Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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WittM MMt
Medford Mail Tribune
r '
WH10ILK I t . 1
rnrty-fnnrtli Yr.
Iixllv Nlnlli ymr
German Offensive on Eastern Front
Continues Successful Bukowlna
Evacuated hy Russians Gcrmnns
Occupy Polish Town of Plock Ar
tillery Duels Aloiifl Western Front.
LONDON', Feb. 10. -Tim general
ulTcnsiwi til' llio Teutonic iIIiM nloug
llio extended ciiHlfiit f I nut In contin
uing Kiic'iM'NHriiUy on both Hunks,
judging fmm icporU reaching Lon
don, lint without any visible fuiwunl
mow-incut i'ii tint ftont toward Wur
saw or In tliu Cnipathiuiis-.
Tin Ihirhnrest icport tluil tho Ant
trains liuvo n'oiHMipicil (Veinowitx,
tlu enpltnl of lluknwiun, Iiiih not been
received from uny oilier modi re, Imt
IVliojjrnd admit officially that the
Austrian still nro iidviineing in tin
kiiwiun in eniisidenible force nnil that
il(Hicniti. fighting mill kn llio opera
ImiiH in tliu passe of tho Carpnth
laiiH, wheio tin1 ItuNHiaiiH nn attain
in;; minor mimwo resulting m the
cupturu of mull ami munition of war.
Artillery rJigngeiueutH
In cast Prussia tho Russians- have
not et regained their fortified linen
(lid tho Ocrinuu nilvniice, while not
ilicrkril, serins to Itritish observer
to he pn oiling with less speed.
1'tit report ft out the western
front that the hoIo nrlivity consists in
nrlillery rngngrmrntH in which the
gun of the ullie have been success
fill in silencing ImtterioK northmst of
YproM ami destro.ung Oeiiiuiti
Ireiii'hoM at HoiuirniiiH.
In diplomat)) circles the replies of
(lorinany to note from neutral miw
er cnticeruiiig Germany's iwmi.-iI
marine war xotie nru uwnilcd with In
teret; (I rent llritnlnV reply eoneoni.
lug tjm iixo of neutral flag i given
M'onndnry importanee. Tim (lennan
pies is hinting that witUfactory as
"uriuirt'H hy (Irvat Itritain on the
ipiestinn of neutral flag would con
stitute the howl safeguard to Anion
ran t-liiipinvr.
"up t tiro 1'olMi Town
Oenimn ferces: have eaptnrod the
itnpottant Polish town of Pluck, the
lloilni war office, announced Indus
l'liick lies- on tlm Vistula noilhwcsl
of Warsaw, and tlm Russian pnshrd
their ailvaiioo far lioyoad it in their
movement nguinst tlm west Prussian
holder, which apparently Iiiih now
hoon ended. Not only Pluck, hut the
town of llielsk i suid to hau heen
lost hy the Russian. In east Piusslu
tlm lleilin eominnnieation Hlnto the
nilvanee of tlm (lennan forees eon
limit', the Russian having heen pur
sued aerosH the border.
