Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    M VV
fT lf
(I J
lly A. C. Howlctt
Tin' liihl lliiic (hut I utoIh Tor Hid
Mi'dl'mil .Mull TiilmiiK I nnillli'il In
Male, t It it t .Inlui (Itch, ('. W. ClcinriitN
mill Iti'iiJ. lit Irtuphy liml ii'iH'ui'il
llit'lr NiiltHt'iitiiiiH In lilt' Ihiilv Mull
Tiihiinc, iiinl Jiih jiIIit I liml untiled
inv li'ilxr Sntiinliiy urii'inuon Itnlicil
A. Noill ' Hum unburn ii'iicwcil hi
Hiilihi'iiitinii to Ilio WitMv A fin I
Minx druei' Ciinlcy, who hit been
HHMiilini; wiitm I inn' in Mi'tU'onl 0111111'
out tu tit Siiluiilny ovening mi tint I'.
.V V lllllll III ill 111 pl'tiplc.
AkIcii Tyiell nf l.nho deck wuh it
uuot ultli iih Snnilu.v, mill mii wi'ii'
.Mr. iuil Mix. Norman MH.huiiil, (I, II.
Wnumluy, Mm II. S. Witll'oi' mul
ilnughtiT, ,MiM l.oiri'ii Tajlnr, Witt
ilnn Hiijtt' mill Rev. .Simon (. Dung-
I.IINt SullllllllV. Itl'V. I,. SlIIIIIIOIIH,
Ilin ni-tiir "(' lint IIm'Iim chinch (
t hi place went In (Irani I'iihh In (ill
tin pulpit nf ,Mi'. )iniglmH, mul Mr.
I). leiuuiiioil lie re In fill llm pulpit
I'nr Mr, H., nimplv u change, mul Mr.
S. ii'turm'tl Mnniliiy evening mul re.
pnilw liiiin liml it very pli'iiHipit
tiiiii', Init tint Hit turpi eiiiigrcgiiliiiiiM
MM III' ll'l it I'Npl'i'll'll III Mlli'll II pllll'l
iim (Irani I'm-. Mr, OuiigliiHM liml u
eiy t'nir eoiigicgiiHuii htilh 11.11.111111;
unit I'M'iiinir, mill In1 jiroiieln'il two
fine ni'tiuntiM, Imt nt Hi" i'li"i' or tin'
evening service ho miiiniincnl liml the
HotilV nf Mooting Wlllllll I'hlHO, IIH
I here m'cmi'il to In- mi little intcri'id
iiiniiir,"li'il, or inthor Hint the people
M'i'iiii'il Mo reluctant In change tln'ir
emirm mul accept CliriHt.
Jiiiiics Tiuxtv, wlin Iiiin lircii wink
fiir in n Hiiwmill nt W'i'i'l., Cnl., 'imi
in Mmiiliiy iiiiiniinu' mi Hid 1. fc K.
mill I mil; mniro with Ins brother nn
Hie Eagle l'iillt-Trilll-l'ulit hinge
fur tlte Triftv homo mi '.U crank, lie
liml liml Hie iiiinfiirtiine In full mul
ilihlneiiteil Inn elbow, no liml to lay off
fur a while.
Ilmiiliiilini WatlvitiK mul wife emtio
in nn Hie I. & I", frnni Meilfnril Mini-
tin v mul tnnk Hid st n 1:0 lor (heir
i. S. Wnlfiir, ulm Marled from
here iilinut tin iln.t tip for Anita,
laM Imt Mlnppoil in the Willamette val
ley to vinit hi. parenlM, Marled Mnn
ily I'nr Iih future linnie. '
. Aftnr all nf Hie eniaplaimnt; at a
lu'inl rroiili'iiei' nn ueenuiil nf Hie
IniiKt ilr.v wpcll, wii are at lnt fmnreil
with a fine lain ax any nun euulil
u'mli, no now wo aie iiHMiiretl of it lino
nrop HiIh iMiiaiuie f-eiihon,
In looking nver the Oregon .loiiriuil
1 nee thai the Wiifllinutnii li'KIMlltlllle
Iihi n liil hi'lnre it, if it t plleil,
mil ho n creat 11lue to the tapay-e-
nf Hint Mali-, mul that it to allow
no nun n ntt' mi it ipiKMtloli in 1111
ineorpointi'il tnwii, eilv or eonnt
iliere a tax or Imnil iKMiie In he
ileeiilcil. A it now ix, umUir the law,
aajoiie who U nf lopiit api ami on
litleil In the linht nf fraueliiin cun
olo mul hy that iiu'iiiih a few men
who uih In nle a 1 tout I or ta in a
town or fiiunly can rnuiul up the
loonn I'li'tai'iil ami inlliieiii-ii them In
Vnln I'nr a ta or limnl mul Hum 111
tjiet a heavv hurileii on the few lax
payer ami they tlieniri'lw, t ti 11011
tiixpayiat; pail nf tint ruiiununity, i
not hnc tn pav one cent, while only
a ery low of the will he
benefited j it. Sn I would HiKKOxt
In our iepie.rii iilio nl Salem Hint
they inlrodiHv 11 law In nllnw nn nun
hill lioiiulnli',erN In vote on
any ipiexliou wheie 11 lu or bond in
huh !m 11I Htakn. I know nf a Miinll
iuenrpuialeil low a thai wa iaenrpu
raliil bv a vo i nf Hint kind am) then
ulleiwiml x nil il 11 I10111I nf M'veial
llioiiKiind ilnllars on the taxpayers nf
Hie town,
M'ih, .litlie Clatan, TIioiiiiik Whtnl
anil bis hiHter, Mim, Wilbur .link, at
teiuled eliuri'h heie Saturday niht.
