fmw " '" V , i. PAGE TWO MRDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD OREGON, MONDAY. FIWRUARY 8, 1!)li t ? I to- ? L9 1 IOCAL AND l PERSONAL Work on tho now fctlornl building will lo Blnrted tills wc,ck. Ud tfuelieR of flrlff crock wna n reconi business visitor In tliu city. CH pascngcr service lfic. Coun try trips In proportion. Picrson Foster, Phono 878-Ij. tf .Mrs. Kiilo lluniK, of Hosoburfr, la tins) $ictl ofMdiUord frlcndn. Miss Htliol Ouches, of Orlffln crook is vlsItliiR In Medford nB tho guest of liar sister, Mrs. Miner Adams. Dr. J. J.! Ktnmons has moved to 'his' now suite of offlco rooms In tho feocontf floor Of the M. F. & H. Co.'s building. Charles I.cbo has returned from a business trip to Grants Pass. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Charles Jackson have returned from n three weeks sojourn In routhcrn California. Boo Davo Wood anout that flro In surance policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno nidi- W. Harrington, C. Y. Tengwald, "William Uevcrldgc, James Vance, John Dommcr and Wesley Judy at tended n pnrty in Asnland Saturday night at the homo of Miss Agnes tllako. Miss Graco lllchards visited with friends In Ashland Sunday afternoon. Matinee, tho Page today. J. Pearson of Grants Pass, is in tho city on mining business. J. J. Brophy, of Derby, is a visi tor ih tho city. Sweet cider at Do Voo'i. Miss Peru Howard has returned from a visit to friends In Ashland. Jack Shearer visited with friends and relatives In Grants Pass Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Leach, 32C North Bartlctt, ex port corsetiore. Frank Coleman caught a four and a half pound steelhcad in Hear creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. Coleman, re ports that tho early run is on. Earl Ilonncr has returned from n trip to Portland. Matinee, tho Page today. Robert Vcrblck has returned from a thrco months stay in California. Ned Holmes, of tho Eaglo Point district, was a recent business vis itor in tho city. Cora K. Utlcy. chiropodist, 407 Oarnett-Corey building, phono C57-R. ' 274 Lyle Purdin, of tho Dodge or chard, visited with friends and rela tives In Mcdtord Sunday. Miss D. Smith has returned from a visit to friends in Dunemuir, Cali fornia, Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Ills Theater. L. Helms has returned to his homo short In tho Talent district after a stay in Mcdford. rccov- MIss Lillian Castcn lias ored from her recent illness. Get it at Do Voo'a M. Stanley has returned to his homo in Tulont, after a brlot visit in Mcdford. Elmer Conger visited with friends in Mcdford Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Tcdrlck have moved to tho Eaglo Point dis trict. Bryant FInley of Ashland visited with boy friends In Medford yester day. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes on' Camero Shop. Over Isls Thea ter. Miss Helen Jacobs spent Sunday with friends In Central Point. Miss Pearl Ross of Central Point recently visited friends in Medford. Ernest Adams of Griffin crcok epent Sunday in Mcdford. Get ycur d utter, cream, milk and buttor-mllk, at Do Voo'i. Wesley Coffeon motored to tho Central Point district Sunday. R. P. Hart, a business man of Port land, Is paying tho valley a visit. "Wo aro headquarters for real first quality cut hair. Marlncllo Hair Shop, 407 Garnctt-Coroy building. 