pttgiu tftriw ' err MEDFOUD MVTU TUTntTNTC, MTOFOTW, OTfROON, WEDNESDAY, TTnmTATvY 10, 1015 ) Ul CELEBRATE LINCOLN I AY ASHLAND ARMORY AKIII.ANI), l-Vli, III. Tlm l.hieolii hirllnlnv itliiilvermiry oImciviiih'o nc-ciii-h n llm iiinimy I'niliiy iiifjht nl H (I'l'llH'll, lllllll'l' llll' IIIIIMI'IM III' lllO (I. A.. II., I lio puliHe belli" invited. .1. V. lllcliH Is eoiiiiiiniidei- of lm Inenl poid, wlilc Ii Im IIiiiiihIiIi. No. i:. Theio will Iii',iiiiihIi' by llm Antihunt IimihI iih ic niKiiiiircil; prayer, llv. Mr, Illnel, hIoik'j nolo, II. i. KiiHorj "'I'lii'MM of welenine, llev. J. H, Hinllh, niuuler milnt i of til post, uliii will iiicor pornti) lit 1 1 i - reinnrkn n liiiiuriiphieiil hketeh of (In? ureal I'liiniii'ipiilori uniitr, ('inter l.uko ipuulct; leelln tloiiH liy ltnm TIhiimmh iitnl Alherln Know Ion; hoiic, imi'ii'h (iuiili'l; ciiln'a (li'llylinix' ihIiIii'mh; uiiinIo by till) 11111 tl. Till' lllllill lldllll'KM Of till' evcniiu,' will do iu'ii liy Dr. ('iiriui hnti, I'letdi.vleiiiui pimtor. Tlio oh M'rvunee 1ll lie Mil eminently pillrl otto inn', mill will I'liiH'linli' uitli "Tim Slnr-Kpaiijilnl Humier," mint: l.V lti' itinlli'iH'i'. On SiunhiV, IV'liruiirv VI, lluiri' will Im n ri'liiiiim oliKurvnneo of lln iiiiiiiv't'r-iuv at tin" lliiptixt ehiireh in ,hii'li, in iiiMllioii In llie'enernl public, tlm Orund A nay, Ilellef Corp"! Sunn of Vi'tciniiK, ;;m mill RpauUli Vt'lciaiiM will pMiticipntc. Mm. Colts Mer of Mr. Wellborn lleeniii, in viKinffiil Ilia lionm of the miter. A daughter vvn liorn to Mr. uml Mr. Jiiine Pellelt I'liilay, February f. Iliilh inollii'r mill t'liilil mo iloinc iiii',tily. Tlio I'liti-rtalniarnl hv lit" I'nlifor. lilt, .luliili'o lnarU'l Tlinrliiv even ing wit well atli'iitli'il. Tlii ipmrlel ri'iiili'rcil u iiiiinlirr of excellent He- ll'IIIillllH. Ill'Mlll'M Milt lllllill IMIM MllllH mnl dttej, rending ami piano colon. Mr. I'n no has an except ionnl voice if .great Intitinli' nml hit part iia iM'ionatinir Kim soprano were- well icttiiril. Tn V)iioo realized -"i 1 II.Ctt an jn portion of tin unto recciplM. Tim money in to. bittlM-d In M'i'iiio new I100U for tin' NiHiooi library. Al a ini'etitijr of iiim'ipali4 mnl H'liool lioanl member at Medford on Siiliinlnv afli'rnoon, Talent wax nit It'i'lol t tin' logical nhieu for tin not Honllicni Oiegou field ami trunk inert to 1m held (lie latter part of Ap ril or llin firnt tif May. Many ic1iooIk aro r.xpnilt'il to ptirtieipntn nml dele mite will In Mleetvd for llm (date tai'i't lo Ik ht'lil later on, Tlio Talent llebeknh lodge has Mx niididnltw ti (initiate into tin l( Imknli ilrun", lVlinmrv '.', A Iar; i'iovil in expeeli'il to mil in tin work ami holp et awav with llm rofreMi inenti?, wliiuli will lio fercil initiinli nli'ly afli'r tlio immunity. Miw, K. K. l'ois Iiiih I'liarKn of tlm, ili'Kreo team ami mnler Imr uarofnl inamiKenmnt tin woik of tlm team in proreioiiiii: liieely. KtipitiinlemU'lit ri'ti''ioi pnltl tlio Daiiliini'llex weliool an official vinit on I-riilay. Mia. I). Iloiiu'liuliler, who Iiiih been on tTio xii'k lir moxt all winter, Ik at pie! nl in Mi'ilfonl for nmiliunl treat in'enl. Soil Kp(.'il Sloioy of Meilford ami liiM'pli lleeitian of (lobl Hill were in this neluhborhooil oKiitlay, looking the Imiil over for beet culture, lliliiiihnlhnni nml Nun is wen Meil foiil biiKim'HH viNitoiN on Satiinlay. The (lobl Hill M'lionl will leopen Momlay, the Hlh, alter beinj: 'lot.eil iiIiikihI thiec weeks on account of Miiallpox. .Weather proplml'n ferecast: Wann pleasant wealher for hnim ilays. MV.'nnil Mm. Coiimll of Tolu are at, pii;M'iit,tlm;ii(!