Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    7vrrvKrv'WTMjFiF m f.
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Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln Mut. lit; Mln. IW.
Forty-fourth Yssr,
nllv Ninth Your
Establishment of Plnnt Now Up to
Siiynr Interests Soil Expert
Storey Says Sufficient Acrcano Sc
cured, Extcndlnii from Siskiyou to
Grants Pass.
Tin) ehlublMiiucnt nf a livi't stigui
factory in tlio Ifogito llivcr inlloy in
1 1 1 w up lo (liu MiiKiir InteieslH. Sill -lit'iciit
norcngo to justify llin building
of the plnnt hits been signed ii 1 1, un
cording '" Hil Kxpvit Storey. Tin1
beet nugur rniuiuiltco will telegraph
n' telephone Messrs. Id mil well mill
Nibley at I'ortliuiil Indnv, convoying
llii'od facts, ami ask lor a definite
icply one way or llm otlur.
According In a telephone message
icccitcd riiiin (limit I'iihn Tliumilay
iimlit. In tin' noltchbnrhood of 'Jlllld
linen lin vt been .igitctl up in I tut t see
lion, largely liollmii limit ami sub-mi-galcd.
Soil I'xpott Storey It'll this
morning for I lie noilli finl of the
minify anil will upend tin' m'.xt two
iIii.vm ihpci'liiii; Din liinil. To date
I Hill acres have In'rii examined ami
accepted in this valley.
Two nlodaclcs confront the sugur
liet't fiirlory in is (lie fact Hint (lit'
acreage i scattered Irani .Mount
SIiiimIh to (Imuts I'iiim, ami tin oilier
in the lack of Inigatiou. Tin lirsi
complicate Hie handling of the proli
ne!, ami (lie Heeontl, when lucking in
a iliy enr, would mean Hie los of
HiotiMumU of doNnr. The interests
back of Hie factory propoilion liutc
lieeii pjiM'ii iiKMirniicc that the lloguc
Itiver alley ix mi the eve of adopting
irrigntinu. They understand that Hie
general sentiment nf the valley is for
u ligation, Hie rub eoiiiint; on the
nielhoil to he uril in procuring "
It ix nlo generally eotieeileil that if
(lie industrial project rejects lhi
alley, it will ho ilmt to the logic that
they do not cine to miiiiIiIo their in
vestment iiKaiant the whims of the
Something tlefinite ix expected liy
the first of next week, mi that tlioM1
who have signed up nciongo ean he
Win wnik either on licctx or grain.
The lloguc Itixer valley hax done its
shuto, n h far as the lain! ix eon
eenieil. IIKULIN. vln London, Feb. .'.- The
eiilito (leiimin ptexx .teetx with nut
ixfnelion lint nilmirnlly'H deelaration
Hint the waters Htirrnnmlih-; Kii;laml,
Seollnml and Ireland have been in
cluded in Ihe war .one, Thu head
lines of M-wrnl papers npeak of Ihe
nnnoimeemeiit as n bloekade. The
I'ttxt declares it Is a hloekaile and
iniiM bo ho eonsidered.
"Neutral hliipnin1,'," hii.vh Hie Pns,
"is (,'iven time to tnko rel'iuje in Kiife
bin Inns. Only altera meiisiiied per
iod do all Tiicicbiiiilmcn K"i"K " "'"I
from Hut Hritixh Ihles run jntti dan
ker. Then, to bit mire, men and
freight, mil only on HrilMt xhiix, but
under a iiniitial flai uu doomed lo
Tim TiiKlixnlio lliindsehan says:
"Wo linvu necepled KiiKlniiil's bal
jln eondltionH, Wo let Knnlnnd play
its tola and assumed ours with all its
ritthls mid oblintionK, Let him pinrd
liiniHi'lf who feulrt liku coining bo
twt'i'n ns."
