' ( i? i i ' 1 six MEDPORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MRDITORB. ORlSdON,, MONDAY. 1WUKPAUY H, lin LOSSES fcT GERMAN ARTILLERY BEARS BRUNTS FIGHTING UP TO FEB. t BRITISH i ONLY 104,000 LONDON Kcli. 8, 3.30 n. m. Premier Anauith, speaking In tho Iiouho of conimotiH said thnl Itrltlsli casualties In nil ranks In tho western arena or tho war, from tho begin ning .of JiOKtllltlcR to February 4th. amounted to approximately 104 000 liion. Thin Includes hilled, wounded niul missing, II. J. Tennnut, parliamentary sec rotary of tho war office, paid a warm tribute to tho territorial troops whoso value and efficiency, ho declared had been proved by recent events. Tho nrltlsh design of aeroplane, the sec retary contended, has been found nu perlor to that used by any other country. Introducing the army estimates Mr. Tcnnant said ho was debarred from dwelling upon tho slzo and tho distribution of the British forces. "Tho enemy desires more than any thing else to know the force wo may have. In tho future," tho speaker ex plained. Recruiting on tho wholo has been satisfactory; thcro Is no cause for discontent and still less for disquiet but wo do want moro men In this life and death struggle." tHBStet V& vT. && 1111 II IV V " '--V-s.sssss! IbbbbS' t H ftudEPaftRjB Mft EfKB&Ktlk bbibB bbbVIDbibPZibVb I j MMBLBBlBlBlBllBWk H BBHiBP- BB B&HJiiliKBBaaBBaaafllBBaBaaaaPQBll BlBiBKBWWtTW jmM i VfJttwJ BBgTtT: AftMFBB jTVJ j - "w AbBKbbbBbbw 1L it r M vPBBmi Maurice Costello Famous Moving Picture Actor, iayi "The grant thing about Tuxedo is tha fact that it gives full fragrance and flavor together with extreme mildness. I find Tuxedo not only the height of pipe enjoyment hut a distinct benefit because it gives just the, proper degreo of relaxation Tuxedo' h undoubtedly an exceptional tobacco." "As Popular As The Movies"-TUXEDO . :, ..W'r .!&. v je-iwn HEAVY AlillLLtKY AT LODZ fll The German heavy artillery at Lodx has borne the brunt of tho heavy fighting for tho last few weeks. The well equipped and disciplined men have done valiant work In behalf of the Kaiser's causo In the fierce war which still rages. MISS CLARK IN MAIDEN DEBATE SALEM, Ore, Fob. S. Senator Kathryn Clarke, tho first women to be elected to tho Oregon senate, in her Initial participation in debato today, charged certain members ot the reso lutions committee with not acting in god faith and in turn was accused of nMIni nrhllrflrtlr. Tlin flAlinffn nrntn over her resolution to submit to tho I iifnnlo n constitutional nmpnilmrntl giving to tho governor power to re move sheriffs and district attorneys from office. After an hour ot de bate, tho eenato voted IT to 11, to postpone indefinitely action on tho resolution. JACKSONVILLE HEMS ZAPATA CLOSES IN . ON MEXICO CITY WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Zapatis ta forces aro gradually closing In on Mexico City again, today's oflfclal dispatches roport, and tho aprchen-slon-Is dally growing moro acute over conditions generally. Practically all tho foreign diplo matic representatives thcro havo asked their homo governments for instructions as to what they should do in certain contingencies, and are hop ing to bo permitted to use their dis cretion as to abandoning their legations. AUTO DRIVER DIES IMPALED ON FENCE l.OS ANGBLES, Cnl., Feb. 8. Jack Calaghan, the jouug racing driv er Injured In a motor car raco at Ascot Park, died today. Ho was im paled upon a fence post, which rent his left side, exposing tho lung. Sev- erals of his