Mr. mul Mix, John Downev nf Meil
101 tl I'ltine nut Sa'uiilaV In ixit
I'lii'inlf) mul to IrmiMiet huMueKM, Mr,
Donney i Hid iiuiii who bought I ho
OvvinxH KiikIo I'uIiiI luilel )iiopeit,v
mul thou Mtld thq lintel propel ty tn a
Med ford man, 1 bavu lost hi iiaiuo,
aiil I loarueil Hint they, Hie man (hat
boiiKht the hotel, ami Mr. Dnwnoy
wt'iii nut to try to an aunt) it hiiIo l
tho )inpeity wheto Smith limn. hae
their Halt ill ink ami oonlYiolionorj
Htote, hut lutvo heeii unable to lear'n
tiny ot tho losultx,
. LitHt Mumlay nWit, just nhont tho
time that Hpt muhl of tho people in
our (pile! littlo (own wore Hoing to
Hloop for tho nij-hl wg hoartl it must
mu'iiithly nniKo, tho lopuit of J,'iihh,
tho warwlioop nf lo biivngo ludiiui,
tho ehihliiiiK' of iiiiiih, and wo bewail
to thiul; of the piTilietion t)f that
jiroiit mul Un hPiiator in Hm Uniteil
Htaten M'ltaltv wljo pcolintvil that Hid
lap would make a 1,11 id on our count,
hul lit a few' minutes tiuii'f wiik te
st 01 ed mul we voHiiniotl our tlrt'ipns,
mul 'I,'ueH(lay in looking around for
tho 1I0111I ami ilviii); and to uncertain
tho fearful iohiiII nf Hip putfiiKeineut,
1 learneil that it wuh all over Hie nuiV'
fiiii',1 ol' tOnnl II1IM011 ilii.l Miu.riiWI(,i
,...p. ,. ..,, ...,,, lw.v,u
Oi'iir'e Liitlaiul mul Hnytl Miuciir
are nt the Demi Indian im!u HpiinH
fnr tho heuelll of Hie lalteiV licaltli,
ami for 11 Irappiut; expeililiuu nlsu,
Mi,h. It. P, Caiuphi'll wiik an Ah
hind vmilur IiimI week.
Soil K xpert KIoihv e.xmniueil the
hind which wuh Hipu'tl up fnr wipir
heeM hint Tlmixiliiy. Much of lilt'
sod wiim not accepted, especially that
in the upper valley, the objection bc
IIIK 11 lat'k nf iiioistilte,
Mm. II. I, (lillliu mul iluiii'.hter,
MInh Xuii of Medl'oiil called at the
home of K. W. Kime lasl Tliiirxilny.
MiriH Mae Km halt, finui llounluhl,
twin the pii'M of Mru. .1. W. Ilonnr
IiimI week. t)u Friday Mix. Ilonnr
ciitcilained with a dinner put Lv in her
honor. The Kiie-tx weie: Mix Kr
hint, M!mm ami Mi-m. McKav mul Mm,
Slevciixoii of Medl'onl,
Mr. Ira (loudpiiMluri icnl Meverul
iIiih with fiii'iitlx 111 Medl'tiiil recent-
Mr. mul Mix. ( M. Unwell nf tVn
t rut I'niul spint Saluiila.v mul S1111
ilay with ChnrlcM Daihv mul I'aiuilv.
Mrs. It, 0. Ilrnm; rnlerlaiueil a
number of fiirutl at her home lust
Thiiiviluy. The tlav wuh ilrliuhtfullv
s)ieul in coiivixutinii, ni'icr which 11
ilaiutv luiiehenii wax sened.
Wm. I'hIiIh xiNiled with Mr. mul
Mrx. ,1. M, (liu'hiM Suiulav.
Mrx. M. I, ,M incur uavo a biithdu
dinner I'tiilav eteniiiL' in honor of her
sinter. Miss Alice Utility, Thue pres
ent wein Mim Darby, Mr. Karl l.aiah,
Mr. ami Mrs. .Mm Dai by mul Mr.
ami Mix, M. I. Miueitr.
Kntest Allium h ruemcrinjr from
the effeetx nf a sovero eathauele.
Mr. mul Mm, Clareneo Teilriek nf
Medl'onl spent the week-end with I.
I,. Iteilpaih mul I'mnilv. They expect
to leaxo soon to tesiilo mnr Ktifjli'
J. K. Kelly mnl son, Kcrnuii, re
tinned Satutilav fmm a scwrnl
weeks' stay in Callfoiiini,
We htiMi it new mail carrier now,
as Wei Kclxo btiM bottfiltt out D. !.