Tim I.okal AtiTieiKei' deelnreH Kn;
land's owii. weapons nre beinn turned
npiihHt heV, and when Germany da
hi toys tint "KucIIhIi yoke" under
which tlio world has Hiiffuroil for eon
t nries," it will have, necoinplished n
Iiiijjo hlstoriu inlxsion and freed tho
world front ono of its uipxl daii(,'or
oiis eneiniefl. The paper o.xproKhes
thn opinion that uentral )owers will
Htiffer losses fimn the new deelara
tion, hut declares these will bo Nttiall
compared with Ibose which Knghuid
implies upon them,
llttndon Tho l'orry Vonoor plnnt
lias bosun oporntlona and biifllneHs
)ltoii nro (ryliut to ntntt Ut Hto woolen
UpiiK iplll. t m
One of Most Sanniiliiary Battles of War Now Maulno In Poland Germans
Throw 105,000 Infantry, Toyclher With Heavy Pieces of Cavalry, the
Whole Supported by 600 Guns, In to Short Char(jli) Line, Which
on Like the Waves of the Sea Met by Rifle and Bayonet Whole Com
panies. Exterminated Trenches 0 nly Few Hundred Yards Apart.
I'KTKOdKAl), IVIf. o.-Nol since
the linltlcH aiottmt Lodz, in l'tixinu
I'olaml, in the early part of Decem
ber, ham the (lermanx tleliveieil vie
ions nttncl.H ax those of yesterday,
when they nltjiiinlrd to lucnk through
the KtiNxian line at llorjimnw.
Probably never lieloie in the east
crn arena of tin war hiuc thev eon
cent rated witch a force on a single
Ill u distance of fix miles hetween
llimiiu ami llorjiinow, the (Icimnns
Ihiew l(l.'i,(l(lll iiifantrvnien tngelhei
with heavy forces of eavalry, the
whole hiippoileil Itv 10(1 hntteriex of
artillery, or (Kill minx. It is oHimntcil
that in thix short line Iheie were
neailv .'10,(10(1 men lo the mile coming
in on ten or twelve lines liku the
which o the sen.
The ItiiKxinnx, warned lv the at
laekx of prciious ilnyx in thix mimic
Mcinily, hail eoneentrateil eorre-siinudingl-
heavy foreex to resist the
(leinian mhanee. So close were Itoth
xnlex oaekeil in thix narrow space
thai Hie artillerv heeanut practically
WASHINGTON. Kelt. 5. Her-
miiny'M ilcclitrntlon of n nnvnt warpanceil BwHtly today m now IiIkIi
zonit nroitml (treat llrltnln nnil Iro- j record war prices, It only took n
land. InclnilliiK the KtiKllah cltiinnel ilirluf time for tliu May option to
and the northern
pinnniKo liy the
Shetland IhIiiihIh, lit roKnrdcd huro nn
one of the moKt Korloiix duvulop
inentK of llm wnr. It wan reKnrdcd
nit 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 ' iioKllile for one tiling, that
It would hnttteu thu movement begun
by tho l.ntlU'Amcrlcnu countrleH for
a Micedy conference of neutral tttatett
to ilevlwi muaiiH to reduce Io.hhcs to
neutral rommerco to a minimum.
At find there wcru no me lutliun
HoiiH In ndtululBtratlim circles thut
It tnlKhl he thu ituhjvrt of a protent
liy tho t'nllcd States, hut thu official
vlow wiih there there watt no or lit
tle Krounil for Hint.
Sweilen, Norway, Denmnrk nnd
Holland have repeatedly nddiuHxed
thu ittntu depnrtmeut hero to khIii
American pormlHalon for menuuroa (o
relluvu dlHtrttH la their own commerce,
nnd tho Intent (lerinaii proclamation
Ih expected to cause u redoubled ef
fort for incuiiurcu to protect them-
CounHcllor I.nnMluK of tho Rtnto do
partmuut took .Secretary Hrynn'u
chair at tho cabinet meeting todny.
One tullo of nuw railroad coiiHtruc
Hon In thu (ditto In worth mnro to tho
ponplo than forty now luwu by tho
William J. Ilryan, nocrotury of stuto,
In speaking to tho Indiana gonoral as
sembly hero today, pleaded for tho
unnctmout of a direct primary law
and doflod tho legislators to refuse
to gtvo to tho pooplo of this stato tho
Initiative and ruroroudttm.