(jlrt of .Mr. ami Mrn. Idiwrciicc, Dorolhy Cook of "(Inrilen Kow" is nlJKcnt IVom hcIiooI this week on lie count of HickimrK, t (Kiiiic'h Creek liusluos visitors to Oolil Hill: Mr, nml Mix. Low-is, Mih. l'Vnncll, Mr, Mason Miku Foley, Fivil Itrawii, Oi'oI'ko Manloii, Mrs.' lli;in bolhani, . lohn Dcliuo ami I''opltd Foster, j iTIio N'int rains were ipiitu beno lil'inl liiU'aiineis nml orcharilinen, na il will ii'iMin ;ooil crops ho coniini; Kcasoa, , ILLINOIS DEADLOCK IS STILL UNBROKEN 'si'lllNflFIKU). HI., Feb. 10.- Wlieii balloting for a hpeukar was litsiiineil this niorniiii; bv nienilmrs of the lower house of the legislature, all fijclioiiH scunmil as ilcteiiuinoil to hIiiiiiI llicic prouml hh at any limu Hiliee I lie Hicakershf) ilcmlloek bewail hix weeks ao. Tlieie was not the, ,.n. .1.1.... i,. ii,,.i ii, ,ii,,..ll.wil.. riOKIIIt'ni lllllll'llliwil llll IIIS1 irtv,i"V would bo broken, UMiirMK . KMBOKK ASHLAND OAY Al EXPOSITION SET FOR JUNE 24 ASIIhAN'D, Feb, 10, Humors have it thai ,tnim 'J I is to be AhIiIiiihI day at the Panama cxponilion, but Ihene Mloiii's hawt mil M't been officially coiil'linieil, The local piipen. pablisli llm report, but the mayor ami "ily council disavow miy knowledge of it, ami ecn the chief of police won't till, even ' be docs know. Perhaps Piohhach ami Lowe, iili coiiiiiilssioii eii, repieseiiHiiif this territory, now in Han Frnuemeo, have arbitrarily lixcil the date, ict;atdleM of llm Ore uon eoiniiiissioii, The fate, howocr, from this terminal will be . 18.51) in the main eliissilieitliiui for the rounds I up, ,'lll-ilny limit, with htopover ul pleasure. Other rates are ipiotcd on shorler limits, Ticl.cts are available hero I'cbruarv l.', Ike Williams has been ipilte busy Ibis week iiil!illinx several li'lephono" in this dihlnct. Mr, nml 'Mrs. .lohu Risly enter, laiiied tin, llccbe fauiilv at dinner n Saturday, tin event lieinir lb" birth' day numvcrary of Miss Jleebe nml Air. Sislv. 'flm Parciil-TcachciV club met aL the home of Mrs. Frank Thompkius Saturday nffcninoa, Tlm laixeiilbiii cous projtfniu aild I'li'liciotis icfiesb iiumiIh were cnjoed by ttver twenty nii'iuhcrs, Mi-x. (IbiHH, Thco (llatw ami family, ,lisi flhiHs nml family ami Miss A kew of Saiiix Valley ciijocd a lur kv, duiiicr at the home of Mr. A. I'. Dean Sunday. Messrs. (leotvo Fajniiin nml llcnr. Wiley weie uiichIh of flicmls SntUl ilay eveniiiK in this vicinity. The j-rmiK'c will meet Salunlny eveniiii; ul tlm choolliouse at the us niil hour. Sunday Mr. ami Mrs. Warner, .lolin Wylie of C. nihil Point nml W. 1). Clarke ami family of this vicinity wenj iliuuer glitN of o.lhn Sisly and wife. Professor Keiuier of Talent will she a pianiuc demoiiNlratiou at the Clarke brothers' orebaid Satiinlay at J o'clock. Saturday afternoon 0. S. Hlack ford' wan elected delegate, from this district to attend llio irrlaliou laeeU UK in Medfonl Mombiy. There wan u largo attiiulunce at tlm tc)iool house nml other matters of import mice were discussed as well as irriga tion. A party of ynunjj people surprised Arthur Hopkins at bis home Thurs day evening. Five hundred, daneinp ami iuiimk were the lcutiii fcutuics of the evening. The elmoting of ehickens, which hung on a hue With a oung lady's mime uttaelicil, wan the novel wav the young men secured partners for Mippcr. The Pa rent Tencher club will give a pound Mieinl at the Willow Springs hchoolboiihe February 18, al 7 10 p. in. Admission at door con Mots or a omi'isniml package wrap ped. Those under lfi years admitted fice. A good piograui nml auclion uerlug of pnekages will bo the enter tainment fot llm evening. Theru will he popcorn ami candy for Ralu. He xiiro and come and enjoy the evening, Gtt to Go Deep to Cure Rheumatism LinimenU Help Locally. But the DUease u Way Down Intide. To ett nf 111" inn coo