Swiluul. Mr. KcUo liiuiHolf will
carry for a Hmo, Imt expect to net
a substitute later.
(Ins Dilswurllt got Itnitio .Saturday
front east of the mountains.
Mr. ami Mis. (lay Tma', who have
been xisituiu .lumos flrieve, loft Sat
tirilay for their homo at Central 1'oinL
The trappers who hae been cmnp
eil uu middle folk left fnr their hnuii'M
helnw Trail Sunday. They liml a
panther and some bobcat hides,
MnH Ha l,.tlo i- uttoiiiliUK school
for it few weeki.
Chillies Walker went Kiitlny to
vixit his Kiiindt'alher near Trail. Mrs.
Walker is .pmuliiii; the lime of her
liu-band's nliM'tiee vihiiinj; Mr. mid
Mrs. T. II. IliKiiihothnm.
XcNon Ne i hlimihac w,'r" mmiiBli
to put up four miles of fence.
I.ctu I'cclor spent Sit I unlay with
her unch), T. M. I'cclor, ami family.
Prank DilMMirlh spout Sunday in
Mr. mul Mrs. licit llicinhnthaiu,
M11I111I llmisnii, Chailes Manning and
I toy ViiiiIiii ulleiitlcil the ibinee at
Whtllev's Saturday titylil.
The W. C. T. C. mot SatiuiltiN with
Mc-ditmcrt I'cclor ami lllaueharih The
pie.siilenl of tho union wuh picxeitl
fur Hie iiiNl lime in weeks, ami the
members were much pleased In have
her with them iipim after Iter illnchs.
Tlutro woio fifteen picM-nl, mnl tlte.x
had 11 very nom iiieeliiiM:. Mv. Ilt,'
iuliothaiu ami Mrs. Clutrlcs Walker
wore welcome and iaficipioul viit
ors. ggiasy. Hr-M ju- i'r"
lluriiish hy How U. I. SimiauiiN They
hud tdipped down tn Mr. Sitiiuinus'
home after tlaik, in company of Koy
Ashpolo mul his wife, mid worn ntiict
l,V mat tied and letinned to Mr. Ash
polo's to spend tho uiht, thiitkiiiK
that they were iiiiuhsorved, hul some,
ouu louud'uut what was up, ho a, few
of their ninny I'rioads, and thoy aro
counted hy the score, in spile of, Hut
mill and wind, tinned nut to kivo ihciu
mi old-fashioned charivari, mul after
thoy had had what fan thoy oojihl
out of doors Mr. and Mr. Dutton in
vited (hem in and thoy woio iuxited to
pattako of omo nuts candies, cigars,
"etc., thai Mr. D. had nlremly provid
ed, mid this (Tuesday) mnriiiiiK ev
erythin is in its normal sta:c
W. M, Ilanunell, one of our prnres
siva fannofK and stnekraisef.s, who
has loon hack; to St, Louis, jlo to
visit his parents, returned this'(Tucs
tiny) tiiornlii?.
An ordlnunco hhhohsIhk the iiropor
ty njljncont to mid boiiorilcd by tho
S-lnqti lateral dowor coiiBtruptsd
aloiiK Dakota nvouuu from K'laK
Btroet to Nowtown Htroot for tho oobI
of ponutruetliiK dm mimo and ptovld-
iiik tiio umnnor or cnrryliiK unlu aa-
nosHinont Into mil ofrort.
Tito titty of A ut ford, dot 1 on ti n
tie fyllewa:
HcetltMi I, Whitman, tlio city
council iHd linroloforu provlilo by or
illnanco for tho KorvltiK )( Hm own
on of properly adjacent to ami boiui
fllod by tho count ruction of tlm IhL
ornl nuwor honiliniftor dencrlbeil to
appear boforn mtld council and rthow
CiIiIho, If any, why wild property
should not ha iinsdmkoiI for tint run
ntrurlloi of mtld Howor, mul did fix
n Himi for lictirliiK any hiicIi pro
lestH, which notice wan kIvcii In 11c
conliinco with kiiIiI onllmtiico iiiore
than ton days hnforo tho bvKlniilnK
of tlm coniilrucllon of wild newer,
but. no protest aitalimt nhl rotiHtriie
tlon or nKticHHinout of tho coul tltoio
or wim nifiilo by miyono mul riiIiI
newer wiih, by raid council, onlurctl
tAful wliuroitfl. tho ront of tho con
rliruqllon of onlil rowor linn been
Hindu and hereby h dotormlnod to bo
Hid mini of fflKr, 77.
Now therefore, mtlit cl(y dolli or
dain nml dorlaro Hint each parrel of
property doARrllied bolow It iitljnrcnt
to mul benefited by tlutt o-rtain litt
oral mnvor, H Inchon In iilze, con
HtriicUnl on Oakotn nvoiittu from KIhr
Hlroct to Nowtown direct and Hint tho
proportion of tho com of unit) sewer
which each of Mild parcels Of land
eh!iild boar, bailed oil (he benefits
derived rtwpectlvoly by mild sovoral
traclH of liuid, In tho amount set op
liuslto the denorlptloii of cadi parrel
below, and (hat each of mild pnrrolH
Is actually benefited In tho amount
net opposite ltd iloncrlptlou below hy
lite eonntriicllou of said m-wer mul
thai cnbl ncvorul aiuomitn toprcscnt
the proportional benefits or mild rmv
oral parcels from mild newer. Ami
eneb of mild parcels In hereby annealed
tlm aiuouut net oppoHlto Hit Isrrl
lloti bolow for Ilia (onntructloii o(
raid newer, Tho mime nppcarlni;
alioxo emit description beltiK I bo
iiniuo of tho owner, or reputed ownor,
of each lot or parcel.