274 Mr. and Mrs. D. Lyman of Rose burg, aio visiting with friends in Mcdford for a fow days. O, Thompson, of Derby, Is a busi ness lsltor in tho city. J. 0. Gerklng, tbo best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228 Main St, Phono 3 20-J. Jlr, and Mrs. Walter Yob. of Ap ilegate, visited with friends in Mcd ford yesterday, Karl sponding tho day fibbing on Roguo river. Dr. 3, A. Lockwood and Dr. Myrtlo S, Lockwood, (physicians and sur geons) havo moved to their now suite of offices. Rooms 300, 310 and 311, third floor, Mi F, & II, Bldg. James Reynolds, of Ashland, is spending tho day In Mcdford ou bust. I1CKB. J. F. Muldoon left this morning on a buslneKB trip to Portland. Mr, Mul doon will bo absent from tho city for several days, Judgo F. M. Calkins, of the circuit .court, is attending to legal matters 1b Grants Pais today. Miss Florence Vaughn, of Gold Hill Is vlaltlng with friends In Medford for n fow days. Miss lues Carlton is visiting with. frlcndB In Ashland for n few days. Misses N. J. Lonsbury and KaTo Sonion left Sunday night for Portland to which city they went In tho Inter est of their millinery business which they will soon open In tho M, M. de partment store. They will return Wednesday accompanied by a trim mer from New York City.. Herbert Alforil, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alford of this clly, Is mak ing n hit with his singing In Stan ford where ho Is attending the ttnl verslty. Recently Mr. Alford was on a program at tho Stanford niomor rial church. Mrs. italph Cow gill Is spending tho day In Grants Pass looking after lier business Interests In that city. Miss Helen Vogell. of Albany, ar rived In tho city Sunday afternoon to remain several days visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Ray Zimmerman of Coleman creek, visited friends In Medford recently. Delbcrt Smith, of tho Hnmtl or chard, visited with friends In Med ford yesterday. norn To Mr. and Mrs. V. F Qulscnbury, Sunday, February 7, nn eight-pound baby boy. Much activity Is being displayed In 7th company affairs at tho present time, largely duo to tho Improved conditions nnd interest being taken in tho social .club. In tho past week many additions to the membership havo been received, nmong tho num ber being G. F. Moore, member of the high school faculty and coach of the football and basket ball teams, Earl Hubbard, prosldent of tho high school student body, Walter Brown and Bob Poloure, both on tho high school ath letic teams, Lcland Noo, Allen Crnln and Geo. F. Dyer. Prof. Mooro has been appointed O. M. sergeant and Dyer appointed musician. It Is the Intention of tho company to organize a basket ball team and challenge the winner of tho southern Oregon high school conference. A number of the best players of former Mcdford high school teams belong to tho compnn and tho 7th company expect to carry off the championship. Tho report of Flro Chief Lawton for tho year 1914 shows that losses by flro for tho year wero small. Tho loss above insurance is given at 92GSS. Sixty-one calls wero answered. Tho cost of maintenance of tho de partment Is given at $7C4C25. Tho Elks will give another of their popular informal' dances at their new home tomorrow night. M. M. Ahrcns loft Sunday for Port-, iana wncro no win purcnaso a now stock of goods. Wo nro headquarters for real first quality cut hair. Marlnello Hair Shop, 407 Garnctt-Coroy building. J. Peart of Portland, Is among tho out of town visitors In tho city this week. Ray Colby visited with friends in Mcdford Sunday. Miss Mary E. nrown, in chargo of tho women's pollco department In Seattlo, lectured in Medford Sunday afternoon on "Protection of Young Girls." and "Pollco Women Possibili ties." Tho lectures wero woll at tended. Miss Brown Is en routo to San Francisco whoro sho will have charge of tho scientific exhibits of the effects of narcotics and alcohol, Cora E. Utlcy, chropodlst, 407 Garnott-Corcy building, phono CD7-R. ENGLAND COULD CARRY ON THE WAR ALONE, DECLARES CHURCHILL f; ' ;J I ) ii ' '? IBSWBa w'l W '''fllT . jTuIE,Hhh$iITiTHHITH I HMHmlrV v '1 tt" 'ifff MWWt VLaHSAIKXffkklHalH I ILLawMii&tiilHLHHfiBA&j$991fc& 'MnflKHH ssflHwSlfliiiiiiHIBHlSiBunHiSHviBorJuOHJB SSHSIIBBHiHttk V LfMGHflKHDl'tfHllllS SHBtaALni- K BfBSEIfBM4M-HLBkkkkHHBaHttiv-" " riFjiB SjteHIUQgafV,1 '"JSB ' ' I ! RUSSIAN LIFE DEPICTED TNROUGH 3K. 3CnrS-JM-T.