnrohouso.
T. A. Uvosloy & Co. of Salem sold
ten tons loganberries to a Chicago
mall order house.
Rev. George Schooner of MiooKs,
Or,, the liiirhnuk of llio rose, the
greatest Amerioan authority on rosis,
will deliier a series of lectin os nt the
public library. The Icctunw nro un
der the mispicis of the Mcdford Rose
society, mid nro free to (ho public
They will begin at 8 o'clock Monday
evening, February 22, and coiitiuue
every evening (hat week hut .Sattir-loy.
Hiuoko Iloiiu'-Miuln rigai-N.
Governor .lohnnon, Mt. IMtt and I.a
281 Vista are tho best.
Urac Starvation
Causes Tuberculosis
Tlir Mnllt-Hl llrr.iril Hnl aiU)
at Drr.mhrr H, IP Mi, inulnltis nn
oniric 'mi "I lie I'rcKlMirnl of I'ul
nilMinrj' '-)ll,rrrilli..l, Mll.r.l till Ibr
..lllllilllM 'I'luil llii. Dlrlrll nn.r.
of I lir HlKru.r IS l.lmr Sinn nllnii,"
lix llr. I". IliiKsrll, Mini njl
Thr iiimllllon ililili I rri naiilm it
tin irrillnK ll,r n-IU. ilci'lii.niriil
(if ltilirrriiliir.U In llir silull nmr l
-iiiiilili-iril n iliir to lnnr lnrt liltnii.
iiiunu imirKniili iiriMliiir-
1 1 in.- nll inipriir li, in- uf ifi-lnl
ili lnlniflinl liiiiiirmu-c
lull If Ihr nl( lite , In iirKiiuli
i iiliililnnllilli l la illl.linll In niii,i,ai.
Hull tin ..-I la ami Ihriii
fur flr.lll,
Viiiii) of tvlili.siiri'h'l lino ((inllrni
UK III lliv Ifliof id it I In, sin .-rail of
Urkiiifin'ii Alter. tivr in inni-K of inil-
IIMillNrr''tllatn ((Otlrllllllttioil)
ami ifiretilc llifmi nim liroru-liUl
tl-'ltlliltw In lllln III Ihi-hh IllOUallril to
t i onionl of Hint- no , miiIiIih i wltli
ntiuir iiirr'Jliits as to iu i-.imiy no.
irnpi-lnlJ by llir rvla
lNMiitlM (lit. Iiuh timl iniirh to
tin wltli h rtmiilli iilitMlni-.l In i.inn
rimi'M of llira,, nn."-lloiiN v. ! It mi
-r I,, tiiiyn i: ,, Kihiti.tiiH
Alt' r.itut
Aa It l 'illt.lili n ,,i ,, a, Mn , it Ir s
or I'ati.t fi.iinim- ilni.(i. it Ik a.if.i
to r .,m ir i,.,.iaf u,ll .,i,i.,- t
fnr 'lt 1. 1 tun i-iiii ,il .lui'-l
i:Uniiiii l.uliorcitur, rhlliilrlililil.
'I: ;
U'UDXCIMMiV lll...Mi:t
Children nro often blamed for not
getting along with their lessons, when
tho real funk Is with their oos. al
though uiiHtisiHintml by cither parent
or teacher.
If children need glast It Is cruelly
not lo hnvo thorn; If thoy don't need
thorn tho fact should he Known.
A scientific examination will re
move nil doubt.
in: knows now
Sulto l.iMhcr Ootid's
.-' vTlVM?tw
"Ncarrjt to
L'vcr) thing"
Powell St., at OTorfcll
Sen f ranclKO
In the ftcnrt of tltrj KfH
tutu iiiuairi: uiMnci.
Viinntttt 4lrilttni
(.UK UliltllllAJ t.i CII
wntcr in every room. jpijH
uur commou. ourqi
lobl)y,fificscrvicc,uiid S I
uomciwc rcstatirtini
will allract yon,
European Plan rates
$1.50 up.
l'riee 1 nnd A'J n bollix
2. 1 AUnigrtKnl
l: i OirM.rW. .
frj K'"y
li 1 "Mel Aff at h.
UjMMMmmwm lwnl lnl ft J Lm.
X 7ELVET is like a well-
'V ?broke hostrrall
the kick taken out
on' all the spent; left
FOIt BALU Light wagon, one mare,
two seta double harness, two sets
jduglo harness, hand cultivator,
alnglo harrow, steel range, brood
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