"No man." declared Mr. lirynn,
"who violates primary principle of
tho democratic plntform In Indiana
will bo nblo to go bnok to his peopjo
and gtvo them his real reasons for do
ing so, If you don't know what I
mean, I believe you will understand
what your constituents mean when
they loavo you at ho nut nnd elect real
democrats In your stead at tho next
Secretary llr.vun told tho legislators
Hint In onnctliig ti primary law thoy
The buttle field wax a Hal plain,
tiniilitiiictcc iiv either tieex or
Iioiim'x, The latter alieaily lunl hcen
ileiiiolihhcd hv xhell lire. The Itnx
hiiinx met the (Jcnmiii ailvaneu with
title file ami the bnviiiict, the firxt
linex xlrnulini; forwaiil ami haet
'it ul from tieneh to trench.
At xoine nhiei'M Ihe Irenehex
t n'v a few hnmlreil yard's npait. T''i'
eo. itiexH of the line mailu the fibt
iti cxtraoiilinarilv hiiiiauitiiiry
Whole toinpiiniex wete exterminate!'
T! e iiMixt ilexiierate (lernnin rehN.
ime wax at Uoia .r.villitwiccin,
vhi"h Ihe KiiMNians succeeded in tak
'.uk nl HI o'clock in Ihe inontini; nf
i i tit-lit which htxleil all niht.
(iirninn -irixum-m relate that in Hi
(Icrtmin camp the itivixioti elioen to
lend this timlertakini; wit dubbed the
"di'Miui of denth,'' Htiee it npnear
id to he a foteeoiie coiicliihinn that
none would Mirvhe. Ittihhiun mili
t ! oli-erxiT". with the nicncer de
tails before them arc likcninu' Hits
fiht to the battle of llordiun, where
Napoleon loxt hix Ittih-iitn cimipiiiyn.
The hut lie at Horjimow is coutinn-ill-;
with virlttullv nmihati'd violence.
IIHCAOO, Vui. ... Wlient ad-
reach 11. ';&, a Jump or '.' coin-
pared with Inst night. Tho provloim
top notch tpiotntlon wnn on February
.1 ll.aa. Mont of tho trading today,
however, wag In tho July delivery In
which th) upturn was not qulto so
Thoro wax Homethlng llko a utamp
odo after tho market Imd rllinbod to
tl.OT for May. Senbourd offom to
ro-Hitll wheat In Chicago surprlmid
the IiuIIh nnd wnH nlit an element of
deprimlon In tho fact Hint corn,
which, lo a largo extent, inny bo sub
Htltutod for wheat, was not keeping
ptco upwnrdfl with tho more cxpon
mIvo rorerals. Tho result was bikI
den drop of more than three cents
from tho top figures attained by
HronkH In prices continued until
I i had been rlpivod nwny from tho
uppermost earlier values.
CAIHO, via London, Feb. .1. Ho
ports that l'J.000 Turkish troops were
ongngod In yostorday's fighting nre
confirmed In nit official stntoment -issued
hero today, Tho troop ship
llnrdliiKO wns struck by two Turkish
sholls which wounded ton men, mak
ing tho totnl Hrltlsh casualties for
tho day 15 killed and 92 wounded.
should so safeguard It that It would
not bo n buriWtnsouto expense to tho
peoplo and cuiuborsomo to opornto.
Ho reiterated that tho candidate for
president of tho United States should
bo solected at a primary,
Tho Nebrnskau launched Into his
subject by declaring that ho hud como
hero to trgo tho substitution of
domocrncy for "bossocracy" In In
diana. In referring to tho lultlatlvo
and referendum, ho stylod thorn tho
greatest roforms In government of nil
Heferting to tho nutl-lobby bill
which became law with tho gover
nor's slgnaturo yestorday, Mr, Ilryan
compltmontod tho legislators "on the
great atop In advance" thoy hnd taken
In "making a man step out Into the
light when he wants lo lobby,"
Debate on Proposed Increase of Navy
Brings Jlr) Anneal From Hobson
and Reply From Underwood, Who
Holds Time Will Never Come to
Maintain Principles of Forefathers.