ribs wero fractured. uiiBi ciouus raised by tho racers 'blinded Callughan during tho 12th mllo of tho contest, and ho ran his machlno, which was then In third lilaco, Into tho fence. Victor Wells, his mechanician, was uuhurt. Callaghan was 25 years old and camo from Kalmuzoo, Mich. Mnj.fJ. Wells re' timed from Corvnllit Sunday nfter Inking n short course in domestic science nt the Or egon Agricultural college. Mrs. Charles Print was n Medford visitor one dny this week. Mrs. Maude Kubli wits in from Ap plegnto several days this week. Tho residents of Jacksonville were grieved to hear of the death of Judge E. U. WnUou of Portlnnd. Judgo Watson wns n frequent visitor here, betne n son-in-law of Mrs. E. J. Ktt- Di 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fiek spent Sat urday nnd bundny nt Ashland visit ing relatives nnd friend. Mrs. 0. W. Dunford hns returned from Ashland, where she wax called by the serioiw illness of her sister, Mrs. J. Boyd. Wilbur Cameron of Applcgate was trading with our merchants the first of the week. T- X. Hums nnd Gconre Hyde left for Iltmcom Friday, where they will look nfter biisinc-s mutter. ' Mrs. It. H. Dow of Medford spent the dny with her mother Thursday.. Mis. If. h. Golden was hostess to tho Friday Afternoon club "at their Inst mooting. Mrs. Hlninc Khun nnd Mrs. Mnjor Wilson attended from Medford. Wither ICcntncr nrrived home from Eugene ono dn Inst week nnd ex pects to take up ranching near Phoe nix this spring. County Clerk 0. A. Gardner was called to Klamath Falls one day lait week by the illness of his father, who suffered u paralytic stroke. Miss Agnes Broad, a nurso of the Sacred Heart ho-pilul, spent the day nt home Tuesday. .Mrs. IS. AL Collin- asi-tcd .Mrs. U. S. Collins of Medford nt mi "aft ernoon" given by her Wednesday. ENGLISH COMMENT ON LUSITANIA SHY LONDON, Fob. S. News of tho ar rival at Liverpool under tho Ameri can flag ot tho Cunnrd steamer Lust tanla Is given much spaco In tho Eng lish papers today. Tho information was received too Into to permit of much editorial comment as ct. but enough has been printed to show that tho Incident Is regarded as ono ot great Importance. It Is not generally expected, however that tho Ilrltlsh gotcrnment will tnko tdrthcr action unless Washington requests an ex planation. BZUttlA LINE AMSTERDAM, via London, Fob. S, 5: IS p. m. A telegram received hero from Uerlln says thnt Emperor William yesterday inspected the Ger man troops who arc fighting In tho Zrura-Rawka river district. ill NEVER RATIFIED LONDON, Feb. 8, 4:1'.! p. 111. The declaration of Loudon has not been nitified; it is not, therefore, of the saint! authority us n universally rati fied code of law, Neil Primrose, par liamentary under secretary for the foreign office, today told Admiral Chnrles Hercsford in the house of commons, in replv to a question. Mr. Primrose ndded thnt subject to certain modifications tho llritish gov eminent wns prepared to ndopt the declaration of London during the present period of hostilities, but in view of the recent" German ttnuoimoe- meut of an intention to disregard the laws nnd customs of the sea, n fur ther modification of the llritish prac tice might be necessitated. Trade commission, bill was defeat ed in the senate. Tuxedo answers every smoke desire every little palate craving, every longing for the one Perfect Pipe and Cigarette tobacco. No matter when or how you smoke Tuxedo it sends right into your heart u glimmer of Gladsome Sunshine: And you can just about hear