of rlirumnllc pulim II riiiilr tlio ilcrp, loarrlilnit In, fluence tif H. a'H.. Hit) (rnnou blooU imr UUt. Illiriimntlm In I'rlinnrlly n bfom! illtraio lliut, uluco It In In till- vital Unlit ttiat rliciiumtlc tctuloiKlcn nm rurrlnl, imlk'm In tlm JoInU nml luimrlt'i, IIiito to trrltnlw tint lu'rvm ami iirtuliu-o pain. Ami In order to urlvn t ttni.o itu lu-IIIi-IIiik hiI.uii It rfinilrti K H. H. to .Ink ilcop Into llio tiny RlantW ImlioiMi'd In tlio Imiertuoat IImiioi. H. K. H. travi'U wlieroviT tlio lilootl Rrtcn ami novcr Ioipi It incillcloiil Iniliiriiro, TliU riplalnii why It ovtri-niur tlm moit rlironlc forma of rlmitmatlirii, why It illilwlsra tlioo hanl ili'pnalta thut tlilckra tlm Jolnta, fur It acta n u Holvrnt ami nulita tb blood to pro, vlilo In tlio tlnaiii'K tliono natural rli'iueuti tor which the tKiily-liiillilliiB procrH ion, initially crnvfa ami mini have. If you have novcr iim'iI H. 8. ft. for rhviiqinlUin, Kt tt hottlo tmlay of any i)ruKiilr. Vm It na illrrctcil uml with aoiuo almpln homo helps )oii will aoon (U'llirouo tho worat ami moat painful forma nf rlioianalUiu. Write tho infill cal oopartmrnt, Tlm Rwlft Hprrtlta (V, Oil Hwlft llhlif., Atlanta, (ta., for nihil iloual ntlvli'i'. Yoiira may l a raao vAoro n allisht holp from a apoclallst whoaii ailvlco la froo, will aulvo tho mya lory that linn hrrn niuklni; lift' mlxorulilo or you. Wlun )o nW fur ri. H. H. In tai upon It unU rcftuu nil anbatllulca. WILLOW SPRINGS tHP E Hojiortoit by .Inclmon County Ab trnct Co., Blxth nml IMr Bta. Circuit Win. II, Stewart vs. II. II, tfnuiiier iiiiiii, HitinuioiiH tiled, Medfonl Nalioiinl Mniilc vs. Oeorge II, Daggett el al., summons filed, Hiissell (Iraba'ni vh. It. W. Claney, answer filed, -John 8. MeK' vs. Delia M. Scheldt! e vir, stipulation filed ami auiemled miRwcr. .1. F, Prcnlimi vb. A. A. Miller, reply filed. I '111 I-!. U. Poller v. J. W. Sweeney, writ of atlachiiiciil. If. II. Corliss vh. Joint .Mayficlil, af fidavit ami fttiiuiumifl filed. Almce Cbiplcy Dunn v. Wilbur W. Dauii, suit for partiiioii. Kogue Kiver Co-operative Fruit Growers' association vc. fleo. II, Dag gelt et ul., unit (o imlablisli lien. I'rolmfo III tho mutter of tlm ('Male of Alice Lynn llurke, deceased, milieu of ap praisal filed. In the matter of the guardianship of Joseph Welch, incompetcnl, rejMirt of guardian tiled. Ileal I'.xtnlo Trnnsfcru M. (1. Woinael; et nl In Alonro I). Ilariell, land in Iwp. -10-IW. 3 A. l(.,Phipps to Warner, Wort man it (litre, inc., lot 10 blk. Il, Medfonl - . 10 l M, Wnrner ct tix to W. II. fliire, land in nee. 'JII-:I7-2W. 1.R01 J-P. Wltif ct nx l Sabrey ' Hooker, lot in Cainer & Sab LWV Add., W.mdville r.001 John I'. Malian et nl to F. A, Votk, right of way over Oram! View or .Malian road, in Ashlaml !"" John Crablree retunicd Thursday from a trip lo Cent nil Point. Mir.s May Wilson of l'roicct "pent several days of lat week viMting at l.'etl Hlr.nket ranch. Miss Mabel Hanson and Margery F.r-kinc spent Irom Friday to Sunday visiting Mr. Willits' family at Persist. Mr. Willils canto for tbem ami No brought tbem back. Lloyd Wilson and tVctor are tlrii week moving to Deiby. James Pexlou went to Mcdford Monday. Mr. uml Mrs. Kiucaid made a busi ness trip to Mcl.coil Monday. Violet Vaiifjhn has been (ptito siek again with la grippe. There was a party at NeNon Nye' Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Mniomfield of Medfonl. Frank May earned the mail heveral diivs for Wes Kelso. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cleansing and germicidal ot all anUsootlcs lit A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water a needed. Aa a modlclnnl nnllaoptlo for douches In troatlug catarrh, tntlamuiatlon or ulcoratlon ot noso, throat, and that crtuscd by fomlulno Ilia Ithas no equal. For ten ycam tho Lydla K Plnkhaui Medicine Co. ban rccommendod I'oxtlno In tholr prlvato correanoudenco with womon, wtilch proven tin aunerlorlty. Womon who have been cured aay It Is "worth Its welBht In gold." At druKRUts. COc. lartm box. or by mail. Tlio Pnxton Toilet Co., Ponton, Mima WHY? A word to tbOBO who aro coming back. Land for tho past six months Iin8 been banging nt rock bottom prices. A great deal ot liquidation has taken placo In this Unto. My bus iness alone In tho last halt of this year has nmounted to nearly 100,000 I htillnvo tho last four or flvo deals 1 hnov mado roproBont absolutely tho bottom. Land with rental value of It0 an aero will not long remain nt f 200 an aero. Thcro will bo no boom but land values will improve some, flood roads, Irrigation, saw-mill, box factory, cheap power, sugar boots, canning factory, good prices, satisfied cttstomors, perfect days. Hurry, boo Medford first and J. C. BARNES Room 201, First National Bank UldK. COURT HOUS NEW TRADES! TRADES! TRADES! $30,Q()0 Portland apartment building for stock rancluor orchard hero. ' v ,. $30,000 Ruslnesa block lloiso, Idaho, for stock ranch boro. $30,000 (ionerol mercantile stook In good town In Washington for real estate bote, $I7,R00 Riverside, Cal for atock ranch or orchard propprty boro. $,000 Oklubonm City for lacd boro, ' BENNETT INVESTMENT COMPANY Long on good points. Class? Well rather. Collars Tho leading men wear stores have Me Silver Collator can get them for you butlf you have the BllBbtintfxither, write us for a list of our dealer ticnrcat you, 610. P. IOC I CO., Uilwi, TROT. ft. T. ChMHIVUil) ADS. Ono cent per word per Imuo. Blx ItiKcrtlonR for prlw of flvo. -fr Fifty cnntH per lino per month 4 without chance. roil iii-:.vt- iiovKniciircriNa IIOO.MM I'OH Iti:.'T Ono Biille or hoiiimkcep lug rooniH at 21 UcncMiO utrect. 270 FOIt KKMIV-MOL'SI I'Olt HUNT Seven room bouao, with barn, chlrken Iiqiihc and largo gar den. K. 8 Illtzler, corner Oak and West Holly. 277 FOIt 11KNT- Furnlnlied IioiIko, f.03 W. Kef uml, phono a70-W. 277 I'Olt IlKNT Tbreo welt furnlnhod liliiiKaloWK, modern In overy re npect. . Iloom 2, Palm block, phono 330-lt. KOIl HUNT MIKCICM.ANROU8 POU 1o-"oiil?1ioier In lovvn of 1000. 40 rooum furnlHlied. Ad dreuM 0., caro Mall Tribune. I'Olt HKXT - nulldlng KiOxlCO or any part of II. Formerly oicupliil by Korlnuk Veterinary Itomedy Co. lllg Plneii Lumber Co. FOIl IrKNT CO acres, two miles from .Medfonl, largo modern bun galow furnished. 20 acres or chard, 40 acres pasture, free wood. Itont nominal. Hnap for man with team. Address P. O. box 223. Medfonl, 277 FOIt SALK MISCKIjLAAKOUS FOIt SALE -Hooking orders for Coldon and Silver Campinu eggs, also Ancuna. Phone 359-1,, H Cottage street. 2S0 I'OH SALE Three C'ntbrs brooders. used ono eur. O. E. Illacklngton, Cold Hill, Ore. 276 KOK SALE Laying hens, thorough bred Itoeks, KciIh and Auconas. Phono 891-11. 277 FOIt SALE Ono Carey flre-proot safe In first class condition. Can pay on Installments If desired. Dig Pines Lumber Co. FOIt SALE OH KENT Six room modern huiigalow, threa blocks from city park on Ivy St. Phono 475-L, owner. 27C FOIt SALE Cheap, team mules, har ness and wagon. For particulars call nl White's Ice Cream Faetory. FOIt SALE Double drawer Na tional cash register, good order, cheap for cash. M. and E. J. AdaniH, 32 N. Front St., phono 17S. 277 FOIt SALE C.uaraateed puro milk and croam. ruracltnn Dairy, phono 582-W. II. A. Lunt. . 270 FOIt SALE Sow nnd pigs, extra good; also bred gilts. 