WASHINGTON, IVb. 5. On a mo
tion by Majority "J.eatler I'mlerwood,
the Iioiimi votcd'H'J to 1211 to cut the
no mi I hill program from two battle
ships to one. The limine then revers
ed its vole, which was on llcprcentn.
tive MoliMiu'ri four-hnttlcr-hip amend
ment amended to one, defeating the
amendment, 1 18 to 1.'l!l, leaving the
original provision for two battleship-.
uiRiiiuiged. '
' -i
WASHINGTON, Fob. 5. Amend
ments to tho navy construction plan
held tho day In tho house with prac
tically nil thu administration demo
crats standing with tho committee
for two battleships, six destroyers
and seventeen submarines. Propos
als for Increases were backed by some
republicans ond some democrats- but
tho lines were drawn much tho same
ns In other cars.
Declaring tho Anglo-Japanoso al
liance affected tho vital Interests of
tho Fnltcd States nnd tho Monroe
doctrine HeprcKentatlvo Hobson
urged nn amendment for four battle
ships. lloliMinVi Jingo Plea
"Tho war In Kurope," said ho,
"has brought out Hint If a belligerent
has unuudlsputed control of tho sea
It will curtail tho rights of notitrals.
America In the chief, chronic neutral
We cannot expand our commerce
when some other nation 1ms control
of the sea. L'ngland' It now attempt
ing to prevent development of Amer
ican overseas commerce."
Opposition to tho four battleship
amendments begun with speeches by
Representatives llutlor and Wlthor
spoon, tho latter contending the
American system of gunnery was
superior to Ocrmany's.
Representative Stephens of Califor
nia, favoring tho four battleship plan.
spoko for tho Pacific coast.
May Menu Wnr
Democratic Leader Underwood,
who favored cutting tho plan to one
battleship and l'J submarines, de
clared tho country Is facing n sorlous
financial situation," nnd "If you pro-
pose to enter Into n raco of armament
tho end of tho story may mean war."
"I nm no naval export," said Mr.
Underwood, "but 1 bellovo tho man
who travels around toting n pistol In
his back pockot Is much more In dan
ger of getting Into trouble than tho
man who Is unarmed. Wo ought to
have n reasonablo navy and a rea
sonable army, but I don't want to
soo either that will maka us start Is
sues that will preclpltato our people
Into a cauldron of bloodshed nnd dis
aster." "Would you surrender tho Monroe
doctrine," demanded Representative
"Tho tlmij neer will come," re
pjlcd Mr. Undorwood, "when It will
bo necessary for this country to main
tain tho principles of our forefathers
at the point of swords,
"As long ns wo only maintain for
our national government a position
of whnt Is right and Just, wo will suc
ceed without tho battlo field. You
can mako a reasonablo cut In tho ap
propriations provided for In this bill
without endangering your position In
tho family of nations."
HF.15LIN, Feb. .'), wireless to Suy-vlllt-The
chief admiral of Hie staff
of the Gernum imv has issued tlio
following official communication :
"F.nglnnd is on tho ove of shipping
numerous troops and largo quantities
of war materials to France, Ajniinst
theso Knu'lish transports we will pro
ceed with all the means of warfare at
our disposal.
"Neutral shionimr is earnestly cau
tioned against aooroachin;; tlio north
ern or tho westetn const a of France,
as in these waters such vessels would
run the set ions dancer of beiii" con
founded with slims whoso purnoses
tiro wiui iko,
m "
MM u
Threat of Submarines to Close Er-;!i sh Channed Declared Bombast More
Stringent Measures to Be Taken Against German Commerce Action
Enables England to Declare All Foodstuffs Contraband Army Esti
mates Show Three Million Effective Men In British Arms, Exclusive of
Those Serving In India German Press Satisfied With Blockade.
LONDON, Feb. .j. The army eti
mutes to which parliament will de
vote the first part of next week's ses
sion, give the number of effective men
in the army, exclusive of tho-e serv
ing in India, at .'1,000,000.
Although referring fiircasticnlly to
Ocrmiuiy' threat to bottle up the
Hriti-h Nle by means of Milium riiic,
ns n "paper blockade," England is
stirred today liy this latest develop
ment in Ihe murine t-itimtion ns she
M'ldom has been since the outbreak of
The pre-8 unnnimouxlv subordin
ates all other war new., not excepting
Ihe Turkish attempt to cro the Suez
canal, lo jive prominence to the dis
patcher from lleilin. while the foreign
office ftntement following quickly Hie
publication of the German decree, in
dicate that the "overmueiit authori
ties take the Herman threat ns one
requiring a prompt cotiuter-xtroke.