Humiiiary of tho nuceHmeiit for S
Inch lateral newer on Oakotn nvemio
from King ntrcet to Nowtown ntrent.
Property ownorn frontactt 011 tho
north tilde tr,7.7e foot nml on tho
nntitlt nble T,'J" 2H feet. Total nub
Jcct to nnnrnmiM'ttl, 1055.0.1 Net
73 lln. ft of n-incli rower pipe
nt 07c per ft $ IS.iit
111 tin. it. at n-incu honor
pipe nt 7.1p per ft
2 ninn-boles nt I3K.0Q
ICxtrn work cIiuiikIuk bottom
Of mnti-bolo nt Nowtown
Btrcot . ... .
Add fnr ciir.lncerliti;, printing.
rccordlnK, nbtusiilm: and
collecting tho nniuo ... .
f.23 il
MnklttR a rntu of 0' contn per front
foot to property owncm on both aides
of tlio above street.
Itekpcctfull nnbmltlcd,
Assessment for nn K-tncli latcrnl
newer 011 Dakota nvonuc from KirtK
utrcot to Newtown ntreot.
Anscnninent No. 1 W. I. Itrown.
Lot 12, blk. 2. Newtown Addition to
tho city of Mcdfnrd. OroKon, hnvInK n
frnntiiKo of lGfi 75 ft on tho north
sblo of Ditkota nvotttio, an described
In xol Ut pno 27D of the rccorder'n
rerordn of Jncl.'non ctNinty, OrcBon.
60 foot. Ofic. H2.30.
AnncoBinent No. 2 Micy Wcnvor.
hot tn, blk. 2, Nowtown Addition to
tlm city of Mcdfnrd, Oregon, liinlnf.
11 frontnt;e nf 50 ft, on tho north nlde
of Dakota avenue, tin doHcrlbcd In
vol. 117 mft) (1.1S of tho recordor'n
rccorda of Jncknon county, OrcRon.
50 feet. 05c, $32 50,
AHcoaimunt No. 3 K. J Iltuonrd.
lot H, blk. 2, Nowtown Addition to
tho city of Mcdford, OroRon. hnlm; n
frontnmi of 50 ft. on thu north nble
of Unkoln ttvontio, nn tloncrlbcil In
vol, 77 iMiRo BIS of tho tocordor'n
rocordH of Jncknon county, Oregon.
50 foot, 05c, $32.50.
Awtosamont No. I U. J. Itunynrd.
Lot 15, blk. 2, Nowtown Addition to
thu city of Medford, OrcKon, ImvltiK n
frontnRo of 50 ft. oil tho north nldo
of Dakota nventio, as tlescrlbctl In
vol. 77 paipi 'its of tlio recorder's
records of Jncknon county, Oror.on
50 feet, li.'ic, $32 50.
Amu'Mtmout No. 5- K .1 Uunail.
Lot lit, blk 2, Nowtown Addition to
tho city of Medford, Oreium, hnUm;
n frontn:c ot 50 (t. on tho north nldo
if Dakota avenue, as decrlbud In
vol. 77 imitit (IS of tho rocorilorV
rocords of .lncktnn county, Oregon.
50 foot, l 5c. $3 2.50.
AHKOHBiuont No. 0 Nicholas Kline.
Lot 17. blk. 2, Nowtown Addition to
tho city of Motirord, OrcKou. IibvIiik
11 fronttiKo of 51 ft. on tho north side
of Dakota nvonuc, iih described In
vol, 1 nl pngo 2 Hi of tho recorder's
records of .Ineknon county, OroKOtx.
51 reel. l.5c. $35 10.
AHtioBsnient Nn. 7 J. H. UcllltiKor
Tho wont 10 ft. of lot IS, blk. 2, Now
town Addition to (ho city of Medford
Oregon, having a ftontngo ot 10 ft.
011 thu north nble of Dakota 11 venue,
iih described In vol. 101 pane, 42 ot
tho recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, to foot, G5e, $2i..00.
Asaossmont No, S- .Mary M.
Korbns. Tlio cant 1 1 ft. of lot IS and
tho west 33.75 ft. of lot 19. blk, 2.
of Nowtown Addition to tho. city of
Modforil, Oregon, having n frontage
of 47.75 ft. on tho north sldo of Da-
Hota aveniio. iih dcsctilied In vol, 73
pngo 323 of tho recorder's records of
Jncksoti county, Otcgoii. 17,73 foot,
05c, $31.04.