11. W. Dor liWori. Cenlrul Point, Ore. 270 FOIt SALE Oil THADE Two Incu bators, two seated rubber tired buggy. II. C. Stoltz, phono C21-II. 29C FOIt SALE Hhodo Island Ited eggs, COc per setting. Phono 407-M. 295 FOR SALE Upright pianos In good condition. J75.00. Music cabinet cheap. Ilrommcr Ilros., route 3. phono CS9-J2. 2S7 rm. i.m" ? von KXCUA.MllV EXCIIANOE Want to sell or buy anything? U C Rader, 114 N. Front St. Employment offlco and rentals. Phoro 125. Nuff Sod. MONT.Y TO IX).N MONEY TO LOAN -On close In ranches. C, A. McArthur, room 3, over post offico, Phono 3GS or 130-lt. 2S0 FOIl SALE Oil EXOIIANGK Roguo River Valley Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonization Tracts. Rest all-tbo-year-rouud climate on coast. Health Resort, Wonderful Modlcl uul Springs. Ilonver Realty Co., Ashland, Oregon. roit ha idt -nil os r;s FOIl SALE- -A thiee room plastered home, on a large lot, well located and on a paved stn'ot with all pav lug assessments tmld to dale!, flolise coiiipl"t"ly furnished. Total price, only $37".00, jirtynblc In monthly payments If desired v., s. Tumy, 210 (larnett-Corey Uldg. FOIt BALK Five room house and garage, lot 72x110, fine trees, Inwn, flowers and berries, all as sessments paid, $1800.00, easy terms. Oeo. W. Reeves, 1310 W. Main St. 298 TOR SALi: REAL KHTATB FOR SALE A len aero tract of good land all cleared and with a water right. Wdl lorated near Medfonl, flood four room houso on the placo. Total prlco only $1250 E. S. Tumy, 210 Oarnetl-Corey lildg FOIt SALE Five acres, proed. P. O. box 28',. well Itn 293 ZJS roit salr LnrrsnocK FOR SALE Four head good work horses, 1200 to 1 100 pounds, six and seven years; ono span rnnros, 1100 pounds, six years old. Nash Livery Rnrn. 281 FOIt 8ALE Foifr good cows. Phone 123. 280 FOR SALE Two brood sows, with 12 pigs, prlco $30. F. E. IJame burg. R. F. No. I, or two miles southeast of Medfonl. 280 FOR BALE 12 extra good fresh cows, 4 yearling heifers, also young calves, fine team of farm mares. Nash Livery Darn. 289 FOR SALE Urcd sows and gilts from prize winning Duroc Jersey herd, Jackson rounty fair; also boars old enough for service and weanlings. L. II. Houston, one mile west of Talent, phono 3-F12. 297 VA XTKI I MI.-SC171.LA XKO US WANTEI) Second lianrv7slldetype wrlter. Rex E., Ashland. Ore gon. 27r WANTED To hire a good team with out driver for work In orchard. Phono 7-FI. 2 S0 WANTED- To trade 25 acre dairy ranch In Payette valley Idaho, mile from town and railroad, new six room bungalow on placo for residence property In MedfOrd, or Ashlnnd, modern bungalow pre ferred. Address O. Weston, Now Plymouth, Idaho. 2S0 VANTED To lot contract for CO foot tunnel In irrigating well, con tractor to furnish all equipment. E. T. Foss, Talent, Oregon. HELP WANTED SIALK WANTED Carpenter to build a very small house, (live prices per day ami reference. Rex Carpenter, caro Mall Tribune. 270 WANTED First class cook for min ing camp, write full particulars Address O., care Mall Tribune IX)ST LOST Ono vearllnc horse colt, sor rol in color, white star In forehead, branded on right shoulder with bar diamond. C. Austin & Son. Wei len, Oro. 279 HOMESTEADS RIO INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 750,000 acres for settle ment: fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 2ftc with this ad to Venatclleo (Wash.) Dally World, Dept. T. for rellablo data about this region. IJUSINKS8 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Paying business, best location in town, good money mak er, small capital will handlo by rcsponslblo parties. For terms and further particulars call 7u4- ne tween 5 nnd 7 p. m. or write O. H. West, 513 "West 2nd St. 279 BUSINESS DIKKCIURT Auto SuppUc LAHER AUTO SPRINQ CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and beat equipped plaut" In the Pa clflo northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 2C North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorwy PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALBI Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National uanK. Diug, A. E. REAMES, LAWYER QaraeKr Corey bldg. Vm. M. Colvlg. George M. Robert COLVIU & ROHKRTS. LAWYERS Medford National Rank Dulldlng B. F. MULKEY & OEO. W. CnERR Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coua ty Bank Building. 