As the statement mivx, the authori
TOKIO, Feb. fl.-An official re
port received in Tokto on the los of
the Japanese cruiser Asama off the
western coast of Lower California.
Mexico, says that nil thu offirurs and
members, of the crow of the warship
hnve been mi veil.
The Asaiiia struck an uncharted
rock off the not tb western coast of
the Mexican republic. The extent of
the damage to the steamer is not
known, nor can anything be said as
to the probability of savintr her. The
absence in lokto of direct news from
the Asama suguests that her wireless
has been disabled.
The enstin away of the Japanese
cruiser Asama wns reported to Wash
ington yesterday by Hear Admiral
Howard, commander of Hie Amciicun
I'acifiij fleet. In this report the num
ber of men on board tho Japanese
vessel was placed at ,"00.
WASHINGTON, Feb, 5. The Sun
dry Civil Appropriation bill reported
to tho Houso today by tho appropria
tion committee contains tho follow-1
lug Oregon Items ror completing pub-!
lie buildings: Albany, J10.OQ0; i
Medford, S20.000; Pendleton, $73,-!
000; Tho Dalles, $00,000; commenc
ing Uosoburg building-,'' $1000; road
In Crater Lnko Park, $50,000; pro-'
CARNEGIE'S GIFTS $324,657,399
NEW YORK, Feb. 3. At ,tho con
clusion of Androw CurncpuV li'H
mouy before tho federal industrial re
lations ctmimitteo today, John D.
Hookefellcr, Sr., entered the room and
demanded to bo heard as a witness.
He was placed on tho stand,
Andrew Carnegie testified before
tho commission that up to the close
of ll)M his donations totalled $l'2r
Tho work still goes bravely on.
said Hie ironmaster.
"1 am indeed n most fortunate man
and think of myself in nothing else
so huppy as in a soul teineuibeiin m.
dear friends, to whom 1 owe bo
'Wy business," ho replied, "js In do
ties are eoniiterina "more strinpent
mensures njraimil Ocrmiin trade." The
minister are treating the ubjret us
n particularly urgency and a full of
ficial statement a to the attitude of
Great Urituin should be forthcoming
The German pre in the meantime
hailx this newly announced policy of
the navy with great sati-faetion. The
comment., received in London today
indicate that the new-nupcr consider
sufficient the warning to neutral
ships, that th ewatcrx Kurroundinjf the
British Isles arc to be considered a
military area nftrr February 18, and
Hint ships attempting paMir'c out
side of the channel., specified lo do
so nt their own rik.
Some Knjili-li newspaper" declnre
today that the German announcement
hotild in the end benefit Knsland, in
that it rightfully entitle the triti-h
government to declare contraband nil
foodstuffs destined for Germanv.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Demo
cratic leaders in the senate m a fur
ther effort to suc tin administration
ship purchase hill, were todn- driiw
intj new ine (lf net ion. Outnumbered
by the opposition, the inujori'v lead
ers yesterday tailed to carry out
their plan to recommit the bill with
instructions for amendment. The
new plan under consideration is to
recommit the bill without instructions
so ns to brin;: it tmpain on a mo
tion to discharge the committee if it
failed to return th.' measure with
amendments recommended by the
caucus. Sonic of tin leaders favor
this plan if assured enoitli voles to
carry it.
Meuutimu the democratic leaders
are waitinir for the return here next
week of two democratic senators.
New lauds of Nevada ami Smith of
South Cnrolinn. Then, with the vote
IS to -18, on n motion to recommit
tho bill with instructions to amend,
they would count on Vice-President
Marshall to break tho tie in their fa
tectlou Oregon & California Rail
road grant lands, SZS.OOO; reclama
tion projects Umatilla, JW.OOO;
Klamath, $317,000; Yakima, $1,250.-
000; Okanogan, $51,000; continuing
Tillamook Hay Improvements, $172,-
The committee omitted the appro
priation for tho Deschutes project but
an effort will bo mado by Slnuott to
hnvo tho Item added In tho house,
nnd by Senators Chamberlain and
Lane In tho senate, If Sinnott Is un
successful. all Hie good in the wot Id that I can."