-C33-- S3VL.rCSI'--3V gmTYUf-WTi-i. Winston Spencer Churchill, In nn Interview. roernMy :ilil, with Franco nnd Russia both withdrawing from thu Allle. Eiiribuid would lie able to carrj on tho war nlono huccetwfully. Continuing he nlo .ild -"h'upiHxIng Germany hn frlendslilps nnd rolntloiililps In South Amorlet, how inn help reach her from them now? We shall arrange to take piwnutlons fully ropiputl. blc with the rights of belligerents and thu tv.xpe'' due to uoiitrals. Our ml. versa ry perhaps can obtain n few supplies from Turkey and Ala MIiht. cherish no Illusions, for as long ns there tire netitrnlH n complete lilool.ndo tivnxt Im ti chimera. " Germany will continue to reeelvu a Kiuall quuntlty of thai whereof-alio has considerable need, but while you and v. breathe freelj thanks to the sen we havo kept and cau keep open, Germany U like a mnu throttled with n heavy gag." , "YELLOW TICKET" hNVllotV TwkU" whivh Mnu ujxeKV. Ill YkN, wIim luitduvi-il "Wllhin ihv lAvV,iu1ll btlfi'tf to the Xgb tlien(fvr TielKvv'wfJlirtt, I'utU fntlYy Wif ldjviiitnl' lUuf Si. I'otf orvtiui'K tuiln'.Vj HottiUK' forth without nivjud'ujo tho ttnUt ot! tliP'Ooxv in Hit' k'mgltoin' vr (ho vmv. ''Tho Yellow 'Piit.l' 1 ill .11. tu lli.i fi.s.1 lif wiiioh lakes plnvhlhliho'llotol jHH of Huron Slepnu' Amlivy, tho oliiei of llio "Okrnim"- M'otct iiohcu t Hum .tin. Art three oocurH in the Iniivnu of tho ,i'Okrnin." Misti Hullo Miteliell will itpiioar in the ixdo of the VontiK Itiihsiun .low itl fitl, ,Mii vm Yniviikn, who i I'ou'ed to- uk for it yvllow ticket in rlei to eue llm nlo of HcUlcmi'iit to iMt her fullior, wlui is living In u lioHiitn). A I loo (ho donlli of her father iio eontinucH to Iju-p in her mN0tiim thu ticket whioh C-. fords iirotct'tion to the xnninl ouIcukI nlt(fonh Mte in n i;ooit,t;irl nml of ropiitnlilo tiinnlv. Iic ohtniiM n1 HHHtlll1l) iMiiployiui'irl OOMIIHUillll to ii wciiltli.v .voiuijr Atiu'ilouii woniitii in St. IVluHiiiitr, W'lioii tho Hoovol nolii'o lounf tliut.Hhi) U lomliiiir n rep. uliililo lifo limy liotniv lier to hw em Hlo.Nur, wlio ilNeliuiKi'M lici. Sn up pouls to Huron Stounii Amlioy, liond of tho "Okruim," for piolocltoii, wliicli lie (iffern hoc on teiitiM that nlu lofusort lo iioocpt. Tlnw hho fliuU hoiNiOC nlono In SI. l'uluixbiiig, forced to i,ve o life of flutine, If hio wishes lit roniiiln oiitrtiiK.tlie pule of M'lllo. uieiil. Wluil w)Mihl V0i do if voiir diuiKlio'ii1iiM.(o,l"lii'l' thW prolilom .'S:0 'The Y,,)li,w TidM-l" t,u, iiu,l (ult (o wluit Irmlio luitpnMo.Miiryo Vjn'reiikn tniui'tl the rennl of the po. Ilco to pctmil lier to live oVietitb. AT MARCH I WENTY-ON E WAHIIINUTON, Fob S Pronldoiit Wilson now plans to nrrlwi In Situ Frnnclsro March Ul for his f tilt to tho Panama Pacific exposition. What day he will lenvo Wnshlngtos nud whether ho will make mpoocIioh on the wny to San FmiicIkco or on bin return, romnln unilcrtoiinlnod. Most or that dopondn upon tho prospects of tin extra koubIoh of congves. Samuel Roecnbun; loft today for a business trip to San Franclco. Milton Schuchnrd spent Sunday at his country home. A 30-mllc an hour wind is blowing oxer Iho valley today, nnd tho pre diction Is for rain. A tree, partb decaed, on Grape strout was blown down this noon. Joe II. Wilson of Talent Ih n busi ness visitor in the city today. G. H. Marsh of Hilt, Cat., is n business visitor in thu city today. Gcorgo Olson of Gold Hill spent Sunday In Medford. BEET FACTORY PROJECT TAKES T. DARKER E Miss Alico Reynolds spent Sunday afternoon visiting with friends In Ashland. George Wolgnmott spent Sunday In Mcdford visiting with friends and relatives. Dr. C. R. Ray has returned to tho Ilradnn mlno after a brief visit In Medford. llort Kelso, of Klamath Falls, Is attending to property Interests in tho valley. Attorney Newton 'W.'norden has moved his offlco to tho rooms re cently occupied by Dr. Knimeiia at 232 Fast Main street. Anyono going to plant alfalfa can I get thrco bottles of government cul ture for inoculating snmo frco by calling at this office. 