Tlm Alhanian force whieli invaded
Soi Ida Iiiih Iiooii driven iiciosh the
border, say a Nih dispatch. The
laid in believed to have boon ineited
hv Molinmmi'dniiH preaching u Indy
LONDON, Feb. 111. The pn.phesy
that Italy would nmbili.u her ann,
within a fmtniulit wiih madi) heiu to
day by Kieuottl (laiibaldi, tlm Italian
puti int. iln Hiild that nnk'hrt the Ital
ian Kiivoiaiiifiit deelded to paitiei
pate in tho war thuro would be a inv
HOMH, Kob. 10. A toloRMin from
Iloiloltla, Arnhliii hh'h that tho Turk
lull uiithorltluH, nctlnit on tho ro
ipioHt of tho Aiuorlcnn nmbnueador at
CoiiHtnutlnoplo llonry MorKonthau,
linvo freotl tho I'ronch vlpo contuil,
who liiut boon tlotalnod at Buna, 100
inllos Inland from Iloiloltla. Tho vico
coiihuI wiih pormlttoit to roturn to
tho coiibI nnil wiiB taken away by tho
Kroncli arniorotl crulBor Duplolx,
Mr. MotKanthnii was nnHlHtoil by
thn Italian roprnHoatatlvo at lloiloliln,
iih tho Unltod BtatuM Iiiih no coiiHiilur
HKQilt ami In unable illieolly to
look after French lutoroatu,
Ambassador Gerard Reports Officials
Noncommittal Over American Note
Mentions No Conference With
Kaiser Newspapers Unfriendly in
Tone Unable to Ascertain Opinion
WASHINGTON, Feb. Kl.-AmbiiM-miliar
(forard at Ilerlin today leporl
ed on bin informul eoufeieiieoK with
tlm Ouriuau cdmneellor, Dr. von IJoth-iiiiiiin-IIolhvoL'
and other biuli dor
man offielnlM, niiien the deliwry of
tlm Amuneaii note warning (lonnanv
iiKiiiaRt Hiibmailnc attaokf. on Ameri
ca a vvmnuIh.
Tlm fimhfiMxndor made no meiitiou
of any conference with Kuiperor Wil
liam mid wiih tumble to determine the
trend of Herman official opinion. For
the iihihI part, thoo with whom he
conferred wore uoiicoinmittal unit re
Mined, which h not uiiiiHiial in ail
vaiioo of the framiii),' of a diplomatic
friendly lit'llnK Hliown.
Throughout the conferenee, how
ever, the amhahsailor reported to
luno observed a friendly feeling on
the part of the official in cuntriiht
to tlm mllier aiitnonitii' titteraiiccN
of the (ieimaii piChH. Tlm niulMMm
lain. OfficiaN heie continue to decline
to dinciiM the Mtuutioii to any extent
No niiMWcr will be made to Count
ItcnihtorffV note or .vcf-tcnlay until
a reply Iiiih boon received ft tun Ber
lin to ibc Amerieau note hcut tlmniKh
Auihu8ailor (lorard. llotb conimiui-
ieatlottH will be dealt with In another
note from tlm Tinted StatoH, it wits
understood, lakiiiif up- -further (he
plcliou of the war .own, ami epe
chilly the proposal of (lenaany to
htrew mincH in the new wnr nreiiK.
,Mlne-ji)liiK Quocllon
Hitherto the I'nilod StutcK Iiiih de
elated iln iuabilitv to iniike protcxlH
iiKnitiht tin ctrewin;; of tuition in the
Noith M-a hi contravention of intcr
tmtioual law, because tlm American
government wiih unable to leant
which bolliKoicnt wax rchpoiixiblu for
the act. The announcement of (lor
ninny' intention to utiew mines, es
pecially if they mo floating and not
auehoied, may jeopeii the entire
ipiestlon, it wiih said by some offic
ial. The whole situatmu resulting fiom
tlm dipliiinatie excliangcH with (heat
llritaiu an well iih (leniiany was
tiiken up by President Wilson today
with Scciotarv Hr.wiu and later at u
cabinet mooting.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10.-Tho Chicago
municipal tuberculosis sanitiirium,
teimcd by cxpertH the laigest, linest
and most compichensively ciuii)ied
in tliu world, wan dedicated today.
Accommodations for U.'iO persoitH will
bo icadv within a month, and event
ually U.'ifl bedri will bo installed.
Tho imtientH nro to dwell in cot
tngcH, Tho liiiildini" which ahmo
cost .f2,-ton,000, have been completed
after four years of work.
Katon bill for $20,000 for oamtoy
tnent buroniiB wan klllod.
NKW VOUK, Feb. 10. Ocorgo W.