ABBosainent, No, 9 Jncknon Coun
ty llulhllng & Loan Aenoclntton. Tho
ont 20.25 ft. of lo lj) nnd the vyost
.29.75 Ttt. of lots 20 mul 21 of blk. 2,
of Nowtown Addition to tho city of
Mpdford, Oregon, having u frontago
ot no ft. on tho north sldo ot Dakota,
nvonuo, as described In vol. 92 pugo
137 of tho recorder's records of JncK
son , dounty, Oregon. 50 feet, Cue,
ABnosaniont No. 10 11, A. (troen.
I.ot'1, blk.' 1 of Tu'ttlo'a Third Ad
dition to tho city o( Medford, Orh
gon, having n froittngo of 50.91 ft.
on tho boutlt sldo of Dakota avenue,
us described In deed register pugo
1235 of tlio rocordor's records of
Jnckron county, Oregon, 50.91 foot,
jrc, $33,09.
Assessment No. Hi H, A. Orcon.
i.ot 2, blk, 1, of Tii(,Ut'B. Tmrii Au
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, having it troutUKo'ot 4U.G7 ft.
on tho south sldo of Dakota avenue,
as tloncrlbod In dcod ;r;ilstor page
1235 of tho recorder's w of
Jackson county, Oregon. 4 7 foM,
li&o, $32 2l.
ABuc88mont No, 12 T. Miles
and W, I Vowler Lot 3, blk. 1, of said ordlnnnro, nn rocordoil In the
Tilt He's Third Addition to tlio city of docket of city Ilonnr
Medford, Oregon, having n frontngo You are hereby notified thnt tho
of 49.157 ft. on tho south nldo of Da- 'amiossmt'tit declared by tho forogolng
kotit nvonuo, ns dcMcrlbed In dcixl ordlnniito hns boon mndo nnd tho IIpii
roglst'ir pngo 1875 of tho recorder's themfor eilnrtl In tho city lien
locordu of Jncksoti county, Oregon, (doeliot, nnd Hint tho snitto Is duo and
49. (!7 feet, fif.c, $32 2A. 'J'ou nio hereby roipilrcd to pay the
AfseBsnionl No, 13 T. W. Miles ! t' tho city tccotder within ten
nml W. I. Vnwter. Lot I. blk. I. of j days from tho sorvlco ot thin notlro,
Tiiltlo's Addition to tho city of Med-1 which n:rJce Is niado hy tho publl
ford, Oregon, having n frontage of.cntlon of this notice nnd tlio forego
19 07 ft. on the south sldo of Dakota1 t"g ordinance onn tlmo In n nows-nvf-nue,
ns dedcrlbmi In dcod register I P'M'er published and of general clr
pngo 1K75 of the rocordor's records of culntlon In nnld city, pursuant to nn
Jnekson county, Oregon. 49.07 feet, order of tho city council of nnld city,
nr.r, t:t2 .29. KLMKR P038.
AuHossmont No. 1 1 --T. W. Mllci-
nnd W. J. vnwter. Lot 5, lilk. 1. of
Tuttlo's Third Addition to tho city of 1
Mcdford. Oregon, having n frontage ',
of 49,07 ft. 011 the rouflt sldo of Da-1
Medford. Oregon, having n frontage
"..'. : ' . :. ' " "
utxtt ni'niinn fiu iionflPiMiiii lit jitmi .
r,T,.i-i .mM in?' nf ' 1 1... w .,i..A-' Kuwruary, to-wlt, on tho 3rd day
rcglslor page isi. of tlio recorders , ,., ,..;, ,,,,. ,t, ., t-
wax skv"2 r,,!y' iswiSor
I'a"J.1C..L.. ,C':. Z,;. w viim owners, for tho linullng of buck-shot
ami v, I. vawter i.ot C, iiik. 1, or V;.f .i -nVin. .,ni. n ii, ..i.
Tniile'H Thlnl Ailillilnn in Uw, riiv nf Medford, to vnrlous points on tho pub.
,.'...,". 'A....... .,"?.',' .". '?..y.":.Hc hlghwnys within a radius of 10
..i.:iiiumi, ," iiiiiik in"iiliim,1, M.nrnfrnm
or 4 9.07 ft. on tlio noittli sldo of Da
kota nvonuo, ns described In dood
regUter pngo 1X75 of the recorder's """." "if "' " '
records of Jnck.on county, Oregon. l ?"?' ,0,i
19 07 feet. OCc, $:;2 29. I , Jf " .?'?
AHsesituont No. 10 -Mrs. L'minn "," llt.i 1
tt iti f , 1. 11. .1 .. m.111,.1.,11111 IIIJIO, IIIIL I
AHsesiiuont No. 10 -Mrs. L'minn
lltl I 1,11 ,.f T.lllti.'.l," """' ",,.,, " l'""" K- "I-
TI Ir IA.M Hon' to ilm cliv of Med- ,,unnl,1' W,M Uo 'cnt to keep a
f,r! 1 nV-J.M i,ii: tLnJTi, number of nuto trucks going during
ford, Oregon, having a frontage C t, ..,-. i.n i ?nn,t t,,r
I9.07fl. on thenoull, sl.loof Dakotn!i,':.,7. rV," ason that '" g0od for
incline, tin iji-bi riiii-u in ni'ni r-KintT
,.,,,-.. ir.7i n1 tr.'M ,.r it,.. rf,.r,inr.