275 Tho question of school nihilities whioh has presented itself with much regularity was thq principal' subject discussed at tho meeting of tfiol rural school directors in this city Saturday afternoon. It was thought jidvls nblo to meet again and formulate a plan to establish a Uniform, syjijerii In all tho rural schools. Roseburg'B high eflio'ol, basket ball team claims the cliamiilori&lilp'.of tho stato. BocmiBO of tho In'f blllty of tho (locals to meet that city on tho north ern floor, little has been in tho way of questioning tho northern team's strength. Saturday, howover, Rose burg wired that it was their inten tion to invade tho valley and meet the locals on their own floor. This will bo done nonio tlmo this week, probably Friday. The boyH shoot ox coptlonally woll and play together splendidly, Fans predict tho fast est game of the season, E. J, Reluklng, formerly of this city, now' located at Klamath Falls. 10 SEA, FOE WUIS NBW YORK, IVh. S.- The unusual hight of n Meniiihliipflvinj,' llio (lor mun fin-,' pus-im; fpiiimntiue, appar ently bound to mni, eoiiK'identnl with nn official murine report thnt.ii Hrit ish wnndiip wns off Fire inland, hound toward the cutmuco to thu harbor, created c.xcilomeut in nliip pine; eirclen thin afternoon. The tier jnnn vessel, nfter puin' through th narrows, turned nnd nnulioretl in Ornvcfcond Hay. Tho f-liio mvod to bo the Ilnrbure;, which wn inorely Hcckiuc; on iiiiclioriiuo to fnonpo wharfoge elinrges, nceordinir lo her ngentH. S)ie hove to tilonpddu her lister whip llio Sruplobure;. !- t(l .tyXHTahlonimkt a- .'-- i i y Acronlinp; to word received fnm t?oil Kxpuit Story, who is now ciijjnu ed in jur-pectiu" hind in the Grouts Pass district; boll acres have lieen signed up thufo ami Iain owners nrc considering ipintliei' house to- house cnnns. Jlr, lns ouc ver hut u Miiall portion thiiK fur nnd tm'il the middlo of thu week will ho iinuhlc to tell just how mini" fines will meet the rcquiccmciitf. The Hituntion nt the present time iloes not look favorable to Mr. Storey. Mc-siu. Niblu.y.ntii1 Hromwcll uiv ov poolixl to uriivo in tho city tomorrow when ii uicotiHL' will mo hold with tin fiomtnittfe in cihcrp nnd nrrnngr inonlft mude Tor u final ciitnpiiign. Tho local committee thinks the Muni tion lo he critical nud links tluit nil public hpiritisl pooplo join in mi cifort to make the ctuhlifchii)p; of the licet siiL'ar fnclorv o ceituiuty. IRRIATN PLAN UNDER INQUIRY In Iff t kiilnri III port clotl'oi oto lliu ule this ulnUI- '(Ion mil r.f lul.iht rotln' S hlao riHUV. . f a rheUdt shirt with ifVfnVr rojftt npt? Vf)Io loitlted la visiting In Medford for a few days. I turban. A committee meeting of those named nt the Irrigation nirfstt meet ing wns held at tho public, library thin morning, and tho following tiKslgn inoiits of tho various southern Oregon prnjortn madoi ' Old ID lino from Rogun river above I'roHpoct. W W. Gregory, Agato. Klamath river project, K. G. Wort- man, Medford. I.ittlo llntto project to Tom Nichols, of Kaglo Point. Hck lalio project to Gcorgo II. Carpenter of Phooliiv. Kogolnnds project to O. S. niack ford of Wllloty Springs nnd George IJ. Carpenter of IMtoenlx. Gcorgo IJ. Carpcntor nctcil us