Perkins, cbalrmnn of tho mayor'a
coniinltloo on food Bupply, tostlflotl
today boforo Moyor NUBsbuum, rof
oroo for tho state conducting un In
quiry Into tho Incroasod cost of wheat,
flour and bread, that tho committee
bad reason to bcllovo that tho ab
normal dooreaiio In tho visible sup
ply of wheat wus ciuiboiI by Kuro
poanBpoculatdrs"" buyliig" " Itf" largo
quantltloB and storing against a con
tinuation of tho war, Tho visible
Htipply showed n decreaBii ot moro
than a hair million bushels last wool;,
n against iv decrease of 160,000
President Advocates Rule to Stop
Obstructive Tactics, But Permit
Fair Debate House Limited to Six
Hours Senate Works on Appro
priation Measure.
WAKIIINOTON, Feb. 10. l'rcsi
dent Wilhon'rt fight for bin ship bill
wiih launched in the hoiwo today with
a special rule limiting debute to ix
hours. Democratic- leaders were sure
that holding their largo majority
firm, they would buvc a new mriiHiiru
healing the approval of the iidmiii
istratitm and probnbl" attractive to
some republican, ready for the sen
ate before the end of today's session.
Meanwhile the senate marked lime,
cmniulttecH showed "rent nctivitv oti
tho long-delajed appropriation liilln,
and the special committco appointed
to investigate nny "lobby" in con
nection with the ship bill held a pre
liminary organization meeting. '
President WiNon, after confer
.iiN.ii with lenders, came to no deter
mination on tho question of uti extrn
session ninl only sent oni worn m
..maU (Im flubl in llio fourteen days
which retiiiiiti to the sixty-third con-
KIX ' To Pre Flglit
President Wilson told callers today
bo favored n reasonable and n gen
eml cloture rule hi tho senate. lie
believe in n rule to stop ohstmothe
tactic-, but which would not out off
fair debate.
Discussing the shipping bill, the
president aid bo believed the major
ity of tho hfiinto wiih for it, uml that
..'iilnixi'ii nt the need of its nassauc
wan nctmmtilntlng. He told callcrn ho
did not expect the slapping mil "or
tho impropriation IhIIh to inn. "
therefore ho had not fimdly consid
ered calling an extra session.
Probing Idliy
Tlm sennto investigating committee
decided iih a start to summon two
witnesses, Siguiund Albert ot Jow
Yotk, represcntatiNO of Oenuan
American htcnmsbip eompanies, and
lionnir.1 S'. Maker of llaltimore, for
mer manager of tho Atlantic Tunis.
port line. The latter Iiiih neon men
tinned UK a shipping authority from
whom infonnntitm as to available
ships had been obtained by Secretary
MoAdoo and Hedfield. No decision
iih to when tlm bearing would begin
wan n-ached. Tho committee will
meet again tomoirow.
Senator Weekn asked to bo excused
from service on the. ship bill inquiry
committee. Senator Sutlietland. an
other republican, was apjuiinted in
his place.
(lug ltnlc ClmrgtMl
After a prollinlnary round of do
bate, In which tho republicans hurled
eluiruo Of "KOK TUlO Ultll tllO domo-
trntB Uofeiuled tho measure, tho upo-
clnl rule was finally adopted 180 to
139, ami tho house BOttted down to
hIx bourH of spoocb making which,
undor ordinary circumstances would
permit a final voto about S o'clock
Whllo tho boiiBO was dobntlng. tho
story ot how tho bovou democratic
hnltnm cot toitotlior with tllO ropullll-
tenns ami wrecked tho administra
tion's plonB two wooks uro, was Do
ing told In tho Bonato by. Senator
Clarke, who mado tho celobratod mo
tion to recommit tho bill.
(Continued on Last 1'ae.o)
bushola In tho samo wook ot last
year, ho said,
Mr. PorkliiB gave It us tho opinion
of his commlttoo that tho federal
rnvnrrminnt nhoilltl tloterilllnO llflW
much wheat llio farmers of tho United
Statos wore holding. Tho question
of Bpoculatlon, bo assorted, wus
broadly divided Into tbreo parts.