.. .l..ll...., ,.. ., , .!.....
: r. . , . V . .; " : " .: ... ' ,r ' : . ..
iriuriin til uiiwnitfin ciitiuv, viuiiun.
19.07 foet, 05c, $32.28.
Asucssincnt No. 17 Mrs. Kintna
Miller. Lot 2, blk. 2, of TOttlo's
Third Addition to the city or Med
fortf, Oregon, hnvlng n frontage of
4H.07 ft. on tho south sldo of Da
kota nvonuo, ns described In deed
reglntcr itagejt 1571 nnd 1021 of the
recorder's records of Jncknon county.
Oregon. 19. C7 feet, n.'.c. $23.29. . CLAKKIFIKIi ADS.
Assessment No. IK Mrs Dnimn 0no ccnt pcr wortl pcr ,g51IC ,f
Miller. Lot .1, blk. 2, of Tuttlos . . . ., , , .
Third Addition to tho city of Med- slx 1'i'crtlonn for prlco of flvo. -
ford. Oregon, hnvlng n frontage of, Fifty cents per lino per month
49 (57 ft. on tho -south sldo of Da-14 without change. -t-knta
nvenue, ns doscrilfed In dcod l4, .r.4, . . .j, . .
register pages tint ami 10.1 01 um;
recorder h records of JncKson county,
Oregon. 49.C7 fect,.Cr.c, $32.2S.
AsKcssmont No. 19 Mrs. Km ma
Miller. Lot 4. blk. 2, of Tttttlo's
Third Addition to the city of Mcd
ford, Oregon, having a frontage of
49.C7 ft. on tho south sldo of Dakota
nvenue, ns described In deed register
pages 1571 nnd 1C21 of the recorder's
records of Jncknon county, Oregon.
49.07 feot. C5c, $52 29.
Asiessmont No. 20 Mrs. ICntnin
Mlttnr I nl T. Ml? . nt Tnltlo'a
Third Addition to tho city of Med- tOlt hAI.h Oil TUADL Two litcu
ford. Oregon, having n frontage of re. t0 elJ ru,bber . "?
19.C7 ft. on the nottth sldo of Dakotn I buK- " C Stoltz, phone o2Mt.
ni'Anun nm ,tfiHrrllin,l In .liwi.1 rncflHtor . G
pages 1571 nnd 1C21 nf the recorder's
records of Jncknon county, Oregon.
I9.C7 feet. C5o, $32.28.
AMOMinent No. 21 Mrs. Kinmn
Miller. Lot C, blk. 2. of Tuttle's
Third Addition to tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, hnvlng n frontage of
49,ti7 ft. on tho south side ot Dakota
avenue, ns dcscrlbul In deed register
pages 1571 nnd 4C21 of tho recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
19 07 foet. 63c, $32 29.
Section 2. And It Is hereby or
dered nnd ordnlned thnt said several
assessments nml tho liens thereof ho
entered In tho lion docket of said city
nnd thnt (hereupon notice be given
to tho owners or reputed owners, of
nnld property, nnd thnt thu canto bo
enforced nnd collected In tho tunnner
provided by tho charter of said city
for tho collection of assessments for
tho Improvement of streets therein.
Section 3. It U further ordered
Hint tho notice nhovo provided for bo
published ono tlmo In n newspaper
published nnd of general circulation
In snld city, In tlio manner provided
by ordlnnnco No. 713 of said city.
Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wns
pnsscd by tho city council of tho city
of Medford, Oregon, on tho 2nd day of
February, 1915, hy tho following
Motlnskl, no; Mann. ne: Sar
gent, ne; Ann, njc; Miles, aye, und
Ilnrgrnvo, no.
Approved February 2, 1915.
Attest: Maor.
To tho owner, or reputed ownor.
of each parcel of property tlescrtlteil
In the fotegolug ordlnnnco, as named
therein and in the. lieu declared by
1 Kspeclally adopted to ber
ries, cleared and summer
followed In 1911, near car
line. Dlcctric lino Installed
and pumping proposition
prnctlcnl. No buildings.
$1000. Terms.
Also 10 ncros suburban
. improved, with witter tights
paid up. Nlco bungalow nnd
barn, huge, berry 'patches,
some fruit' trees nnd alfal
fa. $4000, good terms,
llorrles bring in $500 per
' annum.
llooni 107 M. 1 II. lUilR.
OjtMsltu Tost Office
Wo aro getting out a now "FOU SALE AND EXCHANGE" circular
nnd want listings for trado for proporty iti Washington, Oregon null
California, or in fact any state tn tho Union.
Toll us what you liavo and what you want, prlco your proporty
right, and sea It wo can ploatse you, HAVE IUJYEU now for best
bargain lit flvo or bU room icsldonco. What havu you?
Hecordcr of tho City of Medford, Oro.
XOTICI-: I'OIt HI 1)8.
;,?",""" t Cl X. n"Z
gon. will nt Its next rejjulnr mooting
' trmvnl frftin XtrAnfirftwu hill near
miles therefrom.