chairman and Lloyd HoiiHton of Tal ent au secretary. Anothor mooting of tho commltlco will bo held Thurs day of th'ls woel: to discuss further Irrigation plans. Tio following district roprcsepta lives wdro olocted at & tncotlng Sat urday: , Phoenix Koorgo n, Carpenter. Agate W. W. Grogory. Central Point -Victor Ilursoll, Willow 8prlng--0. H. Ularkford. Talent Lloyd Houston. I'aglo Point Frank Drown. Mcdford JJ, G, Woftman. Modern Business grew to a point where letter service at telegraphic speed was imperative. The Western Union originated Day and Night Letters to fill this need. The astonishing results have shown this was a real need capably filled. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. ANSWER TjJB CALL i .Mcilffiifl IVopIo Huvo found That Tills) Is Ne.ffvinary A cold, u attain, n uiddun wrench, A(lt,ll) rnurii miy Inut tlm Iddnoyn, SpellM of Dni'liiicho oflcn follow, Or HOjibi llH'tiliHlly ot tho in Ino, A nlilondlir ronleily for muili ut Incloi, A medliliio that Iihh nallHriiul thou nnniltt Is Donn'H ICldliOy Pllln. ThoiiHiimlM of pooplo rely iiioii Ii. I too la olio cnie: John Kromor, farijior. JnuknoiivlllH, Oro.. Niiyn: "Kor )iir I Miffoioil f 1 4.1 1 ii lililnoy romplaliil. ) htod ouo ri'incdy urtor ituolhur. hut nothliip gavo mo relief. A filmid who hud tulioii Doaii'n Kldiioy IMIIn, told mo lo try IIipiii. Aflur I had iikoiI Ihroo boxi'x, tlm trtiublo lull mo. I am glad to nn) that I havo never Hiif fetid from kidney complaint during tho pant two yearn. I willingly i'.lvo Don u'li Kidney I'lIU u kocoihI on- dofpoiiiciil " I'rleo fiOc, at nil dmtlH'n. Don't slmpb ask for a lildnn) lutiotily got Diinu'K Kldiioy PIIIh tlm mtmo that Mr Krei'iir had Konlor-.MIIIiiini Co, Plops.. Iluffalo. N. Y - Adv. CLEAN UP SALE or WALL PAPER In order to cloo out our prcuciit rtork of Wall Paper to proparo for tho now Mprltig goods wo will Itlvo BIG REDUCTIONS on nil wall paper now on hnud, com prUlug thou Intent kDIoh. Till Ih n grunt op)orlun',tyghvoii rooiiu u now ilrenil. ItrtuotnhT'r wo flro thh only paint nnd wall papvr V'PKhlut; . K. II. Griou Trading 'U$uiw, Waters' Paint and Wall Paper Store illH Kaxt Main B mmm 'Ncercnt to Ever) thing" Grand Masque Ball f At Eagle Point, Oregon Friday Night, Feb. 12th Floor Reserved for Masquers Until II P. M. GOOD UP-TO-DATE MUSIC Tickets to Dance, Includinn refreshment, $1. Spectators 25o EAGLE POINT AMUSEMENT COMPANY 1 HOTEL MANX M Powell St., at OTorull San franclKQ In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lebby, fine service, nnd Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.50 up. Mnifmfit OVstt r W, K'clky i I U "AM Mf ntt t( TSWl U i . -j ft MADE 1 IN OREGON, U. S. A."-Wi Enbiigh "MADE IN MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY"-Thafs the Stuff THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Kmoko llome.Mndo ClKarn. -Governor Johnsou, MU I'ltt and La. Vlnta ar tho tmdt. TOO UT1 TO CiaHHH'I, WANTIJD-KlrHt claus rookfor min ing camp, write full particulars. AddrosH 0 , caro Mall Trlbuno, FOR HUNT- (Only hotel In town of iuuu, 40 ioo pi fiirnlHiiod. Ad dress Q,, Caro Mall Tribune. Medford Iron Works E- O. Trowbridge, Prop. Gcncr'nl Foundry und .Mfiqhino Works , . , - r i Pacific 401; 'Home 298L. Res. Pac. 0031; Iloroc 227L. For i GALVANIZED TANKS . OIL AND WATER and iRRIOATINO PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Tclophono 890 i v FIRST-CLASS t Printing ANI ' Keep Your Money at Home Wo make a specialty of Door and Window Frames and t Inside Finish. Also, Doors and Windows. - QUALITY Tnti BEST. PRICES RIGHT Factory Corner Eleventh and Fir Streets. Medford Sash and Door Co. Book Binding MAElE IN BEDFORD UY MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Plione 75 V