Mr, Porktns said tho commlttuo was
further of tho opinion that tho fed
eral government should announce Its
policy regarding a proposed embargo
on wheat and that tho legislature
should piiBH a luw explicitly stipulat
ing whut tho wolght of bread should
be. and piopor pnnnltleH for violations,
v m. r ii j liiiffi r I
I rKB (' tflr BT .ii. ft ill i
-Mis. It. C. .Sauflev, wife of Lieutenant Saufley, in the first woman to
circle the Statue of Liberty in a flying mnchiue. In the company of Law
rence It. Spcrry, Mn SauJlev manipulated n CurtisH flying boat equipped
with the famoiiH bperrv slabibrcrs.
navy yard, where her hu-b.iml is ut present stationed as a member of the
naval aeronautical force She soared over and dived under the three Kast
llivcr bridgoH, cut across Manhattan,
erty, flew n round the lower buy.
IIBHM.V, Feb. 16. Tho rccnll of
. . . I
Greek Minuter ranaa iroin itirKey is
not clearly understood in high politi
cal circles here. It Ih felt that tho
condition of Grccclan and Turkish
affairs In not such c to Jutttlfy tho
mlnlBtcr'n recall-nnJJio Inclination
Is to bcllovo that ho nuked to bo re
lieved when bo found bis personal
position difficult.
UOMB, Feb. 15. I'rlvato dls
patches received horo from Athens
say tho Impression prevnlls there that
Turkey will satisfy tho demands
mado upon her by Grocco following
tho alleged insult to an nttacbo of
tho Greek legation nt Constantinople.
It Is argued that Turkey can not af
ford at tho present tlmo to add Greece
to tho number of her enemies, parti
cularly In view of tho fact that she
knowB Greece Ib ready to enter at
bnco upon a campaign to redeem tho
lands Inhabited by Greece still under
Turkish control.
A dlspntch received In London jes
terday from Athena said tho Crook
minister at Constantinople bad loft
tho capital, leaving hla secretary of
legation In chnrgo, bccauBo ot tho In
sult offered n Greek attache Tito
porto had promised satlBfactlon but
wbb alow In carrying out its agree
IIOMIUY, India, Feb. Ill It
has been nnnouueed in Lahore
that Professor Albo of thut city
has invented iv ''phonosetipe," ""
" tho uso of which enabled tho to- ""
"" tally deaf to perceive pounds
" Hiieb ns bpeeeb and music, by
moans of tho eye.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Mr. Carter
II. llurrison, wife of Mayor Harrison,
today took iter hu&bnntVa place on the
stump and nddressed several meet
ings oT workers, urging them to vote
for her husband and nominate him
neM Tuesday as llio ilemooratio Can
dida to for mayor.
Mayor Uariison, beoauso of illness,
wiut iinublo to fill a number of his
engagements to speak uml Mi1. Huv
rihon voluntccu'd to tnko bis pbu'O,
She went aloft from the Hrooklyn
and circling the Statue of Lib
WOTTKIIDAM, via London, Feb.
111. The chamber of commerce h?io
has received it (oinmuuieation fron
the (Jcrmnn consul rcDrodiieins a noe
from Cbunccllor von llctlimnnu-Iloll-wcg,
in which he snys:
y, "Jn most ciu-es Oenmifl hubmnriiijH
will bo tillable to distinguish between
neutral vessels, when encountered in
the war zone. All merchant men
therefore run tliu risk of destnictioa.
In order to avoid losses it in urgent.'v
ncccsspry for neutral ship to keep
away from the war zone. Oennnuy
cannot longer regard tho British mer
chant licet us unarmed or entitled 10
warniii" before attack hecati'se mer
chantmen nre onioned with gnm and
a large reward lias been offered to
tliu firt merchantman which sink) a
Qenuau submarine.