, lis statement in part follews:
"I never bought or sold slimei on
the' OM'hniige; all my earnings were
t'loiu mauufueturitig. If it weie nec
essary for me to return to that call
ing 1 should not consider the problem
of labor us at nil difficult. On the
contrary, I enjoyed conferences with
our men. We had one rule, come
what may: We would never think of
running; our works with new men.
Mr. Carnegie snid he ''had had only
one serious disaster with labor."
This was at the time of Ihe riot at
Homestead, 1'a, Mr. Carnegie was
abroad nt the time, and when lie
heard of it he wanted to return homo,
hut his pat t nets requested him not to
do mV' , -
NO. 272
Barnes Outlines Farmers' Committee
Plans to Provide Irrigation at Cost
Suggests $1,500,000 Comoany lo
Formed for 30,000 Acres at $50
per Acre, Payable In Cash or Labor
To the Public:
My plan briefly staled In to or
ganlzo a company of 30,000 shares
at $0 a share, each share to bo good
for a paid up water right to ono aero
Of land. Six per cent Interest to bo
paid on stock from the tlmo It Is Is
sued until it Is turned in for a water
right anil cancelled)
The water to bt leased to tho far
mers, they to pay for tho first ten
years acli year the cost of mainten
ance and Interest; the first two
yenrs maintenance to bo figured as a
part of tho cost of construction. Tho
farmers to hold an option to pur
chase at the end of ten years tho
wator on an easy payment plan.
Tho chief criticism Is that tho stock
could not ho sold. I did not havo
In mind, nor do I bellovo that tho
stock unendorsed could bo sold to
outside capitalists. Hut I do bellovo
a homo market can bo created for
every sharo of this stock. Thoro aro
30,000 peoplo In Jackson' county. If
every ono took ono share, paying for
It In cash, provisions, material or
work, that would sottlo tho bill. I
do not suggest that as a plan, but In
order that wo may moro quickly un
derstand that the Job Is not Impossi
ble, nor the Idea ridiculous.
There are 5000 able bodied men In
Jackson county,. These men at $2
a day would earn $600 a piece each
year, which Is three million dollars.
In two years, the time It would taki
to build tho ditch, thoy could earn
$0,000,000 million dollars. Working
one-fourth of tho tlmo for tho canal
It could bo built. For tho past two
years our able bodied men havo been
Idle one-fourth of tho time. Just ho
causo wo haven't a comprehensive
Irrigation system. Jackson county
now has idle men, that rightly bo
long here, In every stuto In thu
Union. Now tho ditch could bo built
with this wasted labor. But that Is
not exactly my plan, but you see It
begins to look a little moro possible
Pay in Work
It these men would put in their
Idle tlmo for tho next two years In
building tho canal, they cluld bo paid
all together In ditch stock nnd could
barter, that Is, trade this stock for
things they could mako better mm of
than the six per cent Interest they
could get on the stock It they held It.
A man earning a sharo for example
could trade It to Mr, Hoko for canned
beans, tomatoes and loganberries. Mr,
Hoke could trado It to so mo Hear
creek bottom farmer for mora beans
and tomatoes and loganborrles to can.
And that farmer might Induco the
man he owes last year's Interest to.
to take it In payment for that debt.
Tho doctor, tho druggist, tho mer
chant, could all bo traded certain
amounts of this stock, especially some,
of last year's bills could be paid this
way. With the right public sontl
meat back of It it could bo made to
clrculato to some extent. Hut that
(Contlnuod on page two.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 3. A bliz
zard which Juis been iiifrin;; in west
ern and northern Nebraska spent it
self beforo reaching the fcoutliwettfcrn
pint of the state. Northern No
btaska received ('rum twelve to bix
teen inches. In tho western part of
tho state a terrifiu gulo swept (ho
snow into (he cuts, stalling nil trains
and blowing ioun telephone mid tele.
graph lines.
SIOl'X (TIT, In., Feb. 5. Tim o
vercst hlir.iinl of the winter is ruirimr
in this sQeliou today, Strpoiciir frnf
iie is tied no ami railroad train "V
layed. ihe schools bavy bwn ili
piissed for the day, fhnrw u ftv
iicies of mioiv.
. ii
i 'i