Tho loading of tho trucks will ho
done by stenm shovels nt tho oxpenso
amount of gravel to be
",V ""l" ' L',"1. ,l,.' ,' .""'?.. 1 T, -T "..".
linlftltkff JJftAft lifll 1..L tmrlfttlfttl H I If ), V9i4
, T, nnMv .ttl.tnllMni- tlm bid u-lll
. ' "e P.ariy siiDiniiunj, IIIO lllll Will
required to show tho prlco jwr
yard per mile.
Address all bids to tho undersigned
marked "Healed Ulds." Tho county
court renorves tho right to reject any
or nil bids.
County Clerk.
fou itKvr nocsnttxKriNG
, FOU ItnNT Ono suite of houaekeep
1 lag rooms at 21 Ucnesee street.
FOU UKNT -Modern liounokceplng
rooms. 345 North Hartlett. 271
FOU BALK Household goods, rlflo
nnd canned fruit. 1021 X. Cen
tral nvonuc. 272
FOU SALE Whlto Orpington set
ting eggs. High-grade stock.
write or phone for prices. Her
man Harrison, 707 11th St..
phono 137-11. 271
FOU SALE Uhode Island Ued eggs,
50c per retting. I'hono 407-M.
FOU SALE Booking orders for
Golden nml Silver Catuplno eggs,
nleo Anconn. I'hono 359-L-, 14
Cottago street. 274
FOU SALE Sliver Caniplne eggs for
hatching, cngago now. COS W.
Jackson. 273
FOU SALE Slnglo Comb Rhode
Island Ued sotting eggs, four prem
iums nt Jackson county fair. All
from good laying stock. Ernest
Webb, Central Point. 273
FOU SALE Upright pianos In good
condition. $75.00. Music cabinet
cheap. Urorunicr Bros., routo 3,
phono 5S9-J2. 2S7
FOU SALE Looso alfalfa hay; also
two buggtoH mid two hacks. In
qulro Nash Llvory Darn. 271
fou KXciiASun.
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buj
anything? II C Undor, 114 N.
Front St. Employ niont offlco and
rentals. Phora 135. Nuff Sed.
InCIIANC.ENcw Eolf-7tartor
for Ford; ono now pump, one inner
tube, ono number carrier Sell
cheap or exchange for cheap horse,
harness or wagon. I'hono 035-L.
Roguo Ulvor Valtoy Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Desi
nll-tho-yoar-round cllmato on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medlcl
ual Springs.
Denver Itealty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
240 acres of which 200 ncrcs Is till
able, lovol land, about SO acres now
lit crop, largo plastered house, good
springs, near nn Inland store, 19
miles from Medford, level road to
plnco. Plenty of outrage. $35,00
per acre.
An ncro of Hoar creek bottom tn
Medford, good modern bouse, hnlf the
placo sot to bearing fruit, balance
good for any purpose. $1050.00,
kou hkniv-movjusj
FOU ItENT Furnished houso closn
In. , ln'iulro J. L. Helms, lit
Norlh Fir. 271
. 1- i vwiWi'',r'i
OU ItK.VT 10 ncros free. M.
Erlckson, Hotel Holland. 272
FOU ItENT Smnlt rnnch, city wntor,
close to town; nlso flvo room mod
ern bungalow. 820 West 12th St-
FOU SALE Flvo ncres, well Im
prood. I'. O. box 285. 295
FOU SALE Improved 10 acres tin
dor irrigation, two acres berries, 3
miles' north Medford, small cash
payment, terms on balance. Fred
I'uh! owner, J. W. Wakoflold,
agent. 27.V
FOU SALE Two small ranches one
two ami ono 10 acres, fine sugar
beet, garden or poultry farms,
Mostly In good cultivation, on bank
of creek, one-quarter mllo It. U.
station, stores, poit office and
school tAdrcns box 03, Roguo
Itlvcr, Ore. 273
FOU HALE-12 extra good ""'"fresh
cows, i yearling heifers, also youtlg
calves, lino team ot farm mares.
Nash Llvory Ham. 289
WANTED Persons lo write nnd copy
letters nt home, nil or spare time;
will pay $10 to $25 weekly; send
stamp for particulars. Tho Colum
bia Copy Co., box 188. San Fran
cisco. 271
WANTED To let contract for 50
foot tunnel In irrigating well, con
tractor to ftirnlsh all equipment. E.
T. Fom, Talent, Oregon.
WANTED-Woman desires position,
houso work, good plain cook. Mrs.
Rolls, Ashland, Oregon. 274
WANTED Work for man nnd team.
P. O. box 285. 275
WANTED Married man wants posi
tion as foreman on ranch, capable
and famllmr with stock nnd or
chard, box It. N., caro Mall Tri
bune. 273
WANTED Competent nnd active
foreman for largo fruit ranch.
Plcaso state experience and ability.
Also references and salary ex
pected. Dox" T., cord Mail Tribune.
MONEY TO LOAN On close in
ranches. C. A. McArthur, room 3.
over post office. Phono 3GS or
130-R. 2S9
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ment. I have ono of tho best lo
cated homesteads In southern Ore
gon, 12 miles from Medford. Any
one interested communicate, Home
stead, Duncom. Ore. 271
uusixess DiicEtmmi:
Auto nuppiiea
aro operating the largoat, oldest
and best equipped plant in the Pa
cific northwest. Use our sprlngi
when othors fall. Sold under guar
antee. 2G North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
- M
Attornoy8-at-LnT, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Dank bldg.