"Oennnuy will pursue the war in
tlm manner announced until Orcnt
llritaiu acknowledges the rules of na
val warfare fixed bv tho Parts nnd
Loudon declarations or until the neu
tral powers force this acknowledg
ment from Knglnnd."
DKS MOINES, Iowa, Fob. 1C Of
ficials of seven railroads doing busi
ness In Iowa wero horo today to pre
sent Governor Clarke and the legis
lature n formal request for an ad
vance In passenger fares from two to
two and one-halt. cents a mile.
BKltXH, Switzeilnnd, via Paris,
Feb. 10. French aviators havo mado
several attacks on tho AUatian town
of Kichwald, across tho llbino from
N'oucnburg. Daily forn,s into Al
sace and Baden have been mado for
sumo time, but paiticulur efforts tiro
being directed against Kiehwnld on
account of the location tlioro of Ger
man fortifications of greater impor
tnitoc. i
S11JNGTQN, Feb. IC Ameri
can attaches of tho United States ept
bassy In Mexico City, lately attached
to tho Brazilian legation will leave
Mexico City. It nil other diplomatic
representatives depart.
Tho state department has Infrouicd
tho Brazilian minister, who has been
lu charge ot Anierlcan diplomatic in
terests that It presumes bo will bo
guldoa by Instructions from hla own
govornmont, with rospect to leaving
but asks him to advlso the Amorlcun
attachen that they may leave If others
do. All tho diplomatic representa
1ny warns
Two Bills for Half Mill Road Tax Be
ing Defeated in House, Third Will
be Presented Siskiyou Bill Up To
dayRogue River and Willamette
Fish Bills Killed bv Postponement.
SALKM, Or., Feb. 10. -That good
rpadg ndvoeatcH of Miirton and Jack
kiin pfiimtiPH arc determined to uet n
bill through tho present Oregon legis
lature, increasing the tax levy trom
Vito i. mill for building state's
roads, became known today when
Ileprescntnlive . I: Vuwter nn
iiootiecil iii the bouse tbnt he wan go
ing to introduce another bill levying
such n lax with provisions that would
mako it acceptable to the majority.
A bill introduced bv lleprcsyntntivo
Sam II. Brown, increasing flic levy
for state ronds was killed by the
bouse last night by 41 to 17, objec
tion being centered mninly against the
plnn for co-operation between state,
county nnd road districts. Oood
roads advocates weie hopeful of in
troducing n new bill that would be
gencrnllv ncceptable in its provisions
for co-operative work.
Representative Vawtcr Haul teday:
"I have prepared n bill amending
tho one-fourth millage tax and in
creasing it to one-half mill and pro
viding nn ndvisory commission of
three members to servo without pay.
This is my Inst stand. The hearing
will be before the wavs nnd means
committco tonight. The Siskiyou bill
will come up today and be definitely
disitosfd of. So many members arc
non-committal that 1 am -not sure of
llio outcome.."
The sentitfyMQndayppstponed
for one week the Rosruu river fishing
bill nnd Gill's bill closing the Willam
ette river for n short distance below
the fall's at Oregon City.
This is n polite wnv of killing the
lulls, ns the present session of the
legislature closes this week.
LONDON', Feb. 10. The prohibi
tion against foodstuffs designed foi
Gennnny will bo fonnally proclaimed
by Orcnt Britain cither tonight or to
morrow, nccording to present expec
tations, nnd the governments retali
atory measures against tho threat
ened Gennnn submarino "blockade"
will go into immediate effect.
BCrtLlN. via Amsterdam to Lon
don, Feb. 1C. Lieutenant Command
er von Muccko, commander of tho
detail from tho crtilsor Emden, which
landed at.Cocos Island, has been
awanled tho Iron cross, first class,
whllo every member of tho landing
party has recelvod tho Iron cross, sec
ond class.