the honeybees buzz in the fur-off gardens. EH JHIMiUM w&m BiJIsFiHHPl Tht Aritct Tbfecc for Pit mnJ Ct'gftt Sinps into your system a soncr of keen delight. It spreads real happiness and cheer because it's smokable, lovable, all day, all night no matter how the weather fits. Tuxedo's flavor is so en ticingly mild and delicately fragrant it will not irritate the mo3tscnsitivcthroat. Simply the choicest mild leaves of grand old Kentucky Burlcy ripe, rich, fragrant and mellow made into delicious tobacco that smokes ns smooth as cream. That's Tuxedo. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE ConvnInt, gUiiln "J" wrapped, motttur proof pouch ;5c In Tin Humtioti 40c and 80c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Famous Crn Tin with I old UtUrtng, curvad to fit pokat In Clou Hum! Jut 30 an J 90c 10c Judge C. II. Watson of Ashland wns nt tho county seat Wednesday attend tug to legal matlers. Invitations are out for a reception and dancing pait at Oi Ill's hall on Tuesday evening in honor of Misu Louise hnsele'H birthday. About forty guests nre expected. Federals Leave K. C. KANSAS CITY, .Mo., Feb. 8. J. A. Gilmorc, president of the Federal league, confirmed the report that Kansas City would not he represented in his organisation thin season, in a telegram received here today. Win- Airship at Dunkirk. PA IMS, Feb. 8. A dispatch from Dunkirk today received by tho Havas iipws agency says that n German aeroplane which yesterday flew over Dunkirk, wik later brought duuu hy cannon fire. JjMMJa$jMj Portland Moose will erect a lodge building nt Fourth mill TuyJor btrcets to cost $120,000. Uiownsvillo Foreo of men nre cleuring gtound for huge building htuiie industry near hero. SCENE FROM "TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE TABLE ROCK TABLETS IPPfHrFPSEBBrll IjkflV " JBWB fcalaB'i'Bfci, ' I bbbPbT VJK -tKmM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbBbHbbbbbbbbbbH Jpo Smith, county roadmaster, wan through hero Thursday inspecting road work. J. C. Pendleton and son, Vorne, wore Central Point and Medford vis itors Saturday, ProfoBfcor Johnson went to Eaglo Point Thursday evening to tako tho third degree In tho I. O. O. F. lodge. James Ileeso made a business trip to Central Point Wednesday. W. It. Hyruin sold several tons of hay last week to local parties. A. L, Vincent was In Jacksonville .the otlior day and on his way homo bought some seed wheat nt C'ontral Point, paying $1.80 u bushel for It. Several teams wero put to work Saturday surfacing tho stretch of road Just graded. At the box social at Agato Friday night 184 was received from tho salo of boxes. School Supervisor E. It. Potorson spent a fow hours valuing our school Wednesday and seemed well pleased with the progress bolng made. Two dray teams from Medford passed through hero Sunday, moving the Shapleigh household goods to Medford. Mrs. O. Pendland went to Talent At he Page tonight, JTurie Dressier, I tMiuy to visit her husband, who Is B..AU.rt.l K. M..l.l Vnrmin,! .! I ""U,K '" T"P "II t!