4 NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law. room 7, Sparta butldtag. MeaV ford, Oregon. NEWTON W. ROR DEN Attorney at Law. 232 East Main street. v Deattsts nn. V. M. VAN SCOTOO DR. O. C. VAN BCOYOO Dentists flarnett-Corey BIdg., suite 111 Medford. Ore. pboue 856. Piildlo Auction TTv'ftrv RnfiiMln- nt 1t!10. POmof Main nnd Fir will boll on commission all kinds of stock, Implements and furniture. Wo ulso havo employment and tent al agency. Havo furnished and uh furnlBbod houses for rout. List your wants with us, WYNKOOP & COMPANV P, E. Wynkoop, Licensed Auctioneer Room '-", Palm Block Phono ilUu-lt IJUHINESS imttitTOUI Assnylmr. a ifri"! i i' m E. R, CROUCH Assaycr, chemist, metallurglrft, Custom Assay Of fice, Mall order business solicited. Prices, gold, $1.00; gold ami sli ver, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, sli ver and copper, $2.00, Mailing en velopes free on request. Refer ence, Josephine County Rank. Rooms 201-203 Hall UMg., Grants Pass, Oregon. 338 1VWNii ChJroprflctom NVAMavVAf DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. LonUe Hedges Machano-Theraptsls, Chiro practors, Spondylothor;lsts. These, systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-thoraphy, etc., produco results In both acutt and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Oror Deuel It Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours I a. m. to 5 p, m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapot batbs and scientific massage given; ncodlo spray, head and shouldot shower in connection; advice lo dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant Phone, office 543, residence 611-U. Employment Ageacjr We are here to help people gst re liable, competent help. Wn fur nish help In almost all lines ot business. We make a specialty ot competent men and wives fei ranches. We solicit your patron age. Bltlner's Real Estate and Employment Buresn, Rooms 8 and 7 Palm Building, Medford. Pboa 858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager, auccetser. Engineer and Contractor FRED N. CUMMINGS Ensjncor and contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg. Sprvcys, estimates. Irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Garbage GARBAGE Got your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons tot good service. Phone 274-L. F. Y. Allen. InutrHcUoa la Molc I1AIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401. flarnctt-Coroy Bldg. Fred Al ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Halght, voice. Tclephoae 53-W. Notary l'ohUc IISlEN "n. YOCKEY Notarif pub- nb. AJi.uft ;uur num v iuo h Wl slcn or the Mall Tribune. Pliyeslclaas ana oargeea DR. P. Q. OARLOW, DR. EVi MAINS CARLOW OsteoptthU physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 103C-L. Reeldeac 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopataH physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye ear, nose and throat. Eyea sclen Uflcally tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Mala St, Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. a. 'Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack aon County Bank bldg. Offlei phone 43-R; residence phone C8-R DRsl MARTIN C. BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palai block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Pbystclaa and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resi dence 724-J, Office houra 10 tc 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclai and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M, D. Practice limited to diseases ol women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M. F. & II. Bldg. Phones, residence, S1J-J2; office, 811. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic physician, practice limited to ob stotrics and diseases of women and children. Offices 3 and 4, St. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m. Phono 160. Res, tho Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12. Phono 160. Rest dence, the Dow Hospital, Central Point, Printers ana Publishers HBDFORD PRINTING CO. has thi best equipped printing office Is southern Oregon; hook binding loose leaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 2? NorU Kir Ut. Stenography nml Multlgnipli AVork MltS?M7E D W A R DS Wor It dono promptly at reasonable rates. Room 3, Palm block, phono 107. Hhoc Reimirlng SHOE REPAIRING First olasa sho. repairing, on modern electric machines while you wait. E, N. Biden, located In Kldd'a Sho Store, Phone 313J. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 jS'orth Front 8L Phout 316. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Typewriters ami Supplies, TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES Now Remington, Smith Premier and Monarch typewriting, adding nnd subtracting machines, rebuilt macblnos tor cash or easy pay ments. Machines for rent, ribbons and supplies of all kinds, simple re pairs froo of churgo, Roger 8, Bonnett, 10 Quince St., phoae &3S-U. NEWJLQDAl A half section In Canada, just a hair mile over tho North Daketajlhie, nnd within four miles ot a goed town, and nl is wheal land, and rahtM a crop each year. Tills property is offered In exchange for an Sne'efflaV ' property or general farm land in the valloy. A flno opportunity to get Into the wheal game. Also 1210 acres of whoat land la Washington to exchango for an or chard. Call for particulars. A good furnished house, well Id eated for rent. C. D. HOON Farm Home 120 acres six miles out. As nn old pioneer stales, the soil is os rich you can ralso babies on It. School ad joins premises. All fenced, good house, barn and well. Eighty acres in cultivation, 14 acres In young hearing orchard. About 20 acres In alfalfa. Woodlot pas' ure. Would mako an Ideal dairy and poultry ranch. Only two miles to storo and post office, This tract for $12,000 on good terms and a good iucomo from it to tho buyer nt once, tho orchard being cholco and In bearing. ROGUE RIVER LAND 10. Room 107 M. I & II. JSldg. Ppposlte Poet Offlco DAISY CREAMERY BUTTER At Your Grocers. Guaraateed Bf The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. Phone 481 32 So. Ottrl WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Alain Street Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photograph in Southern Oregon Negatives Madu any tinw eg place by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do the rait ' X. D. WISTOM. Prt. CLEAN UP SALE op WALL PAPER In order to close out our present stock of Wall Paper to propawfor tho now spring goods wo will givo BIG REDUCTIONS on all wall paper now oa band, eoia prising then latest styles. Tklsls, a grout opportunity to give you rooms a new dress. Remember we are the only patot and wall paper storo giving 8, ft H, Green Trading Stamps, J Waters' Pilot art Wall Piper Stert SleMIaMate I MRBtMwmM rn L'JI it M" 'ft