A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Garnett
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg. George M. Roberti
Medford National Dank Uuildlng
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDRN Attornoy at
law. room 7, Sparta building, Med.
ford, Oregon.
Garnett-Corey Bldg., suite
Medford. Oro. Phone. 356.
Stenography nml Mitltlgrapli Wotk
promptly at reasonable rates.
Itooin 3, Palm block, phono 107.
A word to those who aro coming
back. Laud for the past six months
has been hanging at rock bottom
prices. A great deal ot liquidation
has taken placo In this tlmo. My bus
ine3s ntouo in tho last halt of this
year has amounted to nearly $100,000
I bollovo tho last tour or flvo. deals
I haor mndo ropresont absolutely tho
bottom. Lund with rental valuo of
$30 an acre will not long remain at
$200 an acre. Thero will be no boom
but land values will improve some,
Good ronds, Irtlgatlon, saw-mill,
box factory, cheap power, sugar
beets, canning factory, good prlcos,
satisflod customers, porfoct days.
Hurry, soo Medford first and
Room 201, First National Bank Bldg.
B, It, CROUCH-Assayof, choilst,
motnlltirglst. Custom Arny Of
flco. Mnli order business solicited.
Prices, gold, $1.00; gold nud'sID
ver, $1 25; copper, $l00t gold, sli
ver nnd coppor, $2.00. Afalllng on
vol 0 his frco on reotteflt. Refer
on co, Josephine County Dank.
Roomn 201-203 Hall Illdg., Grants
1'asi, Orogon. 330
DR. A. It. UKDOKH, Dr. I.OUlM B.
Hodges Mochano-Thernplsts, Chiro
practors, Hpondylothorpylsts. THimmi
systems, Including dl(ottcs, enrtv
tlvo gymnnstlca, bydro-thcraphy,
etc., produce results In both acuta
and chronic dltoascs. Consulta
tion froo. Ovor Deiiol &. Co., cor
ner Main and Bartlc'.t. HOttrti 9
a, tn to B v. m, Other hours hy
appolntmonU Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD,, Chlt'spraetor,
norro specialist Rooms 20.1-234-205.
Qarnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor
baths nnd scientific mnssngo given;
needle spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advlee Is
dlototlcs, medical gymunetles,
hydropthcrapy. Lady attendant
Phone, office 543, residence Sll-R,
Employmml Aftemcf
We aro here to hel people Mt re-
Ilahio, competent help. We. fur
nish help In almost all line ot
business. We make a specialty ef
competent men and. wires1 tt
rancors. We solicit your patre
age. Blttner'a Real Estate aai
Employment Uttrcau, Rooms 8 aaJ
7 Palm Dnlldlntr, Medford. PheM
85S. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
successer. .
Engineer mid Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINOS-i-Bnglneer nnd
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg.
Survoys. estimates, Irrlaatloa,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. -- " ' -- - -i "
OARDAGE Get your premises
cleaned Up for the summer. Call
on the city garb ago ?agcma for
good service. Phone 274-L. F.
T. Allen.
Instruction la Music
401. Garnott-Coroy Dldg. Fred Al
ton Hnlght Piano, Mrs. Florense
Hallldoy llalght, voice. Telephone
Notary l'ubhc
lic. Drlng your work to me at IM
slp.n of the Mall Tribune.
PhjealciAw ana mrgeoaa
MAINS ., CARLOW Osteopathic
pbyslciilis, 410-417 Oarnett-Corey
bldg., phone 103 6-L. ReflideaM
26 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303' Gurntttt-Ceray
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physlclaa aad
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose aad throat. Eyes sclea
tlflcally tested and glassea aaa
plied. Office 228 East Mala Wi.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. -Phone.
B. B. PICKEU M. D. Office Jack
son County Bank bldg. Office
phone 43-R; residence phone 68-H.
cian and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110 -J.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physlclaa and
surgeon. Phonos, offlcn 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office houxa 18 te
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa
and surgeon.
Practlco limited to dlsoases ot
women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M.
F. & It, Dldg. Phonos., residence,
S14-J2, office, 811.
It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Lunst
don, 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic
physician, pructfeo limited to ob
stetrics and dlsoases ot women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phono 160. Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 1) to 12. Phono 1C0. Resi
dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers ana rubn:!ierfl
best equipped printing office Ja
southorn Oregon; book binding,
loose loaf ledgers, billing system,
etc. Portland prices. 27 Nprt
repairing, on modern electrte
mnchlrios while you wait. E. )(,
Bldon, located In Kldd'a Shoe Store,
Phone 313J.
Office 42 North Front St. PhoM
815. Prices right. Service gur
tntood, " -'
Typewriters and Supplies! v'
1 .
New Remington, Smlth Premier
and Monarch typewriting, addlM
and subtracting iitaehlnes, robuK
machines for cash or my, pajr
monts. MauhlneH for rent, rlbttapf
and supplies of all kinds, iwU 9?
pairs froo of charge. Roger .
Hounet.t, 10 QoitJWl. 9t, ptHMM
935-R, r, , .-
v v
J. l