(0 flheldOll ranch. LOSING HOPE WOMAN VERY ILL Finally Restored To Health By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , Belle vuo, Ohio. "I was In n terrible state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogotable Com pound. My back achcduntU I thought itwouldbreak,Ihad pains all over me, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. I was very weak and run down and was losing hope of ever being woll and strong. After tak ing Lydia E. Pink- lam's Vegetable Compound I improved rapidly and today am a well woman. I cannot tell you how happy I feel and I cannot say too much foryour Compound. Would not bo without It in tho house If It cost three times the amount "Mrs. Cius. Chapman, R.T. D. Ifd. 7, Belle, vne, Ohio. Woman's Precious Gift. Tho ono which sho should most zeal ously guard, is her health, but it Is the one most often neglected, until somo ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her. When so af fected such women may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a remedy that hna been wonderfully suc cessful In restoring health to suffering women. If yon have tlto slightest doubt that Lycllu K. Plnklium's Vegeta ble Compound will help you.writo toLydluE.PInkhamMedlcIneCo. (coniidentinl) Lynn.OIass., for ad vice. Your letter will he opened, rend and answered hy a woman, and held In strict coutldvuco, fM H"l1i f t t t t r r t r r t T ? t T ? t T T T t I i t ? ? T T .? r r t r r Ford and Overland OUTSELL THEM ALL More Ford and Overland cars sold in California in January, 1915 than all other cars combined Baa-aHMiaaiaMaaMMaaaaaaMaiBMBtafVBiaMWMaaaMaaaaaawMaMaaaMMMaHa mmimi -- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi.m CLASSIFIED LIST OF CALIFORNIA MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS Showing number, according to each make, of new automobilos registered in California in January, 1915. Compiled by the WESTERN MOTOR RECORD, San Francisco, Cal. a a a Abbott Detroit 1 Adams 1 AIco 1 American . ........ Appcrson :;. Attorbury truck .. Auburn . Autocar 4 Uessetner truck 2 Ilrlscoc .4.. ........ 3 Ilrush 2 Ilulck 178 Cadillac ...., 35 Car Nation 2 Cartcrcar 1 Case ....?. , 3 ChalmcrH 14 Kodoral truck FORD . 1056 .Franklin 20 Chandlor Chevrolet Colo .. .. Commnrco Cutting Cyclccar Dewltt truck . Detroit electric Dotroltor Dodge Durocar 13Imoro Kinjilfo aaa ft truck "?"' ................. a, ...... ........ f.t4f.....f.. I1 K i iftli.. Olldo O. M. C (iramm truck Hartman Havers , Ilaynes iieiiuruunn .i. Hewitt truck .-.-. Ilomemado Hudson Iluiimobtlo ... I. II. C, truck Imp C'jclo Imperial Jackson ,, .Jeffrey .-. 34 Kelly truck 4 King 4 KIhhcI Kar ,.,, 20 Klolbor truck , 4 K-It-I-T 1 Lauth Juergdns v , 1 Lewis ..' J. 2 Lincoln truck 1 T !.,.,., ...I UI...11..I ' 1 jLocoinoblI(v,.-....4..M,,.,., , 11j Lozlor? LA. U. (0 3 1 1 1 1 25 1 O 3 3t 32 3 4 1 4 L. & V 1 Mack truck 11 Marathon 2 Marmon 4 Maxwoll 130 MnKarland 1 Mplster . 1 Menominee truck ; 1 Mercury 1 Michigan 1 Mitchell 19 Mooro truck G Mornlaud 9 National 8 Oakland - 23 Olsmobllo 2f OVERLAND . 302 Packard ic PalKO Detroit 13 Partln Palmer 2 Pathfinder 2 Peerless 4 Plerco Arrow ll Promler 1 Pone Hartford 1 Itaiich & LanKe 5 Hayflold 1 1 U i Hcnnult Iteo Ilitpuhllc Kaxnn Hayor & Scovlllu Kchacht Hcrlpps llooth ... Hoars , H. U. V HlKnal truck .Simplex Htandnrd elect rlo Stanley Htovens-Duryca ... Htudubaker Htutz I'liomas w Trumbull Velio 1 .. Ml .. 4 .. 17 .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 .. 8 .. I n it l .. 4 .. 4 .. 171 .. 4 1 , 1 . 7 Twnmhly 3 Vim Vlxon .... Wescott WIillo Waver ley ,. Wichita truck Willys Utility Wlnton No Mako Total 3 I 2 ,. 20 3 2 ,. 7 ,. 0 , 3 .2fiU3 i Total Spies UlCrs of . . I jFotai(Sa(es Ford -ml. Overland &A11 other iftafces' 'M. 2563 1358 1205 THERE IS A REASON C E. GATES CORNER PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND MAIN STREET t ? T ? ? ? ? T t f f T T t r f t t r f t t t y x y y y y y f . t Y J y t ? ? t X i V , ivwu-iM iuunuj, , , ' 'i i i