NEW YORK. Fob. 10, Tho. trial
ot Harry K. Thaw, on an Indictment
charging him with conspiracy, was
bet today for March 1. It had been
ojr February 23
tives there hno asked their homo
governments for authority to abandon
tho legations if tho situation war
runts. Confirmatory dispatches telling ot
tho character of Guadalajara by Villa
forces and a steady movement toward
Mexico City wero received today,
Officials advices roprosont tho sit
uation In respect to tho dlplomatto
corps as growing worse. Newspapers
In Vera Cruz whero tho Carranza gov
ornmont has Its seat, are reported
publishing artlclos Intendod to com
pel tho corps to go to Vera Cruz or
leavo Moxlco,
Ilnln tonight ami tomorrow;
NO. 281
Bramwell States That lut 2100 Awes
of Land Signed Accepted, tut Witt
Hold Project Open fer Next Year
and Committees WIH Bein Wtric t
Secure Heeded Acreage. I
At a meeting of tho beet "sugar
committco at the Medford Hotel Mon
day afternoon, a special committee
composed of 7. II. Goro, J. A. Perry,
Ocorgo n. Carpenter, Dert Anderson,
C. E. Gates, John C. Mann and Joaa
H. Carkln wero appointed to ar
range details for the continuation ot
tho campaign for acreage for the fac
tory In this valley, and to secure from
the beet sugar Interests a definite
statement bb to what steps they woald
take toward tho having In operation
for tho 10 IC crop of a beet sugar
A letter from F. S. Bramwotl, ex
plaining the situation was read, and
Is as follews:
Ilnunvfcll's Letter
Portland. Ore., Feb. 13, 1015.
Mr. W. H. Gore,
Medford, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Gere:
I was tory much surprised and dis
appointed Indeed on yeatcrday, when
Mr. Storey stepped Into tho lobby of
tho hotel and presented a report ot
tho results of his work In Rogue river
aI immediately went over his list of
acreage and I find that be has a total
ot about 2100 acres; And when he
bolls this list down to where it
should be, he has but about 1S00
acres that are In condition to plant
to beets this year. The 600 out of
ike 2100 acres lie telRi, MB ,l,exeel-t
lent land, but very foul wltU wild
oats and other noxious weeds, and to
attempt to grow beets on land that
Is Improperly prepared, would be
ruinous to the enterprise, would tend
to dlscourago the farmer and' would
bo against us In getting the results
that should bo obtained. Thus ths
whole enterprlso would be so be
clouded that I am of the opinion that
It would bo useless to proceed any
further this year, unless wo can havo
better assurance that tho proper
acreage can bo had, which secms-t
this time, a physical Impossibility.
l'kin toe Xcxt Year
Wo aro expecting word from our
peoplo at any moment, authorizing
us to proceed. But since we are un
ablo to report tho signing up ot the
proper acrcago, ot course, thoy will
not consider It any further.
I am very much surprised. Mr.
Goro, at tho outcome of your cam
paign. I -know you havo workod
vory faithfully. I know that tho peo
plo generally, nro vory niiy!h en
thused. I know you need this en
terprise thoro, and I say, I am vory
much surprised at tho small acreage
that has been signed up.
At tho gamo time. I realize this,
that very much ot your best land is
already seoded Into other crops,- and
whllo It coutd not bo had for this
year, doubtless could bo had for next
and succeeding years, but as you will
readily see. It would be unwise and
unbusinesslike on our part to mako
an effort with such a small acreage an
1500 acres. In fact, as I havo said,
our peoplo would not consider It at
Now tho question coma to mo; la
It not better tor us to notify our p?
plo that we can not go ahead this
year, but aak thorn to renow tholr
agreements, and mako them applica
ble for next year, and It our omq-
(Continued on Last Faze.)
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 10, King Al
bert of Belgium made an atrial ree
onnuisaneo of tho German line lat
Saturday, ncccording to a reprt
reaching heie from the Belgium frtwt
Tito king occupied the obftarver's
fcent in a Belgian military biplane
and Mpeulr about une hour in th ir,
Several times be was under GmR.
fire, but ho returned yafely to a4-
FOR 1 91 6 BEGUN
- y
' O